FOUND LOCKED SAFE Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Auction / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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oh we're in we're in time for part two of buying a storage unit for $700 filled with army trunks and an unopened locked safe so if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you do cuz you never know what the Hales were gonna find let's find out exactly what the Hales we did find 725 725 725 725 725 I don't let another 7 725 I'll let anybody have it 725 so 700 you wanna watch watch this episode you want to see what you didn't boss it and I missed a lot when we didn't find one or the other I have got to know I think there is anything in this safe there's the jumper cable so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna move the same forwards and backwards George you have your sledgehammer no we didn't we left it at home didn't we okay let's see if we can hear anything are you ready yep come on paper money there's something in here there's stuff did you hear that there is something in here listen listen I'm gonna scoot it forward there's multiple things in here listen whoa you hear that you hear that there is your stacks of money okay listen again listen everybody quiet here we go we have friends here helping we have super fans here we go you hear there could be money in here there could be money but it's locked oh there's something in here for sure oh who bought the unit somebody bought a unit with a sledgehammer who bought the unit with the sledgehammer we got a couple motors electrical motors here we typically wouldn't actually resell these items you could resell them honestly they're just in the way for us so these will probably go to the scrapyard which is thirty Seconds around the corner from the warehouse so we're gonna move these out of the way so that we can actually get to these and see what's inside these trunks we've got a couple different toolboxes in here George is gonna open on that so we want to get to the trunk oh no but you've got drawers anything in the doors all right well we can move that out of the way and let's hope like Hales that there's a whole lot more stuff inside those chests because one of them is a hope chest hope out to get us something cool box number two so this would actually be a bad sign when I got caught up in bidding and bid over set well I've been $700 seven plus 50 for the cleanup fee this is a sign that you want to look at for any unit that you're bidding on this was probably bought at a garage sale at the most likely garage sale or flea market so they bought this entire toolbox $5.00 for everything in it hopefully we can make more than that so let's see it's what's inside we need a countdown can you count three two one really loud by the camera come over by the camera we got a special helper what's your name Sierra is here she's a special helper she's gonna count it down for us you go three two one nice and slow and dramatic okay you ready Sierra all right let's do it Hey what we expected is that what you thought was gonna be in there okay we do have tools we'll send this off to our local auction house and we'll get more than five bucks from this we'll just send that off and we won't even mess around with it let's hope for something bigger and better what are those metal things oh my goodness hope that one's upside down hey you want these are these are from gas pumps we can't see this one so I'm gonna pull that one up so is the rest of it is that part of the front of it here let me pull one up wait you got another piece in there these are yep these are part of the gas pumps that's ultra low sulfur there you go these are part of the acid bath those must be the sides yep so if anybody's looking to rebuild a gas pump we have we have a few pieces for you for you gasoline collectors how cool we're gonna get the first military trunk and I'm gonna try and show you that there is indeed it's not the heaviest but there's something in it you can see us but you hear that out there so if this is a doomsday prepper I approached him do that let's set it down I'm gonna look let's look on the back okay all right I'm gonna move this one over we'll call that one the Hope Chest yeah all right Sierra we're gonna need you to count it down again loud and slow yeah why here we go it was just a shelf it was only a show put the bucket the box itself will resell Texas trunk Company Inc San Antonio Texas trunk locker barracks right there 1991 so nothing in this one but we do know something is definitely in that safe this will dis up we'll move on to the next thing one of the other things that we saw up here to the left which maybe you're right is all this army all this army fatigues and gear so there's a hat right there and it is a size small we don't have any identification inside of it so there's none of that I'm gonna hand that to you George have we have a jacket as well what size that is a size large short so we always want to check our pockets because we never know what we're gonna find the Hales we're gonna find and I am sweating like a pig they got hot all of a sudden yeah cuz I'm hauling around a concrete safe that or because George was around one or the other okay we have oh don't worry George I gotcha his-and-her army-issued water canteens on the belt let's see if there's anything inside there is I sure am thirsty please please Oh No second one I have to check here come on come on please see how hot I am any water it's coming down okay we also alright we've got Realtree coveralls these Realtree coveralls are a large or grande if for all you for you West Coast starbuck sirs it's a grande latte small there's something in here you feel some there is there something in here I found I got it and it is one of those face okay army face mask so we got a face mask we're gonna put that back in there better check the bomb alright that's what we got there we're not done yet though because put screws up on the wall to hang all this stuff up so we've got a another army military bag we've been finding quite a few of these go ahead pan down cuz there's stuff in here whoever the previous owner was definitely took care of their items because everything is immaculate you guys are not gonna believe this would you find you are not