IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of CELEBRATIONS

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hey we're on we're up we're up we're away we're live the hats are off hats off to all of you for coming today to watch me um this is keith on the key speaking academy can't wait to be with you today very special day today we're celebrating celebrating lots of stuff we're going to be having a bit of a lesson talking about celebrations how we celebrate a few surprises bit of cake and stuff like that all going to be very exciting so stay tuned let's begin though with a little bit of this [Music] [Music] hello welcome and good morning um today we're going to be talking about celebrations listen hats party hats how do children wear these they're the most uncomfortable things in the world they bring you up they almost strangle you um maybe it's because they're six years old and they're like small i've got a big head it doesn't work so well it's lovely to see you here today welcome um as you may have guessed today we're talking about the topic of celebrations right um we're going to be looking at well today is a slightly less formal lesson and a bit less structured i'm just going to go with the flow a little bit i am going to teach you some things about celebrations how we celebrate what celebrations you like we're gonna have a bit of cake later on um and also got your party cups so make sure you've got um something to drink and stuff like that look let me show you back here i went shopping um and of course because i live in spain i couldn't find a an english one um not in my local shop so i got felipe daddis felicidades which means congratulations in spanish what are we celebrating we're celebrating many many things first of all maybe is this big number one for getting one million um on youtube and i just want to say a big big thank you to all of you who have watched my videos and followed me um it's an honor for me to teach you and to have a chance to reach so many people it's always been my dream to reach as many people as possible um helping them learn english learn about british culture and i just think learning english helps in so many ways because it helps people communicate across the world get to know each other and live in a much more peaceful world hopefully so um a big thank you to all of you also there's a celebration because it was my birthday last week yes 50 20 30 how old was i i've forgotten you see it's a sign of getting old um 54 i was last week 12th of august which means i'm a leo now some of you may be celebrating in august as well if you are a leo or a virgo i think virgo is 23rd of august onwards and leo is up to the 23rd of august so if your birthday's in august let me know in the chat box below if you're a leo or a virgo the other thing we're going to celebrate is people who have done their ielts test and have got the score that they needed thank you sophia for reminding me about this of course because so many people have been taking the test now and if in the last you know if recently you've got the score that you needed well celebration for you too let's have a quick check in with you i haven't said hello yet have i who have we got in the house arder is in farida is in hello nadja from sri lanka steve is in harry hello james thank you for that happy birthday heineken45 says congratulations for the million follower on youtube thank you so much thank you to all of you um we've got em srerick a new student well done nice to see you here um vadim hello charming wizard from uzbekistan great um brilliant we've got who have we got then who's got birthdays let's see sukapala says happy birthday sarah says hello good communication leslie says well deserve milestones great we've got who's a virgo ma alexandre is a virgo brilliant mintien is a leo we've got i can't pronounce your name sorry but looks like you are a virgo i think facebook users sorry your name doesn't pop up apologies zaid says i'm a leo brilliant great who else we've got kim is a virgo that canisha virgo but also in september of course it goes up to the 23rd of september right brilliant great who else is a virgo bulra i didn't recognize these signs you see zodiac zodiac signs tranghan is a virgo estella is a leo brilliant lots of different um people have got their birthdays in august or early september fantastic so listen there are too many messages they're just running by so congratulations to all of you and congratulations to people who've been taking ielts now i'm going to share with you something on a on my lino it and i'm going to ask the moderators to share the celebration canvas the celebration canvas let me show you it looks like this if i can find it so i did ask some people um on the facebook group to to come to the lino it and this is uh i think the guys are putting a link out now if you can put out the link and you can go in here and you can just add if you got the score you wanted in ielts recently post a selfie and tell us your name and score congratulations already nissa rainey has been in fantastic photo thank you so much and she got seven in speaking overall 7.5 congratulations um thank you polar for putting in the link and guys if you go in here all you do is you choose a color right any color you then write your name and i got a band 9 for example you can change the size you can change the color if you like and then you just post and that's it and it just pops up here right um if you want to add a picture if you can put your selfie in then you put your selfie in here and then it comes up right and the same thing did i get a bad nine can't remember can i peel this off i think i can yes i can just delete it so listen i'm gonna leave this up um so dureth throughout the kind of the the lesson today if you like you can go into the lino it and you can go and add something there it's about basically people who've done the test not just this month but in the you know recent months and got the score that you wanted nice facebook facebook yes asking the facebook group name yes if you're not on facebook come on come and join us there's lots of stuff happening there people sharing ideas we're sharing not materials but we're sharing some of my videos and lots of chats going on where is it it's here it's called keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking and you can go and join there come and join us and see what we're doing if you want to check out the facebook page then i'm at keith speaking academy and if you don't know my website then go and check it out it's there's lots of resources there you can find out blog posts um free pdfs from the live lessons that we do here and what else all sorts of stuff information about the test you can get links to my courses and the links have a discount in so if you get the link from the website then you get the discount for the courses that i run as well great there we're going there we're going there we go let me take this off so let me check in let me