3D Sketch & How To Model an Exhaust Manifold — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 134

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how are you doing welcome to livestream number 134 my name is Lars Kristensen today is March 21st 2018 thank you so much for taking time to join today's livestream today's topic is 3d sketching and how do you model up a exhaust manifold like on a car type of thing I'm not the biggest car guy but this was one of the requests from you really appreciate those my email address last Kristensen at Autodesk calm and down in the video description send me an email with any requests of any future videos you would like to see see one we got a bunch of people in here really appreciate you taking the time if you like these videos do me a favor hit the thumbs up if you don't get the thumbs down be honest and if you haven't already of course appreciate you hit that subscribe button let's jump into her to fusion here and let's talk about some freely sketching and model up an exhaust manifold in the process now somebody actually just made a comment the other day about my models are not always that's details that they would like to see them but I'm trying to keep these live streams short try to add as much value as quick as I can so let's open up a sketch in I'm EXCI so because I want to get to the point of how to do this I makes it gonna do this maybe a little bit reversed you'll see what I'm talking about in a second so I'm gonna open up a sketch and let's draw a circle on the top plane hit C and I'm just gonna make this one 50 millimeters in diameter hit enter so here we have one here now I'm gonna go in and I want to come back to this in the end I'm gonna go in here I'm gonna use the rectangular pattern under sketching cuz I want to show you a trick later on so I click on that I'm gonna select our circle here and we get every time I get a handle dragging them so let's make this distance - 153 of them was thought out with 3 then we make it fall a little bit later so one sketch 3 struggles ok I'm going to stop this sketch and exit if it turn on the origin so we can see that there now we're gonna use 3d sketches and I don't think I really talked about that before on the livestream what are the tools you probably want to get familiar with if you are working with 3d sketches is the offset plane up here click on offset plane and we can offset another plane so I can take this plane and I can move that plane back let make it 300 just for something so now we have the free circles sitting with the origin right there then we kind of like created that offset plane 300 away that was that command up there and somebody pointed out to me one of my videos that if you select on a plane if you hit the corner you can make these plane you can drag planes bigger a little bit easier for you to see okay so one sketch and offset plane let's let's them let's get on that plane so I'm going to create a another sketch over on this plane over here I'm gonna do another circle see for circle and on purpose I'm gonna make sure that it's not vertical from the other ones so I'm just gonna sketch a circle over here let's make a little bit bigger let's make it 80 millimeters and de4 what I mentioned if you have new people in here um let's this is not really important just so now we have to sketch out there stop scared so what we have now is the three small 150 millimeters ones and then we have the big connection point up here now what we're going to do to connect these is we're going to use the loft command if you if you're fairly familiar with the livestreams there was one where we did kind of like what was that a soft drink bottle we did like we use what's called guide curves when you use those today shapes like this um that's another live stream you can find that here too so what we eight cents is gonna do is we're gonna laughed between our one circle and this circle okay but what we need is we need a guide of curve now we don't need the guide curve that she's like bent shapes we're just gonna do a center line and for that we're gonna use a a freebie sketch and let me show you that so I'm gonna cancel out of this this was just to kind of like show you to this point here get back once then I am going to start a sketch on this plane here a standard sketch but that's and I can draw elf a line and draw a line vertical up here and I'm just gonna give it a little bit of distance fifty millimeters now hit tab on your keyboard and notice how you get a lock next to the vertical two fifty and then see how the 90 is now highlighted you can actually change the angle but if I just hit enter again then it will log it in and you get the 50 and the hoist on relationship you don't hit enter there then you don't get the relationship alright so this is just a straight up line coming right on that plane we haven't done any 3d sketch matter of fact we're gonna draw another line alpha line and I'm just gonna place it somewhere it doesn't really matter where I'm placing it double click to let go of the line so this line right now is sitting on that plane now if you make stairs here's the trick with 3d sketches and until you you know this I don't know how you would figure out any otherwise over here you can turn on and off 3d sketch you could turn on 3d sketch now how the heck do we now move a 3d sketch and this is I mean I don't know I'll buy a beer for the develop came up with this right cleared out in space and he move copy and we've got line stories on the move copy tool before now I can literally just click on that point and I get the triad that I can now move this line into into 3d space so the move command is what moves it into 3d space if you