FOUND DRUG DEALERS SAFE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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I've been waiting for she already got this one locked hardest pumping George what the Hales are we doing today today is Friday it is it's Friday going no we're gonna work on a storage unit and the person who owns the storage unit so we found out through all kinds of banking information which you can't see anything here don't try and magazine subscriptions we found out the backstory on this individual so you want to tell bad man bad boy bad boy and and we will not be getting in contact with this individual somebody named Bubba will be because what was he doing George involved with drugs big time not small but big big big time so we asked ourselves the question if if Jebus found all this information out what would Jesus do what would he do what would Jesus do the answer is what George he would make a video so George said let's make a video that's what she said so we're gonna show you exactly what we found out in this drug dealers unit who will not be back to get any of his belongings whatsoever just maybe he's locked up trying not to drop the soap don't drop the soap I had to move a couple more big things out of the way so we can get to all the boxes so what we have here is MTX audio and this is the Thunder this one doesn't have any name I mean they look like great boxes ready to be hooked up I mean this right here potentially potentially can actually bring the purchase price back so again you're always looking for that one item that can pay for the unit and then everything else is profit open that box Georgia wine right now remember we got this unit for three hundred and fifty dollars and we had everybody guess yesterday how many swords Georgia was gonna find George how many sorts do you think you're gonna find there is no inline skates in here is that a Harley no that's an American Chopper so jet bike I got to hold that up because George is vertically challenged as you can't see when it's in the shot or not actually I think this is the break to the inline skates to this box that's brand-new 15.99 from Walmart here is or excuse me Kmart here is a collectible mini clock and the in the case still if you hear that clip-clopping we do live next to Amish country that's a horse and buggy going by Elgin whatever that is he was a biker for sure we got the bike frame so looks like he was collecting bikes there's a diecast number 99 looks like a Tony the Tiger all praise I bet you that came from Kellogg's there's a oh there it is he's faded there's a junior diecast three bucks from Walmart and some other OE weed I was just gonna see some other cars but here's a motorcycle that is as I say I think that says harley-davidson George look in the viewfinder as I say harley-davidson yeah that's Harley Davidson and let's look at the bottom can't read that very well working out here in the rain makes me wish we had a bathroom here at the warehouse I was working right now oh do you see what I see there's three there's three Direct TV things okay believe it or not okay if you if you come here which most of you probably have DIRECTV okay there's a card here so what you do is you call and see if the card is actually stolen or not if it's not stolen then you can sell these on eBay if it is stolen you're pretty much screwed and there are three of them in here one two and three do you remember what George told you about this guy what did you say about him George he was a bad he was a very bad boy probably getting spanked right now by Bubba George went in to grab another box here we go you get a good one all right here we go nice well it looks like you got another glove what kind of that one Adam now know how to say it either air hog is there a helicopter in there for ya there it is there's their air hug toy I wonder if that works and some kind of Transformer toys open a box box number I lost count I don't know it all depends on which ones we show them and which ones we don't in the video I can't show everything what is it it is it's uh we got an Xbox 360 with a 250 hard drive in it let's see if it's in here it is the Xbox 360 is in there sweet the phones in here but it's cracked to death what kind of phones are they the box says iPhone all right is this what I think it is it's what I think it is it's the games all right let's see what games we have okay we've got we got off road racing UFC saints row grand theft they feel kind of light though call of duty let's just we'll open one up and we'll see what's going on and yeah it's feeling too late that's just the movie Hulk that's in there see sinks row wow that was in there so some of them you know what I bet this was for cuz he was with the biking while he was a gamer but I bet this is for biking yeah you'd mount this you some of you guys may know better but you would mount this right on your helmet like a GoPro this is the action shot mitt you get the wide lens for all that stuff because he was a biker we got the bike frame we got the bike helmet which if you haven't seen video number one where we actually purchased this unit will show that we'll put that in the link we will pin that comment in the comment section so you can click back and see when we actually bought this unit oh okay now these are gold-plated and they came from Burger King and this one you had the Pokemon ball and I don't see the you see now the bolt the ball is not in there so the cart is still cool we have another one at home on the dinner table right now but we got to get the actual ball too sweet look at this super Gameboy there's Return of the Jedi for the Game Boy look at that right there there's Zelda I think I sold this one last for 50 bucks here is for others adventures for the Game Boy Advance so we got some good old game stuff in here which I sell so well ps2 we got some old ps2 oh I was gonna say this was a memory