Re-Animator and From Beyond - re:View

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It turns out that kinky sex is Jay's jam.

👍︎︎ 173 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

This is a truly disgusting amount of content. I love it.

Can anyone confirm if a Halloween-themed BotW is also coming soon?

👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/CatsLikeToMeow 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Fun fact: when the actor playing the professor in Re-Animator went to the movie premiere with his wife he didn't tell her about the scene when his severed head goes down on Barbara Crampton. When that scene came up apparently his wife was so shocked and disgusted she slapped him in the face and walked out of the screening.

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/Bertrum 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

NICE two of my favorites, finally some Stuart Gordon on re-view, Jay has been talking about him so much.

A lot of people only know Re-Animator but man From Beyond is imo even better.

👍︎︎ 56 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Re- Animator 1985

From Beyond 1986

Kid Safe : The Video 1988

Either Stuart Gordon changed things up or Kid Safe is the goriest, most Lovecraftian and depraved child safety video ever.

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/BugbearsRUs 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Hans Gruber is from the same place as Tommy Wiseau.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/Tbird555 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Jack is wearing a noclip shirt! Danny is everywhere now

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/conniedarko2 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

I have no memes, and I must comment on a new RedLetterMedia video

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/CruiserCrody 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

One thing that Re-Animator hits right is that the short was a comedy as well, at least to what degree any Lovecraft story could be called a comedy. It's a general pastiche/send up of Frankenstein style stories and plays up the absurdity of them.

