Unforgettable Discovery from a Deserted Mountain Cabin | Treasure Hunting Adventure

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[Music] so I pointed this out a couple times in the past but the site that I'm headed to today their occupation was somewhat unknown landowner isn't sure they just know that it's up here and looking at this trail that I'm on I have a pretty good idea of what their occupation was as I'm walking up here I can see on these trees on the edge they're all scarred up you see there's one there that has a scar there's one there that has a scar this one down here has a scar and that was when they were dragging timber down they would chain up several logs and they would drag him down and as they would come they would flail around and smash into the trees along the edges of the road one thing that I just noticed as I was talking is this is the trail that I'm walking up and I noticed there's a scar here there's a scar here and if I look this tree here is the one with the scar and none of these do so I would have to assume this was the old road and you can actually kind of see that it goes straight that way and while I was told to stay on the road that might be a way to investigate it some other time that's pretty cool so we're going to assume that at one time at least this area was all logged and maybe the cellar appear was I don't know you know workers house or the landowners house or whatever we're gonna keep walking and see what we find [Music] [Music] so I'm walking towards the site still staring at the ground as I walk looking for signs of activity and I just found some brick it's like it's pretty old it's all over the place it's a pretty good indication that there might be a homicidal round here and just down the trail just a little bit more is a little horseshoe it's a tiny one that's what it is [Music] alright well we finally made it to the cellar a little bit more of a hike now expecting to do today but we're here and it appears as though we're trying to outrun another thunderstorm I don't know what it is lately about metal detecting in the rain but it's like that's what we're gonna be doing today so uh I don't know let's take a look around see if we can find a few things before we get wet all right well we have a very first target here I'm actually still in the road a little bit and it's round and based on the number on the metal detector I'm going to assume it's a button let's double check here yeah that's exactly what it is all right what kind of time do we have here all right it's a little brass probably mid 1800s flat button would have been gold-plated or maybe silver at one time nothing on the front but this is a good sign let's keep going see what else we can find well it's been so slim pickings here that I've been digging tones I normally wouldn't scratch the iron tones and to go along with our horseshoe we have an oxen shoe something that I didn't realize really until recently think about an oxen I mean it's a cow I mean I know that the terminology is not correct it's not a cow cow but it's that kind of animal you know so they don't have hooves they have cloven feet so that's why when you find oxen shoe they're you know there's two for each side of its epitope so that's what that is ox issue a pretty big one these are very very common I don't dig them very often because I try to stay away from iron targets but it's pretty cool throw in the bag spawn going all right well I just found an ox knob and if you seen any of my other videos they always sound like coins and I always get so excited and I dig it up and it's an ox knob the thing that goes on ox horns he's a big piece of brass they sound beautiful and it's always a little bit disappointing so it's like 10 feet away and I got another very similar target didn't film it dug the hole pretty sure it's a coin I haven't looked at it yet it's still down there it's green we'll take a look at it together see what it is all right where did it go there it is yeah I'm gonna get my flashlight out maybe we can get a better look at it oh there it is look at that that's a u.s. large set get a date nope it's pretty caked with dirt well that's exciting and I surprise just goes to show that you never can tell just dug a rock snob it's a very very similar target right next right next to it that's beautiful well clearly there was action in this area so we're gonna spend some more time here see if we can find a few more things so I just saw this tree over here take this out disposed happen there it looks like it broke and it was just hanging on by a little bit and it just grew all together again that is crazy the will to live was quite strong in this little tree never seen anything quite like that all right let's keep going all right starting sprinkle out here we should a little spoonful not uncommon but this is a pretty nice one he's got that little scalloped design on the back looks like it was probably silver plated brass not the nicest the nice one let's keep going all right check this out first of all look at the color of the soil like a beautiful red it wasn't it like this anywhere else in this area but that aside look at this giant piece of brass I just found the best I can tell this is a range guide I've liked a wagon and the rains would go through there it goes to the horses but that's very cool I found quite a few of these they sound great on the metal detector but this is a pretty nice one it's broken maybe I don't know I can't tell if that's broken or if it's supposed to be like that pretty cool alright let's keep going well I just got off you know a shotgun shell target I'm sure that's what it was gonna be and it turns out to either be a button without a shank on it or it might even be a small cent not sure if it's modern yeah or not mm I vote flashlight here yeah looks like the back of an Indian Head cent it's on the front here it's pretty uh pretty cluttered up and see if I can get it clean all right well you can see there it says one cent but on this side that looks an awful lot like a flying eagle set now I've never found one