Fusion 360 Absolute Beginner - How To Model a GoPro Mount - Last Nights Facebook Livestream

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look like we are on happy Wednesday everybody welcome to this Facebook live session man had some technical difficulties for a moment microphone would work just typical you know it's all good it's Wednesday evening I got myself a beer so I'm good I hope you doing well I hope that you're up for another absolute beginner for fusion 360 what we're doing here is anybody who have any questions just fire them off and we will stop what we're doing and we will answer any of those questions that's how we roll here on Facebook just slow and easy there's no crazy questions it's just you and I let's make sure that fusion works good for you I got a question from from one part one of you guys who asked me how to model up something like a GoPro connecting thing like somewhat like a clip like like this so this is what we're gonna model up tonight we're gonna have some fun with some some good sketching so I hope that you're in for that I hope this didn't get too far into into your face when I held it up like this so what I did was I kind of grabbed a pair of my bird ears I made myself a little sticky note with some of the dimensions 100 G's we had something to go for but of course this is not so much about making this perfect it's more about getting into fusion 360 and Counting maybe learning some some tips and tricks as we're going along again any questions you guys have you guys happen to see we got Rob Robert in the air we got David in here Rob could see you yourself thank you so much taking the time to join any questions throw them in there okay so I like to start with the default option for fusion three-sixty when we when we start out with these absolute beginners here on Facebook and again any questions you have throw them in the comment area we'll answer them just as we're going through there's no you know like the live streams in YouTube where weights at the end here we're just going to stop so a couple of things that I normally like to do first of all I'm really not a big fan of this grid so you can go right down here to grids and snaps and you can turn off the layout grid and you will see this good Chi light goes away you can also turn snap to grid off so when you're sketching you're not snapping into anything - that can be kind of nice now of course you can control the grids settings in here I less adaptive or as fixed very literally putting in the grid settings but generally I like to go in oops through the grid settings turnoff layout grid snap to grid a normal turn off when it starts annoying you that it's snapping - to the grid another thing I like to do is going up here on the view cube up to the left right-click and I change to perspective with all our faces on that is the changes that I do so just right click up here perspective with all the faces that's the things that I normally change when I when I load up fusion 360 and all this should stick so when you've done it once you shouldn't you shouldn't have to do it again okay so let's get into our model some things with fusion here so you know so you guys maybe have GoPros so you're familiar with these things some of you guys maybe don't so this kind of holder here the way that GoPros actually works is that there's kind of like a fork that goes in in those two areas here this is kind of like the high precision area here now we are going to model up kind of like somewhat similar to this snapping thing so this is kind of like you can squeeze together to unblock but I'm pretty sure that the person that I was looking for was more looking at how do you kind like model the top portion up because you could always you know then kind of like figure out how you want to do your own bottom if you want to put it on a bicycle you know handle or something something like that so let's let's get into it now the first problem or the first challenge you always have when you're trying to model something up it's always where the heck to start you know that you want to end up with a model that looks like something like this part I'm trying to look at the screen so make sure I'll show you from your server but it's really positions as possible you know what are you gonna end up with it's going to look like this but how the heck do you get there then can be a little frustrating I think that you should either look at the most important part what in this case would be kinda like this area right here where that for kind of like goes in and swirls around so either the most important area or maybe also the most difficult area can sometimes when you be the best to get the heck out of the way and I want to start with that here because I think that there's a lot of good sketching techniques with this part so we're gonna start with kind of like drawing up this portion inserting a couple of tips fold that now trying to measure all this up with a pair of calipers like this you know trying to measure each of these different kind of like features you know if you have to reverse-engineer something you may times have to do that but we're gonna cheat a little bit what I did was I grabbed my cell phone and I snapped a picture of it from kind of at the top and we're gonna use that as our reference enough of this so to get using a picture as a reference what you will do is you will go to the it's heads canvas up here this button up here and you can bring in that picture now let me just