Testing out Japan's BIZARRE Λᴅᴜʟᴛ ᴛᴏʏꜱ (ft. Gigguk)

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for watching this on youtube hello welcome to our very heavily edited video of the lemmy man if you like the full experience the director's cut of this video then i suggest going over to my patreon patreon.com to get the full experience because you're probably not even seeing half of the [ __ ] we we talked about and discussed how's it going everyone this is the anime man or doctor henty i forgot what i called myself last time we are here at the tenga headquarters here in tokyo i have a patient coming in in roughly roughly anytime soon now where is he come in hello there doctor hello sir hello mr mr manny tafo is that your name yes also known as gigger i forgot my turtleneck today otherwise i could have been steve jobs do you know why i called you here i am afraid but i think i do so you are aware of what tenga is correct i am but let's let's pretend that i don't what is what is tenga dr henty so tenga is uh primarily focuses on adult toys that's probably the best way to say it but uh a lot of people i find are not really aware of just how much of a variety tenga has i mean i feel like for male adult toys not many people know much about it i don't know much about it but you've definitely heard the name at least yeah but you don't know the details i don't know the details this is my first time visiting and seeing so many products i didn't know this many products existed this is just you know one corner of it as well like there's so much more but as a scientific study today we're gonna go through and test out some of the more i guess unique and stranger products that tenga has to offer and uh do our best to not get age restricted without further ado let's bring on the collection joey how many shots do i think do you think i have in me so yeah uh this is just one little corner of what they have to offer let's start what's the basic one this is the original vacuum cup this is probably the one that most people have seen before you've probably seen like blow up dolls or the figurines and just like posters of and stuff like that this is the one that people think of when they say tango is that how you do it oh oh oh oh okay that's uh that's that's a oh that's how you open it that's a lot of lube there let's do a blind test do a little test run oh oh this is not getting monetized this is not getting monetized okay it is loopy as hell let me give it a go oh you're right oh like it farted stop oh god oh oh it's all over my hands now oh my god that is well lubed up i will say you basically took all of it what the [ __ ] save some for the rest of us bro let's use the scientific uh rod of wonders that is a big [ __ ] rod oh my god because that team honestly if any one of our viewers has a rod that big i'd be impressed yeah you are basically johnny sims at that point let's just take it out oh god let's be honest here all right look we're horny no no we we are cultured individuals joey that is the 2021 way of saying that's right the h word is is overrated now cultured is where it's at yeah as a cultured gentleman i'm not gonna lie if i use this probably instant not so apparently that wasn't enough suction if you want even more suction then you've got to rip the top off here put the finger over the hole and then that is given the good suck that's a good oh god oh my god so this is the standard what do you think i mean if this is the standard i don't have any basis to compare this to so it's it's hard to say i'm gonna give this a five out of ten like as the middle okay let's let's give this a five let's give this a five as a middle ground all right one thing i've always been curious about are the tango ranks because this is the first product i ever saw and the first time i saw this i thought why are they selling actual eggs in this hardware store cracking a cold one open with the boys right do you like your eggs in the morning oh this is just like kinder eggs what wonderful surprises are laid inside okay oh what comes out is this egg-shaped thing and then inside there's like a little tube what's this okay so i assume this is the thing that you use right this is this this is this is what's on the inside it's like one of those uh squeezy toys right oh yeah yeah yeah with like the jelly yeah you'd throw this against the wall and it would stick against the wall that's exactly what it looks like oh my god multiple uses and then this is the lube i assume and then there's also instruction manual inside of it as well directions remove lubricate insert three easy steps ladies and gentlemen oh my god that stretch is pretty far but it worries me how thin this plastic is imagine this for a second you can quite clearly see once you're doing the business what is going on in like underneath underneath literally the x-ray tag the inside of it honestly feels the same as the regular tango but obviously it's a lot more like compact i'ma say it like these eggs just look cute out of context this is just this could be like a decoration on your on on your like your kitchen table you know you know what those look like they look like you know those like fancy light bulbs that like light up all the way you could use these as like christmas lights it can be a squeezy toy as well it could be a stress ball i'm going to give it an extra point than the regular tango just because of a how much further down the road it goes and also just the versatility honestly i like how