have ever used any other kind of CAD software 3d sketching is normally like a whole other addition to the 2d sketch at least of ups I've used so this is pretty neat I'm gonna do this again but what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna use the point to point tool and then when I do that I can select the Oregon part what's gonna be at this point and then the center of that eighty millimeter we created hit ok so now what we got is we got a line the 50 millimeters that goes up and over the 3d sketch that goes over to to the 80 millimeter now I'm gonna hit OK to this just to show you something if I hit OK to this let's go back into our loft select the two profiles this profile and this profile we get the same thing we got before now I'm gonna select the centerline in the guide and click that 3d sketch we just created and I actually get an arrow now if you're like me I'm not good at arrows okay whenever I get an arrow I'm always high somehow my brain freezes over I don't get what the heck is going on I get frustrated but if you actually read what is happening here it might help you a little bit oh I can explain it I guess solid laughs do not like when the when the when the loft kinks when it kind of like collapses in on itself so it's looking for like a smooth transition between the two angles so I hope I saved a little bit of frustration here so if we go ahead to that scats we did the 3d sketch on edit that sketch again and we add a a fill it now I played with this before I got on the live stream and I found that 40 millimeters fill it worked here so you might have to just it's got to be a big enough filler that that the thing don't collapse on itself and of course that has something to do with the sizes of the Rings so let's go in now and do a loft select this so like this and then select the center line and that free D sketch and you will now see that we get what looks something that would be pretty good for for an exhaust manifold now I hit OK and you will see that everything went away that's because it gets absorbed the rest of the sketches gets absorbed just go over to the tree over here and turn them back on on the light bulbs right over here on the left so now they're back I need those again okay all right let's do one more of those and hopefully this makes sense so I'm gonna repeat what I just did before I'm gonna create a new sketch I'm gonna create that on that front plane where my circles are so just hit elf align let me just get a line out here I'm gonna make it 50 when I hit tab key when I do that I get a lock next to the 50 I see if I hit the tab key I'll hit the enter key again then it gets locked in and I get that vertical relationship you could just insert that manually if you want to now let's get this out in space so let me do a incident relationship between here and that Center okay so now I'm kind of like the same spot I was there let's do another line and again this line here the first it doesn't really matter where you're placing it because the trick is we're going to right click and shirt move copy select that point so now it knows what was going to move copy but I like to prefer the point to point so like this entity and then select up a non circle heed okay now make sure you have the 3d sketch turned on right then we have that filling if you don't put that filler and we're gonna get an error let's go in here he'd fill it and I said forty would work hit okay and and then we can go in and do that laugh again create and loft now you might have a hard time selecting that circle again because our first solid is in the way don't forget if you hold down the left mouse button you get a menu that appears out of the blue and here's the profile so we can select it there so like that's now it turns red because because fusion sees that this is cutting into something else what is this solid body we just got to change the drop down here into join and then select the guy type what's gonna be the centerline like that there and hit OK and now we can see how we kind of like are combining combining this does this make sense I hope it makes sense let's do one more you let me know thumbs up thumbs down so let's open up one more sketch things the last one up here on the same plane hit alpha line again I like to type in 50 tab so that distance is locked in hit enter and that make sure I get the vertical relationship and then we can lock that into there hit alpha line let's go it this way this time right click move copy that will give that will turn it into a 3d sketch I'm gonna use point to point so from here to here okay let's add to fill it sketch fill it in here forty hit OK and then let's do another loft again if you have a hard time selecting that boundary hold down your left mouse button then you can select the profile so like this one again we're going to go to centerline and it's got to be a join to put them all together just like that I hope this is useful now so right now everything looks pretty good I'm gonna turn these sketches off a second I don't need those and actually the origin to so as you can see here a pretty quick way to kind of like combining these different these different in here so how do we now I mean it's not hollow so here we will use the shell command okay let me click shell and let's go in and select this and these here and then we can add a thickness we're gonna put four in five and you will now see that we get that is all shelled out with a five millimeter thickness on here let's go into inspection section analysis that's an origin back on and with the section analysis on we can kind of see how we're hitting the first one that suits gonna hand and then win the second one and then the last