Foreigners Living in Japan Rate Japanese Drinks from 1-10

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hello everybody welcome back to tokyo creative play and today we are gonna be rating japanese japanese japanese japanese drinks so we're gonna be rating some japanese drinks from one to ten on the scale of how much we like them number one being we despise them we want them to never exist and number 10 being oh my god excellent i'm japanese and i grew up in japan so my entire my life about 30 years i'm drinking japanese drink non-stop but after 20 i drink beer mostly but i don't i'm not big farm the sweet stuff like coconut milk tea kind of thing i think the one i drink the most is calpis i just really like it because it has a nice kind of yogurty milky flavor to it which doesn't really sell it when i describe it like that especially when i need to wake up i always kind of go for like the boss lattes and stuff a lot of energy drinks and whatever also i mean there's a vending machine everywhere so even if you didn't think about going towards japanese drinks i feel like living here just pushes you to do it anyway i feel like i've got two go-to drinks that i buy all the time from the konbini so this is one of them this is aojiru it's a wheatgrass mixed with matcha and kale and the other one is a whole bunch of different teas mixed together and it's supposed to be good at like helping your digestion so when i go to the supermarket or the convenience store there's so many drinks to choose from and also there's a lot of new ones every time there's a season change so i'm really a sucker for new flavors and new things to try so i get japanese drinks quite a lot all right let's get started bukari sweat i've had a bit of a love-hate relationship with the drink remember the first time i saw it i thought he would put sweat on a drink and yet on a hot summer's day when you're dehydrated and water just won't quite cut it just doesn't work you need something salty so i got uh severe dehydration last year in summer and i went to the doctor because i thought i was dying and he was like oh no you need to drink two liters of bukhari sweat in the next hour and i was like okay and it was kind of great i love bukhari sweat i know that joey really likes bukhari sweat it's not that refreshing for me it tastes sugary i don't know why i'll give it an eight because it's really nice when you've like been exercising or you've been walking around really hot day need to like replenish your salts so if you want to stay hydrated in the summer heat in japan bukhari sweat and for that reason i'll give it an 8 out of 10 for its medicinal qualities so i would give bakari sweat an eight because it's like a staple in someone i really love it i would probably give picari sweat maybe like a five like if i'm really thirsty i'm totally not against it so pocket sweat is [Music] six after you sweat you need to drink pocari sweat because that's the drink so high ball i feel like it ruins the flavor of the whiskey a little bit because you've kind of drenched in the whiskey and soda and coca-cola and various other drinks it depends on the flavor if it's a plain high ball like a four i'm not a really big high ball person if it's like a ginger high ball coke high ball i'd say a seven it's not the best drink ever it's not bad i quite like it 6.5 i like the taste but i actually have a bit of trauma when i started drinking i drink a lot of the whiskey uh maybe it was too much and then i began like huge hangover since then the taste made me a bit like me [ __ ] uh memory kind of thing so i don't really drink a lot i think i probably give it like a four because it doesn't taste like alcohol i can't really hate it when i hear highball i think whiskey and i really hate whiskey so i'm gonna give it a two could probably be worse so i'll give it a two so i've never really been a fan of it so i'll give that to just like what old people drink and i'm not old yet i think am i tell me i'm not old oh lemon sour okay lemon so i can give nine that's my favorite because i'm not big farm the sweet stuff so even the alcohol i don't drink much of the cocktail kind of thing but lemon sauce is nice citrus very sour and it's very refreshing quite a lot of variety of the lemon sour so it's really fun to drink of course the fresh one is the best for me if i go to an izakaya or a restaurant and they have limited drinks they'll at least always have a lemon sour so i'll usually get a lemon sour if they don't have any cool other options i actually don't think i've had lemon sour and if i have i'd probably write it the same as the high ball which is a four that's probably a better alcoholic choice if i was gonna choose something it wouldn't be my go-to at the bar but i'll give it a seven it's all right i would say a 7.5 it's not an eight it's not a six it's not even a seven seven point five lemon sour i don't know what it is and i've never had it so zero out of ten [Music] milk tea i feel like it's a crime um as a british person who drinks a lot of tea or used to i lived in the uk i feel like it's all the worst bits of tea combined it's kind of like tea that's got no flavor to it it's been overly sweetened it's drenched in milk it's just not really good i feel like tea is not what it should be labeled it should just be labeled as milky disappointment it's not good minus five out of ten yeah i think i've had it like once or twice i really like milk tea and i feel like that one is kind of like on-the-go milk tea so i haven't had gogo no kocha milk tea in a long time because i don't drink dairy very often anymore but when i first came to japan i had it for like every meal oh if i'm too cold i'll get a hot one oh i'm too hot in summer i'll get a cold