SHE LOST HER KIDS I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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let's find out what's inside are you ready yeah lucky number 183 you know why that's my lucky number i-83 you know why that's my lucky number that was a good year no because the letter i ate the number three and therefore it's only my lucky number because i bought this unit you want to see what's inside open her up we are in florida it's 65 degrees we are loving it it is weather is the best weather it is like ohio falls it's incredible i love hoody weather if you don't have a what the hell's hoodie you can always get one from down below and if you want to find out what's inside here make sure you subscribe and hit the all bell notifications [Music] remember we came to florida with nothing except for a camper with a roof over our heads and our clothes those are optional but buying storage units isn't so here's what we did we've been buying as much as we could we got seven at this facility and i know look at that sombrero okay that's what probably most people were looking at but from the photos online this is what people saw now the question is look at all that dust the question is we can see here there's nothing on the side is there anything else in it and there's something in there which means there very well could be how many drawers here one two three four five six four five six drawers okay you know how i like to build the anticipation so we're gonna set this aside that is why we wanted it and we're going to see what else is in here now the last time we bought a storage unit with a red chair it's a red chair it had it had a lot of jewelry in it yeah yeah that was a grandma who passed away and there was a lot of jewelry so that may be another good sign the other sign is oh this is quality oh look george bones goodness can you put it on or is it too dusty you're gonna put it on everybody thinks you're asian put it on george is putting it on right now and now for the last time i'm not asian not bad not bad was that believable okay now oh oh my goodness look at this all right put the cowboy put the cowboy hat on if it is we're doing really well all right put it on no not on top of that sombrero time this is look george can literally pass forward she could pass for asian mexican or western one of the three all of the above okay all right there's a bunch of stuff in here i'm gonna hand it back off to you all right i'm gonna try and balance this on my head while i record you the whole time okay well we know that's not gonna get us anywhere but again we're not trying to be disrespectful but we've got a lot of work to do and we have limited time time is money before we run out of light to get through seven units we are not on our property yet we are doing all sorting here we don't have our warehouse our ohio warehouse here we don't even have a table to sort we don't have anything that's why we had to buy as many as possible to get as much as possible what do you think what do you think about this here is that just like a corner stand that's a corner final decoration thing i don't think that's anything yeah that's not going to be very helpful you want that in the new place sure you're lying you are you are lying remember those two pictures i had developed in memory of our move to florida yeah it could nicely sit on that shelf you know what i'm thinking now you that's sombrero that's what goes with the sombrero right there right that's money that's money okay there are cushions in here which are there mice is that lizard it might be lizard poop there are cushions that probably go to this right here in this unit we got the jewelry chest and throwing some shades all the blinds why you be throwing shade at me george why are you throwing shade okay you're very silly well hopefully this unit isn't silly what is this i could hang all my hats on those so you're saying you want to keep this yeah i could put the sombrero on there the little japanese hat and the cowboy hat george just claimed it whoops if i didn't break it george claimed it you could do it we could put some use to it pretty much do whatever you want with it yeah let's set that aside there again we are not trying to be disrespectful this is a small unit anything this is a five by five we just got a lot of work to do a very limited sort quickly all right there's a chair pulling that out oh i see is this a guitar amp i'ma set that over there come on in here look there there's a roland amp nice nice very nice okay that's the cube 20x now anytime you're finding amps anytime you're finding amps the old-school tube amps old-school tube amps those are worth money and then there's what's called a stationary amp so that's what you want you want the old tube amps that's still worth something just not as much as it would be if we found uh an old tube amp you know what here's what i'm thinking okay i'm putting a lot of stuff out of here just to see if we could see anything you need elbow room don't you i absolutely need elbow room all right brb but wait before we get elbow room i got to know what's in here what is it junk gaskets that might sell good online for whatever it is those are still sealed okay oh look at this all car parts car parts oh come on two dollars two dollars nothing nope two dollars was the last wallet we looked at we both could have got something off the dollar menu i already spent that two bucks okay there's an oil filter some more car parts there's a distributor cap yeah i bet brakes yep brand new brakes you know what car parts right there so i'm on ebay we got our money back got a little bit more elbow room a little bit it's important to keep in mind that this is not