Forgery Found on a Dead Mountain Road

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[Music] hey folks if you're new to the channel my name is Brad and today we're hiking up into the mountains of Vermont in search of an old stone foundation of a home that used to be up here from probably 150 200 years ago you know it's funny if you look at current maps of Vermont probably anywhere in New England that has mountains like this you'll see up at the side of the mountain a dead end on the other side of the mountain a dead end and if you look at a map from the 1800s you'll see that that road continued right up over the top and people lived on it whole way over today I got a phone call from the person who lives at the end of the dead end he owns all this land now and he invited me out to do some metal detecting people came out of the mountains probably a hundred years ago roads opened up down in the valleys people started driving cars and it's just way easier to go around the mountain than it was to go up over the top on horseback so all these places are now deserted we're gonna see what we could find with our metal detector today [Music] [Music] alright well we made it you know hiking along the trail is very obvious there are stone walls absolutely everywhere here and then right off the side we have a very large foundation and a big pile of stones in the middle was the support for the chimney now according to the old map this was a farm it was a man and a woman and multiple children you can see this whole area is very cleared out so there's lots of area for us to do some metal detective now if you're familiar with my older videos if I find a really good target I'll set down the camera and film the whole process of what the number is and the digging and then showing what I found but I have a fairly new metal detector today and I am not very familiar with it so it probably won't be doing a whole lot of that today I'm still not really sure what a good target sounds like so there's gonna be lots of digging of trash I can't make any promises I'll do my best we're gonna get it out see what you can find [Music] Oh cable we just got our first little target here all brass and it's a pretty good sign check this out this is part of a pocket watch there's on the inside it's all brass and you can tell long ago it was gold-plated sometimes we get lucky and there's some patent dates there's something on here but looks like this one is is blank I suspect there's gonna be more of it around here we're gonna look maybe we can find the frame that would be amazing this is a great sign nice loud brass targets out here it could very well been a coin let's keep going to see if we can find one well this is a new one on me I mean obviously I've used these before but I've never found one metal detecting that's a doorknob probably the mid-1800s it's very light it makes me wonder if this was you know like a interior door some of the lock work is back here back in my early 20s my then girlfriend now wife and I purchased a very rough home fixer-upper that was built in like 1815 all of the doorknobs were glass or crystal I would love to find something like that but this is probably something that was a little bit more modest back then would have been less expensive it's a good fine for sure makes sense where we found or you know right next to the building here awesome all right well I just got a pretty exciting find here when I first dug it up I noticed how shiny it was I thought for sure that this was gonna be modern garbage I started cleaning it off and I noticed there's like graduations on here it goes from like 52 53 354 450 all the way up to 5 and the way it's written it certainly seems like it's money and on this side there is text the B&R mfg Co New York and then there's dates on there 18 19 18 anyone there the patent dates and you know what I think this is I'm looking at this you see this slot that looks like a perfectly sized slot to fit a coin in doesn't it and then the graduations would have been how much money is and this is just like a like a bank like a not like obviously like a piggy bank but something to store coins in do you think there's any coins in it I'm gonna stick my jackknife in there and do my very best to pry it open without breaking it and we'll see if there's anything in this all right here we go stick this in here I'd probably be enough right there give it a tap tap tap doesn't seem like it unfortunately can you imagine that this thing was full of silver coins all right well we're gonna check the hole and just you know double-check that it wasn't full when it hit the ground and they they kind of fell out over time but that's a really interesting find it looks like probably dime size cuz that would probably make sense all right why let's keep going this is something I've never found before exciting I love stuff like this let's keep going so I haven't really been out here very long can believe they're a little bit wet as I'm walking along and it feels like every step I take I get this smell I can't describe it to you but it's something I grew up smelling I don't know it's real name oh I grew up calling it a stink bug I don't think it's called a stink bug it's like a pine beetle pine spruce beetle something like that but they have this very distinct kind of like sour sweet smell it's not it's not bad it's very unique this is kind of the time of year