Exorcist III - re:View

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"I wish there was a Star Trek holiday so I could force all my fucking friends to talk about Star Trek."

Mike, that's every other video.

👍︎︎ 531 👤︎︎ u/Imjusthereformemes 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mike has such a strange taste in movies, it's amazing

👍︎︎ 295 👤︎︎ u/TerryBouchon 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Review is quickly becoming my favorite segment. Kinda is dependent on who hosts, although honestly every member has been apart of at least one really great episode. Jay and Mike still have the best chemistry though. Additionally, it's the series that has the greatest potential longevity. It's not like they can really run out of great films to talk about. Although, I'm sure they creatively don't want to get stuck doing simple movie reviews too often.

👍︎︎ 131 👤︎︎ u/happyflappypancakes 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I had no idea Exorcist 3 even existed or just ignored its existence totally after seeing 20 minutes of Exorcist 2. Watched the first 16 minutes of re:View and I think I'm just going straight to the film.

Exorcist 3 characters and how it handles the horror seem amazing.

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/tissotti 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

First Star Trek mention at 0:13, is that a new record?

👍︎︎ 90 👤︎︎ u/EersteDivisie 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mike's shirt is louder than Pazuzu!

👍︎︎ 149 👤︎︎ u/baapalmer 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Alright Jay, time to link us to the etsy where you got that banging Fire Walk With Me pin.

👍︎︎ 80 👤︎︎ u/ThatBojac 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

The single best jump scare in cinema.

The great performances, direction, weirdo editing and visuals are all superb but Exorcist 3 is worth watching just for that jump scare.

If you've not seen it, don't look it up on YouTube, don't spoil it for yourself. Just watch the film, I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/badguysenator 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ah, Brad Dourif. That man is a fucking gift. His portrayal of Doc in Deadwood was amazing. When he had his broken down prayer I cried with him, scared and alone and angry and tired of the injustice of believing in an uncaring creator.