one sweet milky delicious there's something about japanese milk tea that just hits difference so i would say a nine i have good memories of it that was my favorite milk tea when i first moved to japan i drank it like all the time so i'll give it a 10. it's pretty good it's pretty sweet though definitely got a nostalgic factor to it because i think it's like the first drink i tried in japan that we didn't have in canada so it'll always like remind me of my first trip to japan if i get milk tea i want to go to an actual like boba place so i might just rate that like a five like if it's in front of me and somebody wants to give it to me i'm down but most likely i won't even finish the bottle dude it could be like zero you know but i can get two because sometimes i don't know why i feel drinking because i need some sugar i just want to drink sugar why i don't like this because i think when i was high school junior high i drink those kind of drinks too much because they have a lot of the seasonal forever but usually milk tea coconut milk is straight tea which is a red version and the lemon is which is uh yellow budget calpis love it drink it quite a lot calpers did you know calves has milk in it because i didn't for like a year and i was like why is my tummy so sad all the time well calpis is milk i love calpist i love it i don't really like calpis i don't see the attraction they just came out with a vegan one which is interesting i haven't tried it yet because it's got artificial sweeteners in it i'm not sure if i like it or not it's like it's almost like if melted candy also mixed with water it's kind of got like a milky smooth texture to it and it actually goes really well with uh with sake some places you can find a cocktail they mix calpis with sake and it's a combination that just works of course the pronunciation has been an issue over the years for me but i'll give calpis a eight out of ten it's pretty good and i drink it at least once a week i'd say the drink christopher always said copies i think i can give sex same as pokari i can give it's very tasty coffee says sweet why are you talking about it i just said i don't like sweet stuff i know i know but i like the taste pub is they they have the really seasonal flavor like melon flavor i particularly like the peach pieces i would say calpis also gets a nine from me it's really good maybe i really just want things that i can't have i think that's the trend i'll give it like a six i like the calpus flavor so if it's like a calpus flavored candy then i'll like that but help this as a drink i don't know i think it's too sweet for me i guess i'd probably give it a maybe a five okay it's hard to say because it's so hot right now and i'm thinking about drinking it at the moment i'm like would i hate to drink this probably not but if there's other options i'll go for it tony oh biggest fan right here oh i've never had soy milk actually i'll give it like a three but i've never really dwelled into soy milk too much because to me i felt like soy milk it was for people that couldn't stomach whole milk or people who were trying to lose weight oh tony soy milk like 500. it's like a light drink those little soy milks like the flavored ones if you're talking about those those are so good the chocolate one is amazing they just came out with onion soy drinks are so good the rest of the world needs those 10 out of 10 not just plain soy milk because japan has so many different kinds there's kikoman the brand and the flavors of milk that they have is insane and there's new ones that come out every season also i can drink toy on you because i got their milk allergies i think eat i drink a lot of soy milk when i was high school and since then i've been drinking two to three times a week also something interesting they actually have more flavors of soy milk than they do for regular milk here i wanted to show you guys i'm addicted to tony here's what i usually use for cooking this is my my giant kikkoman tonya so this one's sweetened but you can get them non-sweetened you can also get this size in the banana flavor if you really like it or culture flavor i have a pudding one here as a treat i also just drank a chocolate mint one which was really good they also have a lot of soy milk yogurts available and i also have some soy whip i have some soy cheese in the freezer soy here is amazing so i'm i know we're just going on about drinks but i'm a huge soy fan 10 out of 10. never had it zero out of 10. i drink like cow piss water and coffee and that's it melon salt is great like okay so this is coming from someone who doesn't actually like to drink soda i think i quit drinking soda when i was young because i was extremely overweight um at the age of 10. but then i came to japan so if it's there i'll drink it and i'm totally not gonna hate on it if people want to come to japan it's definitely something i recommend them drinking so i'd probably give it an eight maybe even a nine but i'd have to be in the right mood you don't soda uh i'm not a fan i'm gonna say three i don't like soda i don't like pop so if i liked pop i feel like melon soda would be up there on my list because it is tasty but i really hate sugary drinks so melon soda what a classic i find it has this kind of chemically melon taste it's not super natural it feels very artificial but if you add a dollop of ice cream to the top then it will become a nine yeah melon melon cream soda with that little red cherry beautiful that's a nine normal one six this is melon soda no hero it is this is like oishi flavorful sweet and easy to drink kind of alcohol i make it otona nope cream soda paneer ice cream milk elements sometimes they serve with vanilla ice cream like this this is adult middle scream