Valentine's Day with Abroad In Japan ❤️

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hey guys welcome to tc play it is february this month and that can mean only one thing it is of course valentine's day and on valentine's day in japan you get lots of chocolate if you're a guy valentine's day is kind of split up into two days in japan we have valentine's day on february the 14th and then on march 14th we have what's known as white day which is a slightly awkwardly named day and i don't know where the name even comes from but what i do know is on white day on march the 14th guys give girls chocolate and stuff which is not so fun what i like is february 14th and unfortunately for the girls of tc because it is february 14th they do have to make me lots of chocolate for me to eat and so in this video we're going to see what aki sharla and emma can cook up in their kitchens and we're going to eat it well i'm gonna eat it right here at the end of the video whatever they've made hopefully fingers crossed something good i'm gonna be rating their chocolates on three factors flavor appearance and creativity hopefully our the chocolate will have all three of those things particularly flavour i want it to taste good so without further ado let's see what emma was able to cook up in her kitchen hello everybody welcome to tokyo free to play i'm your host emma you're not the host emma i'm the host now get with the bloody programme today aki sharla and i are going to be competing to make the best chocolate to give to the wonderful chris broad i don't know how he's going to rate it he's probably going to rate it on tastiness on how fun it is how cute it is i don't know flavor appearance and creativity emma get with the program again did you not read the brief of this this incredible video all right let's see what she can do but we're all going to have our own techniques on things that are going to appeal to him so the chocolates that i'm going to be making today is kind of just one chocolate and i'm very lucky that i filmed a video recently with uh aki about a butt pudding and i still have the mold of the butt so i'm going to make him a giant ass so this is the ass that i have and i bought this little box today so i think it's going to fit nicely inside the box and i'm going to make it look really cute and i also have a secret weapon i also have i never know how to say it maynard's bassettes jelly babies from the uk which uh i think you can't get here i've never seen them here but if he likes them then i think i'm going to be the winner because i'm going to include them in the box amongst the ass so that's that's the plan i also thought that having just one solid giant chocolate ass would be like too hard to eat so i thought maybe of putting like some crushed up biscuits in there i got some digestives they're like off-brand random digestive but i thought they'd work you know and hopefully i can put them in the middle and the ass won't have any like lumps on the outside so yeah that's a plan of attack for today thing is i think i need a tempered chocolate and i've never tempered chocolate before and i think i'm supposed to have nice quality chocolate to temper and i have just like chocolate bars so i don't know how this is gonna go we're just gonna do our best and chris is gonna get what he's given you know and hopefully mine's gonna be the best but we shall see i don't know what the others are planning so first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna boil some water go also it's gonna take ages for this ass to set right nervous for the ass i hope he's a butt guy i also have an extra thing that i'm gonna throw into the box with it if i have space in the box i don't know how expensive shipping is gonna be but i also received this the other day it's uh if you know what it is you know what it is ask them that is it too sexy and we get a little too sexy no we're not no we're not getting too sexist and i don't own one that's okay i googled how to do it without a thermometer so maybe it's fine hey friends it's aquidires so i'm gonna be making some chocolates for chris to try i'm gonna make extras because it's valentine's day and i think it's only right that i also have extras for joey but i actually have a lot of ingredients here i have some pistachio nuts pocky some other nuts marshmallows cranberry and i found these like dried oranges but we're going to go with some chocolate bark i see a lot of these on the internet but i haven't tried them myself seems simple enough so i got three different types of chocolates because i don't know which one chris likes but i have milk chocolate some dark chocolate and some white chocolate so we're going to my milk chocolate and melt these and then i'm going to make some chocolate bark and then just put a bunch of ingredients in them i think this is my first time celebrating valentine's day in japan so you guys are officially seeing the first time that i am making chocolates on camera and so because it's three why am i scared why am i scared open this up why chocolate is my personal favorite if i was making this just for me i'd probably buy more but it's valentine's day so be selfless at least i'm pretty sure that this is dark chocolate yep don't eat the