open up that picture for a second just so you can you can see it without being inside of fusion 360 just there was me a second I think it was this one here so here you can kind of like see but I snap with my my phone I just never like that top of the picture like this is kind of like not a great pictures look at the shadows I pulled in I mean this is just me with my with my phone not trying to be to be too too fancy you could probably go out on the wet on the web and find a better picture out there you see we got a couple of questions yeah sure just could just show just ask any any questions you have I might not going to enter something too crazy in in in you know going off-topic too much but we'll definitely you know any questions you have so question is do you have a short answer to how to do 2d cam on a curve sheet model airplanes have normally two curved sheets of pellets of form diffusion ours is the sheet is this a sheet metal thing so for cam you could use the trace tool path I'm gonna come back into what we're talking about before the trace tool path is a 2d tool path that will actually follow and line in in an angle but don't forget that in fusion you do have all the 3d tool paths in here so it's only if your machine can't handle are you know curved that you will do that you can also I'm gonna put my email address right in here you can also send me an email and I'll take a look at it probably not so tomorrow but if you can send me like a picture something like that will make it a lot a lot easier alright alright so simulation David yeah we could possibly go in and take a look at that Isaac is here good to see you alright let's get into words with this part here so I'm gonna select that picture so I'm gonna select attach canvas I'm just going to bring that picture in to fusion the first thing is asking me to select the face so want to know where it's gonna place that picture on what face you want to place that picture on I'm gonna place the top here because we're kind of like you're looking from the top and down so I'm gonna select that top plane here and then it asked me to select a picture when I click on the little picture icon you will see I actually snapped a couple of other pictures of it but we're just going to use that one picture I just showed you when I place it here you will see that size is very relative at this point and that's because it's all pixelated we're gonna take care of that in a second you will also see we have an opacity shot so you can actually zoom in a little bit and roll the middle mouse button to zoom in you can control the opacity opacity level off the picture and you can turn this on and off if you want to 50 to me is normally a good place to start I think and I'm actually just gonna right now makes it just gonna hit okay and leave it where it is let me go to the top view up here the view cube just left click look at it from the top so we can exceed here now so this picture is thrown on our on our screen it's not to size we don't really know where it is really located all of them on that top plane so I'm gonna go up here and click on my origin and that will show the origin right here so probably what it's really in relationship to that but another thing I want to do is I wanted to get to the right scale now if I hit the little arrow next to the canvas you will see that that image that we brought in is kind of like displayed right here in a tree if I right-click on it there's two things I'm using in here you either use edit canvas or bring us right back to that dialog box we just we just saw nothing too fancy about that and the other one if I right-click on is calibrate now calibrate will let us actually scale the image up to what we think it would be so what I'm gonna do is I am going to click calibrate and move over and you see kind of like how I get a crosshair for my mouse and I mean here the closer you get the batter so I'm gonna zoom in here I'm gonna left click once and it kind of like creates a little green point I'm gonna roll the middle mouse button to zoom out and then I'm gonna come down to the farthest away down here like here and I click again and you will see that I get a dimension up here a value of that line now right now it's seven point six five sitting up here if I type in 46 millimeters because that's actually the length 46 millimeters I hit enter you'll see this the image just pump right to your face because now it actually is it is to size this is the size that we we want that when I before measured with my calipers when I perform I should across here I got that 40 46 the next thing I want to do is I want to be a little concerned about where I'm placing this and I think it's a good practice to do the origin either and to move that we can right click and go into that edit canvas now that bring that menu up again if you click on the little rectangle here you can kinda like move the image around compared to the origin and you should probably place it either right I'm assuming a little either so the origin is like right on the center of where that P is oh you could also do it where this the top of the round piece maybe the most important thing right around here like kind of like saying this is the origin of the pot because we're gonna have some dimensions going around this also now they gonna show you who dies see also take this image and we could completely turn it around so just so you know that you have kind of like full flexibility with these different handles test that