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as i'm going through his things he's left me love notes and and um sorry oh you're finding love notes that he left behind for you that's so sweet like hearts and and cards and candy um money you know so he has um left a lot of things we're on the road again in ohio kind of a sad story we're gonna go see if we can help out a fellow subscriber going through some issues in their life wanting to sell us some of the collectibles that they inherited when their husband passed away [Music] you ready to go say hi to ann we're here to meet ann one of our subscribers i think i think she's ready i think she's ready hey anne maybe we could be a rain of sunshine in this uh sad moment i brought somebody to meet you hi george hi anne nice to meet you you have to excuse my mess because i'm redoing the house you got to see my place oh my goodness don't apologize boxes of things alright just it's a mess ann got right down to business she's got a bunch of stuff and what's what's going on why do you want to even sell all this my husband died of um uh four stage um colon cancer on in in september of 2019 and thank you and um there's 38 years worth of stuff in here and the house is way in the property is getting way too much for me so i am redoing it and trying to decide i know that if something happens i can't get rid of things all in one shot it's too much it is way too much you know and personally i just i i i know that there's valuable stuff here my husband once told me i'm when when he asked me out he said i'm worth 250 um million dollars he said that to me and i i told them that i didn't want to talk about that you know um so um you know you know what i told george how much i was worth when i asked her out go ahead i told her absolutely nothing she would never see a penny i am worth nothing and it's still true i'm not i don't have a single penny to my name so your husband was doing way better than i am i don't know if it's true but as i'm going through his things he's left me love notes and and um sorry oh you're finding love notes that he left behind for you that's so sweet like hearts and cards and candy um money you know so he has um left a lot of things and um i think some of them are valuable he left coins i did some preliminary look on it like some of those like um pennies um i know that some of them are worth like 35 dollars a piece yeah and um there's coins in here and coins in here and these are gems i believe this is gold gems jewelry watches coins and i i am legally blind so i can no longer yeah you have some of your own medical issues as well um i'm it's very complicated believe me you have a bad heart bad lungs you know i got that from the company that i work with they hid legionnaires and then they covered up with toxic fumes from paint a toxic paint that you can't use dan and i were married nine years he was the love of my life my best friend and um but did he drive you nuts at the same time never he was wonderful never he never once drove you nuts no we never argued you know we just um just immense respect we would agree to disagree don't get me wrong i mean we're like any other marriage but um he was just a special man everybody loved them wow you know and uh um so you know this is it's been hard but it's been cathartic at the same time you know so um you know and i i i he always said that if if you give my things away give it to somebody that you like and trust and i came across you guys like three i think two or three months ago by accident and and i started started listening and and and i and i thought you know what maybe maybe they will come here let me just see you know and um ann reached out we were both in florida and i told ann i said okay you're nearby in ohio just wait if you can hold on just wait i would like to come up and see everything and she waited those two to three months and here we are today yeah one of the things that i'm always curious is how people find our channels and a lot of times it's just by accident i heard that you said something and it captured my attention and i was in the other room i had it on on speaker so i ran back in as fast as i can my dog got all excited my service dog and and um and then i just started watching and i just thought gosh this is wonderful i don't even know that this existed you know and i don't know anything about ebay i mean i know ebay you know a lot of older people but we're just not like really into it but um i wouldn't know what to do you know and it has become a um a burden i feel overwhelmed whatever yeah you know and um and i couldn't pick it up and throw it away because i know that there's value right i really do believe that and um and his family got everything that he he wanted them to have they have and um so um yeah and the stuff in the garage i mean like wait wait uh do you see the big um big it's bigger than i thought i think i told you it was four by three all the air compressors oh uh well the air compressor is is i think there's like three of them but the the the what do you call it the tool thing oh it's taller than me or just about yeah you know but it's an excellent shape and every drawer has tons of nice tools wow you know like craft nuts yeah you know and he already fixed me up a chest of a toolkit of my own you know one that i can actually handle so i do for my crafting i i do artwork and crafting you can tell anne has been busy crafting started crafting look at this she's building oh okay all right you know what and i'm gonna probably break something we should probably set that over here you haven't learned yet and jeremy is a captain fumbled okay so uh there you go um even as a visitor in somebody else's home i'm still fumbling like crazy you almost broke her crown so the crafts are