Eating Only FAMILY MART Snacks for Dinner | Abroad in Japan

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is it time can i finally drink this been waiting for an hour yes it's live thank god for that cheers everyone happy saturday oh it smells so good the smell of peaches wonderful good afternoon good morning good evening ladies and gentlemen good to see you all no matter where you might be out in the big wide world let me know where you're watching from always keen to find out uh and also not just where you're watching from but how you're watching from i'm always excited to find out where people are are you in a bed are you on a safe on a plane a train an automobile let me know oh so good that's what that's what satisfaction tastes like i've been editing all day uh so i don't have time to get a proper dinner so that's why that happened and here we are this is my dinner but before we get to that i thought i'd show you something really cool and uh you might have noticed in the uh in the thumbnail that i posted along with this uh this live show i had some pocket chickens some family mart chicken which comes a little box and now i'm afraid it didn't make the final cut i did eat it before i couldn't wait we all know it's gonna happen we all know i couldn't wait so that's the end of that but come and check this out before we do anything i want to show you something really awesome come over here so to celebrate recently the abroad japan channel hit 2 million subscribers thank you everyone for subscribing uh it's awesome and some friends of mine made this amazing miniature yakitori stand check that out how bloody cool is that and it's off it's uh inspired by blade runner uh if you've seen me blow running which i love uh this is the way the uh the opening of the film is set the main character deckard played by harrison ford he sits right there how amazing is that i didn't make it i want to i want to put that out there i didn't make it my friends made it so uh yes thank you friends and did an amazing job look at the details the chairs got a little barbecue i'll take you in for a closer look look at that yakitori abroad in japan very nice i've got to find a way of um actually using it uh similar to how we use the uh the little miniature sitting room earlier last year with the tv show episode but uh right let's see where you guys are watching from bloody hell is a lot of people this is crikey uh hello chris i'm in australia enjoying a drink very good but what time is in australia it's bit later now bali indonesia finland blighty uh i'm watching oh gosh i'm uh in hungary from bed i'm watching it in bed on a chromebook very nice uh of course chris couldn't wait to eat the family mart chicken how dare you how dare you we all knew it was gonna happen we all knew it wouldn't last very long hello from finland thanks for bringing a smile to my face almost every day thank you very much otto 47 and james says hi chris from ireland uh hi chris from ireland uh happy two million subs uh also we need a house tour enjoy your chicken you know what i've done so many bloody house tours over the years all japanese apartments are the same uh or at least the ones i choose are don't do a very good shoot a very good job choosing them unfortunately um but uh i just get back from the gym so i'm very i'm kind of aching i've uh believe it or not i do go to the gym sometimes right i've just started going the last few weeks uh operation let's get fit because winter's finally over is now fully underway so i'm getting fit um what else we got watching from los angeles czech republic lithuania netherlands a rainy hello from wales ah living up to stereotypes in wales well for the next hour guys i'm all yours to interrogate uh and ask anything but before we do anything else it's time for you to choose uh what i'm gonna eat and i'm guessing i'm going to pull the microphone webcam over here so you can get a closer look there you go so we've got pringles kitkats popcorn some more popcorn another kitkat and some cup noodle things which require hot water to cook so i'm probably not going to do it i can't be bothered to get up for that and there's also a little umaibo stick here this is like a little cheeto you know cheetos like that but one single stick so there you go and there goes the kitkats what should i have let us know in the comments i'm feeling like popcorn so i hope you say popcorn um i did do this choose your own adventure style thing last year and didn't go very well because you chose the wrong one you chose the ones i didn't want to eat and that's not what's supposed to happen i'm supposed to eat the things that i want um laura says you should get the chocolate valentine's dog yes the chocolate valentine dog if you didn't see what that is on instagram yesterday i posted a photo of the most delightful dog that i wish i had got for valentine's day look at this it's a little chocolate dog and it says we belong together it's very clever it's very funny because it's a sausage dog we belong together and there's just loads of long puns all over it like i long for you it's no stretch you're awesome um yeah it's a real shame no one there no one got me that for valentine's but as always next year isn't there anyway what should we get let's have a look what we got kit kats kit kats cup noodles cup noodles kit kats i'm gonna go pringles it looks like it's just yeah i'm just gonna it's popcorn in it but what flavor of popcorn well i'm gonna get the cheesy popcorn look at that cheesy popcorn from family mart never had it before don't know if it's good this could be either amazing spectacular or just horrible we're gonna find out uh casa britalia says thank you again for reaching out to me at casa britalia youtube chris your followers are the best and are treating me well thank you very much all the best to you casa is there a restaurant at the gym or why are you going it says lazy lefty i don't go to the gym for a restaurant i go to the gym to get fit and listen to music while i'm running i uh i must admit i do quite like japanese gyms they're quite nice very clean um you have to like sterilize all the equipment after you're done on it at the moment because the old corona thing but uh yeah japanese gym is pretty good of all the gyms that i've been to and i've i think i've been member a member of like four different gyms over the years this one in japan is the best and it is anytime fitness so i don't even think that's a japanese company mr brisket says not so much a question but it's because of your videos that i'm starting japanese studies at university in september thank you for inspiring me thank you very much and best of luck with your studies good luck to you uh right well the sooner you get here mr brisket let's see you can try popcorn cheese flavoured popcorn here we go it's very yellow isn't it good that's right look at that what is that look at the color of that it doesn't it looks like it's bloody radioactive um it's not very good it's just disappointing now quattro cheese popcorn enjoy the deep taste of powdered cheddar powdered cheddar wow sounds delicious doesn't it 90 calories oh dear i i burnt off i think 400 calories at the gym today all that work will shortly be undone uh unfortunately um we've got one here from uh drayden davis could you allow me to stay with you when i visit japan someday no no i can't i said where are you going to stay i do have a bicycle shed um i think there's somebody staying in there at the moment but maybe we can clear them out maybe maybe go in there um goatee mcgoat face says don't you have a favorite novel please don't say harry potter my favorite novel i don't i don't know where the [ __ ] is it it is animal farm i don't even know if that's a novel or if it's just a ingenious tale and a good way of instruction guide on how not to uh run a farm where has it gone i love that book god damn it the only book that i could find is uh how to swear and that is a book that i don't need uh i think somebody bought that for me to give donatsky but i've just never given it to him and i really should maybe when his birthday comes around in august um that's a shame yeah i don't know where animal farm went that's a great book that um dread behead says australia mvp attempting to be noticed it's just after midnight mr broad eat the kitkats okay well the the popcorn was short-lived so we'll start with the kitkats now um look at this two different flavors of kitkats we have got sweet potato flavor which is for some reason purple and we have also got cat [ __ ] oil cafe latte flavor oh cafe latte choose choose your own adventure there you go which one would you have the sweet potato or cafe latte crikey i'm not sure which one i prefer to be honest what is what is better i'll tell you what though this strong zero i don't want to advocate drinking i would never do that but this is bloody good you should definitely drink it he's nine percent though um i think this is the only alcohol i have in reach and that's probably a good thing let's face it um the consensus is in everyone is typing cafe latte it's time for cafe latte and we'll save those for later put those in the yakitori restaurant um check this out this is cool so you'll notice over here it's bright green at the moment and you'll notice if you've watched a ball in japan over the years when i started out it was just me in a dimly lit room just sitting on a sofa in the dark it was it looked crap but it still did the job it's taken me eight years to get to having a setting that looks relatively good look this thing's happening there's a pac-man game there's mount mount rainier coffee there's a thing you can't really see a game boy there's pringles isn't that amazing but best of all got a light now that i can change colors so depending on what mood i'm in i can change the color um i'm in a good mood at the moment and that's i like teal it's lovely color but i can change it to red so when i'm angry if i get angry later on during the show you're going to know because it's going to go red what other colors we got purple blue even more green yeah i'll just leave it on till but pretty cool eh we're just stalling for time it's time to dive into the cafe latte kitkats we have got a question from the wonderful caitlin it says i'm dying to know how many kit kat flavors have you tried oh yes that's a tough question i'm gonna say at least 20 different flavors there's some pretty good flavors there's strawberry cheesecake banana my favorite it's probably sake nihonshi flavour which i don't know if they still sell it but i was addicted to those when it came out it just tastes like white chocolate really sweet white chocolate but i did have a hint of sake in there and i think it was like .005 sucky i can't remember if kids could eat them actually or buy them uh hello from georgia usa says tempered storm i'm sitting in my recliner with my tablet my birthday is monday any excuse for a celebration right house bound due to the pandemic but i'm otherwise good your sense of humor helps ah well have yourself a great birthday in georgia um what are you gonna do for your birthday how you gonna celebrate i remember my birthday last year it was sitting here doing this so um hopefully your birthday will be equally as weird as that was but all the best you have a great birthday and enjoy your reclining chair i'm quite envious i'd love a reclining chair um we have got one from subscriber chris i plan to visit osaka for the first time next year my question for you is aside expressing uh basic emotions and hunger in japanese is it hard to express your actual personality traits depends what your personality is isn't it my sarcasm doesn't translate well to japanese and if you look at someone like ryotaro when he speaks japanese he's really nice polite a real gentleman and when he speaks english he's a complete [ __ ] uh so just remember when you're switching between japanese and english you're kind of switching personalities right you're not yourself you have to kind of build a new self when you come to japan uh like ryotro did and it works you know because the skills to survive in the west are very different uh to japan and what's required in japan uh right i've held this kitkat for half an hour now let's dive in it smells mildly coffee and white chocolate and i know people in the comments are going mental at the moment because i gonna eat the kitkat wrong i know all right i'll split it there you go the thing is look at the size of it though everyone's like split the kitkat i know but it's so small it's really [ __ ] hard to hold the damn thing um so i'll split it in half there we go oh no it tastes really bad it tastes like cigarettes why does it taste like cigarettes no that's very disappointing it honestly it tastes like tastes like a cigarette i i used to smoke so i don't want cigarettes i like and that tastes like a cigarette that's a shame [ __ ] hell who who wants the rest of these i'll uh yeah send me a message on twitter you can have those right