gonna believe it you won't believe it a pocket of air who puts used towels in the military this look like Hotel towels group was used towels in a good military bag I can't believe it we got used tables but we're not done on that wall yet we're not done we do have a very very nice tool belt so and I didn't put it on I think try it on it was potentially working on a steel roof so whoever whomever he was doing something big I'm funemployed I don't do this anymore I know but just modeling because one of our viewers might want to buy it they might have the same way size as you looking good ready to do some steel roofing not only does he eat the sturgeon if we release the tools to our roof that's the good stuff right babe mm-hmm in addition to the vintage gasoline do you think those were actually part of the gas pumps the tops think so they look incredible so we've got military we got a safe we got gasoline collectibles as well I don't know about you guys but I think this units amazing all right let's see this Hope Chest here we go let's hope there's all kind of treasure in it although it was kind of on night I didn't hear any big phones the Sierra gonna count it down for us again that's vintage air do you see Sarah do you see that that's part of your name all that just part of your name see air ah that's good stuff right there that's a part of you babe come get a whiff oh yeah yeah smells like air so what you can see here you see the paint marks all these you may not be able to see the paint marks this is an actual military trunk but they painted it and then they stenciled Hope Chest on it so this is still an army trunk it's just a painted army trunk definitely so yeah we'll still get a hundred bucks for that at the warehouse somebody will buy it and they turn them into coffee tables here we go we've got loads of more tools tools so yeah we'll send these to the auction house so we've got aviation snips which by themselves are expensive brand new and especially especially this brand tin snips we'll just send this to the local auction house and our auctioneer will probably get $7,500 for this tote that's that's an easy hundred dollars again just right here wire so wire stripper you know a little bit everything we'll send that to the auction house there's another there's a crate back there with a stalling let me grab that stay right there okay so here we have a skull mount but the antlers are broken typically still a cool piece typically this would be a hundred dollars if you with enough points and it wasn't all broken but still kind of cool somebody somebody would want to hang this on the garage we're not gonna get anywhere near a hundred dollars for it but it'll set it aside this mancave item yeah Sierra did you see this you did see this okay swing on over here and just put your hands right on here okay all right and we're gonna I want you to open it on three okay you got it in the in the view George yep all right on three are you ready and one two three open it let there be jewelry is there any gold you said you wanted to see gold okay now some of this costume jewelry is typically worth more than gold and silver jewelry some of the old costume jewelry and this is definitely old costume jewelry so this could actually be worth more than gold yeah don't discount costume jewelry because some of it will have to look it all up this could be a good little finder that was a good three there my goodness Wow there's a little mini cross I wonder if that's gold there's a little cross back in here oh I don't see cold marking all right top tubes more stuff this into local auction yep I love the sign that's because I'm so tall all right here we go another box Sarah you're gonna count it down okay nice and loud we got bubble wrap there you go pop it pop it nice and loud that's the resellers dream boo that that's the best thing in in here so far bubble wrap what else nothing else can I show them here's what so whatever whatever this box stored it slid down into these grooves so you see these grooves here it was storing and it slid into the grooves we don't know what it was we do know it was from the Mojave warehouse and that was in Harrison Ohio triumph energy corp okay we got another toast George Wyatt you swing around to the other side there you got more more camo does it work can you turn it on let's see let there be light no no needs batteries but this is his hunting gear this is hunting gear that's his harness 400 up in the tree stand yells oh look at you the elimination system so if I stink that's what you're gonna spray on Manus for you down with this how often do I stink that bad these are our muscle you know put your hands in those this is this is definitely as hunting gear Realtree they're faded glory camo oh no you got to try that George you got to try it try it well I will take this Justin Grimes Jeremy Jeremy this there you go that whole tote right there easily easily is another hundred dollars just in that tote but it's priceless if I really smell that bad if I if I ate a whole can of cashews and I'm having issues then then it's priceless for George right there you're not gonna tell him about my cashew problems are you [Music] okay I took the mini-fridge off of the top of another one of the crates we can easily resell what it warehouse right these typically go for about 75 bucks at the warehouse cleaning out nice and with the college community that we're in college student will pick that up pretty quick we've got more hunting gear so Remington shirt there and we got a Carhartt hat snap on with the car harvest what size is that best that vest is a says 4 XL 4 XL regular this guy can't be a small Grande and a 4 XL regular all at the same time well if he layered up yes there's some truth to that yeah so we we got 75 bucks here for sure if we throw this stuff in here's an another hundred dollar pile George what you doing there we're supposed to be working vintage desks that I'm sitting on eBay you found a vintage desk alright let's take a peek it is absolutely beautiful let's get a close-up see American SF company so American San Francisco company that's my best guess with the cast iron it's bolted down to these wood pieces and obviously all adjustable as well you can see the measurements there and you can go up and you could go down and then