Patently Stupid: Which Invention is Best? Mike vs Jane vs Andy vs Luke vs Ellen (Jackbox Challenge)

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I make candles by myself all the time...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sterlingphoenix 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] foreign hello hello happy wednesday hi happy st patrick's day as well if you're celebrating and i am celebrating not even five o'clock yet bike yeah like yeah it's five o'clock in ireland probably time zones that's probably a time zone a half hour time yeah exactly um hello welcome to uh another challenge of the week's stream uh we are joined by ellen and luke from outside extra and we are going to be playing patently stupid which is a game about inventing things to solve problems that are silly um so we will be uh we have to invent the problems and then invent the solution exactly yeah which is yeah that's how marketing works that's how my life works i invent problems and then i invent the solutions to them so successful problems of my own making to watch along and vote along then you can tv and enter the code kjhw that's in the pinned comment as well in the youtube chat kilo juliet hotel whiskey how can you forget that on this of all uh something about uh patrick obviously i imagine it's happy yesterday's day probably probably well happy st patrick's day to you in the language that i actually speak can you say slanted or slanted yeah yeah yeah slanted there you go chai tea for frank my pronunciation's probably off anyway but um yes should we should we crack on with our first round of inventions this first round of interventions so yes do you join and you can vote on whose interventions you like best yeah that's right go to and then enter the room code kj hw i'm not going to do the phonetic alphabet um someone in the chat is like oh no none of them are wearing green that's because if we were yeah you don't know what green pants i've got going on [Laughter] and he's actually doing the can can but you can't see it because his legs are green and they're being green my legs are right here that wouldn't work my body's in the way what am i doing um yes it's an event let's see an event i'm excited okay everybody's in everybody's everybody's as far as i know uh all right i'm the vip well done me so i'm going to skip all the tutorials right yeah we know what we're doing we know what we're doing we've invented before i was the first to win events i invented it you invented it um okay well immediate problems someone needs to an event a better everybody's in button because i'm clicking it try refreshing it try refreshing your browser sometimes it does this i was doing this earlier it doesn't look like there we go but it is a button yeah nonetheless i'm going to refresh my browser just in case as well because all right everyone remember what luke just did when it comes to time to vote here we are we're in the conference room we're going to be showing off our interventions great i'm excited got to go to work soon but we'll catch later my only prediction is mike will be playing and someone will say bacon well i've just said it so oh wow prediction came true that's great both on both counts unless i suffer a massive disconnection right now but then the stream goes down so identify those big guys [Music] yeah exactly now i've already pressed skip and the button disappeared this is as skipping as it gets well people need to know to start with maybe how it works so we just you start by inventing problems there's a problem and then other people have to solve this we sure do yeah and we do create problems and there's many problems oh here we go right so i've already created some problems okay oh i'm gonna have to refresh my browser because oh yeah me too welcome screen hang on i'm coming back wait for me ah okay okay my prompt it's getting harder and harder to find um okay okay got it i've created a problem oh and now i have to create another problem i have too many such all right i've created two problems and now these other inventors here they'll have to solve these problems for me yeah which uh by use of clever science and technology and crude drawings also crew drawings we didn't get to the drawing parts we have to also draw the inventions and give them a catchy name and then present them yeah in a multi-stage presentation presentation yeah richard in the chat says good luck to all hashtag deep cut hashtag pray for andy that isn't that's an old one that's an old hashtag uh remember folks if you've just joined you can join the audience and vote on uh the inventions by going to and entering the code kjhw there are a thousand people already there what's stopping you yeah yeah melanie rich says you guys have helped me get through so much over the last couple years glad to be watching my 21st birthday happy 21st birthday 21st birthday on st patrick's day that's it yeah it's patrick's birthday right domination simply pick the one no he's not going to correct me on that i'm just going to be ready that's how it works says you could theoretically all be dancing irish dance and we'd never know yeah we're doing river dance underneath the table yeah it's about keeping your upper body completely emotional oh uh oh okay i uh yeah navigated away from the jack box screen there hang on uh oh oh my running out time oh i ran out of time is it gonna change something for you to innovate okay [Laughter] yeah you draw on a cocktail napkin like the jack box example which is a drone for carrying toilet paper to yourself for if you end up in the toilet oh with that okay here we go right okay let's draw okay oh i think i clicked through my prompt and now i don't know what my prompt is and i've just got a napkin to draw and i don't know we're gonna find out okay all right well i'm just gonna draw something abstract then and hope for the best oh i've got a brilliant idea for this one god bring it solves your chosen issue but i don't know what the chosen issue is so let's keep it broad uh okay yeah just stop drawing it's fine okay no all right fine this is good this is good um i mean it's it solves the problem in a way which i think is kind of what they're looking for right i think so yeah that's i mean in any kind of way i think it counts it says please wait for the other players to draw so i think i'm done okay yeah oh no neil fallen says jay draw spawk i spoke sportszone's all probably just draw world peace jane that would solve many many problems products should be useful damn it i'll tell you i can't go back and remember it really really very long do they yeah mark jesus putting all my money on loot winning since job is always the always always solving the problems of capitalism yeah there you go right but this is a challenge about capitalism and about embracing it luke's invented anarcho-communism and nailed it nailed it first time yeah write a title of your invention okay oh boy okay okay got it um sure tagline gotta start with the tagline 99 of intervention is tight yeah it's marketing yeah got it i think uh i think i think mine could go straight to market i don't think there's any refinement required i think it's just says hello to all you beautiful wonderful people but especially jane i'm not saying i'm biased but that is why i read that comment thank you for your service have a wonderful day you too kim you too also you're right kim yes yes brett h says jane just draw eldritch blast that's how you usually solve problems oh what a burn salt [Laughter] who taught him the word kentucky i would get more work done if i didn't have to blink hey that's true well i wonder what the solution to this problem will be what could it be let's see the solution present your idea now i can show you the title the drawing the tagline this presentation is going very badly there's also one that just says i'm done just give me the investment money um welcome to the time enlar okay this has this doesn't pertain to blinking but only because i skipped past the screen that was talking about blinking and so i didn't okay um okay time flies but so do you with the time enlargener which is it's a time-saving device uh that um extends the flow of time jane this is a family show no it's not um yeah as as symbolized by an hourglass here with the sands of time flowing through and out of it got it the time enlargener simply uh rate stretches the flow of time got it at a rate of greater than one ticket i think that deserves a like spike what does it have to do with blinking i don't because i think we should get a like spike though yes yeah let's have a like i think i should have a pity like spider yeah pity like spike for james all right on three two one pity like spiders okay thing for you haven't we all faced this problem i wish i could always be in paris well you want my invention it's called get an eyeful nice nice that's a simple a simple mesh of paper and fabric and elastic that attaches around the head of the wearer obscuring their uh frontal and peripheral vision um never be seeing anything other than la tour e fell with get an eyeful available hopefully soon [Music] money please very good love it love it okay i will present i have too many lazy friends lying around my house no one has that problem right now and after time after time well first off can i tell you about shouting mean stuff oh what a bold innovation just shout mean stuff at them and eventually they'll go away it's true when your friends ask for more shout them out the door oh very good lovely life advice i mean i like the highlight on the speech bubble yeah alex the important thing sorry ellen jethro alcantara says consult your doctor when time lasts longer than six hours oh god okay if you have a blink that lasts longer than six hours someone's someone's been paying attention to medical adverts in the u.s yeah okay thank you everyone thank you thank you thank you no problem all right uh i will present the latest and greatest innovation from andy productions i absolutely hate the