POLICE UNIT AT LIFE STORAGE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker At Auction Opening Mystery Boxes

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and now the moment we've all been waiting for I'm gonna unzip the week all right going for the front of the bag first why we hold a second why do you need a ski mask if you're a cop George what the Hales are we doing today we are back at life storage this is the actual facility that the employees called the second facility on the run and we got banned at the second facility so it's gonna be really interesting to see what happens today we want to be very clear we are not banned from any life storage facility whatsoever corporate headquarters has clearly made that statement us and everybody else so let's find out what happens today on this auction run and remember if you haven't subscribed yet what the hell are you waiting for and don't forget to hit that bowel notification so you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live and we have heard from some that the notifications aren't working right now the way that you can fix that is go back click on the bell which will unclick your notifications click on it again click all and you'll get those notifications all fixed and you'll know every time we upload and go live [Music] [Applause] location number one on the Kerr fan done George what happened older gentleman maybe eighty years old maybe checking email or on Facebook and one of the workers was like sir there's no photography on site and he goes I'm on my email who the Hales knows what's gonna happen as we go to the what six seven more locations today yeah stay tuned here we go this is like location number one today five or six okay we still have one more and you just bought one for how much you bought it because well but are you gonna let them know all right open it up she saw something that nobody else saw and she got it for the minimum bid of ten dollars now at first look this thing looks rough okay we know that you know that it's a little rough we're curious do you see what she sees at first sight if you do tell us what you see down in the comments what is it that made her actually bid ten dollars which was the minimum bid and nobody else bid you're gonna show us what's in here babe okay here we go now we got to move fast because we actually have another unit to go to what do you got and there's eighteen units there we've seen about fifty so far today okay can we see it who sells BHS suburban beard and mani the mannequin we're gonna give those to them and I think there's horror in there as well are you gonna pull it out one thing she's pulling it out we're gonna move fast now this take the Walmart get your $30 on the computer on a pewter secret oh man you're gonna see it okay for them looking at my butt can you pop that lid oh yeah that smells proof all right so we got all kinds of stuff in here we're gonna give this to suburban beer hopefully we got a thousand dollar VHS hopefully somewhere there's got to be a nice Disney VHS and let's get to a tote okay she's back in there digging she's looking for a box or tote roll she said it's heavy that's a good sign we're doing this the epic treasure hunting with Jebus style dig right in pull it out find out what it is she's finding something she's finding something for sure we are right by the roadway she's just found her me and Paul mania you need me to get that tote out for you all right let me pull it out for you are you serious maybe I just moved this out so that she could actually get and show it to you and look what we just uncovered and this isn't even what we saw there's a Smith & Wesson case that was underneath the totes okay so I moved this so she could show you this was the heavy one and this was on top of it it says military and this I moved this in this and that is what I found and we haven't touched it yet okay are you gonna pull it out dude oh man okay that's not even why she actually that's not why she bid on it baby I can already tell three - that was way too easy for her and one okay now show them why you actually been turn it around show him why you bid because we're gonna do it last I bet you I know exactly where it's at it's right there this is what she saw you got to get in that tote totes mcgoats we're setting it aside we're gonna find out if it's actually in there watch she's gonna find it in here instead maybe a bunch of tools how much would you put on that as far as money it's all brand-new look at this we get easily $100 for this tote easily this is all brand-new tote tools stabilizers ratchet straps paint okay that's an easy hundred dollars alright this one this one was really light oh whoa oh whoa we got old Bart Simpson okay and we'll get to that real quick I think I see some webkinz is that Gantz webkinz maybe maybe not all right so we definitely have some totes if we were to put a price on that I would say maybe $20 selling all those those plush at the warehouse so really what I want to know I want to know what's in there we got to wait we gotta wait here's the bag and look there's the controller and a bunch of DVDs now we sell the DVDs at the warehouse few bucks oh please there's PlayStation crash crash bandit but that's not crash bandit oh there's crash the wrath now PS 2 and there's the system right there it's the black slim PS 2 doesn't sell as much as the original ps1 but that's still money so out of that bag even though we're not going to open the entire thing $10 I would say she's got at least $50 in there and we're gonna pull all this out and we still got to find out what's in the police bag here's the box that was labeled military so let's find out is the Smith & Wesson in there and that looks like a ton that's probably military records alright set that aside let's get in this and you may be thinking Jeremy you're going way too fast and I am because we have to get somewhere we got to get somewhere in roughly we got a 20 minute drive and we have to be there in 10 minutes there's more police did you see that go down one binder police right there right there more police pow-pow police looks like life magazines some kind of magazines definitely magazines okay again we're gonna have to we're gonna have to open it up well let's see what's in here real quick baby baby baby good stuff is in the back this is a ten dollar unit all right we've got the sheriff right there so we've got the sheriff outfit but that's not it look at this baby Hey look there's your holsters oh look at all the magazines magazine after magazine look at these magazines baby babies look at this oh my God look at this casing if we do find it we can't Sherwood holy cow we'll get this casing look at that magazine look at all the collectible patches oh my goodness yes again again this is for fist pumps on Sunday night live stream babe look look look samurai this thing is filled do we even go to the next location or do we go through this I don't know this is so exciting for $10 $10 make you wanna power oh my goodness look at all the holsters