one okay now there's still there's still a couple of things that need to be done on this here like the end brackets and the reason I was saying before that I probably would not have model this up like this in the beginning is because you probably would have started out with one of those brackets but I wanted to get to this because this is probably most people who are looking at this video in later on that's what they're looking for so let's adding an end plate on here how would I do that so create a new sketch that phase there that we sketch this on and I normally I think I would just create a line like this something like this and we could possibly just do a midpoint to that origin right there default I mention and give this some kind of a length whoops I didn't want it that dimension I wanted this one let's make it 150 and right now the reason is still blue it's because it's certain lighting around so it's gonna create a helping line alpha line and create a horizontal line here now remember instead of fusion you don't have to turn this to a construction geometry you know if somebody else got a look at it might be nice that you do you do that by clicking over here and then we can do deeper dimension and do some kind of a maybe 45 degrees like that's C for circle I'm just gonna do this quick 20 millimeter circle place that one maybe make these two equal so we don't have to change one circle under the other circle when it's do an offset 504 offset 5 key for project this is probably maybe something for another livestream oh for offset 5 something like that line if you hold down shift it will include the the tangency like that's hold down shift then click on the circle we go through the line you know find the tangency hold down shift on the circle and it should find the tangency not the midpoint that was the midpoint there and hold down shift click a little and find the tangency over here somewhere if you can't do that you can always place it and then you're gonna add to tend to see with this one here for somebody who's fairly new this might be a little confusing but um fully defined queue and I think one thing I want to say I just want to do this quick here and now of course we can pull out in this here 10 10 millimeters like that there and we got I mean that's how I would make that bracket that it gets mounted to us you probably have that inside filling out you get what I'm what I'm talking about here I hope so there probably is also the same style and these one down here follow the same kind of plan there's something I wanted to show you that I that you may or may not know some of you guys probably knows but if you didn't let's go all the way back to the original sketch remember that we sketched a 50 millimeter circle and then we did a rectangular sketch pattern well did you know that right in here next to it is like this I don't know tribal so simple I don't know it supposed to look like a pattern symbol it's like a almost a rectangle little shape if you click on that you right-click you can actually edit the rectangular pattern for the sketch so I could actually go in now and say you know what I want to make follow these so let's do that now this is happening all the way in the beginning right so when I hit stop sketch futures gonna recalculate it looks like nothing happened but if I turn that sketch number one back on you would actually see that we got we got another sketch so I don't know if you knew that it's just like one of these small things that I thought maybe could be useful now if we just going to add the fourth one to where we already are if we did it right now where we are in the time line then that fourth one would happen um after the shell command had been executed and it would probably make sense if we had to edit fall to here that the shell that we only use one shell command to do to do it alright so we have a couple of different options we could either drag this one back here and that's actually probably what I would prefer because then everything is gonna come in the timeline kind of like organized the loft loft loft and then our next laugh you could of course also take this and move that down to the end and then move one step behind that that would kind of like be be possible to do that too but I think preferably I would go roll back here so when we add the last one here open your sketch this is for anybody who came late you get to see the 3d sketch command again alpha line I'm just gonna create a vertical line up here tap it enter so that's locked in let's do a coincident relationship between here and here and I just adding that 50 millimeters because I want this I don't want this just hit right down here I want to kind of like go up a little bit here comes the 3d sketch make sure you got the 3d sketch turned on alpha line just place any line now this line is not free D sketch it's flat but right click move and now you can actually use the Move command to turn this into a 3d sketch I don't know that just excites me I think that that is it's pretty cool so I'm gonna use the point to point from here to here hit OK and then I'm going to go in and add to fill its I'm here to here made it for T stop the sketch create and last loft tween up here hold down the left mouse button Oh hold down the left mouse button ha ha I don't get it why is that nice i'm not getting the profile all right can i do if it's in your face and face I can alright you don't your profile now you get the sketch think about that ah that's the wonderful thing about live make sure you do a join centerline just like that there hit okay and we added the fourth one now of course we don't see the shell because it's not in the timeline when we move forward