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[Music] leaving this place [Music] again [Music] good morning well orange county i made a mistake today why don't you give a nice bowl of [ __ ] because there's some really amazing food places around here that are open super early but i have to be in las vegas by 12 so see what i can do oh by the way i found out what the slot on the side of the suitcase is for [Music] [Music] i really like the drive between los angeles and vegas there's so many really neat things there's a ghost town i just passed i wish i had time to go i love ghost towns i love ghosts you know i love towns i think coming up it's the largest gas station in california we'll stop by this need some gas also home of uh peggy sue's diner there it is this is apparently the largest gas station in california any world okay well that is a giant ice cream sundae honestly it looks way more impressive like that looks way more impressive than this looks like a regular gas stop also i don't really see piggy sue's diner anywhere maybe i'm at the wrong largest gas station in california we are here las vegas oh been a year and a half since i was here there's a lot of people in the pool time is actually pretty tight i gotta go take a shower and then already book the place for hot [Music] pot [Music] i'm not going to the hot pot yet um because they messaged me and they said there's there's better stuff later tonight so i'll go check it out later but i'm at this place to eat crossing the bridge noodle soup oh my gosh there's a tub look at the size of this thing this is i feel like a witch or a wizard i'm about to put in a bunch of ingredients into my brew but you know no eye of newt or something like that i think you should have been taken out of the freezer sooner i'm afraid it's gonna make my soup cold [Music] it's good soup it's not the best soup i've ever had but it's very good soup usually the soup is less spices in here i guess this is the spicy version so it's got more going on that's pretty good crossing the bristol soup i will cross the bridge for this noodle soup broth is pretty flavorful nice and smooth really deep good flavor ingredients are fresh which is nice i feel like the meat could have been less frozen and also kind of missing an egg you know crossing the bridge no soup it always tastes like a little little quail egg but this doesn't have it a few minutes later i just want to say this is so nice just sitting out here [Music] eating a chickley pancake i don't even really want a jiggly pancake but it's all like you know it's vegas so it's kind of sexy when foods jiggle and stuff you kind of want to see things dance but you don't want to go to a club get a jiggly pancake oh this is so light usually when you find these jiggly pancakes in the u.s they're kind of dense this is the lightest one i think i've encountered so far well this might be the best version i had this outside of japan most places i've got this new york um i had this in la once it's really dense this is so cloud-like seriously if you're a fan of these jiggly pancakes come here and try this version this is so giving you a clap as soon as it touches your tongue just melts completely surprising but very happy fine all right gonna eat this maybe find something to do and then hot pot all right back for dinner chubby cattle [Music] okay so this is ah chubby cattle i like the name i saw this actually in philadelphia i didn't get a chance to go so this used to be a conveyor belt hop out which i really would have loved to try but obviously with the hokova situation going on you just water stuff can i bring it to you [Music] first appetizer is here this is crazy this is a wagyu sushi with for gua on top and it's sitting on like a smoky dry ice bed this is miyazaki wagon they say they get their wagon flown in every single wednesday so every single week a fresh batch of wagyu comes in here that is enjoyable [Music] you know what i'm saying i expected the fattiness because the porqua and of course the 85 wagyu but it's not only buttery it's spicy with a kick of wasabi it's got a great garlic flavor as well it's just so many things are just melting onto this rice second little bite of appetizer this is a mini beef taco miyazaki wagyu beef as well little onions carrots i think scallions on top that's good only thing i wish i have a little bit of salsa i think a little bit of acid would be great with this i mean when you have a5 beef as you know part of your ingredients it is gonna melt this thing is just like a really warm comforting nice feeling taco and we got our soup bases already so a lot of the soup bases are coming and this is their spicy oh that's good the spicy one is normally the hardest one to get right flavor-wise because oftentimes the flavor of the broth is just completely overpowered by the peppercorn and the chilies this you taste the meat you taste the bone so this is a combination of beef pork and chicken that's good broth the bone brothers of is okay i'm going to try this this is the oxtail tomato full-on ox tail in here look at this falling apart oh that's delicious slightly sweet sour tomatoes and just a powerful beefy broth if you don't use spicy that would be your go-to dip and broth for me though holy cow i absolutely love the spicy one so spicy so flavorful this thing if you dip meat in here you really don't need a different sauce so this is the vegan one with a lot of shrooms not proud to say this but vegan one is pretty good really flavorful mushroom broth this is what i love about hot pot you really you can come here and eat this with anybody like whether they're vegan they're a meatatarian they love spice they don't love spice they love spice they can't tolerate ketchup whatever it is hot pot will provide holy cow what are you pouring in here eggs make sure there's no overcooked wow make