We Ranked Our Top 11 Places To Visit in Japan

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hey guys welcome to took your creative play and today we're gonna be ranking places to visit in japan on a scale of one to ten eleven a scale of one to eleven that's right normal people would do ten but we're doing eleven one of my favorite places in japan is um central japan around the area of nagano and matsumoto and i'd love to revisit there because i never made a video there's one place that i quite literally missed the boat to being able to go to and that is this abandoned island called hashima island got all these like high kyo abandoned buildings and whatnot and you used to be able to visit it but can't anymore so i've been really wanting to revisit fukuoka because i want to be able to access the beaches nearby because it looks so nice there shimano kaido i'd love to go back there i rode across it once and ever since then i've wanted to go back and do it again it was so much fun and the views were so good i really want to do a video on this an underwater monument that nobody knows how it was made and it looks like a city and it's in a place called yonaguni which is like way past okinawa i think it's like right next to thailand but it's called yonagini and i really want to go there just for that so we're going to be told a bunch of different place names and we're going to be ranking them from 1 to 11. one being the best places that we think to visit and 11 being not the best places we think to visit now we still might like the places even in the last place but some places it's still gonna be better than others so let's get rankin for tokyo i feel like it's a place you have to go at least once i've had a bit of a weird love-hate relationship with tokyo over the years i used to love it and i hated it because i used to come down a lot and i'd often spend my time in the same place like shibuya it's very crowded it's very busy but over the years coming down again and again i've discovered new parts and new places and i think it is a pretty cool city and there's something for everyone in tokyo so i'm going to give it a three give it a three out of ten eleven why is it eleven or not ten that's so confusing i'm still a big fan of tokyo i've lived here for four years now i think tokyo is great i think turkey is great to visit i would put tokyo up there oh do i give it number one dang it i'm going tokyo i'm putting it number one i love tokyo it's so diverse and you can travel outside of tokyo when you visit you can do city city and then you do like day trips to mikko there's lots of transport it's really accessible it's english friendly i love tour here honestly i'm just gonna put tokyo at number two it still has so much because japan in itself is like literally no other country that you've ever been to the littlest things are gonna be more different than you've ever experienced and just being in the capital of tokyo you're going to get akihabara you're going to get shibuya harajuku there's like a little bit of everything in japan that's in tokyo so despite living here in tokyo i know a lot of what japan has to offer yet still have a deep love for tokyo so i'm gonna let it hang out somewhere in the middle around number six there's obviously the major spots like the shinjukus and shibuyas and everything like that but what i love about tokyo is the absolute juxtaposition created between the city and all the hidden backstreets and shrines and everything i've always made it a point to show how to explore tokyo and find hidden spots that either have no people or unknown to find and tokyo is a big enough and dense enough city that there are no shortage of little hidden alleyways and crevices put tokyo at like number three just because i feel like it's a place that everybody should visit at least once i really like wandering tokyo at night time i really like all the little alleyways and the shops stay open pretty late which is cool i'm mostly into exploring tokyo at night time in the day it's really really busy it's really crowded so it's not that fun dang hokkaido is so nice especially in winter oh but it's nice and summer too oh god it's kind of interesting about summer and winter in winter it's obviously one of the snowiest places on earth it's summer it's just the right temperature you can escape the rest of the countries like being in an oven the hokkaido is actually nice and cool so i'll give hokkaido a four just because it's got a nice diverse range of places my favorite thing to do in hokkaido is probably just saporo it's kind of a little bit different to the rest of japan they've got some unique dishes like genghis khan the lamb mutton dish they've got some very nice hokkaido style sapuro ramen uh we'll have lots of butter and things in it because dairy food is quite a big thing a lot of japan's butter and cheese comes from hokkaido hokkaido i'm definitely gonna put hokkaido at number seven to get a full picture of japan you need to see places like tokyo as well as places like hokkaido it is massively wide and open it'll take you hours by car to get from one city to the next and not huge scenery changes in between but the people the food and everything is really what makes it what it is it's really on a must visit a part of this is because i also haven't gone to hokkaido it's on my to-do list and it's one of the top so i'm gonna say probably number four hokkaido is number three because it's not number two or number one it's kind of hard to get to you have to travel really far to get to hokkaido unless maybe you've got a direct flight to like sakura or something for me i haven't been there so much i have enjoyed it every single time but it's just a little bit harder to get to i love hokkaido i've been there a few times now hokkaido is a really good place to visit if you've seen lots of the rest of japan