see how you're all doing over here stop looking on your left keith i know but i have to because i have to look at all the different screens that are going on so i can manage great is today your birthday delfina no it was last week it was the 12th of august but i was away on holiday and if you were on the facebook group i shared a few photos of my holiday we went up to the mountains of asturias astorias is in the north of spain not far from where i live um and we just went out there in the forests in the mountains waterfalls bit of rain some beaches as well because it's so near the coast it was lovely great and the reason i'm looking over here is called the comments are over here as well right let's see how you're doing what means felicity that is so sam good question felicity that is means congratulations congratulations it's spanish because i live in spain and i couldn't find an english one oh well never mind we can all learn a bit of spanish right it's always good to do pradeep says my background is a party atmosphere it is a little bit yes yes padilla says so many iranians here welcome iranians nice to see you here everybody brilliant the weather sounds good at poor the weather is not bad in spain it's um in most of spain it's xxx extremely hot but up in the north where i live it's not that hot it's like 20 degrees it's cloudy it's overcast it's a bit dull to be honest but at least it's warm which is nice okay so guys um what's got what's on the agenda let me get my notes we have got some things to talk about today i'm going to begin today actually having a look at events that we celebrate so when we talk about celebrations right we celebrate all sorts of different things of course one of the most common ones is birthdays i don't know about your country but in england certain birthdays are very important 18 is a very important birthday and we all celebrate that because that is the coming of age right coming of age means that you become an adult kind of legally or officially so it's a big oops it's a big celebration 18 years old coming of age we also have another big birthday is the 21st birthday very important not quite sure why maybe it's the numbers two and one they sound mystical and magical but that's an important birthday um i guess another one is 40. life begins at 40. i don't know if you have that expression in your language right life begins at 40. i'm not sure why [Laughter] why does life begin at 40. why do we say that well i guess because as you're for some people right when you if you've got married in your 20s you've had children your children have grown up they've left the nest they've flown away from the nest and you're at home again with your wife and you and all the children have gone your life begins again and for many people this happens around 40. traditionally i think nowadays it happens more around 50 right um because people are getting married later and later but life begins at 40 you can start a new fresh life once the children have left at 40. um for a lot of people 50 is important and the 50s 60s 70 80s i mean all of those do get celebrated if you if you live that long basically right weddings of course we celebrate weddings it's a big thing wedding anniversaries the difference between weddings and wedding wedding anniversaries right is that the anniversary is the number of years you've been married right so if your the one year anniversary is very important if you've just got married guys and your one year anniversary is coming up don't forget it your partner will never forgive you 20 20 is quite important 25 is quite important and of course again if you're married for so long the 30th the 50th all of these are important anniversaries at least in britain they are talking about anniversaries um there's a really interesting website where is it i think i have it further down here but let me show you if i can up here this is the one wedding anniversaries i can hear the builders building they're doing renovation work next door how lucky we are um and maybe the guys could share this with us but there's a website um over here whoops where are you hello ah it's decided not to show let me come back why is it decided not to show it was showing before here we go it's from hallmark and maybe the moderators could share this for me as well um hallmark they make gifts of course and so they talk about anniversary gifts for each year when you get married the different years you get a different gift i'm sure you're aware of this right so for example if you are married if it's your first anniversary you should give paper um if it's your tenth you should give tin or aluminium if you're already like me at your 20th you give china you give you don't give them the country you give them something made of china like porcelain some kind of plate or cup made of china it's very interesting right and if you want ideas right if you're not sure what to give your loved one on the first anniversary you can click on here and it will tell you different ideas of things you can buy out of paper obviously paper's good because look the computer's not loading up properly it's taking ages everything is just frozen traditional paper modern clocks ah so nowadays people give clocks but traditionally it was paper ideas what to give grab a pen and some stationery and write the kind of love letter that will be tucked away forever wow a love letter that's nice romantic love coupons a pack of beautiful space stationery and if you want to splurge so splurge means spurge means to spend a lot of money you can get matching smart watches interesting if you want to write a love letter try these tips for writing a love letter you can go and check this out right a love letter really in this day and age yes absolutely you can text it you can email it but you can still write it by hand that's the thing gives you some ideas i think it gave ideas right what to say here you go this was the one i was looking at before you can say start off on our first anniversary i just wanted to remind you how lucky i feel just because you know i love you every day but today i feel like putting it in writing i'm missing your face it goes on and on great you can get lots of little tips here on writing a lovely love letter to your loved one to your partner so guys if the moderators can share it it's hallmark and go and check it out very very interesting check out the wedding gifts as well nice so if you are um coming up to a wedding anniversary there you go sorted celebrations um the other thing of course we celebrate as we mentioned earlier is passing exams if you've passed ielts or passed any other exam maybe there's going to be a celebration i'm interested what what other ways sorry not what other ways what other events do you celebrate or do we celebrate let's see if i get some ideas from you any ideas life begins at 40. any ideas i'm just looking through the comments is marriage mandatory no of course not topic of today's video is celebrations i'm trying