sound of traffic i don't know about you folks but it's been a real bane of my existence recently which is why i came up with the perfect solution and i call it the belmont now the bell mit i would like to say 20 the belmont as you will see from this scientific diagram is a helmet you put on that's full of bees [Laughter] go on so as you can see the bees will torment and sting your face which brings me to the tagline take the sting out of traffic and into your face give yourself bigger problems with the belmont oh nice once the bees start to sting your face and body you'll forget all about the sound of traffic because of the searing stinging pain in your face and body and limbs so if you've had enough of the sound of traffic then why not get yourself a belmont today forget all about traffic and focus on your searing b pain now i know thank you very much this is another one of your bee based inventions mr farren very good here we go all right i will i will present yes please your presentation ladies and gentlemen it's a problem we all face it's getting harder and harder to find shoes that fit shoes are a scam we're all slaves to big footwear that's true so let me introduce to you that old woman who lives in a shoe let me introduce to you yes the ankle grinder oh okay oh my god oh no it's essentially it uses existing angle grinder technology but in a new and exciting way as you grind your ankle clean off in order to fit into your shoes that you already own so you'd have to buy you've invented a saw trap yes yes jane i'm glad you're you're on my level my innovation level but it lets you use the shoes you already own luke if the shoe fits work yeah it does but but hang on mike the belt that's working with the bees you already own if the shoe fits wear it if it doesn't painfully saw off your ankle that's fine i'm trying to be a plant in the audience for you mike here but surely it's very expensive no not at all we have existing stock of angle grinders for you now there you go the ankle grinder horrifying now what happens and now now we have to obtain funding great light bulb loves money the money please so folks this is where you'll be voting for your favorite um by inventions them monies you i think you choose your top three inventions we get to choose investment capital the assembled audience of 1 300 ish people get to vote all right let's do some investing um yeah so we get to invest 500 on our favorite 300 and our second favorite yeah and no hundred dollars on our least favorite yes izzy wolcott says ellen is not here for the angle grinder no hurry but that's half your time sometimes you're all such good inventions hey guys guess what i got my first vaccine yesterday i'm super happy hope you're all well congratulations welcome tom congratulations awesome news we're we're on the way out hopefully aren't we there is light at the end of the tunnel oh i thought you meant you're dying no no on the way out i'm on the way out folks and this is how you tell us right the lizard queen chris says i'm getting my first cozy vaccine in a couple hours and i'm horribly nervous can i get some nice words you guys are a lovely distraction i appreciate all that you do well don't be nervous but don't be nervous especially not nervous of of needles ellen was talking about this earlier and um what what was the wisdom words do you have it'll all be overseen and then you can have ice cream that would be good yeah that is that's a good point and also the needles the actual injection itself is like the the least like it was fine like i've had i've had hundreds of injections throughout my life and that was when i was like oh was that it so as someone who is experienced with this stuff it's it's fine like i believe in you you'll be okay andy you've been volunteering at the vaccine center is there some is there a standard advice that is maybe next time oh no i got zero dollars sorry oh my goodness um i got an ankle grinder come on guys every single person i've seen leaving has said that was so much easier and less painful than worrying than i expected don't worry about it it's seconds you don't even realize it's happened i think it's like it's curious because in the uk like you as an adult you may not have had a vaccination since you were like quite young like since you're at school and so it's like not a very strong memory of what a vaccine is like [Music] unless you step on rusty nails as often as i do unless you step on nails all the time luke will just not stop stepping on those rusty nails apparently luke's doing market research oh luke please choose what are you doing sent to your device where oh okay okay just leave though just like because he's i think he won the last round oh well in the meantime joe schmo says happy cinco it's my birthday today and the anniversary of lockdown here and the day i become eligible for vaccination thanks for making the lesson easier for all of us raising a point for you guys and i'm not going to try and say it because i will get it wrong but s-l-a-i-n-g-e someone spelled it phonetically in the chat but now i can't see it anymore all right we have our problem which is i don't want to think about birds again okay okay all right everyone invent everyone invent on this is a problem that lucas devised and endorsed okay yes it's not even just not seeing birds it's not thinking about thinking about birds ever again okay okay okay okay all right i know what this i know how to do this i wish i had some more colors um we're halfway there i have no highlighter on mine yeah me either oh wow i guess that's too much i guess that's one to make to make this one just a bit more intense and exciting okay all right i think i've solved it oh drawing time so we just draw that okay we're just drawing it we're just drawing it right now yep yep yep did it did it take my drawing it ended it ended maybe it didn't take my drawing oh write a title for your invention okay um okay this is fine it is the hardest part of inventing do your name oh no i've run out of characters oh no birds be gone a jane douglas joint yeah is that what you're trying to write yeah exactly all right how can i reduce the letters in this fine that'll do constantine boxes says i've been wanting to send this for a while and just got my stimulus check so you five will forever have my gratitude for helping make this last year bearable not at all uh sorry not at all which is luke's animal crossing oh yeah yeah two point hospital and especially oxford gave me something to look forward to sincerest thank you thank you thank you yeah thank you happy to have helped out yeah wasn't that a fine old time and i'm crossing i've gone back into animal crossing lately and it's very comforting i think it will comfort me forever i will associate it always with like psychological comfort that's good i've been playing a game called pathologic which is the exact opposite the exact opposite of a calming uh non-non-pandemic experience simulation of a pandemic it's exactly what it is jane yes it is oh it's pigeon time okay oh here we go oh okay i will present okay i don't want to think about birds ever again well can i show you the cat visor um go on what yeah is a visor with that's hanging keep birds out of your face and two we'll always associate flying objects in front of you with cats so even if you do happen to see another bird ever again you'll just assume it's a cat because that's all you've seen in front of you so what can i say but keep birds out your face put cats in their place that sounds like you're you want to take down a peg or two but yes okay their place is like dangling from your face yeah yeah scuttlebot 101 says i will invest [Laughter] if you press i'm done when you're done i am done i am done i'm so done i'm done with you people just doing the silence he's just waiting for the floors to roll oh my turn i will present oh okay okay all right how often have we had to walk around when all of a sudden what pops into the mind a bird oh we all can't stop thinking about how they're all disease carrying all feathery flapping around in your face suspiciously light when you pick them up disgusting lie down on the table and get hooked hooked up to oh the bird obliterator electrodes are attached to your brain and wired up to a bird in a cage um electricity is then fired from the bird obliterator into your brain erasing any memory or knowledge of what was in the jar in the first place in this we tried it with many things but it actually only works for birds the bird obliterator blast your mind with bird electricity until birds are out your cortex can't argue with the results yeah it's true because you're dead look look at the smiling face of the patient is that what that is right yeah okay yeah shout out in search easy pun here who has a word of advice for vaccine getters as a regular vaccine getter the anticipation is worse than the experience also someone else said to avoid the arm you sleep on be safeties so there's nothing you can try to sleep on get it in the other one so you don't have to sleep on it yeah all right i will present i will present i don't want to think about birds ever again they're living in my mind rent-free and i'm tired of those freeloading seagulls living in my brain so um i would like to introduce you to the bird be gone shock collar which is what it would say if i was allowed more characters how does the birds be gone shock collar work well let me tell you [Laughter] it is simply a band of electrodes around your cranium that detects bird-based activity in your visual cortex and should you see or think or visualize a bird it will deliver a shock to the collar that is around your neck or if you should see a letter m it looks like it's not a mcdonald's a letter m um yeah someone wearing a lot of feathers perhaps and then it will deliver a shock that over time will condition you like one of pavlov's dogs to never see or think about birds ever again and in future if you should see a bird your brain will simply fill it in with something