oh man thank god i've got the strong zero to wash the flavor out there um got one here from donny says chris thank you for bringing joy to our lives with your work please go get yourself some real food starting my morning from springfield missouri thank you very much donnie's very kind of you have a great morning enjoy your day in springfield missouri springfield day that's not where they base the simpsons is it i think that was springfield somewhere in oregon correct me if i'm wrong but uh thank you donnie have a good one uh agameh says hey chris just wanted to use my allowance money to let you know that you've been inspiration to me the past few years and that you give me hope for the future and faith in myself thank you very much that's so kind honestly that's i i it's hard when you play the bitter sarcastic cynical monster as i do um it's difficult to be to be nice sometimes so thank you honestly thank you but uh honestly yes thank you very much i have to break character and be nice for a moment um my uh my computer is being a bit dodgy but hopefully it'll be all right i can no longer read the comments oh there we go um dragonfire says please go buy more snacks you absolute legend thank you very much i very much will and depending on how this goes i would very much like to do more live shows as well going forward like i really enjoy doing this maybe once a month i'll go out and buy some snacks so thank you dragonfire i'll use your comment to uh go and buy lots more snacks and do lots more live shows uh once a month can't hurt by the time we reach the end of this year we'll have tried every single convenience store in japan and their respective snacks oh man all right it's time to mix up the lighting pick a color somebody choose a color oh it's gone yellow i don't like yellow somebody please choose a color uh high ball high ball is not a color that's a form of whiskey uh are you streaming from your mac book yes i am that is why the purple purple purple purple why is everyone like purple all right there you go actually wow it looks kind of cool the only problem is this light back here is blue so we have to change that as well aren't we there we go now we're talking wow that's that's horrible uh that's that's kind of pink got to get it right can't mismatch those colors there we go amazing and now yeah that's kind of cool it's really cool uh tom says hi chris i'm learning japanese and i hope to live there someday i've heard that it can be quite hard to make friends in japan as a foreigner uh since japanese people can be quite shy how true is this it's fairly true but it's fairly true but if you just go out and keep meeting people they're gonna be out there like i often wonder what would happen what would have happened if i hadn't moved started my life in japan in yamagata where i've met people like natsuki and then ryotaro my good friend yuki you know but there are loads of amazing people across japan and um you know it can be difficult um but you tend to find a lot of the crazy interesting characters come towards you they gravitate towards you like natsuki did like ryotaro did they'll come to you but only if you put yourself out there and go to events and things like i met ryotaro through a business event like a networking event startup weekend and i met natsuki just walking down the street on a night out um so you got to keep going out and doing things the first year i had in japan where i didn't go out when i didn't do anything that was where i didn't make any friends so get out meet people and that will make a big difference and also where you are in japan will make that difference as well because people are more shy in north japan um if i was going to come to japan again i might be tempted to go somewhere like osaka where people are really outgoing and crazy and fun um so if you want to make friends in japan the easiest i think west japan like osaka hiroshima fukuoka will be the place to go uh hydrogen cyanide says are you youtuber yes i am that vid somebody reposted a video um of the the japanese tv guy knocking on my front door uh and saying are you youtuber and i think it's got like 200 000 views now just that 15 second clip it's crazy i i really should open the videos with iu youtuber i think that'd be an award-winning way to do it uh hello from niagara falls new york are you ever going to set up a p.o box i want to send you some buffalo original wing source i have thought about it it's been a bit of a difficult year with the whole covered thing and uh sending stuff like i sent something to the uk like a year ago and it just got there last week so uh i'd avoid sending things right now but i'll look into it like i would like to do more stuff like one of my favorite videos last year we gave natsuki some hot sauce right from um hot ones uh first we feast and um that's one of my favorite videos it's on this channel abroad perspective go and watch it after this live show and that was just so much fun and that was sent in by an awesome viewer uh jonathan so i'd like to do it because i'd like to give netsky more spicy stuff uh hey chris are there any plans for another series in the vein of journey across japan i'm a big fan love from belfast we are yeah i mean that's a good kind of announcement to be honest uh john like we actually are doing another journey across japan i guess that's kind of a another celebration for this for this live show we've got two million subscribers yeah uh it's a three year anniversary of the abroad japan podcast yeah again 190 episodes of the podcast haven't missed a single episode every week crazy uh god bless pete donaldson um and also journey across japan three is happening yeah more drink so i bloody loved doing journey across japan last year uh and it did so much better than i thought it would when you do a series people kind of get bored after like the second episode and then they don't watch it but journey across japan too just got bigger and better and more people watched it and so i am very fired up and excited and motivated to do it again so yes there's gonna be jenny across japan three in kyushu probably gonna film in april and natsuki is gonna take part for the entire week this time which is very exciting because for me natsuki was one of the highlights of season 2 of journey across japan so he's going to come back the whole week which is a big deal because getting natsuki off work bloody nightmare he can't ever get the time off work because he he he works he owns the shop right he owns his uh beauty salon so yeah unfortunately never gets the time off but uh yeah jenny across japan three i hope you're as excited as i am uh skyscraper says how is the skyline in sendai very fitting name for the question uh as a blade runner fan what's your favorite bar to enjoy the nightlife in sendai or tokyo well i can't tell you that could i i think it'd be it would be it's my secret bar but i'll tell you a secret there's a very good bar called time slip in sendai and uh it's an 80s style bar just in front of the station and i got like met lots of memorabilia from the 80s and lots of music playing and it's bloody amazing or just humber the 1950s style chain which you can find anywhere that's pretty awesome as well um my friends whenever anyone comes to japan we always take them to humber which is themed like a 1950s style japanese restaurant and it doesn't disappoint apart from the food give me a bit here miss uh we got one from alexandra who says i discovered your videos at the beginning of the pandemic and i proceeded to blow through all of them while working from home thank you for all the hours of enjoyment stay safe thank you alexandra and uh i hope you have i hope you're doing all right just getting through the pandemic and uh thank you for the kind words uh hopefully the pandemic will very much be over uh by the end of this bloody year touch [ __ ] wood i know i have a tendency to mess things up it was one year ago i think next week when i did my ill-fated video on the covid virus where i was like oh don't worry i'll be gone my april but it'll be fine and from that point it got much worse and i felt a sense of guilt ever since then um but uh every month i swear i say i'll be finished next month it just gets worse so i'm not gonna say anything anymore on the subject what i will say is don't book any travels flights holidays in japan just yet because [ __ ] day is what's going to happen and i've had friends who have like cancelled it in march last year postponed it to october october came around they cancelled it again then they booked it in january this year cancelled it again and it's just you never know so just hold off i'd say hopefully october but who knows who knows uh how are you mr chris greetings from india i'm doing very well i'm doing very well but as per usual i'm not drinking as much or eating as much as i should be what we're going to eat next we've had the cheesy popcorn we've had the cigarette kitkats what do you want to see next ladies and gentlemen let me know where do we go where do we go from here uh we've got pringles we've got popcorn again we've got this uh umaibo literally delicious stick i'm gonna kill it what a weird brand name uh pringles pringles pringles pringles it's pringles you don't have to tell me i wanted the pringles and this is an exciting flavor of pringles might i add uh i uh with good old pringles back in journey across japan season two we did have those fish and chip flavoured pringles and i'm still having nightmares about the damn things uh these are what the [ __ ] super cup super cup uh soy sauce chicken flavor i assure you uh chicken and soy sauce ramen flavor that's quite exciting i mean let's face it can't be much worse than the cigarette kitkats can it i like the i love the branding as well it's cool super super cup all right let's crack it open easier said than done there we go um we got a question from anthony he says hello chris i'm from texas i don't know why i'm singing what do you think of people from texas i think i hope your power's back up that's what i think anthony i hope you're doing all right i've heard texas has had a pretty crappy week i yeah i mean i i've never been to texas so i wouldn't know i'd love to go and i whenever we do things with natsuki it's always the place he wants to visit the most so uh no i'd love to visit love to visit and uh yeah my thoughts with you and everyone in texas i hope the situation's resolved itself chris love your work are there any snacks or foods uh says visibility uh that you don't eat anymore because you ate too much and got sick of them um to be honest no i think i do just eat everything still don't i yeah unfortunately um i'm planning a self-spa day of dyeing my hair red painting my nails and putting on makeup for my birthday says tempered storm picture's forthcoming i will end the day with a kfc extra crispy chicken and watch blade runner for the first time now that is a [ __ ] birthday you had me at chicken and blade runner that sealed the deal and i hope blade runner looks something like this again for those of you that missed the start of the show check this out this is the coolest thing i've been sent this year is the opening to blade runner in a small form factor but i'm uh looking forward to green screening myself into that not dropping it and smashing it right uh we got one here from uh uh oronor says hey chris regarding po boxes i did send a big parcel to you in january and it's been sitting in an office somewhere uh i'm sure we'll get a hold of it soon don't you worry ian is on the case thank you very much orono kenny says konichiwa from norway i've been binge watching your channel lately chicken boy eat the delicious stick first things first kenny we've got to dive into the pringles aren't we um ma'am saturday night god that was a satisfying sound wasn't it crack those open um all right first thoughts that smells like soy sauce it just looks like pringles that's the problem with pringles they always at the same time no matter what flavor apart from cheesy barbecue i suppose they look different it's quite it's quite it's quite reassuring um all right there we go it's alright it tastes like sweet corn first thoughts taste like sweet corn maybe my palate is [ __ ] i mean i said this tastes like i said this tastes like cigarettes now the chicken soy sauce crisp tastes like sweet corn maybe my palate is just screwed but i often feel that japanese sweets crisps in particular actually crisps the flavors they advertise aren't quite what they taste like unfortunately so would i buy them again no stick with the uh sour cream uh hamish says another journey across japan sounds awesome can't wait keep up the good work chris thank you very much hamish uh it won't be long before we're doing journey across japan three i've just realized i shouldn't eat too close to the microphone lest this turn into an asmr video which we don't want although there is an amazing asmr video completely underrated that will change your life and it's on