to get some more ideas what do we celebrate valentine's great newborn baby comes to life graduation oh it's gone where has it gone thank you graduation tao says the tet holiday which i think is the vietnamese new year housewarming of course lunar new year that's nice easter if you're a christian yes festivals more generally speaking nice um atlas says the vaccine me nice one good in uzbekistan you have navros which i also i'm guessing is a new year celebration but let me know promotion said nikhil of course if you get promoted yes um anything else new baby i think we talked about great driving license when you get your driving license yeah probably a 17 or 18 for most people in england getting a job uh hau nyang tells us getting a good job exactly a new house from rose house warming parties right of course so there are absolutely lots of things that we celebrate different events that we celebrate let's move on um useful vocabulary so how do we celebrate let's have a look at some phrases we can use to talk about how we celebrate here are some useful phrases right some people say we like to crack open a bottle of champagne champagne is the wine right from the champagne region in france um and instead of saying open like you can be clever and say crack open the crack just means boom there's a kind of celebration explosion it's exciting we're going to crack open a bottle of wine tonight or let's crack open a bottle of champagne so you can crack open wine or champagne those are the main ones we talk about nice phrasal is it not a phrasal verb is it crack open yeah not exactly but just to crack open champagne because as the french will tell you only the wine from the champagne region can be called champagne there are lots of other names in england we also come call champagne bubbly let's crack open a bottle of bubbly in spain they have something called cava cabba cava is similar to champagne but it's not champagne because it's not from france um it's basically sparkling white wine basically so all of these are kind of sparkling sparkling sparkling means fizzy sparkling white wines i'm sure in your country you probably have a similar kind of white wine right champagne sparkling wine says albert exactly yeah sparkling white wine crack open a bottle of beer you can yeah you could open beer as well exactly cava which is from spain any others you know from your country i'm guessing this might be one but i'm not sure you can crack open a bottle of sparkling water yes if you're not into alcohol what's going on we're celebrating my friend we're celebrating talking about celebrations right japanese sake right but okay we're getting all the spumentes bumanti is a similar one right yes brandy is a different kind of drink but makioli in korea crack occur a can of beer yeah why not yes crack open a bottle of vodka why not helen says we love to give an envelope with money inside ah that's also i think one of the chinese traditions the hong bao yes right again all kinds of different drinks i'm just looking at the ones that are similar to champagne champagne i can guess is champagne right brilliant okay so we can crack open different kinds of drinks also other things we can do you may want to say we usually have a party or you can say throw a party this is a bit metaphorical or it's more idiomatic because you're not throwing but you're having a party so to throw a party um is the same as have but it just sounds better right it sounds a bit more sophisticated we tend to throw a party for family and friends notice we can say tend to meaning usually right we tend to throw a party for family and friends notice with the pronunciation how we can split it up you can make a pause we tend to throw a party pause for family and friends notice the two becomes ta and the four becomes repeat with me we tend to throw a party for family and friends nice put it all together we tend to throw a party for family and friends yeah great we go out for a slap up meal now when you celebrate you don't have a small meal right you don't just sit and have a s well maybe you do have a salad or a sandwich but normally when people celebrate they go for a big meal like lots of food too much food lots of expensive food lots of drink we call that in english a slap up meal slap means slap slap up i don't know why but slap why do we call it a slap up meal i don't know but slap up meal slap up becomes slap up we go for a slap up meal we go for a slap up meal we go for a slap up meal got it perfect that's nice right so that's a big big meal basically normally big sometimes expensive just let me make that clear a big meal a big fancy meal let's say nice generally speaking we can say we celebrate by doing something yeah so you can use that in any situation we celebrate by going out for dinner we celebrate by buying each other presents we celebrate by giving money in an envelope as somebody said right um so how do you excuse me how do you celebrate i wonder i have just imitated we go for a slap out we go out for a slap up meal brilliant we go out for a slap up meal we go out for a slap but meal nice love it sarah says we celebrate by having a party yeah we celebrate by by throwing a party last year we celebrated not last year four years ago we celebrated my birthday by having by throwing a party we celebrate by dancing with each other lovely great we're going to do some dancing later wearing fancy clothes i'm a beginner can i join you here yes you can i think the language we're covering goes from beginner intermediate up to advanced level there's something for everyone sugar mommy so welcome what else have we got we have a feast so that's great a feast is a slap up meal right we also call that a feast we usually hold a party yep you can say hold a party that's good that's great we celebrate by going out for a dance or we like to taste different kinds of food brilliant very nice we prepare plov in uzbekistan i've heard of plov yes very nice lovely but i've never tried it i'm waiting for you to invite me to your house to try it dear friend so that's how we celebrate um another one another expression we have is about tradition in our house it's a family tradition that the boy or the birthday boy has to wear red now there are traditions that a country has or that a culture has but also a lot of families have their own little traditions right something that only that family do and this is if you have this you can talk about this you can say in our house it's a family tradition to do this in our house it's a family tradition to drink champagne um before the meal begins or in our tradition in our tradition in our house it's family tradition to make a speech before the celebration or it's a family tradition that the birthday boy has to wear red so things like that you can talk about a family tradition if it's not a family tradition if it's just your country right you can say well traditionally we do this if it's more of a country in my country traditionally we give money in envelope