casual it is you can easily disguise this as something else whereas this one you're probably going to get questioned a little bit yeah that's that's this is a little bit more inconspicuous yeah yeah i didn't like how see-through you're not a fan of the x-ray i'm not a fan of the x-ray tag okay i'm a fan of the x-ray tag i'm not a fan of the x-ray tag if it's my junk on display to myself fair enough fair enough if this is a five four maybe a four yeah this literally could last you a week it is literally an easy beat oh my god is that the time that's the tagline easy beat egg all right well then i want to try something that is like a little unconventional from tango this is a tenga night charge i assume this is basically just red bull for your pee pee pee fuel okay so the people at tango gave us these lovely love me tango mug cups so we're gonna pour it into my cup oh my look how yellow that is jesus that's almost fluorescent is this gonna make my spunk glow in the dark cheers lads doesn't taste bad it tastes pineappley it is pineapple isn't it yeah honestly on a energy drink rating scale this tastes pretty damn good don't usually drink energy drinks at all i usually just stick to coffee if this can energize me during the day and give me like the nut of the century like then i'll probably take it i mean this just feels like i'm drinking fizzy pineapple juice it doesn't feel like i'm drinking an energy juice at all so what would you give the tenga night charge like a good seven yeah this is actually really really nice i saw we had some chocolates that we could try out oh okay that's not the chocolate we have crispy cocoa taste and crispy lemon taste oh granular strawberry it's just a load of tango shaped chocolates it's even got like the rough inside as well i'm loving the attention to detail that's really good so this one is the granulous strawberry i'm going to try the crispy lemon oops the crispy lemon taste lemon's probably my favorite so far really yeah oh i like that lemon one i remember when i first got this i was a bit disappointed to find out that it was actually chocolate i thought what these products would be would it would be like a like chocolate flavored lube or something so you so you just taste the chocolate afterwards you know what i thought it was i thought it was like you know like during easter with like the bunny shaped like chocolates i thought this was going to be like a tinger shaped chocolate now i know we've already passed christmas but if you're feeling festive we have the tenga cracker that you can crack one open with the family okay ready three two one these are pretty affordable so i think it'd be really funny if you like had like just a birthday party with like the boys okay here's one that i want to try out this is the extra cool edition sometimes japan can get really hot in the summer you know some people don't have air conditioning at home and it's really unfortunate sometimes you just need to chill your balls and chill your pee-pee as well i guess i mean we now know what if what a regular one feels like but what does the cool one feel like jesus you're really going deep with that i mean it's a bit cooler than the one before it's not it's not too much cooler you know what it is it's like if you kind of just put it in front of the air conditioning for a little bit did you have like that mint shower gel that's like super super strong and then you actually put the only balls and your balls are just like freezing upwards it's not quite that it's just like it's just nice i feel this one is gonna be that it's just this one's just a nice little tingle if you want a little tingle on your balls all right let's try this extra cool edition whoa oh my god that's a cool boy you you literally just stuck your pee pee in the fridge oh not gonna lie that would feel awesome in the summer that's a refreshing wank all right so what do you give the extra cool and cool addition i'll give this maybe a four just because it is it is a it is a territory that i am not used to i'm gonna give it five with a question mark because it could go up and could go down it's like a low to high five i feel like i want to redo a rating system because i feel like five's a bit too low most of these are like at least a seven or an eight oh yeah one thing i do want to try is the suction power we've got to do it for scientific purposes because this is the deep cup it's just the name of the product youtube it's just the name of the product oh okay well that's that that's got a grip that's a [Music] i'm pretty sure that's like an audio clip they used in jurassic park like that sounded like a dinosaur let's uh let's let's move on let's maybe try one of the reusable ones because so far everything we've used so far has been a one time uh this is a reusable tanger that looks like a wally character there's a usb charger on this thing that's like a really fancy bedroom light yeah yeah okay oh my god i'm like like scared there's like an x arm dude all right okay so there's the hole oh it's a male vibrator oh no way now i know why this is rechargeable so in order to clean this out because this is reusable you crack it open like that and then the grand reveal well okay so you can fully see the inside of that as well that looks like a scene from ghost on the shelf isn't it like this is the shell and the ghost is this is the ghost you can tell this is like some highly engineered [ __ ] i literally just reloaded a tanker well then all right [Laughter] how