And I don't even believe in a god. But I felt it.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
well Jay you're back again now I've replaced Josh continuing to talk about Exorcist films I'm so glad Halloween is your favorite holiday I wish there was a Star Trek holiday so I could force all my [ __ ] friends to talk about Star Trek but I thought we're talking about this movie because you like this movie I love this movie yeah well like Josh and I talked about the exorcists the Academy award-winning film from 1973 best of the worst a couple years ago we watched Exorcist - The Heretic yes we do we're at Exorcist 3 aka Legion which I don't know what I discovered that you liked this film but I was kind of surprised because it doesn't seem like it's really your thing this is one of my favorite horror films of all time that's great I think after Exorcist - The Heretic aka Pazuzu aka fever dream nightmare movie that everybody hated yeah oh it's okay he's gone I think they all wrote off a third Exorcist film as like you know the gillum's becomes a joke at that point like jaws 3 oh yeah it's like jaws for the revenge yeah yeah the shark goes after revenge although based on novel by William Peter Blatty and he was also the director yeah and an adapted screenplay writer and it very much seems like a movie directed by a writer there is there is dialogue that doesn't seem to fit exactly it is a really good dialogue some of its great dialogue the the banter between George C Scott and father Dyer yeah it's well that's the heart of the movie is their friendship their you know blaming God forever wouldn't you get bored I have hobbies brother Eddie had these same stupid symptoms for years your brother Eddie died at the age of 30 so what he got killed in Vietnam it could have been some connection and then of course all the scenes with Brad Dourif this is probably my favorite performance but oh yeah yeah he's his rants so many great rants in this and they're so weird a decapitated head can continue to see for approximately 20 seconds oh it's holding up see its body any any savers every word he doesn't rush through it it really all those scenes in that cell like it just holds on it and you're just like captivated mhm and then there's that one part where he gets he gets like violently angry the Gemini is dead it's it's such a great performance because he's playing a demon something that's been around for thousands of years so there is no rush you know like you said he savors every word yeah he's just like he's just just soaking and evil yeah and and it's just a really great performance it's a shame he didn't win an MTV Movie Award did those exist at the time yeah 1990 was the first year Oh best portrayal of a demon Brad Dourif and Jim Carrey in the mask and the winner is Jim Carrey in the mask excellent yes as the Joker meets Buffalo Bill yeah it's a legion of demons and that is the title of the film Exorcist 3 Legion well that was the title the novel it was shot the movie was shot as Legion and then bafflingly the studio said let's capitalize on the Exorcist name even though the Exorcist brand is a joke now and the sequel was laughed out of the theaters let's call it Exorcist 3 and that's that's a was a point of contention with William Peter Blatty and there were reshoots and I'm sure we'll get into all that yes we will but the majority of the movie was his original vision it's very close to the novel a certain matter of an exorcism I think in which your friend father Karras expels certain parties from the body of a child certain parties were not pleased to say the least well the idea and it's slightly confusing because of the reshoots and the the reworking of the story but in the theatrical version of the movie there is this this person that's been comatose for 15 years started to kind of come back to life and get very violent so they've locked him in this room the cell and kinderman played by George C Scott is investigating these murders that are similar to the Gemini killings that happened 15 years earlier goes into the room sees that oh my god this is the body of father Karras my friend who died during the ex in the original exorcist film who has now had the spirit of this Gemini killer just kind of slipped into his body and so yeah whether it started with the Gemini killer who was possessed by a demon and I moved on it it is it is moving its way making its way around and it can possess people remotely yes comatose people very easy to possess there though there is by the elderly so we wind up in a mental hospital yes regular hospital with a psych ward attached to it and there's lots of that's a very scary elderly women stuff that borders on comical maybe goes over into comical for some people it worked completely for me in the context of the story but what I like about it is that like the original Exorcist it's very kind of grounded and real it almost feels like a documentary and it's essentially a family drama it's about this mother and her daughter and I'm dealing with that and this one's like a like a cop procedural the then sort of has like an occult horror film snuck into it yeah George C Scott is wonderful as the the hard-nosed detective who's who's on the verge of cracking he's so frustrated with everyone that he works with he's is constantly angry well he is I mean he's old and he's super desensitized yeah but it he still shows his frustration many times but if not us who and if not now when fine yeah it's it's interesting that William Peter Blatty who wrote all these stories and directed this movie he was concerned about some of the things that were cut from the original Exorcist film that will in freaking cut that he was concerned that by cutting these things it would make the movie seem darker or make it seem like evil winds some of them maybe had a different interpretation of that that's always bothered you I've always rejoiced in it frankly I don't want think the devil but this movie feels so much darker to me and this movie is about a man just having to accept the fact that the world is horrible and there's so much awful evil things that we do to each other I noticed I mean this is probably the fifth time I've seen this movie I think I might have seen the Exorcist twice I saw when they released it in the theaters where everybody laughed everybody laughed so disheartening a friend of mine I went with