okay so you've got two things you can talk about country tradition or you can talk about a family tradition right i'm sure you've got family traditions i'm sure you've got country traditions for sure i like your sense of humor in our house it's a family tradition to break all the traditions nice and notice again right notice that when you're speaking how you can chunk the language make sure you're chunking in our house pause it's a family tradition pause to break all the traditions so you've got three chunks right this is so important because it really helps your fluency to be chunking ddd ddd in our house repeat with me in our house it's a family tradition to break all the traditions the beaker you are now the famous teacher we are teaching through you thank you so much for your example nice he has his pick in our house it's a family tradition that the party girl has to wear some clothes good in my country traditionally we give food to everybody at the temple right notice the chunking again in my country traditionally we give food to everybody at the temple in my country traditionally we give food to everybody at the temple you can use that pausing really effectively and it's still fluent it's still band nine fluency right don't worry about having these little pauses it's really really gonna help you danielle says in my village tradition we barbecue times or cook much traditional traditional foods yeah very very nice in my village in my village tradition that's nice in my village tradition very very good i'm just going to add something for you we cook many traditional foods so you've got tradition which is great the adjective for everybody right the adjective is traditional so tradition is the noun traditional the adjective traditional foods yeah great very nice this is interesting i didn't know this in brazil traditionally kids throw eggs on the birthday child's head what why to celebrate right i know so again in brazil traditionally kids throw eggs on the birthday child's head great get chunking everybody rishita says in our house it's a family tradition that the birthday boy has to take elders blessings first in the morning on the big day very very nice and what a nice tradition great thanks rishita that's great i'm going to take one more is says in my house it's a family tradition that we don't cook for dinner absolutely brilliant nice perfect english not mine is or eyes great so we've been looking at um well we've been looking at chunking fluency but also different ways of celebrating of course one of the big things is families come together right so there are different ways we can talk about the family coming together we have a family gathering right it's a nice way of saying it or the family gets together so you've got that's the verb or we have a get together as a noun with family and friends repeat with me we have a family gathering the family gets together the family gets together we have a get together with family and friends banging doors we have a get together with family and friends great lovely very very good so different ways of talking about the family coming together okay lovely for those of you who are just joining us right just to make it clear we're talking about celebrations right and we are well we're celebrating everybody felici that is felicity dallas is the spanish one for celebration okay lovely um what's coming next let's check in because one of the things we're celebrating is people who've got their ielts test score and it's a good score it's the score they wanted so i've invited you to come to the website my linoit and i'm just going to check in we've got a few oh we've only got one or two people have come in this is in the line of it let's have a look we've got here key speaking academy i that wasn't me but thank you whoever put that up pariah got a ban i gotta ban 7.5 carl my goal is to get an overall seven he's celebrating before the result that's confidence for you well done um no results yet from arda that's okay but listen if you have got a result coming to the linowit place just pick yourself a card write something down and you can post it up here and let us know if you've done well in your ielts test okay now i need a drink in my birthday cup i wonder if we can have a little silly jingle while i do this bum [Music] so what's next next up we've got i've got a surprise for you here's the surprise surprise number one there are two surprises today here's the first surprise right what's the first surprise the first surprise is in order to celebrate um i'm gonna celebrate by holding a zoom call with 10 lucky people so i'm going to celebrate by having this i would like to have a zoom call with me for 10 lucky winners this saturday at 12 p.m noon so if you can make it 12 p.m noon on saturday just 10 people right that's the surprise just to celebrate and what we'll do is we'll just have a chat you can ask me any question about anything it's not going to be a formal lesson but it will be a chance for us to talk practice conversational english all of us can chat and we can talk about anything we can talk about me we can talk about you get to know each other it'll be for 10 lucky people right so how do you become one of the 10 lucky people well what you have to do is leave a comment in the chat box today you've already commented i know um but leave a comment in the chat box and the what i'll do is i will choose randomly 10 people right in the comment just tell me i'll write it down this will make it easier in the comment okay let me write it here leave a comment thing is right you have to do it after the class because the live chat won't count because i won't be able to pick up the live chat comments so leave a comment after the class you can come back anytime today or tomorrow um and just leave a comment in this because the live video is recorded on youtube right so come back to youtube to youtube leave a comment let me make this clear on you in this video on youtube after the class and tell me how you celebrate your birthday that's it that's all you have to do and i will choose 10 people um from the comments in youtube and with those 10 people we will meet up on saturday um i will contact you i'll send you a zoom link and you can come and join me we'll have a chat so make sure you can make this time if you can't make this time don't leave a comment right so only leave a comment if you can make the time okay great that's it that's a great opportunity says kurt i hope so could i hope we get 10 people together it'll be a lovely opportunity for some people to come and have a chat with me that is the first surprise hooray okay lovely i know what we can do let's have some let's do this i like doing this i found this earlier so i'm gonna bring it in now it's firework time so that's it i'll remind you at the end of the class about leaving a comment um let's move forward what's coming up next thank you paola for uh putting the comments back in there reminding people spain time yes yes so