chocolate that's amazing sorry chris if you're watching this i ate some of it no i'm hungry right now i think the nicest valentine's gift i got was probably when joey actually took him and i to a really really nice bar kind of a restaurant bar but it's called the luxus aqua bar because there's a little like aquarium that's in the middle of the entire restaurant it's a super nice place and it's actually been featured big spend japanese tv and lots of japanese movies and stuff and i believe it's an ebisu it's kind of expensive but again it's it's something i would recommend for like a really special occasion sounds romantic but is it as romantic as sitting on a thousand-year-old log with joey through this tray because it's bark and it's just easy to cut after that i'm not sure if chris really cares about the mold of it i think he cares more about the flavor so i'm kind of prioritizing more flavor anyways i'm going to go melt these right now all right guys today we are making homemade valentine's chocolate for chris i've only made handmade valentine's chocolate maybe twice in my life and it went okay it wasn't amazing but i do know that chris's favorite chocolate is this disgusting chocolate orange wow that is not disgusting we hate them and my mom always gives me one for christmas every year how can you not like a terry's chocolate orange it's a chocolate in an orange you have to bang it against a table to make it split apart and open it's very chocolate orange using chocolate and some real oranges i have no idea how this is gonna work or if it's gonna work at all but i thought it would be fun to try and make the fresh version of his favorite chocolate so wish me luck all right these are our ingredients we'll get to it later so dars is probably my favorite chocolate in japan it's very cheap and very simple but it's quite good so i got the dark chocolate version and i also got the milk chocolate version this is the second time we've seen something blurred out why am i scared why would you need to blur out something in a chocolate making video so i couldn't decide which oranges to get i've got a regular like navel orange from california i think and these are iokan and these are deco pon so they're all different types of oranges i don't know which one's gonna be the best i think i'm gonna taste test them before we start and figure out which one i should use okay i'm gonna open up all these chocolate bars so i'm just gonna chop these up it's cool yeah i feel like this is not good chocolate because the knife she's using help but even if this does go well what do i even win the praise of chris broad is that worth anything to me it's worth an awful lot i'm just excited to pour it in the butter can't put a price on it it looks good and stays safe all the way to chris and that he can just open it and it's just an ass did i i think i overcooked it i think i overdid it i misread one thing and it was like turn the heat off before you even put anything on it ow yeah i totally i think i burnt it yeah it smells burnt look it's all lumpy smells burnt oh my god emma a burnt chocolate backside this is going to be so awful smells amazing to me but i i don't know what i'm gonna go buy more chocolate bye i'm back let's go round two here we go also while i was at the store i found these mcmitty's nipples like i guess digestives little bits they're perfect they're so cute so i'm gonna see if i can add them into the butt okay if i mess this up this time chris is just gonna get whatever it is sorry chris i'm gonna be trying not to burn it this time if it doesn't temper it's fine as long as it's not burnt you know it seems that two-thirds of it have melted so i'm just going to give it more of a stir that lumpy burnt chocolate isn't burnt which is pretty cool after the chocolate is about two that's melted generally stir it it'll begin to thicken and become less shiny this process can take up to half an hour if you want to speed it up go outside so i need to do this until it's cooler than my body temperature oh geez i love the way emma did it slowly and gently in the pan ashley's in the microwave for 30 seconds i'm kind of just playing around with all of these different things that i have but i don't know these could just taste absolutely horrible for all i know all right oh gosh yeah that is hot i think these are fine okay i haven't told you i was scared it took a while to make these chocolates and i don't want them to harden up too fast so i'm gonna go boil some water i'm gonna put that in a bowl and then put the bowl of chocolate in that bowl so it'll be like bowl section then i'm going to put this whole section chocolate in here again this is my first oh good god aki what are you doing wow this is actually melting really fast right now dang okay she's making emma look like a genius with her simple cooking the chocolate in a pan method what's going on here i understand i really want this to end up really good because like i never win the challenges on tc so i really want to try this time yes how can we forget aki's award-winning performance in the tc olympics last year oh god this worked so it does look quite nice as smooth as possible oh that is nice ackee's pretty creative so i have high hopes for this weirdly cool