Abroad in Japan's "Journey Across Japan" After Party in Tokyo

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Chris, Nat and Ryo... damn good show.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/raytheater 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

YouTube Premium says hello. :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JZ_TwitchDeck 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I have YouTube Premium, what's an ad?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheAndySan 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is this the end of the road trip across Japan?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ClawZ90 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so thank you guys for coming I'm the CEO of took get creative and next to me is what do you what do you do [Music] okay but you guys all came here for the journey across Japan abroad in Japan campaign however we do have all the a lot of took a creative in fencers back there as well if you guys can just raise your hands yeah so we have we have on the Left we have no-armed took your lens we have sherry a cherry berry and a human elbow drift touch your elbow we have Paris the sweet pea we have Joey the anime man we have sur la sharp meander Emmett okie dokie traveler and we have Elsa bunny Tokyo oh whoops I'm sorry oh yeah yeah we have we want to bring kind of the took a greater community with all of you guys together in this offline event to start things off we have a show real the 2018 took a creative show Rio that we have not uploaded yet so we want to show you that you guys [Music] so without further ado let's introduce the abroad Japan team [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to Syria thank you my event you know me my name is Chris port this event Chris ball and the real channel and me yeah yeah but I need a toilet that was quick thanks asking for man the myth the legend thanks for coming guys no matter how far you've come from whether you've come 200 kilometers or two stops down the up note a line this is so surreal I didn't know how many people gonna be in here we've been that stage freezing to death I thought I don't want your image of the backstage area is but it's just outside we're gonna stay over 30 minutes freezing to death and I thought we're going to come in and they'll be like five or six people here so it's quite surreal how do you feel I said just excellent just I would expect you in like maybe two people just turning up but did I see what what the hundreds amazing it's amazing so yeah that ski that was quick wasn't it but I know it's surreal Jenny cross Japan's been made in rice fields and mountains across the country so it's weird to kind of just be here in a room with civilization now so I'm looking forward to this event we've got lots of cool stuff lined up do we wait for now ski yeah well we just go ahead and start he'll be back yeah the question we want to ask Chris as just a general question we want it directed at Vito and not ski but basically what are your kind of favorite moments working with Chris broad on the abroad in Japan Channel nothing really never but uh we just had a walk there was a three year anniversary of us filming making videos together and that was all like two days ago and that maybe maybe many of you I think have seen me my Sorento kiss yesterday he's back yesterday not to his three year anniversary on the channel I didn't know but I got a facebook notification saying three years ago your throne you did something and so yeah it's been three years now so it's kind of a double celebration I guess to have to have real Turin and the celebration have nasty back we've got kind of wall here for nasty to hide behind what's your favorite memories oh yeah I mean the oh I brought in Japan as a whole right yeah okay um our first video the was an onset and was the gummies of a beef I think many of you have seen it I guess um that was some our very first video but it went very very well and now it's got 1.3 million I guess uh I think oh yeah you always good you always do that for me anyway oh we said that out those first vid actually shocked me there are so many people watched it and - it gave us a lot of confidence of fairly continued filming and without that I think we won't be here you won't be here in the first video it was kind of experiment we went to this this ryokan was beautiful and yeah went viral somehow older the hell but with viral and that kind of gave us the encouragement to work together and of course we've been making videos with nasty long before then what's your favorite memory of Nats lead movie and my my mama let's open let's open what a day that was yeah as to my memory I well for Jenny cross Japan I've made a highlight reel of my top ten memories which will be on slightly later on along with the Q&A yeah how about the worst time working with Chris Brown spill there man spill them don't throw too many I know with you know you see these videos that you know we've made before and then you know he's being like ironic or he beings you know the cynic all the time it's just you know something sometimes like I just get bored or tired of and sometimes I just gonna just just leave him and just leave me with the outside you know I said of terrorists just leaving land free the good froze and then shut up but but he just keeps going out having happy 27 videos made I'm getting used to it I'm sorry getting influenced by the your tyranny yeah thank you me so it's why me the jokes like he makes all the time you know that I am I'm just trying to prepare myself getting influenced so much Brian for unfortunately you know he's coming into me overshadowing what might happen later on down the line when he kills me your first cycle a cycle and later so tired it was amazing Nats keys think was Nats Keys first exercise ever doing journey across Japan so it was a big deal seeing that skill recycling but in the video you see much in how I felt after a month you only did it for 15 minutes thank you with that said we want to actually premiere the next installment of u-turn across Japan which is not yet public so you guys get a sneak peek and it's with dr. oh I believe in Yamaguchi Prefecture join me for the day again and we didn't actually cycle this time we explored Yamaguchi Prefecture by car because there's a lot of it but you can't reach by bicycle so we've got a nice car and this is how we got on we ate fugu Blowfish real traitors attempt to kill me again by giving me dangerous oh yeah clearly dangerous poisonous puffer fish but it's delicious so yeah this is how we go on go ahead [Music] [Music] this that all you guys have any uh any funny things to share about that video any food abou incidents that weren't shot on camera crap