Joke Boat: Which Joke is Funniest? Mike vs Jane vs Andy vs Luke vs Ellen (Challenge of the Week)

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👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/SiddhuBatsy 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/SEND_YOUR_DICK_PIX 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I will admit that Ellen's peanut butter joke caught me off guard in the best way

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Sventington 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello hello hello welcome hello welcome another wednesday another challenge the full complement the full team here yeah for a bit of joke boat which is about apparently about being a comedian on a third rate fourth rate cruise ship apparently so we're we're going to be joke smith that's about my level i think craft of the finest jokes you've ever heard yes let us know how you're all doing in the in the chat um everyone's saying hello uh lots of celebration um yeah so the the gist of this game is that um basically we enter a bunch of items and words and things and then they become the basis for jokes that each of us have to write to come up with a punchline and then we have to perform our jokes in front of a uh i guess a live stand-up audience um we don't have all day looking for big love yeah there we go there you go um yeah everyone happy everyone good everyone who is in texas looking after themselves hopefully i've heard it's bad over there yes we've got kp in the chat saying hello from frigid texas everyone needs to pass today thanks for the amazing content day in and day out you're welcome stay safe to texans right now oh my goodness indeed indeed uh right are we ready to to crack on there's a bit of a writing bit at the beginning that we have to do um so i'll click everybody's in and you guys can join the audience as as you like i've got a request here before we get started from d turley in the chat who says hey guys my dad dale is also watching live for the first time could he maybe get a shout out from his personal favorite jane this guy shout out to shout out to your dad and also could i get out he played you like a damn fiddle from my fave andy played you like a damn fiddle there you go the answer is yes then yes you may see me jane's a bit loud says someone in the chat uh who's who's already scrolled off screen for me so i'm gonna i've brought my mic closer because someone in the chat also said that i was quiet okay ellen you can have some of my loudness i'll trade you hey everyone you get to have some of my life i'm sure once you start performing the jokes everyone will get quite loud but we'll uh let's let's let's go and let's start writing yeah that's it i'll explain a bit of what with what we're all doing okay um hold on a moment uh let me just refresh ifa burns says happy pancake tuesday week in my house it's a week-long event what do you guys have on your pancake a week-long a pancake week incredible i had pancakes last night i had a banoffee pancake i had two coffee pancakes cheese and garlic mushrooms for my savoury classic lemon and sugar for classic lemon and sugar yeah everyone's got to be welcome aboard the c mine c minus i get it that's a good again a good joke because we've already had one we've already had the best joke of the stream probably yet so it starts with stage one brainstorming my favorite joke of arrested development is how their boat is called very good writing exercise i hope you guys sound all right i did i was i did have the wrong mic i switched okay we're all about to go quiet to do that okay we're going to be thinking very hard who's right you know the difference between a noun and an adjective write as many topics as you can see all of you as hopefully all you professional writers um write as many topics as you can a location i've got first i've not got anything yeah i've got a yeah i've got a brand plural noun i've got well i've got nothing so i've got nothing ready i'm gonna refresh yeah if you refresh it should work play yes there we go uh yes it's working now okay what's a funny brand you've got time for one or two more uh okay good yep i've got a food now oh no oh i ran out of time oh brainstorming is short enough definitely not prolific enough i think i entered one that was just [Laughter] okay okay i detect the hand of luke in this prompt hmm so i've got set up and now i've got to choose a uh yep right a punch line it's like is this like mad libs is it not really kind of yeah [Music] okay okay fine um yes why are you happy with that one yeah it's written the greatest joke ever nice i i've got two not great jokes because both of them wanted me to do i'm a nasty little blank not yet not in the first round later on maybe you're saying that they handed you the gold i have a gold mine of rude and uh like yeah i've got so many jokes like that but i'm like not right now you have to wait until later on the stream oh man i've got a set up which it feels like it should have an extra excellent punchline but i can't actually think of it so yeah yeah i i had i had one yeah mine are just like dumb welcome to oriole gonzalez who is a new member yes welcome welcome indeed um because he says happy wednesday taking my lunch break with you lot before finally a girls night dinner with my friends tonight first in over a year ready to laugh at the great job here they come here come the great jokes says now that mike is a dad i'm expecting they demanding exclusively dad jokes for him you'll get them you'll definitely get them in defensive like daddy's bad jokes yes like a lot of the time like a dad joke if you imagine it being told by someone else you'd be like hey that's pretty solid oh wait i've told my jokes speaking of you're up late that sounded like an apology get ready to laugh i'll perform the joke here we go okay i'll just set my face ready hey everybody hi welcome along good to see you all how's everybody doing tonight i tell you what i'm so dumb i thought socks were just terrible mittens that's all right yeah i'm official it's my favorite that's good come on here's me it i'll perform it okay okay you ever noticed how gordon ramsay looks like a very angry peanut can't say i've noticed but i will check next time largely on the strength of our incredible catchphrase [Laughter] well it's like um it's like a cool uh um it's like a cool uh tagline for um a hip new body wash on the scene yeah not your dad's buddy [Laughter] all right all right who's up next oh it's me it's mike smith oh dear here we go uh i will perform the joke let me at it please i'd love to hear it all right middle school for me was like jon snow cold northern and a bit like being sent to prison [Laughter] [Laughter] a group of dress shoes walk into a bar and get leathered good that's good [Music] one corduroy please two very strong ones made my choice this game doesn't tell us who who everyone voted no so no recriminations later thankfully unless everybody's everyone votes for the same one recrimination they're coming thick and fast oh no andy andy knows everyone i voted for andy no [Laughter] the game is wrong oh okay it's me again hey everybody thanks for coming out i tell you i call my bedroom the bathroom because my personal hygiene is terrible yeah yeah this guy knows what i'm talking about one corner i please i'm enjoying your stand-up stylings hey everybody cheering hey hey i tell you what my nickname is lamp because i'm not afraid to throw shade slick that's not what lamps do they let me throw them out uh yeah i'm a fish town no they do they do you can't have shadow without like i like this brand of pedantic chewing from the crowd the best jokes are ones you