so I can't say for sure but I definitely don't see an Indian Head on there and it looks like we've got a little a little bird facing left with his wing up and this is quite thick like a like a fat Indian Head cent so uh Jesus if I'm gonna go with that's pretty amazing that's a first I don't have a whole lot of things on my bucket list but that's one of them that is awesome yeah that's for sure what it is I can see it look at that that is awesome flying eagle cent beautiful all right hey makes the rain worth it all right let's keep going a little bit longer [Music] so I was just sitting here having a having a break and I got to thinking about there's some of you who comment on my videos just a few go ahead just have the weirdest fixation on my clothes particularly the holes in the knees of my jeans and in my shoes now some of you may be happy to hear that I bought new shoes still have the holes in my pants but here my new my new toe shoes that I got when I was looking for some new shoes first and foremost I wanted to make sure they didn't have any metal in them for metal detecting that's probably obvious and I was also looking for something with the thinnest sole I could possibly find as close to barefoot as I could get I like to be able to feel the rocks under my feet to be nice and quiet out here and these seem to fit the bill they're all they have a bunch of holes in them so the water can run right out the company that that I bought these from I have no affiliation with them I'm not even to tell you what brand they are but um I like them they seem to be holding up so far after after three hunts we'll see how they go see how step it on the shovel affects them because I don't know they're very very thin the sole is very thin so anyway we're gonna wring keep going and I look forward to hearing all your comments on the holes in my jeans [Music] all right well I don't show buttons very often from us they're fancy and this one is pretty fancy dad it's got dimples and a little star pattern around the outside let's see a little bit better on the inside let's take the shank still there nice beautiful got dimples similar to a thimble almost on the fire all right cool let's keep going all right well I just dug a pretty crummy signal and it wound up being this just a squirter nail but also in the hole check this out that's a bone an old bone almost without a doubt their dinner you know I'm right next to the cellar so that's pretty cool maybe I'm in there dump here I don't know I'm really close to it I can't imagine they would have thrown up a garbage this close to their building but that's what that is all right let's keep going all right I got a pretty scratchy signal I'm pretty close to the sellers there's lots of nails around here now pop the plug you see that that appears to be a two-piece button which is a little surprising because I've been finding Tom Bakk buttons here but it appears there's like something on there what do you think oh man what is that what do you think I don't know hey well that is well that is not something I recognize but down here of water drop just landed on it maybe you can see that it says Maine Maine I have no idea how old this might be off the top of my head I'm gonna say mid 1800s but I'm gonna have to look it up at home it's a Scoville beautiful a little Maine button that's funny Maine is the vacation spot of choice for my wife and I she was born in Maine she's gonna think that's pretty cool beautiful you know I've said this before but uh I find a lot of buttons half a dozen dozen buttons each trip out almost all the time there's no writing on them so when you do find one that has some writing it gives you a little bit of context it gives you some history I'm excited to go home and research this see what it is exactly and it's just a lot more exciting that's very very cool all right it's ringing pretty good now start thinking about getting out of here all right well and with that it's random so hard now we're gonna get out of the woods the video a couple weeks ago where I detected four hours in the rain I'm not gonna do that again all of my bags and stuff took like four days to dry out it's kind of a pain so we're gonna get out now and I actually did hear some rumbles in the distance so putting out a great idea to be in the woods during thunderstorm anyways we found some pretty nice things I've act pretty excited about what we found let's see we got we got a couple animal shoes here we have one two three four spoons and in fact this one's pewter which is quite old I'm excited about that one as far as other things you might be able to find at the site later on let's say we have four just kind of civilian buttons it was one of them is Tom back the rest of her brass and one of them is actually you know that domed one that I showed it's pretty cool never rains guide we have another toe tap we found one two weeks ago a little iron buckle and our three little finds of the day down here I don't actually have any dates off these yet but we do have a large set and our flying eagle sent in our main button which I'm pretty excited about so as I mentioned I don't have a lot of things on my bucket list of things that I haven't found yet that I really want to but that was on there and scratch that one off I guess so looking for that gold point thought maybe 2018 would be my year but hasn't been yet I also wanted to show some of my trash which I never show but if you see how much ammunition that I find shotgun shells spent brass all different calibers looks like we've got some 20 gauge 12-gauge a couple different in there all right I got to hike out of here now thanks for watching see you soon [Applause] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 140,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Treasure, buried treasure, find adventure, metal detecting, garrett at pro, coins, old coins, best metal detecting finds, amazing discovery, gmmd, found, vermont, new england
Id: f1n0MXVdO_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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