this channel featuring natsuki if you haven't seen it the first thing you've got to do get a pen out now right watch the asmr video and stick it in front of you for when you bail on this live show because it's the first thing you've got to do is natsuki reading out the 30 people he would want to go the 30 famous people he would take with him on a picnic and it is as brilliant as it sounds i won't spoil it any more than that but it's amazing uh born of dustin stone says hey chris thank you for being an inspiration for all my trips to japan thank you uh thanks to you i've visited so many great places and found friends all over the country i hope to work and live there soon one day thank you very much that's awesome i where did you go though where did you go in japan um but thank you i mean that's the best thing about doing this doing this right in japan it's really cool to show you guys bits of japan that you don't normally get to see like but when i came here the japan guide books were like you know as thick as the bible but they only had tokyo and kyoto in there they are changing now though and uh north japan where i live an amazing place finally it's getting uh the kind of it's getting the reception it deserves and people are getting to learn about it and i hope to think i like to think that the abroad japan channels played a role in that somewhere oliver says hi chris from birmingham um it's still crap here so stay there all the best from oliver thank you oliver ah sorry to hear that sorry to hear all is not well in birmingham um by the way there's a scam going around at the moment somebody keeps calling themselves chris chris borad from a brown in japan on facebook unsurprisingly it's not me so be careful they've been messaging a lot of people if we're going to do a scam of a bra in japan at least get the spelling right for [ __ ] sake but uh and also on instagram somebody set up a fake account uh because i'm not verified on anything because i'm not worth anything i'm worthless because i'm not verified um unfortunately this it looks like me so be careful don't get scammed uh there's some sort of lame competition so maybe it's a real competition don't do it though don't do it god digging myself a [ __ ] hole now slow luminix says next drink is on me as it starts to feel legal uh how much free content made by you if i have consumed without paying thank you snow luminix not at all honestly it's my privilege i feel so bloody lucky to have uh so many amazing people around the world who watch abroad in japan it was a scary thing starting this channel because it's scary isn't it just making videos of yourself putting them online and you never know who's watching where they're watching from but over the last eight years when i'm traveling around the world did i meet people that watch this channel you guys i've never met anyone who's been weird or strange or annoying or creepy or everyone's just so awesome i swear the people that watch abroad japan are all like brilliant i don't know why i don't know i like to think if you're watching this channel you must be you must be smart um but no honestly i've i've had nothing but good experiences meeting um folks so it's my privilege and i feel very lucky to to make videos for for you guys because clearly it's it's awesome i feel very lucky um kathleen says natsuki the movie too come to the us uh he still needs to check out he needs to check sid vicious off his list although texas and tokyo are far apart hi from georgia uh us by the way thank you kathleen again definitely hope to do something in the us with natsuki soon uh when all this is over like i know he wants to he wants to go to the us more than anywhere so we will make it happen uh matt says i'd like to point out that the third journey across japan has already happened it was journey up some stairs in sharla's last video yes i remember that if you haven't seen sharla and i did a video at a burger king in kyoto typically of course had to be a burger king didn't it i thought we're going to see some nice wonderful thing but now it's just burger king the one collab the one collaboration i've done with sharla in like the last five years it's just a burger king isn't it but to be fair it was very nice and there was a segment where i stole her camera and pretended to do journey across japan so that was a reference to that but check out her videos good uh dragonfire says hello from the snowpocalypse of texas um i want to get back and study in japanese but i haven't practiced for about a year i want to surprise my friend with some epic japanese when i go to meet up with him when the travel ban ends uh best of luck with that dragonfire awesome and thank you for a really nice amazing donation that's very kind of the app i always recommend human japanese it can't be beat like if you want to learn some japanese quickly human japanese the benefit of learning japanese off your phone on an app is you can press the sound button again and like hear the kind of the voice right i don't know if i have it on my phone but like when i was learning japanese early on i needed to kind of repeat the japanese like over and over to get the pronunciation right um i do have it that's cool all right i'll give you a quick example so we've got this phrase so last month at mariko's house five white puppies were born i said listen that is a very random sentence but a lovely sentence but the benefit of learning japanese on a smartphone or a tablet or something is you cannot listen to the sounds over and over again and practice it so that is my advice if you want to learn japanese but best of luck on your travels greg greggy says greetings from russia i've got a question for a fellow english teacher could you recommend any books with useful texts and dialogues in english which you can use with fifth graders well you couldn't go wrong with this greg this is her how to swear and it's the perfect book to teach fifth graders phrases like dogs bollocks and complete bollocks failing that of course there is the tried and tested method the very book i gave to japan's biggest rock star hide tadashi [ __ ] sky cutter the correct way to say [ __ ] um god there you go give the fifth graders this um great book love this book get that now don't do that please don't get fired please don't bother please don't do that book it could end very badly indeed um we've got one from manan who says hi chris love all the videos thank you for the entertainment sea dog va connor v dog kind of dog what an awkward name why can't i just call himself bloody connor uh connor dog voice actor when's he coming on board in japan don't know um don't know actually next month maybe next month we're probably to meet up next month and have a catch up so hopefully then um he was on the podcast a few weeks ago though so you can check that out it was really awkward we had to film in a karaoke booth uh because there was some construction work outside here so conor came all the way up here and we recorded it in the karaoke booth it was very surreal but it kind of worked but uh go and check that out it was a lot of fun christine says i'm about to take a leap of faith by leaving the rat race and pursuing my dream any advice um i've been watching dave in japan for years dave in japan how dare you christine but best of luck with your dreams um my i mean i don't know what advice do i have um drink some strong zero no focus on regret just think if you didn't if you didn't take the leap of faith if you didn't do what you really wanted to do you would always regret it for the rest of your life worst case scenario you leave the rat race you pursue your dreams something goes wrong you don't enjoy it you can always stop doing that and go back but that sense of regret that'll grow and it will continue to overshadow you and just kind of cloud your judgment and yeah there's nothing worse than regret so whatever happens even if it turns out bad it still won't be as bad as living a life of regret so best of luck to you christine i hope it all turns out very well indeed um devon says hi from new jersey chris will we be seeing any more of your professional drone piloting skills in the next trash taste special love the videos in the podcast keep up the amazing work devon thank you devon uh no i didn't join them on the next thing they did i don't know if it's public knowledge what they did um but uh no they didn't didn't invite me no no i i think we're both very i was busy and they were busy but uh no i like can't wait to see their next special how it turns out i did just get back from hokkaido and i did do a lot of drone stuff there and that was a lot of fun i love i for years i sneered i laughed at the idea of getting a drone and a lot of my friends were like i need to get a drone chris and i was like [ __ ] off i don't need a drone i'm abroad in japan arrogant narrow-minded [ __ ] that i am and then i bought one and look at how it turned out like i think nearly every abroad in japan video now has a drone in there somewhere it does make a big difference there's no better way of showcasing uh bits and pieces of japan than with a drain getting that kind of nice scenic shots um yogi says hey chris loved your japan's 200 billion dollar disaster video that i can't say can we expect any other videos of that style in the future um i haven't got any videos planned on the disaster this year to commemorate the earthquake on the tsunami but uh i no i haven't really got anything like that plan at the moment i feel like i've done it you know a few times now i did the original tsunami documentary i did the follow-up and i did the fukushima nuclear disaster documentary so i kind of got that covered um but uh i will be doing more documentaries this year that's for sure um but uh and hopefully people will watch the tsunami video from last year because i was quite proud of that one um but uh yeah of course it is the the 10-year anniversary coming up uh very soon uh about two or three weeks now so it's crazy there was an earthquake the biggest earthquake i've experienced in i think in my entire time in japan i had it it was here like a week ago right and i think it was last saturday it was bloody horrible i'll tell you that much i uh i was in hokkaido at the time finishing shooting a video i was in a hotel room and i was 12 stories up and uh with an earthquake if you're in a you know if you're on the ground floor like we are now you'll start to feel this there'll be a kind of a deep rumbling noise that's really difficult to hear outside of that situation and then things start to shake like this like you'll [ __ ] they'll go like that strong zero cans will rattle throughout the land um and things will start to rattle and uh it'll be like that oh my god earthquake but when you're up a skyscraper or a tower like i was last week on the 12th story you feel a deep rumbling you hear a deep rumbling sound and then the whole room starts to sway like that and i think i did a couple of drinks that night and it was 11 p.m about seven minutes past 11. i don't know why i remember that and uh yeah it was really i just felt everything start to sway like that and i thought oh god i've drank too much strong zero again and uh and then i was like oh crap it's an earthquake but it'll be right it'll stop in 20 seconds like it always does and then as it hit the sort of 20 second mark it got worse and i was like oh crap it's a it's a bad one i haven't had this in a while and then it just got worse and worse and it's quite scary being in a tower i i mean i don't know how people can stand an earthquake when they're like 50 stories up you know like some of the buildings in in tokyo uh 10 years ago if you can see videos online of them swaying like this which they're designed to do but still [ __ ] hell like i was terrified 12 stories up imagine being 45 stories up and having the whole building shake by a couple of feet um bonkers and i i didn't know what to do really standard procedures to stand in the doorway stand in the doorway and pray but i kind of panicked i was like [ __ ] maybe i should leave the building because maybe it's going to collapse or something because it might just get worse um and i got to the fire exit i went to the end of the corridor and people in other rooms were opening their doors and looking up and like [ __ ] out maybe we should leave as well uh i went to the fire exit and i started walking down the stairs and i got to the ground floor and the door was locked i couldn't get help the [ __ ] hotel fire escape was locked can you believe that how ridiculous and so there i was i thought this is it i'm gonna die right here right now on the trapped on the first floor of the fire escape of a hotel and uh yeah in the end i did the one thing you shouldn't do i went up to the second floor and got in the lift back up to my room went the lift which you know you're not really supposed to do in an earthquake um so but once that ended i was like well that was bad but maybe that's the end of it and then