Found Abandoned CHANGE MACHINE With Money / Trash Picking For Resale

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these are all change machines these these haven't even been opened big money big money oh come on oh it's turning money oh man just completed probably the greatest pic of my life ten acres yes ten acres of items under one roof this place was huge it's a secret place almost nobody knows about it I didn't even know about it until conky's flippin adventure shared it with me and invited me to come along and you're not gonna believe you're not gonna believe what we find we find almost 15 coin money change machines make sure you watch the video all the way to the end to see exactly what the Hales we found [Music] I'm down in the dungeon in the basement filled with all kinds of treasures here with conky's flippin adventures he's back there right there look there's norine cockys wife as well we're in this massive massive massive place to pick and to see what kind of treasure we can find Oh light on the head Oh light in the pocket it's gonna be an O right kind of day here's how this system works this place is just huge it goes all the way if you can you can't even see how far it goes it goes all the way to a wall over there and it goes all the way to a wall over there you can't see and then what you do you pay per pound of what you pick you bring it over here to the scale you weigh it on the scale and then you pay per pound let's see how much I weigh today and let's hope for a good amount oh that's a bad amount I got to go on a diet it you got to have a good flashlight when you're out picking especially in a basement like this look at this look what I just found X outs odour exterminators there's one for each one of my armpits the best part shopping carts to go through all these aisles Hales can actually see a wall over here how cool is this and to pay by the pound anybody who knows me knows I'm all about fashion I mean come on look at this belt that is from a life jacket and I was just thinking these would make incredible rings oh man I should have been a hand model George your alibaba's coming home with some new jewelry how hot is that I think I just hit the jackpot check this out check this out Lee I can't believe you walked past this did you even see it look at this I'm gonna rent no this is how you get your lotto numbers right there it's a pen and boom there's your lotto number do you gotta buy that yeah oh by all means can you tell us how much per pound it is dollar pounding wait this I don't know two ounces for free here's one little tip to keep in the mind when you come picking into a place like this don't look at eye level anyone else who came before you has looked at high-level you got to look up where nobody's looked you got to look down where nobody's look that's where you'll find the best stuff these look like parts to a time machine George keeps asking me to find a time machine in a storage unit I think I just found a time machine in the basement it could be the flux capacitor look at that it's amazing this is a crazy looking briefcase Lee but I have a feeling there's a story with it a little story yeah okay it was over there about two weeks ago over where can't even see the wall back there yeah and in it were blueprints from Firestone dating back to the 50s no way the purchasing department we're using to make sure that like parts that they were ordering were inspect no way and I thought they were cool about that thick worth of them so at a dollar a pound I think they we'd like three pounds for three dollars I got a bunch of old blueprints a bunch of old the collectability and that how much do you think that's worth that's gonna be really rare old prints like that I've seen go for usually nine ten bucks apiece nice you know I think I think a lot like that might easily do it there's got to be more in here I move on there it's a race to see who can find them first literally Noreen probably already has she's back there couldn't be successful without my Olay lemonade get out my late I checked all around here move my beam of sunshine and I cannot find the weights that go up here so the scale Wow really cool I really like it I don't see the oh my goodness there's another one there's a date in an old Dayton check that out the money wait Oh 2 cent values 2 cent that won 7 values look at that oh my goodness Wow holy cow wow man and another and another and another and another we have a lot of scales to look through look at this old neon sign check it out it says packaged gene mail boxes actually this would be perfect for we've turned my basement into an entire packaging room I'm gonna see if I can find a plug and see if this thing still works if it does it's coming home with me oh no no no the C and the K have broke right there we're so close this is like an industrial junkyard you find pit bits and pieces and parts for everything an industrial stuff cost thousands upon thousands of dollars just don't think this one's gonna be worth it for me I just found another neon sign PostNet facts copies this this stuff would be so cool unfortunately that one is broken as well now obviously I could pay to have them repaired I really don't want to pay to have them repaired it would be cheap by the pound but the real the real value is in the originality and not the repair really cool stuff I'm gonna see if we can find one that's complete that would work for the warehouse or for the home so cool oh man I just had another idea for jewelry [Music] can you throw it over your shoulder like a yes packaging stickers this side up George is gonna love that that's gonna be her birthday's coming up May 10th so I just found uh I just found a present for sure but super fragile handle with hair she's got a bunch of fragile stickers now buy it anyway little bonus for our birthday right there those two look what Noreen just found okay you found two of these right Noreen so you open that up there you display rings in it that's perfect for jewelry Lots next time I'll bring gloves but not this time there's so much cool stuff we could do that we just put rings in here display at all that'd be really cool this place is so amazing