some friends and one friend said you guys haven't seen this like I said I've seen it in there like other people haven't they're gonna be so [ __ ] scared and then and then well however everyone was laughing and he was yea mad and Josh and I talked about that how the movie sort of a victim of its own reputation because for the longest time people kept calling it scariest movie ever made it was in 1974 yeah but Yuri release LED in 2000 when there's movies like 13 ghosts like that's where horror films are it's not gonna play to that audience as well but my point is that Exorcist 3 would hold up to today's audience I think so yeah I love this movie because because the main character the only character in the film is George see Scott I supremely disturbed an angry man yes he's very angry and he's very like sad and his best friend in the world is killed in the most horrific way possible after he early seen in the film he he's investigating a murder and it's a murder of a little black boy who is like in the police boys club and they knew him or something like that and it's down by the docks and he and he lifts up the the white sheet and he's like oh we don't see what he looks at which is a recurring thing throughout the movie we never see any of the horror it's very cold and and clinical and institutional it's not a human story it's not humanity even though it's about good versus evil it's in a strange way that's I think that's why I like it because it's so like cold and clinical yeah it it's it's about institutions it's the police the church and and medicine yeah three big like things that you're supposed to trust in and and and work all by by a set of procedures basically and then you have this wild card this demon that's just breaking all the rules right and George C Scott is trying to understand it and so are the police and so are the doctors and nobody can yeah and it's whether it's like what you put your faith in or you can't have faith in anything and it's being challenged yeah because there are no answers I love the scene early on with kinderman and Dyer at the restaurant with it with a two-second cameo by Larry King for some reason did you notice that no there's lots of like observational shots in the movie I'm sure you notice that how it shows like a sink and that's that's what I wanted to mention as well and when they introduced that restaurants there yeah there's a couple shots of the restaurant and then there's just showing Larry King at a table oh yeah he doesn't have a lion he's just there we're gonna live forever bill we're spirits but that scene is father dyers talking about how it'll all work out at the end of time you know you gotta put your put your faith and that things will work out it's not in this life but the afterlife and then kinderman just just in great detail explains how that small boy was killed killer drove an ingot into each of his eyes and cut off his head place of his head was the head from the statue of Christ all done up in blackface like a minstrel show you know I know they cut the father died as a reaction and it's like his whole like view of the world is crumbling and he's trying to key out together when faced with that reality and after they have ironically seen It's a Wonderful Life yes yes well that's something that connects the movie to the original is yeah kinderman and and I are going to the movies together and they've continued to do that over the years that has my favorite monologue maybe in any movie ever where Jersey Scott is talking about the carp my wife's mother is visiting father and Tuesday night she's cooking as a carp it's a tasty fish I I have nothing against it for three days it's been swimming up and down in my bathtub I hated that that's I think that was actually in the original Exorcist novel I think kinderman talks about that but then it wasn't in the original movie so he ported it over to this thankfully it was used somewhere because it's so great I can't go home until the carp is asleep because as I see it I'm killing and it continues even like the smallest things that are supposed to be like a positive thing in life my mother-in-law's in town she's gonna prepare this meal but he's just so frustrated and angry that there's this carp swimming around in his bathroom well yeah and it all culminates at the end which is great but I think his character is just yeah he's bursting at the seams because he's seen so much yeah of the awful side of humanity and and not just the murderers I mean there's I noticed too there's a lot of like mentions of racism you're a racist Ryan did you know that she says these jeans are crazy they're all wackos and there's there's like five or six different mentions of it up front and it's like it's like all this like seething evil in everyday life when people and yeah and and now he must face the ultimate evil Pazuzu Zuzu's friends diseases friends they are legion yeah Legion Legion comes from the Bible and Jesus said to the man who was possessed what is your name and he answered legion for we are many other than the off-camera murders the first scene we see is the creepiest [ __ ] scene it's the confessional scene oh yeah again we don't see the horror we don't see what happens we see before and we see after we don't see any murders yeah in this whole movie it's a movie about a serial killer yeah all implied and it's all described okay Carlton watched it bleed all this bleeding I just love this concept of this evil force yeah moving around it's in there it's in that confessional mm-hmm we don't know what form it's in but it starts talking and it starts saying the most disturbing thing well then I think even before that scene ends you start to hear a woman's scream and it's very off-putting because there's no woman in the scene but then that leads into the the aftermath which we see yeah there's just like two little children just staring blankly like all those cuts well those those weird cuts that just really keep you on edge is that the scene one that the church doors below open and then that's at the very beginning the Christ's eyes open no it's just like an intro yeah that's the very which is worth mentioning because we see the steps the famous steps the the tubular bells music kicks in for like just a second and then this horror droning sound overpowers it and it's like I don't know I always interpret that as William Peter