out play with them okay I'm gonna hit OK and we now place kind of I got a picture where we want it now we are going to start start drawing kind of this profile up now if you have found a new diffusion this profile might look a little complicated to start out with but I would recommend you you is just use lines to start with and then we will kind of like handle some of the other issues as we're going along so what I'm gonna do in we're not ready the line tool and I'm gonna select right on this plane because this way I want to stop my first sketch and of course see how it's gone around you can go up them you can rotate up on these arrows see up in the upper right corner how I have the different arrows up here if you click on one of them you kind like rotate the image around just so if you want to get it in a certain certain way I want to like this okay stop my first line so I'm gonna make sure I started the origin like it's snapping to the Halden I'm gonna left mouse click I'm just gonna drag a line out to and this is about how precise you weren't I kind of like get out so about here I'm gonna left click again I get another line and I'm literally just kinda like gonna go around and and scare something that is pretty I would say pretty crude compared to to what we're gonna end up with in the end but it looks like that there might be a little bit of an angle here and then that definitely is a big radius me probably gonna use what it's called a spline for this area so I'm actually just gonna kind of like go around the outside a little bit here not very too much about that area around here then I'm gonna come a little bit closer back in again now I'm kind of like following the path again just with straight lines all right you can't like see how I'm kind of like just tracing the picture here I kind of like have a knot in the way here but I'm gonna assume that is gonna go about down so you can see on the other side so it actually looks like it maybe it goes down to about here I'm gonna go over a little bit and then it looks like this areas of one big kind of like spline curve too so I'm gonna wait with that one somebody's gonna sketch down a little bit and move over here and just make sure that I'm kind of like on the center right there and then close off by going up to the center again and as soon as you do that if I hide the image by left-clicking over here then you will see what we got looks it looks a little brutal now we can see this in close scats because it kind of I get this yellowish color on and I'll turn the image back on again so we can kind of like see what we did see we got a question here how do I call my parameters that I created before when I created that I mentioned yeah so we haven't really talked about parameters on these absolute begin a series but if you go up to modify drop-down and you go down to chains parameters and you click on that that should bring back all the parameters right in here and that you have a safe with that fine they only saved with the files in there I actually don't think you can pull them in from from a like a library y know splines or we're gonna come to the splines just in a second I just kind of like skip those just to just to kind of like get the lines down here again this is kind of like absolute beginner series so I just wanted to make sure that you can kind of like take this in in steps yeah so now we're gonna do some splines because if we're looking up here on on this area up here there's definitely we need to create some splines up here but we kind of like going to attach them to the line segment somewhat that we have that we have created here so I'm gonna jump in and do a spline so under the sketch drop down you will see spline is sitting down here now some people when they do splines thinks that the more spline points you add the better so what people will do is that they will go in here and they will kind of like keep on clicking clicking clicking clicking clicking clicking clicking clicking clicking so can I try to follow this area around here but it's not really it's very hard to control so actually the fewer spline points as passed but of course you need as many spline points as you can get so I'm gonna snap one here to the end point and then I'm gonna do one with about the first curve happen around here I'm gonna click on that and then I'm gonna do another one about where that transition is to the next curve and then I can actually move over and probably do one around here and if I want to do the whole thing I could move all the way down here and kinda like trying to connect down about here now I might want to go back a little bit but just to show you what what we're having in when I hit the green check mark right here so here we have a spline now what we get with a spline is we're getting all these different handles that you can kind of like pull and twist in here you can also grab the end points and kind of drag an end point up here you can also right-click on in here and you can actually insert spline fit points in here too if you want to so there's a lot of there's a lot of different things you can do with with these splines now I just went one step too far I think so what you want to kind of do is you kind of like want to work with these handles that the spline I'm gonna make sure the snaps into that line there that we get so if i zoom in here we actually kind of get this spline handle and if I either make it shorter or longer I will kind of defect will kind of shape that spline