the typical type of unit that we would buy we've said that before we want to make sure we reiterate it because this isn't what we would buy to flip to make money in the business remember we always tell you find one thing that can pay for your purchase price everything else is profit you'll make a ton of money reselling this we bought just because it was in the same area we have nothing hopefully we find something we can use although well i don't know we're basically rebuilding we're rebuilding our business here in florida everything so even a plug is silly as it sounds even a plug we don't have one we don't even have a heart little basket except now we do now thankfully we didn't put much into this unit but we're hoping it gives a little back more than just uh rock more than just rock which there is rock in here you see this down below there's landscaping rock oh yeah get some oh it would be much easier george what is that are you kidding what do you mean what is it weapons of mass destruction now we're getting somewhere all right i'm going to set these bad boys aside my foot okay now be much easier just to go to the store and buy the stuff right but what's the challenge in that yeah there's no fun in that at all but look here's all so for us it's much more fun to just take on the challenge and try and find it that's a brand new bottle of toilet cleaner and lime away we would definitely need this at the new house as a reminder we'll be in the house for storage until we build the facility a 10 000 square foot warehouse with an efficiency apartment filming studio all kinds of stuff in there and then the house that's on the property that'll get knocked down and then we're going to build an actual house oh my goodness thank you ah not the best in the world i was gonna say i don't have a day measure yet but do your tape hang low and a bible shooter bro [Laughter] all right so we do have some bowls here to do some cleaning with um makeshift camo lamp remember to look under everything look under here there could always be money hidden there's nothing under there this is what right now this is looking like what we would call typically a tweakers unit or a drug addicts unit here is a heater beard what's that say beard uh wait turn it over turn it the other way there's more writing white paint hearty hard dry beard i don't know okay all right there's a flashlight that is a junk flashlight we will not be needing that flashlight got about 30 of them okay this 4x4 landscaping timber with just a pot so weird but look tote after tote okay i'll tell you what let's uh all right i want to clean up i want to clean up what i've already pulled out after we look at this in here okay and then see what else we got drawer number one i'm just kind of hoping for hair cutters beard trimmers even a toothbrush because george nor i even brought a toothbrush it's been a little bit over two weeks since either of us have brushed our teeth we've been waiting to find a brand new one you think they believe this okay we did we did bring it to crush one one and george won't let me use it we pulled a lot of stuff out of here just to make room george found this little glass bunny a lot of clothes and we are not the good kind a lot of dirty panties a lot of dirty panties not even full panties dirty g strings and that ain't nothing but a g thank bye bye see what i'm saying all right so uh we'll set that down i'm lost okay we did uncover this beautiful piece of driftwood so this is a beautiful piece of driftwood it's gorgeous that is really really pretty i was just sitting there thinking this would be perfect on my landscaping back in ohio but maybe this is going to be landscaping here in florida so that's a really cool piece that is a really pretty cool piece and if i'm not mistaken george aren't these cedar knees i don't know do you think i think they're too thin to be cedar knees but i could be wrong okay you might be i don't know i'm gonna set it aside i think it's cool i think it'll be great for landscaping there's something over here that i want to see there's an ac conditioner air conditioner on here and what is it george mirror mirror on the wall what's it say it's upside down oh okay all right here i didn't know mirrors had to be a certain way something love michael okay probably michael scott that'd be my guess michael scott definitely set that aside uh this is really unfortunately looking like a tweaker unit yeah so there's more stuff in here like there's boots you always want to check people hide stuff oh yeah the bottom of the boot this one time we found a ton of watches inside of a boot so you want to look at that look at this here's a george we might be onto something here here here let's go back out here okay let's go out here okay what do we got why is there a zip tie well that's a good question let's see what else is in here first definitely jewelry in there and if there's jewelry in there that got really close to the sausage oh wait hot hit fabulous in just six weeks i don't need this these thighs are rocking okay in tweaker units a lot of times you'll see speaker speaker wire you'll see all kinds of stuff like this they're stripping it for the metal and then they're scrapping the metal at a local scrap yard and then they use it for drugs now we're not saying that's absolutely the case here there's jewelry but that's what it appears to be there there's a shell and right now you're going well that's that's not what i see at all how dare you make judgments uh you have only seen what 10 minutes of this video after four hours of our work you don't see what we see we show you what we want you to see okay now now that that's out of the way i'm sweating how about you huh tell me