my phone lit up like a [ __ ] christmas tree and friends from all around japan message me when like oh my god you feel that there and we're panicking and whatnot and that's when i realized how bad it was if i'd been in sendai you know if i'd been actually in my apartment or whatever would have been way worse and ryotaro he was in sendai he sent me a photo of his smashed alarm missmashed uh clock his clock fell off the wall smashed on the floor and is now forever immortalized at seven minutes past eleven um but i have to buy my new clock but just lucky that it wasn't worse right uh visibity says i forgot to ask are you still working on the wagyu restaurant documentary i am i am very much and i've got to finish it uh in i think april yes my good friend iselle has a wagyu restaurant i was making a video there mugiwana says hey chris he's from germany question is it possible that in sendai and aomori city there are not many uh private accommodations available for groups of 10 to 12 people um no there's quite a lot of places you can rent out like a house or something or get like some really big hotel rooms that should get around that problem um yeah they do exist don't worry will you be releasing a book about your experiences in the american revolutionary war says alex the american revolutionary war uh but for real i love the channel especially the wagyu beef videos people love wagy beef don't they unbelievable i remember when i first made my when i made my first wagy beef video it got millions of views just because it had a really nice thumbnail of some wagy beef i think that's the thing about wagyu it just looks so bloody good doesn't it um but no i won't be releasing any books about the american revolutionary war i couldn't tell you the first thing about the american revolutionary war actually we don't learn about it in the uk because we're so embarrassed by our losses like in the uk when it comes to history all you learn is the uk is good it took over the world then it gave it then it stopped and then that's it really in it and that's what you learned and henry viii killed some people and that's british history we don't go and learn about the revolutionary war from what i understand there was an issue about tea some serious [ __ ] went down involving some tea um but yeah it's bad the british history is pretty dicey we don't even learn about irish history and all that you know all the bad things that happen there don't learn about any of it just we just learned there was a british empire and it was brilliant according to the history books which are undeniably massively biased michelle says hi chris stay safe and i also didn't know what to do during the earthquake is there anywhere in japan that you want to go that you haven't been to uh nagasaki and bits and pieces of kyushu which is where we're going on journey across japan three so yeah that's nagasaki i think is the only major city in japan that i've yet to visit and i've always wanted to go um especially because of history what happened there uh the history books and uh yeah i'd love to go to nagasaki so i'm looking forward to that in april uh hussein says my japanese girlfriend used to delight my japanese girlfriend used to dislike you but now she likes you and keeps watching your videos and podcasts what should i do why did you steal her bloody hell you saying this it's yeah that's i mean i guess that's good but why does she used to dislike me i guess to be honest if i was gonna watch me which i would never do if i watched me i'd probably think one arrogant [ __ ] well i don't know why yeah i wouldn't like watching me there to like what is there to like apart from the nice the purple backdrop and yeah i don't know but uh i'm sorry i stole your girlfriend who's saying i hope you win her back hey chris i just started uh the japan exchange teaching program in miyagi in december i hope you're all good from the earthquake do you have any recommendations of places to check out i've been to matsushima and fox village luke um go to yamada temple luke it's a beautiful picturesque shrine uh about an hour from sendai by train you won't regret it it's like the most picturesque place in yamagata and best of luck with the teaching have a good one luke kyle says hello from south yorkshire my fiance and i are enjoying the stream in a moment's piece well while our toddler is in bed uh nice to watch a fellow cynical brit my mum thinks you're quite attractive wow thank you very much thank you very much kyle and kyle's mum that's that's very much different from uh from the last comment from hussein and his girlfriend that didn't like me but uh awesome thanks guys and uh i hope you're enabled to uh have you able to enjoy some more peace before your lovely toddler wakes up um now more foods it's been a while since we've eaten things we've got pringles we've got kit kats i should have some more pringles they weren't that bad they weren't that bad were they okay i won't buy them again though what do you want to see next we've got ghana popcorn wall for those of you who don't know ghana japanese famous famous chocolate famous chocolate brand technically it's korean because it's owned by lotte which is korean confectionary company in fact i think they do a lot of things but yeah garner chocolate popcorn or sweet potato kitkats wow the possibilities are limitless all right let me know what do you want um chris i just turned 28 yesterday and i decided i want to take my son to japan when he is a little older um he's four now but i want to take it when he's eight or nine what's the number one must-see place that kids will enjoy in japan whoa that's a tough one all right i'm gonna say odaiba in tokyo right it's uh it's about 40 minutes outside tokyo by a little actually 20 minutes outside of tokyo my little skyline train a monorail i don't know why i couldn't say monorail monorail and you get a the best view of tokyo ever and b a great little journey over the rainbow bridge where you can see all of tokyo and then you arrive at diver and you've got the gundam robot really big to scale bloody gundam robot it's amazing and you've got the mid-icon science and technology museum the future museum where you can find the one and only asimo the robot and if i was a eight or nine year old boy and i saw asimo the robot that would change my bloody life and it will change your sons as well it was gonna love it so take him to odiba just outside of tokyo technically it's in tokyo but yeah i have a good one uh julian says get connor on journey across japan uh nah i mean i i love connor but a week with connor i don't know if we could probably kill each other wouldn't we um i i'm very much looking forward to journey across japan with um with natsuki and joey though it's going to be awesome we had such a great dynamic last time so really looking forward to it uh max says thank you chris um you inspired me to create my own channel while finishing my police studies in canada uh thank you to you uh thanks to you my wife and i are planning our honeymoon in japan very nice very nice guys i hope you have a wonderful honeymoon um kyoto that is the place i was in kyoto recently and i did think if i was going to get married or have a honeymoon or romance or do anything it would be in kyoto like it's just bloody brilliant and the next abroad japan video that i'm currently editing and have been editing all day uh which has driven me to insanity and led me to drink strongzero that will be coming out next week on i think tuesday wednesday or thursday it's coming out soon right in the comments it seems that most people want to watch me eat sweet potato kitkat so it's nice actually it goes with the color scheme doesn't it and speaking of color scheme we should change up colors soon right there we go interesting isn't it kitkats in a bag i've always known kit kats to come in this format so what they're going to be like no that's not a kit kat i mean that's that's what is that it's a cube a cube of kitkat you're having a [ __ ] laugh i came here for kitkats i came to do this live show expecting real kitkat so i could snap in half by popular demand not a cube a cube of kitkat that could be anything couldn't it if i gave you that without this and i said what's that you'd go it's just generic biscuit chocolate isn't it oh [ __ ] i choked on that that'd be a good way to die wouldn't it on a live show in front of lots of wonderful people um and yeah it's the best thing i've put in my mouth this afternoon in the last 40 minutes that is good sweet potato flavour kit kats that's a nine out of ten it might not look like kit kats but it tastes great it's got kind of a doesn't taste a sweet potato thank god but it just tastes like like sugar that tastes like sugar doesn't it i i don't know i'm crap at describing food as we've established over the years uh drayden says chris you should check out a japanese bluegrass band called gredora they go live on facebook almost every day it's very nice i will check them out i uh came across a band the other day called crazy what was it oh no came across a japanese band the other day called abnormal cooking school that's it look it up now i'm gonna look it up just to make sure i'm not going mental and i've drunken too much strong zero genuinely i think there was a band called abnormal oh [ __ ] hell played my own played my own video back there uh live abnormal cooking school yeah come on i'm not getting mental yes look look at this i [ __ ] you not abnormal cooking school and they're not that bad they're like kind of punk rock music i'm not going to play it because i don't want to get copyright [ __ ] up but abnormal cooking school where do these band names come from why don't i have a crazy band in japan i want one now abnormal cooking skill all right it's time to change the color there we go oh no i've got to change the other light as well effort in it i'll just put it back there we go why is my face look all weird and blown out now and crazy i don't know it's very odd have i done something to the lights no i look like i've committed a murder or something or maybe that's just what i normally look like uh born of dustin stone says hey chris thank you for the inspiration to the trips i've read that one already thank you dustin stone um f f f f f f f f lots of f's why is there so many f's chris is still in his own world proof he doesn't read the chat what's going on here why is everyone writing f stop ignoring it i'm not ignoring you i'm just enjoying my kit kats i uh somebody says yeah i like their music well somebody knows the band um charlotte says just don't knock the keyboard you're shaking the camera a lot all right i'll bear that in mind i'll have to touch it very carefully um why is everyone held for review rest in peace charlotte bloody what's going on what have i missed well i've been drinking my strong zero um i felt like a naughty kid who was put on a timeout when charlotte decided i was sending too many comments what's going on in this comment section hi abroad in a pan you inspired me to film videos of japanese home cooking what's your favorite japanese comfort food or paterlioni home cooking wow i mean i don't really i can't can i i think that's i think we've all there's a reason i'm sitting here on a saturday night eating kitkats and pringles and yeah i yeah i mean i can't cook favorite home cooking though if it's not me cooking it it would have to be there's a dish called oyakudon which means literally mother and child and it's kind of like chicken and egg it involves chicken and egg um which is hence the child the the mother and child kind of thing right chicken and egg mother and child or yakidon that's quite nice it's just some rice with some uh kind of egg on top and some chicken it's pretty nice good old home cooking i've still never had natsuki cook anything for me though it's a real shame um chris what is strong zero what is strong zero that's a really powerful philosophical question isn't it it is it's too high too high which is kind of like i think it's kind of like short chew they put like some japanese sake and some carbonated drink and yeah i don't know that's isn't that wrong it's called yeah too high though just fizzy alcoholic drink and this is the i've i've had many flavors of strong zero over the years and this is the first one that i thought is exceptional it's bloody good um we've got one here from uh what's what's going on the comment chris you did a facebook chat in 2016. i asked how to move to japan you said do the jet programme five years on i'm living in japan happily married and having a great career in a company based in azerbaijan tokyo thank you so much from sheep man bloody hell that's amazing well done i'm glad that things turned out so well for you i wish i sounds like things are going better for you than they are for me well done i'm glad you made the most of it mate and i hope things are going well in tokyo right it's time to change the color what color should i change the lights to you guys