curve you can kind of see that as I'm as I'm moving around here and splines can be definitely the thing that you maybe need to practice a little bit like in the beginning it can be a little it can be a little difficult to to get some some decent results with it but a little bit of practice and and you definitely you will definitely get get a good good hang of it so I'm gonna leave that I think that that follows pretty good with that shadow now I said that there was gonna be one down here down here so this one I would actually only use two points I'm gonna go back and click spline and I will I'm gonna snap it in to looks like we're gonna have a radius right here or maybe but I'm just gonna snap it into this corner let's navigate so down here so only two points but I get a handle for each and you will see here this I click on those I get those handles and I can kind of like shape that spline pretty well I can see that Matthews here good to see you Matthew thank you so much for joining that ice cream today so what we've kind of like done here is we added a couple of splines now we might would also use a spline up here to create this we could also use some filler so I'm gonna leave that for right now but what I do want to do is I want to get rid of these extra lines I kind of like created before it's just kind of like to get me get me going of course I can click on this line I can hit the lead on my keyboard and the line goes away and I and again hit Deline on this keyboard lead on this keyboard now this one down here I kind of like snap to it down here you could either hold down your left mouse button you could actually we could drag that in so they kind of like locks into it or you could also go over here to the sketch geometry and you could trim it so it's right down here in the drop down you could actually trim this line too right there now I'm gonna do the same I'm gonna leave it on trim and I could execute on trim this line and trim this line here now let me turn off to pick the picture right now and you will see that now it maybe looks a little bit more a little bit more decent maybe at this point so what I'm going to do is we're gonna have to fully define put some dimensions on the sketch this is why I was excited about doing this sketch here because it's a little complex but what we need to do is we need to apply dimensions and constraints to make all the blue lines black now to do the splines that's the only place where I will I will cheat what I will do is I will click on the spline that we created here with all the spline the handles I will right-click on it and I will fix it click the little lock here that will lock the spline in and what's kind of chunk green actually I'm gonna go down and do the same thing to this spline down here I'm gonna right click on it and I'm going to fix it what that means is that that will not go anywhere where the rest of our shapes over here when it's blue if I just drag a corner here you will see that we can completely change this out here so that's why we need to lock it down we're gonna lock it all down with dimensions and in this case here I maybe don't even need my picture I can just stop editing sometime and since this I'm gonna defy dimension and I'm gonna place the first one from the origin and I'm gonna kind of like go the same way somewhat around we modeled this up and I'm gonna round them up so within a half a millimeter and then we can take a look at how it kind of like looks on the picture afterwards I'm gonna make this one 24 0.5 and you will see that that line turns black when we do that it's locked down I'm going to do the same thing when I add a thickness to this one here and I'm just gonna make that seven for right now you will see that now that line turns turns black and that's how we can gotta like go around so see this line here is blue right now if we select the origin and go up to here and I'm gonna make this one 15 like I said we can always adjust that later on you will see that that turns black same thing we're gonna add a little bit of thickness to this part here I'm gonna make this one take your five and I'm just gonna go around and add some of these dimensions in there now you could get fancy and try to do some of them without but this is kind of like how I would prefer that to start out now this line here is gonna be in an angle right so we can select this line and this line and that will give us an angle is let's make it you know nine to six okay now moving over and to this one over here we can see that they're probably gonna be an angle from here to here so let's make that one 35 they're probably gonna be an angle from here to here just make that 110 so I'm just kinda like trying right now to get it somewhat close I'm also gonna create a dimension from this line to this line come on give us an overall there let's make that 111 like that now look how this line is still blue that is because it needs it and if you don't know go in and grab an endpoint and kind of like trying to start to move with your mouse and you can see what can move so this one still needs some dimension from this point down to our origin here let's make that 16 so as you can see I'm just really just walking around here applying some dimensions just to kind of like get this somewhat secure so they all turn black and I did a video live stream talking about my biggest mistakes in CAD and one of my biggest mistakes one time was not to make sure that everything gets fully defined you will see now