that is not a bird to avoid the painful experience of being shocked with electricity i'm going to reprogram your brain with pain what was the tag like i'm going to reprogram your brain right again the tagline is i forgot to write a tag line okay uh yeah i don't want to think about birds again it's probably all have uh they're not a vegetable they're not an animal there's something really creepy about birds so um so may i suggest to you all these i mean all these solutions we've had so far very good but very expensive what about but what about the the hard-working every person that doesn't want to think about birds again well may i present to you a brick are you gonna kill birds no no no hit yourself in the head with a brick so that you forget birds ever existed it's straightforward it's simple anyone can do it hit yourself in the head with a brick the tagline is hit yourself in there and i'm done 30 seconds this is really good that head shape is very good that's good yeah it'd be a different head shape once the brick connects but you know look we all obviously hate birds i mean it goes without saying uh the feathered menaces the winged rats of the sky we all hate them um but i think a lot of people have been focusing on the birds as the problem when in fact i think the problem lies lies with you the person the human being so i present to you the birdmate now this is a helmet it's full of birds and they're gonna they're gonna flap around your head they're gonna peck you in the eyes and face um but over time yeah you will adjust you will come to love the birds you will come to see them as your friends your only friends maybe they'll occasionally sneak you little bits of grain or millet that you can snack on uh they'll regurgitate food into your mouth and over time you will come to form a symbiotic relationship with these birds and maybe even consider them your best friends and you'll go from not wanting to think about birds anymore wanting to think about them all the time so friends say it with me desensitize yourself to birds with the bird mitt thank you very much bravo yeah very good very good maybe you can train them to clean your teeth like those hippo birds thanks shall we we're going to give you guys says i too miss the animal crossing streams and i'm hoping for kk fest 2021 that would be quite when did we do kkk fest 2020 when it's gonna be approaching as we were able to get kkk we should definitely do kkk fest 2021 yeah hmm time to vote um burrito says mike's gonna slap the birds with a brick that's another option it's a multi-functional device yeah it's it's got so many uses and brick works with the birds you have at home oh joshua palmer says paddy's day reminds me that an oxtra cocktail special with or without nutmeg is long overdue i hope to see one in the after times yeah we'll have to find a cocktail recipe to make in the aftertimes if you're a video game developer start putting more cocktail recipes in your games yeah right who's working on what halo infinite get the master chief themed cocktail in your game now now is the time oh oh it failed oh [Applause] but i have a feeling that's we've gone shot color yeah oh the bird be gone shock collar there it is the people love it yep i'm gonna zap so many people just just cleared funding funding to make bricks [Laughter] and remind me how much money do you need to make bricks very expensive hugely expensive yay well done ellen well done my business degree wasn't useless [Laughter] um all right congrats to ellen excellent well done i will take one cat uh visor please yes oh no we're back at the airport hotel yeah for more inventions yeah this is your life now to be honest i dream of going to an airport hotel these days anything to get out of the house a premier lodge bed yes please yeah wait premiere in i've forgotten the name of my favorite budget hotel train that's how bad it's gone that's how bad things have gone how bad we are go over to the travelling the travel the premiere lodge it's the combined forces of premier inner travel lodge i miss the good old days of okay um okay okay we're all we're all gonna laugh at what we're typing but we're not gonna tell you yes yeah so all right well i've put in my prompts so let's turn to the chat where le quacksie i think i'm saying that right has given us a cool super sticker it's like it says it's like a video game controller going nice it stands for good gravy that is what it stands for nelson says with johnny's new channel will we get a five channel crust dream in the future we were talking about finding the new among us the other day if we find the new among us yeah if you know what the new among us is let us know and maybe we can play it with johnny yeah yeah vanessa kettering says throughout the pandemic if i ever feel lonely i put on a video of yours and poof i'm not lonely anymore problem with this if we ever meet in real life my brain will assume we are already friends we are already friends we're all friends here yeah we fast tracked our friendship yeah yep hopefully we will meet in real life at some point right like there are many events and cons that we are looking forward to going back to many cons we're looking forward to perpetrating we're perpetrating plenty of cons in this game but i mean like conventions right so pacs and things like that and res can you imagine they announced the dates of pax australia oh exciting yeah remember folks watching if you do want to join the audience uh you go to and enter the code kjhw and you can vote on your favorite interventions they do do that and join us um cool i'm excited about my invention i'm gonna really solve some problems but i got two really good ones like two really funny ones hard to choose hard to choose okay okay where is my oh this is so good okay all right not to get ahead of myself but this is a winning invention there we go how long have i got to draw it doesn't give me a timer i can't see a timer oh it's the bar going across right um we're at the halfway point okay a little bit of detail here beautiful a little bit of shading yeah a bit of shading with the old highlighter why not why not okay try not to bang the my candy that would help no done no wait i'm not done i've done drawing oh wait this is just the drawing yeah just the drawings hate the ending says please tell deslin that they're happy uh sorry that they're amazing and they make my heart happy does anyone remember desmond was that a commenter i guess so yeah okay all right i'm sorry i'm concentrating on so many things at once anyway hate the ending thanks for your comments the badger playstation access oh yeah delson rodent hey ps access we like you um oh hey uh aisha brennan says when we have cons again i'd love to see you all at eternal con on long island who wants to go to a car in long island i'll go to con anywhere any literally anywhere but especially long island where you have always wanted to go am i right i've always wanted to have many long island iced teas so yes um i bet they're good there um andy are you amusing yourself with your antics yes okay good way hmm it's okay i don't think it's as genius as the ankle grinder or the brick or the brick yeah no i'm not sure it's quite as good okay got it done right what kind of helmet has andy made this time says johnny greco well you'll just have to wait and see won't you jenny frenchy18692 he says as someone who gets a lot of injections one way is that to if i get an injection then i can have some sweets crisps or bars there's a treat afterwards ice cream yeah okay maybe an ice cream sandwich yep there's a there's a costa coffee like next to the vaccination center where i'm working and it's the first one a lot of people going there have seen in like a year and they're so excited and take away coffee yeah it's very nice all right mike ladies something really special oh sorry gentlemen yes people tell me hard to believe as it is but i talk too much and maybe that affects you as well so i've invented the solution a solution called the face cork as much as you'd imagine wow it is a giant cork designed to stop your mouth from talking uh yeah it's made from uh up-cycled materials organically sourced uh and sustainable um and yeah uh you you just jam it into your face and it prevents you from talking or eating we'll work it out in the r d stage uh the tagline is put a cork in it literally very good and i'm done on the strength of the drawing it's strong strong strong strong okay luke's turn okay everyone thanks for coming to my presentation is this you oh no where's my phone where did i put it i know i left mine out handy around here somewhere if only it could be screaming at a high volume if ever it was more than two meters away from me with the whale of phone the nightmare is over a belt attachment that goes around your waist like a belt sends a signal to the phone and if you ever go more than two meters from the phone the phone starts screaming like a well like like um like a like a like a wounded like a wounded giraffe better let's say like yeah and the best thing is from a business point of view is that other screaming animal sounds are available as micro transactions dlc as dlc so she wants it to sound like a screaming shark which is really quite something to hear um if you can't imagine that i'm done well done well done very good what was the tagline wouldn't you like to know just to find out less than find out real quick there's a compliment here for you from wolf who says luke's video on the failed playstation phone was wonderful and i haven't laughed that hard in a while thanks for all you do oh thanks so much i really appreciate it andy please yes anyway so have you ever had this problem you're hanging out with your grandma you turn around and oh no she's wandered into a river i'm drenched again and in the new dress you just got a real shame but what if you could prevent that you can with my invention the grandma's orb simply place your grandmother inside the inflatable grandma's orb and she can roll