where they're out doing their thing and they're just absolutely everywhere I must be stepping on them and they're releasing this smell so that's what the woods smells like today it's kind of cool it's not bad let's keep going and not [Music] all right we've got a very very common find here at sites of the mid-1800s part of a harmonica reedplate there probably a 2nd one around here somewhere and I don't usually show these I you know sometimes I'll find five or six of these but I wanted to point out right here I'm kind of the on the edge of the basement here and it looks like it washed out over time and there's stuff laying on the surface pottery and this is just like a minefield of glass I just saw a particularly dangerous one here minute ago so we will not be digging with our hands today we have a shovel for that but yeah we don't want to stick our hands in here because we'll get cut for Shore just because the glass is a couple hundred years old doesn't mean it's not sharp anymore that's for sure I'll throw this in the bag keep on going here alright well nobody's gonna believe this there's no way I can prove that this actually happened but I was just walking along and this is kind of the area where all that glass is on the surface and do you see this right here I know the Sun is is blown out the camera lens a little bit but look at that that is a clay marble that's incredible I it's just out on the surface here it would have been probably right below the surface and then the rain washed it and it's not even dirty as clean these are obviously impossible to find with a metal detector so the only way you're able to find these is by eyeballing them usually I've I find them while digging holes little clay marvel children's toy that's awesome whoever throw this in the bag stick around this area some more alright well excuse the Sun it's shining right on the hole here I haven't really cleaned this up yet but I just got a very very loud target and there's quite a bit of sheet metal around here so I've been avoiding some of those targets but this winds up being what appears to be a little box of some kind the lid is missing it does not appear to have any contents I'm wondering if this was like a little jewelry box or whenever I find little boxes like this a lot of commenters are just absolutely obsessed with calling everything a snuff box which is like a tobacco product I'm not so sure typically the the snuff boxes that I've seen pictures of online are very very intricate and we're special I'm not sure that this fits the bill for that but you never know maybe somebody had this and this is what they decided to keep their snuff in I'm gonna check the hole to make sure it wasn't full of gold coins they never are just more at the box nice it's all back together again that's why we double check the hole yeah there are definitely hinges here and let me check one more time here all right no that's it there was just nails in there beautiful all right stick around this area seems like there's a lot of good stuff here all right well I just got a target that I was very unsure about it was pretty good but you know we can see right here there's like some I don't even know what this is why or some kind it's like it's a steel but I just got a piece of jewelry I never find jewelry at sites of this age I think that it's either very very good plating or it's gonna be solid silver let me get my toothbrush and water and stuff all right well I got it cleaned up and it looks like it was probably a pin there's a piece of kind of a hinge and you know I was looking at the back I couldn't really see any hallmarks or anything that would indicate that it was solid silver and I flipped it over and I would never would have expected they'd put this on the front but check this out see the Hat sterling they put it right on the front I can count the amount of pieces of jewelry from this era on one hand they don't come up very often this one is especially beautiful look at all of that intricate work I can even see now that I'm looking at it here like right here that's a little solder joint somebody hand assembled this and soldered it together I'm gonna take a wild guess judging by the other things we found here probably 1850s mid 1800s absolutely beautiful well that is the find of the day so far for sure let's keep going and see if we can find some more stuff like this you know I don't know what's going on this year but September first came and went a couple days ago and like a switch went off some of the trees are starting to turn already there's a chill in the air in the morning I'm not ready for winter quite yeah feel like just a few weeks ago I was waiting for the snow to melt out of the mountains now here we are and the leaves are starting to change again and hunting seasons are going to be starting again soon and now I'm always out on these pieces of land with permission from the landowner I always talk with them and make sure there's not going to be any hunters out here on a day on metal detecting you know people trespass people don't know where they're out there at they pass property lines we just have to be careful pretty soon start wearing our orange not yet though so got a few weeks left [Music] all right well I just found something here which you know I'm not sure exactly what it is I have some guesses it's a piece of brass fairly thin and in the shape of a fairly shallow cone