that everything have turned black when we said now it is fully defined now let's turn our picture back on so we can take a look here and this is maybe where we could go in and try to adjust some things but you know what I think it's pretty good what I'm gonna do with these shop corners is just add some fill that's but I think you know what I think this is pretty pretty good let's see this one here maybe we try to change that one to 12 and see if we can get a little bit how does it look if it's 12 well that was too much 11.5 yeah you know one half of the other kind of thing right maybe we wanted to move this one up a little bit 17 oh that was much better right so that's how we can kind of like we can dial it somewhat somewhat in here so this is but this is only half of it right we need to do the other half one of the great things in Fusion is to actually use what is called symmetry so we can mirror this around now we can either choose to do it in the in the sketch environment so on to the sketch drop-down we can either try to go in and mirror it all we can do it after we make it a solid in this case it's probably a bit easier if we make it a solid so I'm gonna hide my picture just by hitting the light bulb I'm gonna hit Q on my keyboard that is the press pull command I'm gonna select that unit we have here hold down shift hold down middle mouse button and spin it around here and we can now see that we can actually add this into 3d space I'm gonna make it seven millimeters and hit OK and again shift middle mouse button and you can you can spin it around because I see half of what we have created here so I'm pretty happy with this this looks somewhat DS we're at least on our way now to mirror this I'm gonna go over and click on the create because I'm not gonna do this as a sketch that was only down sitting down here we're gonna do it as I create I'm gonna select mirror I'm gonna select that and I know that when you're in Sun of fusion when you're beginning you always you want to get something in the screen it's easy to rush I really recommend that you slow down a little bit especially if you're new and I know that's kind of hard so if it's easy for me to say but you will see in these menus that is some options in here one of them is called faces that means that I can mirror specific faces now this is a face this is a face this is a face so I could go in and start clicking on all these different phases in the if I want to and you will see that they kind of get populated in here but if you could drop down you actually see there's some other options in here I normally prefer features now what is a feature it features the stuff that we have created down here so if I select our extrusion than showing right down here then that means I'm selected the whole thing makes it a lot easier now we're gonna mirror it over a plane when I hold down shift the middle mouse button spinning around here this year could be a plane could eggs also be a face so let's select on the mirror plane and let's just select on this plane right here and and hit okay and you will see that we get the second side and if we turn our picture back on be right clicking it edit canvas so we can turn up the opacity so now maybe we can see a little bit better and I'll spin around I think we're we're fairly close right it looks somewhat somewhat decent here let me hide the the image here for a second now one of the things you will see that I get here is I actually get a line cutting right across and this is almost the brink of being a little advanced but keep an eye on your bodies folder up here you next to see that I ended up with with two bodies because the first one before I did the mirror let me just roll back this is one body and then I made on a cross and the way that was really across here it's turning into two bodies this can happen when you're modeling around that you get multiple bodies what you can do is because these two exit touches each other we can go in here and we can click combined it means we can take two bodies select the two bodies make sure it's unjoin hit okay and now we have one one big body and a mirror of one of another I wanna turn the you see we only got one body right now and you can see here that we concern the eye light on so we don't see the origin so that was kind of like the base modeled up here with some few different techniques that I definitely hope definitely was most useful most important thing when you're sketching up make sure you those sketches fully defined okay all right Oh quick question do that again yes so the combined tool it's sitting up underneath in the modify tool here and I've used a couple of live streams to in year two if you want to know more about a Sergio send me an email and I can send you a couple of the videos on using it so pretty much what I did was if I've rolled back before it you can see how I get a line here and Nexus shows me in the body fold that had two bodies right so you executing that combined command let me select the two bodies and kind of like melt them together into into two one body just like that now a couple of things that I want to do to this that we didn't do before was we got to add some fill it's like I said before and you know you could follow the picture and strategy we can get close with the different fill that's on the different shout corners but I think what I'm gonna do right here is I'm just gonna add kind of like what I think is the aesthetic ones now the fill it is sitting right up here in the