FOUND TONS OF MONEY in the "vintage gamble" locker I bought at the abandoned storage auctions

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Star Trek Voyager plates what do you think about that that is some eighties eighties oh there's a name in there know what that is I think I'm I have to look that up it looks like a jewelry box or something rattling in there I've never ever found anything like this you previously on locker nuts I bought a pair of lockers because I was intrigued by how old everything looked we paid 450 dollars and that seemed a lot to gamble there's a lot of junk to sift through but we're finding some treasures costume jewelry and antique photographs seem to be the best scores yet but every day brings new finds so let's see what we discover this time all right you guys another day of auctions first I'm at the unit again getting another load so I just got these boxes here or stacked all the way to the top I got the chair out and got the ones off the top so just dug out right there and a few boxes off the bookcases and that's gonna about do it for me starting to look a little bit lighter but this is I think still more than two more truckloads here it's probably three more truckloads so or trailer which I intended but I'm here so I'm just gonna do with what I get all right you guys so I've got a whole bunch of boxes that I brought home we're gonna start going through them and see what else we can find I'm not gonna go through every box on camera because already like over there I've got a box of chemicals kitchen chemicals I got a box of light bulbs yeah so you don't need to see everything but when I see something interesting I'm gonna get it on camera cuz I know that's what you guys really want to see let's get started this Fox I actually peeked in while I was waiting for the auctions this morning to start Hamilton collection Star Trek Voyager plates what do you think about that I think it's kind of cool they're numbered I don't know I don't know it's not my thing I'm not really a huge Star Trek fan I mean I love oh that's cool I love the movies but I don't think I'd be buying plates to hang football that's just me they are nicer definitely quality the signatures here they look like they're in the gold like a metallic gold ink that's good yeah do we need to go through all of them it's not that interesting okay and then this right here Star Trek collectible glasses and there's dr. Spock yeah that's pretty nice we got four of your hands nice we got Kirk Laura and mural who's Nero I don't remember that one but here we've got a box it says less Leigh's clothes less whose clothes coat closet so here's what I figure so far this is on this locker was a couple originally and I think the gal died I think her name was Leslie and she passed away this is what I'm gathering based on the items that are in here I know the Locker was owned by a guy so I think his wife probably passed away and he probably put all of their stuff in storage because he couldn't probably couldn't bear to the let it go and I don't blame them so Caesar not hiding stuff in the tags been removed on a lot of them yikes sweat pants to match its sweatshirts this one's got some patchwork going on in the crotch area and lots of Tears okay yeah that is some eighties eighties you love them I don't think that's the cool ladies either I don't know this is definitely a tease yeah straight to the thrift store I don't really have the room to be selling all of it and I don't think it's gonna sell for very much soon Minnie Mouse stretched out and stained I'm really just pulling stuff out just to see if by chance there might be something stuffed in you look jewelry box or something if clothes alone I'm not terribly interesting not to me anyways alright went through about four boxes of clothes to over there you saw a little bit of it not too much but there's something called mini tri-level chess different happy face there's a garbage truck right over here so sorry for the noise I'm sure they'll be moving on very soon here's a little cuckoo clock that's kind of cool we've already had it like one or two cuckoo clocks out of this thing this is West Germany 1073 there's a name in there that is I think I'm have to look that up this is definitely says Made in West Germany the fact that it says West Germany like they even have to differentiate from East Germany to West Germany that's kind of interesting these the counterweights or something for that thing these are heavy that's another concern newer clocks have like plastic counterweights are just decorative they're not really functional but those are thinking functional so what do we have here crow nomadic realistic an alarm clock that's worth anything there's more license plates I'm not sure water in the sealed envelope they're all bangin up my goodness that is just like plastic like acrylic a little chip writing there's another one also is a chip right on the same spot there they're pretty it's too bad that or chipped up kitchen awesome this is handy chopper plus a little chocolate I swear found a box of that already little Noah's Ark wind chime it's cool bugs starting to come out she's just gonna get dust here pretty soon what's a petal I'm sewing machine I think we already have somewhere closet okay made Japan Wow that is looks like it takes a 9-volt battery what is it yeah two knobs I bet you this radio yeah there's the speaker in there okay this is gonna have to be looked at that is pretty cool have a land I do see Chevrolet on him give this fool it is like a slideshow there positives it's easy to meet and become acquainted with new people I wonder if this is like some sort of a sales training for early Chevy dealers or something okay this is definitely we're gonna definitely have to look at this a little closer this is definitely a little different I've never seen anything like this before and you know alright that last box is much more interesting much more interesting that's kind of boxes that I really hope for so here we've got some old records what do you call these types these are I forget these are not 33s these are like the older big headphones foam pepper shakers okay look at that Beatles hard day's night sealed it actually looks pretty old I'll have to look that up that can be more something was in good condition this time life records the story in sound that's cool so there's a record steep little trivet st. Petersburg big salad tosser alright this one says entry hall closet iron sewing stuff this is Leslie a lot of times though you still gotta look yeah this looks like a name some sort of iron or steam irons you gotta look though a lot of these boxes I noticed have been mislabeled and usually when it's the good stuff mohair stuff that's already been absolute learn to tact I guess chat probably all right you guys can you believe I went through that entire truckload of stuff in pretty much this is the only good stuff right here this is maybe a couple boxes I put over there that I'll sell at the flea market I'm gonna take everything to the thrift store to be honest with you I bought another unit this morning plus I have a closer trailer full of stuff in that unit most of stuff on there is like dollar items really if I'm lucky dollar item so anyways I might try quick flip did just I mean just get rid of it because I can't take everything to the flea market next week I got a really busy week and if I don't empty that locker I got a paper from a whole nother month so here's a little I don't know ceramic something rather it's alright it's nice see that looks like it's