Friday the 13th Sequels - re:View

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Crispin Glover dance. That is all.

👍︎︎ 262 👤︎︎ u/Jedi112 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is the closest we will ever get to ebert and siskel calling jay a sick fuck

👍︎︎ 312 👤︎︎ u/NaKeepFighting 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

hell yes, Josh & Jay talking about horror is my favourite re:view lineup

👍︎︎ 363 👤︎︎ u/arielgreenwood 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jay absolutely nailed the editing, as always. That supercut of characters calling out for their friends and the Crispin Glover dance over the credits were inspired.

👍︎︎ 182 👤︎︎ u/NahmenJayden 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lost it at ''THIS IS TRUE'' during the Ebert clip

👍︎︎ 173 👤︎︎ u/fladok 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did Jay just reference Star Trek? in a horror review? what?

👍︎︎ 80 👤︎︎ u/NewJerseyMets 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I unironically enjoy Freddy vs. Jason.

It literally delivered on everything I want unlike the Alien vs. Predator films.

👍︎︎ 143 👤︎︎ u/NorrisOBE 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

saw the cover pic and I thought Jay had dyed his hair

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/PunishedPorkchop 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lmao Jay's character chart with the wrong dog

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/Notsdlog 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey josh you want to talk about some trash [Music] so we're going to talk about friday the 13th specifically parts four which is the final chapter and part six which is jason lives did you just see these on cable the ones that you did see i feel like that's a lot of people our age like they were always on they were absolutely usa i think played him a lot mm-hmm and h we had hbo played him a lot yeah and that's that's why i can remember that uh actually part six was in part the first horror movie i ever saw oh wow because i was on it it was on hbo and i was you know it was still kind of forbidden fruit i mean no one was really telling me not to but you know i knew you shouldn't you know oh and uh saw the beginning you know up to the credits and i don't watch horror movies for a while after that really that's terrified that's funny in retrospect it is looking at it now it's just like that's what's not a lot scary about that james bond homage no good lord but you mentioned like the idea of like you didn't know if you were supposed to be watching those i feel like that was the that was the aura around the friday the 13th movies growing up for sure those are like those are bad movies they're they're sleazy there's boobs in them and there's more they then they have their you know it was already the you know coming through critics where it's just like there's nothing redeeming in there our next movie is friday the 13th the final chapter an immoral and reprehensible piece of trash friday the 13th the final chapter is 90 minutes of teenagers being strangled stabbed impaled chopped up and mutilated that's all this movie is it's just mindless bloody violence and just think of the message this film offers to its teenage audience the world is a totally evil place this movie says it'll kill you it doesn't matter what your dreams and hopes and ambitions are it doesn't matter if you have a new boyfriend or a new girlfriend or you've got plans for the future you can forget those plans because you're going to wind up dead unlike say halloween or something like that where it's just a real craftsmanship to it exactly no it's just an excuse for gore and boobs which which is it's uh it's kind of the and it's funny because you know the the original friday the 13th was just a shameless cash in it was an attempt sean cunningham who directed it just flat out said we were just trying to recreate the success of halloween and you watch that movie i i don't really like the first friday the 13th very much it's kind of dull yeah all it has going for it are some of the tom savini kills right the most famous is the kevin bacon uh arrow through the neck gag fantastic which is a great gag um but that is all that really is going the rest is the killer pov shots uh betsy palmer is pretty good at the end when she finally shows up and does some vamping yeah she brings it killer mommy killer don't let her live i won't chase him but that original movie came out during the heyday of the slasher films where it was like 80 81 82 there was just a glut of slasher movies and then after that the only ones that kind of endured were the big franchises which was like friday the 13th and then nightmare on elm street the first one didn't even come out until 84. oh that's right but by that points that was when the mba started to crack down on on violence in movies so this franchise that is thought of as being like when you're a kid anyway these like forbidden like really violent movies all of them are edited to [ __ ] oh god they have hardly any actual gore in them and you can see it as time actually as time went on between the two that we that we were specifically talking about today but you can really see the difference oh yeah yeah it just kept as the as the 80s went along it just kept getting worse and worse yeah which is funny now because you look at rated movies and you can do anything oh god there's so much gore and already movies now but like the height of the era that is thought of as being this violent you know slasher movie subgenre era there's hardly anything nothing heck there's not even any nudity in six that's true yeah i think four kind of makes up for that but um four and definitely five makes up for it yeah it's interesting how it sort of became you know it didn't it didn't necessarily seem like it was going to be like like a like a series right from the beginning you know it's just kind of oh we can do another one and then another one what ideas do we have for the next one yeah what did we do in the last one jason walks around and kills people but we can do that in 3d i like what you're doing how are you thinking there yeah it's funny because the you know obviously jason voorhees is the famous slasher from the franchise but he's not even in the first one aside from when he's a little kid uh he's in the second one with a sack over his head the third one he finally gets the hockey mask so the fourth one is really what kind of solidifies the idea of like jason as this like iconic slasher because that's the first one where they're like well you had a hockey