drop-down you can hit fill it here or you can hit F hit the fill in here and I can now select this adds hold on shift middle mouse button roll around if you select the edge on the other side and if I grab that little arrow you can now see then this just spin around so you're gonna see a little bit better you can now see how I'm adding a Phyllis to this so we can kinda like find out what will be it a good feel that we want on this pot here and of course I would probably go around and do this too so most of of the different edges so I'm going to fill it and you can start selecting multiple edges if we select these four here shift roll around it's like the same full on the other side just like this and again find out what kind of fill that we we want to add in here and like I said I would probably go around do that on on every single shop corner also I had to fill it's down here right so we get kind of like added some some nice feeling suet alright question do I lose the mirror function when you combine no you yeah so I could have I could have fileted before I did the mirror that would have saved me a few clicks if all these fillers have done before I did the mirror down if I done it down here that I didn't have to click on each side or maybe I made more more sense now infusion everything is history based so it's following the path down here so the mirror you could say that the combined overruled the mirror but the mirror is still here like if I rolled back here now the mirror is back so one of the things that is great about Fusion is its true history everything kinda like follows this history tree down here alright I want to say that that's enough of of this kind of shape here so what we have kind of like accomplished so far is somewhat the base the base portion off here what we got to do now is kind of like this oval area here you'll see that the kana like answer X days are not sitting in here so gonna have to make a little cut out for that so with how am I gonna make this shape and then we're going to to cut in the slots here fall kinda like that rotating thing to sit in there so what we're gonna do is we actually gonna turn the origin back on and and this is one of the things that can be kind of interesting if you're fairly new so like I said in my other absolute beginners when you start sketching there's only two places you can you can sketch on its either face all at play so when we started out sketching all this bottom here we started out in that top plane right here now to do the round piece on top we will pick another plane we'll pick like the side plane over here so I'm going to open up a new sketch click here and you will see that I can't actually not select it right now because my solid is counting in the way now there's two ways you can you can get to that front plane side plane right there you can either go to the origin hit a little arrow and you can actually find it over here see how they highlight when I'm hover over them over here to the left look at the center of the screen and see how they can make highlight so you can select the X Y right here now that rig is trying to move all the way you want to select when you see we can't it doesn't highlight but hold down your left mouse button just for a second and this little dialog box open up and now you'll see that that X Y is sitting right there so that's another way to select it now if we're looking at my little piece here on the side you can see that it's pretty much all created up by a circle so that's what I'm gonna start out with I'm just gonna start out with a standard circle so see for circle and then I'm just gonna circle a I'm gonna draw this one 15 millimeters in diameter and hit enter right so then we have this guy's now notice how it black it our blue it is right the reason it's blue is because it can move around here main it sounds when I'm sketching things that let's just get a little bit over to the side now before when we type most of that bottom down we use the dimension tool but of course you also had these constraints over here so one you can use is the vertical constraint if I click on the vertical constraint and I select the centre of the circle and the center of this point you will see that an X it goes down horizontal now I actually want the vertical why did it go down horizontal let me just go up here and undo by clicking undo constraints the reason that it went hasanul and not vertical is exit because I was closer to being her a song dang being vertical let me do the same thing where I'm closer to vertical over click the horizontal do the same thing and now you will see that it's vertical so that's that's a little trick that you probably want to know about so now when I place it here if I you see my cursor I have that constraint icon if I hit escape on my keyboard I get my nice white cursor back if I hold down the left mouse button and drag that circle I cannot move it to the side because it now is that vertical constraint but I can move it up and down so let's add a a dimension to that so I'm gonna hit d4 I mentioned I hope back to where we were before and I'm gonna click on this origin up to the center there and I'm gonna make this 13 like this here so what we have now if I hold down shift and middle mouse button and a spin around is we have a circle sitting right on that plane that we sketched on that XY plane right down and I makes it gonna I'm just gonna go ahead and extrude this right now so to extrude I'm gonna hit Q and that gives us the