Fusion 360 Absolute Beginner - How To Model a Traffic Cone - Last Nights Facebook Livestream

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how are you doing welcome to another absolute beginner series here on Facebook oh man it's good that it's being here it's another Wednesday evening it is March 21st 2018 this is the 12th of of these live streams here on Facebook see we already get people joining that's absolutely awesome and this format is a little bit different than the ones that that normally doing on on YouTube in the regards that here you ask any question you got and I will do my best to answer them as we're going along so I will stop what I'm doing and try to answer any questions so really appreciate you guys taking the time and I am just trying to add a little bit more value to your fusion 360 experience so let's jump into it what I'm going to show today so I thought that now we're this is the 12th one maybe try something a little bit different we still got a model up a part and it's going to be absolute beginner we're gonna model up something like a traffic style cone I thought could be could be interesting so what we what we're going to to do is we actually gonna use we're gonna model up this cone and absolutely beginning of style we're going to put some excuse of extrusions for it but then when we have done that because this is a fairly simple model I wanted to take the opportunity to show you a couple of other commands that I think as a beginner you at least should kind of like know understand so the basic extrude command that you find inside of fusion that one we're going to cover but I also want to talk a little bit about the revolve command and I want to talk about the sweep and the loft tonight so I'm hoping to kind of like get a chance to to cover all of these brandon is asking if I figured out the loft from my earlier exhaust manifold today yes so that might be for another another topic but I did and in the reason for that so anybody don't even have the model saved what I did on the YouTube today was an exhaust manifold you're gonna check out that that live stream and what happened was where and I don't mean I don't know enough about cars but we had for two channels coming in connecting to one and what happens is that because these four channels came together to one from different places he kind of started breaking off the geometry of the circle and I should have thought put more thought into it Brandon but yes it behaved the way that thinking about afterwards I think it absolutely should behave if you didn't watch that livestream I will upload it also here to Facebook probably tomorrow sometime I didn't know it's already up here it isn't here on Facebook so you should be able to check it I think I got it up okay let's go back and talk a little bit about absolute beginner here so we're gonna end up with this type of traffic scones here and again I want to start out from scratch so I'm gonna open up a new design you can do that right up here on the little plus sign and I always like to talk about the general settings when you're starting out you go up here to your name you can go into preferences and you can actually restore its default so if you ever played around with different settings then you can always restore the default here when it apply okay so that's and you will see that I get the grid on here now two things that I normally change when I start out with Fusion from a result default one is about two your view cube up here on the right and right click on it and make sure you change perspective will auto faces so I click on that one and then personally I like to go down to the read down here so be aware being from different settings down here and and open up the grid settings and I normally turn all these off layout grid stats grid and actually at the live stream on on sculpting and there I would also turn in Koran to move off so like whatever turn all these off that's kind of like my default changes so if you ever watched any of my videos you're brand new and you're like how can it be that are gonna be that they are different that's the settings alright I can see we got Mike here thank you for joining Mike we got Ron Kevin man you're cool Kevin and that's almost yeah so a couple of videos in the day yep absolutely okay so this is the absolute beginner and I'll try to dial it back to the beginning so if you are fairly new to Fusion hopefully tonight this is what makes you comfortable working with Fusion and again any questions you have put them in the question area and we chat about them so it's a black canvas we just made those couple changes so inside of fusion we inside the model environment here there's a rule and that is we always start out with a 2d sketch it's not over the 2d sketch that we then extrude in to 3d space you can almost think about the 2d sketch almost being a little bit like a napkin drawing without a piece of paper and draw a 2d view of what you want and then would blow it into a 3d space now there's two places you can sketch 2d sketches on and it's either on a face or a plane since we don't have anything on the screen we don't have any faces well there's nothing there yet but we actually have three default planes you can turn them on up here on the lightbulb up here and you can see these three planes are appearing and that's where you normally want to start your first sketch so see we got so vested here from Brazil awesome man thank you so that's two for joining so just now if you're turning on the light bulb I'm gonna go up here and this is where we are saying we're gonna create a sketch and I'm gonna click on that and now I get to select one of these planes now there is no rules what planes are the right ones but I mean I think most people are kind of like working with you know the viewcube up here and then you can see this is top if you look up here it says front that's the front view right view right view so for this cone I'm gonna start out with the base of it I'm gonna stop here on the top view so I'm gonna click on the top planes I'm gonna left click on that and when I do that you'll see that the screen moves so become like looking at it normal so we're looking from the top down you don't always use the view up here is as a reference and you will know you're inside of a sketch the sketch menu for two reasons you have