We Found BONES ON OUR PROPERTY ... I Bought An Abandoned RANCH In Florida

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this is a piece of bone something crazy so that's a good sign for fear the gallows will be your end run we're here back home in otter creek we've invited some special friends out to go treasure hunting with us and there's so much treasure to find in this little town so much history we had to get the professionals who the hails are you guys my name is wild kyle this is paleo chris yes i am paleo crisp paleo breeze that is not just bree that is paleo brie forever more now known as paleo brie [Music] let's check this out thorns here definitely foreign there's so much deep history here i was just shown this this morning my neighbor who sold the property to us just showed us this this morning okay take a wild guess what do you think it is um it's a tomb okay sometimes wild concrete grows in the woods but like okay no no no no it's not you guys believe that it's a florida it's in florida real limestone this is actually believe it or not and we we got to be careful of diamondbacks but let's see if i work our diamondbacks out this time of year well if it's warm look at this one step two step three step and look at this i'm at church this this takes me to church the steps to church you guys want to come to church with me okay knock on the door come on in come on in come on you guys are welcome here you guys awesome so not only not only did she show me that this morning but guys look at this i think kyle while kyle already saw one of these yeah this looks like a foundation for whether it be the porch yep looks like paleo chris is on one right over there and there's probably more back that way right well paleo bree i think is next to one bree do you see one over there stop it really she fears nothing she's on it right now she's actually stomping on it so overgrown so everything is overgrown there used to be a church here the other thing we've been told there was a turpentine factory right here on the property there are glass bottles there are treasures to be found absolutely everywhere we're going to start digging we're going to start exploring you want to go to another church george take me to church all right right across the street from our property literally the gang right now they're all looking at this this is the old african methodist church can you imagine the things that are to be found in here should we go should we go take a peek this building is old really old we're in old florida george look at this at some point they drilled and they added electricity to the building which is not natural to this old building there's no way that was added later where's the gang where are they oh man i am reverend oh look at that wild kyle is preaching a sermon right now here this is the african methodist church the history here is just wouldn't this be cool to actually restore i know look at that it's concrete i would love i would love to restore this i mean it's just yeah this is probably pretty old look at the small bricks at the top with like the weird wood under it yeah yeah is that wood that's so strange this is something else isn't it can you imagine what you would find on this property even metal detector you don't know how long people are coming here guys i found another stair up to the pulse right there george do you want to take a can go up to the pulpit sure okay george is headed up to the pulpit look at that bree is bree is making a home in a shelter you can tell like this just dropped recently yeah the whole tree took that took the tree out so much incredible history like this is something i definitely would want to i would want to preserve for the community for the history sake of it do you think this might be the confession room that depends what do you need to confess george where people would come to confess their sins no when what do you need to confess oh that's between me and the lord well maybe you need to go in the confession room it looks like wild kyle's going in first he might be a while you got something to read you probably just you probably just jump on youtube yeah this could be dangerous i think it could very well could be the outhouse this could have been an out this could have been the outhouse i mean you could make your confessions in the outhouse yesterday evening jeremy got on his big green tractor and started digging out this pit i did and what we noticed we made a big pile over there i knew the guys were coming we knew the gang was coming and now we're going to get their expertise on what the different colors and the layering is okay we wanted to see the layers what do you guys think what do we got going on it's intriguing it's definitely different we have that thin layer of sand right on top and then this stuff i really want to take a look at this yeah that's some weird name that's so weird very strange to see that dark dirt that shallow it's kind of like it almost seems like the dirt's been turned over here before see how you have like white sand there and then dark sand it almost seems like something's mixed it around at some point do you know if anyone's ever done any other work on this i don't i don't know at all but i do know down the power line which is way down there when i first got the tractor i started digging a hole