got some gold trim on there it's not my fighting nothing but this is why I wanted to film this box I saw this and it looks like a jewelry box there's something rattling in there there we go this piece of plastic Hey broken plastic but we still got some stuff here let's see t light camera potpourri scent pot got looking all these boxes there's marbles marbles Oh a whole bunch more tea lights could probably use those last night when the power went off pots for plants yeah just either get the drain on the bottom so what they are got to folks that's it down studio no Bo jewelry box key we're gonna have to look at that laughter we found the joy box there's a little bit jewelry in there it was all junky a bit still a jewelry box no it's another pot for plants okay what is the purpose well it's a potpourri company bucks I'm gonna sell it but this one I'm gonna doing it we're gonna donate the place that we drop our donations off it actually benefits epilepsy and we have a friend with epilepsy so we like to donate to them it's all good all good can you just you guys know that was the box that was marked elephant glass with and it was crossed out so alright guys so here's what we got the best stuff the best of what came today was this hard day's night this this was indeed a decent find I look him up in on eBay they sell for anywhere from thirty to forty so I swapped the twenty five dollar ticket on it and I'll take it to the flea market see what see what we can get up and so on sometimes we can sell albums pretty decently at the flea markets we'll see what we do with that this clock right here is definitely a good brand it's a nice little clock so and I think they said that it comes with four pieces at least another listing said four pieces it has a little rough area right here it doesn't even matter cuz that's where this clips on right here it clips on right over you don't even see it pretty cool that hooks to the pendulum somehow where that is the pendulum hooks in there somehow anyways a ton of weight so wants to be complete scaring here's a little Lucy Lucy right here see that it's too bad I'm gonna put this in a box it needs to be better particularly it was with the in the plastic bag but this one we're looking at maybe 40 to 50 bucks on eBay so pretty good then this counter here this Overland Stage Express this radio it's missing I mean the wheel came off it's missing a little screw or maybe something broke right there yeah it's easy to fix that it's a little rivet or something in there but that's uh yeah 20 25 bucks on ebay sir alright but the best kind this these little canisters right here maybe 40 50 of them maybe 30 I don't know there's a lot of them but these are chevy sales training strips 1940 this says and those look very similar there's some colored ones there I'm not sure how those compared to ours but look at this ninety nine ninety five s verse 16 where is it it doesn't say but there's 16 of them so they got a hundred bucks for 16 of them and um yeah it says right here 16 see that so yeah not bad right so yeah look at that pretty cool I think we've got at least twice that much so we might have a couple hundred bucks right in this box right here pretty nice this right here is not a chevy silly film this is something different yes I just pop that open and you can see right here right here comedy game the pirate ship this is a movie so this is silent movie and I looked at up on eBay I couldn't find anything to compare that to you so that's gonna be interesting to try to find out more info on that and see if there's a market for that I think there's got to be a market for that okay so there's a just a few more than I thought Wow 75 in total three of them don't have labels and I'm including this one which is obviously it's something a little bit different which means there are 71 with labels okay so if we break mend lots of 16 or let you see 15 we've got between 4 and 5 lots here so is that 4 to 500 bucks right here hmm that's pretty good isn't it alright guess oh I am over at this unit again I actually wasn't planning on coming here today but the last time I was here I forgot my tripod here so I put a sign up and you know reward please let me never find my tripod cuz I'm a little bit attached to my tripod in thankfully this guy had seen it and looked around no one was here I put it in his locker and called me up so man I'm so happy that he did that and he was appreciative to you because I gave him a little reward for that but here I'm just since I came I just thought oh I'm just gonna get a load for the truck I brought down some boxes while I was waiting for him cuz I got here early that's it why didn't notebooks right yeah when I first begin I like that no notebooks and then I go what is that what is yes shake this out we found some coins already loose in one of the drawers like on the first day going through stuff pennies looks like yeah that is quite a collection 1944 very good eight I'm assuming this the rating of the condition 19 1944 is a year and then s is the version those are all 1944 I've never found I've never ever found anything like this I found little coin collections but I've never found anything to that scale there so I would say that this is so far the best thing to come out of this locker and pennies this is a great find you guys great great to find okay I guess they're not all pennies look at this that's some 1838 and here's some Sacagawea dollar coins here's a 1979 susan b anthony right there's the eisenhower and then we get Brett back into the pens yeah these are these two are fairly warm but 1838 my goodness okay and Penny's point now I'm kinda excited what else we might find in this locket all right yes just for fun just for fun let's see how much all these books wait coz another it kind of have you so I got my poster skill right here can you see that almost 35 pounds of money crazy all right guys that's gonna do it for this video if you can believe it we're still finding so much good stuff and you saw at the beginning a picture of the locker it's starting to get pretty light in there but you know what I take I've taken a couple truckloads straight out of there into my storage and we haven't even gone through the boxes so he when the storage is empty we're still gonna be going through stuff for quite a few more episodes I hope you guys are liking this alright the coins we put aside a couple the better items we put aside but otherwise last night we went to the thrift store and took my entire truck the entire truckload straight to the donation center so it's a good cause day it benefits epilepsy research and we love that but yeah I'm just completely overwhelmed at this point with too much stuff and the lower end stuff I just don't have the time or the space on the trailer to take it all to the flea market so that's the way it's got to go but it's all for a good reason so thanks you guys for watching shoot me a thumbs up if you would tell me like the sort of thing especially if you like this old vintage stuff that we're pulling out because I sure dig it but I do have to dig through a lot of garbage just to find a few good things but we are finding them so I'm happy all right more good stuff to come you guys but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on rockin nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 365,118
Rating: 4.757309 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Vintage Treasure, jewelry, antiques, found money
Id: DnK12Ml9Axo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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