Blatty trying to say like this isn't The Exorcist this is a completely different movie now the studio made me use this music use it for one second you mentioned the cutaway is mm-hm and I think that's just it's this atmosphere all those shots of the statues and it's just it's it's it's not just like okay here's establishing shots you know it's if there's something creepy about it it makes it it's Moody and it also makes it feel more intimate like because it'll just randomly in the middle of a scene it'll cut to you know a table or whatever and then another thing that he does throughout the movie when I mentioned the odd editing is scenes will end very abruptly where it's like a character says line cut to next scene like immediately bonded or his middle name was Kevin and it's like it has like a psychological effect on you yeah it's it's kind of unconventional II edited and and directed to I don't know much about William Peter Blatty 'he's direct drinking history he only directed one other movie before this which I still haven't seen of a meaning to forever it's called the ninth configuration because I like his Direction a lot I liked the parts of it are more lighthearted than the original Exorcist like that dialogue that snappy dialogue between dire and kinderman there's a few moments of levity and and just odd supporting roles there's like when father dyers in the hospital and people keep coming into his room and they think it's like the wrong room this guy nice and peaceful even so yeah it gets a little confusing on the man in the padded room which originally was a brick wall room in in the original shoots yes and then the reshoots it's a padded room very similar with the two lights coming in the great look of its you shot it feels like a stage play yeah it's really really wonderful looking there's lots of scenes where George see Scott is talking to the Zodiac killer who also inhabits many other Souls traps them like Freddy Krueger traps them except it's not depicted as a pepperoni pizza sausage pizza the old meatballs oh the little meatball heads yeah this movie might have been more successful to box-office if it had stuff like that yeah it's not it's portrayed a little more classy well it's a continuation of the idea with the first Exorcist is the demon is not possessed Linda Blair just to [ __ ] with Linda Blair he's done it because she's young and innocent and it affects everyone around her it makes you question how could a God exist in a world where this is happening to this little girl so that's what it's about is affecting everyone around which is why the the conversations with George T Scott are so great because he's seen the face of his best friend who died 15 years ago it's a smile see keep us going don't you think the audio work in this the voice changing deepening in parts and all the the ambient noise to so many scenes there's not a lot of score there's it's mostly everything is just played with this ambient noise underneath or complete silence which leads into the scene that the movie is probably most famous for the most effective jump scare in movie history yes the hallway scene we established the the bone cutting shears that scene actually the whole tone of the movie reminds me a lot of seven it's like feels like a precursor to seven and that scene in particular where they're showing the yes the shears to George see Scott you just kiddin that that creepy like I don't know serial killer vibe there's not a supernatural element to 7 but just the tone of it and the fact that we don't see the killings we always see the aftermath yeah I always wondered if 7 was influenced by this movie maybe but yeah the hallway scene perfect example it should be shown in film school well again it's odd though cuz it goes on so long we hold on that long wide shot for so long and then we finally cut in and then there's like a fake-out jump scare with the man in the room and then we go back to that long shot again for a really long time and we're just waiting and then it cuts into a close-up over at the desk yes like it keeps the coverage really yeah then there's a switch out with the security guards at some point but you're the lesson just sit there and you're like looking around right what is supposed to be happening let's do to the point where I think you kind of give up yeah like if something's gonna happen it would have happened by now right and and then the cameraman with the hair trigger on the snaps ooh yeah yeah and again we don't see anything and it's it's perfectly effective yeah as is as is the death of father Dyer that great POV of everyone in the hospital all the cops all staring at the camera is George D Scott approaches not quite knowing how he's going to respond to this father Dyer had his head removed and all of the blood removed from his body and put in little jars put in little jars perfectly without a single drops built yeah other times entire blood supply almost supernatural in nature and the police are just standing there just [ __ ] dumbfounded right and and again Nina shot George see Scott pulling up the sheet to look at him and we don't see the body this movie could have been rated G because we don't see anything and it works so well but yeah that whole sequence is so again with like the pacing of the editing or everything's just and then it's a wonderful life is written on the wall and blood and there's two L's and that was a staple the Gemini killer all the all these things that don't add up and and when we'll just call him the Gemini killer sure I'd want to say Pazuzu you can't say Pazuzu it might be Pazuzu when he describes the killing off comes the head without spilling one single drop of blood now I called that showmanship lieutenant and then they kind of determined that they don't have the same the murder scenes don't have the same fingerprints there's different fingerprints on everything yeah and so the but they all show the signs of the Gemini killer which was not known to the public is not know the public another great George see Scott acting scenery explains that all yes why are you with this finger severed the correct one and the sign of the Gemini here here and unfortunately he gets a threat yeah address to him from the Gemini killer says go to the press which leads to the other greatest scene in the film that was the climax of the original cut of the movie well before