mask in the third one we'll do the hockey mask again people seem to like that stick with that and yeah even even in the you know in the way approach they approach it from the beginning of the movie is like greatest hits of the first three movies you know which also lends the idea that it was going to be the last one but even still it codifies like this as jason this is his story yeah but yeah cutting to cut into all the uh all the kills from all the previous movies talking about his mom and everything's in there and so we're all ready to put a cap on jason wrap it up the final chapter not only is it not the final movie but it's not even the only movie in this series to have final in the title and not be the final one oh god is that right jason goes to hell the final friday oh jesus never mind he's going to space now yeah fine but the reason we're talking about four and six is because they are uh considered by a lot of people to be the two best ones in the franchise um part four is is i think the best just pure jason movie yeah when you think of like what a friday the 13th movie is which they're not particularly complicated they're definitely not high bro it's like the polar opposite of the nightmare and um street movies where those are really like visual and imaginative and they have a a slasher killer with with the real like personality to them and the friday the 13th movies are lacking all that and that's kind of what their charm is in its own way it is actually there's like a blunt dumb simplicity too yeah [Music] that the film is literally about stabbing in other words if you like this picture what you have liked i believe is the idea that someone will get a stick put through their body because that's the essence of this movie and i want to talk more about that in when we get to six but even in four you know at the beginning of it it picks up right where three left off right at the at the end of part three everybody the ambulances and the cops are there picking up the bodies and they take jason to the morgue where uh the guy from police academy is honey don't worry i'll be okay everything will be okay i know him he's a rabbi on seinfeld too oh because everybody's on seinfeld of course everybody's been on seinfeld seinfeld and uh tng right everybody's been on both those shows it's like doctor who for the us yes everybody's been on there um but yeah so in in this in this uh in this movie he's a sex crazed morgue director or assistant or a guy in the morgue yeah whatever and uh yeah we don't waste any time with the the what the series is famous for which is just really horny characters oh boy jesus christmas lots of fake outscares yeah but then he lets out the most bizarre string of expletives holy jesus god damn holy jesus jumping christmas [ __ ] christmas is in there like two or three times yeah i'm assuming that's improv i don't think they shot at her on christmas but maybe just had christmas on the brain who knows some christmas shopping he had to do i don't know yeah so familiar from there we're not wasting any time uh the nurse turns him down for for hot sex and goes to do inventory hey where are you going i'll tell you where i'm going i'm going crazy and that's a perfect time for jason to grab a hacksaw from somewhere who cares it doesn't matter no cynical terrorism it's terrible and that but honestly that's where i was really kind of started admiring immediately this time the editing of the kills because it's just enough gore i don't even i don't even think the kills particularly in this one are gratuitous it's like it's not crazy yeah it's just enough where it's just like oh that looks bad and then they're already they've already cut yeah that's the thing is they're they're they're very quick the editing is quick and a part that's partly due to them having to cut it down because of the mpaa but it works in the movie's favor where it's it's more impactful when it's like boom ooh oh and then we're out ted hey ted where the hell's corkscrew [Music] well that's we have to imagine they brought back tom savini yes they did which is important because he wanted to kill off his creation he worked on part one he bowed out for part two and three because he's like wait jason's the killer now that doesn't make sense but the director of this movie joseph zeto previously did the most basic slasher movie imaginable called the prowler the most basic and he brought that was like we were saying like the 80 8182 era where there's just tons of them and it wasn't even there wasn't even a mystery in that one no it's just oh it's that guy the end he's just walking around killing people but tom savini did the effects for that movie and they're [ __ ] great and that's that's really the only reason to watch that movie there's a pretty fantastic head explosion at the end there's a stab up through the through the chin oh the gross one because like the eyes roll back they're just like these whites and it's really creepy yeah that's like that's a really good one but uh but yeah so the director of this movie had a relationship with tom savini and brought him back and it's really it really feels like they're just trying to you know they're excited to tie a knot in the whole thing and they got they got their best kind of setup for for for one of these movies as far as i'm concerned which is not even it's not even camp it's just some some teenagers have rented a cabin next to another house that's it i thought when you said camp at first i thought you meant like the tone of the movie oh no no it's we're not there yet not yet we're not in the camp territory which is another one of the charms of these movies the first few even the ones that aren't very good like three there's such a like earnest quality to them yeah where they're played completely straight and there's something so kind of gritty about them too as the series went along they got a little more slick and polished and there's those first like four or five movies there's they're relatively low budget they're paramount movies but they're low budget yeah um which is also something to point out that the reason that paramount wanted to wrap this up is they were money makers but they were so embarrassed by making them these are these these trash movies paramount we're a big studio we're better than this let's let's wrap it up but then fourth one makes so much money yeah you know what hold on yeah maybe we're not as embarrassed as we thought we were to suck up our pride and make a few more of these turkeys yeah we're not gonna we're not gonna make these kind of gory slasher movies anymore yeah we got indiana jones movies to make [Music] but yeah that that kind of earnest quality uh works in this movie's favor when you have yeah you said there's like the family and then the horny teenagers next door the horny teenagers are the characters you expect from a movie like this yeah but the wholesome family dynamic kind of adds something new to it absolutely honey get a haircut speaking of earnest uh crisp and glover yes yeah we got two before they were famous actors in this crisp and glover and corey feldman yes indeed and chris mcglover is in his own world in this movie this is a neat room he's very upset that his friend is calling him a dead [ __ ] he's just i really wish you wouldn't do that what's another thing like you have the wholesome family which is a different kind of dynamic for these movies and then you have like crispin glover's character they're all going up to the cabin for the weekend to party and he's super mopey the whole time because he just broke up with his girlfriend oh god i'm horny but you don't get that in these movies you get kids that want to party yeah and have sex and they're already paired off anyway yeah and sometimes they can do that pretty quickly yeah so having that crisping glover kind of sad sack character is like you know he's maybe he's a bit of a buzz kill but he's he he feels real in in this world he does and when it's time to start the party he knows how to get it started oh man if this movie's known for anything it's for the crisping glover dance oh i love it so much apparently that was just the way he danced that's what they say like when they actually shot it they were playing ac dc back in black that doesn't make it any better no no they replaced it with a track from a band called lion who you may remember from the transformers the movie soundtrack because i think that's the only thing they ever did ever [Applause] but the only place i know lion is from soundtracks and that's the only other soundtrack i know them from is that song right there yeah [Music] hey how come you turn that off this movie also it keeps introducing there's a lot of characters in this movie maybe a few too many but one of the one of the the i think intentionally funny bits they do is when all the horny teens are walking through the woods and crispin glover's in the back he's being a sad sack and his friend is like you gotta find someone new and then right in perfect comedic timing two hot twins roll up on their bicycles how far is it to town we'll show you so chris mcglover is trying to impress one of the twins and he's like do you want to dance and he's like it's good good it's good it's like is he talking about the song or is dancing i think i think it's the song because she's she seems initially unimpressed by the music no it's it's good it's good and then he does the dance yeah like i said yeah crispin glover is in his own even if he didn't go on to do anything else after this movie oh he would still be talking about him in this movie yeah there would be people trying to track him down like who was that guy if he had not been crisping lover so it's very unique in this movie and onwards almost every line he says is funny sometimes intentional sometimes not i he thinks that's funny he thinks it's a funny thing he's doing i mean can you figure that what the [ __ ] happened come on in oh no no we we have no suits hey ted where the hell's corkscrew there's the famous hate ted where's the corkscrew which i still quote all the time oh yeah it's not a funny line but it's him saying it's the little delivery of it hey ted where the hell is the only reason i know that one of the other characters is named ted teddy bear teddy bear oh that guy but how many of these other characters can you name because there's too many which is why i made a handy chart oh to help us out oh look at that so if you ever are trying to think of a character's name oh i wasn't thinking of the family i could have named you the family yeah well aside from yeah tommy jarvis of course that's not gordon that's not gordon no did i print out the wrong picture of a different dog gordon's a golden retriever oh sorry gordon [Laughter] [Music] but yeah if you ever need help with the character's name let me know i'll have that's handy perfect great because yeah there's probably a few too many of these horny teens like there's the just a couple there's the girl and she's written fairly well for this type of movie the one that uh is unsure about having sex and she ends up getting killed in a towel with the ex goes through the door yeah i can't kind of forget she's there for long stretches yeah because she's initially like she's she won't join in the fun and she's kind of set up like she's almost going to be you know potentially the final girl yeah because i don't even know if you know like there's some good making out but like it doesn't quite i can't quite tell if they were actually having sex in the shower because they're just fooling around yeah yeah like maybe she never got to which would be that'd be a [ __ ] bummer man she's looking forward to it she's planning it all out got this whole koi thing with um doug and um samantha she's she's got a reputation yeah even though she doesn't actually [ __ ] everybody but people think she does again so it feels like something out of john hughes absolutely but she's really only interested in the one guy um the guy that's dancing with the other um did i put him on here there may be so many characters i forgot to put him on i didn't put him on yeah the guy you're talking about i missed corey or cody it starts with a c the guy who gets a harpoon in the dick yeah exactly oh that's a good one i like that one go all the way up and all the way to shore but so yeah it's kind of set up like you know a lot more realistic i would say than a lot of a lot of these characters could be like you know they've got a dimension at least you know they're not just flat like oh teens and sex and stabbed you know there's a little more to it than that which is good that they're fleshed out that well because there's not really a plot to this movie no jason's there and he's killing people no the most that it tries for is that um someone's brother from the second movie yes he's out in the woods which is kind of weird continuity wise that character's name is rob okay he's camping out in the woods trying to track down jason so he can kill jason because jason killed his sister in part two right but that was only like two days ago right he's out he's coming out in the woods like it's about like he's been doing this for a while oh god that's right because it was it was it was five years like five years