soda days so eight for the melon soda but it's this ten i think one of the things that puts me off melon soda is just the color that kind of bright green color just looks abhorrent just looks wrong and i don't want it anywhere near my mouth no melon soda for me minus 20 out of 10. it's cold it's refreshing my favorite thing if there's like a crate and there's a bunch of ramen bottles being cooled by the water in the river amazing that's totally like a ghibli movie you know it just touches my heart in the best way i'll give it a 10 yeah oh i love romney it's just a great way to trick your friends um i remember on journey across japan i had my good friend ellen along we tricked her by giving her some romney bottle and she just couldn't open it i like ramen more than melon soda surprisingly probably because it's not as sweet it's more like sapari like refreshing and the bottle is fun so i'll give ramune an eight just because it's fun seven point five because i don't think everyone is drinking for the taste it's more like experience and the feeling the summer romney has been like kind of joked as like the drink of weebs i remember i used to do the marvel thing and that was like kind of the joy of it i feel like i've been exposed to better things like melon soda now probably like a five my first like time drinking it though i thought it was like an eight or a nine even though it is massively inconvenient i quite like the taste of it as well so i'll give it a seven out of ten i'm an 11. um oh my god i'm a big ume fan the meshu is my alcoholic drink of choice more often than not i'd say when i'm at a bar or restaurant it's kind of sweet it's refreshing it's plum that's been putting some sake and left there for a few weeks often some months sodawari is a good way to go it's mixed with kind of soda and it's just a really nice refreshing drink and it's the first alcohol i really tried in japan and really started drinking so i'll give umeshu a nine out of ten i recommend trying it the next time you're in japan it's a drink to try i've actually never drank it before but if one of those two times in the year i decide to drink then i'll try it out and let you guys know eight 8.5 umeshu also actually has a lot of the different flavors so i like this one is the plum they said maybe if you are familiar with this type of the umeshu the normal umeshu the brown color i think you guys want to be number shocked because it's very light 10 i love it that's that's like the drink i get when i go out um or um is pretty good as well but yeah just straight it's so nice i always get umeshu if i go to izakaya or something umesha is always number one i'll be very honest with you i haven't had yakult since i was a kid because it's dairy i imagine what it tastes like and i like it but i legitimately have no idea so i'll just give it a a five the first time i had yakult was in my nightmares the second time i had it was actually in the uk uh no the first time i had it before i came to japan and i thought no don't want to have that ever again at least they don't have that in japan and i came to japan it's like the most popular bloody drink here and i've never been able to escape it but i do avoid it and so should you because it tastes like a yogurt that's gone off zero out of ten no no yakult so yakult is something like the family drink so all japanese family have in the fridge kind of drink so it's very like how many friendlies i don't really drink those they do taste good though they're pretty tasty i'd give it like a 10 out of 10 for flavor and i think they're supposed to be good for like your digestion they have lots of probiotics in them or something so if you're into that yeah they're pretty nice oh i've actually never had those i mean i've had drinkable yogurts when i was a kid but if it's if it's a lot like the drinkable yogurts that i've had maybe it's a four i probably will never drink it again but i've enjoyed my time with it 5.5 i don't know why but after you drink your cooked the feeling in here is not comfortable boss can coffee tastes like rubbish but it does its job if you kind of feel a bit down if you feel a bit like a bit groggy avocad of boss coffee and the sheer amount of caffeine and sugar combined will give you a sugar rush and a caffeine rush that will last at least 25 minutes before you crash again and then you have to have another one but it just works you know i'll probably have one after this i'll probably need a boss coffee after this video so boss coffee gets the job done tastes like crap i'll give it a six out of ten i had a bit of boss canned coffee when i first came to japan i think that the packaging is amazing i remember i was so obsessed with boss rainbow mountain blend because it just looked so crazy but it's just coffee so i would honestly give it like a a four a three even it's just nothing special about it to me but i like the packaging oh i don't drink coffee at all so ambivalent i don't care i don't know i'll give it a five i'm sure it's okay they're usually pretty sweet aren't they both can coffee i can give three because i'm not coffee in person and i give those like a nine so coffee in japan to be quite frank with you it doesn't really compare as much as i've had in like europe or in america it took a while for me to really enjoy it what is your favorite coffee then i mean you can get coffee pretty much anywhere in japan and actually one of the best coffees is just comedian store coffee i often just drop into 7-eleven and they have a fresh kind of coffee machine you can hear it being ground down and it's really good for like 150 yen you can get a fresh cup of coffee that tastes great so if you do want some coffee in japan at a reasonable price skip the vending machines