FOUND GOLD & TRUNK I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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come on more good stuff and three it's loose to there's more gold in here and more silver in here it's gonna be a hails of a great day today I'm here in Lorain Ohio I'm right next to choppin Guapo or or Guapo and Chapo or the apos whichever way you want to go and to deal with it but that being said I'm here in Lorraine I got a unit I bought online now normally I don't recommend buying online it's not my preference I love live auctions but things are slim and few and far between here in Ohio so I got this one for $90 and you are about to find out why the Hales I bid on it hey don't forget to subscribe and make sure you hit that Bell so you get all notifications because you never know what the Hales I'm gonna find [Music] any idea the history of the person or anything like how long they rented or it's it's been a while probably a couple of years I guess is he 52 maybe they pass away or cars or who knows huh yeah what's the craziest thing you guys have ever seen doing this really I mean you see people a lot of people pass away and we don't know yeah no we don't know they can go to jail we don't yeah we're like you know clean out a parents house or enhance house and put it in there for a couple months and then they ditch it yeah yeah see they don't want to take whatever they wanted and and then leave the rest yeah the family fights about it well you're supposed to pay for it you're supposed to pay for it and then nobody pays for in there like Wow someone comes by a couple you know weeks later after it's gone and really hey uh we're gonna pee in this unit I will sorry yeah it's yeah that's why so this person you think just disappeared or car serrated probably we don't know big thing divorce maybe they got a new boyfriend girlfriend Bob I'm a and then they just say screw I want that old stuff I'll get his new stuff yeah it's teen and stuff especially it's coming up to tax time people new life yeah tax time to people just say I'm getting like eight grand or whatever I'm at the unit lucky number 52 and you are about to see why the Hales I bought it let's open it up and let's take a peek inside here we go there it is ladies and gentlemen lucky number 52 and there's a trunk and you guys know I love me some junk in a trunk that's the reason for sure let's get a look around here we've got a box here Oh cards games that could actually be that could be worth some money there now I knew there was gonna be garbage in here I did see this Cleveland Browns bag as well right there and obviously we got pieces of a sectional that's sectional okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get this sectional out of here first right and some of this garbage the bike we're looking I'll probably sell that at the warehouse seat is good all right so this will be a $25 warehouse sale right there so we're looking at 25 bucks I'm gonna get the couch out of here get the garbage out and then probably this shelf and then we'll look at some of these things and this is what really really bought it for because the trunk alone the trunk would even if it's empty the trunk will make me a hundred dollars that'll sell for $100 easily lots of people use these trunks they put them up as coffee tables decoration pieces in their home I even have one in my home in my living room so this is an easy hundred bucks right there that takes care of the entire purchase price now that the couches are out of the way I can get back in the corner and this is where usually the good stuff is kept we got these baskets we're not going to do anything with these baskets let's check this really like nurse or would that be like I want to see what's in here the suitcase before we get up to the trunk alright in here we've got some clothing and let's check to the bottom because you just never know okay this one is this one is all clothing now if I were to reset all this clothing I'd be looking at you know probably fifty dollars worth but I don't resell the clothes I actually donate all the clothing so that's what I like to do it flows let's find out what's inside here oh the back corner is doing us wrong there usually is where the good stuff let's hope we find that gold mine in the trunk this box some kind of bass says flora baskets so let's hope I mean that's a good five bucks at the warehouse set that back oh here's all the flowers ah more crafting items I always seem to find the crafting items hopefully all right let's we'll set that down it looks like there's even more in here oh this is for all of you this Valentine's this is my gift from me to you you just have to come and claim it alright oh don't worry I have plenty of flowers for all of you looking that way isn't it there's something here if I can find you opening oh I there it is it is more for flowers alright let's put that back in what we're gonna do we're gonna move on down because look at here look at here uh-huh see that tote see that bin that's the one that says kids toys cards alright we have we do have some incredible artwork that looks like pac-man ghosts this could be something what do we have here I don't know what it is but it is the little oxford dictionary that's what it is okay we've got some ducks let's see duck duck goose no no duck duck horse I was close though that