between the first two yeah and then yeah it's like two days so yeah just a couple days what the [ __ ] dude i guess i guess all those newspaper clippings are fresh i guess yeah jesus thought about that morning yeah criminy so there's things like that this franchise is not not too great with the continuity the only piece of continuity that lasts through i think all the way up there jason goes to hell is in part three jason gets the the axe and machete right into his forehead and there's like a gash in the mask and that crack is in the mask through every subsequent movie that's the only piece of continuity that they get right the only thing one random thing managed to hit it's not on this mask because this is a part three mask ah there you go i ordered a part four mask and they sent me a part three mask but yeah that's that's the only continuity that in any of these movies even even tommy jarvis doesn't stay continual through but in in this one tommy jarvis is a is a he's a he's a precocious child he he likes the computers and the monster movies and uh and he makes masks and that's he's a little tom savini yeah i think that's why they named the character tommy is after tom savine i suppose because all those masks and puppets and stuff those are tom savini creatures yeah he just always cleared out the cleared out the warehouse for the day i brought him down to the set yeah and that's that's the thing too we talked about uh crispin glover but corey feldman was such a great child actor between this and like goonies and stand by me he was legitimately good yeah and he was really good at feeling like an authentic kid oh man and he definitely doesn't miss well mostly apart from that one scene where he's supposed to be watching out the window oh that was the scene i was going to cite you guys watching the girl undress i feel like he acts so much like a little kid would act where he feels like he's getting away with something he can't believe what he's seen but he's this hot babe across the street he's getting naked he's he's he's us when we were watching these movies as kids yes i don't know it was like looking behind you to see if your parents are going to see you watching a friday the 13th movie covering my head with the pillows he's overly excited because he's he's too young to really understand the feelings he's feeling i suppose so he just kind of hops her out on the bed i love him in that scene i thought that was a little obviously not happening at the same time to the point where just like you're seeing this now you're seeing this now you're seeing this and they're cutting back and forth you know obviously that's that's fine that they're cutting back and forth but it felt like so prompted just before the camera went on but other than that absolutely he's definitely believable like even yeah his excitement when he meets this new friend he's like i want to show you all the cool stuff i do yeah because everybody in my house has seen that already and they're bored and his relationship with the dog gordon gordon he has a great uh great chemistry with gordon yes he does important hey gordon where have you been huh gordon you've been sneaking around do you have a girlfriend or something he has great chemistry with animals in movies like corey feldman that's he's one of the standouts in gremlins yes when he's when he's talking to gizmo and playing with gizmo hide and seek he's so believable like you think you feel like he thinks he's like playing with an actual animal yeah so he's really good at stuff like that yeah gordon uh you know it's nice to have it nice to have a dog running around he doesn't really do a whole lot he uh barks and growls at things and eventually uh the [ __ ] out of there at one point yeah yeah she jumps out the window to escape [Music] but speaking of that gordon jumping out the window that's our other supporting character in this movie is broken glass no [ __ ] never before in motion picture history of so many people been thrown out or jumped through windows not since death with three but one of my favorite shots actually one of my favorite kills in there is when jason is throwing the second twin out the out the window and it cuts that it does it goes to slow-mo oh it's a really nice composition there's there's just the appropriate level of artistry in this movie yeah just just it's not overly complex and when we say it's the best friday the 13th movie you have to put in the context of for a friday the 13th movie it's the best exactly um but yeah this one like there's the the first twin i think it's the first twin that gets killed where you just see her silhouette on the on the wall which is from the lightning strike right and things like that until eventually her face goes up against that yeah but not initially the initial yeah the initial kill the initial penetration is completely off-camera it's a good balance of that of off-camera kills and hey check out this cool tom savini gag well they're very this is very good pacing wise as well about um the time leading up like it's just enough to get you on the you know it's on the edge of your seat it's not too much it's not you know it's not uh annoying where you just like just get to it yeah exactly it's just right balanced very nicely where you're just like this shot's lingering a little too long bam the best well i know if it's the best kill but the best example of what we're talking about is probably crisping glover's down probably ted hey ted where the hell's corkscrew first i mean first of all again hey ted where's the corkscrew bam and immediately coarser in the hand which is fun and then you get kind of a throwback to the the machete in the head from dawn of the dead that tom savini did yeah which i'm assuming he shot it the same way he did the dawn of the dead gag which is the the blade has a section cut out for the face start in the face and pull it out and then reverse the film and that's an interesting angle too they they kind of do something like that in part two the lead in part two um your character's name is ginny she's probably my favorite final girl of all these movies part two is one i didn't see a lot growing up because it wasn't on cable as much as the others yeah but in recent years i've watched it a little bit more and it's it's it's up there with part four as just like a really solid friday the 13th movie um but there's a scene where she's at a bar and she's kind of like trying to figure out the psychology of jason where he's like a man she's like imagine you know you were a little kid you saw your mom beheaded and what that would do to you and i mean i doubt jason would