that's sorry that 12 o'clock was spay time let's make that clear thank you for emphasizing that let's make it very very clear it's 12 p.m spain time great leslie says it would be nice if you can pin the linoit link paula could you do that or one of the moderators could you pin the link for people how long will be the meeting one hour 12 p.m till 1 00 p.m just one hour great lovely i'm just checking any other questions yeah all about the time zone grey says thank you so much i've passed the ielts skill b1 ray well done grace congratulations another reason to celebrate okay let me move on what's coming up next we're coming up next to this what do you like to celebrate and why so what do you like to celebrate and why as is i'll take you off i asked people on the facebook group and remember if you've not joined the facebook group come and join us right it's just go into facebook and look for keith's mastermind community the facebook group is just about ielts speaking come and join us um what i did i think it was yesterday i asked some people about what they like to celebrate and i'm just going to share with you a short clip um showing you some of the ideas that people had with me talking about it um so let's have a look together i'm just going to share this with you the question was what do you like to celebrate and this is what people said let's have a look [Music] as always it's taking a bit of time to load asking people what do you like to celebrate well let's find out um what some of you like to celebrate first of all adira likes to celebrate eid of course that's night nice for your letter i'd like to get together with family and friends mexican food drinks and dancing i like to get together with family lovely expression oil just watching your youtube channel how nice cower says i love to make my achievements memorable by celebrating them with my near and dear ones that's a nice bionic bionicle near and dear my near and dear ones like it sonia says birthday uh shazza says making a new painting well done karuna is talking about the future i would love to celebrate the day when i get my visa lovely nina christmas and new years we can say new year singular or new year's plural taking my time with my family lovely tang huang says well i often spend my good chunk of time i often spend a good chunk of time with my family on celebrations the thing is it helps to build a warm atmosphere nice collocation build a warm atmosphere among the family members great lovely christerthel i like celebrating new year's eve great sunrise success oh doa talks about mother day ah i think you mean mother's day right with the apostrophe s and graduation day ritesh talks about i think that's a festival the makkah you can tell us more about that birthdays here birthdays my online exhibition from gabriella look at that fantastic that's something to celebrate wedding anniversaries eid spring why not the wonders of god why not indeed christmas easter birthday there's a whole range of things let's go down and find a few more naveen starting a new job yeah that's worth celebrating my wedding anniversary herve how many years has it been also abdullah talks about marriage we've got what else birthdays cameron says there's no specific reason behind the celebration but when i'm in a peaceful mood in a peaceful mood then that is the reason behind my celebration well why not just celebrate the moment we're in now right mawa looks wow a whole myriad of oh look at that somebody's popping up um a whole myriad of um thingamajigs celebrations birthdays new year valentine's eat alfitre illada all of them great iran funerals interesting we do celebrate you're maybe one of the fewer people who who enjoy celebrating that but why not you know some people say when people die they pass on to a better life let's celebrate that huda says celebrate my birthday sonja life love and togetherness fantastic let's just pick up one or two more frankly i like to tell people the good tidings of god says kanuti why not indeed marry enjoys muslim celebrations and birthdays and success in my life fantastic i'm going to stop there there's lots but gives us a good idea we're also going to be looking later at exactly what um no how we celebrate right fantastic let's stop fantastic there was so many comments listen thank you so much everybody for all of the um all of the comments that you gave really really good why do you like to celebrate let's see what some of you are saying up here from facebook i like to celebrate christmas with my loved ones very nice yes this is very philosophical but very good i like to celebrate each and every day in my life absolutely fantastic well done oh well i love to share christmas that's nice to share christmas that's a good one share christmas with my family and relatives in a cozy ambiance nice um we've got i love national celebrate it is nairas this time everyone wants to meet each other ah i love the national celebration right just be careful because celebrate is the verb celebration would be the the noun right i love a national celebration it's nairas fantastic well done thank you for that thanks for sharing what else i like to celebrate the day that i immigrated to australia you should you should have an anniversary every year to celebrate art and says macca sancri which is an indian festival where we fly kites a lot of people talk about festivals that they celebrate the durga puja that ajita celebrates yes oliver talks about church functions like baptism exactly maybe weddings funerals all of those yes very nice afib says i'm really into celebrating religious events great simmer says to be perfectly honest i'm not interested to celebrate my birthday as i don't have deep pockets that is a really nice expression with the plural deep pockets simmer that means if you don't know that you don't have a lot of money to spend on something i don't have deep pockets right if you've got deep pockets there's lots of space to put all your money so if you don't have deep pockets you don't have so much money for that thing nice brilliant okay um let me just have a look checking in any others family celebrations right res van likes to celebrate days with my lovely four-year-old daughter by painting great very nice daktan says i like throwing a party well done throwing a party very good student with my friends after finishing a university semester it's a lovely idea i wonder how long the party lasts do you stay out all night till six in the morning sarah says i like to celebrate to immigration to london in the future right so sarah if it's in the future then you'd be saying i'd like i would like to right i'd like to celebrate i'd like to celebrate my immigration i'll just change that as well this is great we can show everybody the right way to do it sarah i'd like to celebrate my immigration to london in the future top top very very nice lovely so my family love ramadan i think most people like ramadan those who celebrate it right okay so what's coming up