What's Inside A YouTubers Bag? JAPAN Edition πŸŽ’πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅

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hello everybody welcome to tokyo creative play i'm your host emma and today we're going to show you what's in our bag today we're doing the what's in my bag challenge i don't know i think it's cool to see the contents of other people's bags i don't know if i'm just a little bit nosy or whatever but i got some some very normal things but i also have some some fun interesting things that are a little bit japan based but first of all i'm going to show you the bag that i use the most often this is my sad shrimps tote bag it is just handy love a good tote it's got nice character going oof on it thank you very much natasha for the bag if you guys want a bag like this or some sad shrimps merch check out sad shrimps very excellent art by natasha herself but yeah i take this everywhere with me seriously it's my most used bag but i also wanted to show you if i'm being a little bit fancy this is my favorite bag that i own it's a little bit fancier i would have used it today but i want to show you when i carry the most stuff and this can't fit so much in it all right we're going to take a look in my cute little tote bag here i tend to carry a really big bag like a tote bag around because i often have my camera and a tripod just a bunch of random crap in here so this is my bag of choice i got this in the mr donuts pokemon lucky bag if you watched my video you would have seen i was very disappointed in myself for not purchasing a box for myself so i was actually super lucky and i went back to the store two weeks later and they still had some so i got one so that's where i got this cute little pokemon tote bag hey friends sakideras and today i'm gonna be showing you guys what's in my bag uh the bag i'm gonna show you guys is the one that pretty much everyone who hangs out with me sees and it's this one i don't even remember where i got this i have no idea what store it was from but i've actually had this since late high school early college so this bag has seen some pretty good times i love that it's black fake leather because you can't really see any of the dirt that's probably been built up in it for the past few years but i just recently added this keychain of pikachu that i got from the pokemon center a couple months ago i don't remember what i have in here but you can trust me of the fact that a lot of the stuff i do normally carry so it ain't gonna be something that's like totally obscene and crazy i don't know where to start with my bag i have quite a bit of stuff in here let's just start with a good old good old wallet here she is this is my wallet it's pretty compact i used to have a bigger wallet but uh it broke and then i didn't replace it for uh like a year i walked around with a broken wallet so now i have this guy opens up like this so you can keep all your cards in here i'm pretty lucky i got i got a 500 on me right now oh that's like five dollars in a coin yeah i think everybody has their own favorite style of wallet some people bring around like just a card holder where you can also put cash and then a coin purse as well but because i like to do the whole cash and coins at the same time and cards i like to have it all in one place just reach in here and get my cash out also in here i have my most important cards so you know credit cards debit cards uh and i also have my health insurance card and my residency card because at any time in japan you gotta prove that you're a resident also if you come to japan on holiday always carry a passport with you i think it's illegal if you don't carry a passport with you so please if you come to japan carry your passport on you just in case you get stopped by the police i know it doesn't feel so safe i always felt a bit like about it coming here but carry possible with you other than i just have some point cards with me i have one point card and i also have a big camera point card just in case i need to use my points so yeah that's that's my wallet the next thing i carry with me usually is a water bottle and i like mini water bottles because they are small wow it's just it's easier it's lighter and it's kind of just like if i really need a drink of water you know i have it on me after that i have a small hand towel mine has total on it check out these sick prints look how cute it is adorable now especially because of corona a lot of hand dryers are blocked off and you can't use them because of germs and stuff so it's really good to carry around a little hand towel and even before corona lake there's a lot of bathrooms that either have no soap or no hand dryers so it's good to carry around a little towel it's very very common so if you come to japan need a little hand towel carry it around with you you can always dry your hands and even if you go to shrines and you need to wash your hands uh to purify yourself you can use these to dry your hands afterwards as well item number one a cute little kitty ziploc bag filled with supplements these are vitamin c and these little ones are vitamin d i've got my planner i just got this at daiso but it's got nice big spaces for writing in this is my wallet paul smith just very simple black and gold i love long wallets like this especially in japan because you need to carry lots of cash with you it's still a very cash-based society so i need lots of space for coins and bills next is my hanko they seem to be finally phasing these out of japanese culture so your hunco is used in replacement of a signature here for example if i was getting a package delivered to my house sometimes they'll ask for a signature i think japanese