i'm gonna take one of the almond pockies and then i'm just gonna like break it up and put just a few on a part of the chocolate see that so easy so i'm just gonna break that and put it on top i think joey would like this and chris of course he's the judge oh yeah i have these marshmallows it's pretty creative quite impressed put some over here again i'm making so much variety that there's got to be something that he likes you know what i mean look at that not so bad is it and i'm going to try to now mix the dark chocolate nice and smooth okay now i'm gonna leave this just for a little bit because i have to take the pistachios out of the uh the shells what the is that look at it okay no we're just gonna eat this one because it turned out a little too ugly i need the pieces to be nice looking or else it's not going to form back into a nice orange shape it's pretty good but yeah it's too ugly sorry california orange all right next is yokan it says amasa kauri it's really sweet and it has a good smell and it's very juicy so they sound really nice i don't know if i've had one before i mean she made this chocolate like a week ago so i hope the oranges are still edible the chocolate she made has been sitting in like a box for a week so i hope this is all it's all gonna still be actually edible smells very strange does it smell like sulfur oh sulfuric sulfuric oranges i don't know what i think of that it's got a really weird texture parts of it were crunchy it's pretty sour though i don't know about this one i think it's just what's going on supposed to be making chocolate it's not having orange taste testing sessions and he says they're really good so i really hope they are because honestly the first two weren't the best it passes the smell test it smells really nice it looks really good she's supposed to be making me some sort of chocolate valentine's gift all she's done is sniff oranges the last like 10 minutes what's going on i have this container that i'm gonna put the final product in so let's see which one fits the best it's gonna be covered in chocolate so it's gonna be bigger but it looks like that'll fit okay that one is probably a little better because it's a little smaller so i say this one okay so we're going to save this one to possibly use for the real thing i'm going to taste test this decor breaks apart so nicely this will be really good for this video should just be called reviewing oranges not another one having fun are we eating all the oranges yes all right so we're gonna boil some water and this is what we will melt the chocolate with to be fair if you can pull this off this will be quite impressive this could be pretty damn creative again making a mockery of emma's previous attempt of just pouring some chocolate and some plastic it's good to see sharla like aki has gone the extra mile degrees it's supposed to be 60 [Music] using the boiling water method wait for the chocolate to cool to 29 degrees this is a very complicated process i watched a very detailed youtube video that taught me how to do this so hopefully the guy was correct i don't know what i'm doing so this is this is like aki's method but next level for the real thing when it comes to melting chocolate and chocolate that's cool chocolate fondant wow so it's precision so that's delicacy delicacy a word yeah okay okay i think we're actually good to go i don't know if this is enough chocolate but it's got a weird texture it's fine it's chocolate it's fine let's give it a go okay here we go please be enough chocolate this is definitely no he will have half an arse let me have a look underneath oh that looks glorious hold on let me show you guys a from below shot see that look at that ass it's beautiful i feel like she's kind of cheating a little bit by using a plastic cast i would like to have seen her sculpt something by hand sculpt this ass with her hands right rather than just stick it in some plastic it's a hard decision okay i'm going to put one jelly baby in the middle goodbye what's going on please no imagine the bite gonna choke on that one in the fridge hello i'm back and i'll bite into the chocolate and shake to death on the jelly baby now tempering chocolate is supposed to make it not have any like streaks of like separation of fat and stuff and i obviously mess it up because it's uh some streaks going on in the ass oh she's beautiful look at that ass so well formed precious i mean it's not perfect but damn look at that but that's beautiful okay let's get her in the box i feel like i should add some jelly babies oh should i oh it looks so good without them it's just an ass it's not gonna win though because it's just an ass i think everybody's gonna have like heaps of different flavors and stuff and mine's just one ass as chris's friend i want to give him some jelly baby i keep giving him the best flavors like stop i should keep the best flavors for myself i don't know if they'll even eat no you shouldn't give me the best flavors i'm the bloody judge here all right my ass is done i'm gonna send it off to chris so enjoy chris and now you owe me something for white day bye well you know what we have more than enough look at the painstaking effort aki has gone to here to peel all the nuts compared to emma just