next um i've got another surprise for you and this is a very very simple surprise right surprise number two um surprise number two is can you guess can you guess what it is any guesses mary jane hopefully you can celebrate that come on guesses what do you think this is there's probably a lag before the comments come in but can you see that can you guess what it is [Music] i'm sure you can see now yeah cake cake doughnut cake cake a puppy cake with icing even better birthday cake cake carrot cake might be carrot cake is it carrot cake got lots of fruit on top a delicious cake absolutely pie not not a pie frost yes birthday cake or a bifti cake indeed look it's cake right we've got here a bit of cake so what i'm going to do is i'm going to share with you my birthday cake we had a birthday cake i'm going to share the birthday cake with you we're going to do this in two ways and i'm not sure if this is gonna work but we're gonna try we've got a virtual cake that you can have and a real cake and i'm gonna set fire to my cake this apparently goes i'm gonna try it live on youtube burn down my computer if i get cut off it means i've burnt down the computer but we're going to try this so listen first of all let me show you the virtual cake i'll give you a bit of money money no i didn't say that i'll give you a bit of music give you a bit of music and you can have a look at the cake have some virtual cake while i go and get the real cake and then you can watch what happens with that so first of all let me show you the virtual cake this is in the it's another lino it the cake line of it you can come into this if the moderators can share the link to the cake line of it you can come in get yourself a slice of cake here oh look some people are celebrating ielts as well thanks keith you helped me get from saudi arabia to the united kingdom great well done it's nice and sunny listen there's also a little video here you can watch this video i'm not going to play it because i'll get copyright complaints but you can watch it if you go into lino it i'm gonna go get the cake i'll just leave you with a bit of a a bit of music and you can um enjoy yourselves just for one second alright 20 seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come back i'm back look got the cake here now that obviously is not high enough so bear with me this is where all my daughter's books come in handy that'll do actually you can see that but that will do because what we're going to do is pop this in oh i'm gonna regret this i'm gonna burn down the house there we go that's in now apparently what you do is you take this and you set fire to it don't worry i know i've got to move i am going to move not only am i going to move is the music still going it is yes let's put some colombian music on colombian celebration music so i'm going to move things away just for a moment i'm even going to protect my computer because i know from experience things often go wrong just a bit of shielded covering and i'm going to get out the way and set fire to this let's see if it works are you ready people are going no don't do it one year old oh ha ha yes one for one million on youtube right here we go let's try it now apparently it should just work like that whoa help i can't believe it actually works look at that great i should get out of the way don't want to be blown up lovely congratulations to all of you who've done well in ielts congratulations for those of you who are going to do well in ielts happy birthday leos and virgos and uh congratulations keith i'm getting a million on youtube hey now how do i put this out [Music] it put itself out fantastic just in case i was worried that that was gonna blow up the computer and everything excellent there we are and now the best bit right the best bit is that we sorry i get to eat the cake look at that oh it's a oh it's an ice cream cake it's an ice cream chocolate cake and it's frozen like elsa there we go listen would you like something lovely right i'm gonna dig in [Music] yes vicky it is [Music] [Music] ice cream cake love it listen have some i feel really bad about eating this now there we go right let me get away daughter's books ice cream everywhere chocolate everywhere brilliant microphone back in keyboard back in [Music] teaching head back on great rose likes the background music it's nice into it's a piece of cake very good very nice [Music] it's good i like it very very nice [Music] i bought it in my local supermarket i didn't buy it my daughter bought it right she was a step ahead of me have i got chocolate right so delicious it is delicious delicious and vibrant moments with the explosion absolutely it looks enticing what a nice word cheryl enticing appetizing it is yeah no it's horrible you're not missing anything it's a horrible cake you're not missing it really you're better off without it right let's take the music off for a minute what's up next i completely forgot where we are that was the cake coming up next we've got what ah i'm gonna move on to this um i'm gonna have a look at idioms idioms to talk about celebrations if i get my notes out up here it seems quiet without the music now yes joe bird i think my daughter is watching actually she's not watching at the moment she will come back later and probably watch this when she saw all of this in her bedroom this is her bedroom and she saw the cake said i want to join the party but she's out she's she does surfing class in the mornings so she can't she'll have to wait uh great great thank you very much paloma says congrats i'm a leo too thank you very much best virtual party ever right excellent let's move on and get into um something useful for you all of this is useful but this may be useful as well and these are idioms that you can use to talk about celebrations right first of all the following all mean to have a good time one of the most common ones is to have a ball like a ball literally like a football to have a ball is to have a good time so we can say we had a ball at my sister's wedding it was so much fun right great i can still smell the fireworks next one to have a whale of a time so notice it's a whale a time right make sure you get the ah and the ah it's very important you can't change this right to have a whale of the time and we make this into ava of the time of the time say with me other time have a whale of a time have a whale of a time have a whale of a time for example i usually have a whale of a time at christmas or i usually have a whale of a time in my life lessons it's true another expression is to have the time right notice here it's the not so we have a whale of a time but here the time of my life again you can't change these the the and the my so make sure we get the time of my life again this becomes of of my life of of the can you see the it's a vibration on the lips it's not off it's of it's a v sound of of my life i had the time of my life i had the time of my life last week when we celebrated my birthday again it's very