a sketch palette I'll talk about that one a little bit and then you're gonna see up here we can turn the sketch off and get out of it again now let me just place the first sketch so I'm gonna go over here to the drop down if you're new to fusion I know a lot of this stuff can become you know it's just a little overwhelming in the beginning you know the great thing about watching videos I think online is you can always stop the video go back we watch it again if you missed the snap don't feel you know don't give up it's just because a little confusing because there is a lot of menus in here now I'm gonna go into the rectangular menu and I'm gonna select this Center rectangle now look next to the menu it makes it comes up with a little bit of explanation about this das so I'm gonna click on the on the rectangular centered rectangular here and also next to my cursor like success what it's looking for so looking for place the center point good practice is to make sure that your first sketch is tied in to this origin you will see I have a crosshair on my mouse and when I hover this organ it turns into a rectangle that's when you want to left clicks I'm gonna left click and then I'm gonna move out my mouse and then you will see the rectangle comes to life now you will also see that there is two dimension boxes on each side so I can exit type in my dimension here so I'm gonna make this one 300 millimeters and just like you can do in Windows to get to the second box you can hit tab on your keyboard then we'll take you to the second box and we can type in 300 and that one and and hits enter and then we've kind of created that now I'm gonna roll the middle mouse button on my mouse here so Shoom out so you can zoom in and out in the middle mouse button so all we have right now is just this 2d sketch I can exit rotate the view a little bit so I'm gonna hold down shift in the middle mouse button we're gonna do that a couple of times so you see this is just kind of like a flat rectangle right right here alright let's just see here so I can see Michael alright Michael like the video from earlier the one with the exhaust manifold absolutely loved it thank you yeah it's a more Frieda sketching that is not a bad idea Thomas asked if I usually make spheres with the 2d sketch or just use the spear menu command I think I'm a little old school Thomas that I actually I don't really use some of these different commands like leaps and stuff like that I normally go in and just draw them up okay so I can see the Kevin is helping or is giving some Jason Thomas that's awesome alright and that's Rory in here is awesome so so look at this here so we got this rectangular and it's how I want to go back on top I can just take the top view over here and you will see it's 300 in here oh so so let me just extrude this and I get back to David's question so at this point we have created a 2d sketch this rectangle for you how about 300 now we are ready to extrude this into 3d space the easiest way to do that is to extrude it you will see the extrude command is up here you can also hit the Q on your keyboard that's probably what I prefer to do so hit Q on your keyboard and you will see that the menu changes into what is called press pull and have you changed I can't like went into an isometric view if we select inside this box left click you will see that it turns blue gonna zoom out on the middle mouse button and anytime you see one of these arrows that's I always dragging these arrows here so drag that out a little bit and now we are dragging it into a 3d space I'm gonna add some thickness to this one 25 millimeters and hit enter and that's our first extrusion a little tile here you can hold down the middle mouse button and shift and you can spin it around and galaxy our first tile but you also will notice is that down in the bottom here we now have two little menus or two little I guess episodes or something whatever you call it the first one here is the 2d sketch now if we right click on that down here we can hit edit sketch and it will take us back to that 300 by 300 to get out of this and was gonna hit stop sketch the other one was actually the extrusions right click on that one and it added feature that will take us back in so we we take the 25 so as we're working in here everything kind of like gets recorded you will you will see alright David asked a question about moving Z up so I'm assuming David is referring to the viewcube over here is maybe hard to see but they you have a Z X&Y over here so a lot of people would prefer that the Y is the Z is going up at the top I think a lot of machinists I have it that way you can actually change it if you go to your name go to your preferences in here you can change the default modeling orientation to see up and that if you hit apply that will actually switch it on your next assign I think you're gonna open up a new design here and then you will see that it's switched the reason that I don't do it it's just out of habit so like I said earlier there is no rules about these different views top front in CAD and in any ISO and back to like the beginning of time can't companies have always looked at front as the default view versus where I think a lot of us who's covering a machining background we are thinking top should be so so yeah you can switch you if you want to okay ah James it's okay yeah find you guys are like man I really just appreciate you guys taking the time absolutely we got Kurt here from Vermont awesome so creating our first tiling here and now if we're gonna start our next sketch so you can't think when you're building something so for you guys we just came in we are we are playing around with this traffic cone here and we are going to model it up using a couple of different tools we're gonna start out the absolute beginner way and then I just wanted to jump in and show some revolve sweep and loft also so when you're building something like this you're starting out think about it as lay upon layer so break your model down to kinda like different features almost so in this case here we just created the basic tile what's gonna be this flowing down here and now reacts it ready to kinda like doing the club so to do that we're gonna start as second 2d sketch so before I said that we either sketch on either to face all on a plane now because we have the first