Fix+Adjust & Remove! This you need to know — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 148

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welcome to livestream number 148 my name is last Christensen and today today's topic is fix adjust and remove things on your model I'm gonna try to combine some questions I've got from you guys into just one fun little fun a little file it's Monday man it is April 23rd 2018 it's good to be back hope you have a good week planned so before we get into today's model let me just show you oh I'm not on the screen this is all my fancy software now I'm on the screen oof new software new equipment I watched the video on alignment and lighting and I think it's getting better but enough enough about that let's get in and and talk about fusion 360 all right so this is today's model here that we are gonna kind of play around with and we're gonna toggle it a little bit about a few different things and how you can Marvel pods up how you can adjust them and different things and like I said I got a few questions from some people but before I jump into that this is important before I jump into that there's just two things I got a kind of correct from last week I made a couple mistakes into what's new first of all this and I talked about this on Friday but in case you you escaped camp Friday this generative button here and I'm gonna do more in-depth on this later on but this function I thought that it was available to every ultimate use out there I was wrong I'm sorry I did not do my homework this generator button general design is only available to ultimate use who are paying for the software so the cool thing about fusion is that anybody who has a start-up or hobbyist or a student license have ultimate but you don't have this one unless you pay for it you can go back and look at Thursday's livestream if you missed what this generator can do the other thing I just quickly gotta touch on was Friday's livestream on what's new and that was in cam went to cam and if you go in to create a cool library on you create a new tool doesn't matter what you do here but we're talking about in lathe that there was a a custom thing that was supposed to be a new thing that was presented in the air I kind of like had that I cannot had to to abandon ship on that one well this one is kind of funny this I should have checked it out before a whit live but you know who has the time it was never released out of beta in cam that was a bet that just got missed in the whole making everything live that that specific function did not get released out of beta but that's not a problem because you if you are using cam you can absolutely turn beta on so let's do that so inside of fusion now follow me along here because there's gonna be a couple of clicks and you just got to kind of like get this this right but you can always rewind the video of course go to the file drop down go to view show text commands then you get this one little thing here make sure that this one is styling the lower right is set to text text okay then you type in here cam CA m dot beta mulled space /r okay hit enter now if we go back into creating a tour library now you will see the these custom functions in here where you now can create your own custom inserts same thing with the holders custom so that's how you you you turn it on/off now if you turn it off you just go back in here and you probably already figured it out cam dot beta mode space forward slash off and it's now off and then you can go back up here to the file drop-down and go to view and say hi text command and you're back to to where I was at so just five minutes here just had to correct a couple of things but yeah the thing inside of beta mode you can turn that on you have access to all the beta things that the cam team is developing on which is absolutely awesome and and that thing with the cost of inserts and custom holders in the lathe that's where you that I've got five there until they get released okay so today we're gonna talk a little bit about adjusting working with models so what I'm gonna do I got a couple of questions from a couple people in regards to one was around the graphs of 3d printing and the question specifically was what do I do if I have made a part and I realized that the holes I have two holes in this product here what do I do if they are not the right size how do as easiest the easiest way to were to edit them so I'm gonna talk about that so I adjust those and then I got the same question while back from somebody working in with a metal part same thing wanted to be oak around the camera there wanted to be able to adjust you know a dovetail style like this year so we're gonna we're gonna talk about talk about that and then I just also want to add this goes back to the whole tolerancing thing that I talked a while back on on the live streams about this part here is like it gates proud and I used to do a lot when we were testing machines like why ATMs and things like that but this is also peccable for frida printing where you you make these gauges and then you can see here that some numbers on it and you can kind of check clearances and figure out what kind of clearances should you have now if you go down a description area of this video you will find this file so you can have that file you can modify it and do whatever you want with that file so oh and then if we hit the time I sometimes get along with it I also wanted to show you how I modeled this whole part up here because the things of people would get a kick out of that talking about not always following best practices or different routes to it to get things done but at least yeah my the way I got to this result here so let me just hide this component first and and let's talk about holes if you freely print apart and you find out that your holes are too small this you know if we go in here right now and we click on the ass did you know that you can ecstasy the radius down to the lower corner haha maybe didn't know that if you click on an edge this shows the length and you don't have to measure things so this one here is a 5 millimeter diameter radius or 10 millimeter radius you print it out and you suddenly realize that the hole is a little undersized you know that's the kind of guitar just with 3d printers and especially with 3d printers and that's why I recommend you do something like this where you can test it out on your own and find out how it fits for your free deep printer right now one way of course to change a hole size is to find it in the sketch so if I go in here and edit the sketch you will see that we have this dimension in here and I have these two holes linked together