just for the fun of it and i know nobody's done any work there and it was the exact same pattern oh exact same pattern we're headed to the back 40 of the property right now the the creek runs through remember we bought in otter creek our creek's name is otter creek wherever water runs through typically you're going to be able to find some more relics and artifacts in this area indian artifacts are huge and frankly sell for a lot of money we're gonna see what we can find be awesome to find some indian artifacts be awesome to find some actual fossils no doubt this property is just littered with them but it isn't garbage to us it's some of the biggest treasure we'll ever find in our life what'd you find check it out right here oysters everywhere wow kyle's got an oyster paleo chris has an oyster paleo brie has a giant oyster mine's vegas yup that's a good sign that there might be an old house or something close by so you think well do you what did i just miss what did you say i just said size matters and you said you know when it comes to oysters oh okay yeah it's true all right paleo chris what were you about to say about a house i forgot about it they definitely okay now to me and you guys tell me if i'm right or wrong to me it looks like the wild hog of actually dug this up look george just found some too okay so none of these are fossilized we know cedar key is the capital of the world for oysters exactly which is 15 minutes from us you think this is natural or somebody put them here no somebody dumped these here possibly a long time ago it could be exciting there's an old house somewhere on the property or something like that yeah they would they always dump their oysters out yeah eat them so you don't think this is natural you don't think this was actually there weren't oysters in this area somebody put those there do wild hogs enjoy oysters i have heard that they do do george's everything enjoy oysters i do as long as you doctor it up with some lemon juice a little bit of hot sauce uh george do you think we should initiate them [Music] i don't know you three need to find a way into this tree all right you three this is your initiation you need to find a way into the tree look there goes all right initiation initiation look how big this thing is and holy cow paleo bree is already gone there goes paleo chris there goes wild kyle they are all inside this giant giant all right jump in there this giant hollowed out cypress this is our favorite tree on the property now we've barely explored the property but this is the coolest one we've found so far look straight up look straight up it is the coolest thing in the world that is so cool they're now officially initiated i'm glad that this is all it was yeah limestone oh that's a good sign there okay so what does that mean then so it means that it's not all mud in this area there's a nice hard bottom somewhere and uh look at what kind of what kind of spider is that i think that's a wolf spider and if he if he comes out of there i'm dropping this real quick all right uh what if he jumps out at me uh run just run just run or will spiders poison us in florida they give you a nasty bite because wolf wolf spiders in ohio they're not poisonous they're ohio spiders are nice yeah right george they will just give you yeah they're still nice i kind of want to see how big he actually okay let's see what's he got she got oh my god oh oh my goodness it's okay just the things you do for love chris that's right that's right my goodness okay he's a little man he's a little mad he's just scared right now he's not really lunging i'm a little scared too chris likes fossils and he likes [Music] [Laughter] so this is a really good sign yeah so a lot of times you'll get fossils that sit on top of the hard limestone yeah so if we could find like nice hard bottom hard rock somewhere or clay then we'll probably find fossils sitting on top of that stuff yeah oh man that's hopefully we can find a spot in the creek that it's actually cut down to that erodes the land away and hopefully it exposes some limestone and there'll be some stuff ooh we got a lot of creek to explore right now let's keep going chris i gotta ask what's what's one of the oldest things you found and how much did you sell it for oh i feel like i don't want to say that you don't want to share that i feel like i don't want to share that one you know what don't don't share that one but can you can you say hails yes it was a lot of money it was a lot of money it was was it was it somewhat near somewhere close within a hundred miles of this place yes it was we're looking for areas that are higher up okay this is definitely higher up as a matter of fact this is ground level they're probably a good five to six feet up on a hill right now now my first inclination is indian burial ground which you guys think i i don't think it's quite that old it could be you see me rolly no i'm a bug in florida so what they pointed out was that the dirt was brought around the tree well the tree obviously has grown the tree was probably already there but look there's there's some other huge areas here i'm gonna take you guys over and show you this huge mound back here which very well could be an indian burial ground and it very well could be somebody man-made it which could be an indian because they're man they're