true right okay so those are to talk about to have a good time we often have a good time i hope so very useful send the cake to gordon ramsay yes he would probably tell me to f off i mean knowing gordon ramsay so kai says sorry keith what does have a whale of a time mean it means to have a good time so all of these one two and three mean to have a good time right good question kai good question danielle says we had a whale of a time at keith's birthday and for one millions on youtube yes cute thank you very much you've enrolled in my courses and are my favorite teacher oh thank you that's so kind narja says oh we'll come to that one let your hair down i had the time of my life great i had the time of my life last year when i celebrated my birthday and hopefully waiting for these years these years right yes kai says i always have a whale of a time when i'm with my bestie lovely perfect charles i usually have a whale of a time at tet holiday at the tet holiday yes when you say at it it sounds more like you're at a place at the discotheque at the pub at the restaurant at the tet holiday it's okay but it sounds like you're referring to the the place where the holiday happens if you want to refer to the time of the tet holiday or the celebration then i would say on so i'm going to leave both because you can say at it just has a slightly different feel to it at it feels more like the place on is more like the time the when on the tech holiday i usually have a whale of a time on the tet holiday at tet holiday you're thinking of like at christmas aren't you yes at christmas at the ted holiday why does that sound different that is very interesting i usually have a whale of a time at christmas at easter at the tet holiday it's very strange i'm not sure i think maybe it needs that at the tech holiday or on the tech holiday maybe that's why maybe it needs the okay good charles thank you for that great so we usually have a whale of a time every time we play with our dogs with our dogs if you play to your dogs it sounds like you're singing or playing music to them and they're listening but i think you mean playing with your dogs right i think now some more useful idioms great um we went out and painted the town red to paint the town red is to go to the pubs or the bars or restaurants and eat and drink a lot right to go to a lot of bars restaurants maybe pubs i think it's more about drinking than eating unfortunately but we painted the town red it means we had we had a we had a great time and had a great time okay the other one somebody said i like to let my hair down let my hair down because to relax and enjoy myself i like to let my hair down so again it's my hair you can't say ah hair it's to let my hair down great what else have we got any other idioms clara says i will have the time of my life if we can successfully migrate to our chosen country i hope you can i really hope you can dulaj says i have wail of a time i have remember the ad this is great dulac you can remind everybody about the ah and the ah have a whale of that time in english class i'm very pleased to hear that that's great i had a ball at my ex-girlfriend's wedding that's an interesting situation right i had a whale of a time with my roommates exploring the city lovely okay her friends were at her wedding ceremony they painted the town red yeah that's great that is very very common that people paint the town red at wedding ceremonies and at stag nights and hen nights right especially at the stag night and the hen night a stag night attack a stag night is a party for a man about to be married so very often when you have a stag night you paint the town red you must paint the town red you have to go to all the bars all the pubs and drink a lot and if you have a hen night well you can guess right a party for a woman don't need to write man again woman about to be married so if you have a stag night or a hen night you can uh paint the town red obligatory nice brilliant okay yeah last one then elianne i've did that before after the pandemic we are gonna paint the town red lovely i think so too i agree now then okay we've looked at lots of idioms i'm gonna move on to our last activity we can't have a celebration without a game right gotta play some games so what games can we play let's have a look oh yes there's the kahoot game right where is kahoot let me see if i can find it i've got a slightly different kahoot for you today it's not about vocabulary it's in a selfish way it's about me it's a test of what you know about me now that i've had my birthday i'm a little bit older i wonder how much you actually know about me so we're going to find out right what you know about me just a few questions and let's see now then just give me a moment if you've not played kahoot before guys what you need to do is to go over here where are you kahoot go over here and you need to go in there and then you'll see the answers to the questions and you just choose a b c or d you choose the right one okay okay so we're gonna play this one i'll show you the screen stay with me keep watching me here but you'll see if you go to maybe on your mobile phone or a different browser the game pin you need to put in your name and then also the pin 926-9190 that's nine two six nine one nine zero um put in the pin come and join us put in your name and we'll start in a few moments fabio if you're driving yeah don't play for goodness sake thanks up sarah for sharing the link there rock rock thank you very much we had a whale of a time in turkey in the beginning of august good uda merci beaucoup yeah bachelor party that's a stag night it's the same thing as a bachelor party right we've got we've got quite a lot of people in so let's let's get down to it let's do it so we're going to start again you get the question and as fast as possible you choose your answer let me just get rid of this you can also put your answer in the chat if you don't know if you can't get into kahoot okay here we go starred all about me [Music] i was born in london manchester santander or new york you've got 30 seconds by the way to put in your answer where was i born london manchester santander or new york three two one wow some interesting answers a lot of people thought it was london but fortunately the majority of you just about you discovered that i was born in manchester exactly well done um i was not born in santander although i live here now but i was born in manchester in the uk yes i do get i get a lot of questions from people asking me about are you spanish or are you british i am british i was born in manchester great place but i moved to spain three years ago so i live here now and it's yeah i've been here for three years okay great where are we i've lost you hello let me come back sorry there we go let's move on to the next so we see amazon dove i'm trying to get this in the right place it's not quite fitting in is it okay amazon dove 54 well done heaven second lianev is third let's move on next question true