so if I decided that I had to add you know a little bit of clearances point one or something like that of course this would be the easiest way to go ahead change the sketch go out again and now the hole is actually that little bit bigger but the other thing you can do and this is nice especially with important parts and that is that you can also select the inside of the hole and if you hit the press pull that's the cue button all this up here but I prefer a cue on my keyboard then you actually get the offset face operation here and that's another way to to change the size of a hole you see you can type right in here now this is offsetting it by a certain amount so you know if I type in point 1 again I probably have to go - point 1 in this case you can actually see that that shows up down there that now we've added that to the diameter you could also select it both so hold down control and and now it's gonna work on both holes if we if we added something this is probably you know in my opinion the quickest way to end a little bit of tolerance to the hole now that would become a feature down in the feature tree in here where you can where you can kind of adjust adjust that that kind of stuff now also another thing that maybe also could be be kind of handy to know is that if we right-click and we select move copy and we change the drop-down to faces and we select this inside face we can actually also adjust the XY of that hole so that that's a nice look I mean that could be nice too depending on your printer right accuracy and things like that now the last thing that I find really really cool is that you can also remove features in here quickly now you can just click the inside face and if I hit the leader my keyboard that whole goes goes away if you didn't know that if you you know found an inter fusion select an insider hole and and hit the lead and and it will go away and that is also recorded in the timeline so if I roll back here how a holes are back right so it so it history based and the neat thing about this and you can just if you want to get rid of them just highlight down and hit the lead on your keyboard and they're back again the neat thing about this delete feature is it really doesn't come down to how complex this shape is in here it's more about what's around it so if I go in here hold down control and select all these faces here like that right so now I got that whole dovetailed style selected that hit the need it's like it never happened so that is a great way to clean up or remove things or work with things whatever you you kind of like are in now the last thing I just currently want to talk about when it comes to to making adjustments like this here let me just get rid of the offset face and let me actually get back into the sketch down here right click and let's hit edit sketch and change this back to 10 another thing that can be kind of handy and this is really I think my favorite things about this is if you know and many times when you when you're modeling things up you know that there could be an issue with something like this you could go ahead and and make it a little bit easier for yourself with the use of parameters so if I'm not listing up here and I know that you know these halls I'm probably gonna have to come back and adjust these and by the way if you're printing something like this you know don't let the and print the whole thing before you check the holes right if you just let it print you know the first I don't know you know five millimeters of thickness you can check the hole already there right before you go all the way through but one of the things you could do but you could go up to the modify and this would be a great time to maybe use parameters so we could go in here and and a user parameter and you give it a name so I'm going to call it holes and you got to put some kind of n value in here and I would probably just do do the ten right because that's what I know that my noumenal value is now right now it doesn't do anything but if I go down and I find that that sketch what is down here this is the sketch down here against number two and I type this is ten millimeters if I type in hole you ready to see the whole parameter show up here now again nothing is happening right now but if I go back up to to the ten here and I changed it for example to 15 you will see the holes just got bigger let me change it back to 10 you see that so what this lets you do is with a parameter like this can just be a little bit easier especially if you are working if you're working with the bigger you know have a long history down here I'm not quite sure what you're going to go in you print the first five millimeters it really is all like going in and st. change parameter go in here and add you know that point one if that's what you think should be this that can just be a little bit easier way to kind of work with that and that brings up the dovetail because the doctor might seem a little bit more complex and how you you want to to attack that one way could be to kind of follow the same so let me turn to the main the little sliding component here you could follow kind of like the same way of this so if I go back into the original sketch and the sketch here you will see that the height and and and the width are kind of driven by these twenty and twenty so here's another way you could use use the parameters I'm just going to looking to Alma together if we go back into parameters we could also instead of making the full we could also add one that we for example called clearance since I think and let me just add that smaller value in that let's make this point two just to make it a little bit more visible and if we go and then we find that sketch so that's the twenty here and it's funny here you could actually also write in here just type in plus clearances so now when I hit enter you would like to see that this value gets changed by two so that's another way that you can use so I just hit plus clearances so you can actually do kind of like you know that might be a little bit easier for you maybe now you just kind of like and again I'm just gonna move or do it like this you can add that in there and and hit OK now what you will see let me just make it a little bit more extreme let's make it point five maybe what you will see is that it this might actually be alright if you just had to like if it was just a matter of opening it up a little bit but because this is not 45 degrees it's a six degrees you will actually see that this clearance here is actually not the same and and so you know this might not be the the absolutely best way to do that so what we could do well as let's go pay and