they tacked on the exorcism that was the big exciting ending as George Scott racing to his house because he thinks his family's in danger and some shots in that scene don't quite work for me they come across comic old when the shears almost go into his daughters oh god that's so creepy I want you to see this but she's making the goofiest face you know I never noticed her face her daughter is like yeah cuz the Graham is pulling her head yeah she's trying to pull her out of the way of it yeah and another thing that was creepy too again we didn't even hear anything George C Scott's wife is on the phone talking to him that demon was talking on the phone yeah in his voice obscene yeah as we've seen the demon can do multiple voices regular rich little that demon yeah yeah that's a reference none of our audience will get shows in Vegas you know yeah he's got a residency a residency literally he lives under the stage [Music] that grandma is so [ __ ] creepy and it's great it's again though like the fact that it's an elderly woman and it's so odd everything about it so that it I can see it coming across this comical to some people oh sure I can see that same way the woman she's got is walking around the psych ward yeah just that wide shot there's the the one elderly woman running across the ceiling like oh yeah so weird and unnatural that I can see it being funny if you're not in into the movie quois this more maybe that part I see it as creepy it's like the isn't there a I don't think it's a cutscene when when Reagan climbs up the stairs backwards that that was in the re-release version yeah ok crimes climbs down the stairs backwards yeah ok like that scene where the woman crawling across the ceiling it's just like harsh fluorescent lighting oh sure it's not you know creepy horror movie lighting see that's what that's what I think works for me like we're talking about the old nurse right the the scene is you know clearly the demon has possessed this this nurse it's not even a nurse it's a no patient dressed up as a nurse right that the patient kills a younger nurse so she's on the wane she has a bag and she's had taken a taxi to his house and it's a and it's not like there's this you know moody lighting and it's at night yeah man hi I'm here to come in and help you with something and yeah you know they don't it's like we don't even see her arrive no when Scott comes in and she's just sitting there yeah yeah for a second I think she looks over and just as there's a time to go to bed yeah just a minute her yeah her normal self came back right or or it was the demon pretending yeah oftentimes demons pretend as I learned from show Ghost Adventures Oh demons often pretend to be little children to kind of lure you can we play with this time you know that kind of thing and oh it's just a spirit of a little kid it's never the spirit of a little kid you can't trust the demon and you got always got to be be wary sure I'm sorry could have been the demon just pretending just to let you know I have George see Scott let his guard down for a minute so that should get those shears out and that's exactly what happened yeah throughout the film we are shown a nother priest who is The Exorcist they're showing him like once in a scene that doesn't connect to anything else cuz that was a part of the reshoots he has one scene where he's nursing a bird back to life yeah who has broken its wing I know says the audience are saying who's this that was a reshoot that's yeah it doesn't know the idea is that the studio saw the movie and said there's no exorcism in this Exorcist movie have the ending of the movie be a big Exorcist sequence given to give people what they expect from a sequel to the Exorcist so yeah they had to establish an exorcist just by having a random scene with him that doesn't connect to anything else and then he shows up again at the end I like those reshoots yeah well the the the lead up to it was pretty badass where after the after the you know the whatchamacallit the shears had the scene happens then it goes and the door opens and here comes the priest and all of this like full garb and it's like and then father Karras he's in the form of father Karras opens his eyes and he's got the Darth Sidious eyes it's it's weird though it's a clone doesn't match the rest of the film but I'm not just totally but also the fact that like this is priests know what's happening well I don't so don't you ever say that there there needed to be a scene then we're with George see Scott just drove to the church kicked the door down and just said we've had we have a big [ __ ] problem and yeah know where it is it'd still be awkward but at least it would be that connecting see yeah oh yeah yeah yeah one or two scenes setting that up and then him kicking the door down to the church you you you let's go I'm assembling a team I'm assembling a team we need 16 priests every priest in the in the in the the whole metropolitan area as many priests as we could fit in that room let's go you know that would be okay for this movie but the whole idea with the original movie and just in general is that exorcisms you know you have to get approval from the Catholic Church oh sure it's a long like methodical process I know that selling yeah yeah but this is an extreme circumstance oh sure but but who did that guy that priest get approval no he just shows up he just showed up he's a rogue priest in the context of this you know it would have been fine it's acceptable because it gets us to an awesome ending and an awesome Georgie scott monologue right but that's where the movie yet gets visual and it's kind of I it almost feels like William Peter Blatty being like okay this is what you want for the end of the movie here you go because it gets really ridiculous and really violent in a way the rest of the movie is a or that priest is stuck to the ceiling and like his skin is being off and yeah all these crazy there's all those snakes coming out of the ground all the people come on the floor I mean it's still creepy like it's still cool oh yeah it's still well done yeah it's not like one of those awkward shoehorns endings like a studio reshoot anywhere it feels completely it's there it's a rare occasion where I would agree with the studio because I watched the director's cut and the ending I mean he comes in and just shoots um well that's what I wanted to mention