$1,000 CASH INSIDE The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY / ASMR

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[Music] yeah it was pretty cool smack dab right inside the hundred dollar bills okay are you gonna keep your word now and let me go for those hundreds over there I can get three of these money boxes to fall you're serious are you ready to play you're gonna let me play yeah all right let's do this [Music] are you sure you don't want to play my lucky bag I told you I have my own luck I brought my holy sock I even have access to my buy-in quarters right there I'm ready you're so ridiculous well yeah well let's see how ridiculous it is after I win lucky sock you look good in my hoodie by the way okay you play left you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna play all the way to the right here we go playing right once you go right well you know you've gone right yeah come on come on I'm going for the hundreds going for the Hondo's here we go technique I call this the go right do it right do it right you got a go right we already got the hundred down we already have the hundred down [Music] if I can get if I can get that floater the surfer right there on the top yeah there we go you think you got it going to the right I mean to the left I got it go to the right go to the right all night okay here we go are we ever going to go back and buy storage units well maybe when everything's done oh there we go okay I got the one up top move in I can't believe the one the world one actually went forward into the backwards the crazy thing is is when you play like this everything flows as we've learned before [Music] that's the way you got me like a fisherman's net coffee in the night the ditches hundred wait look are you seeing what I see I thought these were singles look there's two there's two what about that one over there look I said I see two one two one two one two I just got one to fall on the actual hundred-dollar bill so it's weighted down it might actually feel now weighted down like I am it's all about the Benjamins baby it's all about the flick of the wrist that to push you're moving like a waterfall reporters okay more waterfalls on quarters right now move that move that make the hole bigger there I got I got five more you ready yeah you ready here we go where's five let's go let's go to the left just for the fun of it lucky sock is exactly what it is look at that you see that that's a hole filled with money $1.25 to keep going wait here we go what do you think I already did let me try your left I want to try your luck yeah I just don't see if I can get that builded [Music] just got a bunch of quarters [Music] ridiculous it's ridonkulous rapidfire and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you can get a quarter on it and weigh it down but then again you're jerks [Music] emphasis on team [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] and oh man if I could get those quarters right there that fell off I could get those to fall in that would be epic that would be epic and you would have to King me as the coin pusher King yeah [Music] 24:25 look at that look at that actually I'm ready to cash out I mean I'm happy with this I didn't think I get that far we should just don't give up yet let me just leave it I could just leave all these hundreds here we could just get this woods are getting pretty close all right I'm gonna go left on the left or close oh come on Elvis rap quiet here we go rapidfire here we go come on Elvis [Music] [Music] actually quite a bit yes yes now we're talking now we're talking I didn't even need Elvis for that thank you lucky stop [Music] you're always there to rescue me when something goes [Music] can I borrow your that one's name up here I'm saving that one for the next time you love in club look how close I have those hundred dollar bills I'm playing but now that I got that [Music] want to see if I can knock those different quarters from your head miss would it be if those felt in the playing field come on come on come on my lucky sock is about to show you how it's done rapidfire to the left here goes i calling it i'm calling it like babies publish one one those hundreds they're calling right about right about some humble pie no no [Music] lucky sock yes indeed 21:25 all right I'm going for a rapid push you ready okay all right I think I'm going to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so bizarre how that happens but I love it this is crazy what do you think if I hit the middle try them out yeah you're right [Music] are you actually admitting for once that I brain him I was talking to help us trying to communicate [Music] are we gonna have to fight over helmet you want to do a coin pusher come on here we go here we go [Music] I like it good [Music] [Music] [Music] more quarters [Music] 1875 look at that look at the roll it's like all up under there it's like when you want to cuddle do like something like that all right I think what I'm gonna do I'm still gonna go to the right see it's already working because the right always pushes go back and goes once and left all just moved [Music] [Music] [Music] you're claiming that we'll get it on the left my goodness look those are definitely us two bills one two one two one two I can't tell [Music] [Music] oh man they're trapped they are trapped they're trapped oh man we're gonna push this order to get them they're definitely trapped come on [Music] Korso on where to tell but there's still two therefore their score down in there there's 400 bucks in there I can see four hundred dollar bills somebody [Music] wait wait wait there's one more is one more I just fold it okay right there shiny quarter 1675 I've got to get those hundred-dollar bills all right I'm gonna do a rapid-fire to tip and see if anything if it can drag them down that'd be epic just the same way I had to drag the same way I have to drag down from the top I'm just gonna gonna go haul all into the left because that's 400 easy bucks right there look there's $400 there they're moving but I got to drop more quarters into actually go [Music] [Music] [Music] we're going here we go here we go this is where the magic somehow look look $28.50 we've got full under stock in the shoes the not only that she needs to get bigger because they're getting stuck it's holding the porters back to there's more quarters in the actual shoe but the dollars are holding about so we gotta get up we got to do a porter land we got to do it over land that's what I'm gonna try and do [Music] [Music] don't be cool to us [Music] forty-three years of experience watch it you're still stuck now that other hundred dollar bill Dustin that's the hundred dollar bill that was up on the upper back if that one gets caught we're gonna be more we might have to move everything over to the right-hand side fire fire this is amazing I got a dollar left every go I'm going to going right back to the left see what happens come