those throughout the whole video by that point I've been cycling for a month and a half so my face just looks like it's falling apart with beard something happen to you during the cycle you but you tried like you to you know make it kind of smart where that you look you try to look better sorry I burst amazing facial hair yeah it was a great trip really their figure I recommend trying it's quite expensive i reccomend try it's pretty flavorless yeah cool watching it's really graphic actually I had to cut most of it out but he got the figure and he was like ready and we're like yeah cut the head off and like while it was still alive and I just like what the [ __ ] is standing over the camera like Jesus like destroying this it's still alive horrible I had to cut most of it out but still relatively graphic oh yeah what no I was really worried like it how much he would use in the video right cuz I mean its face was chopped up he did half right like it was everything was moving these I was like a [ __ ] my first time I saw as well like how yeah I heard actually prepared the the Blowfish it was just a graphic that's the wood not the way the best one in the news I mean like I would call it disgusting but anyway yeah the highlight from the egg was just a car driving around in a convertible I'd never been in one before you had to you've had two convertibles what cool young man I like to point out the Joey the anime man is here he's over there wave Joey hey backstage now Skeeter where's jelly Jimmy where's jelly what about tonight meant Joe so that's your new name Joey mr. doctor jelly welcome in welcome Shauna before that we just wanted to actually play one quick video it's a highlight reel that Chris mocked up specifically for this event it's basically having all the highlights up until now for that it's not that quick is it okay so please enjoy the highlight reel [Music] [Applause] [Music] we should've got you here in character all right for the last hour we want to open up to Q&A around the journey across Japan so we have Ian who was actually on the trip the whole time he's actually took a cut of staff we kind of forced our staff to go on these crazy trips too so in we have Joey who how long were you in there four or five days and then Charlotte was on for a good portion of it bill thought it was on for three days and then not ski was in the beginning okay so just wanna ask one quick question I just want to know what was the from not the upon Japan team but actually directed to Ian Joey and Sharla what was your literally worst day of the journey across Japan this morning I think but it was absolutely beautiful but holy [ __ ] it was hard it was really hard I think it's somebody commented that it was actually 90 kilometers instead of the 70 but they have on the pamphlets but it's mostly uphill what it's just hills after hill after hill but then you get up to the bridges and it's just beautiful so it was yeah simultaneously the worst and the best day but I enjoyed it I enjoyed me personally the worst days an easy selection it was crashing the van on day three and then the call back to our office to confirm I crashed the van it didn't help we that happened about Chris was with me when it happened we were the only two in the van and it was really dark and raining really hard and I'm just making excuses what happened but but we were going to donkey I believe and we were going to go in the van and one thing that got a lot easier over time was attaching the bikes to the back because we didn't really want to leave him in hotel car parts we we did towards the end but initially we're a bit worried about security so we get the bikes locks on the back and initially when we were putting them on there to try and balance the way one always hung over like about a foot to the to the side I cleared in take that into consideration when reversing around the car park and yeah it just though the window shattered of the back windscreen we very quickly had to arrange a new van for the rest of the day and then sorry for the the next week I think and then yeah basically the the whole thing didn't interrupt the trip much but probably added about five years to my life but took off five years of my life and cost about one half thousand dollars so the highlight I mean there was so many one I think just meeting all these people here for them for the first time one I was actually I told Chris on day one I think I was a massive Pete Donaldson fan actually before even realizing he was on the trip I I listened to his podcast and I'm a big big fan so meeting him was also highlight who incidentally just one last part in that he's the best smelling human being I've ever made there was there was I think we were about three weeks into it wing when Pete joined yeah and the van was trying to smell a bit it was there was there was laundry like stacked up in the back everything that and I was you know that that as well and then I thought we've really would really okay next stop hoggin next character so I'll get some air fresheners or something and then Pete turned up one problem solved sorry you should have gone up to being being like I mean you smell different when you're awake worst day for me was I mean I have four days to choose from so it's pretty easy probably the last day where we film the jelly commercial because the moment we finished filming that I was I knew I was like oh man this is on the internet forever and people are gonna stop calling me jelly like but I mean like like that trip like that day in itself that that cycle was pretty tough in itself but it was also difficult because we had to cycle all of that and on the way think up of how we were gonna make this commercial and we only had like a limited amount of time to make that as well but I mean came out alright I guess people seem to like it so yeah and it was hilarious as well because of the C&Z like the day I arrived I found a van with no back window so I was like this is a good start I know I'm in st. hands yeah alright so we are opening up the forum to all of you guys now I guess you can ask a question to whoever you want is up on stage or if you have any questions for anyone else any other advisors over there who actually were on the trip mo is on the trip actually as well I think that's about other TC influencers who are on the trip besides I think the only thing we're missing is Pete huh Oh Elroy oh yeah we should have flown in both of them in huh but if you guys have any questions now's your time to ask yeah just anybody have any thing to go ahead yeah so Chris did you in the end lose any weight also say that how many people talk about like you some interesting stuff but people don't forget the whole purpose of this whole trip is for me to lose weight and did you I