amazing just out of clothespins that's really pretty cool those are gonna be flowers oh is that right yeah i'm i'm going to uh um seal that with uh acrylic resin okay and then um i'll attach them to a pole did like an old house um you know railing yeah post it's all i recycle almost everything i love it we love to repurpose stuff as well yeah should we dig in should we see what we got so ann has an entire coin collection here and these are all wheaties i'm guessing they're all wheaties so we do know and anna's looked some of them up already we do know with any coin collection uh condition is everything so something that would make a coin worth money is going to be best condition at ever you know uncirculated so we know enough about certain things anne that we know enough to be dangerous to go okay there could be value there but the real the real way to get a value for example like this 1973 quarter that 1973 quarter we know it's not pre-64 so we know it's not silver we know it's just a normal quarter if it had if it had any error strikes on it there there might be more value but to me and again this is just me i'm an untrained uh i in regards to coins that just looks like a normal quarter so to me that would be a normal quarter but the way to find out true value is to actually get them to somebody who specializes with coins so some of these here these just look like these are going to look like normal dimes yeah and he might have just the buffalo nickels again the buffalo nickels some of these are so worn down that that's what they are they're worth about five cents they're really cool for historical value uh there is there is there is a nickel out there that has a buffalo with three legs and oh i heard about that one and i i doubt i think i doubt we're gonna be able to find it in here these are just kind of cool now look that there's there's an italian coin so italia which i told you george i was in italy right establishing a a camp in italy um until you got a band yeah i got banned so you know um for those who don't understand we we joke about that a lot i can go back to italy if i want to not wearing socks and sandals you can but i did wear socks and sandals the entire time and i got all the italians to wear socks and sandals and i told them it was amazing so um they probably should ban me for that other other coins in here like this these are this is a canadian that's a loonie it's the one dollar so we do know but this is before oh there we go there's the looney right there so we know there's the looney and the toonie uh so those are coins nothing that i see particularly that might be okay so five cents we'd have to united states i've never seen this before this i've never seen before 19 does that say 45 or 15. i'm seeing 45. so one of the apps that we would use to look up coins is coinoscope which and you've already been using a little bit right a little bit yeah okay so coinoscope is another is another good app i've never seen a coin like that before so that actually stands out we want to take a look at that things like this a lot of times they would take an old silver coin and turn it into a pendant on a necklace again we know enough to be dangerous we're not a specialist in anything we have to know a little bit about everything in our field and that that looks like an old dime and that is probably silver as well usually yeah that's an old that's an old dime so that's going to be a silver dime very very very tarnished obviously not in uncirculable condition for me typically what i do with things like this i just give them all to my kids because my kids have a coin collection if there was something of value if we find gold so we do have some gold coins if we find gold gold gets set aside and i hold on to the gold my kids would get any of these coins like this that's what i typically do with the coins but you said by the way do you think there's a 1943 copper in here i don't i really just there's only like 20 in the world so i guess 20 years 40. now let me say this this has been um a couple generations worth of collecting okay that actually might be let's just look at one i think this was from his grandfather and his father there's a dime oh wow so some some cool things to look through no doubt whatsoever the chances of a 1943 copper penny being in there there was only 20 is like 20 21 or 22 actually stamped on accident and there's only one that is unaccounted for in the united states and so the chances of it being in here are one in billions and billions and billions but it's always fun to look it's always fun the thrill of the hunt right it's always the thrill of the hunt she's got the special surprises and what's in here silver dollars yeah she's got silver dollars in here i'm guessing they're silver i don't know yet okay 76 not silver 76 not silver 71 not silver we love finding coins this is fun okay so that is that is definitely silver but i can't see the date it's a magnifying glass it's see if that magnifying glass will work for you my phone helped me to see a little bit but like i said it was it i had a headache by the time i looked at it for just a couple minutes so there's a there's another one there's a silver dollar right there there's 1921. look at that that is a hundred years old that is a exactly 100 year old dollar and if you don't think that's cool i don't know what you're gonna get excited about you know and a lot of people that go jeremy you get too excited i just think it's awesome yeah okay so this one this that one's 1886 so that is going to be silver as well that looks in pretty good condition if i had to guess okay now i understand there are you out there that you know this stuff you know coins more than anything else we have to know something about everything if i had to guess this is