press pool and I want to select that circle and you get that little arrow and I always thought just dragging the arrow now you will see the things turns red the reason that it turns red is that the circle is interfering with the bottom based of the model duck and if you should see that is interfering it automatically goes to a cut but over here you can just click and you can switch it to what we want when it's a joint and just like that we now have created kind of like a solid piece now I said before keep an eye on these small menus that you have over here so right now it's going to one side we could exit going here and same one it's symmetrical and now we're not dragging that arrow you will see it's gonna go both ways so that's a nice little nice little tip there now I'm gonna not make it go all the way out to the answer Max is gonna make it just a little thinner just like that - 11 is probably fine hit OK and now we kind of got that that round piece sitting sitting right here now this looks alright I guess but if you're looking at at the shape here you will see that it small like it's it's going more like you know at a nice curve where if you look at the screen it looks a little bit like on a round pillow drop down on a floor here that Phillip command we used before that thing is awesome if I select this inner edge and that's not pulling notice how we get a really nice fill it coming coming out there right so we have an a chance here to using the fill tool we can very easily modify this and make it look maybe a little bit more I would say aesthetic just like just like that there okay so now we kinda like got that that overall shape going through there Davis asking if we could use a side pick yes absolutely and I actually didn't have I didn't have one that I kind of took a picture of earlier that I was going to use but then you know sometimes when you if your model visiting up like the guy who asked me to do this to freely print it you maybe want to kind of like play around with your with your own stuff make your own changes to it so I decided not to do it so now we got this here now there's a couple of things we have left to do in this part before we're gonna call it the night one is we got a blast a hole through here and make room fold or not and the other thing is we kind of like going to create two open slots on the side so let's start by throwing a hole through here so so far we have kind of like started to sketches we started one for the bottom right with the bottom plane we started one for the circle here both of them we did on a plane to create the hole you could actually go ahead and start the sketch right on this face so if I click create sketch and I select right in this face I can of course that a sketch on here now I'm gonna hit C for circle and you could go in here again and you could draw your circle Eila in here and you can see how I can pick up kinda like you know if this may be hard to see I pick up the or did you see how my cursor is across now it's a circle cross circle draw a circle so that's how I know I can kind of like pick up that Center there I'm gonna make a five point five millimeter hole hits enter and I kind of like get that circle there now that one is black because it got a dye into got a diameter and it's locked into the same circle as this one is same center point I'm gonna hit Q for press pull gonna select inside the circle if I pull this way it is going to be a solid if I pull it this way it is going to be a hole and I prefer to go over here where it says extend and just say through all that way I know the hole will always go through the entire solids and I have a hold down shift and middle mouse button so you kind of like got up got a hole through through that now to do the knot on this one here I'm not gonna do another sketch so I'm going to click create sketch so make the same faces selected before and this time if you go down to the schedule ecstasy that you can select a polygon in here and if I selected the polygon the polygon tool here you'll see again I can pick up that same centerís befall and I can draw it up now the six that you see right here is how many how many faces we want you want six and then you will seem kind of get the outside diameter for that here's let's make that five just like that now this one is still tied into the center as you can see it's still blue well grab a corner start moving your your mouse and you can see why it's still blue it was not rotation was not controlled in this one so one thing you could do was you could use the parallel constraint so like this edge here select the bottom edge here and now it is black right because now these two lines are parallel you can see it's shown with a little icon in here I'm gonna EQ again and press this inside and then hold down shift middle mouse button move it over a little bit and now we could kind of like make that a cut out fall for the knot here and we kind of get that that in there okay last thing we got to do to this pot before we're gonna call it before we're gonna call it the night is we're gonna add these two slots in here this is where kind of like the the rotation is on the GoPro kind of mount here so to do that I am going to start a sketch on this face I could started I guess you could started on the on the plane that goes up through through the center here but just again to select the face I'm gonna select this face here so I'm gonna hit new sketch - I like that face right down and now you'll see we kind of