have to explain yeah the patent heckler best jokes the ones that are wrong oh the audience decides oh it goes to luke the cat ventriloquist dummy the popular yes the critics hate me oh okay finally i get a joke i didn't write very many of them because i was slow go good evening everybody my love life is like goofy so no more confusing but here we go i'll perform the joke that was good why are they called parking lots and not cardboard boxes is this your magma get this magma out of here oh boy friends oh boy that's rough [Laughter] i'd like to shout out madison kirkpatrick who says greetings from texas can't stay long just got power back after 20 hours without power for us for all us texas that's very coming back not for the 20 years spending your power your precious power on watching this stream yeah empowering it's really quite something welcome well thank you thank you thank you you know you know what though like in the moment i read that joke was great but cardboard box this is probably going to stay with me okay okay let's hear it i want to open a store that only sells cruises and call it showboating [Music] say it say it not your dad's spot she said it the catchphrase okay i'll perform the joke [Music] well friends i like my friends like i like my reality shows dramatic and weekly people think about it though i'm a little don't forget to vote ellen's ventriloquist army looks exactly like uh bubbles from the powerpuff girls except with her eyes pointing in two someone didn't vote i voted ellen is that it is that all the jokes that's round one friends there's round one only round one he's about to heal around as usual things escalate in the second round really going to have to write some better job look at those spicy is this your magma okay the best comedians famously take a while to get going yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay helen it's that i'm a nasty little something prompt it's just poison oh oh this is different wow so we're just going straight into this one straight writing just straight into okay none of my setups made any sense so this is not going to make any sense you have to make the punchline has to make them make sense okay okay okay okay i see yep all right i'm gonna i'm channeling the muse of comedy it's not speaking to me how much time we got a minute and 20 that's not too bad okay you should be starting on your second joke soon if you haven't already okay i don't know if that makes sense i guess we'll find out when i read it um all right i've written all the jokes i'm going to kick back and relax yeah i've written mine as well neither of them make any sense so maybe they'll make sense when you deliver them maybe it's all about maybe it's all in the delivery yeah but maybe yeah yeah fluff that as well tom titherington says i am entering the comedy zone makes for a nice change from the super serious day i've been having so far well welcome tom welcome to your refuge of comedy yes rodrigo campos says i wish i could vote but i'm watching this while i pack i move tomorrow to my very own apartment greetings from chile congrats congrats rodrigo on your new apartment um also good luck on packing because packing and moving is a lot it's a lot yes it's the worst it's the worst thing ever pretty much isn't it it's not the worst thing ever yeah you could have a long hot thin piece of wire pushed into your eyes because we've got another one only just all right he will be performing tonight that was horrifying did everyone else have a bad round though that's really bad actually all right no no i'm just gonna a lot of room for creativity what's the difference between most people and marriages oh here he goes here we go here he comes tears only on the cake [Laughter] yeah i'm a fish tank okay okay everybody give it up for luke westaway and now it's time for the main course my hometown's nickname is the salad bar because everyone prefers pizza [Laughter] i was thinking of do you remember pizza hut where you've got a salad [Laughter] yes i have more soap operas than uh regular operas what the hell is this setup it's postmodern anti-comedy yeah is [Laughter] hit us with the comedy oh you just got an achievement my family is like gandalf they don't mind hanging out with short people like me that actually functions as a joke yeah which joke was funnier vote now well i'm getting a lot of r's in chat prometheus says for gosh sake someone tell me whose magma this is and sorry raven 76 says i love harder is this your magnet every single time oh wow ellen stopped very good ellen nice cleaning up on the popular vote put your hand down together for our next comedian okay okay a bit of observational humor for you here folks okay i think you'll enjoy this thing you enjoy this you ever notice how ducks are just a fancy version of frogs they both have webbed feet oh god here we go pointing out something all right buckle up my doctor said i have a bad case of the doctors doc because doctor doctor doctor doctor i see is this wrong [Laughter] all right remember folks if you do want to play along uh you go to jack box dot tv uh and enter the room code lfbl you can vote for which jokes you like captain grimbo in the chat says frogs don't sell frogs don't sell i didn't oh someone didn't vote oh wow someone couldn't even be bothered to vote i voted i ran out of time sorry i was looking at the chat sorry i thought they were both equally [Laughter] why did the hammer cross the road to kill the chickens crikey wow i'm a little beeper a little deeper all right here's one for you before yeah but um i'm so old i remember when oliver twist was oliver straight i guess he got twisted later one corner i please he fell in a twisting machine into a twisting machine [Music] says i don't quite know how to put this but it's my magma [Laughter] finally i think i voted for the wrong one yeah i think you did too that's right the audience loves my brand of twisted dark humor i don't care who i offend chickens hammers okay all right here's my joke how many landlords does it take to change a light bulb this is gonna be satire three yeah one to screw it in and two to keep your deposit for using up a single light bulb yes speak on it speak on it yeah got him not your dad's body watch oh no i have to go up against that outrageous i was quite pleased with this what i find all right pearls before swine here we go hey hey that's how to win the audience over my my grandma said the best thing about billionaires is that they keep emailing her it's very good uh luke are you a fish tank uh yeah i'm a fish tank i was waiting for the all the audience call and response there all right bagging says satire again satire heavy round satirical eyes right the vote goes to landlords over billionaires okay all right okay what are we learning what's the matter what's the matter now the letter is to well everyone's identified by their name so it's to bj narellen i think uh i had a terrible round in the first round i'll have you know oh yeah of course all the points are like are the points triple now is this the mario party i think it's gonna mix it up with some awful if it's anything like whiplash okay we'll attempt to write a funnier punchline the better you take each other's settings that's it yeah i remember this one now can you okay so we will take up your your set up and try and come up with a funny we have to outdo oh no yeah oh no okay pick the joke you want to compete against man and they've got different point ratings oh because if it was already like popular you're gonna have a hard time rewriting it this is high concert joel okay okay um oh wow um this is where it gets really acrimonious i assume yeah yeah yeah imagine high caliber