probably a 20 coin right there that's my initial guess again i'm not an expert so this one i think is probably a 20 coin right there and this one super cool these one dollars that's a 72 eisenhower on there so that's it's it's a dollar it's not silver that one's not silver that one's not silver but still those are all jeremy those are you know what that kind of looks like current jeremy balding that's what that's what i was thinking george remember when we found all the 50 cent pieces yeah look at that one that one is silver okay so 1968 so that is going to be that is going to be the silver's well wait nope it's not what am i talking about 64. but do you see the silver tent yep okay it's 40 silver so it's like from 1965 to 68 or 69 i can't remember exactly anne's getting a little history no but it has a little mix i know okay so it's 40 that is a 40 base silver in that coin right there that one and and the 50 cent pieces are one of the only ones that did it there's a 65 same right there again there's a bicentennial we we need to know a little bit about everything now there's a 64. that one those are typically 90 silver so that's a 1964 1964 and before that should be 90 silver again we don't know everything oh and look at this look at this okay there is a hole you see that oh yeah and look at this look at this look at this what's the significance of the hole again okay oh there's a walking liberty right there there's a hole in that you guys see the hole at the top okay so more or less like like the silver dime here these were probably used and worn as pendants okay it was probably important to them let's say let's say george i get drafted i go off to war and you go cheer me take this remember me bye do i sound anything like that no yeah and then i wear this around my neck so that every time every time i look at it the walking liberty i think of my walking egyptian so this was probably a pendant but in in the old days there they didn't have buttons they used to drill a hole in the top and the bottom and they would actually button up their clothes if we found something in there i just think it's super cool because of historical value that is really really cool look at this she's got something else in here i've never seen anything like that before is that arabic that's definitely in a different language okay number four oh lauren's chapter chapter toledo ohio whatever it is so it's kind of some come a little token for something no it looks like a token yeah a little token here is boy if i knew the other languages that would be helpful huh oh it's a penny look at that 1897 penny now i just think this stuff is cool i mean when's the last time you saw a penny never as big as up until now peace never vegas a 50 cent piece okay now i have i have no idea how much that penny is worth i don't even know what country it's from but this is this is cool stuff here again i don't know the exact value but i think i think the most valuable thing that we pulled out of this is probably that one right there again that's my thought but wait george there's more there is more look at this look at this look at this okay and everybody's flipping out right now they're like jeremy you just poured them out on the table yes i did okay look at that this one is 1900 look at that okay so that's going to be that's going to be 90 silver as well that's a one dollar they're so cool they really are so so cool i'm gonna set that over here most of these look like this oh does that have a hole in it right here look at that there's a there's another there's a penny right there you see in there and now this one this one has a hole in it because a lot of other countries currency actually has holes in it that's french this one that one has a hole too this one has a hole because somebody put it in there now one of the things you have to remember it is illegal to deface our u.s currency so if you start putting holes in all of your jewelry to make jewelry out of the currency you could get in trouble i don't know that anybody ever has you don't want to melt down or smelt down the gold the silver the copper in your money it's completely and totally what about those machines where you crank it you put a penny in and a penny comes out you put a dollar in and then you crush a penny and make it into something yeah but honestly if you go by the letter of the law which remember here in ohio it's actually illegal to trap mice if you go by the letter of the law it's illegal to do this now if we speed and nobody says anything and we don't get caught still breaking the law you're still breaking the law you don't want to deface your currency and i noticed every time we talk about your late husband you just glow and you shine how did you two meet um i was at the courthouse i had a an advocacy case i was working on there and um he was walking back and forth and just looked confused and so i finally said i'm really shy i really am and but i said is there something i can help you with and it turns out that the whoever the other attorney was i don't remember but he uh sent him to the wrong courthouse wrong jurisdiction dirty dirty so i walked it through to a judge that i knew and we got a continuance for him so i just walked down some legal things for him you know so he always said he like he liked having a wife and um they didn't like to shop i hate to shop that said and she's always going to be my attorneys you know what i'm thinking i'm thinking he made that story up what he really needed help was he was like hello can i get your digits yes no he never contacted me except it was legal until after cindy died he took care of her kids and and her she died of um um liver uh oh no she didn't have a liver i think i just there was issues with her liver um the transplant failed and uh he was