or false i play the violin or false i play the violin and nick i have not been to carabandal oh oh sally thinks it's false sandy says false sonny says true well look at that just about the majority just about got it right it's true i do play the violin if the truth be known i've not played for a number of years because i don't have a violin here in spain in my house here but i do play the violin great okay moving on oh everything's changed everything's changed sue has gone up into first place and quandook second sauer d cup is in third let's get going question number three i have blank child children one two three four how many children do i have one two three or four this will be interesting i think a lot of you know this ah lots of people are saying one or two someone says raghav's a baby girl oh she's not a baby anymore the answer is one exactly i've got one daughter uh so a hundred of you got it right some of you thought two no i've just got the one just the one daughter excellent let's see how we're doing oh things have moved again quandog is up to first julia sneaks into second shu tumbles down into third and oh love you keith is in fifth great and dorae is the highest climber all right question number four i think this is the last question finally which is the odd one out playing football cooking watching films hiking in the mountains this is difficult but remember it's about me you have to think about this think carefully which is the odd one out which is different remember it's about me interesting answers i think quite a few of you are on the ball oh look at that 54 and 54 playing football hiking in the mountains the correct answer was playing football because it's something i do not do and i don't enjoy very much the other three are all hobbies that i enjoy doing and that i do regularly i love cooking i love hiking in the mountains i love watching films but i don't play football it's not one of my hobbies so well done those of you who got that right great let's find out then the results the final results number three love you keith great second place arda well done and first quan dork has made it well done celebration fantastic very very nice well done quandook hooray we're talking about celebrations well done you can celebrate you can now go and celebrate by cracking open a bottle of something you enjoy uh excellent well done so guys that's kahoot and that brings us actually towards the end of the lesson for today um just to remind you all right that the remind you of the website if you want to collect the pdf and read the the notes about today's lesson go to the look for the free live lessons um i'll show you very briefly where it is so if you want to go there you can go and check it out look it's over here if you go to the website um go to the top and it says free live lessons just click on there and you'll be able to get the the latest lesson that we had you can study it or you can download it there's also an audio file which is just 15 minutes a summary of the notes if you like and you can get the other pdfs from other lessons down here okay so that is on the keith speaking academy the other thing to remind you if you haven't joined us yet is join us well join me or follow me on the facebook page keith speaking academy come and join us in the facebook group keith's mastermind community come and join um the chats the discussions and the things and the motivation hopefully that's going on if you are on youtube then please do remember to subscribe and turn on notifications you can find about new videos coming in just a note to let you know this saturday there is no video it's been postponed until next week so there will be no video on saturday i'm afraid no i'm afraid i'm sorry about that but you can come back and watch one of the other many many videos that are on the youtube channel english speaking success fantastic if you like um my teaching then you know do remember there is a course there's ielts speaking success that you can find the links on my website um and you may want to take part in that course just go to the website as i said before and you can find it there are links all over the place but if you go here for example study with me on the home page you can see that takes you straight to the course and you can get the course there okay brilliant what else have i got to say i'm just going to check in on the line of it because i remember we were looking at that i wonder if anybody's added anything there's a few things let's have a quick look cake is making me hungry oh here we go i got ielts 6.5 overall my congratulations to you it's my painting for you oh this is nice thank you so much i love that painting that's great thank you virtual cake looks delicious best isle speaking teacher great some nice comments there guys thank you very very very much for all of those comments you can leave more later if you like but that's it i think we are there i'm just going to remind you about the first surprise which was the zoom right the zoom meeting at the end of this video like in a few minutes remember to leave a comment i'll just remind you what it was that it was this one so when the video finishes in a minute come back leave a comment on this video on youtube after the class and tell me how you celebrate your birthday and then you can become one of the 10 lucky winners and who will have a zoom call with me on saturday that's this saturday for one hour 12 o'clock at spain time okay so leave me a comment and then tomorrow evening or tomorrow oh no do this today leave me a comment today it must be today before midnight spanish time leave a comment today on this video tell me how you celebrate your birthday okay and then i will choose the people tomorrow and let you know and we'll have the zoom call that's it great thank you very much for joining me i hope you've enjoyed the celebration talking about celebrations uh for me it's been an absolute ball i've had a ball i've had a whale of a time as i always do with all of the students here um studying english and for those of you preparing ielts i think most of you are take care if you've got the test coming up good luck if you've got your birthday coming up enjoy yourself congratulations have a good celebration and i will see you all next week thursday same time same place take care my friends bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 53,393
Rating: 4.9571309 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking practice, ielts practice, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking topics, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking celebration, celebration ielts speaking part 3, celebration ielts speaking, celebration ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking new year celebration, new year celebration ielts
Id: nRJ_1m26blk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 57sec (5277 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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