mean like kind of towards the middle ice I lost like three kilograms but then if you look at every single video I'm eating it like Family Mart Lawson's eating just crap rubbish terrible unhealthy food and that kind of offset any of the weight loss so didn't lose anyway that was absolute failure yeah but the enjoyment of Jen across Japan outweighed the disappointment of not losing any weight yes mitigate failure do you think I lost weight a little bit visually I look like I've lost weight that's all that matters Julia coast of Japan jelly across ship don't tempt jelly to get back it's character just a question for Chris you in Okayama creep on second last video what do you think of it cuz I used to live there about two years ago it was great Kanaskie the city that was like venice of japan really beautiful and the people walk down there very nice if you remember the video we went into some fruit shop and some woman just gave us those a fruit and we were in a hurry we need to get out of operator quick to get to crash key woman just kept us there for like 25 minutes me you know MA it was seemingly no escape as we ate wave after wave of parse events and rather than that yeah Aki and was very nice place and crash Keith one of those beautiful places definitely on the entire trail from here and pie crust and you've done the cycle and it's been great to watch him my husband loves just swapping so I'm watching as well and I've lived and talking for the past nearly eight months now and one of my peer heats this is more of a pair something as the Japanese on bicycles great lovely people man Awards everything till they got in a bake what's your opinion on that I hate them really I think it's good I was in Amsterdam last month and the bicycles they're a [ __ ] nightmare I got run over like 10 times every five minutes because there's so many bikes so chaotic but in Japan so yeah very high but generally no I don't find it too much finishing and certainly compared to Amsterdam and yeah I find it has actually a very cycle friendly City as well especially compared the UK where we actively run over cyclists for fun so yeah not too much of an issue for me to go it's but then again don't live in Tokyo so maybe it's probably worse here than Sendai yeah hi Chris so another another question about your body you didn't lose any weight but did you gain some leg muscle think so did actively way behind the case well weirdly I've got really muscly legs for somebody's I don't know why they just always been really mostly so I think just told them up a bit I think I think I lost a bit of weight on my face you know when you put on weight or lose weight usually shows on your face first and so if you look a few videos and you can see my face getting more toned more definition which was gradually just lost again throughout the rest cycle but yeah I feel pretty healthy now but I did go back to the UK often across Japan for two weeks and ruined any health benefits of the cycle so yeah do you feel a lot healthier generally so it's the upside to the cycle yes you really scared me what he said hello my name is Ray and I often listen to be abroad in Japan podcast I know you live in Sendai right now Chris but you have mentioned that sometimes you pine for your old days in the Japanese countryside now that you've cycled around you've seen a lot more of the country is there anywhere you would consider moving to kind of reclaim some of that well I've always thought about moving back to Yamagata like I want to live in Yamagata again face I know two or three years now but yeah I really do often think about the countryside where I used to live it's beautiful you know you come out the apartment bang you've got mountains and rice fields and excitement there it's lovely the place that I did that resonated me with me the most on the trip there's both the Inland Sea of Japan which we saw in today's video if you've watched it guys and the encounter Shima actually the last place on the trip we've got a volcano in the middle of the bay just puffing smoke 24 hours like Tokyo DisneySea but real it's amazing so now be cool today but yeah this year though I live in send those two I'm going to spend a lot more time leaving around the country and so March I probably divide my time between Tokyo and socket F so I'm coming to Saboteur next month I get yeah drink yeah this little town little town yeah thank sequester Oh hi this is for Chris hi I'm Haley I'm currently the Tokyo Jets president and I was wondering if you could give any advice to current Jets and how it has helped you no pressure I really enjoyed my time on the ship Japan exchange teaching program they placed me and Yamagata I wanted to be in Kobe on you know live there but they said no we're gonna put in the middle of nowhere thank God they did but in terms the jet program I just say if you're applying for it just make sure you emphasize that you want to teach and that you are flexible and that you love Japan and I always encourage people to do it I get a lot people message me every week about it I always say just do it you know if you don't like it you can always back out after a year or not but I only ever planned to stay for about a year or two but I found something out in the countryside that resonated with me and I stayed there maybe that was that ski but yeah I always encourage people to do the jet program it's a great great thing yeah thank you god bless jet program program it's so a question for not ski once it's no oh what's the strangest thing you found about the UK convenien a most convenient and go do not fight motorcycle I amazing motorcycle country in UK maybe and triumph not own BSA I like black motorcycle but no motorcycle know what open toilets I cannot oh honey thank you know tonight [Laughter] [Music] and he danced he danced the night away for about four or five hours and the next house my favorite hi surprisingly this is a question for Chris the the Anpanman obviously played a big part in the video series that you had but were there any challenges that you fire a refused to do using the magic of editing just redoing the first at first pop just to get one that sounded a bit there one in right in master interestingly we didn't originally we were just gonna get a gas bomb machine and in forgot it yeah and so you had to go donkihote wait more umph a nun actually turned out better than what we had originally intended absolutely yeah I we it was I think it's the same were your first can your haircut yeah I realized the one thing I had to bring wasn't on my desk so creative office so we did in my hideout over to the closest bunkie which was and we looked for about 20 minutes I remember calling Chris who was relating messages to you about how well we're doing trying to find like another