From Beyond mean meanwhile is a straight "horror" story that the movie has some fun "expanding" on.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/cyvaris 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] so Jack yeah we're back the last time I did a review with you I think was blade which was a movie that you love and are very familiar with and I was like I saw it in the theater I don't remember very well so now we're on the opposite end where we're talking and we're doing a spooky Halloween double feature these are two movies that go very well together I think yeah reanimate er and from beyond which are movies that I love that you had not seen before right same director same writer some of the same casts and and made pretty much back-to-back oh that's another thing connection they have is both based on the works of HP Lovecraft sure but yeah very very loosely based but we'll get to from beyond I guess we'll start with reanimate er for those who have never seen it you know it came out right or wrong along the same time as the Evil Dead movies leave that one to kind of right in between them comedy in their horror films right horror comedy which this is definitely it's a comedy it's straight up it's a comedy with Gord [Music] the story hurry animators oh very basic this young scientist when request goes to Miskatonic University in Arkham Massachusetts which is it made up HP Lovecraft town it's where the Arkham Asylum and Batman that's named after Arkham from HP Lovecraft works so comes to this town ends up rooming with a young go-getter students who's dating the Dean's daughter the Dean is friends with another professor at the school named dr. hill who has a creepy lecherous obsession with the Dean's daughter and the mad scientist is doing experiments on reanimating dead flesh [Music] they gave him life what I really loved about the movie is the clarity of it it's a very focused story everybody is written very specifically they all have things to do that propels the story forward it's it's really like it's so it's a really tight script which helps because a lot of the movies kind of bad in a lot of ways mainly the effects which we'll get into but the characters are well written I think all the actors are greats dr. hill played by john kerry there's there's so much to unpack in just your presentation of the movie where it's like all the characters are well-written if they are outlandish cartoon stereotypes well sure it's a comedy [Music] if you were to remove and I think this is the the best horror films work this way where it's like if you take there should only be like one sort of horror aspect and if you pull that out it still works as like a character-driven thing and I think the idea of this sort of like dark weird drama about this guy who's dating the Dean's daughter and then the Dean's friend has this creepy obsession with the daughter and there's this sort of not love triangle but there's relationship triangle going on yeah like that kind of works that could work as its own story but then you drop in that Herbert West who's who's reanimating dead cats and bringing corpses from the morgue back to life and that's when things go crazy [Music] and I guess like to to your point even even just the you know the the young professional go-getter gets a roommate because he's short on cash and the roommates a little eccentric and might get him into trouble like yeah oh yeah the he gets dragged into it along with Herbert West right like you could completely remove these zombies from this and just have it be a drama which is which is true but it's and I'm saying this lovingly is wonderfully over-the-top oh sure well this is a b-movie they're not a best of the worst movie because it's too good but it is a b-movie through and through Jeffrey Combs in particular is chewing every piece of scenery all around him he interrupted an important experiment in progress granted it was an accident but this is the freshest body that we could come across save of killing one ourselves and every moment that we spent talking about it cost us results no we don't give me a hand like what was the pencil snapping thing that's just to show his frustration bringing death brings about an irreversible collision and this is an aspect of the movie I like is that there's kind of this like a creative person versus a horribly unoriginal on creative person these people are here to learn and you're closing their minds before they even have a chance what are you you know you should have stolen more of Gruber's ideas than at least don't have ideas this so Wes there's gonna be a pleasure to fail you dr. hill he's you know he's the teacher of this class he's talking about you know the human brain can last for six to six to 10 minutes or something like that 12 6 to 12 minutes once these activities cease the brain can only survive an additional 6 to 12 minutes 6 to 12 minutes cuz that's what he's been told that's what he's learned he is dead set on this and Herbert West says these ideas about you know reanimating dead tissue and that we can we can sustain life long after that and so he's just breaking pencils to show his frustration which leads to one of my favorite lines in the movie just full of great lines perhaps mr. West I suggest you get yourself a tank and make sure to the two to speak it to the back row well that's a this is a good time to point out them that Stuart Gordon the director of the film started in theater he started at uw-madison actually we're here in lovely wisconsin-madison which is about 70 miles west of us in the 60s he was doing really like counterculture stage plays he got shut down a few times by the cops like like really stuff that got him into trouble oh cool so he's always been really subversive so so theater is his background and re-animator was his first movie and it is it's very theatrical it's very over-the-top which is perfect for the material like it works and the movie itself as far as like eye socket about the character dynamics and stuff it's very I mean the movie there's essentially five characters there's a couple peripheral characters as well but it could work as a stage play absolutely it's been done as a play it's actually was turned in to reanimate er the musical