putting some chocolate in a bloody ass like this is this is quite impressive i'm impressed well done some water well we'll just pretend that doesn't exist for a second shall we all right cool i'm gonna just put some pistachios on and just hope for the best oh this actually looks pretty damn good you know what it i'm gonna do pistachios and oranges and i'm just gonna see how all of that just like comes together i'm not so sure about the oranges pistachio and orange dark chocolate does that sound appetizing no i mean you can't really eat the whole oranges like that i feel like that's going to be unpleasant with this if you don't like any of these then i'm going to be really sad and this wasn't worth it i'm doing all of this for you and to win i'm gonna take some strawberry pocky i'm gonna break this up like i did with the almond one i really hope that this makes it to you chris like in one piece oh yeah if you guys didn't notice i just decided to put the oranges on this side i want to see what this is like with just pistachios okay i've got some pocky in now i'm gonna go take some cranberries and just put a little bit this is so incredibly elaborate we'll put rose petals i'm not a big fan of the flavor of this i wonder if joey's gonna get something quite as as impressive as this for his valentine's day gift this is the setup got white chocolate with pocky and cranberries dark chocolate with oranges on one side and pistachios on the other milk chocolate where it's split between s'mores flavored and then this is like almond pocky with chocolate chips i'm gonna go stick this in the freezer okay and you go oh that's like perfect i'm gonna stick you in for 30 minutes to an hour it's been about 45 minutes now and it is officially hard enough to cut this is the result it turned out really good i'm gonna go cut these up and put them in a little nice package that i bought from daiso all right and i'm just gonna cut might just be easier for me to break this with my hand don't screw it up you've come so far yes yes yes yes to be honest i feel like these could be in the freezer for just a little longer because it is still like kind of a little bit melted and on the inside here okay so finally the chocolate is fully frozen enough that i can finally package this i got this cool box from daiso and i got like these cute bags from daiso as well so but i also got like what do you call it cushion whatever this thing to make thing look pretty when i say tissue tinsel cushion [Music] leave a comment below i don't have a clue either some of this all right i have like two pieces of each chocolate in here i think that's more than enough chocolate for cursing and the rest of this maybe i'll just package it up for joey what and there we go oh that actually looks really nice joey's getting my chocolate unbelievable thing isn't it now we're just going to write a nice little card to chris i think he'll appreciate this card i wanted to choose a box that was as friendly neutral as possible because i know valentine's day is usually romantic i'll just go send this off to chris now and hopefully uh he'll like my chocolate all right does chocolate it's uh it's actually all right it's pretty cheap it's a cheap chocolate but it gets the job done look at that look at that so this is this is the best melting chocolate uh footage we've seen so far no doubt about that sharla knows what she's doing again i just hope the oranges are edible given she made this video about a week ago here it looks like they're gonna need at least a few hours to harden so i guess you guys will see the final product when i send it to chris and he opens it up i am so scared that these are just gonna get destroyed hopefully they work well i think they'll taste good i did test one of them and it was pretty good so as long as they survived the trip over to chris i think he'll like them wow look a lot oh god my hands are shaky all right so i might give up on the bus you look so why was this so hard i had it pictured in my mind and it looked really cute good afternoon this looks horrific so i think we'll just leave out the bus yeah put that put that in the bin [Music] well here we are ladies and gentlemen the big moment all the chocolate is sitting here before me we have got emma bucky and sharla um each in different boxes each completely different some better than others emma's has come in this rather unpleasant looking cardboard box but we will start with emma given that she was the first one and i am going to be evaluating each one of them on this incredibly well-drawn graph here where i'll be ranking them flavor creativity in appearance one to ten and our first one is emma yeah first thoughts crap box um could have wrapped it nicely i think god's sake right um oh look at that it's nice isn't it got like some chocolates and a note what's under the note oh for god's sake look at that tenga chocolate crispy taste i don't know if you know what this is but i'm not going to tell you because i don't want tc's video to get demonetised but go and look up tenga after this basically it's something to put it bluntly good luck bleeping that out uh happy valentine's day mr broad you owe me for white day i don't know if you are a tits or an ass man so i had to guess wow