does it feel oh it's a massage my fingers are getting very massaged right now what can i say about you know what i really want to use these for like because i play a lot of piano and like when my fingers get really tight i just wanted to use this for you yeah yeah joe that's what you tell aki hey babe can i play piano that's that's how that's our code word there's different levels of vibrations different modes yeah okay that's the poles that's a fast pulse that is that's like that's like an e honda like oh my god this guy it's going mental now berserker mode this is turbo mode now you put on some [ __ ] initial d music honestly okay this thing i like this thing because a it's reusable but b it just looks clean if you just had this propped up you'd never know what that was if you didn't have the tango name on it you would have no idea what this is dude if my grandma walked into my house she'd be like oh you got an alexa that's cool what do you give the reusable i mean i would give this a good nine i'd give this a nine as well as i was saying before i can't imagine having a whole bin of like 10 of these you're gonna buy more than five tankers might as well just get the reusables let's get the reusable ones honestly okay and then there's this one which is also uh reusable this is the spinner go for a spin a new internal coil makes the spinner twist as you insert sending unbelievable sensations with each stroke sounds awesome these look pretty cool as well look at that that looks like a deodorant game oh i just noticed it has like the jojo stats thing i can just hear the dirt so this one has a wide diameter and a lot of stats in firmness but it's mid stimulation this one oh my god this one all the stats are in stimulation i just took this off it looks like a missile so what comes out is this thing it actually has a spring inside of it yeah this is this is a proper spring i've never thought to myself i'm going to stick my peepee in a spring so supposedly how this works is you if you go all the way in and then you just pull the top part then the spring kind of spins on its own okay all right rod you can do it [Applause] oh oh oh oh oh oh the grip is so strong oh yeah we go oh i see it's so you go up and down it spins yeah this the spring like you're not actually moving it but the spring inside there we go it's it i'm watching my best friend move this thing up and down a road we are literally just jacking off a road on youtube this is what you call peak content content to me this feels like a lot of effort to go through um to have to i mean it's a new sensation i like how casual these are and how easy to use this one is this is reusable as well so you can like flip this thing around and empty it all out which like i'm personally not really for that don't really want to touch my jizz after a jack off oh i'll give this one a six i'll give this a six as well yeah all right let's go back to something a little more uh different we have these tenga men's charts this time these are jelly form now if you haven't been to japan i don't know what japan has about packing a lot of things in jellies it really is a japan thing isn't it and i guess now japan has a tenga jelly so this is the tenga king charge i i want one of these for the true kings this is the tengah wild charge for the wild boy in you and of course there's the tenga body charge for that full body experience and of course the tenga men's charge for the lads out there i said some some of the girls would be taking some of these right now it's for the men this is for the true men i'm going to try the king you know i'll try the body charge oh that's very strong very strong smell oh wait this one here is yogurt peach flavor ginger honey i can smell the ginger i'm gonna be honest i'm not a big fan of this one how's that one it tastes like it just ate some i think that's what makes me uncomfortable it's the the texture is very uh it's what you imagine to be yeah um this like i feel something of this consistency is going to come right out let me try the tenga wild charge i'm going to try the tango men's charge all right it's spicy berry flavor and this one is shigekikina fruits flavor do you get that okay this one's a lot better i i like the wild charge whoa that's a strong fruit flavor the king charge is definitely more viscous than the wild child that's a word i feel like this you know what the men's charge feels closer to like the energy gels you can get at like the convenience stores this feels like a normal energy jelly i like it it's got a nice consistency a nice texture this one is a bit too similar to the uh texture yeah i feel i feel the same with the body charging you know what this feels like this feels like an energy yellow that's been left down the sun a little too long like it's kind of just melted inside the packet it's a little liquidy i'm not a fan of the honey because it reminds me of when i have a sore throat and i have like those honey oh honey medicines so definitely recommend the wild charge this one's really good i also like the men's charge the men's choice is pretty good too like the consistency is a lot nicer yeah god the with the amount of [ __ ] like we we're charged up like crazy dude we're about to go ultra instinct in the bedroom i swear to god is that like a limit to how much you can have with these like i feel if we have too many that balls are going to explode it's like charge all right so the last two items that we're going to be showing is uh coincidentally