just because it's not like it doesn't strike me as like an overly japanese place if you're looking for like a very japanese experience maybe hokkaido wouldn't be like on top of your list so i'll give it like a six i'll put it as a six kyoto i don't wanna be cruel to kyoto it's a very touristy destination i think that there's other places where you can see nice traditional things like kyoto that aren't as busy so i'm gonna i'm gonna put it at 11. i would recommend that under tokyo because it is such a beautiful place there's a lot of like the traditional side of japan that's there kyoto citizens are a little bit more social and talkative and a little bit more interested in foreigners than in tokyo as much as i like some spots in kyoto i'm going to put it further down on the list because it's just so touristy now and i feel like there are other places in japan where you can get a similar experience that aren't as crowded with tourists so i'm going to put kyoto as nine kyoto is a tough one because it's just so crowded these days which isn't surprising because it is a beautiful city uh lots of it anyway it really is crowded and it can be a problem it can really get in the way of enjoying it and feeling like you're in the moment right if you go to the one of the temples like ginkakuji and it's just iphone shutters going off everywhere but it is a phenomenal city and it's pretty cool i think i'll give it a 6 out of 10. it was less crowded it would probably be a 5. i'm going to actually put kyoto one step above tokyo number five because kyoto is it's an obvious must-see there's a lot of beauty there's a lot of history there it's one of the places that i recommend you do very very early in the morning and then maybe during the daytime get out of kyoto and go somewhere else explore and then come back and enjoy kyoto at night kyoto during the day time is is okay you can go see the temples and shrines and whatnot but there's just something about it in the morning when there's no people the bamboo forests of arashiyama or the monkey park that's just across the river the fushimi inari the red toady gate it's a must see and it's also wonderful enough as a place that if you stick it out for a full day you can do the majority of kyoto in one to two days osaka i okay i love osaka i want to put osaka second we went there so much in our last trip and i got to see so much of osaka and it's so much to see and do and the vibes of the neon oh it's just excellent for a while i wasn't like super into osaka because i was like oh it's probably really touristy but being there recently and seeing everything that it has to offer it's like okay this place is pretty bomb and the attitude's so different there yeah just the vibes it completely changed so i i really like osaka osaka is a very special city for me a lot of my favorite memories in osaka the people there are so friendly it's not an exaggeration when you walk down a street in osaka uh in the evening people were just so friendly and nice it's easy to strike up a conversation with a stranger compared to anywhere in japan osaka is the place to meet people and one of my favorite videos on journey across japan was an osaka and it was a great memory so for all the memories for the great food as well and just that atmosphere in the ambience i want to put it number one but i don't know what the other places are on this list so i'll put it as number two just in case there's one that's better but really oh suck is pretty much number one it's tough it's tough i'm not a food traveler so if you're a food traveler osaka would be very very high on your list osaka does have a lot to explore see and discover but if i had to choose between one of the two bigger cities if i was an explorer i'd go for tokyo if i was a food and culture person i'd probably go for osaka to me the downside of osaka is osaka is all about the main spots whereas tokyo has the main spots but you can also really enjoy the hidden back streets and all the temples and shrines osaka is much more like a businessy district than tokyo is in a way with more outgoing people and a lot more food options for now i'll put it osaka at number five just because osaka is good if you've experienced enough of tokyo so when i go to osaka i feel like i'm coming into a more social prefecture i'm coming into a more nightlife prefecture again i really like osaka but it's very touristy i feel like i've been in japan so long that i compare all the places now with what they were like 20 years ago they were so much less touristy then if you were asking me this like 15 years ago osaka and kyoto would be like way up on the list because they're great spots but because of all the tourists again i'm going to put osaka down low so i'll give it i'd want it to be near kyoto so i'll give it an 8. fukuoka okay i'm going to put four corporate number five because i've already put two cities at the top and fukuoka is really beautiful and amazing but it's yeah harder to access i love all the yatai the little shops and food stands that you can go to visit it's a little bit intimidating but you gotta give it a go yatai is really good canal city is really beautiful ohori park i think that's what it's called a beautiful big park it's just more spacious less people but still with all those city vibes fukuoka is pretty cool it's got a great nightlife lots of great fantastic ramen one of my favorite memories there was the nanzer in temple which is home to the largest bronze reclining buddha in japan and maybe the world it's about 41 meters long if i recall and it's just a sight to behold but i've seen some of the biggest buddha statues in japan but that is insane and that's one of my favorite memories of fukuoka but i really haven't experienced fukuoka as much as i should have i'd like to go again i'll give it a seven because while they are great things i haven't