a wonderful guy you know he did what he his what he had to do for her you know so um and i knew about that you know so when he sent me an email said can i call you and i thought oh i cleared my calendar okay because i knew that he was driving a truck and um he only gets short periods of time you know and uh in and so uh and then um and then i said sure and when he called me he asked me out and yeah we were inseparable after that yeah that's pretty much mine and george's story too she called she said can i take you out and i cleared my schedule [Laughter] you ready to dig into some of this treasure i saw this as soon as we walked in i do want to check this out and do you think there's anything in there she'll like i think you think so okay what do you see a quick glance i mean this definitely looks like a real tennis bracelet um but you won't know for sure until you find any markings oh there it is right there marking 14k oh we could yeah 14k okay so the question is 14k so here here's the thing and when you take any jewelry to an actual jeweler what do they do to test for gold or silver george they have different solutions on hand so they will acid test it and that'll tell them the carrot of gold the higher the number so 24 karat typically the highest number and you can go as low as typically 10 karat higher the number the better lower the number still good still good low number of carrot is better than no right okay absolutely so then the the question is is it truly stamped 14k and is it 14k because what they'll do is they'll run the acid test and they'll find out for sure because a lot of times people will actually stamp jewelry but it's not real 14k and the other thing that happens is it might be real gold so for example that could be real gold right there but it's not stamped didn't you have a story about that piece um that was the wedding ring that my husband had intended to marry his significant other who had liver failure of liver disease and so but this is way better for you so it was before me and he had that made for her um it's called turks knot so he had this custom-made custom-made for her so no marking though right i don't see a mark so that's the other thing a piece of jewelry may have no marking whatsoever and it still may actually be gold and so jewelers specialize in that and they run acid test what else you got in there george uh there's another ring in here look how cool that is look at the insignia on there and then i i thought i saw a marking [Music] right here so the other tough part about markings see the marking right there i see it so on older pieces she's got the magnifying glass on older pieces and what happens all i see is the letter d is the the markings get worn off as the jewelry gets worn oh there's another marking right there what do you see it's hard to tell might help if that there you go try that out it's hard to tell this means it's worn down isn't it really is okay so what's your guess i see the k but i don't it's hard to distinguish the rest before the k so you do but it could be my imagination i thought you said you saw a d not a k on the one end on one of the band on the one side of the band there's a d and then on the other side of the band there's a k that's what i thought too but my eyes are you know magnified if you four times so so ann is legally blind and now we we have confirmed that george sees just as well as anne so that's good so here's another band just a plain gold band and here it clearly indicates 10k 10k in that see that oh yeah and then there's an 88 afterwards 10k okay that's 10k so we definitely have a little bit of gold there 10k and then we've got this little guy and i see it says patent on the back and [Music] on this side the cart am i seeing the castle castle or castle i have no idea what you're seeing it's hard to see i need better lighting you want me to go get a no light no let me i have a light on my phone i have oh yeah i'm gonna pull out the light yeah i use that a lot baby i got the old light headbands in the truck here it goes it says the castle it does say castle yeah i thought that what does that mean one of those button things it means that you're always trying to what does trump castle mean you're always trying to pretend that you are the princess so and then definitely says patent on this one i wonder if it's a cedar point thing you think cedar point possibly you're how far from cedar point um not too far 10 minutes 15 if that i think 20 about 20 minutes away yeah and what are you showing me now this is a completes uh a very old uh silver set that is a flatware actual silver so the term silverware actually was meant because the flatware actually was indeed silver and so this is an entire set here and this is this is one of the items that you're that you want us to take a look at and see if we can take it off your hands yes i like it already beautiful i like it already that is something else wow but that's not all she has look she's got stuff everywhere here george's on the hunt what'd you find out nothing yet it's like a living museum in here it's so cool look at this does that say jh that's your initials that that could be it might be m but i think that's a jh this is an old lighter cover so the lighter would go in there now it may be silver a lot of the old ones are silver it's it's not marked i kind of peaked already and it kind of sounds like tin it doesn't have that silver doesn't have the silver but it's super cool and again remember i can be wrong right george that could be your initials that i'm wrong so george wants to rename me to i'm wrong look at this here look at this here there's a 14k that's uh that's a masonry that's probably a pin yep usually has a back on it that's pretty cool we've got some other things in here and 20 