a secret george tell me i'm comfortable okay why is there a utility knife in this purse and a rock and keystone no not a petoskey unfortunately but and that's not silver unfortunately we will get to that bag i promise i'm gonna just dump this whole thing i found another compartment in my hand wow okay a bunch of weird stuff weird weird stuff there's a lead fishing weight oh george george george george look at this look at this come on baby nope not gold or silver i thought we were getting on to something i wanted to make this thing worth it oh oh oh riley okay there is a canadian penny down here all right we'll go through that more thoroughly okay over there let's figure out back to the zip code yeah this is weird this is weird okay there's that and this is usually for what makeup or snuff or what type of trinket box or pill box and or drugs marijuana seed right there there's a pop seed okay all right so this was a pot stash and oh look at this there's a knife it's not a very good one it doesn't even lock but it's better than the other one that we found okay what's this spider-man belt buckle oh that's cool oh there's a lot of stuff down here okay becomes a costume jewelry i'm just what we see just looking i don't see we'll see anything that looks like gold or silver and my get again if it was a tweaker then oh you know what if it was a tweaker then they probably sold any gold and silver yeah but kept it on them then again those who are under the influence rarely think or act with logic all right i'm going away from the sausage so be careful all right this knife really sucks maybe the other one was better there's a hello kitty watch yeah there's a watch here's another watch um not sure what kind it's unlabeled oh back is off okay there's a lot of money down here i don't think that's oh look at that avon 10 karat gold filled so that's a gold filled that's typical of avon you really aren't going to get much quality when you find a avon stuff and there's always one person watching that go you don't know anything about avon they did all right great let me know when you find it put a video out let us know when you find it okay best western rewards giant pendant and giant shell penny you know if i could cut this thing open life would be a whole lot easier is there something i can pour this out on what if we did this yep that works little leopard jaguar pouring here we go okay weird rocks some kind of spoon pendant turned a spoon into a pendant that's really cool another pendant random chain a random chain for some who knows more earrings more jewelry you think it's swank we ever going to get back to finishing that uh a little competition or you going to keep it at 2 george one jeremy i don't know let me think it through yeah that's what i thought she won't go back for the rematch they wants to know what's inside is that what they're saying there's some kind of broken something uh if only there was a information there that would been fun to find out there's another pendant might be gold and i'm gonna say no on that one um some earrings and doesn't look like markings all right probably should clean this mess up now too huh all right we still have this knife and we're gonna see what else we have inside of this you know this knife this knife is definitely doing it's doing the work better yeah better been a long day i'm tired we ate all that food that was no good well actually it was good it was too good okay what do we have in here silver plated oh cool some silver is better than no silver graveyard horror horror is that's money all right that is definitely money check this out here's money oh old roller coaster roller skating all right so that's money right there i know how to roller skate but i don't know how to roller blade it's not the same okay it does something to my ankles and ice skating does something to my ankles too oh radio shack where are you oh there you go that's going to be worth something old radio shack yeah probably an old uh phone message recorder thing piggy bank no rubber stopper no money [Laughter] don't grab me i was grabbing your arm [Laughter] see like that hey mister you're scaring me all right grab one person's arm all right let's uh move this out of the way yeah that box had the most potential so far now we did we found this wetsuit as well it's an o'brien uh-huh so that one is that's going to be some value is that the one you're going to wear well down here in this area everybody actually scuba dives or snorkels the river looking for indian artifacts and it looks like it would fit you probably probably so that will be money as well we're still gonna get into that jewelry chest remember that little guy before we do it let's see what we have here as we continue to make messes all right looks like we've got we've got [Music] [Applause] look at that we got olivia this says his survival this is probably her devotion from bible school maybe yep probably from bible school you know what the crazy the last unit we were in there was olivia yeah isn't that weird i think she was the cheerleader that broke her she was the cheerleader look at that look at that no money no money but a really cool elephant mm-hmm alifont that was hidden in here that can go on a coin purse lot whoa whoa whoa whoa here's money here is money look at this collect them all hey look at this it looks like it's the whole there's tiny tunes oh they're magnets [Music] 1993. sylvester elmer fudd betty tweety bird this is money this is collectible money right here there is the flintstone mobile bam bam oh man this is cool this is really cool dino uh bam bam again i think barney pepe le pew wasn't that your nickname in high school no that was well when i was driving speed