What I Found Metal Detecting a Colonial Workshop Defies the Odds

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] folks well we are on a return trip today to a place that I came in the early spring of this year spring time in Vermont is mud season and so the roads were closed so I had to hike in and it took forever but today I was able to convince the landowner to open the gate for me we were able to bring the ATV in and that was much easier and faster so the last time we were here kind of changed the way I metal detect in general there weren't really any good targets it was all iron so I decided to start digging big iron targets and lo and behold one of the first targets I found was a Spanish silver coin from the 1700s blew my mind throughout the day I found other awesome stuff like scissors and a folding knife which a lot of you folks in the comment section thought maybe was a straight razor and I think you're right and towards the end of the day I found another piece of silver a silver button which again some of you folks thought was probably cufflinks and again I think you're right so today we're back again to do more of that dig more iron and see if we can find some more treasures mixed in the weather today is kind of has a mind of its own it is dark right now but the Sun is coming out and we have some rain on the on the forecast for later today so we'll see what happens we'll stay out here as long as we can but we can get home fast now that we have the ATV with us all right we're gonna do a little bit of hiking to get to the cellar and then we'll see what we can find [Music] all right well I just got a very faint hi tone mixed in with a bunch of this iron and the item is iron interesting shape and hard to identify if you don't know what you're looking at but this is the inner workings of a colonial-era shoe buckle there would have been a little buckle here with some teeth and a fork here the tongue in the shape has what they're called iron sometimes they're brass this is an exciting find this is uh got my hopes up let's keep going all right well we just got an old old relic here look at this now this is not an uncommon find this is a table knife but very rarely do I find one in such good shape from so long ago it still has the iron pins that would have held the scales on it doesn't appear to be chipped or rusted through anywhere this is exactly as how it would have looked an old iron table knife really beautiful worth restoring putting on display let's keep going alright continuing to dig these iron targets continuing to pay off and check it out it's a claw hammer the tip is square different shapes of hammers obviously would mean different uses off the top of my head it could be just about anything shoeing horses tin work blacksmithing due to the claw on this side which is obviously used to pull nails out we have to suspect nails my guess is gonna be shoeing horses it's fairly small pretty cool really really cool fine you know hammer head is is a hammer head but because of where we found it its colonial 1700s foreshore there's nothing else around here there's no real cross-contamination of later periods so it's really really cool we'll clean that up and display that as well let's see what else we can find all right I've just been going slow and you know kind of going through this iron and check it out it's kind of a high tone it might be more iron that we'll see it's down a little bit it's a big button this is a super crude thick most likely homemade pewter button let me brush it off I can't imagine there would be anything on the front but we'll check nothing on the front but on the back we have a cast line for where this was in a mold it was poured you know molten pewter that popped your button really really cool old old pewter pun beautiful all right great great sign see if we can find some more non-ferrous targets so in the comment section of the video last time I was here there was a lot of speculation as to what this may have been and I think that the general consensus was it was probably a tailor shop or a cobbler or a shoemaker which I think makes a lot of sense that we found like three shoe buckles here a whole bunch of buttons and you know thimble scissors it would make a lot of sense so you know thinking about the things that we find today kind of in that context can kind of make kind of mundane items seeing a little bit more interesting so we'll keep that in mind today see what else we can find [Music] after sweeping around here for I don't know maybe an hour and a half it seems like there aren't any or like real nice clean high tones or even mid tones left I'm doing all the real junky targets and this one actually wasn't too bad it was a low mid tone and it's just a tiny little button that isn't that cool like a little Sun design if I found this anywhere else I'd say how cool throw out my bag keep going but because of what we suspect this place is now you know I can't help but think that maybe this was on a boot or a shoe it's very delicate but you know shoe buckles were on very uppity shoes back then so you never really know beautiful all right hey let's see if we can find some more all right I just I just got done saying there's no high Crone's around here the base of this fern Street I'm getting pretty close I'm gonna move the camera up here right I see the room if something see this awesome I think that's a coin it is nice and thick hopefully we'll be able to get some detail off this we think I get my toothbrush out all right can you see that 1 cent it's a large cent it is a drape bust a large cent you can see the date' there it's 1807 it's quite a bit later than that Spanish coin I found here last time but hey it's still a very early American coin us 1 cent you know I missed this last time sohopefully I missed some more hold rate bust large cent awesome alright let's see if we can find some more targets out here alright I don't know what is going on here so I just found a table knife right it's uh just an iron table knife we found one earlier this one but I also found this which is quite a bit more substantial we also found this which is another table knife and I also found this there's another table knife which gives us one two three four five knives here they all thanks that was a wild gunshot I know nur didn't say anybody else is gonna be out here and it's not there's no hunting seasons right now and I don't have any orange because it's not hunting season you might want to think about getting out here soon anyway your guess is as good as mine why there's so many knives here pretty weird let's keep going alright well I've got an unidentified piece of iron here it rang pretty nicely on the middle detect because of the whole so it would have likely been fixed to something and it appears to be hand forged by a blacksmith so this is period with the suspected cobbler slash tailor could be really anything it looks like it has a round shape here so maybe it was attached to a pole of some kind let me know what you think and keep going keep digging some of this iron alright well I was digging a really crappy target and it wound up being this little knife blade tip and I rechecked the hole and there was still something in there check it out I am fairly certain this is a coin whether we're gonna be able to identify it or not is not a question it's not looking great what is this some text up here maybe let's get the toothbrush yeah check it out that's Britannia suicide look like there's a lot of text oh nice this is a Connecticut copper if you see that co NN EC connect the side would say octave re love it I know everybody's screaming don't rub it the reason I have fingerless gloves here is because I can tell if there's little