years of service my guess is this is at a minimum gold filled or plated because a lot of them were back then for the value i see 14k oh it's 14k it's not plated or filled so it actually is now a lot of service awards back then they used actual gold now remember year 2000 gold was 300 an ounce whereas now you're looking upwards of i don't know i think it was last trading at about 1900 an ounce so there's another service award and i bet you now were these his service awards do you know i believe that the those are his family members okay yeah and he served in the he served in the military as well correct this isn't service awards for the military this is service awards for work but where did he serve in the military he was uh he was a veteran of the um uh coast guard he did uh search and recovery oh wow yeah so this is this is 14k as well right here so that's a 14k work service award okay at least i don't think i don't think that's military these are usually these are usually work service awards yeah i think that those do you think are yeah either that or or part of the ladder whatever the shriner and mason you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like each step that you do then you get it then you get an award so they used to lose gold and then they went to silver and then they went back to gold as i understand i don't know because i'm not any part of that this looks like this looks like this could be silver here i'm not going to take the backing off just to check it out a lot of pieces we've never seen before hard to actually look these pieces up as well and actually find out the detail there is liberty loan salesman look at that that is that's an old salesman button so so if you were in the bank and you were in charge of sales or if you were with any company in charge of sales boom there's your certification you were wearing that pin right there that was very popular in the 30s look at that that's canon canadian right there that's really cool now this i'm going to guess that's gold but if you look this is that's a little high school ring isn't it 1929 or 28 it was cut off and there is no way we're going to be able to see any markings i think i see a little something in there but it's going to be worn down my guess is again that that's probably going to be 14 karat gold would be my guess looks like that one was cut off as well and initial look no markings on that one doesn't mean doesn't mean that it's not gold just means that there's no markings as i'm holding it it doesn't feel like a soft metal so for example when i do this gold should should not resist as much as this does so i think this is actually stainless steel under here so that i don't think is gold this i actually think is that just has all the looks right there 10k it has all the looks of gold 10k right there some really really cool stuff cufflinks there um below your hand after this one is really interesting you got a story no i don't i just they're beautiful you see all these these ones or the ones with the white this one right here right there it's their cufflinks it is that is look at that it looks like mother of pearl and it probably is wow which was popular back in the morning oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah look at look just look at all this stuff here george check that out okay there's another another award there here is 25 years lotus 25 years that might be like ann was saying that could have been um for for the shriners or for the masons here's two two-year service team fellow craft i mean some of this stuff is just so cool that's gold filled you see right there that one says gold filled so that's a service award but it's a gold filled one so that gold filling again some gold is worth more than no gold but think of think of gold filled as your memory cards when you plug in a memory card into your computer there's actually a gold filling on the connectors because that's good for transmission electricity all that kind of stuff this gold is a good conductor and then what do you do when you're done with those memory cards you just toss them they're garbage uh the the minimal amount of gold on here really would rub off on your fingers and you could tell where it is but no go some gold is better than no gold at all that's what george and i typically always say i don't know what it is some people like to collect other people's um hair is that hair that looks like rockets of hair to me it meant it is it's an in memory of somebody i bet you that's hair okay yeah isn't that interesting that is beyond interesting that's something you would keep i would i'm gonna keep it are you and i'm telling you this woman's hair is in everything i shed so much in i would not be shocked if jeremy collected all my hair in ohio i have a voodoo dial just of her hair yeah beautiful hair by the way that looks like a really cool piece too yeah is that it um wow it's like a thai thing isn't it to me um um i don't know why like a cumberbatch or anything in like a bowl of one of those bolos yeah i don't know are they called heavy i don't know on that one it's um it's it's not as heavy as i thought it would be i if it was silver it would be heavier than it actually is so i just think it's a heavy piece i didn't know whether it was gold or silver but i just thought it was interesting because there is a mark there's a marking right there where'd that magnifying glass go it is do you need the flashlight of my cell phone you know what it's so worn i can't tell i think it's just a maker's mark it's not an actual i don't think it's the actual you know trying to identify whether it's a precious metal or not it does it doesn't feel like it's just way too light for silver so very cool all of the same is just very very cool cookies you made cookies