also directed by Stuart Gordon [Applause] [Music] we should probably talk about the score to the movie which i think is a wonderful score [Music] but before the movie was made it was already proven as being a wonderful score when bernard herrmann composed it for psycho [Music] it's it's just psycho I don't know how nobody got sued over this it's it's I mean it's changed ever so slightly but it's psycho tech I mean if you copy something you really like it that's true so yeah I know in that hold that whole opening credits sequence was is very Hitchcockian oh yeah this is kind of a Saul Bass all this Anatomy and it's all colorful like it's that's the movie you know perfect tone from the beginning of the movie yeah stark contrast to colors weird stuff very Hitchcockian button yeah that's course it's just like [Laughter] one of the things I enjoyed about it so much was how they weren't afraid to show with goods oh yeah yes this was released unrated they went for it it's a horror movie and you know so many times I'm thinking specifically of that scene where where Jeffrey Combs is about is killing Dr Hill with the shovel yes and you know his first strike is kind of off-camera you go oh okay it's just gonna be blood splattering on the wall but then no the doctor has a shovel in his neck and there's that great shot kind of from behind like a foot level and you see that top of the head just kind of roll off that's another that actually that has that scene has my favorite line in the movie which nobody there's lots of lines from this movie that people quote uh-huh but no one ever talks about this one maybe because it doesn't work out of context but it goes back to what I was saying about like a creative person versus a none creative person dr. hill was trying to steal Herbert West reagent which is the neon green fluid that brings the dead back to life and trying to pass it he wants to pass it off as his own work and so yeah he's looking at a microscope and then Jeffrey come beats him over the head and as he's shoveling his face Herbert West just goes my other favorite line is cat dead details later you couldn't call right no I was busy pushing bodies around as you well know what I'm saying damn cap did details later the the whole movie this end from beyond I think follow this really amazing kind of cartoon logic to them oh yeah we're we're like and I'm sure there's a specific name for that that thing in a cartoon where they go off on a tangent and then the tangent grows on itself oh sure that's the whole movie yeah it keeps moving forward I think the movies like 80 some minutes 82 minutes something like that 86 and it's a perfect ramp yeah the beats comes you know we get we get our first little gore scene with dr. Hans Gruber which is weird cuz Hans Gruber's of course the main bad guy and diehard completely unrelated as far as I know that that's like in diehard that's not an HP Lovecraft reference cuz I don't think Hans Gruber is a character in the original story so is diehard referencing reanimate her because her animator came first possibly or maybe Hans Gruber is like the John Smith that's the most common name and it's Switzerland that's where we animators from I don't know where where is he from and I heard he's generally Eastern European so you know we start off with our first kind of intro gorban and then just slow paces so you know what I'm trying to think of what our first our first like horror is the cat yeah dan wakes up in the middle of the night Herbert wes is doing his experiments in the basement he's got the cat puppet on his back and he's wrestling with it it is a puppet he doesn't have a cat puppet on his back he has a cat skin rug staple this is sure he has a stuffed animal yeah but then he throws it behind the the cupboards or whatever and then they're like you just hear it running around which is good in theory but that seems always been weird to me as far as the lighting because it's supposed to be like there's the overhead light that's dangling back and forth like okay that's good but for some reason they chose to put like lights behind all the cabinets yeah it's very weird looking it was probably just a practical decision like we need to see something yeah so put a light back there yeah but it's a clever idea to not show the cat where they're just like looking around for and you hear it and knock some things off of a shelf and oh that's great oh yeah I know and then you know of course we get the adorable [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] birth is always painful Herbert West is like before they reanimate he's like no watch it you know as a broken back don't expect it to tango like the idea of this poor dead cat with a broken back and they bring it back to life and it's just like moaning and pain like in theory that's let's like sad and gross and creepy yeah in context so you're just like ah but that's our first like that's our basically our first stepping stone into the gore this much exposition horror then this much exposition and we get buff naked dude it was Arnold Schwarzenegger stunt double from that era the whole idea is that Herbert West has this idea that the fresher of the body the the more likely it is to reanimate and be more like it was before it died the farther away you get from that way they turned into mindless zombies that don't really have any agenda they just kind of flail around and make noise animalistic yeah animalistic that's good so there they go to the you know the more tried finding the freshest one they can chaos ensues because the Dean shows up it turns into a farce oh yes really when the zombies knocking the door down it just falls right onto the team and he's jumping on it it's a cartoon they have made it a cartoon and then the deans dead and so then it's it's you know it's theater it's yes and okay the game is dead so now we have to just take the Dean and reanimate the Dean we're not gonna find a fresher specimen than this and big shock it doesn't work [Applause] in a fun performance I think him as the mindless zombie is pretty hilarious dr. hill as we mentioned he gets his head cut off and that's the moment I knew I loved this movie is as soon as the head in the blood bucket was telling the body what to do I was