is the the original edit of this movie is so anticlimactic cuz I had heard about for years you know the studio changes the ending and blah blah blah it was like this almost mythical thing that no one thought they'd ever see because they didn't think it existed and then just a couple years ago after hearing about it for so long they found a VHS of like the work print and so they put that out on blu-ray and then when it got to that ending and it's just this flat shot jerk see Scott walks in and shoots him and leaves and I just started laughing out loud probably 20 years of buildup of me waiting to see the original cut of this movie and it's just that maybe in the original book that works in a novel form some movie a little bit more yeah and it also solidifies George C Scott's kind of worldview in his point of view with the is yeah yelling about I believe in filth I believe it infidelity and all that stuff was great I believe in death I believe in disease and inhumanity and torture and anger and hate yeah that is definitely an improvement well it feels like a final outlet like for him who's been so frustrated and angry the whole movie to just vent it feels like a completed arc yeah and in reality yeah just taking a gun and shooting a person that's possessed probably would be effective in terms of you know an exorcism sure I would imagine but yeah in a filmic sense it's not very exciting right and even though this goes a little over the top it's almost like it's almost deserved it's almost earned from watching the whole film yeah because it's it's a very slow-moving movie and it's very tense and atmospheric and finally get to that ending and and it's kind of like like a reward almost even though I I would have loved it even if he just shot him at the end it's still you know that demon is just like okay you want to you want to fight let's fight here's here's all these things I can do and then that wonderful little moment when the other priests who survived getting his skin peeled off and falling to the floor he's like you know fight it Karis father cares fight it and then he's able to break through lessen the demons powers for just a second well now shoot now kill me not that at that moment especially this is another reason I'm glad they did the reshoots and got Jason Miller involved because that moment like because I love that character in the first movie and knowing that he's kind of been his his body has been tormented by the spirit for the last 15 years and that connection between these two who a relationship was established in the first Exorcist like it gives me chills every time I watch it [Music] [Applause] but one thing we have to mention that we haven't yet is very very important is the dream sequence in the film the the the very weird dream sequence where we get a bunch of it's it's a star-studded affair with Patrick Ewing and Fabio did you notice Sam Jackson was in that scene no you may not have noticed that because his voice is dubbed over come in please miss you it's part dream part connection because spiritual connection because he then sees father Dyer there yeah but it's so it's so surreal to how it's like the the little boy that's been murdered comes up to Georgie Scott he's like I'm sorry you were murdered it's like it's so off-putting yeah they didn't even add a soft filter to it no they could have they could have overexposed it and had a glow and soften everything and nope yeah there's Fabio there's a kid who got murdered yeah he you know it's questionable if it's a premonition or if you know it's some kind of dream state that he did come in contact with the spirit yeah that little hints I love that to like because that character is so grounded and real and focused on like a real world you know police work to have that one kind of brief connection to something spiritual just for that moment I can't recommend this movie enough I don't and it's something to me that like holds up yeah it's it's a movie that I think now people are starting to talk about it more like this movie is underappreciated yeah I think people are starting to come around to it yeah but it has that that stigma of being an exorcist sequel right all the other ones suck so there's not like a string of home video released it's made by a full moon entertain no no no exercise five Exorcist six extra seven it's not like the hell arrays are zero okay now I you bye son I'd be very proud to believe so you're not my son that's Exorcist 3 yeah it works as a standalone movie and I think it works a little bit better if you have a connection to the first movie yeah I don't really feel the connection with the original film because I've seen it so few times and I don't remember too much about it yeah well there is a disconnect in that like the kinderman character is played by a different actor yeah in both movies so I would say it completely works as a standalone film just based on that this this concept even even watching after my fifth time I was still creeped out yeah yeah it just it creates that atmosphere great little cutaways of things yeah Mickey creeped out mm-hmm I used to say for the longest time if it wasn't because I had always heard that the ending was reshot by the studio and so I always said like if it wasn't for that reshot ending where things get a little overdone I would probably like it as much as the original Exorcist but then I saw the original cut of the movie and I said oh I guess not mm-hmm it's basically the same ending just the it's now beefed up for those yeah the studio version and and that that I think is as helpful I think I think it's beneficial this is a case of Studios of a studio tampering with a movie to the benefit of the film and you had some interesting trivia that Sam Jackson was in that scene yeah and that there was a Larry King cameo I have an interesting fact oh you know you know the bird in the in the box oh yeah yeah the the priest was repairing his wing yeah same bird that flew into Fabio's face on that roller coaster it was mad at Fabio for appearing in the Exorcist you [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,184,375
Rating: 4.9556189 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, exorcist, excorcist III, excorcist 3, william peter blatty, george c. scott, pazuzu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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