change parameters and let's just abandon this by making it cero for a second the way that I would probably do this would be let me go in and hide the component here let me open up a sketch create a sketch here and if I then hit o for offset now you will notice that if I select an ad see how it selects the whole outside of it here here I have that in the offset you have an uncheck box over here and now you can just select only the lines that you want okay now of course this is going the wrong way because that's how it always is in my life so I will probably make this a little bit bigger now let's just add an advance point I'm just going to make it to 5 just to make it a little bit bigger so it really easier to see let's hit OK so that and then I would actually go up and create a line and I'm going to show you both ways if I snap into this endpoint here so now I have a line there you can tag it would like to snap in here and give you kind of like the the parallel in here so that's one way that you can you could kind of like sketch a line down here but you could also just go out here let's go over to here and snap in to make sure it's name into that endpoint of the offset line and then we could use the collinear relationship and say I want this one and this one I did get in a relationship see how I got a relationship right there I got that when I drew that line it became perpendicular and ended a relationship to that that was my fault you can just select if this happens to you and this happens just select the relationship click on and hit delete and it goes away all right Cole near Colony a co-linear somebody will correct me in the comments and make all these and this one right now it's all fully defined and then you could just do a queue for the standard press pool make sure you select everything and then I could just cut that clearance in there say it's objects so like the backside here change it to the extent faces and hit okay so now if we turn the component on and we looked at it here now we have a unified clearance and of course this one we could also create insert parameters change parameters we can create another one in here let's call this one offset because that was what we did and let's just make it point one that is probably instead of no that's Paul normal clearance at least it would like steel or something like that be a good somewhat slip fit clearance depending on how big the part is the things below fifty millimeters whatever hit okay to that and that it's called offset so let's find that and that's the last sketch now I know that in this one here it seems that to offset just hit o and it will show up and now we essentially done the same thing that we added that offset in here so now that is is controllable on the parameter so now we have three different ways to do this this is probably how I would if I know that this is something that I gotta mess around with on on a somewhat regular basis I think parameters is a great way to kind of work with that if you don't want parameters to be hunting down here just click on that little add to tool bar and is now part of your tool bar right necked an arrow next to it and now it's part of that and you can show up here so I hope that this kind of like and answered a few questions in regard to how you can work with it if you don't anymore you can just drag and you can just drag it right off and then it's back in here again ha so this was kind of like when I planned on showing I don't know maybe this went a little fast but you can always go back and you know and can't agree what's this you know rewind it reward and don't forget that you know these clearances I did a couple of nice rooms on my on on clearances in here kinda like my stand on it there's no rules but and including in that one I had that gauge pot that I kind of like a model up as a way to check your tolerances and and you will find the link for that file down in the description area okay so this was good let me just run through how I'm I love this part because that's one of the things that people so there's some things going on it was a movement and and some different things and and I know that like I said before I learned a lot by seeing all the people model up I think that's actually where I learned I learned the most and and in the way you know people are always looking for the right way to model up and I you've heard me argue before I don't think that is any any right way but the way I did this one and the easiest way to kind of like just find out of course it's just to roll back so this one started out with a with a 2d sketch where I kind of like modeled up this part here and the way I did that let me start a new sketch was I started out with a with a center rectangle s key and my Center rectangle right there and I made this one 50 by 100 now when it came to draw off the dovetail but I actually did was I drew a line from the midpoint here up to the origin and then I drew kind of like out my my dovetail out like this and and down like this and I knew that because I just it seemed like it was a nice kind of like we draw it up and visualize it I added a fill it so adding a fill it in here and I made it three millimeters and then I hit beef and I mentioned and I added 20 millimeters here and then to do the width here if you don't know you can run with the dimension to elective right-click you can select Pickett and you know erotic so it doesn't pick the center tell your own art now I get the tangent of of that outside of that fill instead of the center point and then I actually just mirrored it over so in the sketch I use the mirror because I knew that and I mirror over that line the first line I drew because I knew that if I started out by drawing this whole thing up relationships and that medicines can quickly become a little bit more confusing so I prefer kind of like to use the the the mirror command for something like that the what we call it symmetrical kind of model me and then I went then hit q press pull if you don't see the view rotate it's probably because you are not on perspective with Otto faces that will no no it's gonna do it now Q that's not gonna do that that will normally rotate it I made it 50 millimeters long like this I place the two holes on top so that was the next here oh I added I had a couple of Phyllis to it there on the inside and on the outside here then I drew the two holes not two not nothing too crazy here I think starting your sketch on the top face here I always thought out see for circle I always just draw two circles just like that and then and I know all right they gotta be the same size so then I would make them equal and then I can hit B for I meant