down that's that's what we get yeah full-on slapstick with the body like flailing around the office lot of the body detached from the head can still communicate with the head oh yeah then the head is in the heads in a little tray it's a severed head with a neck stump because whenever we get a close-up where it's the actor like clearly cut through a hole in the table it's just like a little flap yeah that's where like they've really tried I want to say like you know cuz you need you need the actor talking yeah and so you know just get in real close don't worry about anything under the actors head how do you feel [Laughter] my favorite though and my favorite I mean the worst yeah is when he's actually holding the head in front of him and for whatever reason his body is now like five times wider how they accomplished that masterful special effects it's great but that's the thing it's like these effects it's not the best but the the movie is so fun and I think like you mentioned the pacing like the way it keeps ramping up it's so well paced and and there's lots of fun dialogue funny lines that you're willing to forgive that stuff you know yeah it doesn't drag the movie down it's just kind of served like oh I guess I'll accept those you'll never get credit for my discovery who's going to believe a talking head get a job in a sideshow so then you know you get you know towards this end and you know you have a headless body carrying around its own head and you think to yourself obviously this is it this is as far as you can get and then all of a sudden a gaggle of naked zombies sure yeah yeah I mean I mean I mean this movie Jay well in it and it all holds together by Jeffrey Combs his performance is really like that's the star of the movie well he's he is playing it very sincerely but also incredibly over-the-top yeah well and I just like that his characters so his character is so focused and he's not really a bad guy he's just trying to get the freshest corpse as possible except for he murdered someone well he was a plagiarist Herbert West has his limits I don't know if we're ready to talk about full frontal nudity oh I think we're ready so Barbara Crampton Barbara Crampton the Great's the great Barbara Crampton god bless her soul well this is the thing because I you gotta go all the way I mean that's with a movie like this you know and I want to say she replaced another actress that was like ready to go and then kind of got cold feet at the last minute and Barbara Crampton is like hold my beer and she came in and she's fearless like cuz the character on paper is she's the girlfriend you know yeah she becomes the damsel in distress which is like we've seen that a million times but I think Barbara Crampton performance like she does some subtle things that kind of elevated a bit and I'm going to find out what happened to where she has this sort of like struggle like you know between wanting to like please our dad but also be a good girlfriend to Dan because they want to get married oh you're not doing this justice nobody can hear justice you just have to see it a severed head is licking a naked lady no it's [ __ ] absurd and it's sir that's upsetting as it should be but look what I was gonna say is like we see so much unimaginative like cheap [ __ ] on best of the worst with like we gotta have a rape scene so we can work boobs into the movie and like the filmmakers are so they're not really thinking about I think Josh put it on an episode like they're not thinking about it for what it is right this movie is very much aware of what it is but at least it's creative and it's so weird that it becomes something else it becomes transgressive and it's like it adds to the overall creepy tone of the movie because you know the movie is trying to balance that like genuine [ __ ] with comedy with spectacle well and it wouldn't be as disturbing if it wasn't for Barbara Crampton like she believes it yeah in that moment she believes what is happening to her because we always like with best of the worst movies again we'll you know see one of these kind of creepy rapey scenes and we're always just like oh that poor actress like you feel embarrassed for them but it's clear that Barbra Crampton is in control like with her performance she's fearless I like it almost it almost got to the point where I was like I felt embarrassed when the once again severed head starts going in between her legs [Applause] say dr. Kiehl I'm very disappointed in you yeah but they knew like we're gonna go over the top we're gonna go extreme but we know the exact moment that we will have gone too far and that's when he gets interrupted it's perfect and that is absolutely correct that I was just ready to hide my face behind my pillow yeah when it cut it was great now great because if you took that any farther the movie would probably stop being fun I mean for some people it might not be fun through that entire sequence but but they knew like the right moment it's it's the moment that made the movie I mean that's it's referenced in American Beauty where the body is walking around carrying its own head and then the head goes down on that Bay reanimated I am gonna keep referring to this movie as adorable and quaint because this was part of that low-budget revolution that happened in the early 80s where people just wanted to make some weird [ __ ] and they did yeah well and it was a period where the weird [ __ ] could still gets theatrical distribution both this and from beyond were made by Empire Pictures which is run by Charles band they basically built their empire no pun intended on Ghoulies little low-budget movie made a shitload of money that Charles ban was able to finance all these other movies with like reanimate er and from beyond and troll because he kept trying to hit another Ghoulies Ghoulies made so much money that he was able to finance all these other things in hopes that another one would hit like Ghoulies and it didn't so he's just like spend more money spend more money we're not making more money and then blow her final wad on Robot Jack so our company's dead oh that was the end of it oh if you got to go out you might as well go out you know you [Music] Crampton we move on to from beyond and immediately I was