stand-up comics rewriting each other's jokes and then delivering them on stage okay holly hayward says i love wednesdays doesn't necessarily mean molly loves these streams it might just be wednesday hump day we're through hump day pretty much yeah yeah but it is also hump day yeah at least on this side of the pond if you're still in america probably got quite a lot of day left to get through yeah [Music] 90s pikachu says over the hump of hot day that's true hump day itself has a hump which is like the middle of this time once you're past lunchtime you're on the downward slope exactly free wailing into the weekend there we go that's time everybody here we go everyone remain calm and welcome our comics back to the don't panic oh i think our ship is sinking [Laughter] my love life is like goofy it's the subject of an animated series on the disney channel you know what i mean [Music] oh wow this is so exposing we liked it whoa i liked it i'm not afraid to say that i liked it we'll see ha ha sorry andy it was close come with the [Music] [Laughter] i like my friends like i like my reality shows okay kicked out at a rate of one per week okay that was good you refined it that's a refinement for sure wow oh yeah yeah that's a really that did ah all right let's see it let's have those votes see let's see where those points are going it was those numbers ah stolen audience approval i stood on the shoulders of giants great artists steel and all that oh wait this is mine it's my joke okay i'll perform the joke you see friends my grandma said the best thing about billionaires is you know where all the money is okay well do i get to vote for this one presumably not no sorry yes evidently my finest work gary dennison says jane walked so luke could run [Laughter] mostly the chat's about magma oh oh here we go all right mike save it my nickname is lamp because i'm broken and dim no oh it's a sympathy joke didn't your nickname be broken yes all lamps are broken it's [Music] good why didn't i think of dim [Laughter] i don't know which way angela is writing sympathy vote thank you for your pity votes i appreciate them all the mobsters love it there are lobsters [Laughter] makes you think now i think that's a better joke but i did say that cardboard boxes yeah you did because the cars are bored because they're waiting around it makes sense man boxes our board boxes i'm going to vote for funny cards mike's makes you think i i just i just i felt bad about overlooking mike's the first time so this isn't feels like an opportunity mike's uh creates a dialogue yeah starts a conversation inside your brain the lobsters [Laughter] no points from that in a stunning upset it's luke he's the winner well done well done yeah i i got like one set of points because no one decided to make my jokes better which means that my jokes are the best so no one dared no one dared to touch my email luke's grand prize is only luke was saved from the wreckage of the cruise ship [Applause] i'd like to read this comment from mike allison who says hey guys i just realized that as an adult i can buy a birthday cake with my name on it whenever i want and they can't stop me there's a couple of bucks so you can try it yourselves that's true yep we're gonna write something all right okay so we've looked around dave says it's 4 30 thursday morning here in sydney so do i win hump day well behind me yeah you're interested in the weekday plus one basically the weekend various topics or okay nice nice nice nice nice yeah oh yeah great great quality prompt yeah yeah no one else knows how to write jokes about this oh they're gonna walk right into my snare it's a trap really yeah the funniest object yes this writing exercise is ending soon yes running out time yeah we get it we get it feed the jokes on your device choose a setup one of you has accidentally written a filthy set up for a joke just truly filthy set up excited [Music] not if i don't pick it's when you pick a prompt and you have no idea where you're going with it but you pick it anywhere yep i have to do two of these don't i in this time oh yeah we got one minute 21 seconds okay okay you should be on your second joke by now tell me why i should be doing parrot parrot told me i should be on my second joke by now it's half five on a wednesday i've i've gone all in on the rude jokes uh i'm gonna ask a joke for me there i'm gonna ask an automated joke i have no idea wait wait let me oh no i did let me choose the joke for me okay right this time though [Music] um hands off i'm i'm one of those i'm pretty happy with i'm gonna i'm gonna just come out and say that whiplash is better than this i got it in under the wire it doesn't make any sense all right well let's hear it mike because you're up next let's hear it for our first cop oh no take the beer on stage rude joke let me remember to say your catchphrase get ready why are they called apps yeah and not delicious phone pellets all right everybody let me tell you i have more angry horses than a jockey who likes kicking and punching horses we've all been corduroy your please the really gawling thing is i wrote the setup angry horses it was a gift to him well you'll get points for i mean it was it's not a great setup and it was a perfect setup and you nailed it look at it everyone's voted for it and you've got the entirety of this goal it was my gift to you andy was it like write an animal here it's just plural noun points to mike okay okay okay get ready to laugh i like my sex like i like my peanut butter imagine me as a comedian like jumping onto the stage sorry about that mike get the mic away from her you ever notice how elon musk looks like he knows you'll be toiling in his it's fun for the whole family and that's why oh boy dip your waitress try the veal uh yeah i'm a fish tank [Laughter] spit take okay this is where the meta is going now this is how we optimize and iterate look i like the elon musk joke i right all right all right hey everyone hey everyone hey everyone my name is is forceps why because that's how big my biceps are yes yes yes yes wordplay yeah oh god it's me oh damn okay fine marriage is a lot like politicians yeah a bit of arguing and then some making out i don't understand politics is this your is this is it yours is it oh boy oh they're both good oh gosh they are they are both good oh blurry yeah d says andy was so shocked by ellen's dirty joke he's fading from existence he's phased out of existence let me just open my camera to the future he's gonna dissolve out of the picture looking back to the future oh i'm amazed i got that many votes to be honest but thank you crushed it bonus it's good what's a crushed it bonuses if everyone's playing votes for you oh so if you get three votes you get bonus points if you're well that was the warm up folks thank you for coming and this joke let me just refresh my memory is can't wait to hear it okay now i'm i've never read this before because the joke jokes for me i call my bedroom the public pool because i shouldn't pee in there but i did sure jane sure you asked the thing to come up that joke for you i am a little beeper and i swear to god i did not write supposed to be that joke not a heartfelt confession all right it's very good let's see if ellen's going to end up so dumb i think pikachu's joke we're peeping toms the peeking i well way han lin says this is schmitty's revenge [Laughter] good conscience vote for jane's peeing in her bed are you abstaining oh no i i can vote for it in good con but it wasn't okay am i originally voting for schmidty yeah that's true you are so is the audience oh no ellen oh if i could give you my vote tell then i would choose pikachus [Laughter] no wait let me back