our man and woman here we go we're going across the creek we got a natural bridge now this is the giant hill across the creek and this has got to be a solid six seven maybe even eight feet tall and you see this is ground level where the cypress knees are and then this is where giant trees are growing so it's had to bend there a long long time and it goes all the way through here now if i was on kelly's island and buying property i would go well this is definitely an indian burial mound but i'm not i'm in florida seminole indians were here too look at this we got cypress knees now let's look let's climb up this hill look at this it's absolutely a mound and then it goes straight back down to flat to cypress knees again it's the oddest thing in the world this mound is here and if it's indian artifacts what does that mean that means more treasure big time treasure i see something i saw some shiny guys guys i'm up on the top of the mound right yeah i think maybe a little otter probably just pulled him up here and ate it this is otter creek is there a pearl in it nope okay it's cool in the mussel itself it's okay so it was right here we're on top of the mound creek is way down there something did and ate it up here and that's pretty yes that's my first find would you find you i hear it what does it feel like it feels interesting so we're looking for gravel is there's gravel here okay that's something so kyle what is that kyle is that gravel pull up some dirt man man it's really dense it does not feel like okay paleo bree what does gravel mean small little chunks of rock yes well no no no it told you we should have brought the screen hold on right hold on a second i got to rinse it in my hand i'm done well what are these pedals dude he's definitely finding pebbles this is a very good sign okay they are oh my goodness okay paleo brie has pebbles is any of it bones i don't [Music] what they're saying is where there's gravel there's always fossils and where there's fossils is a good sign it's worth money tons of money the state of florida the state of florida is like the fossil capital of the world and we bought property knowing and hoping that there would be fossils one find of a fossil on this property would pay for the entire property if it was the right fossil oh he found one this is a piece of bone fossilized the bone fragment so i all found one that brie found it refound it paleo brie found it piece of wood okay so this is not a piece of wood no it looks a lot like wood okay what is it you can tell it's a bone basically it's hard to tell with this piece because there's all the straight edges have been worn away but this is basically just the inside of it and it has a texture similar to wood but that's kind of the marrow in there so this is actually a little fossil bone fragment we can't tell what from because such a small piece but it could be a piece of mammoth or mastodon or giant ground sloth or something crazy so that's a good sentence human human maybe kyle we are right by the mounds i don't like that we are guys we are right by the mountains yeah this is definitely bone look at this they're finding stuff already is there anything else weird in here i don't know but it's time to go get like the gear um they're getting serious we just walked into the creek literally just walked into the creek would she just find like just found another she found another fossilized bone oh my goodness yep they are here if uh if you find if you find something worth a million dollars uh what percentage what's your finders fee you take 80 20. excuse me did we did we uh did we sign contracts with these guys beforehand well i made uh these two sign a waiver for drinking the water okay all right okay you're gonna get those brain-eating amoebas go do that kyle you literally just stepped right over this you love bottles right i do love bottles okay so kyle collects bottles federal ball for bid sale or reuse of this bottle so they would add that a lot starting more around the 60s and 70s so this is probably about from the 60s or 70s something like that probably right there is a date 73 73 not bad not bad how old were you then i was not born so you were you were just uh twinkle and somebody's eyes i was cosmic stardust somewhere so paleo brie she found two bones kyle found one bottle paleo chris he's saving it he's gonna find a full dinosaur he's gonna find the megalodon [Music] the further we get down the creek the deeper the creek actually gets and oh my goodness he's right on gravel i hear it i hear he's right on gravel and whenever there's gravel there's fossil wherever there's fossils there's treasure wherever there's treasure get it we're hunting oh man there's so many roots down there oh what in the world is this oh there's spots like shells it's got something it's got some nope wait maybe you like the clay there's definitely gravel that seems like bone too so basically what you're telling us is we bought the perfect property for treasure hunting fossils indian artifacts and to have other youtubers out to treasure hunt with us oh yes i want to come back already i just want to live here baby we do sort of i mean we don't have the camper here yet but you know we we will we will right here listen oh i hear it that's gravel we need to go get it we can see gravel down there yeah you can see it we