and go straight to the convenience stores and give them as a convenience store on every street there's no shortage of coffee so give it a shot come in and store coffee i live and die by it i've never had meiji strawberry milk but the packaging is always super cute when i get soy milk i never get the strawberry flavor so i'd say another five out of ten i think i've had it one time and that was because i was at a friend's house and she had it i don't know it to me that's just like the strawberry version of like chocolate milk maybe i'll rate it a like maybe a three just like if it's in front of me i'll do it i won't hate it but it's not something that i'm gonna think about major strawberry milk i've seen it never had it sorry can't give a review on that one oh i've never had that that's probably one japanese drink i've never had i've never liked milk so i haven't really tried any of the milky drinks maybe i should try the i'll try the strawberry soy milk and maybe it'll be similar i wish i could love them because it looks so cute i only can't get 2.5 because again i'm not big fan of the sweet stuff i have had a strong zero um that was when i was first visiting japan and that stuff is like the devil incarnate honestly if you're just looking to get drunk and you don't like the taste of alcohol and but you want to get blacked out strong zero is probably the best way to go and quick i honestly probably will never do it again because of how hard that hits i'd rate the strong zeros three because i find that to just be a drink if you want to be drunk strong zero is the fastest way the most efficient way to get drunk on a night out you only need like two or three cans but it's a tool i see strong zero as a tool that is supposed to start your night out but not really for pleasure or fun but i'll give strong zero uh eight out of ten just because it's so ubiquitous and so brilliant at doing what it does which is getting you drunk really quickly i don't drink them anymore i'm i'm done they're kind of dangerous they feel they're so sweet they've got some fun flavors but you can taste that poison they're super super strong so i would give them like a like a three the flavors are really cool but you can still taste how dangerous they are even though i like drinking i only can give five strong zero is something like oh i wanna be packed up today kind of drink i feel so i don't enjoy the taste if i was gonna buy like an alcoholic drink from the company it would be strong zero i'll give it an eight umeshu would probably still be my main alcoholic choice though if if the company had umeshu i'd go with that oh cc lemon i like cc lemon i think it's cute for some reason i feel healthy while drinking it i know it's not healthy it's lemonade but no it's full of sugar uh i would give that maybe a six it's not my favorite it's not bad when i was a teacher there was a vending machine near the staff room and cc lemon was always my go-to drink i think every can comes with about 36 lemons or something ridiculous and i always used to picture someone like painstakingly squeezing like 25 lemons into each cat i feel a very strong fondness for cc lemon i'll give it a 9 out of 10 for that nostalgic memory of when i was a teacher all those years ago 7.5 i like the taste i think that's because cow peas and shishi lemon is the drinks i'm familiar with since i started drinking the soda kind of thing i just remember it being really sour is it really sour it was okay again i don't like soda so five give it a five i've seen it in the section where it is what the energy drinks and the vitamins so i didn't know if that was an energy drink or not because it's with that whole like group i've never actually picked it up though so i can't say oh is the superior tea i would give hojicha nine that one i do like i'm gonna give that one an eight ho chicha is actually really interesting it's very strong if you like teas and you want to taste like that that burnt tea leaf like flavor uh hojicha is definitely something i'd recommend is it's all right actually again going back to the staff from when i was a teacher uh we used to have like a little teapot and you could like brew it and pour it for yourself and i remember when i was trying to lose weight in my second year as a teacher i cut out cc lemon and half of the aforementioned sugary drinks and i just stuck to having green tea and hojicha roasted tea but no it's really nice i'll give it a nine out of ten for the taste and the health benefits it's a great drink gotta try it i can give nine and i hold it up no i just like to take the taste uh could be cold could be warm i love all kinds of tea i would give any tea a good rating hojicha has a nice like roasted flavor to it all the restaurants i go to recently have been serving hojicha as their tea which is interesting i feel like it's more common than green tea i don't know why it's like it's changed it's popular right now but yeah it's really nice you should try it all right well that's it for us in our rating of drinks let us know in the comments down below how you would rate these drinks and if you have tried any of them i know some of them are kind of japan exclusive so yeah let us know in the comments down below also if you haven't seen it yet we did another video like this where we rated japanese food so if you want to check it out just click the card uh up here somewhere but thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye i have this emergency water even worse [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 185,357
Rating: 4.9458051 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun
Id: gM6-KrCkKWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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