on the stage all right folks i like my friends yeah like i like my breakups short and amicable that's cute that's a very cool place see ellen that's something that everyone can enjoy isn't it yeah oh wait oh gosh this is me right okay here we go get on the joke boat it's leaving all right warm up your funny bones how many conspiracy theorists does it take to change your light bulb well here we go who's going okay [Laughter] oh they're both good they're both so good do you flat earth when you rotate it it's like a you know like a big disc how are two people rotating the earth though well there's a big lever right in the north pole like pythagoras said give me a big enough lever and i could rotate the flattening i feel it'd be a better joke if you included the lever somehow everyone's a critic ah thanks folks i appreciate your applause and votes look at me propping up the bottom of the thing there yeah it's good start all right it's time to start cheating yeah it is oh this this is the hard round though isn't it no the hard round's the final round okay let's get to it you know the drill oh boy complete these jokes oh joe bo you can't make me write a joke about the prompt i'm a nasty whistle it's a trap it's you know that you know that meme you know the gif with tom hardy and and he's like you know looking at the trap in mad max and he's like that's bait that's what i'm a nasty little is as a joke prompt okay do okay nonsense move on to your second joke soon yeah all right there's a lot of hard thinking going on there's a lot of comedy comedy writing juice yeah all right done i finished mine and that might suggest that the just the inspiration caught me or it might just be that i have lowered my standards i think it's but you could probably guess which one it is all right we've got over 5000 people watching well there's only 2 000 in the audience so if you do want to join and vote along uh go to and enter the room code lfbl yeah you can affect the results of this games sway the outcome arbiters of comedy that's what you can become time's almost done 19 seconds wait who's still struggling me that's nine seconds three oh no oh no all right everybody please welcome to the stage the comedy stylings of mike oh god why do i always have to start it around this i'll perform the joke i'm a little beefer oh no wait he's the mag one my love life is like baby yoda adored by millions [Laughter] i'll perform this joke because i wrote it have you heard about the new duct tape challenge all the kids are doing it's where you tape your ducks [Laughter] i'm a little beeper shout out to josh purini who loves this a very lovely tip and uh says your streams and videos continue to put a smile on my face thanks you guys thanks for watching josh thank you see you in the comments a lot strong showing from jane and to be fair i probably would have voted for james look at that don't look at the comments look at that okay okay some comedy stylings coming up all right darla comedy why did the massage chair cross the road why because someone left it on the highest setting again was it you steve god created kittens by stamping on a cat whoa they tried to stop him one corduroy please who won this joke ma'am see the high setting one is is clever though i think i would like it more without the was it you steve interesting but i like this realism of adding a steve element oh sorry alex steve is the funniest name who forgot to vote i forgot to vote because i was yeah i was trying to talk up ellen's joke and i forgot to vote for it sorry there's so little time to vote okay no more no more i'm going to focus on voting he's decided by the audience all right okay i went full genuine cruise ship comedy with this one okay i'm excited can't wait to hear it yeah you know i always say marriage is a lot like sarcophagi it gets dustier the longer you're in there no seriously though my wife's a great lady oh yeah i'm a fish tank oh no shut it down okay this is the restaurant i'll perform the joke okay my hometown's nickname is the disney world we've got the prompt wrong because we really enjoy it irony how bad is it not your dad's body watch well i've lost this one the disney world um where are you from luton oh the disney the old disney world sorry i gotta focus on voting more here comes jane everybody buckle up for comedy times you ever notice how restaurants are just a fancy version of eating rustlers microwave hamburgers in your underwear that's true that's true yeah i'm a little fifa um if you don't know what rustlers burgers are they are yeah my hamburgers all right i'm just gonna quickly skip past this one um uh why are they why are they called content lenses um yeah and not icds [Laughter] yeah i'm a fish tank welcome to the stage no one anyone um icds icd icds it's nice to say an icd like the letters is that something that sounds like it feels like it should be something doesn't it yeah oh no i forgot to vote oh that's it that's me that's my trick yay all right folks get ready to laugh because here's a joke and i think you're gonna love it my grandma said the best thing about lawyers is they can change her will at any time so go fetch a cup of tea good solid strong joke nice strong fundamentals i can't even remember what i wrote for this one so long ago okay my doctor said i have a bad case of the public apologies because i'm sorry you were offended by that thing i didn't commentary is this your mate [Laughter] commentary airborne uh they were both good but i can't resist a salty grandma who is threatening to change her will that is solid character work there andy thank you that grandma humor where it's like yeah i'm gonna die can't wait to have access to that kind of morbid humor where you're allowed all right this is the real awful round right oh great one oh god someone's gonna get the opportunity to um oh no what if we all take the peanut butter joke if it comes up for you you have to take it you have to take it like this this comment here from stay at home dragon says i just love the bravery being displayed here naked comedy at its finest don't be afraid to take risks folks [Music] okay oh you've got to see you got it when i'm in second i've got to go for the one that's worth three thousand regardless oh you didn't take the peanut butter joke i i don't have it no i don't have it either i don't have it either i think andy mike he's being quiet um done i had one of the ones one of the options was luke's forceps joke and i just didn't think i could improve on it that's my that's the one that i'm most pleased with yeah that's the one that it just it it functions perfectly as an excellent joke so thanks mike so i just i i didn't touch it basically we stopped playing the game and just say how nice we all are instead of competing against each other i've not done i've not done very well well no no no no stop stop stop stop get out of your head luke don't overthink it ladies and gentlemen there's still plenty of time to get in those lifeboats oh dear all right one more time pressure's on okay take it away how many conspiracy theorists does it take to change a light bulb what do you got three one to screw it in and two you think light bulbs exist how can you be [Music] i heartily encourage you to vote for andy that is comedy gold good fundamentals i've always said that about andy's comedy writing it sounds like it sounds like it sounds like it sounds like that yes nice clapping from the last lobster love playing to the lobster audience yeah he always pandering to those lobsters lobstering to the pandas okay okay let's hear it i have more angry horses than i would like oh okay [Laughter] uh yes i'm a fish tank it's artful intricate a lot of people