over any environment without touching it and getting wet or uh burned or touching any nettles or anything like that yep your grandma can enjoy freedom from all the elements in the grandma's orb and it means you can always keep track of her and she can go down hills very quickly i have a question don't be a pranny waterproof your granny what happens if grandma throws up and is being rotated in absorb full of our own sick have you thought about that uh i have thought about that the it comes with a self uh cleaning uh little rumba that goes in there with the granny and it sort of zooms around in there sucking up any anything that isn't a grandma you can fill it with bugs that eat vomit [Applause] [Laughter] all right uh before i go i for brennan says i'll buy you a long island iced tea mike thanks also he mentions andy that um he wrote a spell for you oh okay the chorus sorry all right oh wait oh no oh no jack box taken has taken the wheel you can do that i can turn the i can turn the audio off friends uh i'd like to introduce you to the groomer it is a robot for your head that combs your hair for you it just wanders around your scalp and combs your hair as it goes and just gently throughout the day it just kind of meanders algorithmically over your head and does some combing for you like a headlight that's doing good yeah yeah yeah like a head that should have been that's the alternative tagline that we rejected the headlights i can only imagine the grinding sounds as all your hair gets tangled in that thing please ellen please all right i miss the good old days of kissing everyone on them and so i would like to show you solve this problem the kissing stand see what we have here is in the days of uh a zoom call what we have is a kind of cardboard cut out but it's an lcd screen so when you're having calls with your friends it's like they're properly in the in the room but the best thing about it is the special additional lips that if they align theirs then you can smooch them like they're in the room and uh yeah so what can i say but um connect with a friend on the face with your face that's good yeah that's really strong so so it's like it's like a it's a large cardboard cut out but it's a it's it's a lcd screen right yeah the lips are like an additional like kind of like um like realistic a realistic type yeah additional bit of really good quality really good quality synthetic synthetic latex job yeah it's it's like a kissing tele presence yes yeah zoom for your mouth yeah all right time to invest in these fine inventions don't sleep on the ground seriously don't yeah and i mean what price your grandmother's dryness this is really hard i like them all yeah i have your time there that was a tricky i really like i miss having a highlighter because i really like the blue lips on ellen's invention yellow oh yeah i refreshed i refreshed i didn't have it when it first loaded up but i refreshed and then it was there even so even if it started just refresh i've refreshed a few times and it hasn't helped so let me try again just in case norsen says have you guys tried to push the button on jackpots it has the among us impossible i've tried it and it is kind of like a slightly more complicated among us oh okay i find among us complicated enough to be honest that is true oh the group are easily funded easily funded very stylish it's like a little pillbox hat but also it's a robot are the kissing sands oh fail didn't quite make the funding unbelievable i will personally invest oh no the wheeler phone a groni just but you get an extra 500 dollars tell you what though the zorb is rolling into first place very nice well done people love their grandmas that's it the market all right i get to i get i guess i get to choose the top as the leader all right let's see what we've got okay remember if you would like to join in with voting uh head to and the room code is there on screen it is kjhw and that will allow you to join the nearly 1500 people who are voting on our fine inventions and deciding what will make it in the cut throat world of intervention series one funding or whatever it is seriously series a funding you're all our angel investors yeah right yeah that's the one okay oh right here's the problem who invented that problem was it you andy it's uh there's no way of knowing is there andy thinks basket will players are too tall well hmm okay okay all right so i have a solution for this yeah me too easy easy i would say [Music] that's half your time that's half my time half your time you're serious yep yep yep yes this is perfect okay all right yep done okay done let's wrap those drawings inside it's your problem you've had a solution in mind already i thought someone else would have to think it up oh no okay time for titles uh we've been given a sticker it's sort of a pair that's dancing and saying you are amazing from aoi thank you 311 oh now we have to write title and a tagline and everything okay um okay it's called the [Music] what am i going to call it it's the most perfect idea it needs the most perfect title [Laughter] i want to see this pair oh yeah go and have a look at the dancing it's very cute you guys are amazing i love your videos thanks alex look at this this cool pair oh my god there it is it's doing a little song and dance routine i love it fine whatever i'll just go for something obvious for the title i wonder if we're all going to come up with the same idea i don't like [Laughter] let me pitch to you the ankle grinder this again yeah that's in the warehouse it's a multi-functional yeah i've got to shift these things seriously i've got a bad deal i've got a container yeah full of these things i need to clear andy i have a feeling you met a very tall person at disneyland who was a basketball player he was i think he was the brother of two basketball they were like yes three brothers who were all very tall basketball players and he was the one who didn't play basketball but he was still incredibly tall oh man imagine the incredibly tall one who doesn't play it okay basketball players say some people she said looking at andy are too tall i feel like being tall is probably a benefit like an advantage you can't reach things on high shelves never mind because i've invented for you um what we're gonna do is we're gonna dig a two foot uh like ditch into and around a basketball court so that the entire court can be lowered by two foot and then a six foot six basketball player will become a four foot six basketball player and as you can see you're watching from the uh like the bleachers the kind of the you know they're they're all those little dots yeah we're all those little dots and if you enjoy and find basketball games by the enormous height of basketball players then no worries because they'll be brought down to eye level by the two-foot ditch in which the court has been lowered very good at this at this stage are you taking notes yes um i why not why not raise the hoops by two feet no that's going to make it much much more difficult they'll need to be 10 feet tall no if anything if anything the hoops will also need to be lowered but then it will be then it will be what was the tagline for the court law i assume that the problem with very tall basketball players is everyone is fed up of like craning their necks okay not that they find basketball too easy look look look folks i have i just have a feeling yes that everyone's ideas that are brought to the table today like james will focus on uh fixing either individual players on a player by player basis or by trying to like low you know lower or or or do something to the court but that doesn't create uniformity of height which is what we want for an even playing field however my invention the 2 000 pointer is an entrance to basketball areas it is a 2000 uh tooth mesh that could with of an adjustable height that goes over the door and you this means that you don't just file your players down to um you know a certain height once you can file them down to whatever height when when you know for example if you wanted to do a special match where everyone was only a centimeter high you just you would just put the two you would just drop the 2000 pointer down to the bottom of your of the door jamb and problem solved is that i forgot to put in the tagline but problem solved okay right well why are they walking into a staple says 90s pikachu that was supposed to be the staples stationary store you could also attach these to a staples if staples thought for instance that its customers were too tall all right um i think yeah the issue here is that basketball is too easy for basketball players because they're too tall and they can just walk over and just drop it in the net that's what the problem is yeah that's the problem it's impossible they score too frequently the scores in basketball games it's like 100 points each or something it's ridiculous so um i have solved this problem with the floor net this is what it looks like it's they just angle the net down to the bottom so it's on the floor and suddenly being tall is a is a disadvantage because you because you've got so much further to throw the ball down and it might not go in and so this solves the problem immediately and it makes basketball much more difficult and bloody done yeah the tagline is get down with your net down until then it was going brilliantly [Laughter] that's it that solved and that is a accurate two-scale uh diagram of basketball playing that's great that's great because then it's harder when you're yeah it makes it a more difficult game not sure ellen but sure okay um i promise i didn't look at james but i would just like to show you this what is it i believe that it's not enough just to lower right the the court but i think we should also fill it with water to make it a more difficult sport so that you know because the other thing of also being tall is that they can run faster because they have a longer stride which as a short person i envy yes otter you can't run very fast so that