it more juicy for the beef wago beef would recommend cooking time only five to eight seconds five to eight seconds okay thank you this is a work of art look at the marbling snow white marbling on this wagyu this looks like the first snow of winter landing on a meaty pasture i know how to make this perfect now take some of this broth pour it over the little tacos i think some of this tomato broth as well for just a bit of sweetness and sourness try that when you come here that makes something that's already fantastic even better just when i think things can't get any more sexy in this place wow this australian lobster looks menacing what's up with this look at his horse on top of his head [Music] you do not want to cook this way too much that's as good of a bite of hot pot meat you will ever put in your mouth the egg oh wow how come i never knew about this egg trick before with wagyu the egg not only adds that extra cream factor it tenderizes the meat even more oh my goodness that's fantastic it's like eating the ultimate steak and egg hop-hop breakfast and everything just fits together so well especially in the spicy nummy broth [Music] that's about the tenderest name i've had at a hot pot meal if you're here you must get that i think everywhere i go if i go to another hop-out place and they give me wagyu without eggs we're gonna have a talk oh alex comes burning gifts handmade noodles come with three different flavors what is it purple yam green tea and tomato and then this one is where cheese that looks so good i feel like i should be taking that and skipping on my way to grandma's house seriously look at this this is just adorable i'm really suspicious that they might have stolen this from red riding hood or something [Music] oh tomato brother's gray spicy one still my favorite you guys know i've eaten japanese wagyu in a lot of hop up places but with the egg with this broth this might be one of the best combinations in terms of flavor and texture and tenderness of all the wagyu experiences i've had at hop out places this is the best [Music] that's the american wagon told you guys about the miracle i much greater beefy flavor less gender so if you're really not into the buttery flavor of the a5 wagyu i don't know why you wouldn't be go for the american wagon look at this spicy wagyu this is a chase but i have a location at dallas so feeling pretty good about dallas wow i feel like that flavor hits you in two waves first thing you get of course tenderness of the wagyu the spiciness of the broth and then the meat marinade that flavor the stuff that's been kind of pounded into the meat itself that starts exploding on your tongue and covering your taste buds and that stuff it's got a punch of umami flavor and it just burns you right on the tip of your tongue with the heat this is good i'm mainly won over by the by the egg wagyu in this broth but wow when you take the bite it's almost head and shoulders better than the next best hop hop meat and broth i've had lobster meats [Music] wanna take a bite of this a song comes to mind sweet dreams are made of this all that spice and i mean it still doesn't cover how sweet the meat is which of course is a good thing that lobster might look menacing but that thing is sweet the candy of the sea that you know looks like a parked dragon [Music] this stuff i'm telling you like meat lobster meat crab meat is all good the inners though it's like nature's miso trust me try it it's so creamy the flavor it's just something you can't get from like a sauce or something artificial it's just one of the best things nature ever created is crab and lobster inners it is all right apparently this place has a happy hour time where they give everyone a drink and they drink it together something like that place is packed by the way right now a cello cello shot so this is the special drink everyone gets you guys ah sweet i don't drink alcohol so it's sprite it is for me happy hot pots [Applause] [Music] let's get sprite all right my favorite part of the hot pot meal well not my favorite part but the conclusion of the hot meal with this nice carrying case for everything presentation is key at this place if you guys see my hop out videos you know what i'm about to do take your little scoopy scoop put it inside the broth crack your egg and just let it cook for about three minutes poach that egg in the hot pot broth favorite part of the hot pot meal check this out perfectly poached egg on top the noodles and the beef creamy egg yolk covering the noodles cooked in that delicious spicy broth best way to end this meal is this right here this is a fantastic hot pot place ingredients are amazing broth is spectacular in the wagyu with egg yolk you must try pretty good first day in vegas i haven't really explored chinatown in las vegas yet i'm gonna do that tomorrow [Music] good morning first full day in las vegas now you guys know i love ramen i worship at the ultra of the ramen gods and typically ramen shops all behave the same way they usually don't open early they usually open around 10 11 12 and they usually don't open late but have you ever heard of a 24 hour ramen place me neither i'm going there right now [Music] i like how chinatown in the city is so distinct like you definitely know when you're in chinatown [Music] this is it shoku ramen oh it kind of sounds like the name of my new ramen [Music] shop [Music] these are definitely some of the most jazzed up dumplings i've seen usually you just get dumplings and stuff different stuff this thing is sitting in the dipping sauce some scallions and sesame good stuff man especially you get one that's kind of loaded with that crispy stuff on top [Music] it's something like you don't normally expect from a dumpling to be like that crispy and have that additional dimensional flavor two bowls of noodles got the oxtail and the