like that avant-garde humor that bad jockey keeps coming up someone should stop him basically says please do this forever we need to eat and sleep we are mere humans marriage is a lot like sarcophagi nice to look at but eventually your tomb holy hell wow marriage is like a really easy target if you want to write comedy yeah well if it's such an easy target jane why did i have such a hard time come up with my joke that's great i think those i think those are both i mean they're both jokes they're both jokes on the basis of marriage being terrible thank you thank you thank you you're too kind oh it's me mike oh gosh i'm going last no why did the massage chair cross the road why because even chickens need some me time ah wholesome wholesome content wholesome yes nice the chicken deserves it yeah i think so hmm where is the audience going with this carl wayne wright says in all caps it's funny because marriage is terrible [Laughter] that's [Laughter] wholesome okay we're getting split split opinions from the audience like rude and wholesome rude and wholesome there's just there's no room for middle ground you have to go full filth yeah here okay okay all right i call my bedroom the public pool oh because there's always unexplained hairs and band-aids in there [Laughter] oh that's gross so distressing but jane didn't actually i didn't write mine i didn't write [Laughter] and that's what art should do that seems about right it works it works yes nice so what's the matter for disgusting [Laughter] jokes [Music] yes yes save me see captain save me jane rose is to say things it's just me all right and the captain good work folks writing jokes is hard it's difficult turns out i'm getting the hang of the meta now i think i'm getting there all right i was quite pleased with my grandma one it was good it was good i already liked that one that was great oh boy here we go okay funny objects okay okay did someone write lamp because they looked and there was a lamp on their desk or something yeah probably um okay okay okay okay get what you can in we'll be moving on soon remember folks if you want to um play along at home go to and enter the room code lfdl there's 2 000 folks voting right now i've been given the sex line again i'm not doing it i'm not doing it this time well what are you going to do instead i got i've got i've got a different one oh we're saying we write jokes now that's right that's where we are right okay um um difficult difficult one this one hey okay that could go many ways and again and again is this game targeting ellen he's like hey you liked it last time right we're at the halfway point stuck then hit the joke for me button okay i've done mine homework homework away go all right done it's bad cassandra says go for the loons ellen go for the lewds mcbride bear says finally let's catch the livestream on a night off hashtag bar life love your fox folks keep up the great stuff thank you very much and joshua lee says just because i love you all thanks joshua oh okay here we go andy your mustache is awesome says ooby doobs thanks thank you very much are you keeping it you will not be keeping it this might be the last time you get an eye full of andy's mustache on camera folks so enjoy it to wear under a face mask enjoy it now [Music] maybe it will maybe you'll be like absurdist it really won't it's not even absurdist it's just a word [Music] here i come bounding up to the stage ready to go from spoof on us hey everyone hey how are you doing everyone good time uh we're good hey okay um let me tell you my family is like luke a huge amount of shared genetic code there yeah fish tank all right my brain doesn't know what to do with it a group of fears walk into a bar and release all the spirits like the blue spirits yeah yeah yeah yeah basically i got given fears and i was like this is dumb [Laughter] i'm gonna double down all right [Music] some points all right let's keep things going for the night here we go the comedy stylings everybody the lady with a thousand voices and here's one of them it's uh my nickname is spatula because i'm always flipping out it has all the parts of a joke it has the rhythm of a joke it has the shape of one yeah it sounds like a joke i can't believe i'm doing this i'm so dumb i thought fireworks were were handheld that's literally all like this that's good that's good that's good that makes sense that's all i could type in the last second of thinking yeah but it it's perfect they've got the sticks yeah but also like yeah it is it is dumb to hold a firework in your hand it's dangerous there you go wow almost right down the middle that's a shame because i think the loser joke doesn't end up in the final round does it oh and you wanted to write the spatula spatula joke oh i want to know what it is tell us later tell us i call my bedroom the zoo because there's a freaking giraffe in here good oh this is your magma you took the higher roads there mike yeah you went like oh i'm in there having sex with pb and j's everywhere or whatever ellen's one was that's not a zoo [Music] i hate this is my least favorite setup i want to open a store that only sells leftovers oh here we go and call it better cold come on down to the better gold you can heat leftovers no yeah but they're better better cold yeah get up here get up here you can drop it takes an enormous amount of courage to be up here [Laughter] if it makes you feel better i was at the bottom of the leaderboard before so [Laughter] all right here we go folks i got a telly i got it here it is i gotta tell you friends i've got more coffins than dracula's bedroom am i right oh my race does dragon only need one coffee bragging oh here we go well well well i'll perform this joke what's the difference between most people and streaming services what is the difference i can't get enough of streaming services oh that's good thank you to whoever put streaming services as a prompt that is a really a gift of a prompt [Laughter] lots of votes from the audience uh brett says the hell with jokes consider this my investment in the better cold business i want in you've got an investor luke what kind of percentage are you looking to take i'm not gonna part with it easily here's another comedian whether you're lucky okay right my doctor said i have a bad case of the memes because i'm irrelevant in a week wow what a mean doctor junking on memes [Laughter] uh okay not your dad's body wash my hometown's nickname is the barn because it's full of angry horses yes you love to see it does that those are the strong fundamentals that i'm talking about call back well andy's andy's joke hit one of the fundamental truths of comedy but ellen's was about mean means what what's the crowd the crowd oh 50 50. sure my hair's breath hmm well that was the one that i remember you know when you think like you put two in and you're like that's the one that i think will be good it's tight at the top it's tight at the top there's not much room up here it was a strong strong angry horses round two points worth double yeah right now and andy's reminding us that callbacks are a thing call backs and intrinsically funny also incredibly we've gone this far and no one's put in shrek we called this round the shrek round yeah i'm a nasty little i'm a nasty little shrek oh i forgot that i couldn't put shreks in no i was just thinking the same thing like this is another stage at which we can put shrek in you know what this is eating my time but a group of shreks walk into a bar the barman says you can't give me your car keys your ogre the limit [Laughter] i'm trying to vote for you luke but it's not it doesn't there isn't an option yeah jack cultural just says shrek vampire ladies now