really excited because you know she's in reanimate her she's the sexy college co-ed but and from beyond she is a sophisticated doctor woman she's a brilliant psychologist and she's very young they call her like the girl wonders right and so I said oh great a step up for Barbara Crampton never mind I'll show you those right up front reanimate er is a cult classic lots of people like that movie from beyond has its following but it's not as like well known or ingrained in pop culture as reanimate er was sure and I loved every animator but from beyond is my jam it is not as focused of a movie it's a little sloppier but it's got everything you could ever want in a movie we got goopy rubber monsters we got kinky sex and we got brains being sucked out through eye sockets it's just the best all of these things happen like very far apart from each other and there's so much in-between this is this movie what a joy to watch and I always I don't know why I like another reason I think these movies go well together as a double feature is like I have this like color thing in my mind like color association where it's like we animator I think of the green color and then from beyond that's the pink movie yeah especially like when they're in the resonator room yeah I get that harsh pink and blue lighting on it it's gorgeous well it's the movie is a definite it's the second movie Stuart Gordon did reanimate it was his first feature and then he did from beyond almost right after and it's a definite step up as far as the look of the movie the the way it's shot the performances the execution of the effects sequences it really like you can see a growth as a filmmaker between those two movies yeah yeah and it's you know the the basic premise is some mad scientists have found a way to tap into a segment of the human brain that lets them see things normally unseen other other planes of existence which exist around us all the time but we don't see them and they can't see us unless you turn on this device called the resonator yes dr. Pretorius is his name that he invented and you turn that thing on everything turns purple and you see little space worms much like reanimated the thing I love about this movie is there is no mystery as far as whether or not the device works because that that's like a clearer way a modern horror movie would do would do this story is like does the Machine really work or is he crazy nope here's a goopy worm it just bit Jeffrey combs in the face done yes opening the scene the opening scene the pre-credit scene for this movie that's the entirety of the HP Lovecraft story yeah that that's it like the rest of the movie they've had to make up because it was just based on this short story and it's so it's so HP Lovecraft it's just the the unseen horror yes yeah it feels more it's uh it's not as goofy of a movie as reanimate er yeah it's still incredibly goofy but it doesn't it's not as kind of self-aware about it there's not like the comical one-liners and stuff it's more straight but it's still very silly movie of course but it yeah it feels more in line with HP Lovecraft's writing then re animator does absolutely so well so what happens to sum up the rest of the movie because that's the pre credit scene that we just described some things coming Jeffrey Combs is accused of murdering dr. Pretorius it bit off his head like hunt gingerbread man and in order to figure out what happened what happened Barbara Crampton convinces the police to release Jeffrey Combs into her custody but Bubba is there for police protection so we got our three characters in a house they turn on the resonator again you sure we're ready for this goopy monsters come through again and everyone loses their mind that's the movie basically it's a wonderful setup it's it's there's not as much story as we animator yeah cuz you got you know the personal character dynamics and reanimate er and this one's a little lighter on that but it makes up for it with weirdness what are you gonna do to me to kiss one of the side effects of turning on the resonator is it stimulates the pineal glands in your brain which is a real thing no and apparently when that's stimulated it makes you super horny [Music] Jeffrey Combs goes too far with his pineal gland to the point where he can't contain it in his head anymore and it bursts out like a skinny dick I think Stuart Gordon has some repressed sexual issues I'm gonna go out on a limb here because you know like you there's that weird sex scene in reanimate er and you go and a part of you wants to say that might be a little exploitative that might be a little you know just for shock value but then the kinky horror sex is a main subplot sure of from beyond you go oh that's just to her Gordon this as much as we animator hinges on Jeffrey Combs performance I think this movie hinges on Barbara Crampton she's given a lot to do in this movie yes she starts out as brilliant kind of uh petites psychologist and then she becomes sort of a mad scientist almost and then she's a sex obsessed dominatrix she gets electroshock therapy she loses her minds [Applause] whole range of things to do in this film yeah they tried to they tried to like D suck sapphire at the beginning by giving her gigantic glasses and like baggy clothes big shoulder pads but it done work it's like it's like Rachael Leigh Cook and she's all that I put on all the dumpy overalls you want we know so you know going along with like Stuart Gordon themes naked dude butts great if you ever saw Dawn of the Dead and said I want to see that guy in a wet speedo here you go you're welcome but I guess like it's it's also like very telling of the director he's just very he's very open yeah with body stuff he's just like ya know he sleeps in his a speedo and now he's you know wet speedo that's fine mister mr. haire tank top over there it's honestly more disturbing than the goop monsters yes yeah he's naked there's there's there's sexual themes there's there's that whole like sex part after Jeffrey Combs was like burnt by giant worm stomach it burns his hair off yeah well India's burned he's like chemical burns all over his body and then Barbara Crampton decides to be a sex dominatrix well the dr. Pretorius he was doing kinky stuff in that house as