rocks or anything underneath my fingers I'll be just fine see that a you see T on the left Rock Tory got connect on the side this is a Connecticut copper it's probably a 1787 or somewhere in that range it says I love finding these state coins I've only ever found one Vermont and it was nearly unrecognizable now that I've found a gold coin I think a really nice looking Vermont copper is probably at the top of my wish list today we got a Connecticut awesome hey let's keep going I mean this was presumably a business so maybe we'll be able to find some more you know it has been an incredibly dry summer this year and I really haven't been seeing the mushrooms that I usually see out here but just this last week we got a lot of rain and they are just popping up everywhere all different kinds we got some reds and some yellows and even those ghost flowers which I've shown in previous videos those are starting to pop up you know we're out here metal detecting staring at the ground all day kind of adds a little bit of color makes it really pretty out here alright let's see if we can find some metal instead of mushrooms [Music] all right well we just got something that's kind of a common find but given where we are I thought that it would be worth mentioning this is just a fragment of an ingot of lead we find it all over the place regardless of era and you know our mind kind of immediately goes towards making musket balls and maybe he was using this to make musket balls but they use this stuff for everything things that come to mind Bale seals that were used to seal up bales of goods could have been used to solder you know pieces of brass or other non-ferrous metals but the thing that I would guess this was probably used for was making you know led pewter buttons like the one that we found earlier and I actually did find one third of a button mold years ago which is really pretty interesting to see how they did it it was just a little handheld thing a lot like they would use to make musket balls but you open it up in instead of musket balls buttons fellow pretty interesting we'll keep this with the rest of the stuff see what else we can find here Wow check this out man it's just a fragment but that is more it may be the same one of the colonial era shoe buckle yeah it's a little one actually I'm looking at it it would have been long this way but it's fairly shallow this way looks like maybe there's a little design done let me get it cleaned up a little bit yeah check that out it's a little wavy line pattern with some dots that is beautiful this would have been cast in brass and I could be wrong but I suspect that this design would have been engraved by hand after the fact I'm not sure their molds were intricate enough to do that but I could be wrong let's see what else we can find here all right check this out so this right here is the plug that I just dug with that shoe buckle fragment and I'm gonna move my shovel here listen to this you think that's the rest of it that would be awesome let's dig the hole and find out yes it is well it's more of it that's incredible look at that it must have just busted on his foot or her foot I suppose and awesome it's the whole thing insane that's never happened to me before the whole thing there man that's incredible first for me glad i rechecked my hole awesome let's keep going yeah no rain out here fortunately just sprinkle in for now but it gets any worse we have to get out here the way the metal detector works is it does a pretty good job of telling the difference between different kinds of metal and gives us a number depending what it also does is it can differentiate between shapes so oftentimes we dig a lot of iron circles because it reads nice and high which is how we found this thing earlier which is still I'm not quite sure what it is I just dug something else very similar also iron but this I'm pretty sure is the end of a key it would have come out here big iron key it's the least interesting part of the key and it does have like a nodule or something right here of iron which will probably break off right to clean this up I think that's what it is it's just a probably a big key to a giant padlock or maybe even the front door cool lots of iron Circle City I did find a chain link as well it's in my bag somewhere pretty cool onward alright well I absolutely don't believe this this was a terrible tone in the iron if you saw the first video where I came here this this is a matching pair for something check that out it's the other cufflink look and it still has the little connector piece in credible I never would have imagined we'd find the other piece to this absolutely incredible let's let's get some water on this see what looks like in credible I never would have imagined we would ever find the other piece of this now a lot of comments on the last video suggested that this that it was a cuff link and and you were all correct look at this it still has the brass connector piece now obviously I don't have the other one with me but when I get home I'll put them back together again so the last time these two things were together was 250 years ago [Music] all right well I'm calling it a day we managed to not get wet although it looks like it's probably coming soon and we had another great day at this suspected tailors home or cobblers home a lot more iron another shoe buckle I cannot believe we found that cuff link it's like what are the odds and it wasn't anywhere near the other one it was like on the other side of the property incredible let's take a look at everything we found all right starting with the iron somehow we found one two three four five knives they appear to be table knives with the exception of this one which is quite thick you know how these relate to a tailor or a cobbler you know it could just be possible that that's that's just what they used to eat you know that's not related to the business at all it's just kind of a homeowner thing this I did not show but this is just a giant piece of really dark glass and I have yet to find a bottle from the 1700s maybe we'll have to come back and see if maybe we can find the dump because they'll be bottles for sure this we never see these these this is a fork this is you know we find a lot of spoons but this is what our forks looked like back in the 1700s nine buttons a lot of buttons which makes sense if they were Taylor you know they would probably would have had in excess of buttons things like this somebody brings in their clothes broken button toss it replace it and then finally you know we have the cuff link which is just an incredible find in my opinion and our two coins a Connecticut copper and an 1807 Drake bust large cent oh and our hammer a lot of really amazing things at this site so the landowner was very excited about everything that we found last time and I'm sure he's going to be equally excited about all of this stuff and probably one of the most commonly asked questions I get about this whole thing that I do is whether I get to keep all of this stuff or whether the landowner wants it back it's probably 50/50 sometimes people want everything which is completely fine by me because I'm just out here for the love of the Hobby but this particular landowner doesn't care he said I can bring everything home he knows that I'll give it a good home we're gonna clean up the iron and display those cufflinks as they once were together so thanks everybody for watching hopefully I will see you next Friday for another new video and I'm gonna head on out of here Mike anyway
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 119,174
Rating: 4.9689026 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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