on give me a good push give me a good push I'm getting more and more quarters 23 25 yeah well I can't get the hundreds that's what I want who cares about the 20s give me the hundreds all right I'm going rapid-fire over the left again see if we cannot see what we can do and I could get I could get some of those they moved to further down the chute they're not all the way through yet though they need more order action I [Music] mean I'm getting the money back in quarters to push them but we can't get those hundred dollar bills oh here we go here we go here we go there we go there we go rapid fire rapid-fire rapid-fire [Music] [Music] now we can't even push the other ones on it they're all trapped in there oh I don't know what else to do except rapid fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but look everything is still caught inside there it's all caught inside everything has trapped [Music] 16:25 no hundred-dollar bills they're all stuck and they're holding quarters up why would it have more quarters so now I have to try and push all the quarters under the hundred dollar bills [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good push the $100 look look down there $100 bills are stills off stock they're all stuck inside they're holding the quarters up [Music] I love it [Music] [Music] 8:25 it's getting lower lower because of $100 nest I've gotta go to the right to knock down more quarters so that I can stay in this danger is I mean that found more hundred-dollar bills if I knock down more hundred-dollar bills that'll cost net we know the hundred dollar bills can go through we've got corner dollar bills but the porters have to drag them now we're using your home [Music] [Music] they're all getting caught up look looking they're all getting caught up getting caught up my son is empty those were some huge pushes I only have $8 I'm not I am not playing I'm not playing the left anymore I have to get quarters over here on the right but if those hundred dollars follow them we're gonna get if I'm gonna stay in this I have to play to the right I only have eight dollars you've got to get the quarters to fall the right way to get the hundred dollar bill football because they flow and right now as you can see here all of the quarters that fell are held up on the left and everything that fell over here on the right is also being held up because of the hundred dollar bill jam up there so it didn't go down through the chute out through the pull out hole therefore we don't get it all we've got it's so hard to walk away as a matter of fact George couldn't she went and complained and my inner Egyptian came out and my lucky ziploc bags back in play twelve dollars and fifty five dollars and fifty cents was held up by five hundred dollars plus don't forget the roll and there's two seven six or seven we are at six okay so six hundred dollars and that holy sock that has a hole right there and they're enjoying my bias okay so I was ready to just walk away we got twelve fifty all right you're going for the other hundreds and what if those get caught you're gonna go and somewhat an air mayor became is again so I have officially been kicked off of the machine here look at now you're pushing to the you're putting in the right and pushing to the left again so apparently the top and myself have been pushed off to the side and George could take it any longer you know I thought I was doing really well well did the workers know now don't mess with an American that's an Arabic American I calm Americans I learned that day one okay today's to [Laughter] know you hit it you hit it until take three alright you get it for like two months okay maybe hit up a year [Music] okay so you going for it all the way or if you run out are you giving up are you playing or are you winning there's a difference does your last one all right let's see nothing's trapped now so that's good help us to sing in George you gotta hurry ten she's getting more money she's getting more money back this is going in our favor now I guess nothing bellies go into my favor since I got it all jammed up George won't let me play again hasn't even are you gonna be happy if you get the other hundred dollar bill I'm shocked I'm shocked after you went off on them that they didn't just give it to you all right so you just playing right straight up right man you're giving awesome drums awesome job just who gets the assist on this one because who who prepped that for you I want the official stats to show that Jeremy got the assist on this little switch needle push down the three again she's going for some hundreds as you can see lucky sock has done it for us yet again right there in the bag did lo the dirty fingers into anything all right $7.25 to make it happen they're so stinking close come on I'm gonna move to them with my mind all right here we go I'm gonna start I kind of warm my mind up I'm gonna move them and I'm just warming up I'm warming up I've been practicing this I found a book on it in a storage unit I'm getting the quarters on come on Jeremy focus on the hundred dollar bills focus on my hundred dollar bills don't worry about the quarters I just I missed that time I'm trying to aim better gonna move on with my mind they're gonna fall I punched them I just punched them that time I got it I just got a zero it in I gotta focus it in I gotta focus it in on the actual quarters and and then to the dollars such as write about yeah okay got this about this just got a zero and a zero and it in and those things are so stubborn oh my goodness they're so stubborn so many portions so many dollars 625 this is how close she's done they're like on the edge you finally got some to drop out of course they're trapped in the shoe are you going for the other two [ __ ] she fell and then two are still up there and I'm sure they'll pull them out of the chute for you after their first ordeal with you yeah I think they know that too oh so close come on come on they're right there they're right there [Music] you have loaded that right side I can't believe it lucky bags holding eight dollars even right let's get this let's get this come on come on one of the other towers fell must have been a meal coolant it must have been when we were pulling it actually fell that's not bad when they fall when you don't push so you've got one more to go now they're still in the chute just won't go this thing is constipated this is when you are so tempted to just slap it move whatever the yeah keep playing cuz you're gonna make them get it for you anyway thank saw me come and didn't even question anything they pulled three hundred others for me are you ready to go home no I think I want to get you're going back for your boxes [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 154,063
Rating: 4.9018898 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: p9n89g2zNws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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