shinigami so the oxtail what are they having here is i see a little tempura shredded tender ox tail two crispy tempura soaked in the broth i think it's some sort of minced meat over here a little bit of greens and in the middle drowning in the broth curly yellow noodles right away when i'm mixing the noodles i smell the miso there's a mushroom in here as well and you can smell the rich pork aroma coming from the broth too on the side they give you yuzu chili sauce to add into the rich broth and kind of cut through things a little bit that is good right away you taste the garlic the ginger broth is rich and smooth it definitely needs some of these chilies oh yeah add the chili sauce add all of the chili sauce the spicy yuzu sauce combined with a rich creamy broth that's exactly what you've been craving for actually never seen tempura and bowls of ramen before usually when you get to pour there's always a soup to dip it in and what better way to eat a tempura than to soak it in delicious buttery ramen broth i don't understand why this is not done in every single ramen place i might have to steal this thing from my ramen shop this is the shinigami by the way this kind of takes your breath away a little bit right torched pork belly right here you got karage if you're into some japanese fried chicken you can't decide what to eat japanese ramen or japanese fried chicken you get both here some eggs some mushrooms look at this torched corn as well again curly yellow noodles oh it's a huge width of garlic this broth for some reason i feel like it tastes more buttery than the last broth this is the chilies you're supposed to add oh you know those chilies that are called harmless they'll mess you up i mean i'm not complaining but i wasn't really expecting it either japanese fried chicken dip it into the broth a couple firsts in this ramen meal for me first time i had tempura in my ramen first time i had karate my ramen i feel like these two should be constant staples at any ramen place the outside soaks up that delicious broth so nicely so you still retain a little bit of crunch which is absolutely perfect i think overall flavor i like the ashtau one better this thing has definitely got more smoke more garlic flavor and if you add the heat just be prepared all right don't be like me i think the chaju might be the weakest element in a bowl it's nice and toasty which is great but there's not a lot of flavor to this so good i definitely prefer the oxtail warm [Music] reason 5841 why i love vegas 24-hour delicious japanese ramen [Music] this is one of my favorite places to go this is the clark county archery gun range so you can come and shoot arrows here it's like 10 bucks you get to shoot for as much as you want just want to say i'm pretty good oh right there yeah that's what i'm talking about of course i also did that in this so it's pretty proud of that it's not a fluke zombie apocalypse comes you want me on your team back in chinatown i was looking at places i really want to eat and this thing kind of stood out because it's like the only clay pot rice spot in the city okay all day clay pot menu this is what i want i want three preserved meats well so their appetizer is it's water steamed eggs now this is a recipe i created a recipe a version of this recipe and it's really good so this thing is actually super easy to make but if you ever try to make this and you know what it is and you had this before you'll realize this is the best way to eat your egg it's like an egg pudding it's like softer than tofu this thing is really easy to make i'll link my recipe down below for you guys if you want to try it out trust me you'll never eat your egg scrambled again someone offers you a scrambled egg in the future be like yo that sounds civilized i want you to steam my egg with water and soy sauce oxtail soup this thing oh you see all the fat floating to the top and so many chinese foods are you know they taste good but also there's like medicinal quality so look at this this thing has a ton of herbs some jujubes and this thing i believe that is a lily dry lilies very light and subtly sweet hmm there's scallops in here i'm gonna add some white pepper to it oh that is good this is the best part of the soup super tender meat the meat is so flavorful too so interesting because usually like a beef soup or herbal soup something like this you don't see seafood usually you don't get both seafood and the beef look at that here really unique version of the soup delicious clay pot rice it's one of those chinese comfort foods that everywhere i go i always crave it there's not actually a lot of places that serves this and like i said i think this is the only place in vegas that serves it even in new york city there's only a few places that have it and the genius of this is is cooked over a clay pot so you get that nice crispy rice on the bottom and on the side you put in the sweet soy sauce mix it all together i don't know if you can hear the soft crunch of the crispy rice that's like the most important part of this if there's no crispy rice in your clay pot rice it might be in a clay pot but it ain't clay pot rice english tons of crispy rice and i got the three preserved vegetables so chinese latch on pork and preserved duck this dish is actually really not hard to make but it's hard to do well and if you love rice dishes or fry rash go find a place that serves this you will fall in love with this dish and those of you who are in vegas come here try this they do it really well i always get this when i'm in new york but my favorite place to have this was back in hong kong unbelievably good also this owner is really nice so come here and show them some support so i got the preserved meat spoon we also got the black bean ribs i always get to preserve meats because you know there's more meats but i would actually recommend