boats because there was three jeremies on staff and they were like why are you peppy like i will call you pepe because one of the guys saw a movie with a shark named pepe and since the sharks in water and i was on water he's like you should be peppy i'm like you're dumb [Laughter] the way you come up with names is really not the best okay see the connection there i think those magnets can pay for the entire unit oh for sure i'm for sure and what we got here is we've got black and decker something or other paper um we got a bra insert we got a couple lighters you know what that looks like mostly garbage in here unless look at that we can lock out any potential intruders there's one thing george loves why i'm hauling everything look that's a full load to go to the dump which how much does the dump cost us here in our county as long as it's household islands and not appliances it's free george loves reading the paperwork well i do like finding the story of the previous owner because every unit does have a story right every unit so what i'm finding is that she gave up her parental rights of her child and gave it up for adoption it doesn't say how old the child was but i mean that speaks volumes of the previous honor and it's all due drugs drugs we're seeing the evidence everywhere that's the guys this is this is the danger of getting involved in stuff like that and then all of a sudden you lose your unit we're still hoping there's something in there but paperwork paperwork isn't leading us the right direction here's the consent to adoption part trying to cover up any names hmm that's sad that's really sad now if we're lucky now those aren't going to be my size i'm going to say if we're lucky these will be ours what size do you wear seven seven and a half depending on the makers women's is that a nine nine medium okay um i think with enough socks you could slip your feet in here and we'd be good to go out on the property okay uh there's some paperwork down here you're probably gonna say all the same stuff i mean it's gonna be show child support should get rough the kids i'm gonna slide that out okay and let's see i found i moved this one aside okay and i just peed in here and we have we haven't seen that awesome tote yet but i i pulled this up and i saw out of the corner of my eye something shaggy uh there we go something is in here cigar box people like putting cool stuff drugs all drugs yep or maybe not i mean that could be remnant tobacco from the cigar but i don't know what do you think you'll get a chance to look at it all right here's a t-shirt minions minions covering up some cobalt blue plates and i don't know i think there's gonna be a bunch of plates in here so yeah they use clothes to wrap up the plates oh man that's one packing technique i i don't know that i want to dig through that okay let's see what's in this box on top of it okay is that mre no that is i don't know what it is i have to read it the right side up to figure out what it is i guess it's already i'm done and anything nope nothing in there another little purse nothing in there more vintage air got hot shot fogger mosquitoes some kind of mask 30 doses what's a illumina mask 30 different type of there's paints probably some hodge there you go jordan one day you do keep forgetting your pills what'd you find now you act like you're not even in florida my goodness i've been in a t-shirt i've been in a t-shirt i'm comfortable it's not cold but i'm comfortable so i i put the hoodie on when i'm going through things to keep any garbage mouse droppings lizard droppings off of me george is just like this the entire time she's like like when i'm sitting down reading through stuff sorting stuff then the hoodie comes off but george hoodie scarf jacket all right yes what's what'd you find anyways here's the florida apartment warning notice it has the inmates name release date and pretty much telling them like once you're released for pr from prison if you if you get caught doing any of the the below you will get locked up again huh and most likely okay we do know that's what happened remember 90 percent of storage units they go up for auction because the person is incarcerated they're in jail five percent death the other five percent the people just disappeared completely and totally disappeared usually it's drug related and nobody can contact them and that's what i mean by disappear you try through mail you try through phone calls you tried you tried to try nobody can get a hold of them because they're gone usually off on a binge she found something else all right so she's so here's we're just certification we're going to give you more evidence there you go another certificate of a completion hopefully it did something well let's take a quick glance at this stuff really quick because i think the good stuff is gonna be in the tote hidden underneath yeah again this is what we see with tweaker units just random wiring yeah random wiring there's you know they're taking copper out i'm gonna get down to that tote and then i'm gonna get into the actual jewelry chest which look at that [Music] oh i think i see a little bank it's a bank nope probably a cookie jar [Music] okay wow that may be really cool still not what i'm looking for because i still haven't found what i'm looking for the beatles abbey road double stitch oh okay there there could very well be cool stuff in here too but i'm just gonna set it let's set it aside over here because i just don't number one we're running out of time we are running out of light here we [Applause] weird oh look at that panty's holding all the glass together okay and that's not what i'm looking for though look at this more purses okay we'll look at that maybe on