machine like a portfolio find and we the first one who's like a bingo ball so you can actually put the things in and then we can find anything else I was like a magnet fishing game with maybe we could use that somehow the now that's gonna work good 80 days and then signage a morning and then donkey actually had some of that she used to sell things so we are so we can make an offer on them they said no and then so we're kind of dejected and then I heard wind in just from like two miles away start yelling my name and I'm on the top of the infant toy section just our once old walls are glowing yeah it was the mms that wasn't planned at all my psycho in one gear all day and then it happens my bike is the bike dog parks well if I got honored by some point doctor yeah it was that I'll fix it no problem I just cut the gears off yeah that's it anyway so I would I'd spend a lot of evenings White Walkers is anything going through all the challenges that have been submitted and choosing looking at what's on the next leg in between what we could use and choosing five so that the five will always absolutely random but I would actively select ones because some of them were just arrested basically a lot of them to do with touching people inappropriately on way or my sister talented the actual of the pipe that were chosen there was generally shaken up and just to make it a bit more I guess realistic when you open them [Laughter] Thanks hi Chris surprisingly another question to Chris how bad does it feel to see your face on the sort of pitch screen today I hate it like some sort of 1984's scenario I hate I I don't like watching myself on screen originally my plan was to like run out hold us in despair so I just my videos back in front of an audience it's really scary creepy yes don't forget you know you make these videos alone in a Pedram or out in a field or not so when you do before an audience it's like oh crap this is weird you know you kind of remind you kind of remember that the numbers on that the viewing figures are actual real people and when you think about that kind of kind of scary there's no doubt about that the [ __ ] up your t-shirt excellent I can see at least two people were in so what was actually a present from my girlfriend's best girlfriend ever and this is for anyone on the team or any of the people working with Tokyo creative what's the process like to research for places to go to especially if you're looking for places that aren't overdone and you know like not discovered yet what's the process the best thing about that is there was no plan a lot of me some people criticize me saying all these videos were too scripted there was no script there was nothing basically the night before I went where we going in and he was like are we gonna go this way like right find some places good luck and then I ran off to edit and then went and found three or four good places so it's all thanks to in really on that front so I use I guess three main online sources so I try and get a general idea a good three or four days in advance where we going I don't plan too much of it because you know we none of us knew from the beginning how much things were likely to change row trying to fit in actually filming going to these places and getting permission at the same time mr. Ahn is trying to fit in 60 kilometers back you cycling as well meant that we had to be quite selective with what we chose maybe I think average there's maybe three things I'd bring to you and then we'd probably go to one or two of them and try make video that so yeah it was firstly our actual website Tokyo crave calm we've for a long time we were the actual travel side of our website was called adi go and still running under Tokyo great calm now and for a long time we would pay people to submit kind of weird and wonderful you know if you're in the middle of you find a cool cafe in the middle of the knee up the countryside if you took some photos and row description everything we would pay people to actually submit content so we've got a load of really quite unique place on there so that'll be my first stop looking I put in the the the route for the day and it'll kind of pop up a few things around there if that didn't return anything Google have an application with Google trips which is really really good you can just same thing again putting and then if I didn't I think Expedia will be my choice we I guess in a lot of areas you're kind of spoiled for choice but when you're in the really countryside places you're really kind of banking on places like for example the doctor Jenny thing that was literally or anything I could find Britt which is kind of on on local the videos with Joey you know we had nothing in those areas like after Niigata City what there was not a whole lot there and again I got a lot of criticism people say I thought Jay across Japan which what a troll Japan but there was nothing to see which is why we had to do like the scary tunnel which Joey found and that was the mute the movie line challenge we had to do we had to base it around the challenge themselves so the challenge save the day but certainly with cities like Kyoto we tried to do something a little bit different we to be doing koto we monkey bark did went to monkey park and we made some weird things what do we make some sort of okay what's the street yeah the mind of P Donaldson unleashed yeah with cater we could have just done about five things doing Kate a bit we kind of just thought we can't do it needs to be something different but I guess a lot the places we visited hadn't been covered in videos before really so we had that as an advantage as well you know we were the first there so we could kind of decide what to do yeah and so I think some of the better places we were places that were kind of we we the review or whatever didn't look that impressive but it was on the route anyway so we'd swing by one example was the place with the helicopter and the big tower in the middle of nowhere like the Russian abandoned building that wasn't banking on that being a place but we could kind of see it in the distance so we thought we might swing by anyway and it turned out really well so yeah I guess it was kind of things that wouldn't make good content and a lot of it was kind of just riding our luck and I will say it's the second half the journey but part two there was a lot more it seems to be a lot more in Southeast Japan to be honest income sign after from there to Kagoshima there's a lot more going on in Tahoe as beautiful as it is there isn't a whole lot of attractions you have to kind of find your own adventure there but yeah the second heart was definitely more action-packed as a result yeah is this one for Chris as well so do you feel like you've seen everything