got that key moment that key memory yet that makes it somewhere really special i love coco can go number four yeah it's beautiful it's such like a big city and there's so much to see and lots of really good food i feel like fukuoka has a really good food culture so if you're into food you like trying japanese dishes as well as like more like western influenced japanese food i feel like there's lots of options there tons of vegan stuff goka is famous for beauty stuff so if you want to get your hair done your nails done it's really good for that too i know nothing about fukuoka so it's not really a place i feel is marketed either to foreigners and i haven't even gone there yet i haven't really found a reason to so fukuoka i have it at number nine i'm going to go ahead and put kolka for now at number two it's an absolutely beautiful city you imagine tokyo to be a city that never sleeps but the real city that never sleeps in japan is koka you can go out at three o'clock in the morning and there will still be ramen stalls lined up on the road bustling with people drinking and laughing and all of that tends to shut down much earlier in tokyo surprisingly i love the feel the culture and the overall access that goku gives also flying into it in the airport it goes right over the city and it's just like it's a beautiful beautiful place to be i guess i gotta visit colgate again this year [Music] sendai i've been there sedna is great as a tourist destination there's not a whole lot going on in sendai i have to admit it's a very comfortable beautiful place to live you've got the kind of the city but you've got the mountains like just there next to you and you escape the countryside in 20 minutes which is a huge appeal if you come somewhere like tokyo and there's just no nature for like one hour you have to leave the city for an hour sometimes a good jumping off point when i'm giving advice to people coming to tohoku i tell them to come to sendai and use that as a jumping off point to go to places like yamagata prefecture and yamadera temple or matsushima bay but kyuton is the local dish and i think it's really good it's cow tongue that's been barbecued which sounds pretty unpleasant to be fair but it tastes really good so i'll give sendai a five because it's got a special place in my heart by virtue of the fact that i've been living there for three or four years now sendai oh yeah okay i'm gonna put sendai right beside hokkaido uh at number eight i've really limited myself on this list i've hung out in the middle sendai is one of those places that's really great because it gives you access to a lot of other places it's also a good place you can go to uh matsushima which is a short train ride away from sendai and you there's this boat tour of these gorgeous islets that are out in the water and it's it's spectacular i love the area i don't really know much about sendai other than joey's grandma lives there um whenever he goes i've seen the pictures if you really like the countryside of japan and if you really want to go that far to see a countryside then by all means go for it i feel like you could save that for last because the fact that i haven't even gone there i mean shows kind of my interest so i'm actually gonna even put that under fukuoka it's just way too far i feel sendai's number ten sendai sendai is nice i feel like i'm biased because i live right by it and i love tohoku uh sendai is a really big city and you can get like that really big city feel without the crowds because no tourists go there i find that really good about it i'm gonna put it under fukuoka i'll give it number five sendai i feel like i've been to sendai a couple of times but i still i haven't got a grasp on the city i don't know what there is to do i know there's some cool areas around you can catch some trains to see some really good areas in like iwate but i'm not insulting cinder i just don't know sendai's number eight not because i don't like it it's just because i don't i don't know what it has to offer ehime is really beautiful but it's very hot so it really depends which time of the year you're going there but ahime is gorgeous and i feel like it's very underappreciated and i wish more people would visit there oh i've only got like really high spots i really low spots left i've got a seven left so maybe i'll put it in seven i've never even heard of that well then you know what i'll just put that at the bottom i've never even heard of it so so ehime is really quite a cool place i often tell people if i had to move to japan again and choose where i was going to live matsuyama city in ehime would be the place that i moved to matsuyama is a really beautiful city it's got a castle kind of raised up on a mountain right in the heart of the city and from there you can see the whole city the mountains the inland sea of japan it's very picturesque and of course they've got dogo onsen one of the most famous onsens in japan that is said to have inspired the onsen or the hot spring and spirited away so i'll give that well i've shot myself in the foot because really that would be like number four or five or something but because of the way i've structured it it's gonna have to be an eight even though really it's higher i'd rather be in ehime than for corker i think and kyoto damn this list down the rules of the game i got to see some really great things but yeah again i still feel like i don't understand the full scope of the city they have really good mikan so ehime i'm gonna put in number seven but really i say go to ehime and then also look at the rest of chicago as well something has to get number one on this list and i'm gonna give ehime the number one spot simply because the other place that i might have put it number one hasn't come up yet and i don't know if it will but ehime is definitely guaranteed to be in the top three going