would be the time how's everyone getting on um [Music] slowly how long have i got 50 seconds henry lapp says about stop start a job interview for a waste water technician job wish me luck good luck with your interview good luck i'm telling you guys a hashtag cooked so bad so bad it's good oh what's up next i did my second joke in 10 seconds and i think it shows well let's hear it this might be it oh no it's not it's the one i spent two minutes on and is it any better uh a group of marshmallows walk into a bar and the barman says hold on you look like you're already toasted yes yes wholesome makes sense has all the right parts of the joke it's got the announcements oh uh uh yeah i'm a fish tank i've never tried drum kitting that's when you crash hard that's good uh yeah one quarter please oh two [Music] i was like i'll take the next three set of prompts oh no they're worse i don't even know there's an option to take the next three set of prompts yeah you can take one redo of your prompt list oh i did not know that yeah i only discovered that in the very last second when i was like these would just don't sorry andy i don't know anything about drums i don't know what the crush is well there's a crash symbol it's i don't know the most important i only know marshmallows it's the most important well it's second to the hi-hat okay okay so the thing you need to know about me is i call my bedroom the ski lift because it's where i get high please don't arrest me i am a little beefer okay good oh this is the i think jane's gonna win when i was a kid we didn't have magnets we had dragnets did you grow up in the tv record oh right okay not your dad's bloody ones i thought it was because you were like because you were a kid in the 1960s i thought it was because you were like from a medieval fishing community [Music] well i nearly said mag lines as in like a fishing line but i was like that's two yeah no that is the correct choice you're up against a strong joke it's not your fault ellen she's a little beeper [Music] have you heard about the himalayan salt lamp challenge no that's where you drink a pint of magma [Laughter] okay now is this your magma is this your leg now what i like about that is if you say it fast enough it does sound like the catchphrase is part of it yes yes it gives you an extra joke to work with i'm so old how old am i i remember when luke wasn't always talking about shrek you must be pretty damn old yeah i am a little that was never a time there was a time it's almost like these two jokes are trying to play the meta yeah we're deep in the meta friends we all knew it would happen i love this part [Laughter] [Music] shrek though turns out shrek's a winner if you can you crowbar strike into a joke got a crowbar in the shrek please welcome our next card all right here we go with one of my classic goofs everybody get ready for it i like myself oh like i like my chips [Applause] oh i can't vote for that enough times try to imagine unsaucy sex utilitarian sex um right you don't notice how harry potter looks like nerdfrodo frodo's already quite nerdy is this your microphone [Laughter] andy gotta play it blue louise bright in the comments says can we get some this is you is this your magma merch [Laughter] probably technically belongs to jack box incorporated as is right and properly nice the winky face thank you see dirty joke i have to vote the old saying the old saying i have to vote it's okay all right all right let's get raunchy my love life is like walt disney ah dead and possibly frozen wow you flipped it she reversed it yeah okay okay okay okay check this out folks god created video games by mistake oh is that the joke you weren't sure about luke that was my 10 second one yeah these are both strong oh how to choose this is hard i have stain i have stain i like them both abstain yep i can do it if you have those we just isn't that just a load of points that go hey my sadness very good possibly frozen but god created video games by mistake is such a great so good so good you did deserve more points i feel like i'm tumbling down the leaderboard in this round there you are yeah from second to fight way out in front what's my secret sex life jokes i don't know it was the bedroom one yeah yeah trek bedroom correct uh what else i have no idea well we're sinking again okay hmm how long do we have oh a minute yeah okay um um oh i've got nothing i've got nothing it's really difficult i think i've cracked the metal brett h says ellen makes sex life jokes jane makes shrek life jokes all about that shrek life oh boy okay that was rubbish five seconds that was rubbish no i think angry horses might be this this game's meta i don't know all right here we go and he takes to the stage the crowd is hushed my love life is like walt disney oh yeah yep having sex with shrek in the bedroom he's an anarchist he'll say anything yeah oh my god oh my god and you couldn't possibly have thought we would vote for that no but he doesn't need us to vote it's the flawless distillation of comedy [Laughter] i didn't i didn't is the audience going to reward you it is the audience no no no no no oh you got played oh the meta betrayed you yes that is not what i expected what an upset oh i'm so dumb i thought fireworks yeah were a fancy name for fireplaces that would be nice what you're gonna remember is my answer for this was bad as well so these are both successfully like i mean i like i have a i have a thing for the one word answer it's good but then a fancy name for fireplaces where the fire works that's true the fire does work in the fireplace in the fireplace it's like it's the fire's office it's the fire's office shrek his dream works yeah no that's what was wrong with it [Laughter] i think his joke is shrek his dream works walt disney would never have sex with shrek because shrek is well disney would only have disney characters oh uh wait is this my job yes yes a group of beers walk into a bar and autophobias four beers you see it's workplaces it's good i like i like it [Music] phobias please why would fears order phobias that's for you to decide the the thing i like about the phobias four beers joke is that it doesn't really work written down or allowed but it still definitely works follow those jokes thanks thanks for the roses grab claws my family is like luke constantly talking about shrek he's trying to play the shrek meta if you punish me for it you got to punish him for it or you can punish andy further by voting for mike if you think about it it wasn't a hard one to improve on mike's does have shrek in it pros and cons you put a shrek in it hey hey when i was a kid we didn't have magnets we had to tidy our own iron filings good i get it yeah and it's something that everyone can enjoy that not just people born in the idea that's the one that you chose the other the other choice i can't remember what it was but it was honest it was yeah unconscionable i wasn't happy with the either choice ah yeah everyone gets the iron filings yeah yeah i'm i'm sweeping up on the extra pity points this time which is quite good well gosh friends i don't know what to tell you i'm the queen of comedy that's right netflix come at me if you want a special [Laughter] [Music] having my ass handed i went from second to last to first in that in that game so i think probably the scoring is nonsense yeah all right this is only because everyone feels like they could definitely write a good joke if they just got the right easy prompt yep just like my premium cable bundle this writing exercise is ending soon all right skip yeah we're in a hurry here guys we've got time to make up gotta make good jokes okay i wonder do we write all these prompts or do