you wanted to see in Japan or there are there still places you want to go now there's still places I want to visit like Tory we get a totally one day can we go we drive there together yeah it's already fun and Pachi Pachi prep a chair in there you're going tomorrow course is cool seems random certainly Okinawa a little bit more but really I've seen most of Japan so certainly after journey across Japan my aim with abroad in Japan is to try and focus born people and weird stuff I feel like I've covered just about as much travel content as possible now so I'm looking forward to turning back to weird stuff and strange and unique interesting people that's the direction I'm gonna be heading in from out here I feel like I've seen others more or less as much as I can really I actually have a question for Sharla and now you move to Korea and would you like think about doing something similar because right now you're mostly like rebelling anything around like soul and stuff but I haven't seen like you it going out much of the city so far so yeah my crane sucks so honestly it's my first time living in a country when I don't speak the language when I moved to Japan when I was 19 I actually spoke Japanese already so it was really easy for me to get around to feel comfortable traveling Korea it's kind of terrifying a really bad I I would say can order food I can yeah that's about it I could order food yeah it's a little nerve-wracking to go out and have to buy like train tickets and figure out where I'm going so I don't yeah I don't leave so much but it would be nice it would be lovely to visit more because I have actually I have filmed a few videos out in the countryside I just haven't edited them and I feel awkward next they're really old so but I will put it out I went to a really cool mud festival actually in the middle of nowhere with my friend Megan but that was in this summer so I think you've waiting till next summer to release it pretend like it's just happening I was doing much dear the English um people are actually better at English than they are here in Japan but when you go out to the countryside not so much but in Seoul I can definitely get around just using English I try not to but if needed then you can yeah hey Kristen Sharla um one of my favorite videos was the one where you spoke completely in Japanese any Chris any chance that more videos will be in Japanese or the GMAC who's gonna just kind of kill you from doing that yeah doing fun I think for me like the main point the main reason I don't do Japanese in my videos is just because I can't get my personality across properly or in the way I want to in the videos so if you don't enjoy doing that then it's hard to want to film and do that really but it will happen but yeah it's not something I plans do much the future really sadly yeah you speak a lot of Japanese when I first started making videos actually the first year I only spoke in Japanese it actually started out as a school project it's not many people know this but that's kind of forced to make videos by my university and I figured I would speak Japanese to them as a way to practice cuz it it was the first time that I would really have to just go on and on and talk about something in Japanese and it really improved my language skills so yeah I'd like to make more videos in Japanese when I'm here in Japan for work and stuff I think I'll try to do that some more because I do miss it I switched to English because my audience became mostly American and they started complaining so don't want to read subtitles so I switch to English but I miss it myself so I think I probably will try to do some more videos in the future my Japanese actually got worse over the years it was a lot better two or three years ago when I lived with that scheme Yamagata but now I spend so much time with your throat and whatnot I don't get to use Japanese much would be weird if even I spoken yeah let's do it can't wait for that this question that's open to pretty much all youtubers so imagine or remember when you were upstart youtubers but you didn't have the resource of Tokyo creative how when do you when and how do you know when and what's to fill because with the resources of Tokyo creative you pretty much filmed everything this trip and picked out the interesting parts but then let's say you don't have all of that data space data storage how do you know when you're in a unscripted trip like this when you make the narrative right so when in the case of the Shipman army kyoto video which came out this morning I was up editing to a 5 a.m. this morning so if I collapse do take photos hashtag journey across Japan but yeah for that one I had like two or three hours of footage and I sit and I go over and I have a big white notepad in front of me and I do the plot points that are beginning the ending and what has to happen it has to be a good sense of pace to it when you're doing something like a travel documentary you know just a normal YouTube video it's easy you just quickly script a bit of dialogue and then talking abut something like that you do need a kind of narrative you have to sort of what's to even find the right points the interesting bits to break it up and have montages throughout so a journey across two pairs a very simple formula the video opens there's a little montage just recycling we stop somewhere discuss something another montage stop somewhere discuss something another once I was there the ending and I kind of stopped that formula throughout journey across Japan um but yeah I mean what about other YouTube creators this yeah Albert oh wait wait your ass I thought I was gonna ask a question that's questions so I think you can go about it several ways one of the ways I try to do it it's like I film a whole bunch of stuff like we said and look through it later and see okay - sports interesting the sports interesting and after you do that several times for several videos you get a sense of pacing when you're in the moment and you're like this part should be filmed and then maybe I'll write it down and make a note of it or a cool trick that norm just told me today actually was like after you film something immediately film another scene where the you covered the lens so like you know that shot that the clip right before the one where it's blank is a good shot it's like little hacks like that are really good for like helping you figure out which parts are the good parts of like four hours of recording because well for me one of the worst parts it's like I film so much stuff I'm like I don't want to go through seven hours look for like two minutes of good footage the other way you can do it is you basically script something out first and then you try to go shoot that and then in the moment you're