proof i'm going to prove to you i'm reading the chat it is hard to read a chat there's a lot you know there's 4 000 people here it's hard to keep on boards keep on top i don't know how streamers do it to be honest so yeah it's tough in it um red red pink red red green pink red brown can i do brown no candy brown green red all right we're gonna go for the next color i see it's red in it red there we go now i've got to change the color here actually i could do it for my phone that's how lazy i am i'm going to change the light the car [ __ ] go red i'm going to change the light of the the color of the light behind me using my phone the pinnacle of 20th 21st century technology um chris did you actually go to wakana if so how was it i did go to wakanae for those of you that don't know where wakanda is yes is the most northern point in japan and it's in uh hokkaido and that's why i was in hokkaido the other day and i'll tell you what it is like there we go beautiful beautiful bitty red bitty red yeah there we go why can i not the most northern point of japan it's like another world it's not another country the um the coastline just turns to ice there was like icebergs floating in the bloody sea when we got there and uh yeah the water was really icy i don't think i've ever been anywhere quite like that and as you'll see in the video which will be coming out in march it was a hell of a journey and a lot of things went wrong but it was a great trip and uh i think hopefully it'll be good lots of good drone shots which is what which is what people want in it drones there we go this is cool right look at this i can control the light on my phone uh one of my favorite things is you can do special effects so paparazzi yeah paparazzi it doesn't look like the paparazzi it's supposed to be light flashing uh party lights well that's a that's what a party looks like apparently yeah it's partying um my personal favorite cop car yeah when you get arrested for doing drugs in japan don't do that but that's that's what it'll look like in it that's kind of cool that's my favorite all right that's that's enough of that make it make it stop how do we make it stop there we go well there we'll just make it red turn it down a little bit boom boom done well right colorless it's colorless chris it's not colorless it's wonderful um chris i plan on visiting japan in a year once i've finished college at purdue university just wanted to say thank you for the marvelous content and thank you for putting in all the hard work that you do thank you very much derek it's very kind of you uh best of luck with everything uh joshua says in 2018 i went on a farm stay from charlotte's recommendation bloody hell can a bunch of you from tokyo creative go on a farm stay as a video i think you'd all love it i i'm still reeling from my last tokyo creative video which you may have seen i had to sit here in this very chair and eat three unpleasant chocolates that have been made to be fair only one of them was bad emma tokidoki traveller made a chocolate ass it was a it was horrible it was just so hard i bit into it and it like [ __ ] my teeth um sharla and aki did a great job not so much emma go watch that um joshua thank you yeah but well done joshua for going on a farm stay i did do a farm stay once though and uh i i can't profess to it's not really my thing like a farm stay it sounds good on the surface but you you can't really relax because you're just in someone else's house and i remember i went there and i was sitting with this japanese family who were really they were nice but it just it was really awkward i remember feeling quite awkward and i wanted to leave but i couldn't and uh and i thought oh god i've got to stay here tonight and i can't just go home and uh after that i never did a farm stay again they're for a certain type of person someone who's open-minded people that are good those are the sort of people that should go on a farm stay not me i am neither good nor open-minded uh joshua says hi chris is romaji uh margie useless two years learning japan japanese and i hear lots of people said they never learn romaji what do you think no i never learned rimagi just dive straight in learn hiragana and katakana the quicker you get them out of the way the better everything will be raccoon says i hate everything about the existence of time zones that makes the two of us all hail emma and sharla able to control the chat better than dave oh really gate crashing my chat are they we'll see about that how do you block sharla and emma hello how do you destroy them um crikey all right what's pog chris are you drunk no i'm not drunk not yet i'm close getting there slowly but surely chris has anyone told you you look like terry jones from monty monty python this has been clawing at my mind for four years you need to know i don't look like terry jones no i don't look like terry jones but i love terry jones and he was bloody good in the life of brian such a good film literally watched that i used to really watch for brian every year not recently need to get on that uh hello from poland says molina i'm so happy to hear you'll be visiting nagasaki i went there with my year abroad and so i can't wait to see which places you'll visit i recommend the castella cake and champon i'll bear that in mind molina i can't wait to go there myself and eat lots of cake what's pog poggers pog pog pog why can't you look like elon musk uh how much is a farm stay i don't know you have to ask charlotte that one yeah i'm not gonna be doing that in a while uh chris when's the abroad japan gaming channel going up it's going up never i love playing games but i i don't i'd love to play some games i i often look at twitch streamers and i think you're lucky bastards you get to play games and have fun and stream and it does seem like the ideal job doesn't it being a twitch stream gamer but i don't i think i get bored of it i think it would uh yeah i don't know if it would work hill says if my uh gamestop game stop investment pays off i'll be going to japan next year thank you for all the visit recommendations over the years also uh you got to miss kit kat chunky's right i do miss them very much daniel they are very nice aren't they can't beat them can't be old kitkats chunky nice big kitkat don't get them here they no we do actually we do get them here i think we do get kit kats here but they come with kitkats come in so many ways shapes and forms there it's crazy in it um radwan says thank you chris for the effort and the great content you make i want to ask what is the cheapest way to learn japanese in japan once i graduate radwan from libya well she was ready to learn japanese in japan i mean it's a tough one there's language schools and you could probably do a language school for like a few months and that wouldn't be too much and then you could like find a part-time job and pay for it that way so maybe that's a sustainable way come to a japanese language school and then try and pay for it with part-time work and i think that might be a good way to do it to be honest um but best of luck to you but uh you can do it hope you make it happen um what's going on here you don't deserve emma's chocolate backside says jason really jason i thought i definitely deserve it f f f f f f says everyone in the comments there's times like this i wish i was in the comments so i could hit the f button um chris is the pac-man game you gave tanetsky in the essential words video is that the pac-man sorry is that the pac-man game you gave to natsuki in the essential words video yes it is i gave that to that's gives a present he didn't want it that is why i've still got it all right i'm changing the color this red is very unflattering and there you go that looks way better right time to change the color chris chris shout out hampshire uh go hampshire yeah there you go are you happy now jason you happy tokidoki says let's go boys what do you mean let's go boy what's going on why is tokidoki traveler emma hijacking the comments i remember that next time she has a live show once next time you have a live show emma i'll be there i'm gonna kick your door down and throw strong zero all over your face uh katie says just wanted to say thank you for inspiring my artwork and keeping me motivated during this never-ending lockdown from the rainy uk thank you very much katie uh best of luck in the rainy uk uh dog says raccoon uh no no i don't have a dog i like a dog but i travel so much i don't know what to do with it when i was away you can take it with me though oh man that's right the title of this video sounded like a challenge didn't it um eating family mart food and uh i suppose it was a challenge i've not done a very good job of it i suppose the last things are the popcorn i'm not going to eat this but i'm going to show you it this is the rather ominous and scary what's mystery meat it looks a bit like beef in the comments photo do you think mystery meat is take your guess now i wonder if it says in the ingredients um onion a little bit of beef a little bit of onion i i think mystery meat is just lots of meat blended together to be honest um i don't know it tastes alright though i'm not gonna have this now but yeah this is cup noodle goudon you can hear that right rice it's rice i've never had this before i saw it i thought i'm gonna eat that on the live show but i'm so full from eating pringles kitkats cheese popcorn and strong zero though i'm gonna have to save that for another day um in the comments what do you think mystery meat is uh dear says cloudcat soy meat says chat uh horse it could well be bloody horse um joshua says chris how hard is it to get in the jet programme with no degree uh you can't get on the jet programme with no degree joshua unfortunately you've got to get a degree uh why is my phone vibrating chaos oh it's natsuki it's [ __ ] how do we dare do this this is really this is really scary [Music] video oh [ __ ] it's nasty this wasn't planned look there's that ski genki there he's been working all day and he's just come back from outside oh he's too busy and poor the more journey across japan three tanoshii maybe maybe i'm happy i'm healthy never give up i'll be back i'll be back when we're meeting when will we meet next datsuki next time japan brilliant natsuki brilliant well done what did you say olympics olympics wow wow god i don't think it's gonna happen that's awkward says he's going to take part in the olympics as well on a bicycle on journey across japan you did one day maybe one hour they did one hour and last jedi across japan you can't cycle for the olympics i think you're very optimistic any more messages for everyone oh i'm healthy very good in march looking forward to it everybody thank you latsky and uh see you in march and journey across japan three in april well soon either don't forget don't forget god forbid i'll be disaster everybody fun time brilliant all right bye natsuki let's go somewhere let's go some of this bye there is the man the myth the legend he's gone oh that was cool that was that was unexpected oh he's still there it's gone now that's cool ah i feel sad i haven't seen natsuki recently you've got the whole corona thing we're trying to keep a distance because when natsuki lives like the coronavirus is like a really dangerous situation that could end very badly and uh in the sense that the locals in the countryside and japan are like terrified of the coronavirus so i don't really want to go there and run the risk of him getting it so hopefully by april it'll be all right but um yeah that was a lovely little surprise wouldn't it uh reese what's something you've always wanted to do but have yet been able to do in or out of japan i actually wanted to go to the sand dunes with atsuki and tottori and ride a camel with natsuki which you can do actual camels in an actual desert in japan i'd love to do that that's that's on my hit list um chris you have any suggestions says skipper do for things to do in the gifu nagano area that hasn't been covered in a video i'm planning part my trip there um well the only time i've been at gifu was for journey across japan and that was interesting there was a pyramid there was a log with a thousand year old hot spring in it um but yeah no i haven't done anything outside the videos but let's journey across japan too be your guide for gifu and agony um chris if you come to my house in philadelphia you can you can crash there and i'll buy you all the cheesesteaks that you want i've been watching you for years thank you very much thank you very much uh nub nub sir it's an interesting name yeah i love that philly cheese steak oh man i i wasn't i wasn't lying earlier my arms do i went to the gym for the first time in a while yesterday and i've got that sort of post-gym aching pain [Music] like it hurts to do that for example i did this did this machine i don't know what it's called where you like that and now i can't lift my [ __ ] arms it's genuinely very painful um i've came for chris's livestream