the video maybe not help palmetto bugs these are our palmetto bugs oh i haven't seen those yet there you go right there on that old bug and look this at one point had a lock on it you see that yeah all right what are they locking up i'm gonna make a bit of a mess george is probably gonna get i found what they were locking up the tnt wartime know you're thinking what i'm thinking all right we will be using that for the war okay we won't think out loud right now yeah probably best not to think out loud okay here is a beautiful wooden box nothing in it interesting and then here is santa [Music] here more wires more wires go figure more wires yeah i know everybody's getting upset because i'm being rough with stuff but everybody at home watching doesn't have the same time frame to get it all done as i do you don't know what has to be done to get it all done and yes we do have to move fast we bit off more than we can chew now everybody at home is going well why did you do that and the answer is because you keep begging to be entertained are you not entertained okay so okay i'm not i'm not seeing anything of significance okay oh right there there's a ds game there is style fab makeover all right i'll tell you what we'll go through this with a fine tooth comb if we find anything we show you but i want to get to the actual jewelry box george this is unit number five five of seven one two three four five two days i don't know about you but my back hurts it's been too long i mean i was on the road coming to florida and moving crack we're back oh my god you're gonna have to put your elbows your knees your cunnies everything in my back but before you do let's find out what's inside are you ready yeah here it is a pretty box it is it's a really pretty box and probably pay for the purchase of the unit yeah so let's find out oh here we go bam okay wait wait wait look at here are these pieces of gold where's that dirt i think that's dirt i don't know we gotta look through here we gotta look make sure nothing's hot see that reflection in the mirror that's priceless priceless it must be my phone because that's what we make all the videos on and how we edit therefore it's priceless all right here we go here we go drawer number one and there's definitely stuff in here here i'm gonna i'm gonna bring it up lighter pink knife stainless steel serrated although the serrations are broken off we've got you know with all the drugs i should have my i see a ring i see it too i should have my gloves on do you want to borrow my gloves no my gloves are right there on the air conditioner oh okay i just got lazy that's not real george yes jeremy i brought you all the way down here to ask you one question am i aching for some bacon exactly what's for dinner i want to know what's for dinner okay it's going to be some wild boar yeah no doubt you are going to want bbq again again okay let's see oh there's stuff in here too check this out all right um making their own stuff there that's always is that power is that tobacco looks tobacco looks like tobacco star wars blades wait wait wait wait wait wait this is definitely bent like gold it is bent out of shape bad like gold could be silver plated or rose gold that if that's a real diamond that is one huge diamond any markings well look you see how it's all bent like this yeah see how it's been out of shape like give me change hands show me your thumb this is silver that's real silver all right this is real silver george can't wear anything but real silver see how it all bends and because she destroyed it on her finger the exact same thing happens here with gold other metals are a little harder and it really doesn't do that gold is really malleable and so a silver as you can see there so while this may not be marked my guess is the marking is rubbed off we'll set it aside and have it tested later yeah that definitely has to be tested what do you want thank you okay we're gonna set that aside i think that one might be real and let's see what we have down here more tnt i believe so and we've got more more uh partially lit cigarettes more of that a destroyed memory card we like finding memory cards it's just we haven't really found any good ones here all right drawer number four i see gold i see gold color let's find out if it is actual gold all right there is stamping and marking on there let me see if i can read it i avon okay so not gold that is an avon either an earring or a tack pin look probably a big old fat earring okay uh we got drawer number five look at this where do you hide your screws there it is all right every time we find a flash drive a memory card every sunday night when we go live we do it every sunday night 9 p.m eastern standard time we will share with you exactly what we find on here and who the hell's knows what's gonna be on here as far as this shoot and i'm setting that aside with the gold ring okay we've got some pennies this might be silver this might be a silver earring that is definitely looking like silver but it looks like they lost i think that's 925 right inside there actually i think it's mark yeah yeah so there's piece of silver set that aside and then drawer number six here we go this is your key to living like home all right good to know good to know good to know there is something for smoking and here is something for a piercing whether it be a tongue a nose a nipple or any other random body part that people in this culture today just like to stick stuff through [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 82,222
Rating: 4.8792815 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 5qVON_HAvaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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