need you see the gravel right now right over there so in other words we might need uh babies to get some uh suckers i have waders yeah we barely eat guys we barely even walked the edge of the creek this is cool bree wants our our viewers kept telling us you have to get a hold of paleo chris wild kyle and paleo bree and they're like they're not far from you so we did oh we went out once we went on a kind of a meet and greet discovery we met each other and then we said guys we got to have you on the property we got to go deeper here we are here we are you heard what she said deeper oh i hear it i hear it it's hard bottom out there kyle yeah it's hard bottom yeah did you hear that hard bottom that's good i'm learning all kinds of terminologies that's that's scientific terminology guys okay oh my god whoa look at this oh that scared me so bad oh is that glass yeah okay what did you think it was i thought it was a turtle shell or something oh wow well we know there's bone here because we found a few pieces what's that it would be worth just shifting really hard i think and just get the sifters and then go at it yeah i would be able to tell very quickly exactly what's on the property we need those waiters there's fungus among us what why would you say that about our new friends why would you look at him just okay now i understand why he's called wild now i understand why you would say that okay where was the fungus among us look right here okay it's all around the base of this tree oh nice all the way around nice gotta say we absolutely are in love with this property aren't we spend hours maybe even days out here how about years years and years we may never go back to ohio we just came up for you guys to get equipment to sift the the creek right we did kyle what are you showing me so i just happen to have these books in my vehicle because yesterday someone i know near where i live sent me a text and said she got a ton of old biology textbooks from an estate sale all right let's take a look and this one is from 1859 1859 and we just opened the back of it and it says don't read this book don't read this book don't read this book my honest friend for fear the gallows will be your end and on judgment day the lord will say where is that rock you stole away that's dark speech that is look that book that book that's the book okay i'm always the last one why because the gallows will be the end they might be well they have waders i have wetsuit so i'll feel the cold more one of these things just doesn't belong here one of these things just isn't the same um we obviously are gonna have to get waders uh that water's cold okay so these guys know what they're doing that's why we invited them out we need to be taught we know absolutely this is all new territory for us so the difference between a waiter versus a wetsuit just found out wetsuit you'll get even more gold well though we know absolutely nothing so about 10 years ago my brother-in-law and his uncle had a spot out here on otter creek they said they would park some hunting club property hike through to otter creek and they would feel around with bare feet in the muck out here and they would find giant mastodon teeth they found about six of them this big so somewhere in this creek there's amazing pleistocene age fossils man i can't wait to find one or two or six or sixty do you think we'll find something we're twinning are we gonna do twinning like these two wait are they 20. they are twinning huh did you guys plan that [Laughter] the answer is yes chris the answer is yes and my answer is yes of course we're going to twin we got a lock and load all right if we get destroyed by an alligator then burn that book does it feel weird that we're up here and not in there like we're treasure hunting but we're just observing okay all right come on paleo man [Music] that's one small scoop for paleo chris one giant scoop for what the hails all nothing let's fill a big one and not look at it okay so what they have is a bread rack with some with some screening on it and you've got some flotation devices some what do you think we could probably make we could make some of these don't you think bring the chicken along they'd enjoy yeah you know i'd probably make one with one foot holes in it and everything would go through that's how i roll i only want the big stuff you know why because size matters yeah mastodon teeth baby mastodon teeth i think he might have just put a mastodon too you did yeah a little mastodon they're not always dry yeah you found one that mammoth that's right wow they're not always just going to be that just getting some big scoops he's definitely getting some big scoops look at this he's got to be careful there's a chunk of something crunch it up rocks right here look that's good though right we're hoping this means that some stuff is settled here some bone that clay is really weird that's a great sign clay is good rocks is g are good because that means there's something settling and they are there is a bend right here so it would be really cool in the bend if it was depositing a bunch of fossils and [Applause] artifacts in my mouth i could taste it on my tongue i don't see it there's a little where me is that boom right there bone that's bone bone fossilized bone bone right there it's a very small piece but that is so crazy very [Music] what is that dobson fly larvae check out these pinchers right here you will get bit they're called helger bites too yeah turn into a big flying insect they're lying that's from another planet [Laughter] i believe i believe kyle that's right that's not real so you can see chris is actually scraping his feet the better the gravel the better the fines so he's rubbing his feet just like his his uncle used to do to find the huge mastodon teeth while kyle just found more bone more bone okay they are definitely and more bone what do you think is this cool or what this is pretty fascinating for us it is yeah because we're going to be doing this kyle's got more kyle has more bones more bones more bone there's two pieces of bone in that screen they might be on a dinosaur right now that would be it okay you think it's human or dino definitely not human not human bones so that's good it's not a dino either it's an alien it's it came from the same planet as that larva this is one of the main reasons we purchased this property was for the the woods and the creek and the beauty and the treasure that could be found here very intentionally we bought this property because of this waterway we promised these guys if they find something good we'll take them out to barbecues and if they don't they still get bubble cues okay because you're not gonna you're gonna you're not gonna you're not gonna stay away from barbecues are you watch them as they did these are the natives in their natural habitat foraging you see how the leader had first had first bite of the food and then he throws the remainder to the rest of his troop and tribe they sniff they sort they search they sniff the snail they lick the snail this is the first time such behavior has ever been recorded in the wild what is it what is it it's a fragment of mammoth tooth yep see this light color right there yeah that is enamel so that's the enamel off of the tooth and the mammoth teeth go in these plates so this is just a small fragment of that it's gonna be really hard to tell but chris and i have been doing this for so long that we know those textures and that's what you're looking for that is a piece of a mammoth nice mammoth elephant that is nice it was i just picked it up right out of the screen nice nice all right scale right here modern garfish kind of cool we find a lot of fossils of those though too that's really cool where's that man with two pieces are you keeping it oh yeah oh man george here hold on to it that is our first mammoth george yeah it was a joke more mammoth tooth oh my goodness they're on mammoth tooth there's more mammoth pieces okay more mammoth tooth okay george there's mammoth tooth there they're getting to the good stuff they're following the trail what did they get what did they get more mammoth oh it's getting bigger look at that it is getting bigger oh see the weird texture on this side yeah that's another kind of identifier there oh man george here here oh my goodness more mammoth they just found more mammoth wow that's incredible that's amazing to us that would just look like a piece of bark they're gonna find they're gonna find a full mammoth too they're they're on it now they're on the gravel and the clay that looks like a good shovel full oh my goodness what is that that's a piece of matter no no no no way that's the chewing surface no way guys all right you guys just earned you guys just earned barbecues tonight look at this mammoth tooth look at that oh man okay those are the pieces yep that's how they would grind down grass that's the chewing surface right there this juice would have been that big holy cow you know there's big ones in here you know there's big ones in here oh my goodness okay okay are you guys getting excited yet because i am oh yeah i'm ready to bring scooby doo out here you guys tomorrow scuba what are you guys thinking i i like the idea of scuba diving man look at this oh man so the viewers don't know yet but george and i are actually going to try and get scuba certified as well so that we can do this this is a great sign we have not checked many spots to have this stuff already yeah we barely looked anywhere feel something with my feet right here it feels heavy that's bone dude no that's both no way that's probably is that mammoth bone giant guys you have no idea how excited i am right now guys right there mammoth bone yes oh i wanted the property because i knew the property had resources on it that were worth more than the purchase price of the property and bam here we are oh man treasure hunting heaven treasure hunting heaven right now this is this is minutes into getting out here if this is minutes into getting out here there is no telling what we're going to find on the property there's no telling and he found that with his dad he just found it with his feet check that out george no tools required and mammoth bone you see that side there that's the barrel that's the marrow in the bone what chris is gonna find one with his feet now all right flip it over flip it over and then this is the exterior of the bone wow can you feel the weight of it do you hold on have you now have you found a bigger piece i found like we found like bones now i think it's important right now to share that um we have given permission to paleo chris paleo bree wild kyle to come out and to fossil hunt