card because Jebus loves going through him I was gonna send it to Jebus but it's just an adapter Sudoku video game though handheld video games Sudoku Sudoku is it Sudoku or sudoko put the answer in the comments down below is it pronounced Sudoku or Sudoku this box wasn't closed and if you look at the original video it was just like this as well so obviously this dude was big-time in a motocross and so we actually we had a box and we filmed it but we found all kinds of personal items he had motocross Awards the whole deal which we can't show that to you obviously for obvious reasons but playing cards to Ducks and Brandon that's brand-new is that that's the display for the bike right there American Choppers West Coast Choppers I'm sorry California rocks wait wait wait wait these usually are pretty detailed can you get that yep got it check that out look at the detail in there this hood should pop to that foot is poppin look at that doors yep doors open suicide doors yeah Wow nice one that's really cool that's a nice one looks like there's some other in here ins GT I want a sweet street racer look at them banging speakers in the back look at the speakers in the back or get the dust all off look that's just like the speakers that we found I wonder if that's what he drove look look you got the nitrous-oxide back there and everything no way dude look at it you got the tanks how cool is that it's time to find out if all of you were right in your guesses of how many swords and connives George will find in this unit so here we go it says Night Stalker maybe it's for vampires open it up see what you got okay while you're opening that one up here is one sword all right that's a man-sized sword so that's one we're gonna count that as a sword connive so definitely a weapon so that's got to be two all right so we're at two we are now at three that's a China blade okay there we actually have a little bit of Chinese on the back three okay that's number four she's got number four this would be number co five this is number Co five right there number five [Music] we show them the writing all right google translate what's it say I don't know probably good and zoom in on that so we're at six all right we are now at number seven so sword number two seven right there that's the big one that's the Daddy sword that's probably Mama's gonna knock you out yeah mama mama tries to knock me out all the time soon so you got the daddy sword the mama sword and you got the baby sword whereas seven it would if you were in the shot there she goes is that John Wayne that's John Wayne so we are now as seven swords and a super connive so we're gonna say eight this is some wooden CD case here is a sword display case we're gonna set that aside how many Marcus ORS eight so where we gonna be at now those are like the Switchblade things that you see on the movies like where are you what number are you at here's another display case for the for the sword katanas some money in there let's see how many swords are you having nice alright Dave and Buster's she's at 14 that's swords and knives 14 their shoes that might have been in so be careful let's dig just a little bit more 14 we're now at 15 it's an old case all right 15 sounds like a good number oh [Applause] let's round it off 16 because comb life or comb knives I mean comb connives matter to 16 right there with the comb connive right there 16 [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] no you think race cards 1991 race cards that's all Brandon estle in the package okay we definitely have to check this out I've never gotten into racing but that is all tracks and it's all still sealed in there that's cool that'll be really cool we've got something about a valent time and George George yeah you are busting out of the wrapper no that doesn't that doesn't look that bad it's not that bad a mouse got into it look at the then you better be careful okay here's tootsie roll that all you know what this is huh do you really need a dictionary for pot and for her for a cocaine this is one of the old tootsie roll banks and oh yes you're not stopping me go there was nothing on here we haven't eaten yet we haven't one if you do the tootsie roll dance I don't know it's a tootsie roll dances ooh how's uh don't do it too late I got spit that one out that wasn't as good as it looks okay are we gonna find drugs in this unit Hales yes if you think we're gonna find drugs in the comments Hales no if you don't think we're gonna find drugs is this is this like a nitrous oxide thing is that what this is I I don't know anything about nitrous oxide so if this is a let us know do you have any clue what this actually is because this could be no it's heavy as all get-out know I wonder if this is a nitrous oxide tank I've never know we probably had to send this to him in jail for him done put on his back could you heal just backwards necklace and looks like little drinking cup holder thingamajiggy entrepreneurialship with a mouse turd we could probably teach you a thing or two about that George George George what do you think do you think do you think it's open okay okay okay all right as much as I want to open it right now let's set it aside okay this one's definitely locked okay now for real Hales yes if you think there's gonna be drugs in here or Hales no okay we have a little safe and we've got a little chest you hear all that okay okay do you want to open those up or do you want to get on to the next thing first George is gonna Google some YouTube videos to see if we can actually get in here and if we can get in here so while she's googling I'm gonna grab another box and we'll see if we can actually save these boxes but there's definitely stuff in both of them this is one of the boxes that I saw yesterday that was really excited to actually get into because we see all these Hot Wheels matchbox car holder so look at this this one actually this one has got