i stayed for sharla and emma in the chat what a great experience how dare you how dare you i still haven't seen i've seen tokidoki emma a few times i haven't seen the elusive sharla um i haven't seen her chris i realized recently went to the same university uh i just wanted to make you aware recently that a woman crashed her car into the bridge near the travel lodge in maidstone good god sorry to hear that robert i love that travel lodge i miss i miss home so much in the travel crikey um tokidoki traveler says i go get ready for bed now bless you all thank you for a fun time thank you for dropping by emma i look forward to making you some chocolate in return uh for the chocolate you gave me which is sitting in a bin somewhere now having broke my teeth on it the most horrible chocolate ever but i appreciate the sentiments thank you chris you emma sharla and joey help me stay motivated in making content your videos brighten and make my day thank you very much best of luck with the content um jason or jay chen i'm making a big assumption there because he's just written jay uh how can one get a house in the countryside i've read some smaller japanese towns are giving them away thank you for everything uh says jay chen i it's true yeah like a countryside house in japan they actually like giving them away for free my friend i think in yamagata prefecture he was given a house by someone he knew an elderly person he was just like have the house because the population is shrinking really really badly in rural japan outside of big cities and um yeah people there's lots of empty houses across the countryside sadly in fact i live very close to a massive huge abandoned house that sort of sits there the edge of the road looking really creepy and dilapidated can't say dilapidated dilapidated uh and it's yeah there's so many empty houses so some towns in japan are letting you have them for like ludicrous prices or even free i think you've got to stay there though i think you've actually got to live there as part of the deal um because they want to repopulate the towns right um but yeah japan's countryside it's uh it's not looking good unfortunately jessica says please check out hoyoland onsen in beppu uh looks like a murdered looks like a murder hole but it was actually the best actual onsen quote mud is exactly the universe itself that was a quote you saw jessica uh an onsen that would scare me if i got into a hot spring and there was a little sign next to it saying mud is exactly the universe itself well i suppose there's pretty damn true isn't it it's fairly accurate i'm gonna eat these now i've been staring at these for the last half an hour can't get away from that's depressing two million subscribers can't even open a packet of popcorn what a [ __ ] [Music] all right i've been to the gym supposed to be strong there we go there we go oh hey oh look at the [ __ ] man they look weird look at this you can't even see them the chocolate popcorn is so dark it's you can't even see them in the bag how crazy is that there you go there's one can you see that nope all right it's it's like black it looks like the very mud that jessica described in her previous comment um yeah it's actually quite good though of all the things that i have consumed in the last hour this is this is the best this is what you want to get ghana chocolate popcorn popcorn drenched in chocolate how could you say no to that honestly beautiful absolutely beautiful um you should do ghost hunting in japan says raccoon um we tried we tried and failed um with the love hotel episode back last year um ah john says greetings from scotland my fiance from hyogo works at the ninja school there's a ninja school at himeji castle i'm hoping to get out there as soon as possible to see her keep up the top quality videos um all john's are wankers p.s or johns and wankers all right all right john not sure how to react to that um that's interesting himeji castle has a ninja school like my one of my favorite james bond films he only lived twice which is of course set in japan uh james bond goes to himachi castle to get trained by the ninjas right um it's it's all a bit ridiculous to be honest but i didn't know there's an actual [ __ ] ninja school there why didn't i know that when i went to himeji castle two years ago that would be my first the first thing that i would have done if i'd known that that's awesome all the best to your fiance at the ninja school what does she teach at the ninja school that's amazing um crikey um chris big fan of yours says mr blue power i hope to personally be able to reach the level of integration you show when i one day get to be an expat too a friend and i are planning a two-month trip um what's a good budget for a two-month trip to japan well depends where you depends what you want to do on the trip doesn't it i guess i don't know [ __ ] any ideas in the comments how much do you think you need for two months in japan folks what do you thought what are your thoughts i'm gonna go with four to five thousand dollars if you wanna have a good holiday and not make too many sacrifices maybe five thousand dollars well does that sound reasonable was that yeah uh james says four hundred thousand yen about four thousand dollars yeah i think that's about right you could you could have a good one million dollars says paul one million dollars that would be one hell of a two months paul um no i reckon about four to five thousand dollars three or four thousand pounds and all you've got to do is put your accommodation in advance and you'll be all right but yeah that'd be cool um yeah two months in japan that'd be cool you do live streams since when says yonko uh i do live streams once every three months i think three months is it i don't know really i do enjoy it um it's it's tough though like live streams are kind of daunting and scary because one wrong move one wrong slip and it could all come crashing down no it's it's quite daunting um i do i do enjoy live streams but i think i do like once a month going forwards like i do it's really cool and i you know it's a good excuse to buy out all the food and family mart and sit in a room and eat it all and have a laugh and chat with you guys you know that's the trouble being doing this it's hard sometimes to have that kind of connection with everyone so that's kind of cool and that's that's the fun thing about doing a live show right i'm actually interacting i can actually talk to you guys so yeah i'd like to do it more for that reason really that's my main reason to do it um jasmine says hi from me and my partner george we both love the channel we plan to move abroad soon on our big adventure what's the one thing you wish you did before you left the uk crikey that's a really good question um [ __ ] out it's tough in it i think i uh i think for me the last wish i wish i had tried every type of cider going you know every cider in the uk and i wish i'd traveled the country more uh like i've not really seen much of the uk it's kind of weird so i've i've seen pretty much every corner of japan now except nagasaki and uh i've not really seen that much of the uk so yeah i'd like to have explored my own country more like if you're american granted that's going to be a little bit difficult your country is an absolute ridiculous size it's so large it's almost a joke how the americans it boggles my mind how big it is um honestly the uk is like the size of someone's shoe compared to america so we've got if you're if you're from the uk you've got no excuses travel the uk see it all then go and travel the world and do something else um but yeah i wish i'd traveled the uk more i honestly do because the uk is quite good especially the architecture took it for granted um we've got one here from uh dennis who says chris do you plan on using your diorama again in another video i would love to i'm all i'm open to ideas dennis if you have any ideas i'd love to use this diorama i love this thing so much and i love this diorama just as much and again for those of you that weren't here earlier and missed it i got sent this fantastic diorama inspired by blade runner it's a little yakitori uh skewered grilled skewing meat shop and uh in blade runner he sits on the stall he has some noodles and it's great but yeah love that gotta find a way to use that somehow open to ideas green screen yeah could do something with that skin there could be fun i must admit i'm really glad natsuki ran me up that's that's really been the highlight of my day and doing this of course but chatting tonatsuki love it i haven't done it enough we did start doing this thing recently where um we would kind of talk to each other every week for like one or two hours just kind of like this on video chat and i would practice my japanese which i don't do as much as i'd like to and he would practice his english and it was going really well and although i went to hokkaido last week so i kind of screwed it up then and didn't do it but it's been going really well and uh yeah can't beat natsuki he always puts a smile on my face um got one here from justin who says big fan of content no questions just please literally never stop making videos uh thank you very much justin i'll try not to stop making videos um and again new video coming out next week kyoto and also another video with ryotaro as well it's it's ryotaro month there's too many bloody rotary videos this month um for some reason rioto and i do most of our videos together at the start of the year and then like he doesn't turn up again he's always too busy but we've got a video coming out we went to the best uh japanese inn we've been to ever i think and given our entire all the videos otto and i make are literally just a japanese inn that is saying something like it was really quite good uh we got our own little private bath we got a balcony was there anything else there oh yeah we had golf carts [ __ ] golf carts to get around the traditional japanese inn and they were automated golf carts as well like you sit in it press a button and it sort of takes you to your room and as you'll see it's crazy and it was a lot of fun and i remember real tree got out of the golf cart because he was he was being funny very funny and uh the golf cart thing nearly ran him over um that would have been great that was some great content to be honest would have been the best video on the bar in japan ever watching ryotaro slowly but surely getting run over by golf cart but yeah that's coming out i think uh later next week as well uh we've got to edit that one looking forward to that does the light on the yakitori stand light up it does it actually does yeah i've switched off now though because i want to waste too much energy on it but um greetings from vancouver says rainstorm travel thank you for all the awesome videos and stories thank you very much um do you play video games i haven't played video games recently i'd love to though all right still waiting on a playstation 5. if any of you has a playstation 5 you don't want please please send it my way i'll i'll take it i love yeah i've i've i don't play station fives what happened i was so excited about getting one in like january and then i think from what i understand there's a chip shortage apple bought out all the chips that are needed to produce playstation fives and that's why there's no playstation fives is that right am i making that up cheeky bloody apple oh man we're an hour and a half in and i still finish my drink that is pretty that's pretty embarrassing to be honest as you can see my energy levels are rapidly depleting so i'm gonna have to um start calling it a night though i think and actually go to bed hey chris genuine american here a genuine american minty i was wondering if we could possibly see more streams soon really enjoying this stream and appreciate it yeah i'd love to i'd um the biggest problem with doing a stream and this is the real reason i don't do it is the time difference is really quite [ __ ] like if i do a live stream during the day folks like yourself minty in america and everyone in the uk won't really get to see it because they'll be tucked up asleep unless you wake yourself up um so uh yeah i i said it's a trouble isn't it what time to do a live stream because i can't really go outside and walk down the street at 11 30 at night uh so yeah i don't know what to do really i could get up at eight o'clock in the morning but i'm absolutely crap in the morning like it would be horrible it would just be me going tokyo family mart chicken and that is what a live show would be like in the morning if i did it so oh [ __ ] me that's good again bloody good get this flavor think about strong zero is some of the flavors are a bit [ __ ] this this is the one plum plum flavor and it tastes like plum it actually tastes like plum like of all the things we've reviewed tonight only half of them have actually been like the thing advertised right as i said earlier the cafe latte flavoured kitkats tasted like cigarettes