Are These CRAZY Laws In Japan True or False?|[Ft. Abroad in Japan & Sharmander]

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Butt Lip? Everyone in Japan does that? Im movig.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/daventx 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody welcome to took your creative play I am your host Emma and today I'm here with Sharla and yes hello today we are going to be quizzed on our knowledge about crazy ridiculous Japanese laws and whether they are true or false you guys are being in trouble with the law with the Japanese police is when I moved into my flat instead like it was a knock at the door Japanese police showed up at my apartment but I was smarter than Kristen I just pretended not to speak Japanese I've only had one encounter it wasn't very exciting I was just on my way home and they pull a defeat when their bicycles I kind of felt them behind me and I was like what's going on and then they they stumped me and they asked my ID and I showed it to them and they're like what do you do and at that point I was like I freelance to teach they're like all right bye I guess I'm just doing casual check ups I hear they do that but honestly we don't know if we've broken any of the ridiculous laws that happen today that you can't don't you couldn't dance in Japan pass me named yeah what you've definitely broke it that long yeah let's begin the quiz I find a lot of vloggers don't take their viewers on a journey now when I moved here and first started doing social media it was a really slow process when I first started YouTube I've had little to no contact with any of those kinds of companies they're on CC line I'm going to be teaching you how to work as a creative in Japan you have to figure out what type of content you want to do hopefully I'll be able to teach you all the ins and outs of how to start your YouTube career house Embleton eventually start my own brand here in Japan whether you're interested in traveling to Japan or moving here long-term I really want to encourage you guys and help you achieve your goals through my videos if you're wanting to live and work in Japan I'll run through everything from finding a job to grasping the language and culture quickly try out new platforms keep up your posting there's so much opportunity and I would love to see you guys become the next big IRL streamers I allow you to stories and experiences that I know we can help you get to where you want to go and turn your dreams into reality alright first ridiculous law citizens between 45 and 74 years old are required by law to have their waist lines measured every year yeah true I know that it's required for them to do like waistline measurement problem the ages are part of the myth double-double laws yeah make sure people don't get fat and dying I'll say true as well I'm guessing the dead straight night when is another answer wait I thought you were the quiz mom no I'm not this is nice so even though I don't know for a fact that it's a law it feels very law ish Norrish everyone's a winner oh so if it's over a healthy limits they have to seek medical attention why did this when I was a teacher at school my second year I used to go out smoke eat drink a lot every night and I put a lot a lot away and I failed the test and I had to go in and meet a doctor and they tell me how I was and then nothing happened based I just met him like three or four times over the period of three months stopped going it go you are my aim was to draw in these way and appease that the plum doctor all right next law you can cut in lines if you are in a big wait law definitely not illegal or is it against the law that's where I'm confused McDonald's yesterday and some Chinese tourists just crying like when I was queuing for a Big Mac yes but yeah that's like Japanese people would never cut yeah that's good Falls like it falls the answer is according to article 1 section 13 of Japan's allow me it's illegal it's illegal to cut in lines disturbing the peace and causing a ruckus thank you there are fines and jail time in somebody's crazy jail time but would you have to be queuing up for that's so important that it results in jail time a Big Mac well if someone came front of me whilst I was looking for a Big Mac they deserve to go down all right Blowfish it is illegal to cook fugu for more than two minutes I have no idea about any laws about no you just man yeah I've spent a video figured we had it wrong yeah I got it wrong but you can have it cooked and I don't believe that I didn't hear anything about that be necessary well we might because please no because with with fugu the poison is only certain they separate the figure into two parts poisonous yeah to cook fugu less than 80 sec wait what wait what legal to cook food for more than 10 minutes it's not 120 actualise 86 80 seconds all right you have to cook fugu less than 80 seconds because the fish's organs contain a deadly poison that will shut down the basic but they were birthed the organ is zero this is ridiculous he's been researching this video doesn't any sense hiring entire Fuger and it's probably why people die yeah well people do die for me and figure they call it themselves I don't now prepare it yeah doing yeah there's only giving 26 cases of death by fugu between like to 1998 and 2006 yeah all right next one age of consent in Japan is 13 in marriage law states that the minimum age of marriage is 18 for men and 16 for women I've seen stuff about this on the internet and usually it's when people