to a place like ahime you have the opportunity to feel like you've stepped back into the past and visited japan that you think is only available on tv and movies and whatnot anymore but it is is there alive and well in places like ehime and i love it there is a period where i was going almost every other month if i had a friend coming to japan who could only go to one place and like didn't want to go to tokyo i would recommend them to do the island of shikoku and start in ehime oh i love oyta i feel like it's one of those places that doesn't get enough attention even though tokyo creative is like giving it lots of attention now which i'm really happy about because it's it's such a nice place i'm actually gonna give it a two i'm gonna put it up high because i really don't want to put it down low because it's such a nice area it's not touristy at all i'll just put it at eight anything like i think under number five right now is probably ranked because one i haven't heard of it and two like it's things that i'll do once i visited every prefecture i wanted all right oy does gonna get number three it is really a toss-up because that entire area like oita gives you beautiful beautiful places like beppu which very similarly to ehime you've got the mountains right there you've got the ocean you've got the city it's such a beautiful place with all the onsen culture the rolling green hills i could go on and on and on forever but the beautiful thing is my top three places from ehime to oita to fukuoka are all in that area so if you've got like a solid two three weeks in a rental car have yourself a blast out there oh man oit is beautiful okay i will put oita at number six just below fukuoka then you can go to fukuoka and then go to oita as well oita's got so much to see they have those monkeys and the ocean and then pepper as well becca is really nice if you go to oregon you just got to eat as much as you can oita has one of the best hot spring resorts in japan we've got some things on the table here apparently that are from oita what's this waiter mascot peppa of course is the kind of number one hot spring in japan and i love it i remember the first time i drove through beppu and i came over the mountain you can see kind of the town by the sea with mountains surrounding it but it's got loads of steam rising off of the kind of rising through the streets just because of the seismic activity in the region and that is a resounding memory i haven't seen enough of it so i'd love to go back i'll give that a nine i feel like there must be something else that's that's good it's coming up i don't know i'll put waiter at number nine again really great place no criticisms really it's just there because of the list the way it is hiroshima is going number four i don't know if it's just like a personal thing i love hiroshima and this just heats to do around the city so i i love the vibe in hiroshima i'm gonna toss in hiroshima at slot number four and again because the area does have a lot more to offer than just the historical side of it it also gives you access to quite a few points you can go out to the miyajima island out there which is just spectacular the real hidden gem of miyajima is what happens at night after all the tourists have left and the locals are wandering the streets in their summer yukata dressed like they're from some onsen town with the deer wandering it's spectacular if you have any way to stick around on that island for a night do it it is just wow oh yeah joey and i were thinking of going to hiroshima for our anniversary next month actually provided we're allowed to i don't know too much about it other than like the bombing of the history behind hiroshima and that's one of the reasons like i want to go because i want to go to the memorial site but i've heard that there's also a lot that it has to give especially nowadays so i'll probably put that at number six hiroshima i've been to hiroshima three or four times and there's some great things i'd love the okonomiyaki hiroshima style i always drop into okonomiyakimura which is kind of like it's like a building just filled full of okonomiyaki pancake chefs and little stalls and it's the best okonomiyaki i've had anywhere in japan the a-bomb dome is an incredible sight to behold obviously i grew up i was had a fascination with history growing up so standing before the atomic bomb dome and seeing the just the remains the skeletal remains of the building is always a really powerful scene for me and it's a city that's filled with hope because if you look at photos of what it looked like in 1945 and you compare that to now it really gives you hope that even after something so terrible and destructive an atomic bomb going off you can rebuild a city bigger and better than ever before i'd like to put that higher up the list but the highest possible one is 10 and i feel like again there's got to be something really special for number one i'm holding out i'm gonna have to put that in the number one spot because i've only got one 10 and 11 left and i love hiroshima it's really beautiful you can learn a lot about the history of japan as well as visit beautiful spots and they have hiroshima okonomiyaki which is delicious but it's amazing so yeah that's way up there on the top of my list fukushima oh i love fukushima i wouldn't put it down at the bottom that would actually be way up high on my list i've been to fukushima probably at least 20 times there's just so much to do there there's onsen beautiful historic spots like historic towns i feel so wrong putting at the bottom can i switch it with something put it in 10 just because it's the highest spot i have left but honestly it deserves to be up like three or four it's really good i'll put fukushima at number seven i mean fukushima is absolutely huge it's one of the biggest prefectures in all of japan as a youtuber