like okay I need this kind of shot go over those shots and then hopefully you have everything the most important things for me or like make sure I have the beginning of the end because I often forget to film something at the beginning or the ending and it's hard to tie the video together without those two parts and then after that you just try to get something in the middle and one of my biggest pieces of place for any budding creators is if you're releasing a video try to think of the video title and the thumbnail first and then so you can create the video that you think is more likely to go viral or accomplish whatever goal you have for it hi I'm norm yeah actually both Chris and albo have really documentary-style approaches and whenever I do a documentary I follow something really similar but for since I do more like personal vlog ask videos basically I film whatever catches my eye if I think that looks nice or the movement that scene whatever it is the light whatever it is I capture that and I capture it twice as long as I need to cuz I know it's gonna be shaky as because that's me but basically just capture what you like and then take a few seconds to think about how you feel about it and then talk about that you might use it you might not you might end up cutting fifty percent eighty percent of it but in the end you'll end up with stuff that you like and that's gonna be way more important than trying to get something that impresses people so it'll be something that you can remember can I say something okay thank you I think it's kind of I don't want to just quickly one minute we actually thought that that was kind of many questions that many of you guys could have had about how do I become a youtuber what are the kind of necessary things I need to do how do I make an Instagram picture look nice how do I move to Japan all those little questions actually we made it we're making a platform that's gonna be launched in March called Toki credit learn learn to crave calm Chris we'll be talking about how he makes his thumbnails for example no I'm just said how important thumbnails are I think Chris would mention that thumbnails and titles are basically the number one and two most important thing of the video because they're not actually clickable no one's actually watch your grade in the first place it's paced the first point of contact with the user or the viewers so yeah of course we talking about kind of happy pills is narrative in depth in that videos he'd be making I don't know he's got like a ton of videos to be free but kind of breaking down his YouTube persona about how he actually built his brand abroad in Japan from the beginning all the way to the end and now how he kind of is now a full-time youtuber here in Japan so if you guys are interested in that please check out learned doctor [Music] hi I was wondering about like Sharla when you came on to the show it sounds like ah here's the guest and then would be a day or two and then oh now now she's gone I'm alone and then I saw from your other things that I was still there all these other people are there and Chris's like you're pretending you're alone did you pretend that was there I think Chris just wanted to focus on the other guest writers of the trip and if I appeared in the video the comments might be about me that's kind of lame so yeah I was actually there for basically the entire trip but yeah yeah he had lots of other cool guests involved so yeah yeah yeah I had the easier part of the trip because I was in the car for most of it but I tried to help you out when I could but yeah I was there for the whole trip so I've got videos of the whole thing from like my side of things take example Osaka Sharla was there for the outside you can see her she's singing karaoke for some of it a really good singer and it's great and but like when you've got three people to go between three people and stuff it's kind of difficult so yeah I just chose not to do that I just kind of focus on he was there and then so there's more practical amount of reasons other than you know she awluz quite kids I was glad she was there like and she did help quite a lot without Charlotte would have been lot more difficult definitely I saw read that that you fell apart it was like I'm sorry I'm not gonna cut you out that she was also coming right yeah I was kind of was kind of waiting for Chris to catch up with his videos before I posted mine and now he's ahead of me I'm working on my shoe minami one right now he's already posted his I got some work to do but yeah I still have some more videos so this is to all the cyclist but did you have any Mario Kart like encounters like getting hit by a car or slipping on a banana peel or at least in my ride we should have had like bananas we could store each other genuinely kill me it's pretty heavy like the first day that I got too late I met up with Chris Lake obviously I said before like the the back window was smashed so I guess that's playing in again yeah I'm never gonna let Ian forget about that well I mean only crashed once that I can think of I wasn't there for that the other was what did you see right he got the sidewalk what huh drove into a pool went over the handlebars impressive yeah I think that was the only crash there was at one point I almost got hit by a car Dan 9 you were like ah [ __ ] I missed it remember that yeah I almost like fell off the sidewalk but it was pretty good surprising people could be really bad at driving here so we're pretty lucky it's like jellyfish come on two more um I have a question for I guess it'll be guys recycling um did you even have a Chris but you ever have a moment where you're just really down and just like I can't be bothered doing this thing but used to wait to cycle when you start to make videos and like yeah we had to be friendly on camera I was like I was definitely like that after 2-3 weeks when shall join there's the low point but by that point I've been worn down Joey had left it was a mine for a bit I'd see that bloody video where I just speak in American accent for the whole day was really hard because I was cycling navigating try not to get lost try not to hit cars reading out questions and doing an American accent and then that video maybe lose more subscribers than any video ever made 600 subscribers in the day from that bloody video after that was like why am I doing this to myself you know and it's hard cuz I the journey across Japan videos that I've done well we've had 7 million views but they haven't done as well as my normal videos and that's just because I think people are far less interested in travel and whatnot than just you know quickly watching a video and learning something when you make the series you know lose people so when the views weren't hitting