like looking right through from from the side here now we could again mirror stuff across if if we want to but honestly I'm gonna be you know it's just - two rectangles so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna create a helping line though just to show me where the center is of the part where I'm gonna click line make sure it snaps to the origin go straight up here and place a line that goes right straight up now what I'm going to do now is when you're looking at a slide you're looking at this slot here it's X it kinda like two long rectangles right so we could do Alban use the rectangle tool and we could just sketch like two rectangles and many times this is just about getting you getting you close and then you could start working with it from here so if I hit beef and I mentioned I know there's gonna be 325 between the two 3.25 hit enter and you can see that now that happened that the one moved over now again grab a corner on drag the mouse we can kind of see what we still need to do so I also need to define the opening here that is also fun enough going to be 325 the opening is so I'm gonna hit D for dimension select this one here make that 325 right so now these are the same now this one also is going to trade 325 we could add another dimension oh if we go over the constrain and we scroll down we could select the equal equal sign down here alright I can see that David is out here good to see you David see you another time so with a equal constraint I can select this line here and this line and now these two lines are equal equal lengths for me said now this one here is it's the same as over here so you can't get these options in here so now if I start dragging over here you will see that I'm kind of like dragging these around now another thing we could do because we know this could be in the center we're gonna be for dimension you could select this line and this line let me place the dimension down here you can actually do math in these so we could do 3.25 / - and now it's placed in that direction okay so this is some of the the tricks we have in here now for the bottom down here to get these down here whoops to get these down here and placed I might do something like the collinear constraint so if I select this line here and I select this line here you will see that that went down here if I select this line here and this line here these are now flush up here now to do the top ones you have a couple of options you could either just make sure that these are taller than what we are what we're calling here so we could just go in and say you know what I'm gonna be lazy and just give this a dimension make it 18 and I now know that I'm I'm free for this there'll be one way you can do it but we also we really want kind of like these lines to just be flush full up here well this line up here it's actually not a line that is actually the top of the arc rolling around so you cannot make these flush with this top line up here straight on or what you can do is you can use something called project to borrow an edge so if I hit P for project and I select this line I actually get that end point where that right where the top is and now I can go back again and I can say I want to make it you know a constraint between this one and this one and this one and this one and now they're like flush right up there so kind of like borrowed this end point to be able to make that flush right there hold down shift middle mouse button spinning it around and kinda like have two rectangles sitting out there in in space now what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit Q again I'm going to select those two rectangles and we're just gonna drag it in you see tons of rad that means there's our cut Gosei all the way through I just hit okay and now we have that slot going right through that point right there okay so I hope that this was useful and kind of like seeing how you can kind of like sketch these different aspects up and how you can kinda like work with it to kind of like get you get you started with something something close to a GoPro type of mouth at least this should hopefully get you kind of like get you going in that direction guys I hope this was useful as always this is being recorded and I will also make sure that it gets up on the YouTube channel probably over the weekend so you can also see it up there if you guys are join me on the Facebook live stream really really appreciate it we do this on Wednesdays we're not going to do it next Wednesday because next Wednesday is Christmas New Year's so we're gonna take a break next week but we'll be back the following week thank you so much guys really appreciate it as always any questions throw them in the question area and we will attack them down so with that see if anybody can any of those questions that's it my beer really appreciate it merry Christmas to you Michael Yosef really appreciate it thank you so much guys Robert thank you so much Merry Christmas and they will be we will do the use of live streams tomorrow so tomorrow you can always catch us there thank you so much guys you guys the best see you next time
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 38,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Beginner, Tutorial, 3D modeling, CAD, 3D Printing, akn_include, GoPro
Id: AtE7KvKrjXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 20sec (3140 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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