Skipping in High School

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Yo Swoozie is gettin some

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Camille_Bot 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2018 🗫︎ replies
In high school I never understood going to school to skip class on campus. That made no sense to me, if you didn't want to go to school stay home. I'd be in driver's ed class outside on the bleachers. I look over and see kids skipping every single day like LITERALLY skipping LA LA LA LA LA At my school skipping was like a really big problem, so if you ever got caught. It's Saturday school or detention Not worth it. I go to school. I forget that I have a massive test that I didn't study for so Bump it I'm just gonna skip and lately I've been getting a lot of subscribers from England, Australia, and Canada I don't know how schooling works over there, at my school We had three lunches and one long class (what kind of trash ass school?) that you just stay in for that whole time until it's your lunch And I had the last lunch so all I need to do is skip class for the first two lunches and then we Gucci so I'm staying in the hall thinking about this and the late bell ring, so I'm just like okay Well, it's now or never and over by art, and photography There's these bathrooms that are single stalled that always smell wacky tabacky coming out of so I walk over there And there's a open stall I go in I hide and then I wait for the first bell to ring So kids start going into the lunch room, and I'm thinking to myself. I could hide in here for an hour or I could be a fatty and eat it all three lunches *don't even play like there was a choice* And if you've seen any of my Instagram stories of my snapchat stories you already Ca-know which one of these I picked I have my main squad William and Bandit in high school But I'd also squad hopped I was cool with the Jamaicans the goth kids the Nerds the popular kids, okay? I wasn't really friends with the popular kids, but you get the idea I never been at this first lunch it had a completely different vibe, but please believe I was chilling with my Asians over there like *orgasmic sounds of pleasure from good noodles* Bell rings everybody starts leaving the lunchroom, I started heading back to my bathrooms, and there's an administrator blocking it Mm-hmm so my new mission objective is to find a new bathroom and then I'll just come out for a second lunch boom we good and now the Administrators are watching all the kids going into the classrooms I don't got no class over on this side of the building so I walk outside And I'm acting like I'm going to another building and then I hear hey Do you hear anything? I'm just gonna walk this way now, then I hear a say. Hey you stop! And then I ran If you run from administrators That's a three day suspension *WHAT KIND OF EXTRA ASS SCHOOL IS THIS* I sprint for like 30 seconds, and I thought I lost her look over my shoulder and she is right there like *sound of 70 year old Olympian on steroids, sprinting* I'm 16 and a half years old and you're like 70 how you keeping up with me? I ain't going back to jail I did my nickel. I ain't going back I'm guessing a lot of kids ran from her because I felt like John Connor being chased by the T-1000 so I'm zigzagging running around corners I find a bathroom boom kick open the door There's ten other dudes in this boy's bathroom Looking like refugees all skipping waiting for the next lunch So there's like a 10-minute window between when lunch gets out and the next lunch starts So I just have to not get caught before that next bell rings, so I'm chilling the bathroom And then I hear the double doors at the end of the hall open And then I start hearing heels none of these dudes know what's going down so I run into a stall. Thank God there was nobody in it We're in a boys bathroom. She *Swooz struggles to pronounce can't properly* come in here! Right? So the heels keep getting louder and louder and then she gets to the door and cracks it open and she goes I know you're in there! Nobody says a word. If you come out now. It's not gonna be that much of a punishment But if you made me go and get a male administrator everybody in here is getting suspended. I'm dripping sweat, sweat is coming out of my booty cheeks right now my mom was from the Caribbean I know if she finds out I ran from an administrator and got suspended She's gonna beat me with a fridge *why you sugarcoating, she would get a truck and beat you with that* so once she's threatened She's gonna get another administrator one guy cracks, and he comes out is anybody else in there. Yeah So then another kid who's always in trouble. We'll just call him Dre. Dre's like forget it whatever I'm in here, too Who else is in there you better not cover for anybody so he walks back in and like Dre is cool. He ain't gonna snitch You you and you and just rats with no hesitation and then he starts walking out, and she's like is there anybody else Oh, let me check the stalls real quick. WHAT THE H DRE?! I hear open up the other stall you and you out. He opens up my stall and she was like is anybody else in there? And he looks me dead in my eye, and he goes nah, that's it It's all clear ain't nobody else in here me and Dre never even talked we have gym class together And we I never said two words of this dude needless to say that Was the last time I ever skipped class ever You sit here, and then you look at the camera these are my neighbors have y'all skipped before Have we skipped and don't look here look there. Show a hand if you skipped class before. On campus? My senior year I tried it once and almost got expelled, but my dad was a teacher so nobody cared.
Channel: sWooZie
Views: 19,683,343
Rating: 4.9347606 out of 5
Keywords: swoozie, adande
Id: nCPIKP_84qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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