some of them come from jack box some of them some of them come from jack box definitely got it got it got it good okay this feels like a very mild prompt for writing mild jokes okay okay bit of satire this isn't bad bit of satire a bit of nonsense love it i'm happy all right yeah this is i mean this is solid this would appear in a children's joke that's what we're going for meanwhile this ship still smells like juggalos apparently there's a juggalo cruise right done with with um [Music] entirely chill my my my answers here straight down the line yeah my yeah i played a straight well mostly straight back with these ones i think you know remember um you can play along if you go to jackpot tv and enter the room code lf yeah we need your votes allow me to pinned comments again the last round once again meta ski lifts shrek love life sex life and now we're pulling it back pulling it back to the fundamentals we're getting back to what made us all choose a career in stand-up comedy you're running out of time okay six seconds oh gosh okay um no second shred how long does it take to type shrek jane how long does it take like a second okay i hope it takes what i put anyway all right i've got a really mid-word i was deleting don't forget to say your catchphrase oh yeah definitely hey folks my nickname is flash drive because i've got a terrible memory well it is the most reliable the please ah here we go here we go all right fine fine i'm not proud of this one but let's go how many youtube celebrities does it take to change the light bulb how many three want to screw it in and two to endlessly adjust it for the perfect skin tone pretty good i feel attacked get it is this your magma got to say that yeah for the joke you liked the best it's hmm i like them both i like them very pretty i want to do a follow-up a redo of mike's one because i'm going no celebrities jokes yeah she knows i have so many the audience voted the right way the flash drive on was very very strong keep that applause going for our next okay i mean confident noises why are they called baths uh-huh not private pools it's a good question yeah this question yeah yeah fish tank also a private pool okay okay all right so [Laughter] this is pre-explaining oh it's just okay great um have you ever tried snowmanning it's that's where you replace your nose with you know what i mean i wrote up to replace [Laughter] so that's what happens if you only partially complete it okay well well now the message was like really rude yeah i am interested you know what i mean yeah yeah you know what i shh i know we all know what really jackpots means i was gonna put carrots i was gonna pout i did not even put an answer yet now right my grandma said the best thing about santa suits is you can actually when wear them whenever [Laughter] you know what i mean you know what i mean i think santa is one that's already in the game because it keeps giving me sentences oh yeah and it's not funny i put santa suits up only this last time oh maybe it's reusing i'm so dumb i thought executives were were those guys who cut people's heads off oh [Music] yeah okay why not why not i like that it's kind of like a it's like a reappropriating of the dumb blonde jokes you know of your you're i'm so dumb i thought something was something self-deprecating humor is always the way to go i'm scared it's good well done folks put your hands okay oh here comes ellen all right here comes ellen i like my friends like i like my shreks no more than two or else it all starts to get a bit overdone it's good good yeah solid commentary nice catchphrase catchphrase that's body wash yes because it's true about shreks oh here we go hey everybody friends great to see you what's the difference between most people and eggs i don't know what is it well most people laugh at my yolks [Applause] i love eggword catchphrase catchphrase oh yeah i'm a fish tank difficult that everyone can enjoy eggs don't laugh at your yolks oh somebody's thinking too hard [Laughter] oh oh he didn't vote who didn't vote no i voted someone absolutely quiet this is ellen this is actually your fault because the reason that we have an audience that cheers so hard for puns yeah all right i'll perform the joke i'll perform the joke it's fine because if you all work over them you ever notice how diapers are just a fancy version of crapping yourself in public [Laughter] marriage is a lot like marching band i've never been in one and you know whatever i mean not your dad's bodyweight i think i'm gonna vote for the you know what i mean you know well i was actually deleting every joke that i played and i was like no and then it made it really it ended up being rude much rudeness it's close you know you know what i mean it sounds like there's a lot more lived experience in my uh joke than i'd like actually i feel like you could do a lot less work if you're a stand-up comedian just let the audience fill in the jokes no i don't know what i mean [Music] [Music] here to completely stan ellen also andy can pull off a mustache like no man's business thank you [Laughter] oh boy okay i've made myself laugh which is i don't know that's for me all i can hope for oh i shouldn't have chosen this prompt i don't know anything about this subject well i finished mine and um yeah i think the quality will be reflected in how i've still got a minute and 20 left to write my jokes okay you should be on your second joke by now you should be on your second joke right now i i did mine a long time ago and it's bad papa llama says mike i'm expecting good things don't expect good things expect bad things 52 seconds folks time to polish those gags and shine them up real nice with extra goofs and spoofs ready for the lovely people to enjoy i put emojis in hang on i'm just gonna paste some emojis into my flashlight to make it funnier if there's like a la face emoji i feel like it'll be a funny eggplant oh my god eggplant no eggplant and then you know what i mean i've robbed myself oh i should have put an eggplant happy bob just says mike i'm expecting things you'll definitely get things oh luke looks panicked i am just right you know nine eight seven dude [Laughter] hey friends hey hey hey hey everybody hey hey andy uh i gotta tell you i gotta tell you i gotta tell you about this my love life is like shrek uh-huh soundtracked by smashmouth oh god loud one corner right now which which song which song which song why can't we be friends you ever notice how walter white looks like brian cranston oh let us i think andy's going to get it with smash cora denison says makes you think but both both jokes do yeah only one [Laughter] and how about some points for you as well see jake you got hundred points for suggesting shrek yeah that's right yeah i'm just picking up the ambient checkpoints from all of you people using my prompts middle school for me was like wonder woman outshining batman [Laughter] good assertive powerful yeah luke yeah i'm officially self-confident all right i shuffle off stage [Laughter] when i was a kid we didn't have skeletons we had terrible trouble standing up [Laughter] is this your magma that's yeah skeletal technology that's my favorite joke of the stream like a special rosette is like luke's favorite thanks i can't vote for it good solid numbers hmm they love it thank you my second joke is even worse don't worry so is mine oh okay hey how's it going all right i'm so old i remember when tony hawk was tony egg that's nice i'm a nasty little dish sponge oh whoa because well you know what i mean [Laughter] oh holy crap wow i'm outraged and i don't know why again don't vote for me how did no one else in this entire game get the construction i'm a nasty little or