have even known the meaning of death or at least until that horrible night he must have seen the whole thing happen he must have seen his mother get killed and all just cause she loved him and they go into that with this too with tommy jarvis where it's like he sees all those newspaper clippings and he kind of starts to try to get himself in the mindset of jason and what he could use to psychologically trick jason right it's not just people trying to fight back with pitchforks or whatever no most of the other movies yeah and it does it does kind of seem it does have that influence on the on the further the movies further along after that too or like we get into you know six tommy is he has a very specific thing he needs to do in order to end the movie yeah the best movies in the franchise and two kind of does this too because jenny at the end finds in in jason's shack the the head of mrs voorhees and so she pieces together that he has mommy issues so she puts on mrs voorhees sweater and is pretending to be his mom so this is kind of a call back to that yeah and the best movies in the franchise do that where they kind of have a little bit more because jason another thing that makes him different than freddie is like he's kind of a victim i mean he was teased as a kid he was deformed and he got drowned because the the uh the counselors that were supposed to be watching him were off having sex when people talk about slasher movies like oh you have sex you die and i feel like that cliche started with these movies but it's for a very specific very specific reason for it uh the the knockoff movies and the other slasher movies it's just that's the trope at that point that that jason that was always the thing with these movies too is like oh is jason going to be unmasked in this one yeah he is in pretty much every single one of them and that's going along with the continuity again is he looks completely different everyone that can never stick with it which is a little more forgivable when he's like zombie jason because he keeps kind of rotting away or whatever but part two three and four are days from each other and they look completely different in every one he looks cool though i like the look of him in this one it's not my favorite unmasked jason look but he looks good he does he looks good and it's and it's perfect for the uh for the the ultimate final final end of jason definitely final definitely not going to come back this is the end of jason and the whole reason that tom zavini came back and just that that fantastic slide down the machete yeah it's really good there was apparently a compromise they they were willing to like kind of cut bits and pieces here out of all the other kills in the movie in hopes that they if they cut more out of that stuff they could keep more of the gratuitous jason death at the end of this one okay and they it's yeah it's definitely the one that lasts the longest we should mention jason briefly we've been talking about everything but jason who's jason voorhees movie uh another thing separating him from freddy is obviously you gotta cast robert england in all those sequels right you can't replace freddy you can probably jason real easy though they do that's the thing every movie jason is not like some complex character he's a stunt man in a hockey mask yeah and uh you don't really get up until kane hotter who played jason four times yeah right up until him where you kind of do have some sort of continuity with the the kind of performance of the character but with all the ones that he did yeah but before that there really isn't as much as i like jason as a he works more as like a symbol than as a character because you know in this one he's running and uh in other movies he's that methodic pace yeah he feels like a stunt man in a mask you never really get a sense of a character from a lot of these earlier ones right right and in this movie in particular the actor the stunt man that they cast is a guy named ted white who was like an old school like a classic hollywood stunt man yeah he was in like his 50s something like that he was almost 60 when they made this movie he's like one of those classics like like the kind of character that brad pitt is based on in uh once upon a time in hollywood like that old school hollywood stunt man and to put in perspective of his age when he made this movie one of his early credits as a stunt man creature from the black lagoon god that does it man classic universal i mean to be fair that one came a little later than like frankenstein dracula but 40s yeah it's still a pretty old movie so there's a part when he's running he's chasing trish from one house to the other and you actually see him running and you're like that's an old man running [Laughter] [Music] and i do think this is this is of the series i think this is one of henry manfredini's high points yeah like the score is really good in this one um i think it in particularly in six it was it was a little too uh leaning on classical themes yeah a little nudge well this one seemed very original and his music in general is worth pointing out i suppose because that's it's a big part of it it's a rare thing for us a franchise that's gone on this long where you have the same composer for every movie and that's something that gives the whole series kind of a uniformity because it's such a big part of these movies well that's the first thing that anybody you know thinks of when you think when you say friday the 13th is yeah that's him that's him that's when he came up with the first movie yeah famously uh uh mrs voorhees says killer mommy killer mommy so he's like that's where that comes from through the delay unit yeah watching these movies they were always on cable growing up you just turn on a channel and they'd be on and you might not even like i would watch them and i don't even think i was necessarily aware of which one i was watching because they all have kind of the sameness and the score is a part of that it's like the glue that binds them all together yeah where there is sort of like a there's a comfort there's like a comfy quality to the kind of repetition of the whole franchise in a way where like we complain like oh sequels are just more the same and these movies kind of are but there's a comfort to them because they're so i don't want to say low effort but they're so low steaks yeah it's kind of like it's kind of it's comfort food where it's like yeah of course it's going to taste the same you want it to taste the same yeah you want the same difference yeah but you can you can move it just that much just a little bit yeah this one puts a real