was close cannister we have a broken cannister mean nothing I thought for sure the millions well that one was kind of scary with the boo look at this mirror here this is interesting I don't know if it's cool oh no it's broke oh that would have been so cool in my bedroom because I have the nautical theme in my bedroom from all the storage units but ah so that will go in the garbage and this probably will talk about that metal that there is that beautiful trunk oK we've got storage here we're going towards the middle we're gonna see I'm gonna see what's going on here there is you know an all reality they didn't say anything in the office but this is looking to meet like a hodgepodge of a manager special in other words what a manager does is anything that's left behind in in their units so people abandon stuff somebody buys it on an auction and they don't take everything they put it in another unit and so this is like a hodgepodge of it would look like that doesn't mean it absolutely is but it looks like a hodgepodge because why in the world do I have Puerto Rico in here now but there was nothing Porto Rican anywhere else of course this may answer some questions see hmm that is a hodgepodge it's the makeup book okay we'll get to that in a second so this as blankets comforters and Puerto Rico oh we have a drawer chest look at this I didn't even noticed that come on come on come on there is an actual jewelry chest wrapped and there's something back there there is actually a piece back there nothing I always look underneath to see if they're harder money okay handle just fell off all right nothing in there okay so if the handle stayed on we'd be looking at five ten bucks but the handle came off if I really wanted to fix it I could this is a Cleveland Browns bag so this has some value here come on be something give me something these feel like Steel Toe no they're not they are GH bass and company oh wait I think there's something hidden in here no nothing in the shoe we've got some Calvin Klein nothing there all right let's check the side zippers nothing you just never know that trunk is just calling out our name so I get out of that Browns bag come see me all right nothing there box underneath it so say storage [Music] hurry up oh we got some magnets you got a magnet collection see if we can find any money in these boxes and then after that we just have the wrong so kitchenware here usually you know pans that are dirty like this great pizza pan but what I'll do is I'll just scrap metal this and I'm lucky enough to have the scrap metal yard 50 or it's 500 feet right there look at this that is not all it is lis it's a number 10 but it's not labeled with the brand so that beautiful piece of cast iron that's worth again these these I won't even try solid I will go straight to the scrapyard so the scrapyard I don't separate metal many of you know that you can make more money if you separate metal but I lose money separating metal because my time is worth money so if I were to actually spend the time to separate the metal I lose time that I could be making hundreds of dollars instead of just ten dollars so I don't separate I could care less about separating it pays for gas that's kind of nice but it may be something that you want to look in right oh here's something what's this somebody are you got in that bag too oh look at that for Valentine's again for you guys no no I love you know I love you so you stop now it's me that loves you okay oh we've got some things in oh we got a purse we got a purse hidden down in here gettin old I gotta sit down and we know if these handles are bakelite that means quite a bit and we've got nothing in there but we do have a milk frother I think it's froth profit frother it's a milk frother I'm not sure if I said that right or not but oh wait wait ah God it is not a milk frother I just wanted to be wonderful okay definitely not a mountain Oh Arthur oh we have another wallet actually there's a bunch of purses down here oh my goodness there are a ton of purses down here all right okay so there's a cute little wallet that'll sell and there's a Christmas present more flowers wait they're playing I see like five purses down here okay we got a bunch of glasses I wear here let's get into these purses oh look at that one looks like a curse Chrisette crushed crystal like the thing that the women put on and then they tie it the strap would oh there's the ovae's eyes up here okay here we go let's find out remember the exterior is not what's important it's inside you can be the most beautiful person on the outside but if you're ugly on the inside you're ugly all the way around so you may look good on the outside let's see what she's got on the inside oh nothing nothing at all okay we got to get something right here's another one come on big money money money money money I closed it instead open that big money money money money money money and nothing in that one here's another one look at the beadwork on that one it's kind of cool big money money money money money nothing we'll make our money selling them there could be something in here and nothing Oh snakeskin glitter snakeskin that's probably fake and nothing okay we got we got Betty Boop Betty kisses and nothing we've got oh we got some kind of test tube fireball we got fireball cinnamon whisky test tube for fireball we got shot glasses who let