people often use their hunco instead i've had this for like 20 years now this is the first tanko i had made for myself when i first moved to japan like 20 years ago and i've used it ever since it was really freaking expensive i didn't realize that you can get cheap hunco so i just went to the first hanko store that i found and i ordered this and it cost over a hundred dollars next are some godzilla postcards that i forgot were in here so there's a godzilla store in tokyo now that specializes in godzilla merch so i got my dad this father's day card and this one is super cool i just got this for myself one of those ones that kind of looks 3d oh yeah you can kind of see it ah yes i have business cards so this one has a lot of my business cards and other people's business cards i didn't carry business cards until i moved to japan and i didn't realize how big of a thing that they were here and it's not until you go to like your first meeting or even when you're meeting someone for the first time very often they give you their business card so i felt so awkward not having one so i got this and the case is kingdom hearts because of course and yeah i just have a whole bunch of people in here that i've just collected over the years business cards in japan are like pokemon cards or like trading cards you just find yourself collecting them and yeah that's my business card holder and my pokemon wallet this is something that i've had since high school or college now i've just recently shown this to some people and they all freak out over the fact that there is like no wear and tear over this it's almost in perfect condition and i i never even realized that that was like a big thing extra face mask this one of course is a fabric face mask this is also pokemon theme i have a lot of pokemon themed stuff i like until it's like all out of my bag i don't even realize this but i got it online pokemon did like a cool collaboration with another company i think called pokemon shirts uh what is this what is this oh you know what this is this is a face mask holder you just put your face mask in here when you go out and sometimes they don't want you to put your face mask like on the table or whatever so i just put it in here and it's nice and safe next up we have my little makeup bag it has seen better days it's getting a little a little gross a little nasty but it's an egg on a sandwich with a knife and a fork uh you can get really cute cheap makeup bags from a store called uh sunkumart thank you mart or sang kumaru everything there is about four dollars or 390 yen plus tax and you can get really really cute designs so i got it from there inside my makeup bag i have some hand sanitizer this one has a little raccoon on it he's so happy with his clean hands i have general makeup in here so i have powder these burt's bees and some lipstick and some lip gloss and some hair products this is just something i got from the pharmacy i also have like a glasses cleaner in here which should be with my glasses and not in my makeup bag and i also have these eye drops so you would think from the label it says smile white eye but you actually say it smile white day i don't know why they decided that distinction eye drops in japan often have this i don't know if it's actually menthol but it feels like menthol going in your eye i don't know if the technique for japanese eye drops is to just sting so much that you cry and then that clears out your eyes or what it is but seriously it's like putting drops of menthol in your eye and you're like oh my god and the air hurts and then it feels great so i just have these in here just in case oh also we did a video on muji makeup and uh i used the lip gloss from that video still next is some body shop body butter should probably get a travel size of this but i use it all the time so probably do need the big version this is the festival berry body cream body butter that's what it says in japanese it smells so good it smells like cranberries it reminds me of cranberry sauce and it's really nice for my hands in the winter my hands get super dry here in japan the air is quite dry in the winter mostly because you need to use the heaters in your house all the time because there's not really much insulation in homes here so the air gets very dry my hands get super dry so i always have several hand moisturizing products as you will see next we have some antibacterial wipes that were actually sent to me from korea my friend sunny sent me these because when the pandemic was first just starting to pick up in japan in early i want to say like maybe spring 2020 everybody was panicking and buying uh all of the antibacterial soap and wipes just anything from the stores so i couldn't get any for months so my friend sonny was really sweet and sent me some packs from korea next is the best perfume ever this is a little solid perfume from kyoto not only is it super cute but it is my favorite scent in the entire world so it's a cute little solid perfume kind of it looks like a lip balm don't use it as a lip balm it's perfume i just like rub my finger in it and put it on my wrists and kind of like in my hair and stuff but the scent of this is kin moksey it is a certain flower that blooms in the fall in japan if you've been in japan probably almost anywhere in japan in the fall probably noticed a really nice like addictive sweet scent that is kin moksey next is several lip products i always have several different chapsticks in my bag and lip glosses dior lip gloss and just this like natural slightly sparkly color and this one is dr bronner's lip balm in cherry blossom flavor i guess it's not really a flavor it's more of a scent finally we have melty cream lip in white peach