feature in there we actually have a face we can sketch on here so I'm gonna click on creating a new sketch I'm gonna click on that face because that's where I want to start that new scats is gonna go normal to and you will see down here we now get a new sketch and I'm gonna have this time create a circle now you can go up to the sketch menu you will see here you have different circles notice that next to some of the commands as I see a letter that's the shortcut key so you don't have to dig down in these menus you can actually just memorize a few commands and then you then you can you can draw things without have to dive into these so C for circle hit that and I'm also going to make sure this one snaps into the origin and I'm just gonna draw a circle out here now I'm gonna put a time incident on this one maybe to 150 type that and hit enter twice and then that is locked in you can see we kind of like have that circle there and then now we can take that and we can exclude dad into two 3d space so to do that I'm gonna go and hit Q remember that that was the press pull menu so I'm still inside of the sketch and I'm gonna hit Q and then I'm gonna click on the circle here and again every time I see a handle I pull in it so just pull up here and you will see that we start getting our next extrusion now I want to show you something very very basic but something that if you start paying attention to this I think you would be ahead of many users who will call themselves pretty good with Fusion be aware of what is happening inside these menus you know that you know that that you always rush to try to get something in the screen right you know what you're gonna model up you know how you know what you want to end up you want to model something up whatever it is a cone or whatever and we have a tendency to kind of like rush through it and then when things goes wrong we get confused if you slow down a little bit notice some of the different menus that is over here we can't actually incorporate a a tapering goalie over here so if I type in 15 you can see it a taper out if I type in minus 15 I get a taper in so if I over here give this as distance of let's say 350 millimeters I kind of getting my cone shape right here right if I hit OK you will now see that we got this cone shape generated I'm rotating by holding down shift and middle mouse button here so just by taking a second and just notice what happens inside of these menus you can you can create shapes that you know as everything when I started out I would think about other things than just using the menu like that okay let's just quickly here let me just jump over and see um any questions I missed I probably missed a few I'm sorry about that Ron is asking you if the plane can be changed after skits have been made on the wrong plane yes it can Ron if you go in and you right-click on a sketch you can redefine the sketch plane now just be a little bit careful when you're doing that because if I for example so this sketch here is the circus guess I just made this cone if I decide to start another sketch up on this level that went in a lot of direction when I move this sketch that thing up there is going to be attached to that face and want to go with it so yes you can but just if things just be good careful with it you know that's just the nature of it but yes you can good question all right Ron is saying that because this the million views helps later when some assemblies when linking yes Ron absolutely good good advice yeah that we should do some best practices for sure that's good that's good advice and as as Ron says here yes you can exit also copy sketches and paste them on other planes you can't actually go in and create a sketch you can highlight it to a control C control V and you can paste it yep absolutely awesome the choice here sharing the love love it all right they was asking about changing some faces yeah I'm sure in the end how I kind of like split this up here so we got that ring I'll do that again all right let's see here Kevin's son Nathan that's awesome love it good job good job Nathan sure your dad man show him how it's done love it it's almost saying that the tapering is also the little dot yeah so if I go in and edit this feature again let me just spin it around a little bit you would see we change the 15 you can also pull in this one and you can change that too yep always so many ways to do it sheriff of Alabama Dolf Alabama cool all right Kurt is asking what is the comments in the lower-left so that's this little section down here and that's good question Kurt you can exit communicate so I don't want to get too sidetracked but if you have ever tried to click a lot of screen if you ever click on on the name up here in your in your dialogue box then it actually opens it up out on the web and you can see all the different files that is in there and you can actually invite all the people through your different projects and in those different projects you can add comments to the project so all the people you're sharing others can see it and that function inside of fusion down here and in the area is a short excuse me a short cuts with that so you could actually comment out on the designer look question um all right all right Canada is asking if you have a cone like this but you know the top and the bottom diameter but not the angle which tool can you do that yes we're gonna talk about that the first tool probably comes to mind is the loft we're gonna get to that I can it absolutely are gonna talk about that so the idea today is I want to do this as the absolute beginner that's what we're doing right now and then I want to kind of like make a variation where each other a bit about the revolve command the suite command and the loft command if you're brand new I don't expect you to grasp all this tonight but I definitely want you to be aware of these others so not just the extrude command like we are using there now all right I'm gonna jump move on here so we have now two sketches the one was the rectangle that we student extrude extruded into the tile and now the circle that we should with taper up to be the top here now the extrude command is you seem to just use use twice it's pretty powerful it can ex also go in the other direction because it can cut things so now we just discussed before that we're building things up in