the normal mark I was kind of like [ __ ] damn why am i spending all this money and time resources and team effort and getting less results you know but when I look back at the highlight reel when I see the videos we've done I feel like it was definitely worth it now like I don't there were definitely times I regretted doing journey across Japan I felt like going back in time and punching myself in the face to March last year when I went to Chris Sacca demos like I witness cycle across Japan helped me and he was like yo bro he can't do that that's crazy and I convinced to convince him to do it he was like it wasn't doing it two months to convince him to do it but yeah I did start regretting it by two three weeks in but again now seeing the videos back editing them watching them back it was a hell of a cool journey and it all feels worth it what about maybe you guys cycling do you have any low points I mean he was only there for ten minutes you are really low like when I saw him like it was like Duke Energy like hey what's up Chris like yeah you are you up yeah yeah you are I enjoyed the whole thing but I wasn't cycling it so I feel kind of bad I loved it degrading myself was a daily occurrence I don't know like when I when I met up with you like you seen probably the most enthusiastic so I guess that was good yeah just dr. jelly really that's life is like yeah yeah there that that impression that got me a water hate yeah because there's like it's nothing like him oh okay be accurate it's a Forrest Gump I know I can't do a Forrest Gump impression yeah what all that matters is that Chris enjoyed it sir that's that's all that matters yeah so I actually the only regret I had was I wish I could have been on the trip for longer cuz I was on the honor for four days and the reason I couldn't join for much longer was because like two days after I left I had to fly it in Washington DC for an event so that that yeah you would down on the trip I was down in DC after a 15-hour flight so but if I didn't have that then I would have loved to have been on a flight maybe like a week more maybe like at least like you know way longer than four days I'm not the stamina though in Kagoshima I want God to consumer but he not contact me come on baby can was she met okay if we're gonna surprise me oh my god I was I was with Emma that day actually Emma joined the psychic on the last few days and we got into kinda she knows like they've invited NASA everything she's like I can't say all right god I'm not gonna say anything I was like that means yes and then he just wasn't there it wasn't there at all I was like where's that ski I didn't come he's busy cutting hair so he couldn't come in his TVs because that skis busy schedule he's too far to go from Yamagata to Kagoshima is not an easy trip so yeah that was that was that will begin to would have been good to see more asking but I think Nazca the movie made up for that got my hopes up I was expecting like walk into my hotel room for Netsky like burst out a cupboard it's not happen a t-shirt right there I don't any one of the cyclers so of course you guys went with the team and everything and things are planned out but how plausible if one of us wanted to actually do it ourselves and take a bike ride across Japan how possible would that be for just one or two people to just go and well it's actually we did it in 45 to 50 days but if you just did it straight no filming or anything like we did you could do it in 20 or 30 days quite comfortably I'd say and the cycle itself wasn't as strenuous as you'd think you didn't 50 60 kilometers that's fairly manageable the main thing for us was the cost the main reason I couldn't do it was because I wasn't gonna camp in a tent I needed some funding support so that's where Tokyo Krave came in to help kind of do the hotels amano and we were lucky to stay in hotels for the main trip if you were gonna do it that would be the main problem I think just having like a million bloody dollars to fund the hotel so you just get a tent and be bold like that I was following someone Instagram who did cycle across Japan in the year before I went and he kind of inspired me and he was in a tent god forbid and he did the whole of Japan and that took him a month so it's it's definitely doable and if you look at the route we took there wasn't that many mountains to contend with actually like Japan is very mountainous it's just one big mountain range but if you choose the right route it is also quite flat as well so yeah I think it's very doable and I mean if I could do it and I'm not overly fit then I think anyone can do it really so yeah I'd definitely give it a shot if you've got a bit of time and money to spend then definitely he definitely go for it because it was a hell of a trip but if you can't do the whole Japan definitely do the inland see the video released today because that was the best the most beautiful part of the trip yeah I think I recommend the Ruby took in terms of everything we saw pretty much as much as you can at one point I did consider going down towards Mount Fuji instead of going around stead of going around for Kui in the back I thought about going through an agony and around Mount Fuji but a lot of effort I mean client you would have to gone through some pretty heavy mountain ranges then and that would have been not fun I mainly just wanted to get a nice shot of me against Mount Fuji and look really cool and pretentious didn't happen and we did try to do that anyway with Sharla a few weeks before the trip and then we failed good about Fuji wasn't there so yeah okay but definitely try it feel some time to do it alrighty we actually have something a little bit unique we actually made these not ski limited edition t-shirts there's one m1l and one XL if yeah these are only differently three of them in the world right now there's supposedly a number on the back of your your ticket and how about now ski nuts Oh technological marvel right there I'll be a great jumper for your date with MIT swing now on a date and see weapons so supposedly each each t-shirt actually has a different ASCII face so an ASCII how about you why don't you pick that's key pick pick one just pick pick one out of here yeah what number number 22 anybody 42 yeah go ahead and you can choose an M and L or an XL or the one that nuts already touched all righty that's key next one Oh a picture picture husky picture picture picture that's me picture Oh with the polar Royce's have you the other one would be [Laughter] all right that's key number two to [Music] nineteen one nine nineteen you got the medium or the one that nasty touched it's an American sighs I think I think nope that's a Japanese accent no that's an XL yeah that's what I hear yeah good women women women