the wheels on the back just like your suitcase and you take it wherever you go so let me do this how's it going babe anything yet okay she's still trying to see how we can break into that stuff without and we we got nothing here okay so nothing there but the case obviously is gonna be worth something so that's really cool there we've got first that's nothing that's garbage okay we've got a 1967 Mustang fast track which AMT definitely feels like it's in there it's all bent up so I don't want to do any more damage to it here we got some more stuff look at this Wow look at this okay we got Harley Davidson okay we got a Harley Davidson Road Ryder's matchbox I don't know if the year is but man that looks great okay we've got all kinds of we got all kinds of cards so we got cards here from that's 1989 we've got we got we got a frog okay I'm gonna set these cards inside oh look at this look at this limited edition fire bike American Choppers the series limited edition they're brand new here's another so it's a kit you build them here's another there's the Liberty bike how cool okay Wow we have the Batmobile from Batman and Robin the model come on we got a look at this ah this this unit is just packed with awesomeness brand-new he didn't do it oh yeah oh I am loving this unit more and more right now okay we've got nascar dale earnheardt look at this apparently it is Miller time there we go so we got a couple signs there let's set that aside this thing is just filled there's a number eight diecast all right number three ornament we've got there you go number eight diecast winner's circle 1/18 scale you've got the car haulers number 29 the car hauler that's the 164 there's Junior's Oreo car hauler 1/64 there's another number three whatever's in there it's it's candy it's Easter candy number eight there looks like we have some mice in here too man this unit is so flippin sweet man okay shoe repair kit what sweetheart we don't we didn't bring bolt cutters with us okay this is random random ps2 stuff that's a Dale Earnhardt forever in our hearts oh look at this in the backside put back there this is a pokémon pokédex tiger these old tiger toys these have value right there that could I could bring us some good money there we have okay we do we have we have cars not only do we have cars we have lots of cars so there's a good case of cars even though the one wasn't wasn't in there we got plenty this is the other thing I see there there's a vet set 1991 edition it's stuck to this number one finger mm would you learn about your life of crime there George how to pick a lock okay usually we don't pick them we just break into them and bust into them yeah usually we're gonna keep it classy so you got the bottom one you took care of that already alright and then for the top one she said just pry because these metal pieces yeah they're just tucked in there so we're just gonna pry that a little bit okay now what do you think what it's going to be in here is not that much of a mystery we know what he's in jail for so we will actually tack this back in we'll try and keep the hardware there we go okay we got it so alright you going to do the honors yeah all right oh man my heart is pumping is yours it sure is 3b why I'm not ready yet I don't think they are either what do you think is gonna be in here hopefully treasure ok gold alright more my heart's pumping and pocket watches maybe gold maybe and probably not gold don't think I don't see any markings I bet this is a steam yeah it's a steam at another pocket watch here ports she stamping it up here's a robogadget Inspector Gadget oh no Jar Jar Binks do you remember pogs when you were kid well now you have more hugs these are pogs there you go bunch of pogs and I think that might be them no that's not the masher POG I thought that was the masher POG there's some more coin we can answer the five-gallon jug yeah more more change for the five-gallon gel right there oK we've all been waiting for she already got this one locked hardest pumping yeah what is it what is it what is it money coin that we can put in the five-gallon bucket what is this as a silver nope it's not wartime nickels okay as we always do we check all the coins here's some more a bag of coins okay let me check these why you pull some of that stuff out we have any silver okay we do have we have foreign money which we have a collection of foreign money so I think this said Tasmania so there's Tasmania here's something else here I didn't see it yet 1967 and I should probably turn the flash on I don't know what what that is crazy for us yeah anything hardly does the guys yesterday are selling hardly t-shirts for $1000 at their vintage shop there is another foreign coin that this thing has bunch of foreign coin in it which a lot of that foreign coin is actual silver okay anybody know where this could be from a yeah that coin there a Oh Canada there we go that one's Canadian okay I have no idea where this is from so I say see o P or what it's from it's in his bag of coins any ideas at all anything [Music] got Ecuador 1988 it looks like some pins there too George tongue ring I just found a bag filled with Chuckie Cheese coupons are we going this weekend the prizes all on you Dave and Buster's worth that all right look at this tiny tiny one I'm not sure what this is I can't read it yet there's not enough light working through all this it's 1/10 of a gram so my guess is it's actual silver Wow did you get through everything already okay well here's the rest that we have to go through and so we'll check this out and we'll put it all in the collection at home [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 246,345
Rating: 4.6309996 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: vBlDlnDcEcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 44sec (2024 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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