we learn from some VHS tapes so he has like yeah dominatrix outfits just laying around his bedroom yeah and Barbara Crampton has now been exposed to the resonator it's affected her brain and she's under it and so she she this time because in the last movie she was being sexually assaulted by a severed head this time Barbara Crampton is doing the sexual assault II tables have turned is that female empowerment or is a sexual assault always bad like the nudity yes yes [Laughter] [Music] dan Caine in reanimate er he's the everyman he's the normal guy he's the voice of reason yeah that just kind of gets caught up in this crazy world and then Ken Foree he's kind of that in this one Ken Foree though unfortunately does not survive the film he gets turned into a little skeleton goop thing spoilers and his goopy belly I loved it that's gorgeous that was gorgeous I saw you die no not die just pass dr. Pretorius he is at the beginning of the movie he essentially dies in our world but he's sort of transcended to this other plane of existence and that's where he just is now yeah just the body body change so yeah they turn on the resonator and he keeps coming back and they just become obsessed with this world that they can't see and so they keep going back and back and it's harder Ken Foree really appropriately compares it to a drug addict don't you understand this is the greatest discovery since Ben Lupin Hook first field microscope and so on and me but yeah but he wasn't down there with the amoebas and every time we go back you know going to that perfect ramp of reanimate er this is that same kind of cartoon mentality where the roadrunner keeps doing crazier and crazier stuff every time they come back dr. Pretorius is a little bit goofy ER kiss my dear and and yeah he's like he turns into like a cricket monster a little bit that's when it borders on like the like come on type of effects of reanimate er when like in reanimate or when dr. Hills holding his head and it's like this looks terrible there's a little bit of that when he becomes the big cricket monster where it's like it's clearly a dummy head but then they cut to the close-up and like the camera is conveniently cutting him off with the chin like gee how did they do this yeah he's he's like a pretzel monster but overall the effects are a million times better than they were in reanimate er all the creatures I mean they go the they go down into the basement and that giant worm monster that eats Jeffrey Combs hair yeah is amazing because it's practical it's just this gigantic puppet and you can tell that like I you know CG is a wonderful tool but if there was a giant CG war monster in the basement and it was flailing around it would not have that same like you believe this you know it's not real but you still kind of believe it well you know there there's like there's interactions with a tangible physical world that a real prop can do yeah so you know they're in a basement that is now filled with water with a giant worm when that worm slaps around you can see the water spray people react to it realistically when when you see you know a man's junk in a wet speedo slap around you know that there's junk in there oh I see I thought that was a special-effects Ken furries crotch I thought that was a prosthetic can I also want to mention when it comes to like practical effects the house itself is in effects which you may not even realize but when they're at like the end of the driveway with the gate in front and the house in the distance that's a miniature house it's like a half-scale house that they did where's that forced perspective really because they can mean the whole house is a set the interior but for the exterior yeah they didn't have a whole house set so they just make a miniature house set so cool yeah cool things like that where you're like I would never even notice that that's clever one at one of the I think the most powerful effects in the movie is Barbara Crampton broken me oh yeah isn't that gross and like that comes after some pretty big effects yeah she jumps out of a window and breaks her leg on the fall and just her entire knee joint is hanging out of her skin yeah holy crap that's effective because you can connect with it like I'm never gonna see a giant worm monster that's gonna bite my hair off but you know I know what it's like to you know injure my leg so it's like you have that personal connection that makes it work yeah yeah much like reanimate er perfect ramp but there's another part of a movie called whales and if you are if you are on the rails and or off the rails sure so there's this point in from beyond that I really thought was the finale of the movie they're facing one of the pretzel versions of pataw rias yeah I thought that was the end of the movie no because you know you get the giant goop dr. Pretorius and there's a big conflict about getting power away from the machine and I really thought like okay this movie makes it's weird but it makes perfect sense then there's this whole other aspect of the movie with Jeffrey Combs and a tiny skinny-dip con is for his pineal gland is now exited it's it becomes so strong and powerful that his head cannot contain it anymore and it's controlling him and it's giving him a desire to eat brains they leave the house they go there's a whole Hospital sequence and he has a tiny skinny dick on his forehead Jim there were rails I didn't even know existed the movie knew exactly what it was doing but I did not well that's that's all you can hope for it from a movie is it'll take you to places you are not expecting I do want to point out near the beginning of the movie when they first when Barbara Crampton first goes to see Jeffrey Combs in like the the mental ward or wherever he's at the hospital and she's going down this hall and she's looking in the various rooms and there's like crazy people in all the rooms she looks in one room and there's this dude just like jerking off that like looks back at her yeah very eerily similar to a scene from Silence of the Lambs [Music] the dummy paint homage to from beyond it's very very similar that was a really clever sequence in this because later it's Barbara Crampton theory that all people with schizophrenia or some people with