Return of the Living Dead - re:View

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It's been too long since we've seen Freddie. Glad he's back for a few vids. He's one of my favorite guest panelists.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 167 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CELTICPRED ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Linnea Quigley was also the nude barmaid who got beer poured over her in the BOTW movie Psycho From Texas. It was her first movie.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 118 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Tarman > every zombie ever.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 114 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

now im imagining 5 year old Jay laughing and clapping at horrific violence

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 78 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/fall19 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wow they got Orson Welles to come back from the dead to do this episode. Very fitting to the subject!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 75 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/OldManLeeVanCleef ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

You know whatโ€™s under appreciated about their Midwestern conversational style? How politely they interrupt someone, but then return back to the other personโ€™s point.

At the beginning here, Freddie is saying how this movie scarred him when he was young. Jay interrupts to make a point about seeing it and a Whoopi film. But he very nicely circles back to Freddieโ€™s point, โ€œyou were saying how it scarred you?โ€

So polite. I miss the Midwest. Californians donโ€™t talk like this.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 264 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GilGunderson1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm not sure if it was on purpose but I cracked up when they cut to a naked Linnea Quigley shaking it as soon as Freddie says "My Mom".

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 65 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/EnemyOfEloquence ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

jay sure loves that joke at the beginning where he says they're re:viewing like a sequel or remake of the movie they're actually re:viewing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 44 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mrwelchman ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This movie is just about perfect.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 38 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Duderult ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 17 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I'm here with Freddie Williams it was your idea to do a review of Return of the Living Dead and so we're here to talk about the famous film Return of the Living Dead raved to the grave I haven't seen it rave to the grave [Applause] [Music] return of living-dead is one of my favorite films now whenever I was a kid it scarred me because I saw it whenever I was very young it's it's a lot of bests for me it's one of the best zombie movies it's one of the best horror movies of the 80s and it's one of the best punk-rock movies not just because there's punk-rock characters in it but the entire like attitude of the movie it's very sort of nihilistic anti-authority they're a nihilistic I like a lot of the best horror films it's it's very reflective of the time it was made which is something I didn't pick up on as a kid cuz I also watch this what I was probably far too young to have seen it but we'll get into that stuff but you said it scarred you as a kid yes in a big way I was so as soon as it came out on cable my mom and I watched it on the couch together so it's not like I was watching it behind her back or something like that's incredibly awkward and I had the same experience we were only allowed to watch two-hour rated movies when I was a kid it was Return of the Living Dead and jumping jack flash with Whoopi Goldberg which I even see them movie since I was like 5 so I don't remember anything about it we should be here talking about that then not only I'm the next review Whoopi Goldberg classic jumping jack flash but we were allowed to watch this which in hindsight is incredibly bizarre because this movie is it's horribly violent incredibly vulgar you foster Susan [ย __ย ] respect for the dead will yeah there's there's full frontal nudity Linnea Quigley's naked for 90% of the movie yeah but I think the reason we were allowed to watch it is because it was funny [Music] see I whenever I was a kid it the humor was totally lost on me and even now when I watched the film there are parts that strike me as funny but it's almost like intellectually I acknowledge that it's a joke and then it strikes me is funny or stuff that it makes it makes me laugh because of how it affected me when I was a kid so I might be laughing at a part nobody else is laughing at me so alright so there's a part in Linnea Quigley who is playing trash correct yeah okay all right so when I was a kid I'm I definitely had to have seen that scene because it's in the film that's all you have to say is that yes so everybody knows what you're talking about so she's in a graveyard and she loves it talking about her fantasy of how she would want to die yes let's get some lights over here but so I saw that sitting on the couch with my mom however somehow I must have through the course of like the next five years I merged the memories of that scene with Gozer from ghostbusters I think there was full frontal nudity and Ghostbusters is that your memory of the movie I just remember a sexy dance okay and I remember it being on top of like an altar or mausoleum totally and there is a visual similarity between trash's character and then Gozer I'm not sure where how