it's like rubbing a genie lamp a genie coming out and saying all right what is it that you want ask and you shall receive there we go long monster gloves an entire box of gloves the entire box it's wild it's crazy this is a pickin dream come true I think I found an old cash register I was just asking the genie of the pig ears for cash and here's a register I'm almost positive and that's that's coin op right there that's definitely for coin op all right let's see what we have here we got an old I should turn it ah I can't I'm kind of stuck here there's this huge machine to see if I can get around okay you know usually what happens what I end up doing this stuff I get hurt look at that machine wow that is cool this is so cool this is a history lesson in itself just for anybody okay what do that I see an old sign you guys think we can get it we're gonna have to move this stuff around it's back in there I like that I want to put that I wanna put that at the warehouse because I'm never working see it's funny sarcasm doubt it haha this is gonna be amazing I think I'm gonna hang it with the license plates on the door of the warehouse not only is machinery industrial machinery worth money but look at all this the history in all the tins for example this lapping compound okay but we could just go on and on and on paper work is worth money look at this just boxes boxes could be worth money the history that's there does somebody who is the collector especially if we have gas and oil if we have auto if we have and you name it it's here it's industrial so there's a collector look at there Li brake hardware that box may actually be worth more than the thing that it contains inside I got to give this one to lead because that's his name is that what I think it is I think it is look it's all created there's a bunch of stuff crated here and is it a brand new it is it is a brand new radiator my goodness the scrap value there in the copper just alone would be worth the purchase that's incredible absolutely incredible oh and I think there another one there is there is oh my goodness look at that the resale value that you could make in this place it's just absolutely amazing absolutely amazing don't ever be shocked you could find just about anything in here yep even that so far back now I can actually finally see the back wall I've been here roughly an hour dust my eyes deceive me is this what I think it is it is it is a christmas lotto pal lucky lottery it's like the pin but I just found I found a lotto pal did Doreen find one I just found what it's a snowman she found a Santa Claus I just found that I found Santa Claus a snowman right here how cool anything to do with the lotto always sells well online nice look at that that Christmas lotto pals how many there are because we've got it we got the pin yeah snowman Santa yeah well throw it in the cart man we got miles and miles of aisles so cool yeah amazing you got your Oh light right boom there it is yeah you gotta have that after a fire extinguisher saves lives this is where it goes this is where all of these these are the memorials for fire extinguishers right here like this Lee did you see this one the fire blanket rusted through oh yeah on the bottom and I don't think that's very good for you is there oh that's a national fire blanket hmm okay so here's the other crazy thing with with fire stuff fire extinguishers old fire extinguishers extremely extremely sought-after anything the old the old extinguishers remember they're in glass bottles and you would throw it like a grenade a bomb anything like that would be higher end stuff and this would be the place this would be the place where we could find it listen oh it just came out yeah or three but so long since I've actually oh I'm lost I'm lost I'm scared I'm afraid at least I still have hoodie I found this shelter I think it's to survive here a little bit of shelter crate boxes but I have no idea no idea where I'm at right now SOS send help son George I'm branching out from my makeshift home I'm gonna leave the crates and try and find my way out of here new plan instead of breadcrumbs I'm gonna put little packaging peanuts and make sure I don't retrace my steps hopefully I make it out alive some motor parts there okay that's the starting to look familiar actually oh right back where I started are you kidding me oh thank you thank you thank you thank you all right what's Georgia's number one charge to me it's Jeremy I'm lost Oh GPS on my phone the gorge positioning system oh okay you're right you ready you ready you ready you right okay I'll see you in about an hour all right love you Dubai here's the amazing value of knowing a secret hidden place like this like hockey does and I've been fortunate enough that Eve itíd me to come let's say an industrial piece like this let's say just say it's $50 all right $50 piece and yet here you're buying it for a dollar a pound and there's an entire Gaylord an entire pallet you can put this on eBay list one item at a time sell for $50 to make the next sale boom all you do is click relist there is easily five thousand dollars worth of profit in something like this that is a dream come true look what I just found this entire box brand-new okay can't really see anything you just see bright once you get inside it's flame resistant flame retardant fabric right there it's wild isn't it Wow that whole box has got to be worth a ton you guys are never gonna believe what I just found yes even in a place like this there's food fresh hold marinade for hamburger oh my let's see it's gonna see if we could find the expiration date you know expiration date isn't issue there's some potent stuff look at that oh my I don't think we'll be getting that that is potent and it looks like poopoo it's gold I found gold down here sure Gold not only that but the thing it's attached to whoever had this idea was a genius I could have this as my seat at the desk at the warehouse and never ever have to take any breaks as a matter of fact I think we're gonna have to use it right now oh that's better so much better it doesn't seem to be working one more try I really hope you guys don't think this videos going to the