layers or in sections so we did the tile we've done the cone now we're gonna do the cut and I'm gonna start another 2d sketch so our third 2d sketch so don't be afraid of using sketches so I'm gonna click on that now like I said in the beginning I face our plane we're gonna continue on a face we're gonna select mine up on this face here and I could draw a smaller circle because it's gonna kind of be the hole in the center of the cone but there is actually also if you go back go to the sketch you can also offset an edge so if I click on that and we select this edge you will see that I can offset that circle in here so I can type in a value minus 10 just like that and we have now created one other sketch that circle that is offset from this sketch so just another way to kind of like work with this what is interesting about this is that if you ever changed the angle of the column this will stay 10 now I'm gonna hit Q again on my keyboard and then I'm gonna select that in a circle there now if I drag the arrow up you will see that it becomes a solid and as was just mentioned you could grab this one up here and you could make that tapered if you wanted to now if we go the other way if we drag it inward you will see that it turns red and when it turns red inside of fusion that means that now it is a Cott okay now we could do what we just did before and say well let's just go 15 out like this and hit OK to that and now you will see that we got a cut that is you know the same thickness as as the outside here to do that so let me just try to always turn the old Jahnavi you feel like the organ is in your way just hit a little light bulb so in this case here we kinda like created most of this crown by a 2ds rectangle a big circle be extruded up in a taper and then a smaller circle offset from this top edge that we cut down inside of the come next go over here and click on inspect and it's like a section view if we select this here we can actually kind of see you know we created that cone that was gonna hit okay so that that there you can always turn that section view on and off on the light bulb over here okay now to finish this cone before we move on to the couple of other tools I want to talk about today we're gonna just round some actors there's a tool here to go under the modify the fill a tool you know you can hit F on your keyboard hit the fill a tool and we can start applying some fill it's now some people has a tendency to add as many fill that's in one operation as possible I actually like to break it down into where I think it makes sense so I want to add a fill it to these four corners shift middle mouse button spin around right here and I actually grab on the arrow I'm kind of like you know take a look at how big how big I want to make them maybe fifty hit enter and then I get a fill a command there then I will hit fill it again and I would select this inner edge here and then I can start adding a filter to that it's gonna be a lot smaller maybe ten and then you could also add a fill up to the top here to finish this off in this mode might be might be five now the reason I like to do it multiple let's say that these two fill is the two last filler we put they were the same size you could have put them in there but minutes has my experience is that the customers will come back and they will just say hey change the top fill and not the bottom fill it so that's that's why I would would do it like this Alex is asking is Wednesday the only time you do evening right yes I'm back to my old schedule Alex I'm doing one every day on YouTube at 3 p.m. and then Wednesday evening is is here on Facebook that's all I can handle right now it might change but right now that is the best I can do now we're gonna come back to this one later on because we're gonna change some appearances and things like that on this one but let's just save this one here so we're gonna click the Save icon and save it wherever folder you want and call it whatever whatever you want that's always good practice right to save something like this okay I hope this is useful really appreciate you guys you guys taking the time and don't forget any questions throw them in there and and we will address them so just to kind of summarize this as an absolute beginner you know you're building those 2d sketches and you extrude them up think about it like break it into different sections and break it up like that so this is kind of like at least you can now model a cone whatever you need no there's all the livestreams absolute beginners also that does a lot of different parts and things like that so definitely go and check those out now I want to try something different this is the twelfth one we're doing in Facebook I think Martin was only different with this one and that was I wanted to kinda like model up the same thing but use some of these other tools in here revolve sweep loft because you will find all the jobs where these tools will work better than just a standard extrude so I'm gonna open up a new document I'm gonna clean up here on you design on the plus sign and we're back into a completely empty document you can see that we don't have any features down here in the bottom or anything like that now we're gonna do the the revolve in here now Raval is really good for anything that is round so if you ever got to do anything round you should probably consider doing the revolved first now I'm gonna start out by doing an extrude just because my petition is key in all learning and then we can kind of go through the same steps as we did on our first one to create the base here so always getting out of the face are plain if you don't have a face then you're gonna do a plane so I like to turn my origin on here go up and create a 2d sketch click on this face here and I went up to the sketch menu I select the rectangle the center rectangle make sure you snap to the origin with your first cuts in the read left-click and drag out and I made this one 300 millimeters hit tab to go to the next dimension 300 millimeters hit enter and you can roll the middle mouse button and now you have your first first rectangle just like with you before I'm gonna hit Q to press pool that's also the same thing hit the section here dragged handle and and type in 25 hit enter and we are exactly the same step now as in this cone if I grab this little handlebar