slows it down also makes it harder to dribble so it basically turns the sport into netball but that's fine or water polo isn't that the exact game that they will be playing at this point pretty much i don't know nothing about any kind of polo um so what i have here is water basketball okay make the basket higher and make some waves in sports in sports sports wow well there we go we fixed basketball i wasn't convinced it needed fixing initially but once i saw the problem too many good ideas solution just left out me all right here we go you better solve this yeah i like the idea that um mike thought that his incredible idea was so unique that no one else could have thought of it so let me present to you unrelated to that thing i just said the tiny hood here's a regular tour basketball player what's this he's having trouble getting the ball into that's right the tiny hoop this will level the playing field for short basketball players who will find it much easier to do sick lay-up dunks i like this idea i like it is is the diameter of the actual hoop smaller no the hoop itself is i mean i know it's not this diagram isn't a scale this is a technical drawing my diagram was to scale i should just like to point out when you're when you're considering investing my diagram was the scale okay okay well yes and so the average height of basketball players will naturally come down because the players who will score the most points and get into the nba all-star games will be the ones who are three feet tall four feet tall two feet tall you know they'll be there just dunking whereas the tall guys they'll be blundering around unable to score points so remember if you're too tall then you can't ball the tiny hoop pretty good very much very good pretty good elsa mclaughlin says just finished the last of many horrible marketing reports for my college course i need to open my favorite stream to relax and see marketing research in large writing i cannot escape this on the present force p.s love you all yeah welcome um yeah this is uh extra course credit so yeah if you're trying to do really well in your marketing just send this youtube link close attention yeah okay okay now solving problems i feel like i could have incorporated bees somehow be skit ball uh antonio gaza says mike invented golf ellen water pilot and jane the thunderdome it's very like mild early yeah iteration of the thunderdome but yes very much so solace in rage says thank you all so much for the laughs and pressure mems love you all so much which is very nice okay who says mike mike and andy inventing nba small stars [Laughter] oh success for the 2000 pointer okay okay i like the 2000 pointer a lot the tiny hoop yeah successful tiny hoop on store shelves by christmas audience the court lower the immaculate diagram only just seated succeeded oh okay there we go i'll do me and water basketball popular wow i was not expecting that last last [Music] [Laughter] you'll find it was the two-scale diagram it was the excellent branding isn't that something with my finger over here isn't that something that happens in business though yeah first first to market andy first marketing market yeah right i'm tesla over here and mike's edison is repeating elephants with my tiny net okay welcome back to be stupid yeah and remember folks go to and enter the code which is kj hw kjhw on the inventions market research here we go let's do some market research okay oh wow okay all right well hmm what a prompt what a prompt this is [Laughter] that whatever i get i hope it's not what luke just wrote [Music] hey good pop-up tips if you don't have any good ideas do a bad one [Laughter] right ahead of you way ahead of me back and says mike is astor in this situation you're such an astor like it makes fine products that people love [Music] oh yeah we've got a trailer for the new blades in the dark yeah we do stick around for that we'll play that oh yeah at the end the beginning of phase two of the blades in the dark dog's venture cinematic universe yep quit dawdling time's almost he's still coming up with their market research trying to come up with a fun thing and i'm done but it still goes to the end of the time all right does it for some reason all right i'm jealous of you all getting my prompts okay go with your instincts don't take too long that's half your time don't second guess yourself not to rush you but the clock is good one of those difficult to choose this is these are both good it's a tricky one and the second spirit says andy bottle this frustration and use it to your advantage in blades in the dark it's good character development good research yeah all right time to invent okay okay um how to do this gosh we didn't get much time do we um also my highlighters just disappeared unbelievable just refresh it i had that in this one i've never had it i've never had a highlighter [Music] all right i've got it back thank you we're halfway home done i'm done well done thank you yeah that's all i wanted andy just some information scott jacob says jane has someone else's problem it's like they're all back in the office already all right i too am done um dragon hearted says mike will you ever play more house flipper maybe they've added business luke they've added pets to house flippers pet flipper you can flip pets now flip your pet like those dog toys that do the back flip you just got their belly and you've got what you're wearing uh dragonhearted also says my name is josie and the dimmer sisters are wild josie is a really nice name isn't it yeah no answers everyone's concentrating trying to think of a sweet tagline um okay you should be halfway done rhyming tag lines are good i think rhyming tag lines yeah why are not full products not so why do more products not have rhyming taglines like eat like the new tesla or whatever you know yeah because nothing rhymes with tesla that's the problem no that's true it's true they would sell more cars if they had a roaming name yeah okay yeah by a tesla it's the bezel [Laughter] where do i put my pre-order in all right i take it back oh it's me okay go ahead now i don't know about you folks but i'm sick and tired of my evil twin always coming back he's always turning up at the house and he's like oh i'll ruin your life and take over and like take on all your job and everything and i'm like stop it stop coming back here which is why i invented punch the drink punch is punch is simple all you need to do is pull your hand up into a fist and then punch that evil twin right in the face look at that evil twin look at that evil twin [Music] combo yeah so punch punch is real simple evil twin coming back just give him a whack that's what i always say and the great thing is that punch works with the hands you already have at home wouldn't an evil twin sort of like come through the door swinging being like you but slightly more evil no they they like to gloat and that's when you that's when you deploy punch all right here's my invention uh it's a common problem i don't know who invented this problem but i have mice yeah i've got an idea i wish i knew what it was like to be sonic the hedgehog it's everyone's nightmare okay so i would like to introduce you now to the sonic zorb or the sword stay out of the zorb in disgust you've seen the grandmaster get ready now let's hear her out people yeah hear me out people here it is the sonic's orb you've gotta go fast it is a zorb covered in blue spikes and you get inside it's fatal to everyone and then you roll around inside your door covered in blue spikes and it's very close it simulates almost exactly the experience of being sonic the hedgehog because the quintessential experience of being sonic the hedgehog is being a very fast blue sphere covered in spikes um yeah sonic zorb get inside sonic [Laughter] all right i'm here to present you uh with a very simple solution to a complicated problem ghosts keep appearing on my doorstep what to do it's a huge issue what to do well my solution is simple and it costs only a few dollars no need to hire a priest no need to burn a whole lot of candles because my simple invention ghosts will go it's a big sign with an arrow that you put in front of your doorstep it says creepy children the ghost as you can see here is going oh creepy children sound very possessible head off in that direction demon deflector is what i call it get your own haunt ghost i love it very good what if ghosts can't read says cara dennison uh find me a ghost that can't read and we'll talk about it okay sorry dennison be real be real here [Applause] all right very good nice okay helen you're right here we go okay so i can't stand how slow the passage of time is i mean come on everything needs to speed up i mean you know everything everything right now feels like it's taking twice as long you know so we just want to get through it all i've got the thing for you it's the half hour glass see what we have here is uh in a traditional hourglass it takes an hour for all the sand to go through this one only takes half the time yeah therefore it's going twice as fast just like you get two days done in a single day this is genius why did no one think of this before it just it makes everything speed up by going through that half hour glass rather than that hourglass so it gets through time oreo guns oriole gonzalez says so it's a bad hour it's a half hour glass and it costs presumably half as much as a regular hourglass because so you can buy two for the savings yeah your punishing sand outlay gone yeah i see no problems with this i sand bills are crippling me all right all right ladies and gentlemen it's great to see you again thank you for joining this uh this symposium of brilliant ideas the problem i have is that i want to be in shape while i be angry want to be in shape and be angry at the same time because i get the biggest gains when i'm absolutely furious so allow me to introduce to you [Music] the rage cage here it is it's a weightlifting sort of cage thing but you watch the news at the same