Pops you know straight down the toilet I found a tote filled with signs of caution truck wheels must be chalked slightly from the old store gosh I'm keeping a clear signage like this do not block I know we're reading upside down it's just nature of the beast floor load capacity but a lot of this stuff can actually have a lot of cool value drei standpipe fire department all right look what Lee just showed me lead knew where there was a secret stash a whole box filled with gloves the way I go through gloves look this triple double deep I'm buying the entire box dollar pound are these are these are all change machines these you haven't even been opened holy cow there could still be money in them Lee just pointed out there's a key bleep take that key off let's see if we can get into this one oh my goodness it really has hasn't it okay changer it's the changer all right come on come on come on come on come on oh it turned it turned it actually took okay yeah there you there you go there you go and then here's your coin should be in here that's your coin hopper and then this is your dollar hopper yeah so you pull that out well the best where they got and they would get stacked right here okay so only sees a sponge okay so the sponge they would get soaked right down there okay so no dollars but okay what about your coin hopper okay you would pull right out here yep too many years with vending machines with me I must not be any good at all you know what maybe just pull usually I'm not seeing how to get in there but we got into our first change machine yeah let's do it this one the key is broken off you found the piece or the key okay so the key is broken off actually in there but least still gonna try and turn the mechanism that turns them how I'm sure we can find something down here to get in there oh you think there might be a screwdriver something a little bit of everything find another one there's another broken key a full broken key yeah well there's what one two three four five six seven eight nine ten there's more than ten changed machines here all could have untold treasures look at this bottle of craziness I don't think it's a magnet maybe it is a magnet probably turn can you turn something with that turn come on Lee which we did it turn clockwise yes likewise just trying to turn that mechanism clockwise and then it will pop out that's what you had before I think wasn't it either way come on we can get in it we can do this it'd be worth it even if there was a quarter in there quarter of a million whatever yeah you know what I'm talking about we're buying this thing by the pound if there's a quarter million can we just lay the cap just leave cash on the scale [Laughter] that's probably why the key broke it was probably the wrong key that somebody stuck in there probably so much money in there there wasn't enough room for the key and it could be a two it seems like the keys stuck in there too yeah yeah you GM the wrong key in there and all these I'm not gonna open it maybe the tumblers are still locked should we try another one you trying to you did find another key right there's nothing in there okay if there's change in there that means there's probably paper as well we've got to get him all right there's our key broken off in there no not no but we did have some other keys okay right here nice all right we got four good keys fifth one this one one out of five out of work don't you think we think I'll try wait you're the key master I'm gonna let you do it some more options here don't like that a couple more options come on big money big money big money big money please okay this is short of key try that one guy threw up there yeah they are stacked too deep under here there are ton of change machines are the keys this one is our camera it's beautiful you know what let's try that key first and which one was it this one this was this one right here you go let me do you can I get it like it once to okay rats all right okay but it'll open this one right here here's another key let's try this one that one try that one come on come on big money big money big money this one doesn't wanna go does it okay let me let me pull this one out we'll flip it around and then you can try the key or maybe I'll pick it up and we can put it up here what do you think whatever you think you can do remember you're in your forties man's dick said another key that's part of keys which means nobody's been inside I heard my back break come on big money big money oh come on oh it's turning it's turning it definitely so they turn clockwise Holly you got it again you got it come on come on the mechanisms are in there the mechanisms are definitely in there here oh okay so that that goes up and they would the bills would be stacked on the other side wails no bills okay okay so that's the hopper right there okay we've got one shiny quarter what year is it 1960 okay 68 was there anything else joking okay we at least we made a quarter we'll put that on the scale dollar pound you will pay for that quarter no pick in the dark is complete without a flashlight and the best flashlight there is the old light it's the one we use we love it we think it's the best on the market now this May 8th they're having another great sale we'd like to tell you about their sales this one right here this one yes the warrior 2250 lumens gonna shoot 600 oh yeah meters meters get your hands on this one May 8th all day there's some others on sale as well we never leave home without it it puts the o' in the o light and our thumbnails become here bringing like yes yes [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 251,632
Rating: 4.6123867 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned houses, abandoned places, urban exploration, abandoned explorer, abandoned shark, Abandoned millionaires mansion, Everything left behind, urban exploring, abandoned mansion, abandoned house, exploring, mansion, abandoned mansion with cars, untouched, decay, decay of abandoned buildings, theme parks, millionaires mansion, haunted mansion, exploring haunted mansion, haunted
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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