that got into my brain but the two were merged those two scenes were merged in my mind so after a few years when I when my mom started getting like home video and stuff we didn't get return of Living Dead but we did get Ghostbusters and I remember as now an adolescent so no longer a child but I wasn't going it's like it just seemed confusing like oh I thought there was more to that I thought there was more to Gozer they edit out the boobs yeah I just remembered there being a sexy dance I do have Linnea Quigley who in this film she's you know she's topless and dancing on the tomb in Silent Night deadly night she's topless and gets impaled on deer antlers at night of the demons she's topless and gets possessed by a demon and then takes a tube of lipstick and shoves it inside her nipple what I probably seen Linnea Quigley naked more throughout my life than anyone I know personally wait so she shoves it in her own breasts yes but at the height of litlle Quigley scream Queen era she released the Linnea Quigley horror workout where she does workout routines with zombies [Music] oh she's holding the chainsaw I didn't did you notice that she's holding a chainsaw that's probably a reference to the Linea quickly his other film Hollywood chainsaw hookers where she's topless and fights with a chainsaw oh man boom through all the Linnea quit that's a real movie I thought you were just wicked no that's real did you see that movie night Living Dead when I saw this film I think my mom was aware of Night of the Living Dead and not a Living Dead is something that even if you watch now it's pretty pretty tame I mean it depending on the context but the compared to stuff that's happening in like culture and television and stuff nowadays there a kid could watch it and not be that freaked out of there than the mood and stuff so a night of living dad so I think my mom just assumed return of Living Dead was gonna be similar and so when we started watching it I remember my mom reading out loud the like the disclaimer there's a text at the beginning that says these are real events yes basically a Coen Brothers Fargo this is a true story yeah but like as a 9 or 8 year old I didn't catch the context so when my mom read it I thought oh this is a real story yeah then the main character is named Freddy and my name is Freddy and then Frank who is his boss who's training him tells him the story it's like have you ever heard that story or have you ever seen that movie Night of the Living Dead did you know that movie was based on a true case and they told the guy who made the movie that if he told the true story they just super his ass off so he changed all the facts well that moments worth pointing out because this is like over ten years before scream and we have a horror movie where the characters are aware of other horror movies a little head of its time when it comes to the medes yeah there but I thought that this was then somehow a real film it wouldn't make sense there was never a time that you know Kentucky was nuked well that you knew of yeah that I kid knows it happened but it made the whole film much more real and vivid for me and because I was not picking up on the the humor yeah it seemed it just scared the [ย __ย ] out of me well that's that's the thing is I remember as a kid finding the movie really funny there's a ton of quotable lines that we can get into in a bit but watching it now is in adults it's it's a horror comedy in the same way that like American world in London is oh yeah where there is a sense of humor a lot of the humorous situational [Applause] but it is a first and foremost it is a horror movie and this is such a bleak movie it's funny it came out the same year as Day of the Dead George Romero's daily dad which when that movie came out a lot of people didn't like it because it was so bleak you know you're coming off of Dawn of the Dead which had zombie Pie fights and it was completely goofy and then David that is really really bleak but it kind of has a hopeful ending returnable Living Dead is is more of like the fan favorite because it's funny but thematically it is so much darker than a of the Dead these things only do this we know these things were made by the US Army Corps of Engineers the basic plot of the movie is it takes place on the 4th of July weekend there's a medical supply warehouse we have ready who's the new employees being trained by Frank who is played by James Caron who just passed away recently and she's showing him around the facility says hey down in the basement we've got these government barrels they don't know they're down there they've been down there forever there's corpses in it that got up and walked around and like shoved in these barrels they accidentally shipped him here yeah but the way tells that story is very convincing by the way oh yeah yes yeah when he's like he's like you want to see him yeah the bodies very very I love James Karen he's the one hold over the original director for this movie was gonna be tobe Hooper and that was the one holdover from when Toby Huber was doing it with James James Caron because poltergeists with Toby over 300 and tobe Hooper he was about to go over do life force I think it was yeah they're doing life force so he said I can't do return to living dead so they gave it to Dan O'Bannon who had written script yeah I knew I also wrote the original script for alien but so Freddie and and Frank go down in the basement and Freddy says these things don't leak leaks chemicals get everywhere the the spreads acid rain comes down to the cemetery zombies everywhere and then we have our small group of punk rock characters and mortuary employee let's rewind just a little bit because there's the part where plot-wise what gets the acid rain going is that Frank Freddie they call in Burt and they have to get rid of all of the stuff that was in the medical supply they have like a cadaver they have some half dogs the vivisection dogs that all just need to be getting