time you get really angry and that's basically it it's a it's a k it's a cage where you can do your weightlifting but the news is on at the same time and just just watching the news is gonna make you absolutely furious so it's enjoyable um it sounds like the worst thing it sounds like an anxiety game ladies and gentlemen rage in the cage until you hem a rage yep brought it he's brought it back just a simple tweak and this would be perfect if you just filled that cage with bees it would make you extra furious well that can be the dlc there you go ladies and gentlemen what more do i need to say think of the gains think of the gains congratulations also mike shawn says i'm off to work i'll have to catch the rest later don't sleep on the ankle grinder yeah yeah that's great that's great right yeah right let's get some funding yeah let's get that funding money please very good they're all very good ideas yeah very good ideas it should say the taglines with these because i had to remind myself that the tagline for james was get inside sonic and that shouldn't have that shouldn't happen yeah i should have written it on the napkin is it bad that i didn't need to remind myself is it bad um yes be be sure to vote if you're in the audience a lot of lots of people in the audience have voted already yeah there's there's over 4 000 people watching and only yeah 100 in the audience yeah ellen wants to know what the hell yeah ellen's very what's your problem also there's four thousand of you watching and only 1.4 1.4k of you have liked this video [Music] i think we should all withdraw our subjects yeah oh so close come on demon deflector oh but the half hour glass let's see hourglass oh everyone failed wow just treating up all the investment monies just everyone wants to get inside something well you know i will need that extra money for licensing fees from from sega yeah yeah they're giving me away you'll struggle to turn a profit i'll pay you i'd like to point out that jan stenholt says a cage with bees would be a nicholas cage which is an excellent reference to the wikiman movie where he's in the case [Music] not the bees not the bees not the bees i've got the jake jane gets to check what we all have to solve okay all right uh oh what would be fun cara dennison says c illiterate ghosts all right good got it cheryl wilson the problem is there's a hole in my pants so someone please fix that for me meanwhile cheryl wilson says um that actually works mike when i was in the hospital and having low blood pressure issues my physical therapist should get me to said should get me talking about the news to raise it funded wow so also if you've got low blood pressure and you need to raise your blood pressure yeah consider mike's consider stressing about the news okay all right ah now i have to solve it i thought i devised the problem yeah well i'm i'm struggling with this one i mean who invented unity earlier because i feel like that would probably work oh that was beforehand that was me oh okay pre-warm-up okay okay got it got it got it got it i wish i could highlight all right let's get a move on folks yeah color would help wouldn't it is anyone i mean we need to important distinction to make right between what we in the uk call and what i think we're going for trousers international appeal just seeing okay oh no i just thought of a really terrible tagline do it do it coward no i can't do that no all right fine i will no andy you forced my hand i didn't want to do it but look now now look what you did oh it's happening yeah and we've only got andy to blame a lot of people confused by the concept of inventing unity in the chat it's sort of like rediscovering it yeah it's yeah like christopher columbus the problem was getting dressed in the morning and my solution was don't get dressed again just don't do it scuttlebutt 101 says my advice on a covered vaccine please pretty please get one unless you can't due to health reasons but do educate yourself on the actual possible side effects use incredible sources love you all stay safe and healthy all good advice if you do you have allergies etcetera yeah me first okay okay there's a hole in my pants now this might seem a problem to a lot of people but for me i don't see it as a problem i see it as the solution see have you heard of skirts wow skirts what are skirts exactly but pants that only have a hole in them that goes right through the middle where both your legs go and you know what i don't see why more people don't wear them they are brilliant for everyone uh everyone should wear skirts they're very you know freeing they're very you know you feel the breeze it's fun around your knees you know feel the breeze around your knees that's another tag line but the actual tagline is skirts the pants are just one hole through the middle yep it makes sense it has two holes no it's one two it's one hole it's a tube i'm continuously like there's a hole at the top and a hole at the bottom no a skirt is a hole she's got just a long hole it's just one long hole like how a well is a hole you wouldn't say a well is two holes no exactly no but no but the well is only there's a cross section of the skirt no i assume it goes all the way down to australia if you've got a tunnel going through a hill yeah there's one hole going no i would i would say i'm going into a hole and then i'm coming out of a whole hole all right right my turn is ten okay i'm at the chat [Laughter] okay okay uh there's a hole in my pants it can happen it will happen sure eventually given the random nature of the universe all things eventually will happen in your pants at some point that's why you need in the morning to paint your entire body with my denim that way whatever someone might peep through a hole on your pants or indeed anywhere through your body they'll just assume there's an uh there's a denim garment under there that's what they will because that's what denim tends to be used for is undergarments well wherever it is though like no one will bat an eyelid they will be like ah with my thick uh sort of acrylic denim effect paint which i'm calling the enemy of the state ah because this is state funded this is government yeah this is this is a government um initiative very good i like the two different musical references there oh god it's my go all right fine genie everyone's just gonna ignore that okay there's a hole in my pants we've all heard the cry it's tragic and when i talk about pants i am referring to underwear so allow me to show you my invention not your regular underwear but a completely sealed uh set of underwear with zero holes whatsoever zero holes regular regular underwear has three holes this has zero holes i can't even wrap my head around the topology of this garment jane it's the anti-pants the empty one okay why isn't it called the anti-pansy i mean we can we can talk about branding later but yeah auntie panty i mean you can wear it you can wear it just as a sort of flap around your around your waist if you like but you invented the loin cloth the double layer the double yeah it does yeah like you know when you have yeah but at the point where you cut into it doesn't it have a hole yeah but you don't cut into it you just let it right flap around anyway i'm putting [Music] there's a hole in my pants we've all suffered this problem haven't we and it's always embarrassing uh it's a terrible time the rest of your day is ruined yeah but what if what if that problem could be a thing of the past friends it can be with my invention which i call long shirt 2000s that's right made of a space stage material this t-shirt is twice as long as a regular t-shirt extending all the way to the end that's right long shirts 2000 it's a really long t-shirt i love it the 2000 makes me think it's futuristic you could be you could be facing materials yeah even though it is yeah 21 years ago in the future yeah it's an incredible invention that no one's thought of everyone in chat andy's invented it we've all heard it's a common refrain the dress is a very different idea i think uh i think we can all agree are you fed up of having a hole in your pants i think i think we all are evidently well i'm afraid to bring you a familiar idea but it is the denim paint oh wow wow see me and uh before my uh my co-inventor um went rogue and stopped i stole the blueprint into the lab blueprint have you seen the social network yes where are you going you're the winklevi you're the winklevite and i'm like the wink of fire you're the wink of mine no you're the wink or vibe don't wink all by me you're the winklevi you're garfield you're i'm zuckerbox okay all right well before my invention was stolen out from underneath facebook where's the patent show me the patent filing it's a denim paint that when you get a hole on the butt on the crotch on the groin area of your trousers you you're already prepared present yourself oh my god whoa [Applause] instantly demonetized instantly demonetized ariel gonzalez says jane wins fatality i'm very sorry everyone i tried i'm confronted with the horrifying thought that maybe i am the winkle by now oh wow oh dear oh well i think we know what's gonna get the funding because [Laughter] vindication i'm amazed i got fun huge win for auntie pants for the auntie panty oh yeah there it is that's right correct well done i'll see you on kickstarter everybody hey some love for long shirt 2000 yes long shirt 2000. wow there we go all right with the incredible invention of denim painting but solely her idea it's the power of marketing as well that tagline really was an exercise in branding [Laughter] do we have time for one more do you think yes how does everyone definitely got time for one more does everyone think we can do one more got one more in you because anyone able to recover one more in your winkles well i'm the vips maybe i'll just close hey i was screwed out of the tiny hoop all right please don't say that um nick t simmons sayo box boxes love the jack box streams [Laughter] fiasco [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] she's painted yeah i wish i knew what it was like to be robbed out of my [Laughter] uh oh come on what am i doing with this prompt um oh that's definitely the most chaotic i think uh these jack box streams have gotten so else is a ladder yeah it's true right we're halfway there excuse me oh boy oh boy all right good good marie hold says my face hurts hopefully from laughing not just general general face ache just generally looking forward to some uh some good inventions this time everyone excuse me let's really try and help humanity okay all right yeah let's solve some problems no i'm all burned out a lot of people telling me that my fair ground joke was pretty not suitable yeah fair enough fair enough that's true what was that joke boat it was a joke you should let us know in the comments which of these jack box games you've really enjoyed as well like we've had a lot of fun with all of them but we would be happy to um we would be happy to play more quit dawdling time's almost done yeah we've been basing this pretty much all on people's suggestions yep because there are a lot of jack box games out there and i'm not going to go and look at what they are yeah what's your favorite jack box show game let us know oh a lot of people saying the t-shirt one and quit lash nice talking points oh talking points was the one we did first wasn't it that was good fun and we only did that with three of us so that would be entertaining okay [Music] okay we're at the halfway point oh not loads this could really do has been like a third longer couldn't it trivia murder is my fave oh that's the one that's like a trivia it's like a trivia quiz it's a quiz but you're in a sort of sore murder mansion yeah oh that's fun that might be fun oh a lot of people saying that trivia murder party party okay and some more love for talking points i enjoyed talking points that would be fun okay damn it my art needs time [Laughter] okay m says earwax is the best jack box game ear wax yup what is that i don't know what that is i'm gonna look it up okay ear wax from jack box players must creatively work within some constraints to create an auditory experience uh that best captures a phrase that sounds okay let's get a move on time's almost up oh oh interesting okay so you're given a prompt and then you have to so like the craziest football halftime show ever right then you put a bunch of sound effects together to illustrate that striking that everybody i always forget my legs the toothpaste the passport obviously uh the travel money yes sure legs though the legs is what you leave lying on the bed as you walk out the door somehow so i put it to you what you need are disposable legs springs they're a kind of bouncy coil that you acquire at the airport before you get on the plane and you affix them to your pelvic bones also on the plane yeah that's how you bounce down the aisle towards the bathroom and then back again and then when you get out on the far side of international travel um you're fine because you've got your spring limbs tn that's right and i didn't write a tagline because i ran out of time but it was going to be something like legs put a spring in your step put it straight did you consider calling them sprigs sprigs no i didn't but okay that's the belmont school of take that product today yeah yeah yeah hey don't kiss the bellman spring limbs shapes and designs and patterns and they've got bluetooth [Applause] bluetooth is pretty good i love bluetooth all right here we go bluetooth now we've all had this problem haven't we i want to be in the mcdonald's hall of fame but they won't let just anyone in you can't go in there and say i'd like to be in they'd say sling your hook mate why should we let you in and that's why you need my new invention the bold the daring the innovative hamburglar surgery that's dangerous look at this look at this chap on the left before before he's he's not in the mcdonald's hall of fame he's sad he's boring he's got a boring job where he just stands around being boring and then after which i didn't finish writing because i ran out of time there he is he's had he's had the full process the full hamburglar surgery he's fully hamburgled up he's ready he's ready to hit the town in his uh his bold new look that i think is going to catch a lot of eyes that doesn't say afi no it's supposed to say after okay before and after okay but yeah he's ready to hit him he's ready to hit the town hmm rubble rubble here comes trouble is that the hamburglar's motto the hamburglar's catchphrase is rubble rubble yeah what are you doing he's rubble rubble i'm gonna steal your hamburgers also you can um steal hamburgers with impunity in mcdonald's stores because it's they think it's something they can't prosecute so that's another benefit of the hamburger surgery get it today rubble rubble i've learned something here today oh that's me that's me okay okay so people keep giving me cucumbers well can i show you the cucumber like people keep throwing cucumbers your way how are you supposed to deal with all of this there's not enough time to sit and prepare them for all the meals that you want to go through and like putting it in all your drinks you know it's it's too many cucumbers to deal with would you say you're over encumbered and so what i would like to show is the cucumber which is a comb that automatically slices cucumbers for you ready for your drink you see in the background there you've got a nice little ice cream tea ready and waiting for a cucumber so you know it's a problem that i keep getting cucumbers but maybe turn that problem into a solution with this solution that's the cucumber and just say brush away those veggies mmm nice very nice gives you cucumbers i'm i like the idea of a gnt with a cucumber that's the kind of thing you would actually maybe see on qvc like exactly if you're going to robert dice all right i'm up next here we go problem whoa for finding luke oh boy in my basement we're all scared of that it's always down there don't go down there then [Laughter] he deserves you might not even be down there yeah but if you go you'll know just don't just don't go down there i'm done that was good that was i mean it's selling it's both created and solved a problem oh it's me it's me i've forgotten what my problem was oh yeah i wish i knew what it was like to be robbed out of my idea by jade he actually did it good lord uh so uh well so what i have here for you is a a helmet for jane which allows her to steal ideas from other people your headsets that that you think are just audio headsets are connected up to the system and jane can just steal your ideas oh it's like it's like professor x's big yeah exactly yes or as i like to call it yeah the jane brain train yeah that's good uh and yeah uh you know here's the tagline hey look let's be honest just write a little tagline is its resemblance to an electric chair coincidental or yeah why do i look so unhappy i'm not happy i don't trust this no you're thinking yeah but like because you're concentrating ideas isn't it it looks dangerous has it been safety tested no obviously not certificated okay we'll do that after the testing like you know tesla's auto drive stuff okay all right i'm up for a celebrate there's no room for t timidness in science the jane brain drain brain please invest chain brain all right time to obtain that funding time to get that funding get that cheddar that's science cheddar secure the science bag now friends i just want to say the hamburglar surgery will be available for a very very reasonable price andy i've already given it my 300 okay must say luke i thought of all people you would be most scared of finding a luke in your basement yeah that's the most that's some jordan peels us yeah oh yes i imagine us but everyone under the stairs yes is it luke it's like um it's it's actually more like the prestige like i sometimes i just go down there and watch yesterday's luke drowning in [Laughter] wow terrifying spoilers it's actually a good film it's probably been out for 30 or 40 years yeah at least 10 like that at least minimum cucumber oh the cucumber too too much like an actual good product yeah hook me up you know it and what does that mean basement personal space yeah hey big success oh everyone let me have you stay out of luke's personal space yeah which is all basements yeah final round you guys finally switch it up a bit oh no luke will be picking the prompt again yes because of his incredible success with the leave him alone basement yes i will right simply select the problem you want everyone i've already pressed skip back here show me it show me them okay here we go only covered in denim paint is one of these which i'm not gonna choose so that we don't get two men [Laughter] oh i can't get in uh lady simon says too much laughter around my movie night comments so but we should do a movie night um yeah it was fun last time okay time to invent folks right okay let me in jackpots i want to play why won't you play with me oh okay got it right this is weird this one do we all have so we've all got the same yeah right we're all trying to solve for the same problem yes okay good [Music] okay problem solved what the hell done not a problem anymore jeez still drawing mine in fact i haven't gotten to the most important bit okay i've started all the coloring in yeah i wish i could color in yeah i guess that's why we finished so early andy because yeah because we can't do any shading or highlighting or coloring in right oh my god there really aren't very many characters are they no okay okay done that's half your time i'm finished it professionally [Laughter] okay done i'm done i don't think anyone's had the same idea as me oh great i get to go first well yeah jane you may well be cheering have you stolen my idea i'll know if you have that would be great that would be great okay i hate candle making by myself how often have you been making a candle and and thought to yourself gosh no one else wants