are trying to defend some sick yeah I think this is true I'm pretty sure the marriage ages are true age of consent I thought was 15 be surprised I think it's 16 the age of consent and 18 for know just cuz I've seen it on the internet I'll say true but I'm gonna be hopeful that it's false true geez this is the lowest age of consent among any developed country really thanks good job speech loss for words yeah that's great yeah well Japan hopefully that can change soon okay you can ride your bicycles on pedestrian sidewalks if you are under 13 and above 70 or within with any disability well I thought it was okay to ride your bike on no it's not actually beause I wanted to be folks cuz I was like I'm Jenna coaster panelist I put on countless sidewalk yeah I guess everybody does I'll say true as well but I hope it's pulse cuz that means I'm breaking the law every day I'll God according to Japanese traffic rules this place is restricted to pedestrians only and no bicycle rider is allowed to use it but there is an exception to this as those under 13 and above 17 years or with any disability are free to use this restricted space that's interesting well yeah honestly everyone doesn't hear you rarely see people on the road only it was like really professional cycling it wouldn't be really frustrating if everyone cycled on the road oh yeah it would get hard I don't know how people cycle on the sidewalk yeah feel safer that's it's kind of scary though because it's like can the police pull you over at any point and be like you're breaking your Japanese traffic if they're in a bad mood yeah it like really Horner's I've never seen anybody get in trouble for yeah I mean either driving by and splashing pedestrians with water in rainy weather is illegal and can carry fines up to seven thousand yen about $70 a trip I hope is trained despise people do that unless it's made easy drive away the worse if someone does it's me it's completely wrong the Japanese refer to this as mudding and drivers can be fined $65 if they decide to give you a free shower other countries including certain locations in Canada and the UK also levy fines if drivers splash pedestrians the laws they usually refer to such actions as discourteous or reckless driving or dick move right mailbox desert with the ice cream in a mailbox carries a maximum prison term five years old less or a fine of no more than five hundred thousand years five high value a mailbox five years default you're just shot by 50 grand five years in pretty big ice cream someone's mobile I'm gonna say this has to be cheap because it would be weird enough article 78 at the postal law putting ice cream in a mailbox carries a prison term of five years or less or fined of no more than 500,000 yen in 2006 a 42 year old mailman from Saitama Prefecture was arrested for putting a chocolate ice cream Elford I mean poor guy chocolate ice cream in a mailbox in my Empire if somebody does that I would have them launched into the Sun face for the first time I'm here the Chris brought in good secrets out dancing in public oh we discussed we discussed that a late-night public dancing is still out Lloyd in Hokkaido Japan after World War Two as an attempt to curb prostitution basically don't need a thing dancing a prostitution go hand in hand I wanted to cut down on drug use as well stopping the dads who would do that true Oh true I'm gonna say false and maybe it makes okay in Hokkaido but not the rest of the country okay false - yeah this was a law imposed on all of Japan but was overturned 2015 have we got right okay no idea how many kept keeping track disaster run - thank you Chris I know this is gonna be a competition I would have given it my old merger of fives by mistake carries a prison term of up to one year exposure of exposure it's also subject to regulation what you don't know - but within about ten exposure of thighs by mistake what if there's like a gust of wind looks like Bono and the police like that would be exposure this is this has to be false because this is just go and your body everybody definitely false anything they're okay in Japan because people do this Allah knows it is fun minor criminal act article 120 X poacher of thighs by mistake carries a prison term of up to nine days in prison it became a law in 1948 and was not limited to just size exposing buttocks is also subject to regulate this has definitely happened to be a will be likely so vague and weird some of these offenses have been so ridiculous I want to make its it from setting a prison with people who have been sent down for really bizarre misdemeanors to ice cream man money person yeah mass murderer less that's not that's not funny yeah sure yeah accidentally yeah guys all the but slip alright I don't actually know you one I was evident you probably Sharla sorry everyone's a winner oh we've got the school is up here I guess on the screen but we don't actually know so you guys love to watch the video to find out who won last night in the comments below which one have you found to be most bizarre yeah please do but thank you so much for watching and thank you so much for coming on the show you guys yeah thank you and we'll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 714,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun, laws in japan, japanese, abroad in japan, sharmander, laws in japan vs america, crazy japan, vlog japan, japan travel, travel japan
Id: 8WkZOzl-HsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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