something how did you do jane and i definitely the other one was the terrible i want to open a store and all it is yeah that's a hard one only luke was bold enough to go with the i'm a nasty little prompt okay okay a group of beehives walked into a bar and the place was buzzing that's a good joke that is really good absolutely solid straight down the line yeah okay oh okay friends well have you heard about the credit card challenge no no what is it that's why you give me your credit card long number expiry date and one of them i'm a little keeper that's good man i'm in the beatles i'm in the little baby i can't cheat again i can't choose i'm gonna have to abstain i love both of these jokes no the audience will decide a lot of bee love in the chat oh wow it was close oh my gosh 50 50. perfect yeah i really captured the mood of the nation by abstaining here we go get ready i call my bedroom the fairgrounds all the rides are terrible oh god is this your magma wow you've crossed the line sir you have crossed the line hang okay how many geese does it take to change a light bulb how many three one to screw it in two to honk incessantly at it then steal the gardener's keys [Laughter] [Laughter] that's the name of mike's netflix special expressions no one voted i voted for andy oh oh thank you some points oh the topic is for ellen ellen came up with fairgrounds so it was ellen's fault sorry i can lose it all in the next round i'm sure it's really taking the temperature of the room such a big gap in points between me and fifth oh the next person [Music] okay all right now we enter the end game okay who do you think you can improve on um okay all right it's difficult only a minute to solve it as well yeah yeah i'm gonna crack this puzzle i can't improve on the top one it's too good but i need to to get any points oh no 30 seconds oh geez i was so cocky choosing this i had two difficult choices and i'm not happy with my answer so liking this music yeah yeah it's nice jaunty ruby's dragon says big monkey island vibes from this music there we go the real tragedy would be not finishing the show so let's bring back our comments brother sandusky says mr westaway wanted serve composed a theme tune for an imagined flamingo's 86 cartoon wow gotta hear that all right okay okay here we go my grandma said the best thing about santa suits is they're better than law suits that's true yep i was in trouble again that makes sense yeah yep which punch line is better hmm i like the square br i like the rogue squad i'm gonna vote for the rogue square bracket it tells a story about a grandma who is being constantly sued which is what i enjoy about it okay yeah it's like it's poor grandmother it's character study it was the tony egg one and i was like i can't improve on that no tony egg the perfect joke you could have said tony dinosaur and gone even further back into the evolutionary scale okay okay egret okay what do you think of this friends my nickname is flash drive because i am solidly in a state [Laughter] i'm surprised you didn't go for something about being inserted the wrong way i admire it are you surprised technology jokes now that's right we're clever we do we do smart humor everyone in the chat is just putting square brackets square bracket stole it crushed it in fact apparently well yeah because you three all voted for luke that's what it means mike said it like it's a puzzle oh no no it's me uh my love life wait what is my love life my love life is like shrek because it's played by my clients wow i do not remember writing that you own some sort of feud state but i did um [Music] if you think about it only one of those actually can be true everyone's just putting square brackets in the chat now yeah that's we've broken it we've broken the hive mind we've broken the chat yeah the the meta is switching the met has run away with us i forgive you all andy yes took a shot at the king and i clearly missed oh god here we go uh well i had to resort to satire which is obviously the lowest form of humor i'm so dumb i thought executives were [Music] [Laughter] what would you have put what would you put luke uh i'm so dumb i thought executives were a way to serve eggs yeah i would have enjoyed that i would have enjoyed that joke you would have but you didn't i would have a hater for executives that's what they're like proper play with their dumb suits and their dumb haircuts from now on we only laugh at jokes when yeah in a points yes scored situation i care for no other jokes i'm a nasty little [ __ ] because i don't want no scrubs oh good that's inspired fatality spine gets ripped out but that's absolutely what's happening here oh the loot cat is adorable well it's got no spine now [Applause] is that is that everyone is that is that the round that's the game that's going to do it for andy surely okay let's see now yeah i got a ton of points because everyone was rewriting all my jokes that's what happened to me last time yeah all right who's the only survivor oh it's andy by a landslide survivor look at the look at the disney candy and he's got double the number of points almost doubles which is why it's good we just put some money on that last round we made it interesting uh let's have a like spike for andy's uh yes massive victory massive massive okay should we go around should we yeah let's do let's count it in okay three two one like spike please that's andy's prize that's your prize you get nothing else andy that's the whole price thank you so much for watching our uh our stand-up comedy i think we've got a burgeoning career in it obviously are we ready to take this on tour i think so yeah safe and permitted um what has everyone got coming up what's coming up on outside extra for the rest of the week you guys tomorrow we have uh more me playing dark souls for the first time ever with luke coaching me through it how can you possibly top the uh the tourist demon launching itself maybe all the other bosses [Music] you will only find out if all dark souls bosses eat themselves they might can you tell your spatula joke oh yeah what's your spatula joke luke oh my nickname is spatula my nickname my nickname is spatula yes because i'm a dracula in spats [Laughter] dang i think it's a i think it's a good job that you didn't have the chance to put that one because it would have destroyed the entire game you would have got 800 um what have we got on outside exports coming up we have a video about great games never got a sequel yeah um we're all outraged by seven incredible games that unbelievably never got sequels it's cool if you can guess what they are that video is coming tomorrow and plays in the dark on friday right yeah yeah that's so that's how it's doing jane and mike are in it um it's all to do with trying to get revenge on a on a crooked prize fighting promoter so head in ringside i do punching huge drama massive there are piles of story moments that's coming friday and saturday to outside extra it's a two-parter so if you'd like to watch us play blades in the dark get over there hmm cool well it's lovely uh to have entertained you hopefully and um thanks for watching and we will see you next time bye i'm a little beeper tagline [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] you
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 178,509
Rating: 4.9532652 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, challenge, challenge of the week, hitman 2, hitman, hitman 3, hitman 2 stream, hitman 3 stream, outside xbox, hitman contract
Id: gA_Nh4LArwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 49sec (6769 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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