rid of and it doesn't matter what you do to these things there's still parts of them that will be alive or twitching or doing something yeah so they take them over to be cremated and then that's what puts it up into the clouds yeah this the smoke from the the crematorium gets up into the clouds and that's worth pointing out that yeah no matter how many pieces you chop them into they're still gonna wiggle around no matter what's left it'll still be alive it's so frightening it's like no matter what you do they even think to themselves oh don't they destroy the brain to kill the zombies in that one movie returning to let me earn idle living down yeah but there's just a moment where you assume that's going to work yeah I mean because you have previous expectations of what a zombie how it can be killed which is a would you say that this movie subverts your expectations its subverted all my expectation okay which means it's good yes but that alone that alone good but it pins the yellow zombie to the ground but then it's still just wailing it's screaming still yeah [Applause] that is it's that really stood out to me as a kid I was like oh my god it didn't work and then they have to saw the head off and hear the vocal cords like ready it's so even now when I watch it it's like I get like a sadistic smile on my face because I'm like that's really well done but it's so [ย __ย ] scary that's the dark comedy aspect to or it's just such an absurd situation to be in but everybody's treating it as real as possible which is another thing I like about the movie is they're all like especially the Frank and Burt they're all very well specially bird he shows up and he's like what the [ย __ย ] are you guys doing he tries to take control of it give me the bone saw but yeah when they're cutting through that zombies head and not only is the thing making noise but Frank and Freddy Frank and Freddy are just like cry like they're gonna sister earrings and they kind of are for the rest of the movie this is like sweatiest movies where everybody's just like crying and screaming all the time right [Music] especially with Frank who's like you know he's teaching Freddy and I for me Freddy is the surrogate I am Freddy it's in my mind so to see even the the adults in the situation or the supervisor in the owner or whatever also freaking out yeah was very unnerving but anyway so whenever that that body just stands up and it's got no head and the effect is still pretty good I mean it's not seamless but did you did you see the initial special effect for what they at what the original special effects guy tried to submit yeah I know there's the the shamed original effects artists that all of his work on the movie was just terrible and it was yeah just like this this there's all sorts of like folds and lentils or something yeah just look terrible yeah and for credit I don't know how to do makeup effects so I don't know what I'd be doing either however I've also not been attached to a movie yeah there's a couple shots in the movie some of the really wide shots where you still see it there some shots where it's in the movie but Italy yeah but it's usually like it's obscured I think they were trying to film like around it because it looks so bad that's why so yeah that's how they it's like you know in the foreground you have some of the shelves with medical supplies and there's way in the distance and then they went back and got inserts later of yeah like the severed head laying around but the little vivisection dog it's disturbing because because it's like it's glistening he's touching the glistening part and you can tell he's like doesn't want that on his hand and when they start hitting it with the crutch or whatever the damn vines on the Shelf it's like as if a dog was being beaten yeah it's horrible the the entire movie all the actors are supernatural everybody is really great in it and there's it almost has a quality of like like a Robert Altman movie where characters are kind of talking over each other [Music] and there's a lot of like there's somebody scenes where characters are just yelling at each other and ya know occasionally out of all the yelling and you'll catch one line and they'll make sure to emphasize that yeah but it does yeah in the behind the scenes they apparently had a couple of weeks of rehearsals so they they were able to develop that probably like a stage play in a bit where you can talk over the the tail end of someone else's line yeah anyway when they when they get across to the the crematorium breaking up the rigor mortis the the bruise effects that is on that corpse it looks he looks really authentically dead like the swelling and the discoloration of the distinction and everything yeah well and then there's like the the clinical dialogue about rigor mortis mortis starts in the brain and it spreads down to the finally settles in the muscles and he's like you can get rid of rigor mortis by you know I'm stretching the muscles and you're like moving the arm of the herbs yeah it's also just so like realistic and disturbing Bernie says you can break it out like he he enunciates that part and then he starts flexing it but I think part of what makes the each step of the way I'm not saying I would have like hit the side of the the barrel that contained the two four or five trioxin or whatever I wouldn't have done that however after that the ways to get rid of it is seems like it makes what they're dealing seems to make sense for my internal logic so you think of course you've seen a movie where you hit the brain you kill the brain once that doesn't work I guess you cut off the head oh that didn't work I guess you cut it up that's still not working yeah I guess we have to burn it it just keeps escalating but and then even when they're talking about burning it is like well we'll get it rid of everything like we'll get rid of the bones like we need to get rid of everything yeah but that makes that's the the set off of the much