here there's some of it missing on this side there might still be some in the hole but it's super intricate there's all kinds of stuff on here so we're gonna clean this off together and see if maybe we can get to the bottom of what it is what do you think it's Ronnie text text would be ideal looks like I had it upside down look at that that is a crown you know I don't know what my guests usually is when we find things like this it's like the bottom of a cane but if it was down like this that would be upside down because the crown goes this way sometimes we find things similar to this that are at the top of a parasol but this usually those have closed tops so I'm not sure that's what this is either end of a flagpole you know the possibilities are endless what this could have been it's just an adornment for something if anybody out there recognizes that design of a crown on top of a bunch of flowers please let me know it doesn't appear to be any text of any kind probably on the piece that I'm missing right well that's a very still a very cool find whatever it happens to be let's keep going maybe we'll find the rest of it figure it out all right well you know I wasn't gonna show this because I'm not entirely sure what it is it's a big piece of brass it looks like it's probably a plea of some kind it's got a groove in the side of it and earlier today I actually found this which God does it go together do these things fit together I think they do let me clean this out a little bit yeah they certainly seem to I bet if I clean the dirt out a little bit better they did fit perfectly but um you know I have to assume that's a pulley of some kind why it's in two parts I don't know is it sewing machine I'm trying to think of what would have pulleys like this that would kind of be in the home around 1850 maybe a big clock like a mantel clock of some kind I don't know you you folks let me know what you think but I found two pieces of it already maybe if we find more we can get to the bottom of it but pretty cool all right well I just got something something here it didn't bring up very high I mean it was kind of like a shotgun shell target and I got it out of the hole this is what it looks like it's heavy I'm pretty sure that this is a counterfeit coin and it looks like it has a design on there like stars this is definitely not silver so if this is meant to be a counterfeit coin it would have been a dollar I guess I'm gonna get it cleaned up and see what we've got here oh my god you gotta be kidding me all right I think we got it here so I've been spraying it and and hitting it with my toothbrush you can really only see it in the right light when it's wet because this thing is certainly not silver I think it's like a lead or a really heavy pewter but you can see that that's a drape bust facing right she's got a little pony tail on the left side there at the bottom I think it's 1794 or 1795 and on the back we have a shield with an eagle the United States of America that's incredible a counterfeit coin silver coin this would have been obviously shiny at the time passed off as the real thing this is absolutely incredible I never would have imagined the history of counterfeit coins unless I was out here finding them for myself well let's end this day on a high note it's been a long one we're gonna get everything out see what we found here today all right well we got everything all laid out here we'll take a look at it all in a second and you know setting up that coin positioning it and it took a while for it to hit me but I kind of got the shakes a little bit it's just such an incredible find you know had it been a real silver dollar you know that would have been something all its own but in a way a real one it was money it got it they spent it came and went but this one as a counterfeit it has a more interesting story I'm not entirely sure what that story might be but it certainly has one let's take a look at everything good all right not a ton of stuff today but man the things that we found incredible in my opinion we did get an oil lamp we have the little box which is broken I'd love to hear your opinions about what you think somebody might have kept in that 150 years ago I did find the other you know side of the harmonica and I did find another reed so we got one and a half harmonicas doorknob clay marble one two and I actually found a third pulley here I assume they all went to the same thing again is it a sewing machine is it a clock let me know what you think piece of pocket watch here this flagpole is my best guests up again let me know what you think we have a bank empty unfortunately but I believe this would have been four dimes judging by the size they are silver pin probably sterling silver and then last but not least the star of the show they're our counterfeit silver dollar and the date I'm not entirely sure it's definitely 17 something whether it's 99 or 97 all in all excellent day with an excellent ending our folks want to thank you again for coming out here into the mountains with me I had a great time hope you did as well and hopefully I'll see you next Friday for another new video out here
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 57,516
Rating: 4.9815216 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England
Id: ln2pFz8WcdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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