the girls out with me Bay all right and then yeah this crazy thing all the sunglasses guys always remember wrap all your sunglasses up in newspaper that's extremely important we've got some kind of United plastics box here and we've got a delinquent loan so December 30th 2010 delinquent loans there is this entire thing is filled with paperwork so I'll show that and we'll bring this here we go I've got a jacket oh I just want the freaky stuff people I just found the freaky stuff all right I think this counts as adult items what the heck would this I mean what the Hales would this even go around this is too small this would go around a wrist you can guess what that would fit around right there mm-hmm yep unicorn horn put spikes on that thing all right what if we found that in here what else is gonna be in okay do you have some Halloween freak short stuff oh yes oh my goodness okay look at all this look at all this I don't want you there's personal items in there too but there's a bunch of coins and tokens I put those over on the trunk well look at those before we get in the trunk look we just found this all the jewelry this is great maybe this isn't a manager special how did they seal it okay I'm not smart enough to be able to get in this thing right now some kind of harvest mix and it's got a ton of jewelry oh my oh my look at this guys we probably got gold and silver in here look at that we got 12 carat right there right there we already found yeah yeah okay I'm gonna throw these on the actual trunk we'll look at it in more detail on the trunk yes yes okay I just I want to see what that stuff is too I'm just gonna look really quick because obviously there's stuff hidden in here we got gold already there's gotta be more gold in there here we go in there there is something down in there down here oh there's work these more jewelry chests down here okay here's one there's another one this is one two three this is the fourth one empty it's like they put it all in the bags and what could be in that trunk guys Oh Mardi Gras Mardi Gras hmm maybe I'll go there me know the motor club this year okay and let's go see what's all that golden jewelry and all that yeah the silver and all of it let's go look I dumped out the first bag that was filled with personal information so we can just take a little little bit of a look I think that is a male dolphin I believe I actually can't see oh yeah there you go male Dauphin okay we've got some coins in here as well and Aladdin's castle I don't know quite what the value could be 1918 okay here's a 1989 event 1800 coconut I don't know what that is either a huge Arizona thing there's a smile oh there's coins in here and you see that okay let's see what we have we've got a penny and we got an angel let's see what else is in here they have a return to orange dance oh yes yes you see what that says you see it 9:00 to 5:00 sterling yeah that's probably that's probably a good hundred dollars worth right down they open it up okay I'll open it up so you guys can see and we got it marked it sure is no it's 18 karat gold look at that can you guys read it it's 18 karat gold yes yeah holy cow that's a heavy one too that's 18 karat gold that's not sterling that's money yes yes yes yes okay all right all right all right all right all right let's let's get into another bag okay that was from this bag now let's see what we have in here all right there's two more bags oh yeah we're gonna have some money we definitely are gonna put some money all right can you guys see that okay it looks like you can kind of see it all right let's start looking let's see what we can find so it's a nice ring I'm not seeing any markings on it let's see if we can find anything this looks like it could be sterling mmm no markings on that one you see if I can pick up stuff that might actually be something so what you want to do all right here's a good example like everything's not always marked on the earring but if you look here on the clasp its marked and I'm not sure if you can read it okay but right here I can't even read it it's too small right now it's gonna be marked right there it says something so I'll have to look at that under a magnifying glass that looks like bakelite so that's worth money original plastics this is awesome I don't look at this cool one that could be bakelite as well and if it is again it's gonna be worth some cash what do we have here what do we have we have what's it say what does it say Germany this is from Germany I got that okay Germany Germany is from West Germany I'm gonna have to figure this out and see if that's real or not this was pretty look at that alright there's got to be more gold in here okay oh I bet you this is gold it is it is I'm sure it is I just got out can you guys read that I can't see it right now can you guys read it is can you guys read it I think it's gold I think for sure it's gold but I'm not a hundred percent sure cuz I can't see right now like this this is bakelite this is this it can be and this this this can be worth more than gold okay let's set this aside I'm gonna scoot that over there's our biggest gold haul so far right so we got we got that sweet piece right there that is a really heavy piece that is a nice piece of gold alright we've got we've got some good stuff that's what we've got look at this what a cool person anything like it before a cool piece