that wasn't exaggeration that was genuinely and the the pringles they taste like supposed to taste like chicken soy sauce they taste like sweet corn this actually tastes like plums and it's delicious and it's hit me a little bit a little bit more than i'd like the power of strong zero on an empty stomach all right crack out the coffee oh man chris i suffer from addiction uh says tom what are your thoughts about moving to japan once i'm clean maybe a good place for a fresh start all the best uh kampai says tom that's a that's a heavy question tom for eleven thirty two um i mean yeah once you've got over the addiction once you come clean then definitely come to japan um i wish you all the best with that i i i mean the only person i know suffering from addiction is natsuki with his cigarettes and uh i that's that's not a great addiction but it could be a lot worse but um yeah once you're clean come to japan i mean coming to japan could be the incentive to get clean it could be the motivational boost you need to do it but my thoughts are with you best of luck tom i hope you're able to to kick your habit um archon 89 says a japanese friend of mine who sports god once walked the entire width of the mainland uh would you consider doing a journey across japan hiking edition hiking across japan i wouldn't say no i'd love to do that i uh i i really did enjoy doing across japan on the bike it was really quite nice it was the filming really took its toll but the cycling was amazing would do it again in a heartbeat um because people certainly enjoy them and they're very good ben says please don't attack john it was a tongue and [ __ ] i saw john known it um is nothing but respect back to chris uh all right uh dorothy says do you have a fan mail address uh not not really dorothy i don't know i don't i guess not um but i do read a lot of tweets and i do try and stay on top of things so yeah tweet away um and will says last i caught your stream um i just got to japan i was quarantined um now i'm currently enjoying my kotatsu in my yokohama home uh with strong zero in hand ah for those of you that don't know what kotatsu is you're missing out let's be fair i don't have one a kotatsu is a little table with a blanket and it's got a heater under it and it's oh it's [ __ ] amazing in the winter uh when japanese houses typically aren't the best insulated and uh kotatsu is just magic you sit under it you pull the pull the blanket over and all the heat underneath the table keeps you warm that's magical and uh i know i want one but uh thank you enjoy your strong zero underneath the kotatsu eat the stick says everyone in the comments eat the stick all right i'll eat the stick i think this is there's only two things i haven't eaten and or drunk or concealed there's the stick and there is the cafe latte sakura latte sakura latte uh i'll put that there what flavor is it so for those who don't know this costs about five to ten yen and uh yeah it's quite good it's basically just cheetos imagine a gigantic cheeto that cost 10 yen and it's flavored like corn and that is this umaibo and for those who don't know umai means delicious umai means delicious and bo means stick so my ball means delicious stick and without further ado it's trying to eat some delicious stick smells like corn pretty good bloody dry it's extremely dry but does the job um oh it's really good this is it 10 yen this cost and that's going everywhere but 10 yen this could be this right of all the things i've eaten tonight i've established the perfect dinner that's this is what i want you to take away from this folks the perfect dinner is a umaibo a delicious stick a plum flavour strong zero and sweet potato flavour kitkats they might not look like kit kats because again they're little balls that are now everywhere but they taste bloody good so that's that's what a dinner should look like you come japan you're on a budget delicious stick strong zero kitkats job done make it happen and uh we had a question didn't we about 20 minutes ago how much do you need to survive on japan for two months not a lot just live off delicious sticks and i think you'll find you'll probably die because they're just they're just yeah they're not that healthy so crunchy [ __ ] whole um we did it well done everyone's in the comments is so delighted this is the content i subscribed for eating a stick the stick has ascended the stick has ascended [ __ ] up um meg says i missed japan do you think it will be safe or no quarantine to travel to japan in november 2021 um i mean as i said earlier on meg i don't want to make any predictions because they always turn out to be wrong every single time so um i yeah i'm hoping it'll be open but don't book anything for the love of god because there's a chance it might not and of course in the winter time in november that's when coronavirus comes back and [ __ ] everything up so yeah i'd say don't book anything but hopefully yes fingers crossed um wow wow this is good this is it again and if you if you do come japan meg get the stick get the kitkats get the get that the mystery meat which again i still don't know what it is i'm gonna say it's beef beef with pork um uh chris do you plan to visit any other parts from asia i uh i'd love to when the whole corona thing's over i'd love to go back to taiwan beautiful place taiwan taipei is probably my favorite city in asia chris will you do a journey of all the japan all the japanese pacific islands have you got any advice moving to japan also keep up the great content and eat the stick um i'd love to go to some of the japanese islands um don't know where though i don't know how to get to them there's some pretty cool islands like algoshima uh which looks like a vault it looks like a bomb villains layer um i don't forgot a photo of it anywhere it's incredible algoshima uh all right it doesn't even look real how is this an island all right look at this hopefully the camera will work check that shout out it's an island that is essentially just a volcano um with a caldera there you go beautiful look at that algoshima and uh yeah i'd love to go there i'd love to go i think you have to go by helicopter there and i'm a little bit wary of going on a helicopter so or by boat but uh yeah no i'd love to go to okinawa though okinawa would be fantastic uh mainly because i can sit on a beach which is something i've forgotten what that's like i've forgotten the simple joys of sitting on a beach and doing [ __ ] all uh which is something i've learned as life goes on that you really need to do once in a while but uh the standard british holiday is to just go to a beach in spain and live happily ever after for two weeks and uh yeah when you come to japan on holiday i guess it's not really like a a relaxing holiday because you got to be on the ball it's probably a little bit stressful but it will be a hell of an adventure and um if you want to come to japan and you want to have a more relaxing holiday go to okinawa right see on the beach eat some spam that's what they do in okinawa isn't it that's what i remember from my time in okinawa um abroad in afghanistan abroad in afghanistan do a broadened afghanistan it's a tongue twister unto itself i i think that might be difficult for various reasons uh daniel says chris band chris does the vocals with sarcastic lyrics joey on guitar natsuki on drums being a crackhead with odd backup vocals by ryotaro on bass silently waiting for the chance to assassinate chris i think that's my favorite comment we've had tonight because as i read that out i could picture the band remarkably well um backup vocals with ryotaro to be fair to ryotaro he can sing quite well um i remember we did a sponsor video once we did a ryotaro and i did a sponsor video and uh it was it was a video where i don't know if i'm allowed to talk about it oh [ __ ] it gives a [ __ ] uh did a video right tokyo station and it was kind of like subsidized by uh the tokyo area around tokyo station and at the end of the video right the video is called 10 things not to do in tokyo or sorry sorry 10 things to do around tokyo station and the ending of the video was amazing it was ryotaro standing on a balcony overlooking tokyo at night singing a whole new world from aladdin great song everyone loves a whole new world and he did an alright job but he [ __ ] up the lines it went he sang it as a whole new world [Music] and then we sent it to the the people because they're to watch over it and uh they decided that it was copyright infringement potentially to have ryotaro singing a whole new world and it definitely wasn't um but we let them have their way and that was the last time that's ever happened because i'd never worked with anyone again but honestly it was it was such a good ending listening to riotro singing a whole new world and it was a tragedy to have to take that out i have it somewhere on my phone though so i'll have to dig it out but [ __ ] copyright infringement ryotaro singing one line from a whole new world seriously what's wrong with people [ __ ] um chris have you heard of someone getting into the jet programme with a prior dewey uh no no i don't think i have marcella sorry um just remember you you need a degree to get on the jet program and a bloody big smile if you've got a degree and a smile you're on the jet programme remember that [Music] oh this is good coffee i don't normally like canned coffee but this is great sponsored by boss the espresso the delicious taste of boss it's a boss tommy lee jones see does he still do the boss it's tony jones i don't see tommy jones do it tommy lee jones used to do lots of advertising campaigns for japanese coffee um oh that's good [ __ ] um abroad [ __ ] hell abroad in kazakhstan with sea dog va actually that would be quite fun i've always wanted to go to kazakhstan i don't know if i want to go connor though as much as i like connor i don't know how we'd fare together in kazakhstan although i'd pay to watch that so maybe it should happen um natsuki has a special place in my heart i'm looking forward to new videos with him your channel really stuck with me keep up the brilliant work thank you very much lately absent bye too miss natsuki look it's sad i yeah it's sad we don't get to hang out more well in hindsight last year i think natsuki was in more videos than ever before in any other year so yeah that was quite good and again journey across japan three in april natsuki's gonna be in the whole thing for the whole week so there's gonna be plenty of natsuki to look forward to if you're a natsuki fan um hi chris i'm a japanese guy living in the uk and i miss the food so much have you ever had hitsumabushi it was the best thing i ate during my last visit what's that it's a mabushi i feel like i should know what that is kitsumabushi maybe it's not something crude is it just grilled steamed japanese rice barbecued ill no that's pretty good i mean i yeah japanese eel is bloody good like this is what it looks like apparently it looks really good actually yeah that was cool it's mabushi sounds hits samabushi yeah eel in the uk when you think ill you think [ __ ] because we have jelly deals and they're as bad as they sound honestly don't look them up we'll have nightmares in japan eel is really bloody good they marinate it in this kind of nice soy sauce mirin sweet sticky sauce is magical and it's really good it's quite luxurious and it's quite expensive though it can be like two to three thousand yen for eel in japan but uh if like me you're a brit and you have these bad images of ill when you come japan do try it it's [ __ ] amazing it's not like jelly deals thank god um ninus says love your content chris you're the david attenborough for our time but he isn't doing live streams like this see you're better keep it up definitely i beat david abraham sitting alone in a room drinking cheap coffee and strong zero and munching on kit kats and pringles david attenborough would never do that unless i'm better i still i remember i made a video with ryotaro about a year ago and he didn't know who david battenbury was so i was like i said to him something like oh you're like david attenborough and he was like what's that what do you mean what's that david ambra the man who basically invented the entire genre of documentaries about nature oh i don't know what that is crazy and where ryotaro used to live in london was i think a few miles from where david attenborough lives so shocking stuff shocking ryotaro fortunately i did educate him on david attenborough uh sharla is cool says daniel don't about that daniel let's not let's not be too silly now um hello from nova scotia i'd love a sharla and dave in japan stream one day one day we did do it many years ago for those of you that are wondering by the way why many people call me dave in japan it's because for whatever reason all right to be honest it's my own fault uh up until last year a lot of people used to message me and call me dave i'll just be like i like your videos dave you're great dave the video