and now we know what's inside to be fair she did put some effort into wrapping this so that's nice and let's dive in it's smaller than i was thinking i don't know why i thought it could be like this big oh oh that the whole box sort of falls away to reveal um well that it smells quite nice to be fair the smell of the ghana chocolate rising through the air and some jelly babies you know what i haven't had a jelly baby in like 10 years pretty excited these old jelly babies emma why are they so hard they're from like 1967 or something right and of course the main event it's a b for abroad abroad in japan thing is i suppose it does look like a butt it's good but it's missing some key detail isn't it it just feels like it's open for interpretation like if i could draw some eyes on could be some eyes it could be a bee but anyway let's just bite inflating why are you putting me through this emma why are you making me bite into this on a bloody video oh it's so hard i would have broke my teeth oh why does it taste so wrong hmm oh my food this is so painful this was supposed to be fun today i said do the video chris do the tc video be fun for everyone it's not fun i've my teeth oh jelly baby i suppose i'd rather eat this tender chocolate right let's start ranking things creativity i'll give it a four because again she just poured some chocolate into some plastic appearance to be honest if i hadn't watched emma's video i don't think i'd know what this was i'd just be like oh is it a lump of chocolate shaped like a bee is it a broad in japan so i'm gonna give that a four and the flavor well again let's have one more bite oh i kind of want to take away points for actually damaging my teeth i probably need to go the dentist now honestly i'm more excited about the jelly babies than the chocolate i'll give it a four so there you go 12 out of 30. it's not overly great is it what about this one how do you even open the damn tenga i've never used one before so tengo are really popular in japan again to describe what it is it's a what fleshlight is that is that what we call it i don't know tc will put some graphics here and some text to explain with elegance what this is people do things with it oh it's okay it's just a tube with some chocolate and chocolate in the shape of a tenga very nice to be honest i'd rather have a real tenger than this uh but there you go 12 out of 30. that's emma done and out the way and her tenga chocolate was better than her creation and now let's dive in to aki's one which i'm much more excited about um before we dive into accused i do need some coffee to wash the flavour of emma's show out my mouth things can only get better from there i think um okay so aki for you very nice box there very nice um decadent box much better than again whatever had hers in uh let's open it up cool look at that that actually feels like a sort of product you would buy at an actual shop it comes with a little letter in an envelope says to chris abroad from aki happy valentine's day chris i want to win enjoy aki i admire her her boldness there and there we have it actually quite well presented and quite well wrapped reminds me of as a shop in the uk called hotel chocolate very good chocolate shop best in the world and they tend to wrap their chocolate like this as well so i appreciate the finish i really do i can get the damn thing open i'm going to take points off this for wrapping it like tying it in a weird knot so i can't get into the damn thing what has happened there what why zacky knotted it in a really weird way it's like really awkwardly tangled normally right with these little twisty things you twist them it looks like she's done some sort of special knot that you'd find on a ship to stop a boat from casting off there we go right brute force here we go moment of truth oh the flavors the orange notes the marshmallows the the raisins whatever the things were all right very nice yeah it's good it's a little the chocolate looks a little bit old and dusty and dry you know that sort of when chocolate is stale i can't really blame that on aki's fault all right um something doesn't taste right why does it taste right you know with chocolate you get that satisfying crunch when you bite into it i didn't get that then because of the marshmallows and it kind of threw me off a little bit let's try something with hard things in it cranberries and some more chocolate this is good i must say this is a much more enjoyable culinary experience than emma's was so i start ranking it for appearance i'm thinking about an eight it's very visual it's very exciting creativity yeah again i think i'm gonna give it an eight and as for flavor i think it sounded good on paper right get loads of crap stick it into melt with chocolate but because of all the textures it all feels a bit off dare i even try the orange one dare i try the orange one all right no better than i was expecting all right it's okay would i buy this in a shop no would i sell it to someone i like no but i'm gonna give it a seven and that takes us two more points than emma so 23 out of 30. pretty good and a lot better than emma's 12 out of 30. well done aki question is can sharla beat you with her bold move let's find out i'm excited about this i love