next is something i got from the tc girls when we did the christmas gift exchange it's a sailor moon solid like a moisturizing balm you can use it for both your hands and your lips and it smells like roses one of them is the solid perfume thing did i legit i couldn't even remember that i put this in here but i got this not too long ago this is solid perfume it smells really great it smells like like laundry detergent almost it's really like nicely fresh oh yes hand sanitizer this one's one of my favorites i think this is from bath and body works my mom likes to send me a bunch of stuff from america and i really miss bath and body works i like their hand sanitizers and stuff so this is the crushed candy cane scent oh this is my little mini makeup bag that's also pokemon but i got this from the pokemon center i got this little like cover-up stick thing and i got like this comb and i've got like some lip gloss eyeliner oh you know what actually something that's really really nice in here is this it's a little like tied pen so a lot of the times when you go out to eat someone stains their clothes so i always carry this around and whether it's me or someone else then if they stain their clothes i just whip this thing out and all you have to do is just kind of like draw over the stain and it gets rid of it instantly yeah when it comes to makeup i kind of just bring like the basics just like chapstick lip gloss eyeliner that's it oh this one here's something that's not pokemon themed is this little bag this is evangelion themed i got this from daiso for like 100 yen and you open it up and you have just some extra hair ties because that's always necessary oh i've got like just some pain killers or like ibuprofen and i've got like some allergy medicine so this is fragrance mist i carry this because sometimes i want to spray on my body it's it's really not that deep twisted peppermint this one i also bring which i guess not a lot of people do this but i bring room spray but sometimes you know whenever you go somewhere and maybe it stinks or maybe if you know you got to go to the restroom and you're self-conscious about leaving a smell you just bring this around okay this one the tangling hairbrush this is like a godsend of hair brushes oh what didn't you know another pokemon themed thing this is my lip balm so for chapstick so you just have to undo the pokeball it's actually almost empty here so after that i have my reusable cutlery in a little bag actually i was really lucky and i got to design this with an artist called alexandra cook definitely check her out it was originally a collaboration with matzia doing a box together which was super fun and i still use it so it says on itadakimasu and there's little persimmons as well on the outside super cute so it's just convenient to be able to carry it around everywhere with me and inside our spoon fork knife chopsticks and also a metal straw as well so next up i just have my glasses i'm wearing contact lenses right now so if i'm wearing contact lenses i'll bring some glasses with me usually sometimes i forget and then if a bad thing happens and i get stuck somewhere or my contact lens messes up and i have to take it out i then just can't see very well and have to find my way home blurry vision oh oh that's strong with the contact lenses combined after that i have this thing this is honestly a little bit of a joke actually have you guys seen the emma watson vogue what's in my bag video because she pulls out this she literally pulls out this and is like i carry this everywhere with me and i thought it was the funniest thing i've ever seen and then aki bought this for me for christmas so aki shout out to you you're excellent i don't actually carry it everywhere with me but it's excellent ah satisfying i couldn't do a what's in my bag video without including this guy also i would include that i have a big battery pack that i take with me with like charging cables but i left it at a friend's place i hope i don't know if it's actually there so i don't have that anymore of course i have my phone with me but i'm embarrassed to show my phone case because it is scuffed look how scuffed that is that's horrendous i need to get a new case but i also carry my cards in here so i have my pasmo and then i also have my gym card in here as well snacks i usually take snacks with me the reason i take snacks with me is i have a sweet tooth and if i go and get like lunch or dinner somewhere usually savory stuff there's a dairy free option usually places will have dessert that is ice cream or cake or stuffed with cream in it and i can't usually eat it and so if i carry snacks with me i can then be like i will not eat it i will eat the snack in my bag but if i have no snacks with me i'm like i cannot resist the ice cream so that's why i carry snacks with me the snacks that i'm carrying with me right now is dates and choco so it's a chocolate covered date with an almond in it and i love them so much they're so so good and finally in my bag i have some headphones i'd love to have a air pods one day that would be cool but they're so expensive and i'm like i'll get there eventually but these were like 20 to 30 on amazon and they're great for sports uh they're sweat resistant very nice but i think with airpods they have the little case i would get worried about these because they're just like hanging around in my bag and i'm worried that the wires are gonna get pulled or something okay that's it that's what's in my bag that is the end next we have this is so freaking random why is this in my bag this is a miniature natto that i got from the dollar store of all places so they had this shelf of squishies i think these are called um really like