you know like a place and I mentioned on here now I have one dimension controlling both holes this just makes it easier by using that equal command there then I hit alpha line and I drew a line from the origin here also this point so I could use the symmetry constraint what is center point center point line and but the symmetry does is that now the two holes with always kind of like follow one another so now I could defy dimension and place a dimension between the center here make that 50 and as I mentioned to here maybe 25 and they were now for define hit Q press pull and break the arrow down and do through all okay now I did this and then I realized that I want it I want I wanted this pot here and I wanted this part here the green part and some reference not really it wasn't really meant to do anything other than just to kind of like sure this was my main part but I wanted a reference pattern I wanted to be able to show it slide makes life a little easier now if you got to do any kind of slide you need to use some kind of an assemble or a a built as joint in here now many of you guys who have been around for a while will be like oops oh you didn't do rule number one what was to create a component new component first but I ain't see and this is where we can start talk about best practices where I'm I'm more about getting to the end result then then following I don't need to follow the world's best pad I really didn't care about this being a component so I could use the joint but I need the other one of them to be a component so I just created a new component right click up here new component okay that I need to screen the sketch for so I create a sketch on this face and I drew a 2-point rectangle and I snapped it into this corner of our first body and do a little bit too big so then I can use the collinear from here to here and give it a dimension and I gave it 50 just like I did before now to get this dog tail in here I actually the first way around I actually hit key for put yet and and just projected those edges from our original body and I'm assuming that there are some people sitting right now and say yeah that that's absolutely the easiest way to do this because if I go into cue now and I hit you know to create this new body here like that then I kind of got what I I saw it after with with a dovetail my only problem was then I could not have showed you the clearance that I put in there because if I put in that because the green one is following the orange one it never showed anything and you wouldn't actually get any clearance what wouldn't have mattered if you were just going out to pretty print this thing you could have done all the things but I wanted to be able to show the gap here so I actually kinda like had to backtrack just to show you that I also do that so let's go back into the sketch here and it's going to highlight these hit delete right and then I actually drew it up the exact same way as you saw I did before so I just drew a line up up to about here doesn't really matter how long that line was and then I drew this out like this and did a Philips make that one three I then put a d4 dimension from here to here make that 20 right click and then select tangent from here to here make that 20 and then the angle here was 60 and then I did the mirror over the line select the three entities Oh Oh looks like I'm missing something okay I'm not quite sure ah did this year something like now is yelling it and what I'm doing wrong but that's okay so I did this and did I make the other one another ankle or something like that all right I don't know everybody uh stop sketch now you'll see there's a hole now that's because I deleted one feature gonna reselect this in here I'm not sure why there's a gap I'm not gonna travel through that yes I am what did I do the first one didn't I give the first one that I mentioned so I did I didn't give it him oh I didn't give it an angle so what did this what did this line snap into okay oh because it became tangent probably right is that it I gave it a tangency just went to this one edit the sketch delete now it's just still be tainted did you do somebody in the college yelling at me right now I so if I didn't make the first 160 this is the first one I just threw up it's gonna delete these two line I know what I snapped into when I did this something like that can i still make that tangent okay and let's mirror that across yeah that's just it be okay stop stop and let's just hide that component there because it didn't get its of that see when you change this okay okay so I don't know what I live in the first month so that this year now this is a component what means that this can now move around right just ctrl Z to undo so what I did here was I went in and I used a as built joint because I can do an alibi yarn between this body and this here now default to Richard I'm gonna select so slide and then I got is like what it's gonna slide through it doesn't really matter like that there and then you have the sliding thing through right there so that was how I modeled this part of my had a couple Phillips to it but I just wanted to kind of like point out kind of like some some interesting steps I think of getting to the end result oh and then I added some colors here do you guys ever play around with the appearances right-click appearances I was just going like playing around like if you're getting into like wood solids painted there's all different kinds of of colors and different things and you can always like if you just see little arrow you click on that and that then you can download colors and put all different kinds of of colors on all right wooof I hope that this was useful in a few minutes because I gotta troubleshoot this things but people always appreciate that that's it leave it here if you like what you saw do me a favor thumbs up absolutely a and oh that's not gonna be any livestreams tomorrow and Wednesday I'm going on a field trip I am headed to Ontario Canada so that should be should be good yeah so we will meet again on Thursday hopefully I hope so if you're watching the recordings thank you so much I really appreciate you do that and of course you inside the livestream I really appreciate you taking the time to join here on a wonderful Monday I'm gonna end the broadcast dear friends thank you so much and hope you have an awesome awesome day thank you so much
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 22,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, akn_include, Design, Manufacturing, CAD, CAM, Beginner, Tips, Lars Christensen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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