to do this what are you gonna do find someone else who wants to make candles it seems very very very unlikely but science has the answer introducing yes waxbot [Laughter] waxbot is the robot who's so impressed by your candle waxbot is programmed with candle shaping uh arm technology and uh comes pre-installed with a mercy chip that only fails uh five percent of the time those are good i love those odds white spot is adorable why does he have such pointy teeth um well you know like you get like a long piece of wick like this little bit it comes in a long spool chomp down terrifying like that john sharply says i will die for him you see the town like making candles with you it's real oh it's my turn okay all right ah hate candle baking by myself there's me who wants to make a candle and there's only one other person on the planet who also wants to make candles at the same time uh-huh allow me to introduce to you a really long candle it goes all the way around the world to whoever else wants to make it and you can construct it together joining you know you could be in the uk someone in australia might be the other person in the world who wants to make a candle so it just connected so long the kit is so long and you can just build the wax up around the world it's a joyous thing that brings unity to people and you know it's it's it's it's too much candle for one person it's too much it's too much candle to handle very that's good you don't have to handle it alone and i'm done oh that's quite sweet that's supposed to be the earth doesn't get much i just looked at him like all right uh i we all hate candle making by ourselves and the solution is obvious you would like to have uh shrek the popular character shrek from the movie shrek to sit with you once you make a candle and um sort of make funny shrek thing like oh i can't believe you've made that candle he'd say and things you know fun stuff like that the problem is shrek is a copyrighted character owned by the dreamworks animation company so obviously you can't well mike let me tell you all about chalk that's right shark is the non-copyright infringing track you'll notice he's got slightly different he's got three heads at things instead of two uh he's smiling which shrek doesn't do very often his nose is a slightly different shape and uh he'll happily he'll happily watch you do anything as as the tagline says shark the public debate watch you do anything watch you do anything [Laughter] and there's nothing dreamworks can't touch you because of that third thing yeah i hate to i hate to help andy out here but shrek can make candles out of his ears exactly so he just pulls the wax out on a string and yeah that's going to be and he's got shawq has got three so three candles for the price of two his head is practically a candelabra now i hate candle making by myself um so i thought what about a kind of like a surface on one side of my room that transmits a sort of facsimile of me to to create the illusion that i am making a candle with someone who looks like me you know almost like myself so i've invented the reflectron 3000 this sounds like it could solve all sorts of problems aside from just candle making your science fiction it's a big mirror no no no it's the reflector on 3 000. very scientific invention it's like a mirror but a lot more expensive yeah that's why the 3000 is the price the express the expression on your little characters absolutely it's just this is what you say reflect on three thousand yeah yeah i'll never be alone again that's right that's actually the guy coming to fit it no never yeah yeah that's the reflection fitter it'll fit it right into your home plus more though oh here we go okay right well i hate candle making by myself you know it's very lonely to be doing it alone so what i have is the candle mate er okay all right so what i have here intrigue is a friend who is literally made of wax and uh together to make a candle out of your waxy friend oh god so you make it you literally you're not making and then they set fire to themselves and their head caves in is that how it works no it's it's it's not like a sentient being it's just like you know those big chocolate father christmas right okay but it's like you've got a little friend and like you can chat to them yeah and you melt them down his face was caving in because it was melting yeah so you can chat to it and pretend that you're actually there with a real person and then it looks like the end of indiana jones one and then you're like bye thanks and then you have it forever you have your friend forever in a candle form and they never leave you i love how dark this is and then the waxy mate who makes you a tangle and that tag line is sort of because sometimes they can become sentient and try to turn you into a candle and we're trying to work out the key wow that's a whole horror story yeah i think it's called house of wax i think it's 1919 eight movies all right well wow there's a lot going on there's a lot a lot kicking off here a lot happening strong crop of inventions this year i imagine we gather once per year and do inventions um well oh i do like them all actually they're all really good it's a strong crop for this final round an audience who do you think you've got to work together on this one i believe yeah of mine look at that look at shark's face public domain facebook i like the one eyebrows slightly raised he likes to watch people in the chat are worried about me ellen okay let's see how we did let's see let's find our money going oh yeah oh no not quite yeah kickstart it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] you should have an etsy store you must he sounds like agent 47 now which i'm even more into congratulations you're watching you make candles it's like agent 47 is in the room with us yeah um who would like before we head off to watch blades in the dark trailer i'd love to i'd love to see it beginning of phase two all right it's cool i'm gonna play it in a moment let me just mute the desktop audio so we have people talking about coffee in the background here it is trailer for the next blades in the dark do you remember nothing of being kidnapped what are you talking about they said you were screaming in pain i would remember something like that i must have just gotten absolutely stinko with squiffy this this happens all the time with him he's such a blighter um yeah and i've just got a rotten hangover i don't know what you're talking about okay i'm gonna say that uh barnaby's memory loss uh well certainly canon is 30 just like normal memory loss after being knocked unconscious and 70 repression okay you know there's a small part of me that thinks i should give up drinking but then there's a much larger part that thinks no there you go that is a preview of what's coming up on blaze the dark start of phase two it's friday correct yes this friday this friday yeah it's a yeah it's a it's a it's a lilith and cashmere adventure but we do have the whole gang gathered to set up well don't worry barnaby still does funny things at the start watch and then leave if you want that's all you're there for you can um yeah it's a big it's a big sort of uh setup for a heist right a multi multi-part set up for a big heist yes that rightly is that fast no more spoilers than that yeah yeah yeah yeah cool so enjoy that thank you so much for watching uh please like like and subscribe and stuff if you aren't already i assume yeah let's have another like spike yeah i haven't pressed like yet if you have pressed it don't press it again because that will yeah that unlikes it and then yeah that's a nightmare so yeah after three then three two one like spike please make sure you thank you look at an odd number of times yes you can click it as many times as you like as long as it ends up on like on like yes um cool uh so what is going on on outside extra uh for the next week more dark souls tomorrow go and check out luke's um video about the playstation yeah that's really really good yeah do you know about the playstation phone there was a playstation phone you don't know if you could launch uh and yeah are you guys streaming dark souls tomorrow or yes we are indeed yes we are what are you fighting tomorrow ellen um what is it luke sends fortress favorite bit of the game i say that now you're saying it tomorrow yeah sends fortress it'll be great it's good fun yeah that's about this time tomorrow over an outside extra little bit yeah uk time no 4pm uk 4pm 4pm uk time on outside xbox we'll have another one of our fine list features this one's about impossible structures that couldn't possibly exist in our reality i'm excited for it should be good fun uh and then on friday yes blades in the dark right um yeah yeah but also we've got a video another um plain video where i will be talking about nba jam yes having solved basketball on this uh on this stream you can then find out about how the developers of nba jam solved basketball in a very different way so look out for that as well it's really good fun yeah it meant i got to play a lot of nba jam this week which was nice so yeah you're a big fan of nba jam it's great i really i'm not a massive basketball fan but i do love nba jam so there you go yeah um right that's been a lot of fun thank you so much for joining us thank you if you joined the audience as well and voted on our various inventions much appreciated and we will see you next time bye cool bye folks thanks for watching [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 139,136
Rating: 4.9729066 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, challenge, challenge of the week, ellen rose, jackbox, jackbox party pack 5, jackbox 5, jackbox stream, patently stupid, invention, invention game, inventing game, luke westaway, outsidextra, funny, funny moment, jackbox funny
Id: m8KL_yCYCCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 58sec (6718 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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