all right all right take the Polaroid okay thank you and the last winner with the medium 49 to 929 yeah [Applause] [Music] cool thank you guys so much so that's gonna wrap it up for the events we can stick around here until around six ish so thank you so much to the Millennials should we actually hotel for hosting this events if you guys are interested in staying in Tokyo or Shibuya and want to try a capsule hotel this hotels a capsule hotel on the floors above here will be hosting actually most of our events right here in the future so if you guys are interested in that please stop by I'll be doing any more like me up events or anything in the future yes we have one scheduled sometime in mid April that's gonna be a TC learn took heard of learn event where we kind of discuss about educational content such as the guests question about how Chris thinks about the narrative of the story will how kind of themed our plan depends talking about those kind of stuff Sharla will also be help me involved as well actually she's the face of DC there yeah yeah and thank you for Chris broad I just know just say thank you for taking a fabulous event for Pat King Jenny cross Japan making that possible and so all the riders the teams that crude everyone here thank you I think it in Japan go have fun thank you so feel free to preach to mingle with any of the inferences here it's up to you guys you guys want to leave please leave and that's not a really bad well yeah kind of mingle time okay we're gonna go and ask everyone how the event was for them so let's go see what everyone says so the event for me I was like very excited to actually go and like be with all the team but actually was not expecting you to go so well I think the organization was amazing and even the people I talked with they like they agreed with me that they were like so impressed with how things were the older videos and their cupcakes and of course Chris and like all the team I think people were so happy and I was very happy to and it was a great opportunity for me also to meet the people that came honestly is so good I wouldn't change anything maybe it would make it like younger so I can have a little more happiness a little bit more time to them miss the first of many other ones so I'm hope I'm hoping all of them will turn up so amazing like this one so I came away from anime I was like just amazed by the fact that how many people were actually there and like do you like country chairs like there are people studying back there and they almost kind of like there as one of you that took it creative influencers but the same time was like yeah like it's kind of fun to learn all the like the process and everything and how much bunch of people have good questions too so yeah I really enjoyed it yeah it was a great event it was a lot of fun there was a lot of really good people there that I had the chance to meet and interact with them definitely the best part for me and it was just cool to see everything get wrapped up a song hey guys mr. hunter elbow today's have been it was amazing it was really cool to see all the fans come together and be able to share this experience with us so it's awesome to see how much this grown the past year alone I'm super excited for 2019 and it will be us continue at Louis thank you keep watching so it was took a creatives first offline event one of my first offline events and seeing so I'm not the greatest MC honestly have no experience in that field however I think the event went really well as next day smoothly done any was a great turnout a lot more than I expected actually and I hope that more people will keep coming in the future offline events and we can make it better smoother and more efficient in the future so thank you guys for attending if you guys did come and hopefully we will see you guys in their ones to come it was good more people that I thought it was gonna be I don't know I was just chillin like I just I didn't even know I was gonna get cool up on stage to be honest I was very quiet on stage but cool people there yeah I didn't realize the look that many of Christmas stands for when living in Japan I thought Muslim we just there and I just travel you Japan just happen to be it's like a private website at the right time that's cool I met a lot of interesting people who live he made a few connections he was just cool everybody was having fun be cool to do more events like this since this one was so successful so good day overall it went really well today it was really fun I was kind of nervous but I haven't done an offline event like this and probably but everybody was so sweet actually met two people from Victoria BC my hometown and in such a small crowd it was really super cool and it was actually my favorite part of all event was getting all the creators together because we actually don't really get to see each other Joey and crannis said and Dukey for the first time he's just as crazy in recent as the Asian videos his real personality hopefully today because not many fun and touchy and touch great event and Chris's fun the hotel's fun I'm fun nice meeting soon again I wanna that even was excellent I could not believe you know that many people actually turn up and and meet us and talk to us and the questions we had I mean I wanted to answer every single question they asked but you know didn't have time is I'm looking forward to have this kind of it again and meet you all Thanks such a great event so many great people went pretty well considering we had realtor Aronofsky under one roof together things went mostly to plan par from the bit where that's kids have run off to go to the toilet but thank you to everyone that came up last and I think I must have spoken about one-on-one to at least 60 people there's a huge line but I really enjoyed it you know doing YouTube you know get to talk to people that much they don't let you out much with your youtuber you mostly spend most your time you saw sitting around editing so to be there with the fans with the viewers mean people really also kind of funny maybe realize just how tastic doing YouTube is really so it was great fun I went I went to try this out propelled I just leave it there leave it there before you get to be felt I was great [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 350,020
Rating: 4.9537687 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun, abroad in japan, journey across japan, journey across japan livestream, journey across japan offline event, chris broad, japanese, natsuki abroad in japan, abroad in japan tokyo, abroad in japan natsuki
Id: K3Z-H2nLLMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 2sec (4382 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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