the black bean ribs i'm halfway through eating this i want to compliment this even more because i'm tasting a lot of the crispy rice now kind of all mixed in here like every single bite you get some of the crispy rice and that textural change was so significant in this dish they really did a good job with this i discovered my favorite piece of meat the smoked pork belly just the best you're chewing the fat part and that thing is just melting your mouth while the smoky lean meat part just gets tastier and tastier the more you chew that's me okay [Music] [Music] taking a mid-afternoon dessert break because apparently that's just what i do now again this like this chinatown slash asia area just stretches so far down so if you just get off the strip you get on this road called mountain spring road start seeing like starbucks in a nice asian kind of structure and when you're driving down asian is all you see it's amazing if i lived here i just be here all the time this is one of the biggest chinatowns i've been to in the country like new york is really dense obviously so it's more people in the new york china towns but it stretches out further than any chinatown i've been to so they got this mingo roll but really why i stopped it look at this is really cute it's really cute all right guys how good is that little little jiggly pig with oh did it poop did it poop bubba and you know what happens when your jiggly pig poops boba you gotta punish it bad jiggly pig bad jiggly pig bad bad oh i feel bad i don't want to carve out this face i'm just going to take a little pig's butt this thing actually pretty yummy and they give you a little pop and bobas on the side never had a pop and boba before it's like a like a soft crystal shell with like fruit juice in the middle wait a minute breaking news there might be things inside this pig what oh my gosh what oh that's there's more popping boba inside i knew that was a jiggly pig's poop oh this is good this mango crepe cake i'm eating it tastes like breakfast rice steamed noodle dishes but here is wrap around mango and some cream this is delightful outside is slightly chewy inside of course delicious mango i think i like this more than the pig i would highly recommend getting this when you come here [Music] last meal of the day so far in chinatown i've had chinese food japanese food korean fried chicken this place karaoke q studio well i'm kind of confused the place i'm looking for is called q bistro this is q studio oh it's the same thing but this this is done in and that is uh pickup i think where's your chicken it's actually going to be next to our cute show this is our karaoke side oh i thought you had chicken in here oh so there's chicken over there yeah so we own both sides okay um oh okay but we do the restaurant menu on both sides so apparently this fried chicken place has a cheese fondue which i can only water if i dine in here so my desire for the cheese fondue outweighs my fears right now i'll probably eat a little bit and take the rest to go i just want to dip some chicken in that fondue okay so this is the cheese fondue and you get to get your chicken wings flavors you get original soy garlic supreme i'm not a fan of supreme the brand but when you put that by food i kind of want it chicken looks absolutely scrumptious doing the chopstick test you can tell this is gonna be crispy cheese fondue is a boiling whoa this is decadence this is definitely the supreme the familiar taste of the fried chicken you will find in south korea right here super crispy outer shell not overwhelmingly sweet slight hint of spice you know what we gotta do with this delicious crispy chicken surrounded by amazing sides and a fountain of cheese to dip whatever i wanted i'm basically back in korea chicken is absolutely fantastic by the way the soy garlic one the texture is amazing this is what someone's sweeter than the supreme as good as this chicken dish is it wrong for me to love that cheese foundation the chicken itself and this side oh there's cheesy corn on the bottom i was wondering why this side wasn't melting as fast as the other after spending a lot of time in south korea i came to two conclusions one korean fried chicken may be the best fried chicken in the world and two the dipping cheese on basically everything you're eating is wrong i never want to be right soy garlic is good supreme is excellent this dish is just the most perfect representation of las vegas it's colorful it's saucy it's cheesy it's often a little too much but you cannot get enough of it and you keep coming back for more oh it's good fried chicken i haven't walked around the strip since i got here i feel like if i don't just go walk around or do something active my food baby will start the show [Music] okay i tried i tried walking uh down the strip because that's one of my favorite things to do in vegas but way too many people so just gonna go back to my room and watch anime tomorrow i'm really excited i'm going to a hot pot restaurant that's actually in a casino and this thing i think it's gonna be unlike any other hop-up place i've ever been to and as always all the places i went to listed down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again i'll see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 2,476,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: las vegas chinatown, vegas chinatown, las vegas eats, las vegas chinese food, korean fried chicken, vegas ramen, las vegas ramen, ramen noodle, vegas hotpot, chinese hotpot, las vegas restaurant, restaurant, chinatown, cooking, dining, eating, traveling, tourism, tourist, vegas, las vegas, las vegas hotel, las vegas food, las vegas strip, chinatown vegas, chinese food, korean food, japanese food
Id: 1hGF716Gq0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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