bigger problem Frank and Freddie yeah are mostly and think about the movie is them very slowly gets sick and there's like the part when the the the medical team shows up and they're like looking at Freddy's Tong and he's like yeah and they just look so like the social and jitteriness yeah Freddie whoever plays that and Frank that's Tom Matthews who played Tommy Jarvis in Friday 36 yes yeah it's very important to shut that out that's our 13th actors in this movie he's Corey Feldman all grown up that's good yeah Corey Feldman ought to be Tom yet Tom Matthews with someone else in between yeah but then Miguel Nunez who's one of the punks he was in Friday 13 part five he gets killed in an outhouse oh yes darn enchiladas I mean it's clear that if there's something that is long dead even if it has almost no muscle tissue still on its skeleton or whatever it will be reanimated yeah which is different than the Romero movies because that's always the the recently deceased correct which is why character might die in the movie and then come back because they just died but this is like the set off to the all the zombies coming out of the grave is it's just a skeleton with eyeballs yes and that you can see the the wooden dowel they're using the skeleton to animate its mouth you know what I'm talking about oh yeah it's not eyes and it's got a wooden dowel in the back and that's how it opens its mouth it's like the worst the rest of the effects in here are pretty good I think that was done by the original effects guy ashamed fired effects guy before they brought Kevin Yaeger yeah but that's but that image is great because that's the it always made me think of the Evil Dead to cover art to which is a skeleton with human eyeballs [Music] one of the best zombies ever the tar man he's called ya because that's the the zombie at the end of the movie was in the tank and it's like once that tank cracks and it's exposed to air it's like all this like dry flesh just starts to like rot and get like wet and gross and then the performance to that guy like he's moving like he has no control over his limbs yeah yeah they're barely it's like if somebody had a you know like a pin holding together all the muscle fibers up in his deltoids like up in his shoulder and that's the only thing that's holding it the rest of it is basically rotted away cuz he's just so loose yeah but the the reason I bring that up is because you know suicide rushes to the front he's the biggest guy he's their leader basically and he he's the leader of the punks yeah but his head gets just bitten right into like like an apple yeah yeah but but that scene also sets up what also sets these zombies apart from the Romero zombies is that these zombies are intelligence they can talk yeah they can run everybody complains about running zombies like the Zack Snyder Dawn of the Dead 20 days later long before that and everybody was fine with it yeah but they can also formulate plans like because of the tower man he there's Tina's and the you know she's hiding in this cabinet yeah he's rigged up a chain to the door to try and rip the door are impressive yeah it's extra terrifying to me the idea that they that the zombies are experiencing pain and that they're looking for a relief to that pain yeah so it gives them a motivation that you can identify with you know the the torso that they inked and that's a great great effect I heard that it looks great yeah and a little spying oh god yeah a little spine with like spinal fluid coming out of it it's so gross but you think the spinal fluid should have been just discolored a little bit that would have made it slightly creepier if it had like a little bit of a brown because it's totally clear that's true this is a pretty old cord don't get me wrong it's awesome it's awesome it's more like whenever I saw it flipping around in the most recent I'm like really exaggerating the flip but it is stand out so much yeah I want that to be slightly Brown well also in that scene in addition to horribly disgusting spinal fluid that's how we discover the origin of not just this movies mythology but what kind of became a part of just zombie just in when people talk about zombies they talk about zombies eat brain yeah [Music] pain go away and this is the movie that originated that you have a zombie lore the zombie lore which you have the Romero's zombie stuff it all gets mixed together to pop culture I don't think it's the same thing but yeah it would be like if somebody asked you or not you sorry if you asked somebody else can you play because you would know but if you asked like just a John Q citizen that's on the street as you do I know you walk around you ask John Q citizens I'm asking people about zombie all the time like what are the Romero zombies say yeah you know if the correct answer is nothing or Durance or something but they would probably say brains it's such an iconic thing that zombies eat brains that they look for brains that they can smell brains or something that they want to eat them but that was all established in return to let me dead as a separation I'm not sure was it like a legal like you had to you know you you have to make these slightly different than the Romero zombies for legal reasons so he's gonna eat brains instead hey I don't think so not in terms of that cuz anyone can make a zombie movie and so many people have made George Romero ripoff movies or they just have the same mythology so I don't think it's that the legal stuff with this movie comes into play with the name Living Dead because George Romero made Night of the Living Dead with a partner named John Russo and if you look at the career paths that George Romero took after a night let me dead and we're John Russo went after NIDA Living Dead you see who made the good stuff in Night of the Living Dead and this movie started with he for whatever reason he retained John Russo retained the rights to the the phrase Living Dead which is why Georgia marijuana did Donna