because you're always hungry see i'm not the only one that's always hungry so i'm and i'm staying here with you you make cookies i i actually am a very good remember when i used to make you your favorite cookies all the time and then you yelled at me because i was baking too much three months three months of dating and now 40 pounds later that's what happened to me with all her cookies i got yelled at for baking his favorite cookies so i stopped baking cookies but you know i'm eating cookies while i'm here right now that's right that's good yes i actually i believe that that is it holds a picture you know pictures i see a baby in there someone's baby picture i don't see any markings though on the frame or inside of this looks like there was a piece that this is the hinge right here that may have covered when it came off but it's also like a need that's a stand it's a really cool piece of history yeah i gotta know what's in there yeah so this this bag right here holds a bunch of uh dan once told me that he has gems now i didn't know where any of this stuff was i went into a drawer that i i rarely go into and i heard stuff moving around and then i found this so he hid things before he died for me to find like when i took this picture down like a scavenger there was a heart and it said um i i love you you know or it'll and anoth this one said um i miss you um the wood that i work with um he put a big red bow over it with um a box of chocolates and a 20 billion envelope you know so it's been it's kind of hard you know um he he literally even after his death he literally was having fun with you and taking you on a treasure hunt yeah oh my goodness what a good idea no that's what a good idea something that you would do and that's i think that's something you've already started what did i do you don't realize it but you've already started it i told her when i die a law firm will contact her with numbers if and when i die law firm you just said it'll come to you i screwed up now i gave her more information she will be in contact all right so here we go look at all the cool yeah so he told me about treasures and then i found and about um i think i see fool's gold did you know that i took a a class on rocks what you took a class on rocks in college this would have been nice to know it was an elective and you elected the rock class i did i bet it was interesting it was so interesting i got a's in it now ask me if i remember all of it no but that definitely looks like fool's gold yeah it does and he was a rock collector and i haven't found his rock collection yet but um and i don't know if that's what these are just simply because they were interesting i don't know and if that's the case i haven't found the gems yet then if these aren't the gems yeah these are these are just rocks that he polished this this is a a piece of crystal that uh this one and this one that's a piece of that's probably just a piece of glass a polished glass from a shore or something but these are these are crystals really cool this might be fool's gold as well it's labeled on the back did you see that yeah but there's nothing on there i wore off whatever it was it wore off but this is really cool these are really cool yes rocks people definitely love to collect and especially made for the hails look at this shortbread pecan cookies cause they're always hungry homemade [Music] i'm staying here okay you got as many as you want this piece is probably um valuable to people here like in in the lake erie area the marblehead area because this gentleman here um this this is an original that he did this the piece these two pieces here oh he's a local artist he is a local marble head um artist and um he is you can look them up online and there's a lot of information about them and um so you know these pieces a collector would want probably in the area not somebody in california or montana but well maybe unless they were born here and then there yeah we all know i love lake erie i love it i love kelly's island what what's this ann now this is a kimono that that was this was wrapped this was wrapped the the um old chest set here also was that that was wrapped in the actual fabric now i do know that his mother um was really into um um to some of this um japanese and chinese mostly chinese stuff so um look how cool that is don't you think yeah hand carved and you think it's hand carved too right i do yeah and i don't think i don't i can't it's it's too late for ivory so i don't think it's ivory at first glance i was thinking bakelite but big light the old old plastic but on if it's hand carved there's no way here there's a there's a broken edge right there what does that look like wood or plastic it could be it's hard to tell it really is what if it's it's can't no it's not going to be bone i mean i suppose there's a possibility but that's a possibility too there's a piece that oh it screws on i think this screws on just like that there you go okay all fixed very very interesting what'd you find out george um i always use google images and it's pulling up as the victorian ivory chess set so you think it's all ivory then second half of the 19th century so that may be this potentially could be bone and ivory we told ann we don't know anything we have to google everything when we get here so that could be bone and ivory then i mean according to the google machine that's what's pulling up do you think it's right it could be and pulled off campbell's captain [Music] and pulled out an old bank for you and i dropped it where's the other half i will find that later i'm not going to move right now because i have the size 13 feet and i do not want to step oh my goodness i cannot believe i just did that i want to show you something so i'm going to go get it okay so anne's going to