he did with the sushi was good dave i thought i was called dave and i'm not entirely sure why um but i say it's my fault because for the seven or eight years i've done this channel i've only mentioned my name like three times i think uh which is chris my name's chris it's not dave call me chris but because i didn't tell anyone my name and i don't know why i didn't i felt weird about it i remember when i first started doing youtube i thought uh i'll i'll do the videos but i won't tell anyone my name because privacy and whatnot well that back well that went out the [ __ ] window didn't they i'm everywhere now even got a wikipedia page i don't know who made it but i did a great job with it thank you so you can see everything about me and my name but because i held off with my name for so long people just decided that i was called dave and that is why people often refer to me as dave and japan even to this day and uh i don't mind it i'll take that gladly it's delightful dave in japan chris you should come to singapore we have fried chicken you had me at singapore i've always wanted to go the fried chicken was fried chicken sold the deal uh this is for charlotte chris now owes you chocolate and ten dollars i don't think so i don't think so um why are you lying to us dave you're from seattle oh yeah yeah some people someone called me fake once and i joked that i was actually dave from seattle sitting in a basement with a green screen that would be the day oh man chris can you please say thatcher's budget cuts ruined jungle canyon rope bridge maintenance i got that reference i got the reference um dave broad how's progress going on mario on the game boy chris don't you [ __ ] bring that up dwarf i like that name that's a good name um no i is mario still in there that's not yeah i tried playing mario on here i died it was really bad but got the old six rings look at that it's an endless game boy [ __ ] you can't even see the game boy it was a simpler time wasn't it when this came out in 1990 1989 some would say um because it's not a backlit screen so can't play the game boy on the show would love to have done that a lot of people ask about this this is called a dvm um and it's a bluetooth speaker that does 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit i think it's 16-bit uh images you can choose whatever you want on this check this out but i forbid you from buying one because it's so good and i'm the only youtuber that has one in the background which makes me feel unique and special so please don't tell anyone to get one it's our secret don't tell anyone um all right so i can put whatever image i want tell me give me a word and i'll put an image on it for you give me an image give me a word right now in the comments come on write something while i load it up it's cool though okay here we go egg brilliant anime chicken egg chicken coconut wasabi i'll go with chicken let's do chicken [ __ ] out oh god how did it get to this sitting awake at midnight getting things on a bluetooth speaker by peer pressure putting images on a bluetooth speaker all right chicken so i've got i've got loads of options here [ __ ] i've got loads of options for chicken i like this one boom chicken in it there you go um got another chicken there chicken walks [ __ ] this is the content you deserve all right we've got egg let's try egg let's see this is all artwork this is all artwork done by artists around the world it's really quite a cool little thing get one for your birthday get one for christmas and no this isn't sponsored by diva somebody says cristela says can we see the mushroom farm no you can't i think i think i threw it in the bin right here we go egg that's egg apparently it's pretty trippy in it uh this is cool colored egg yeah i like that all right more words sausage obama obama let's see what's got for barack obama we've got looks pretty good actually there you go barack obama it's barack obama or dancing obama i quite like that yeah it's good that um all right one more let's let's have one we can actually leave in the background ramen i like that yeah ramen let's put that on ramen uh i know somebody said sausage let's see before we put something good on let's see sausage please don't be crude don't get me demonetised um brilliant this is it sausage dog for those of you that have been here over an hour we did have the sausage sausage dog chocolate earlier um an octopus octopus sausage it's quite popular in japan all right let's put on ramen let's see if something good comes up so i can put this back on the shelf and have something good on uh it's good it's a bit too blocky isn't it can't really tell what that is um music it's kind of cool there there there we go i can't see that it's too it's a trouble though because there's not that many pixels it's quite hard to have artwork on i like that though look at that ah it didn't work [ __ ] it's like a dog eating ramen it looked much better on my phone this is what it looks like on my phone this is what it looks like on the 16-bit display as you can see it's quite difficult uh putin do vladimir putin all right is this it is this what the show is just gonna be me [ __ ] getting up images of things that you guys have requested all night long that's quite good oh again it's it's there you go vladimir putin it's quite ominous again looks a lot better on the screen doesn't really translate well to 16 bit crikey all right come on let's we need something we can end it on for this the 80s yes let's see what people have done for the 1980s must be better than that i mean that's kind of cool it's kind of a bit trippy bit trippy i like that it's a bit of a distraction though isn't it if i have that there is that distracting feels distracting let's let's let's just put mount fuji on [ __ ] it fuji here we go there you go i can't see anything it's too bright oh [ __ ] we'll leave it like that no i can't leave it like that i can't in good conscience finish the live show with an image that's blown out [ __ ] uh do natsuki do natsuki god [ __ ] it out uh tori gay there you go dude can you see that no i have to do crikey man what a day what a [ __ ] saturday hey chris i'm moving to japan uh as a student have you met any english teachers from non-english speaking countries i've been teaching for 10 years but i'm worried by the fact that i'm not a native english speaker says pedro they do exist such folks do exist i remember there was a i met a few folks from i think france who were teaching on the jet program but no it is rare unfortunately um no but it is quite difficult they do exist but difficult so but there are lots of good teaching programs in japan that are more open-minded than the jet programmes so i wish you the best but yeah keep an eye out they do exist but they're a little bit harder to find unfortunately um jack says will you ever do another collaboration with rachel and jun also can i stay in your closet when i visit japan from the uk in oxtead um first of all yes you could stay in my i don't have a closet but you can stay in my uh stay on my bike shed it's a bit cold space is limited uh but you can make it homely with the right equipment and the right tools the bike shed could be your new home jack uh and that's what rachel and jun i haven't spoken to them recently i hope they're doing well they're very far away now fukuoka is a world away uh from where i am uh it's like a million miles away it feels like but i am getting a kyushu in april so i'd love to see them love to catch up with them both they're awesome so um yeah i'd love to see them if the opportunity arises that would be great um all right chris if you sold your orange ferrari yet i'll pay you 3 000 yen orange ferrari where i said um well i think usually by this point everyone's gone in the live show but everyone's still here i i thought i was kind of hoping that everyone would go and there would just be me sitting here alone in the room but uh it's still quite still quite a lot of people don't know what to do now i think i should go to bed don't you clearly i've i've i've peaked this live show peaked an hour ago go back and watch it if you haven't uh if you haven't seen it i guess i need to go to bed but uh i hope you guys are all doing well i hope you've had a good february and the old corona thing will finally [ __ ] off soon i still can't believe it's been a year of this [ __ ] a year of not being able to travel a year of stress i'm lucky that uh nearly everyone in my family back home has now been vaccinated uh so that's kind of a weight off my shoulders but uh still hopefully it'll end soon chris i'm a long time watcher um at least seven years i reckon at this point i love your content how big is the virtual youtuber trend in japan i mean that is a topic for joey the anime man to cover he loves virtual youtubers they did do a good one on trash taste they interviewed someone it's not really my forte though um i don't watch a lot of live streams or a lot of youtubers or anything like that when i'm not making videos i do i'm honestly just to be honest i'm making videos most of the time but i'm not making videos i like to just [ __ ] off into the countryside and do nothing um maybe one day i'll do a live show out there in the wilderness because it is nice there's a reason i live in north japan and uh it's it's really quite cool um so yeah i do i don't they are big though they're very very big i was talking to joey about virtual youtubers and it just sounds ridiculous they make more money than god they make more money than you could possibly imagine uh and it yeah it seems to be a booming trend at the moment but one that i unfortunately might be taking part in uh chris have you ever considered going to a pro wrestling or sumo event and filming the experience says larry i mean sumo wrestling's pretty rare it's quite rare i think it's only in tokyo uh bits of pieces of osaka that it exists so yeah i'd love to go it's kind of on my bucket list my japan bucket list to go and see sumo at some point or another but it's a lot more rare than people think like it's not let's go down 7-11 get some coffee and then go and see some sumo like it's a special thing and it is quite rare but i'd love to do it a bit crying not too wouldn't it um why do you look so sweaty the thing is i'm not sweating at all i'm greasy horrible greasy face all the [ __ ] pringles and chocolate and [ __ ] i've eaten and also the lighting the lighting uh kazooie says chris where where abouts are you from in southeast england uh where'd you grow up well you can look on wikipedia that says it better than i ever could but somewhere near london um chris do you have any trousers on yes i do i do i swear i do like to prove it there trousers what do you think i am what do you think i am wearing no trout i know a lot of people do do these things without trousers but [Music] oh man right time to wreck it up wrap it up guys rack it up wrap it up thank you so much for joining this live show it's been a lot of fun uh i am pretty shattered now this is i've i did a gym workout before this and this has been harder kind of a bigger workout in the gym um but i've really enjoyed chatting to you guys and um yeah i mean i hope you've had a good start to the year 2021 fingers crossed it'll be better than 2020 won't be hard but yeah i hope you had a good start the year i hope no matter where you might be out in the big wide world you're having a good weekend and uh yeah new videos this week we've got one in kyoto i've always wanted a good video in kyoto not that the last video wasn't that good but yeah i'm looking forward to doing the video and um and riotro next week and from what i understand riotro is releasing a video this week where him and i went to british hills which is a british theme park in fukushima and i strongly urge you to watch that video ryotaro's japan really you can miss it you have to watch it he's going to kill me for saying that but no seriously really good video on real throws japan coming out this week check it out he told me it was out today but i haven't seen it um but uh yeah three videos out this week two honorable japan one on real tourist japan it's gonna be a good week but for now guys have yourself a great week and i'll see you all very soon have a good one gotta clean up all this rubbish now so much rubbish look at all this food look at all these snacks that got sought out ugh it was worth it it was definitely worth it is that mario up there what's that up there oh yeah it's the the autumn's the sign the signature that hyde did in the documentary call on it right bye guys have a good one oh god i finished i've like finished the coffee i'm not gonna sleep tonight god forbid
Channel: Chris Abroad
Views: 178,913
Rating: 4.9761028 out of 5
Keywords: abroad in japan, abroad in japan live, japan snacks, family mart, japan sweets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 56sec (6896 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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