emphasis on characters more than the other ones do uh the sixth one puts an emphasis more on comedy and building up jason as more of a mythical figure [Music] move on part six jason lives yeah it's similar to like halloween four where they're like uh nobody likes halloween three uh we gotta make sure people know we're bringing back michael myers so it's called the return of michael myers so this one is jason lives oh boy we promise [Music] okay let's go yeah i mean maybe you wanted me to take you know six a little more seriously from the beginning but it doesn't help that it's tommy jarvis and horshack to be fair horshack doesn't mean much to most people now well see and that's the thing i want to be nice to ron paulo here because he's you know he's doing he's doing an okay job but seriously it's the same mannerisms the same drea like dressed the same way as the character from welcome back cotter yes that's right a show from the 1970s you haven't seen this barely meant anything to me when i was a kid i was like i kind of recognized him i for some reason i was apparently well versed in welcome back cotter i don't know it might have been after wkrp or something okay a big john travolta fan young john travolta yeah well like gabe kaplan hey but yeah so immediately it's it's how seriously are we supposed to be taking this thing and we learn pretty quickly not too seriously not too serious but what i like is again we were talking about the the pacing of part four how it really kind of ramps up as it goes along and so that by the end it's really moving yeah and this movie just starts right out of the gate dumps you right in that opening has the feel of an action scene so immediately i'm like all right i'm on board for this this has an energy to it that the other movies haven't had yeah and we we open with all these like beautiful atmospheric shots of camp crystal lake fog's rolling up we see there's a full moon uh the director of the movie tom mclaughlin is a big fan of like the classic universal movies ah that figure so he wanted to really give the movie more of an atmosphere than the other films have had a kind of gothic atmosphere so we get yeah tons of fog this movie clearly has a higher budget than the other movies oh yes i think they spent half of it on fog machines which is always like fog in the woods at night like it's not realistic but it has this kind of visual quality yeah yeah it gives you like an atmosphere this whole movie to me it really has an an atmosphere and attention to the kind of like language of film yeah but the other movies don't that's very true because the other movies are very you know part four is a well-made slasher movie but it is to that stick to that language of slasher movies very specific they they all feel like they're they're they're made by kind of very sort of workmen like directors directors for hire those thinking a couple interesting things here and there yeah but they're they you know they don't really there's like a ceiling to the friday the 13th movies and they'll hit that but that's about it yeah and this movie with the way it's shot and the atmosphere it builds and the care taken to give characters with actual like motivation and agency jason isn't live we dug up his body i was going to cremate it whoa what's your name son well tommy jarvis but look we've got to do something yes kind of breaks that ceiling for me in a way that the other movies don't i can agree with that because we start out yeah tommy jarvis who really feels like an unrelated character he has almost no connection to tommy charlie it could have been anybody from any of the previous movies yeah or or a relative of somebody or any but it's just it's just someone that believes in the jason myth yeah but he has that urgency of jason is here i know he's going to come back because that's a problem with a lot of these friday the 13th movies is that there is no plot and nobody really knows what's going on yeah but all these other movies are it's a lot of characters wandering around they don't know what happened to their friends [Music] vicky mark sandra fox rick paul holly gordon mom sarah ted billy nita yo tommy court jane tina dan david david david david david ben maddy maddy sam tara tango robert is everything all right this is the first time yeah like tommy knows jason's buried here i have to make sure that he's in hell yeah and he's going to do that by apparently torching him yeah setting him on fire yeah so that we got the spooky cemetery god that cemetery any more fog you can see it better in the daylight scene actually but the way it's set up like very maze-like yeah it's really interesting i've never seen a cemetery actually look like that right it's open spaces you know not all these fences and things you have to go around and yeah all the gothic metal work through all you know everywhere that you could you know maybe break off and use for something i don't know and then when he digs up jason and jason comes back to life with a lightning bolt damn it a lot frankenstein yeah and this is when we're like okay we're in full-on supernatural territory yes it was both it was both fun and funny because you got that funny yeah the original you know universal monsters but at the same time i was like god damn it tommy you just yeah why did you do that you tried you know you could just let him on fire would have been all everything would have been fine but no you had to you had to think back to the fourth movie and how you had to go over the top and do it again oh [ __ ] but i do remember that from the first time seeing when they opened the coffin and it's all the maggots and everything that's yeah that's a that's a gruesome looking thing yeah yeah it's cool and when he gets revived like he's kind of backlit they don't show him in too much detail but he feels like like an old ec comics ghoul yeah he's got like maggots and uh and uh cobwebs on him and it's like this is so different than any of the earlier movies in a good way yeah where it's like this is the kind of shot of adrenaline that this franchise needs and it's it's very yeah it's and um then again it seems to go right to the comedic for me again because he starts to corner tommy and you know tommy splashes him with gas and he's oh he's got a [ __ ] matchbook in the rain that's great but my favorite thing is jason just stands there he's just waiting it made me laugh that that kind of setup where he's just like jason's just calmly waiting just like yeah this is gonna play out we'll see what happens here well yeah going back to what we were saying about how jason kind of there's no kind of character