satisfying squishy toys and i saw the nakta one and it just looked so realistic that i had to get it but look the little lid slides off and you can poke the natto and it's squishy you can take it out luckily it's not scented it's so satisfying this was totally worth 100 yen next are some coupons that i got at the kombini so they're called kuji in japanese it's like a draw so if you spend over say a thousand yen at the conbini which is like ten dollars you can have one ticket it's usually something like that so i got three tickets i probably spent about 30 bucks and you stick your hand in a box and you pick out your own tickets and then you open them up at the counter and you can either win like coupons or free items next is a winter staple if you are in japan especially up here in the north like i am you will find yourself carrying these around in your bag but basically these are little self-warming packs and this is the hutter type which means stick so it's got adhesive on the back and you can stick it to your clothes i usually just like put it inside my hoodie in the pocket next is this little gacha this is a corn soup and god i got some weird in my bag you open it up and it's like it's squishy it's so disgusting look at it ew and there's like chunks of corn in it not actual corn but it's supposed to be like corn oh there they are look at it why do i have these things and next we have a receipt from the post office oh this is what a receipt from the post office looks like and finally last item is this little battery charger that aki got for me for christmas and i keep it charged and in my bag so i can charge my phone up if i need to and that's it hope you enjoyed that my daily journal this one i actually take it to a lot of meetings or like if i'm with someone i never know if i need to jot something down really fast so i have my daily journal and i just like take this flap off and write whatever i want in it i actually don't even know what i have written in it this is my schedule book i've showed this in one of my videos in the past and i've recently been keeping track of a lot of things that i do it's been really really handy and it's pokemon themed and also it's it's bookmark looks like pikachu's tail on the back it has a lot of blank paper that i can use to jot down notes so what i do with my schedule diary is that at the end of every month i kind of like keep my mental health in check by writing down just how this past month was like or what i could have done better and i do it all on the back of the schedule diaries oh and i have a charger here with two cords oh this one is a pikachu cord which by this point i'm not even surprised how much pokemon stuff i have in my bag oh i have this like this selfie stick but it's also a tripod unfold this part and you put like your phone here and then if you just want to like have it stand you can just take out the tripod legs and just stick it up or i could bring it out like this and take photos or record like that i have also this thing i don't know if a lot of you know what this is but this is called a spot this is a bag that you can easily fold out and back into its like original form so i'll just do it for you guys right now so you just take off this strap this bag just comes out and it holds a lot of stuff so if you see that i bring this really frequently when i go out because i might go shopping for something and i don't like trying to get plastic bags anymore so i always just carry this around uh oh house key okay i just started recently using these because it's winter now so these are heating pads for your feet so every winter i have this really bad condition where i get really bad muscle spasms but it all just kind of comes down to my feet being really really cold so i put these in my shoes and it heats up a lot oh yeah i got some mittens i just started recently putting these in my bag because my hands get really cold so have to carry those around i have my switch i do carry this around because sometimes i'll be on the train and just to kill time i whip this thing out and play a little bit of animal crossing and get my dailies done this is gonna like look kind of weird but i've noticed a lot of girls like to bring plushies with them in their bag like mini mini plushies so this is my plushie and this is tato and the reason that that's his name is because that's his name in nausica so i bought this from the ghibli store and i just thought it'd just be appropriate to name him tato what is this ah this is like a little polaroid this is a polaroid of joey and emma oh that's really nice to have so yeah that was everything in my bag i'd like to think that it kind of gives you some insight of what it's like traveling around with me it's all a lot of basic stuff but i think the most surprising thing for me is that there's a lot of pokemon stuff in here and a little bit of kingdom hearts so i think it says a lot about my personality so that's what was in our bag let us know in the comments down below what you thought was the most interesting item but yeah thank you so much for watching guys and we'll see you in the next video bye i'm a tired lady and oh wait are they oh no luke and sophia coming over i forgot to tell them that i'm filming oh no i don't even know what this is it's like a wrapper from something i ate oh my gosh i've got like mints that have like spilled in here and everything but thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video that's my outros
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 89,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, Japanese culture, ζ—₯本, Tokyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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