find it i definitely it happens no worries oh here it is i found it dan okay let me go get the other piece i just want to okay i did i did find it and it did not break that says tamman chanter scouts johnny it's not funny colombia's clumsiest person i've ever met coming in what did you just say my columbiast columbias colombia's purpose all right check these watches out she pulled me as well so we got oh is that say i was going to say that i thought it said hailstorm i'm just seeing i'm seeing words now so very cool there pocket watches we'd have to look every single oh that's an old jc penny remember when you get everything from the catalog like sears so we'd have to look those all up look at those are the hunting dogs i think we found one of these before didn't we we've found so many it's hard it's hard to remember it is hard to remember now a lot of these old watches so you're gonna see some old ones here a lot of these are gold-plated i think is that in boy it's hard to see that one says ellen yeah or econ am i seeing things well we're always seeing things some of them are hard to see because uh you know you look at you look at the screen there so like this one i'd feel pretty certain and saying that this one was gold plated and you can see where it's all worn off where you see discoloration and then here's a timex you know some of these are so hard to find this one here base metal see now i would think that this is actually these are usually 10k that's usually gold filled or gold-plated 10k okay that's the that's the you know you just lay the gold over there but this one isn't even it's not even labeled as such sometimes they're hidden like right in there and sometimes you gotta pop sometimes you gotta pop the back cover yep but you can already see some of the areas where it's worn and then i mean i just think this is cool just the look of it is so cool look at that look how distressed it looks even even you know the screen looking through i don't can't even tell i can't even tell what kind of watch it is it's too small i can't see it but it just looks what do you mean you can't see you just got lasik surgery you think you can't see it jeremy so even with the lasik even with the lasix so just remember with the lasik they did surgery on this eye not on this side this eye can see close up this eye can see far away so what i have to do is close this eye so that they don't compete with on one another and i still without the other eye to focus honestly i can't focus in but it just looks looks so cool okay and you had a you had a story what was the story um about this one this piece no i don't know anything about that piece i have this piece oh you have another okay let's hear it now this is not part of any of this but i am told that um that this is johnny appleseed and this is a lock of his hair oh wow i can't tell you whether it's true or not i don't know um i just can i get a closer before you sure can um you know there's there's not people around that can verify things i have the family bible the chapman um the the other thing is how do you even verify something i don't think you can to be quite honest yeah how can you even authenticate because this is johnny to look different um he was kind of ugly i pictured him to wear like a red and black flannel top well he was overall very dirty and ann said ann said the exact same thing when i walked in the door she's like oh i pictured jeremy to look different than that and george goes well he was kind of ugly i did not yeah all right what are the stories on a man well it's just you know people pass things down and they don't necessarily think about you know any value i mean it's sentimental like this piece is yeah i and i may never know the truth of it but but it's what my husband um says that was passed down to him very cool so you're very cool you know value it no matter what and um to be related to johnny apple's one of the best stories we've ever heard well i was surprised when he said that to me because i'm like that was my school school you know um on the top of the auditorium outside was johnny appleseed and it's a big thing when kids destroyed it they we did another one and i i told my story to the the person who did the sculpture work and all and um so yeah it said that very cool thank you for sharing oh thank you you got your eye on something look two canines look at this one okay it's got like the red bull wings how cool is that if you carry that knife you can fly that's really cool there's initials again j m you know what the initials on that uh lighter case it says hiccup plate that initials on the lighter on the lighter case oh it's right over here it's definitely jm it's not jh oh yeah match that would match that knife that's really cool too bad there was this one it says made in america okay that is a really cool piece this is a really cool knife i've never seen anything that's that's a fighting piece right there ron this was made in italy okay but look at the look at the blades on that a camillus in new york that's really cool now i think he had that on the on his sailboat all he added on the sailboat he was going to say a sailor's rope right here that's like a talon you can use that as a weapon for sure and you have some absolutely incredible pieces of history sure do okay here's the question everybody wants to know especially me and george how much do you want for all of this for all of these treasures a dollar for your dollar sale one dollar wait wait wait wait wait wait i i bought a dollar with me oh my gosh so generous you got yourself a deal you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 116,734
Rating: 4.9313579 out of 5
Id: A6xx535cDW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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