the Day of the Dead it's just of the Dead not of the Living Dead because for whatever reason John Russo had the rights to that after they kind of went their separate ways I love here I would love to hear like an an actual insight like why exactly evil discussing this like serious and like the legalities of it but uh the reason this movie is good despite John Russo being a horrible hack is that he wrote a scripts called eternal Living Dead a studio bought that scripts and said hey this script is terrible we're gonna do a page one rewrite and it's a completely different movie completely different plot from what John Russo wrote all they did was bought the script so they could use the title because it's a recognizable title because of Night of the Living Dead even though technically it's not related okay John Russo is responsible for I don't remember it was the 30th anniversary or 35th anniversary DVD of night and Iceland oh my god with the preacher and which is for anyone that doesn't know it was a DVD that came out in the late 90s and he John Russo was responsible for it he shot new scenes kind of George Lucas style like the the special editions where he decided to flesh out the zombie the the cemetery zombie from the opening of nibel Living Dead we need his backstory so he shot all these new scenes in the 90s and he brought back the original actor that played that zombie but it's thirty years later and so the guys like bloated and doesn't look the same at all and the dialogue is terrible it's shot poorly and he tried to like marry it into the film yeah mistake cremate him we don't believe in cremation we believe in the fires of hell that's the Lord's way of punishing sinners and the preachers played by they did a new score for the movie and the guy playing the preacher did the score and the score is terrible it's just awful John Russo is terrible at everything he does he did another movie called Santa Claus which is like a christmas-themed Claus no AWS okay Wow okay so the center because the name Return of the Living Dead the name is so similar and the reference tonight Living Dead yeah people think this is like an official sequels sure and really it's a sort of people to kind of split off and did their own thing yeah was this Dan O'Bannon's first directorial like professional stuff because I know that he was involved with what was the movie he made his student film that was he did Dark Star carpenter yeah yeah it was like a amateur than later kind of professional film yeah it started as like a thing they were working out in college then it just sort of expanded from there yeah but was this his first was this Dan O'Bannon's first professional directing gig not only was this his first movie as director is one of only two that he directed he did an HP Lovecraft's adaptation after this called the resurrected Chris Sarandon from Fright Night it's a pretty good movie of the resurrected nobody's seen it but it's not bad yeah I was just wondering what it is that he liked it did he keep anything from the original or he just completely yeah nothing and that's kind of an irony too because he wrote the original script too alien and if you watch the behind the scenes stuff on alien they say yeah the original script was awful we rewrote most of it yeah they said the only thing that kept was the chest burster something like that yeah and Dan O'Bannon I think is said that's not true they kept more of it so this is a clash of he goes you have no idea on the alien behind the scenes stuff not to get off on too much of a tangent but it does seem like the producers that are saying that you can see like at least I'm reading his body language as if he enjoys taking a stab at Dan I'm not sure of like maybe bad blood between them it could be who knows yeah I know Dan O'Bannon kind of as some people thought he was like a dirtbag some people loved him so he had kind of a weird mixed reception from a cast and crew so Freddie's girlfriend the kind of preppy girl you know yeah the actress in the behind the scenes stuff of return of Living Dead said did you do you know where I'm going yes that's to audition for her role in return of Living Dead she has to go to Dan O'Bannon's house and when she gets there there is pornography on the TV yes and there are guns just laying around right yeah I mean was there other stories about that the kind of thing like Dan Bannon supposedly collected guns yeah I guess well I know Jul Shepard who is one of the punks on the movie she was like a stripper at the time and she got cast in the movie cuz Dan O'Bannon just went to that strip club so that's how she ended up in the movies so and then you've got the extended stripping scene in the movie yeah he's got his things yeah but it's like something if you're if your motivation is to want to strip or if your motivation is that you were a stripper and then you happen to run into somebody that's great but if ironically jewel Shepard does not strip in the movie true right she acts like she's wanted to like she was she was jealous of trash it's it's a weird combination of characters and then went from there someone kind of split off cuz a couple end up at the Medical Supply Warehouse yeah but at that point it's you know the humans are your allies no matter what you know it's just you against whatever it is that's out there and that that's different to from the Romero movies is because that's all we ever e Romero movie is that people can't get along people end up in a situation together and it's their own undoing when every but everything goes south there are some arguments between Ernie Colton Bruner his his plan a is similar to the plan a of the old man in Night of the Living Dead and not a living dead he's like let's just go downstairs to the basement and we can wall ourselves off essentially yeah man in here Ernie wants to go up into the attic and wall himself off that's where you'll be safest and the the punk there who gets slapped in the face I don't even