schizophrenia might have an overactive pineal gland right they may be seen these other worlds that we don't see right and they they can't interact with them and it drives them crazy and so you see a lot of great setup because you have people like talking about like oh the monsters there's so many of them in here and you have someone who's hyper sexual you have you have crazy people and then later when we know it's all real they and it they show those same symptoms there's monsters everywhere they're hyper sexual and I thought that was incredibly clever yeah well that's what separates both re-animator in this movie from a lot of other kind of B movies of that era other Empire movies even like this movie is on a higher level than Ghoulies because of that because of the clever writing which is Denis Paoli who are both these movies and is written several other movies for Stuart Gordon those guys are just I mean they're making B movies unapologetically but there's a little bit smarter than you would expect if there's a statistical correlation between schizophrenia and an enlarged pioneer why they may be seeing or feeling what we saw their minds may be influenced by those creatures well how about the hard-on I got is there statistical correlation for that too and well the great thing is you're not even thinking about the fact that 90 percent of this movie is all taken place in the same house set because the visuals are so like you get distracted we're like and that's obviously that was a budget thing is like I will shoot the whole movie on this one set basically this house set but there's so much happening that you're not even thinking about that like at all like we've watched somebody again go back to the best of the worst movies where they have like just one or two locations and you get so tired of those same locations and that doesn't happen here no well not when you have goop monster exactly ever-evolving goop monsters just bodies are gross that's that's the real takeaway and that's you know David Cronenberg is sort of the king of body or and but I think Stewart Goran you know he's got a leg up to as far as just really letting you know how disgusting the human body can be so then you know famously Stuart Gordon went on to write Honey I Shrunk the Kids well of course I mean I'm sure Disney saw from beyond and is like we got to get that guy the story is though because and this is we'll talk a little bit about Stuart Gordon because I think he's a really underappreciated genre filmmakers people of course you know they talk about Sam Raimi with Evil Dead movies there's plenty of like you know David Cronenberg as I mentioned and Stuart Gordon doesn't really get the props that I think he deserves because he you will not find a more versatile filmmaker in the realm of B movies he's made so many movies that are so different from each other I mean compare these two movies go together yeah but compare them to like robot jocks which is like a fun kids Saturday morning adventure movie basically yeah he did a movie called fortress which is the the best Paul Verhoeven movie that Paul Verhoeven ever made and then you gets it yeah he was supposed to direct honey i shrunk the kids him and brian use know who produced you know from beyond nori animator they have this idea for this movie about these kids that shrink and they sold it to disney the stuart gordon was supposed to direct it and the reason he backed out is because he could not handle being in a room with these disney suits they had like a like a pre-production meeting and he literally got a nosebleed from having to deal with these [ __ ] and so he backed away and so he didn't direct it and that like just shows like that is like not where his mind is his you know he wants to do these weird smaller creative things and so he went on to do all these like and the last few movies he's done he's essentially retired from directing now he still does theater stuff he did a one-man show with Jeffrey Combs as Edgar Allen Poe is all that we see will seem but agree the last like three movies he did before he kind of stopped directing I'm so far removed from where he started me a few blocks away there are these really kind of grounded realistic really really dark dramas do you think you are I'm talking to you your what am i a stone did I say I want to lick your [ __ ] I said my mother had that same hand you can't what am i a dog I'd like to sweat [ __ ] face I'd like to slash your [ __ ] face our part you don't know who I am everybody in this town is same so far removed from from goopy penis monsters you know I only know him from Honey I Shrunk the Kids to be honest because like that was the big movie but like you can see like you can see a direct connection between reanimate er from Beyond and Honey I Shrunk the Kids the care that you can put into that kind of fantasy yeah like well and weird sort of science stuff yeah these are classic B movies done with a kind of sincerity so anyway yeah that's reanimate ER and from beyond I think it's a perfect Halloween time double feature absolutely yeah you have a party drink some beer and weird out your friends that's the semester that reminds me of the way Joe Bob Briggs described do remember Joe Bob Briggs monster visions I remember watching it one time he was playing the fly the Jeff Goldblum the fly yeah and he described it as so great movie too gross your sister out with it and that's he cats these movies too you know shut the blinds you don't want people like walking past your house and see seeing some weird stuff seeing a skinny dick popping out of a forehead ya know make sure everyone knows what they're up for I go or don't or don't that's actually better that's you know what you're right that's absolutely hey guys we're gonna watch some Halloween movie still just pop this in and then lock the door behind you [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,133,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, best of the worst, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, re-animator, reanimator, from beyond, stuart gordon, jeffrey combs, barbara crampton, ken foree
Id: NAPeMftLe_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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