they're everywhere babe we have hundreds and hundreds of dollars in holsters you think the gun is buried or split down below hey gas masks this is French that's French that is absolutely French you think you this French beret French beret more ammo oh my goodness look at all the collectable patches look at this 1775 oh my goodness United States Senate why would he have a United States Senate brothers do you think he was a spy you think he was a French spy could've been I mean anything is possible he's got a skeleton key to something no no no collectable military collectible I can't believe this oh this is an amazing unit Oh what is that really you don't know what this is a missile this is more explosive than you almost almost just gonna one time you found a good marine her name that was hollowed on you through that yeah that was awesome yeah don't show any names she's part of Cleveland Police she's got a machine gun yeah there was magazine he's got the mags for the machine guns I'm just gonna be I want to be very clear with everybody YouTube standards and regulations right now are very very against their cracking down firearms yeah so if we actually find firearms we have to edit that out but that doesn't mean we didn't find what you think we found it means because of YouTube standards and policies we edited it out but you could be very very happy for us because I guarantee you we are Wow more patches more patches or oh my goodness Field Manual all my goodness baby baby baby baby baby for money foreign money I can't it's a pretty awesome tote this is a crazy ten dollar unit okay there is a backpack in here as well we're just gonna hose our trail it feels empty we're gonna say that one's empty here's a box we're gonna take a peek at it again I can't stress we have to move fast there's a whole nother auction with 18 units and we're gonna be late you got cell phone this looks like a black Nintendo GameCube is it empty alright she says it's empty she's gonna load it GameCube boom Mario Party 7 there's always one in there I love it so we got the Gamecube as well with the ps2 alright let's just set that aside I'm gonna put the speakers and the computer away what could this be this this looks like a camera I'm doing this one-handed right now without a tripod I'm doing it Jebus Jebus style we have a Toshiba that's an external hard drive we have a Toshiba external hard drive okay that can go in that can go in I'm gonna look here real quick we have more Oh baby look at this an Sega oh yes sweet we got vintage Nintendo there's baseball what's that one gyromite okay oh I can't believe it I cannot believe it for this ten dollar unit nobody saw the police bag except for George that's Zelda that was the gold one that that that's the one work oh man I can't freakin believe it if you're not excited right now you have the issue not me for being excited I can't even keep focused right now we're not even done do I dare lift this open dare me dare me and three two one we got surround sound Samsung like we love a love Samsung okay so we got a surround sound system I can't believe nobody bid on this but us okay let's load this and then we'll look at the rest of the junk there is a box that says silverware let's take a look is it real silver does not look like real silver we'll just go ahead we'll load that up I'm gonna sneak in here baby this one is labeled games I was hoping for more Nintendo and Sega mad gab is fun alright oh there is there is more Nintendo it is dusty in here battle of the sexes maybe if you and I got a battle who would win can you open that see what's inside Oh some just fell out are these charms silver they are 925 silver and that one was probably gold it looks like we found some silver and gold too okay this this I'm gonna say is probably empty let's try okay this is baby no way more inattentive there's an old quartz clock [Music] look at this I can't even keep focused on everything I'm not on the tripod I'm horrible at this that's probably stoneware what's in here what's in here three bags I've gotten to go ripped through three bags so far and all the cords for the video games oh wait no no no that would be Wi-Fi Wi-Fi we still have a couple more boxes up there we got brand new bubbles we'll just give these we'll give these to your nephews all these brand new bubbles I know you guys are so upset that we're moving so fast but we're gonna miss the next option with 18 units if we don't and now the moment we have all been waiting for all right we're going for the front of the bag first why we hold a second why do you need a ski mask if you're a cop why I don't know tell us Jeremy babe you got to be kidding me what is this dude up to that that Kenai fizz well-used and rubber gloves there's something in there okay you see this seam right here these are weighted gloves for putting a little bit more bang in your punch these it's like wearing brass knuckles but actually on your gloves you've got to be kidding the tactical edge surviving high risk points is there a back pocket here try it flipping around let's do the back first this is getting weirder and weirder and weirder okay paperwork let's not close that up and here I see I see more baggies babe this is what's in there there's something in there can you open that I can't do it with one hand this is getting so that's his patrol vest when he's directing traffic and this is his nighttime vigilante no babe I'm not sure that's a flare gun I think that's for stabbing war flare baby I think he put a stabbing stick in the flare gun to make it a little bit more you think this was in the trunk what's he got rope for no axe murderer do you think he was an axe murderer [Music] well they still you know I think we need to do we need to see if we can find somewhere to get this actually developed because this has got to be one of the most interesting odd units ever does anybody know is there still place where we can get this film developed she just found two more is there a place we can get the film developed let us know in the comments we absolutely need to get it develop this is crazy maps maps we we've got to go through this unit better with a fine-tooth comb we're late for the auction already there's 18 units hopefully we get there for at least half of them Wow what are your thoughts what do you think about this well if it was we wouldn't show him right we were 20 minutes late to the last location literally running to the unit that was up for auction and we got there and the bid was already over five hundred dollars we swooped in we were able to get a bid on one of the most epic things we have ever seen in a storage unit and we want it and you're not gonna be able to see it until tomorrow yet don't want to miss it let's hear your guess what the Hills do you think we got in the comments below [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 72,340
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandon
Id: dSCjYgJ7ry4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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