know his name that's Miguel Nunez okay we go yes you want amazing film do you want a man and and and he was in Friday the 13th part five the enchilada because the Hammonds like but he's like there's no way that I'm gonna go up there so there's like there's a plot point that's somewhere I mean it shifted much later in the movie and stuff but but I like that it almost seemed like an odd and it's not too heavy-handed of a not only noticed that in my most recent rewatching at the very beginning of the movie they suggest hey should we call that number on the side of the tank tink the one said to call in case of an emergency no that's the army you know what the army around this place it so they brush a brush set aside until it's the last possible option and then everyone just gets blown up as a result of that if that's all I've done throughout the entire movie is delay the inevitable yeah but do you think if if they had called the number right then I'm assuming there wouldn't have been a nuke I mean I'm assuming that there would have had to have been a containment team that you know basically they would have asked on the phone so how many people have been affected and then they have some tonight containment team because they somehow got that corpse the first corpse thar man into a container and they got him in stasis I don't know how you do that with something that it's like maybe if you are in 100% 245 trioxin yeah you go into a stasis mode and you put your arms up like this but so maybe they wouldn't have done the nuclear option at that point that wouldn't have been their contingency possible only destroyed when I was a kid when I was in the second grade I was in mrs. yokum's second grade class at McDaniel Elementary School in Bonner Springs Kansas that's a very narrow reference by the way however she talked about nuclear arms okay what that was yeah and this was right before I saw Return of the Living Dead and I pictured I remember her saying something along the lines of there's enough nuclear weapons between the United States and Russia that if they were all launched her own you know set off all at once I she said something along the lines of it would destroy the population of the earth ten times over I don't know where she got that from I could be misremembering however what I pictured in my mind was like Krypton exploding okay and so I had a real fear even at a very young age of nuclear weapons so the fact that this movie ends the way it does it's bleak just that everybody dies spoiler alert but but the fact that it's just gonna spread yeah well that that's the thing I've come to appreciate about the like I loved it as a kid I liked it for different reasons as an adult and that's one of the big ones is like I saying it's reflective of the arrow was made like the the fears that were going at the time yeah like nuclear war acid rain the spreading of disease of course any movie that has that from the 80s people make the the AIDS comparison oh and this is very much that I mean and it just keeps spreading and but the idea that yeah they just blow everything up and they're like oh we're done taken care of but all you're doing is perpetuating it it's just this endless cycle to spread it it's just gonna keep you're gonna just keep making it worse yeah can we go back to why your mom would let you watch the like did she like you like watch this as much as you want to J feel free I don't remember the details of it but I know we were allowed to watch it because it was funny but I watched it the once I only watch it the once in it oh I watch this movie so much as a kid and then I watched it so much as a teenager for very different reasons and what were you now I became a big clue Googler fan okay yeah that make sense what but then now I appreciate it more is sort of the kind of one the bleakness of it then stands out way more now than it because when I was a kid it's just like I had send more cops but the the Bleak or aspects of it as a like a real true horror movie really stand out to me more now than they did when I was younger yeah because when you're younger and it's like the kids in the movies the punk rock characters in the movie it's it's this sort of you know we're gonna live forever who cares we're gonna dance naked on nothing graveyards and the punks are like kind of obsessed are connected to death more in a it's just a rebellious spirit sort of way like you know trash has a fantasy about it and suicide who's the leader like he seems his name is suicide yeah one thing exactly like none of them have a grasp on it none of us I guess really do for that sort of apocalyptic ending but it's more of like just a intellectual or not even intellectual but almost like a fashion statement do you ever fantasize about being killed do you ever wonder about all the different ways of dying you know violently and then they're faced with within the context of the movie something very real yeah well you compare trash's yeah she's talking about her fantasy of dying is being surrounded by old men that sir ripping off her flesh and eating her alive that's what happens to her later in the movie and she's a completely different reaction to it irony [Music] so yeah that's Return of the Living Dead none of the sequels lived up to the original but it's a classic film classic 80s classic zombie film it's unfortunate that so many people involved with the movie you have since passed away some a long time ago some relatively recently so r.i.p Dan O'Bannon James Karen Don kalfa r.i.p the guy who played suicide of whatever his name is Kathleen Cordell they're all dead but unfortunately they're not coming back [Music] right [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,101,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, return of the living dead, dan o'bannon, linnea quigley, james karen, clu gullagher, review
Id: dMtE9keNEr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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