terry's chocolate orange it's one of my favorite chocolates i love the process of breaking the chocolate you get this big ball and you break it and it breaks apart into pieces and it's just the most wonderful luxurious decadent edible chocolate experience ever all right here we go let's see if charlotte can top that though let's see if she can do it it's just a bunny rabbit wow that's amazing funny rabbit there we go it says especially for you that's nice isn't it proper valentine's feel going on there yeah again someone thinks they're funny it's another tenger chocolate this one looks nice though granule strawberry flavour could be good the chocolate on this one wasn't that good so maybe it's better on that one right here we go the bag gives way to a quite an impressive little pot i quite like that i mean that is a point right there for effort like it's got nice little lid satisfying as well listen satisfaction personified and it says this took me hours to make i almost died making this for you almost died from the video i saw there was nothing to insinuate the possibility of dying while making this look like you're having a lot of fun taste testing oranges so don't try and big up the process of putting some oranges in some chocolate all right here we go comes with a note and a little sack with lots of little chocolate they look like gyoza dumplings look at that dumpling shape and it's melted in my hand already charles wrapped the note again some nice effort going on there and it says i thought i'd attempt the fresh version of that horrible chocolate orangey like how dare you how dare you speak ill of terry's chocolate orange it's the bestest chocolate in the world that's a point removed from slagging off my favorite chocolate right here we go i feel like you need a toothpick to pick them out because it's just melting all over my hands and that's not a nice feeling i'm quite scared because again this video that sharla filmed was like a week or two ago so is the orange are the oranges gonna be edible still one two three oh crap i hate to admit it it's pretty good it's actually not bad the orange the orange within is still pretty fresh and i'm the the chocolate seems to preserve the orange i didn't think that would happen it works and it's quite a satisfying sort of explosion to it when you bite him like to be fair went everywhere but like when you bite into it the juiciness of the orange comes out the chocolate i'd say the weakest points to chocolate dars chocolate it's not as good as meiji chocolate organa it's a little bit cheaper but uh it's a little bit messy as well it needs like a fork but you can kind of see it doesn't look flattering on camera it's good it works that was a revelation that's actually quite good that's that's good oh i don't want to admit it that's good i actually did want aki to win this time i was a bit biased but i have to be objective here and i'll give the appearance give that an eight i'll give the creativity i'll give that a nine and i'll give the flavour yeah i think i'd give the flavour it's an eight or a nine is it an eight or a nine an eight i think the chocolate lets it down but the orange is very nice she chose the right orange all that chocolate eating paid off charles won 25 points out of 30 with a chocolate orange concept well done sharla sad sadie's for aki who came in second place with 23 and commiserations to emma with her very lackluster very quick cheap attempt to make a chocolate arse that actually broke my teeth so we've gone from a chocolate that actually caused me life-altering injuries to chocolate that was pretty nice and quite fun to a chocolate that outright tastes like something that could be sold in a shop because of the freshness required really quite impressive stuff well done charlotte thank you guys for taking part and for sending me all this chocolate i'm not looking forward to white day when i inevitably have to do the same it's going to be abroad in a pan when i get my kitchen and saucepans out and start making some sort of chocolate creation of my own but of all the chocolate we've seen here today which one would you like to try guys is it emma's painful to eat backside is it aki's nicely i don't even know what you'd call that lots of things put in some chocolate or is it charlotte's oranges put in some melted chocolate again let us know which one you'd like to try i'm gonna eat this and uh i'm gonna throw that in the bin but for now guys as always thanks for enjoying this video thanks for watching and um like subscribe comment all that stuff i'll see you next time here on take a creative plate oh actually i'm gonna eat some of this this one i really like it damn okay wait that was joey's stop eating the chocolate there you go you can kind of see let's use some filmmaking skills there is no filmmaking skills emma this is who is this aki aki
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 569,972
Rating: 4.9522629 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, Japanese culture, 日本, Tokyo, Chris Broad, Abroad in Japan, Sharla in Japan, akidearest, Sharmeleon, Valentine's Day, Japanese Valentine's day
Id: oxWgMw6fc1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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