we have not given permission to anybody else to trespass on the property and we want to clarify that that there should be no trespassing on the property or in the creek you can sell it to someone who's like this mammoth this is the first hunt this is just insane within minutes within literal minutes they're already finding mammoths all right george are you getting excited as i am about this property bigger and bigger i know we gotta follow the trail i feel my feet they're feeling with their feet this is just exploratory today just to see if it was even worth coming out here to search and within minutes minutes they're finding this stuff which means when once we get the scuba gear it's on like oh my goodness i'm gonna show them if he picks another one up did he he did it he did it he just found more bone with his feet he found more bone with his feet oh man oh fossilized bone that is oh my goodness i can't believe it i can't believe it look at that you see it matches marrow bone geez this is this is what this is crazy this is why i wanted when we saw this property this is why i wanted it so bad i knew i knew there had to be it literally was it was the creek it was the water it was the treasure hunting possibilities oh man oh kyle's got something else no kyle's got something else i feel like it's a mammoth it's something holy cow i feel like i feel like such an idiot sitting here up on the edge of the shore but we didn't know we didn't know what what to even expect today and we barely brought anything to florida with us oh kyle she found a bottle cow collects bottles this one's also from the 60s wow they're just right now they're just going with their feet they're just going with their feet this one could be a little older there's a 41 it could be 1941. kind of cool you think you guys thinking what i'm thinking like this is just an untapped resource here that nobody nobody has been here nobody has been here i don't think the locals even know the value of the resources they have in this area it's this is wild and kyle don't do it kyle's thirsty where'd brigo bree went all the way down there what is that more more more look at that is that more tooth see the lines of these yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a chunk of a tooth right there no stinking weight more man it's probably all the same tooth yep oh wow all the same mammoth wow let's get a close-up more mammoth tooth look chris is going through the shovel got more mammoth juice from that spot yes this is crazy i mean how long have we been out here 20 30 minutes now if that incredible so so you were saying that this is unheard of it usually takes you three or four trips to even find a spot where there's stuff right if we just dropped in the first spot instead of finding chunks of mammoth teeth there's some great stuff in this area that's that's a good sign it's got to pinpoint it just got to keep looking a lot of exploring a lot of walking we like walking through this whole thing look at this right look at this this is so cool i feel something down here she says she says she's on something okay oh what is it what is it that's that's that's the chewing surface of a mammoth that's more too are you serious holy moly oh look at that oh yeah yeah yeah that's the that's the top of the tube and where they would grind right in between oh man let's see if they fit let's see if they fit you've got to be kidding me right now that's going to be closed like a puzzle piece flip it over again like this yeah [Music] over here and this is towards the end that's a really good one all together would have been like that big problem yeah that's a beautiful piece oh my goodness that was in one of the holes that you dug wait what i stuffed my foot in there and felt something hard that was so he dug and then you found it under where he dug it rolled in probably it's the shovel the shovel the ridges back and forth and then they would chew and rub back and forth all their other vegetarian diet that's why i don't have vegetarian teas i want to see what an entire tooth looks like right i have a feeling you're gonna see real soon bree just found more there's more she's doing it incredible bree what's you what's your what are you doing you just i'm just feeling right now the electric slide you're doing the electric slide in the otter creek to the left and she just found more [Music] bone okay is it more bone was it in another hole that chris dug no good good that's a more big chunk of mammoth more mammoth bone oh my goodness babe babe look at this that's more bone marrow outside of the bone look at that look at that now this is what an actual mammoth tooth looks like and what you're seeing isn't that cool i mean we're finding it here on the property there's the entire tooth right there yeah there let me see if i can focus in there we go that's the these guys are having too much fun out here i feel so weird being up on the edge i vow this will never happen to me again i will not be on the edge you're not prepared i feel like the coach put me on the bench george i'm getting rid of my pants and i'm getting them with the gang i don't need no stinking pants ruin those pants you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 119,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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