the nest next desk would just sit right up into this one and the other desk would sit right up in front of her and they would all go on a line you got any any details as far as how much they're worth well here's one that's selling for they're asking for 60 but that's not sold that's not so I want to go to sold it may be rare enough to where there hasn't been one and if you can't find one right away and you're sold because one hasn't sold recently best place to go is worth point comm and that keeps track of everything that's ever been sold on eBay at any amount of time okay we do have another tote here it's got some random things in it the thing I'm most interested in is this Optimus Prime transform now if it's a vintage we're talking about some real big money we do have the box here unfortunately I don't think it's all that vintage this is a more of a contemporary Optimus Prime transformer here let's see if we can find the actual date which might be covered with the sticker 2015 so there we go 2015 fortress prime that's not as much money as I wish it was by it's still gonna be really cool I'm gonna try and set fortress prime over here in a box here we got a sports craft this is most likely a billiard stick which yes it okö and it's a horrible billiard stick michigan that's the worst kind i can't believe that Wow no wonder why this guy abandon this unit no no it's all making sense okay we got a water hose here's a how hot it is in the unit right now so it's 80 degrees it feels like 180 yeah it does we got oh here we go here we go see right there that's from my rubber duckie rubber duckie you're the one you make storage units so much fun who would love that what did we just uncover the world of small ads look at this don't let your broken denture ruin your holiday heal pan what is this we always check the pages of all books that we find this is a book on ABS old ABS okay that's actually pretty cool you know what this is George something for the outdoors it's some type of light or some type of keep going you look into it what are we doing right now you look into it what are we doing right now George what are we doing right now it's a camera this is it this is a trail camera or we put this at the warehouse and we find out who's stealing from the warehouse or I put this I put this on the front porch and I find out when you break into the house and I'm not home this one I do what break into the house when I now go take naps you're supposed to be working okay so we got a trail cam that's awesome look at this he's got a Michigan billiards stick but he's got an Ohio State bottle he'll figure that George I'm sorry but apparently he took the Kenai few left and we've got we got movies we got dark movies we got oh there's your favorite in the corner oh there it is 750 dollars worth right there toilet paper down to the last trunk slash crate let's see what kind of junk we can find in this trunk this has the u.s. on it as well and you can hear something shifting in there so us electrical lighting equipment set so whether this was an army electrical lighting set that was shipped to and fro wherever they went I guess we're gonna find out there's definitely something in here Sierra this is the very last trunk and although I like the name Sierra I'm hoping all that I don't just Sierra you know what I'm saying see what I did there I don't want to just Sierra I want to see money you ready count it down here we go there come with something else something else oh man did you see that's here oh there's something okay I'm gonna move it here we go I need another countdown three two one here semi I just got more stuff that holds more stuff it is actually pretty cool oh this is bolted in this probably held the light bulb whatever it was what's that metal piece it probably hopes the bulb it's another $100 for the trunk easy huh that I've never seen one like this before that's a cool one for sure because we didn't have what we needed to crack this safe at the actual auction location I'm back at the warehouse and we're gonna try some of the tricks of the trade number one we're gonna try and pick it up and we're gonna drop it on the corner because everybody says that's what will pop open a safe we'll see if we can get inside with a little drop and pop remember lift with your legs not your back we're gonna see what we do this thing is filled with concrete here we go nothing all something's rolling though you hear that didn't pop anything all right time for test number two you all know what George says when in doubt sledge hammer the treasure out let's see what we can do we've got our sledge in three two one there's a deck in three two one there's another deck now we're popping that oh that's not good I guess we can't turn that anymore nope we're not ready whoops we're not turning that anymore for sure okay pour that side in three two okay feel like we're almost getting there we could cut this hinge off but I got another idea here's try number three attempt number three George loves sledgehammers West Coasters like storage stalker option pirate all them guys they love big hardened steel bars let's see what we can do I think we got something here yeah yeah we got something we slipped on that one oh we got some of the lining here got some of that concrete lining okay here we go come on well you can see I got the first part of the door peeled back we're not in yet definitely not we can do oh we're in we're in we are in okay I think we are see what happens here okay here we go let me turn it around just definitely turn around so you guys can see here we go all right here we go all right upon first inspection it looks like some metal down here on first inspection it looks like there's a couple bolts and a couple of washers my guess is to actually bolt this to the floor this comes standard with the actual safe let me get you guys closer up in here here we go now we've got another shelf here come out this okay we've got another little boxed area they're not all winners but how could you ever lose crack and open a safe [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 245,056
Rating: 4.7217393 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandon
Id: GyvanC8nN7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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