okay we've got to get down to where's the gold okay there's alright there is the actual gold piece that we saw through the bag so that's the 12 carat listen guys I don't care if it's twelve karat gold is gold or is that a fourteen might be fourteen no it's twelve that is twelve it's hard to see once you get the flash in your eyes you guys would understand if you did this for a living but instead you just make crazy comments here's another ring I think it's real but I can't see can you guys see this is how that this isn't the old bag this is a new one it's marked in there but I can't read it that's part of being 42 and old is what it comes down to look at that solid sterling right there you guys read it usually you're gonna see 925 this was just marked sterling that is a beautiful piece it's like Celtic this is awesome and here I went into this and I was like in the beginning I thought oh this is gonna be you know this is maybe a manager special that feels like gold but now what I'm thinking is what the Hales is inside this trunk what is this we've got some kind of Disney something and all right no doubt there's more gold in here and more silver in here I can't take it any longer look at that more silver solid piece of 925 right there sterling silver okay I can't take it any longer I gotta get inside this trunk and see what kind of gold and silver is in there here we go it's finally time who's already on laughs it's been sitting here the whole time now I just can't wait all that gold and silver let me just show you these are the pieces that I pulled out that are absolutely confirmed gold and silver there you go there is beyond my purchase price right there I have to look through everything else as well so here we go come on come on more good stuff in here I know you probably can't see it there is something in here look at this look at this right here all right let me maneuver the camera so that you're right over it and you can see interesting very interesting we are in the actual trunk we have here look at this that says military records personal and file we have oh look at this look at this okay there's more stuff down here all right it looks like okay looks like postcards we've got some postcards we definitely have some postcards we've got old school as I put that's the postcard sure is the old school photo post cards postcards look at that how cool is that Wow Wow Wow oh my goodness how cool is that look at that that is cool we have here you've got credit clothing furniture store furniture store furniture store furniture store Lincoln Park some kind of Lincoln Park receipts is this American railroad American Railway Express look at this this is old train ticket from 1927 1927 are you guys seeing this there's another one an old train ticket 1927 American railway here's another one night another one 1927 1927 there's another one maybe you guys know what that is another one that is a Curt Flood look at that old school so cool the original coasters was this Oh more postcards postcard postcard okay post got a lot of old postcards super cool Wow Wow oh wow that is cool these are old old-school postcards and look at that you've got military right in there okay so we know this says military flowers open it up what do we have okay we've got this we've got army of the United States okay I feel like I'm I feel like okay let me take let me take the camera up a bit because I feel like I'm Way too close to it right now usually I'm too far away all right and then we're gonna there we go I'll see what we have in here this looks like an actual file okay we've got army of the United States honorable discharge 1945 that's World War two right there Arnold honorable discharge World War two air police air police World War two certificate of training in the Air Force 57 this is the ship I sailed on what is this wow this is just this is awesome there is war history here now there's gotta be something in here look at this what is the date 1956 January 11th 1956 Wow this is United States Civil Service Commission all right Civil Service Commission we've got United States forces in Europe the French Morocco look at the history here usually I wouldn't show this personal information but this is just this is incredible this is World War two this is history miscellaneous look at the whole file examination labor w2 the examination leave record look there's the leave records it's all in here Wow these are the entire military record records can't even speak right now air air police squadron all the records are here all right so the yeah we would absolutely we'd want to try and find the family and see if we can get these records back look it's all here 820 4th air police squadron this is assignment records assignment records medical records look at this actual medical records it's all in here drivers handbook French Morocco United States Air Force in Europe fifth Air Division money hints look at that this is probably everything they got you say special activities program this is probably everything they got to make sure that they were promotion record of promotions this is just wow wow wow wow [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 34,046
Rating: 4.8273554 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: pwMtMXLN4-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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