consistency from movie to movie and it always does feel like just a stunt guy in a mask yeah this is the first one six movies in they finally have a jason that feels like like a mythic kind of classic monster yeah like a classic movie monster on this one yeah he's way more intimidating yes the fact that he's not running the fact that he's not does not run yeah he's always just standing there like there's something about that there's that shot later on when the the rv flips over and he's he's and he is standing up on the top of it there's fire down below yeah that's like for friday the 13th movie this is pretty epic absolutely and it has that kind of classic quality to it that the earlier movies don't have where it's like this is why jason is a famous movie monster yeah the big shots yeah and the yeah the just the setup of him yeah just just being the the inevitable i can think of only one thing even more terrifying what [Applause] [Music] hey the kids are here but so there's gonna be a new uh a new uh summer of summer's worth of children up at the camp and the new counselor is coming and uh there's a couple of them coming early in a car that's when we get uh probably i think our first meta moment in the movie darren we better turn around why because i've seen enough horror movies to know any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly it's that kind of and this is something else that i know that we uh i was kind of thinking about in terms of the gags in this movie like the jokes um as opposed to like like a nightmare on elm street like it feels like they have to connect to the kill and freddie has to say something clever it has to all be connected where this is just like there's just a random kid random in the girl's cabin she's got a start search for books she's reading noise she's reading their legs that's just like and that didn't that didn't connect to anything yeah or it's it's as simple as this guy likes listening to music knife in the air it's just blunt and simple yeah the the kills and jason as a whole are still treated pretty seriously yeah it's it's it's there's lots of other humor surrounding the stuff with him but i think that was i have a feeling tom mclaughlin would have done this anyway just because he seems to have such a a love for horror and like classic horror monsters but that was apparently one of the notes from the producers when he was he's like can i make the movie a little funnier and they were like sure but don't make fun of jason they never do which they never do and even they never do in any of the movies even when you get to jason x which is like jason x is far too gone for me in terms of schlock and like uh no one's taking this seriously at all but jason still feels like jason he's still a threat yeah and as much as i like a lot of the humor in this movie there are a few moments that go too far the the the james bond thing visually it's it's interesting like it's kind of it's kind of funny but it's out of place but it's out of place and there's another part where a character looks right at the camera and breaks the fourth wall like i have to go and dig up jason some folks have a strange idea entertainment which is a funny line but having him do it directly to the camera it's like he didn't have to do that we would still get it exactly exactly i don't know how many other kind of self-referential horror movies were there before this before that this is pre-screen yeah this is in that moment with the the guy in the cemetery where it's like he's almost chastising you as an audience for enjoying this type of trash that's like a precursor to i don't know if you ever saw michael hanecki's funny games oh yeah but that's an entire movie of you should be you should feel bad for liking this yeah indicting the audience yeah right and then there's a break in the there's a couple breaking fourth wall moments in that movie the first one is yeah when the character looks right at the camera and smiles at you you're like what the [ __ ] is this what movie am i watching yeah oh you mean you had a bad dream no it was real just like on tv but yeah this is like a precursor to that yes in this sixth installment of of a slasher franchise you could have expected but the nice thing is yeah those are two to the the head counselors yeah they get killed in that scene that's sort of our introductory uh aside from horshack our kind of first big kill scene yeah and then we are introduced to the rest of the counselors the junior counselors and thank god there's four of them yes and especially because i watched these movies i watched four five and six back to back to back which i think i've done before over the years yeah i did it specifically in preparation for this and when i saw there was only four of them i was like this is perfect because the other two suffer from too many characters way too many just enough for me to keep track of they all are visually distinct yep we got we got the one guy with the who likes to sit on top of things oh okay sorry that's his only character thing that's okay he's got ripped jeans he's got ripped jeans and and a headset yeah um and we've got yeah we've got uh the the sheriff's daughter the sheriff's daughter her name is megan and uh the sheriff's last name is garrus he's sheriff garrett right here's reference to mick garris the horror director i think in that same scene where all the counselors are there at the sheriff's station they say something like carpet the town of carpenter or something or carpenter no they say the town of carpenter but then they also mentioned cunningham cunningham road throw in some famous names just just for the fans sure but uh the megan character i like her a lot she's incredibly likable and she's also very like she has an attitude to her dad and it's just this sort of like bored in a small town rebellion where you're like she's attracted to tommy jarvis probably more so because her dad keeps telling her to stay away from him oh yeah tommy jarvis is a very sick boy oh how do you know dad what'd you do take his temperature but yeah that's actually i really do like that relationship between her and her dad because there's definitely love still in there even though she's you know yeah she's she's bored in her small town but there's like there's the bit where she they're having the argument and she just continues his part for him yeah you keep forgetting little megan i'm the parent and you're the child that's right but when are you gonna stop treating me like one when you stop acting like one like that's we've done this before yeah done this so many times and this is how you know that's