then you will see that it's on the three of them but we of course missing the last face just going to right click Edit feature hold down ctrl on your keyboard or command if you're on a Mac so like that face to add that to the selection hit OK and and then you got that edit on there and then if I scroll all back should get our last bracket and something I messed something up down there that's a warning on ooh this is good so there's a warning on it it's 23 minutes this was what I was planning on showing but let's just take a look at this warning right click and review warning so there's an issue with some projected reference catch and some of you guys will probably say yeah yeah this is happening to me all the time I'm honestly not sure what happened I have to admit to that but I can see that it was probably I don't know if I did a project ads you see how there's a yellow kind of lines right here what happens if I select that yellow and I hit the lead on my keyboard can I delete the reference I wonder it looks like I can't delete the line hit delete okay so now I don't see any yellow anymore I don't know what this got a cost but that's fine I'll try it so then now it looks like this at least we don't have any arrows let's go in and edit the feature again so what did I select in here oh I lost of red late you see how that is blue there once that sketch again oh so it looks like did I change well this was my offset okay so let's try to see what happens so then I get a warning so that was my offset geometry from before okay I can't move it so this point I will try to see so I can't move anything it looks like so this was offset out from probably from the was that offset out from the so let's go in here and now I deleted those all the ones so now I might just screwed myself there's something interesting where this one gets broken out right that looks like [Music] offset it's always good to see when somebody else is struggling right I don't know why it's not selecting the whole circumference it breaks it up I don't like that see for sure Oh am i looking straight to this looks like it only want to select that key for put jacked offset like it broke the whole circle down into each segment here when they when the when the thing goes together I guess I'm not sure this is the best way to do this that's right you know what I don't think so because look at this is happening it's because okay so I think I know what is happening here and this is maybe something that I need to I need to do a little homework on let me just do let's create a circle first let's make it 90 this is maybe something I do need to do a little homework on it was good I might need some homework what is happening is that as we are creating the solid when we merge the different we merge the different pieces together I have a hard time talking and drawing us things out i when we're merging the different pieces to the different pipes together we actually kind of like breaking up the face geometry of can't hit the I can't hit it hang on a second okay now let's move the time again let me just this out and then let's talk to that what is happening folks and there might be a better way to do this I'm not sure but what is happening is that when we're merging all these pipes together we're kind of breaking down the face geometry see how we get we get lines in here and of course these lines and like this line here is not that in the real world that comes from our sheet visible edges on like this is how it would look you know in the real world I still didn't do that right but what happens is that when we added that fourth one to it we kind of broke up the face faces of the other ones to kinda like resembling this and that broke actually up the reference on the circle huh that's actually kind of funny because it's I don't want to get I'm getting up at a half an hour here but this actually has to do with kind of like how can is working in the background so how the colonel is looking at this so the colonel is trying to display these four pipes merging together you know on the screen and of course as we as I'm adding the fourth one it has to break up the other ones to make it look uniform like this and and that is what's causing kinda like causing that that scats when this face changes then of course that sketch changes back there all right uh but anyways I hope you learned something we did get into we did get interest of laws we got insert some 3d sketches that definitely uh that definitely work um and then we got it all fixed up but good I don't mind when things what things breaks you can see that sometimes I gotta poke around to all right folks dad was what was planned for this Wednesday here on YouTube tonight on Facebook if you search add mister or Lars Christiansen one thing you can find me on Facebook I'm doing a live stream tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern absolutely begin a series there if you're interested in that not then tomorrow tomorrow we're gonna do some sheet metal same time same Channel absolutely appreciate you guys taking the time thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you don't be honest appreciate it we'll do what I normally do if you're watching the recording thank you so much I really appreciate it and if you're in the livestream I'll jump in and say hi to everybody take care and hopefully I will see you again soon
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 64,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, CAD, Modeling, 3D, Maunfacturing, CNC, Tip, Beginnner, Lars Christensen, akn_include
Id: J5SxttEWOyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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