one of the things i've always tried to do is try and show that fukushima isn't some destitute wasteland like a lot of people believe it to be go to fukushima and you'll see that it's not what it's portrayed as and so there's lots of great memories of fukushima but i'm going to put number 11 because it isn't number one but again it's not bad either i have to put fukushima at number 10 because i only have 10 and 11 left i hope i get the chance to rearrange these afterwards because that feels unfair so uh i really like aizee wakamatsu i remember we had negi sofa that was really fun and just a really beautiful area i guess i have no choice but to fill it in at number 10. fushima would actually be a bit higher on the list i would probably recommend it over osaka to be honest and one of the things people don't realize is fukushima is an incredibly incredibly wide prefecture that has everything to offer from mountain exploration in temples and shrines fukushima is really good for exploration and experiences oh okay i've never been there just from like looking at videos that i've seen of it it looks really gorgeous but again it's not like i feel like it's not a super japanese experience because they've got the american army there and i feel like it lots of it is americanized like the shops and stuff that's just my image of it i've never been there yeah it's got to go in the last spot just because that's all i have left but i don't think it deserves that okinawan food is amazing okinawa is coming in so i've never been to okinawa yeah i'll put it at number one why not that's like the hawaii of japan that's like when even people in japan if you say hey let's go to okinawa like you gotta plan it it's great for weddings it's great for vacation escapes and i've i've been there once and i definitely go again if money was not an option like i'd even have my wedding and everything at okinawa okinawa okinawa can hang out at 11. that's fine and i can say that i can say okinawa can hang out in spot 11 because any real list is only 1 to 10 anyway and i've never been to okinawa it is an experience all of its own that i have kind of saved i i want to hold that off to a later time i still have so much exploring left to do on the major islands before i hit the little ones i like okinawa i remember we went there in summer it was obscenely hot hotter than anything i've ever experienced and we went snorkeling which was a nice memory i've never done that before but i didn't feel it was anything particularly special and i feel like the fact that i've put number one feels a little bit wrong to say again this this game is flawed and the pen is just leaking everywhere i'm gonna give you a chance to rearrange your list right now and make some last-minute changes okay so this is my original list this was my second attempt at the list which i realized it's quite difficult doing this and this is the final list right so number one i put osaka hokkaido sendai number four tokyo kyoto fukushima matsuyama hiroshima oita number nine fukuoka number ten and finally okinawa i think that's just down to the fact that i didn't really get to see it when i went there i went with a big group of like other influencers and i didn't really have the freedom to do what i wanted but that's my list i put kyoto as the last place just because of all the tourists above that i put okinawa and then hokkaido just because those two i feel like aren't a traditional japanese experience osaka starting to get up into the higher ones i put oyta and sendai next in the fourth spot i put fukoka because it's absolutely beautiful and it's got that big city feel tokyo stayed at third spot fukushima i gave second number one i gave to hiroshima so number one tokyo number two osaka number three hiroshima four i've gone for ehime number five i picked hokkaido six i got fukuoka devon number eight i've got okinawa number nine i've got fukushima number ten i've got sendai and 11 kyoto i'm gonna hold to what i have with one exception one exception only and this exception is entirely based on whether or not if you're a foodie keep osaka and fukushima where they are at nine and ten if you're more of an experienced junkie i say switch them out fushima over osaka fukushima's number nine osaka's number ten out of everything that i've listed here the only things that i had to switch was hokkaido and osaka just because i feel like tokyo kyoto and osaka those are like the three that i feel everyone is always told to visit and it's for a good reason tokyo is like the little bit of everything kyoto is like if you really want to get in the heart of traditional japan and osaka is like when you're done with tokyo and you want to see more nightlife and number one i'm still gonna put as okinawa just because it's quite literally paradise it takes probably the most planning but once you're there i feel like it's gonna be really worth it all right so that's how we've ranked all the places that we were given uh let us know in the comments down below if you feel any of our judgments were unfair sorry kyoto sorry sentai but yeah let us know in the comments down below what you guys think i hope that gave you some helpful information when you're planning your trip so appreciate you guys for watching and we will see you again in the next video bye come and watch our videos again they're great tc yeah bye bye bye bye let's try again wow they're awesome it's dramatic wasn't it how do you even spell it ehime like like like princess but it was an e in front yes okay that's like the princess who's boring like ehime she's the anime oh my god yeah sorry ahime
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 118,305
Rating: 4.934413 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun
Id: pKBRkT_iB5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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