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[Music] bro I probably don't know these animes to be honest crazy these anime anime yes we're off to a good start I am lady I am lady I am ready stage stage it's like Japanese or something it's like it's a different language sorry guys I'm sorry to you at home the viewers I'm sure that you could probably guess I'm unlike Tengiz good boy list or something like they send me boxes every once in a while like everyone so I'll just get a little tango gift yeah I'm like the biggest user of tangos I'm your classic Wow for Halloween I've been tinkin man for like two years in a row now and this year I'm enchanted uh folks it comes out I'm sorry I missed that is that standard in Japan yeah it's nice I can just like why are we doing this oh I just I got it in my face way you guys are here from I got that yes yes this is still good I'm gonna longer we get one-way street in the hostess show you guys I shave like taking it off my mouth I understand sharing is caring please don't ever do that no I'm gonna do some breast surgery welcome to my channel I can't name I would such and say when they dig sites not working Shh don't want to wake him we at the boba tapioca bubble tea girls are you doing that - uh that song no yeah no guys I'm I'm bubble - and we are the bubble bubble tea girls I'll be here till this trend dies which is never new bubble tea shops are opening all around Japan all around Tokyo I don't know if it's just around Japan just took it we started filming I hate this I hate this question Oh Natasha you piece of work I thought I'd be like BAM Ben yes no no worries dude what kind of trash is this Natasha but then if I say anywhere I'll get hate that's the point of this I hate this don't make me eat it don't worry eat it Oh Natasha Avada Kedavra [Laughter] [Music] what's my hair mousse oh I can't see anything anywhere no place to cosplay it honestly I think that I got a really convenient costly outfit because it's all like warm I have three there oh yeah sure and all these pretty girls did that he got my this might be on water or sharing oh yeah I can be our perspective [Music] [Music] Kisuke [Music] my king pingas [Music] it's on the team and you gotta get it I don't think I don't think we can get any we can't waste any more money on this one we won't challenge [Music] okay so strategy it's going to like stick it out we're going to try to grab it from the button the legs are so big for just the [Music] it's just like let me down boogie boogie dude we just went and picked me con on the island there's so many trees so I guess it's a restaurant made up entirely of vending machines only my seed called me yeah [Music] amazing amazing this giant Keyblade the Joey showed you his prized possession that is mine Matt it's pretty dope because it lights up and makes sounds it oh wow we put it above the TV don't you love beer right I love you yes so I have a autumn pair too high and you haven't written flavored beer yes so let's get the right one yeah now I'm gonna reach for mind that's the okay I don't want any more I don't want any more I'm sorry stop please oh good driving by and splashing pedestrians with water and rainy weather is illegal and can carry fines up to 7,000 yen about $70 a trip I hope it's trained hate despise people do that unless it's matey's driver either works or does it's made completely wrong right now we are in katashi's getting the shot I missed it you look so funny just likes going under a bush this is what it looks like when we get in the shot oh yeah yeah gonna be another mountain look at this beautiful view behind us I'd say like it looks like we will fall down though I actually was just thinking like what if a kid just pushes me sure hope I mean kids are crazy they could do it we are ready for the beach but not a chance for me is for joining us yep Chloe we gonna right yes no yes no like in whatever order that I decide and they wouldn't know until they throw dice and find out is that all right no you don't have a choice it's fine and Charlie fight we can know we can we can improve it if we get more for me let's decide what they should do I think it should be a fair yes and no percentage okay all right guys the faith lies in the dice [Music] [Music] alright guys so today is my fifth day as an official pokemon trainer and I see something in the wild bushes [Music] Japanese sports judo kendo or karate something one of those to come up only Japanese mutt oh god I don't name the judo man house and call me mad I can't see you Jake and it's Jamie big but that works too last question jump up Chris as a jump hands up the wire for Amanda in Japan drinking after shot a shot one shot for you to come happening bar hotel very fun time it's fun time every everybody that is everybody racy up three two one look at that if that isn't how to do it I don't know what is okay I'm going to share this on my face as fast as possible because you don't want to walk down the street with it you have to eat here so good every layer is a different flavor everything is really expensive see that's like a 390 yen shop but I don't really have more than 300 yeah you know maybe we can buy a drink I don't understand this game I think I have to chase somebody around and throw balls at them and he-man is the target back home forever [Music] [Music] [Music] so it is big very very smoothly and if I throw this one you see what's gonna be happening yeah feel like they keep getting the bait before I can get the fish shiori-san musta I'm the big loser [Music] [Music] [Music] and we will see you in the next video
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 170,235
Rating: 4.9483247 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun
Id: lnMDywwterY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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