that's that's that's that's definitely a um you know a very very loving moment you know yeah yeah argument and there's some of it in part four too or the characters that there is a lived-in they feel like people that have a life outside of the slasher movie you've got a little bit of the added fun of actually having the kids there and you know yeah also new for this yeah there's actual kids at this camp and and these poor counselors that don't know what they're doing i have to try to figure something out and that's um when you start getting kids are sassy and i like that if this is as exciting as it gets we're in big trouble dude yeah the snarky kids are pretty good that's one of my favorite lines in the whole movie is when they're all hiding under their beds because jason's lurking around yep so what were you gonna be when you grew up there's i think the kills themselves are um you know they're they're they're not crazy unique but there's there's some really fun stuff you can definitely tell they're edited down a little bit more than some of the the part four they are 95 bloodless and they're and and very quick yeah um but still fun like the the uh they've been the rv where jason's got the girl in the bathroom and he puts her face through the metal like that's that that was an image that stuck with me for a while yeah yeah i i love that whole setup too where she's getting thrashed around in the bathroom but he uh he can't hear it because he's got the radio cranked up and he's just having a great time and it just keeps cutting back to him over and over like this is great this is great this is really this is great this is great that sounds great this is great this is great he thinks it's really great he really he's just apparently he's never had an experience even close to that before in his life he's just having the best [ __ ] time until jason stabs him in the air i wish i was excited about anything as much as he is about driving an rv seriously [Music] ah a bunch of fart heads oh that's something to mention about part six too is some of the fun scene transitions yes there's a lot of those uh yeah does he think i'm a fart head [Applause] there's a part when jason throws a knife into i think a cop's forehead and it goes right into his forehead and then it immediately cuts to a door with a dart board on it yes which is one of the more subtle ones i don't even think i got that oh yeah yeah but yeah that's yeah the the uh the editing of this video is is creative and good it's the only one and i i i love the entire franchise no matter how bad they get i love the friday the 13th movies um but this is the only one that i would say is a legitimately good movie beyond being just a lit a good friday the 13th movie yeah just good filmmaking yeah yeah there's some thought put into the filmmaking that there really isn't with the other ones and it's just it's really it's fun yeah it's honestly fun it's terrible it's the best one to watch part four is the best if you're gonna say like uh to someone that maybe hasn't seen a friday the 13th movie like well you watch part four part four is the quintessential friday the 13th movie it gets everything right it could be the quintessential slasher film really sure yeah um as far as like i mean yeah i wouldn't include halloween halloween's like a proto slasher that one's more about building suspense than it is you know the kills uh so yeah part four is like yeah that's the best fri the best friday the 13th movie yeah but part six is the one i would say if you're looking for just like a fun slasher movie especially when to watch like now october time like part six is it yeah yeah you get all the setup you need you get a you get a fun romp with just enough kills and a kind of mediocre alice cooper song oh kinda it's pretty bad i got to give it some leeway because it's alice cooper doing a song about jason voorhees i just know but oh god oh it's not great it's the lyrics are really bad they don't they don't even try to rhyme yeah it's just kind of stream of consciousness like he's around he's got a mask and he's gonna kill you like it's about that good try to think of the lyrics there's one part where he's like and he knows your house yeah i guess he knows where you live but that was your house and he knows your house it's a weird way to phrase it he recognizes your house has he been there before i don't know what you're trying to go for there yeah but we were so close to the career renaissance of alice cooper that we can kind of just let that go yeah give them two more years we're we're we're up to poison hey stupid good stuff good stuff okay so those are the two friday the 13th movies i think uh are if you're gonna if you've never seen any of the friday the 13th movies for whatever reason those are the two you start with absolutely and for a lot of people probably the two you want to end with but you'd be fine if you want to dig in deeper i think there's there's little uh gold nuggets in all of them they all have their charms and it's just it's it's very interesting too just the the story of them if you ever sit and watch uh crystal like memories yeah that documentary is fantastic yeah just what went into making these movies it's really something it's that yeah like especially the good ones like four and six yeah it's like these movies were they were made kind of cynically i mean the first one is meant to just cash in on the halloween popularity so they have that kind of like uh assembly line quality to the earlier ones so when you have someone come in that's like i'm gonna try and do something interesting with it like joseph zito you know trying to inject a little more character into part four or you know tom mclaughlin doing part six and trying to make it more fun yeah we'll get some some rock and roll music on the soundtrack for a change it shows that you know you don't have to put a lot of effort in but just put a little effort yeah just do something a little different you know take maybe take those mashed potatoes you'll love so much put a little bacon in there just just chain it up just a little bit put some put some dill in you don't even have to go crazy you know just just shift shift it a little bit and then you got something new and fresh and fun ted hey ted where the hell's corkscrew
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 643,675
Rating: 4.9422946 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, friday the 13th, jason voorhees, jason lives, final chapter, corey feldman, crispin glover
Id: mSFGoon-5Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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