Searching a Cursed Mountain for Lost Ruins, Man-Eating Stone & Other Folklore

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[Music] all right today we're doing something quite a bit different and I'm not alone [Music] good pics right on record oh uh were on an adventure no metal detectors today or in national forests so it's illegal we're in the the Glastonbury wilderness gloss and buried Vermont the mountain the haunted mountain and we are hiking straight up to a point a GPS point given to us in search of another huge structure with somewhat of a mysterious history [Music] [Music] the place that we are that with the Glastonbury wilderness I'm Glastonbury Mountain has a little bit of a reputation as a lengthy one yeah okay it has a big reputation of being uh how do I say this slightly slightly dark there's been maybe half a dozen unexplained disappearances people just vanish out here lots of stories of the natives not living on this this mountain for lots of different reasons they just didn't like it here for some reason legend has it too they they buried their dead at the top and that's the only only time they'd ever come here there's these mysterious Cairns on top big stone piles that predate Europeans supposedly one of my favorites is there's first-hand accounts of covered wagons being attacked by 7 8 foot tall hairy creatures some of the weirder ones are alien abductions there's a story of us of a man eating stone alright or if you if you've come across this stone watch out because it'll drag you down the hill something like that so anyway that's where we're headed and I will keep our eye out for ghosts and aliens and Bigfoot and man-eating stones [Music] [Music] all right so we're still making our way up and Eddie pointed something out which we're gonna go look at but as we are walking over to see it I noticed along the side of this logging road that we've been rocking there appears to be what what looks like a much older stone-lined road down in this little gully but this thing that Eddie pointed out we'll go see it is this tree that has a very obvious kink in it and whenever things like that get shown in my videos there's always at least one person sometimes multiple that will point out that that is a Native American trail marker apparently they did that too to point the way to important sites and water good hunting grounds things like that so in my opinion this tree seems quite a bit younger than something I would expect Native Americans to build at least in this part of the country but it just so happens that is exactly in line with the direction we're gonna go we have to actually take a turn here down a secondary trail and that trees is pointing the way right on the old road so anyway we're gonna follow this this tree towards this old site that we were told about see what we can find [Music] [Music] so we've left the trail we're walking towards a GPS point now which is not exact it's estimated I came across this giant down birch tree which is uh nothing special but check out this root ball probably would make a good shelter this is all like like a moss they got dragged up check it out this is insane look at this man yeah I'd spend the night in here yeah you wanna just kidding all right that's pretty crazy I don't think we're close enough to the site to be able to find relics in here that would be cool though all right let's keep going on our way alright well we just took there was a a clear old road coming up in here you can see it's nice and open and there are rock piles everywhere which i think is why that it's there's nothing growing here Eddie's standing on one you can see there's another one right here it's a rock pile you might not be able to see through the ferns but there's one right there one right there usually we'll find filled stone piles like in a farming community but they don't look like this this is there's a lot of stones here looks like a circle does it circle here hmm well that is mysterious so it looked like it might gobble you up if you get too close will avoid it don't want to take our chances all right I think we're close we'll be there all right well we've been wandering for I don't know 20 minutes around the GPS point and I spotted a stone wall you see the stone wall through and right in front of me show you what it looks like see this Mound check this out that's definitely a big structure I mean it doesn't appear to be a cellar because it's not underground its above-ground interesting and I don't see a way in do you it's just a solid maybe they had stairs going up in but you can see the size of this tree right here it grew to that size and then died and then rot it away how long would that be this isn't quite big enough to be the thing that the hunter was telling us about so there must be more I would guess let's go check the look at this stone wall [Music] oh yeah this is definitely yet [Music] this is definitely a howl what is that forty feet wide maybe more there's something up there it's not quite stack stone there's a little bit over here let's get up on top and see what it looks like it is just a massive hole so what do you think do you think this is part of the main gloss and buried logging community they're making charcoal down way down in the valley I can't imagine this was like a staging area for cutting up logs because then they'd have to drag them all the way down must have been a 45-minute drag this would have at one time all been nicely stacked up stone probably with mortar but the mortar they used back then would have dissolved away by now anyways the amount of time that must have passed would be enough for the wall to collapse and then all of the soil from up there to slowly cover all the rocks serious a little bit stacked there this has all been covered up as well interesting kind of wish we could find out what was in the ground but it's protected land National Forest so let's do a little bit more walking around and then we'll know maybe we'll take a break and have a snack all right well we've spent maybe 20 30 minutes walking around here sat down refilled our waters I don't know it's kind of mysterious it looks like a bank barn type of thing that we find all the time here but all of them maybe the stones were taken I don't know it looks much older than what we're used to seeing and just given its location it is right on top of glossary mountain and a windy right now all right we're gonna pack up and suck the wand journey out of here hi folks I hope you had as much fun as we did today thanks for watching and we'll see you soon [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 47,652
Rating: 4.8757424 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, mystery, mountains, vermont, dangerous, spooky, haunted, ghosts, ghost town, abandoned, hiking, bigfoot, aliens, disappearances, native american
Id: WMDYtrvJt30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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