the two most expensive items that you can get on the tanga store and the first one is actually right behind me is this contraption right here this is the tenga vacuum gyro roller do you want to demonstrate what this does okay so we've attached a rolling tanker and this basically does the jacking for you it is an auto jacker this is a hands-free mode we're almost at hands-free mode right so i'm gonna turn this on so this has a gyroscopic sensor inside of it so basically if i turn it this way it goes faster and then if i turn it the other way it goes the other way oh my this is the most high-tech jack-off session i've ever seen yeah as blasphemous this is to say this is like super monkey ball controls here i'll turn it on so feel free to stick your finger in nice freudian slip there joey all right all right ready yeah oh my god ultra instinct that feels so weird oh let's go the other way this is a cyberpunk augmentation this is one of the weirdest things i've filmed in my life look how fast it can go if you're not careful your pp is gonna like disappear into that thing all right turbo mode is this what it feels like to jack into the matrix this is like a try not to challenge on youtube like if anyone can survive that i'd be absolutely impressed the eggs and the disposable cups this is like beginner mode the spinners and the extra cool stuff that's that's medium mode this is like this is hard mode this is like you know this is like insta-kill mode it's literally the dark souls of tenga honestly if i went into a friend's house and i saw that they had one of these i wouldn't even be mad like i i would actually have four respects being like you know what you want i actually want to know how long an average man would last on this cause my god you could give this to johnny sins and he'll be like done in like two minutes dude like imagine trying that and going back to a normal right all right and last but not least we are going to introduce the most expensive thing that thing has to offer the most expensive thing you telling me we're gonna one-up that joey we're gonna one-up that and we've had to clear the entire table we've kept the rods like the rod is now war veteran with what it's gone through today this has seen some days but the last one is something that uh i saw immediately on the table website and i was like i have to play around with this because this thing is just ridiculous let me let me bring it for you what is this this is like the actual packaging that it comes in as well you know what i i'm actually not too sure about either so let's just let's just open it up joey what is this oh my god it's so heavy this is the 500 tango workout gear what the [ __ ] is this this god i told you is really heavy this is a medieval torture device are you kidding me basically what this is is you can see here that there's a hole so you put in a cup and basically you can work out while you j.o isn't that the most like min maxing [ __ ] you've ever heard that is optimization to the core oh my god i can't believe this actually exists how heavy is this this is about four kilograms about four kilograms so you're pumping four kilograms every time you pump your yeah pretty much you know what the inside of this looks like this looks like uh what what are those like human shaped like with the spikes on it that you like closes have you ever seen like man in the iron mask this is man in the iron like look at this oh my god you could probably bench this that's what i'm saying man like this is like a proper benching device i don't know if rod's going to like survive this oh my god this is for the true men right here dude jesus christ it's so heavy you can jack off and literally get jacked while you're jacking oh [ __ ] hell that's a gym session dude you would know if someone had this because if you like that scene in family guy we're like quagmire has like the one jacked arm and the other arm is just like this god you're gonna have the lightest cuff you take that off and the cool thing is as well is that like it comes with this like wooden plate right here so you can just show your true manhood by just having that this actually does feel like air now well that's about it for this video big big thank you to the folks over at tenga for letting me film and showing off uh the stuff and also i have a link down in the description below where if you buy anything from the tango website on it then a little bit of that money comes to me so let's be real the only amount of money i'm gonna be making in this video is from that link so if you guys are interested in any of the stuff then uh make sure to go down to the link in the description below also go check out god's channel he i swear if this is the first time you're watching like me or guard please be aware that god is not known for this kind of content i literally just roped him in because i thought it'd be funny i mean just hanging out and uh chilling with the boys with some tango cracking open a cold one with the boys what better way could i think of to spend an afternoon exactly but anyways guys hopefully you enjoyed and i'll see you in the next one like a favorite if you enjoy subscribe for me keep watching anime [Music] good [Music]
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 2,031,538
Rating: 4.9712143 out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Gigguk, Trash Taste
Id: ol6xlwiZdNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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