I can actually drag goes all the way back to the same place with the first one right so with then we did did call we did the whole and then we did the free fillings now instead of using the extrude for the column I am going to use the revolve commands like I said it's great for anything around and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create a line that I'm gonna revolve around okay and revolve is normally side view so look at your part from a side view perspective so I'm actually not gonna sketch on a face I'm gonna go back again and sketch on this plane over here so I'm gonna open up and use scats 2d sketch I'm gonna select on this plane over here you'll see how it's coming rotating to the side view and I'm gonna draw a line to rotate around now again if you're brand new just sit back right now and just take this in you can always rewind the video definitely if this is your first time using fusion you know don't get yourself confused and all work done so I'm gonna select the line tool is sitting up here I'm again I can snap into the origin if you still like to do that it's not a bad idea and I'm gonna drag a line vertical up here and just place it left click and then I can hit the little green checkmark over here to end that line so become I guess drew a line vertical up here now a line if I just you can see how if you look at my mouse cursor that I still have the line command active you can see how it kind of like have the same icon up here as here if you'd escaped when your keyboard once it will take you back to your normal white cursor now it's rig is to go up if I go up here to the point and I hold down my left mouse button and I and I drag up and down you will see that the line is vertical but it doesn't have an end point to it because I didn't type it in in the dialogue box when I place the line just like it did with a 300 inside of the rectangle at any point hit D for dimension and the dimension tool appears here now if I select just the line and move out you will see I get a dimension that is the whole length of the line and this is how I can control how long I want the line to be but you can also I'm just gonna hit escape for this for a second hit D again you can't I'm gonna make sure I don't have anything selected hit D again if I select the point and this line here I can also place a dimension there instead and that was 350 before so even though that I drew the line from the origin and up you can always use these D for dimension to place that I mentioned from some where else is that what you want okay this line here is just a reference line it's just for construction and if you come from all the CAD systems you know that you need to turn lines into construction lines we have a tool for that over here where they get dotted but in fusion we actually don't have to do that to be able to work with it we can leave it solid okay now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create another line and many times you will see that I just sketched somewhere out in space and I can just draw a line whatever I want here click again and hit the green checkmark so now we have a line sitting and in escape to get out of line command this line is just completely not tied down it's important that we tied them down so going from black from blue to black that that that that it goes from blue to black so it's fully defined so this comes to some of the different tools that you will find over here in the sketch palette now one way you could do this if I grab this point and move it down a little bit I couldn't decide to make a horizontal constraint between this point that was the fire but in the 350 and this point and you will now see that it moved down and that is not tight an outside-in but means no matter what I do with that line I can't move it up and down it'll always stay horizontal to that another thing you can do is you can use a coincident constraint and you need to get a little familiar with these where I would say from this point to this line and now that point will always stay coincident with that line I can't move that up up and down like that now with this in place we can start adding some dimensions so if you're going to follow what we did before D and if I select the anchor line and our vertical line I can exit place that 15 degrees so I can hit and that's with that and then I could also do one from this point to this point and give it ever we want here so that was 20 I think to to the inside there so now I can I got this line created now I'm gonna create the thickness of this of this wall here so what I can do to do that is I can go back and create and all the line and I'm gonna make sure it snaps in make sure everything's snaps in so make sure stab into this point right here and on purpose I'm just gonna kind of like move out in an angle you probably want to go straight but I'm just gonna go out here a little bit and then I'm just gonna go down and make sure that that snaps into that bottom line right there now when I do that you will see that we can only get a different color on the inside that tells us that this one is completely closed and that's what we're looking for but you will see that again we have blue we got to turn this we're gonna make this black so we're gonna go back when I exit out of the line command there we're gonna go back to our constraints and we can start adding constraints so one is maybe going back to the horizontal instead of selecting two endpoints like we did before you can select a line and that will not happen because I actually got another constraint when I drew that ah but didn't want if you're ever looking it's hard to see there's like a T on the side if you go over here you can actually see that also over here so I actually have a perpendicular constraint I made that by mistake if you don't want to delete these constraint click on them hit delete on your keyboard and now you'll see this line goes blue now how I can turn the horizontal relationship on this line and you will see that that now becomes horizontal and not a constraint I could use would be a parallel constraint so I could say parallel between this one and this line and now these two are parallel but you will see that it's still blue if you ever wonder what what why it's not black the best thing is to do is hit escape to get out to your white cursor grab a corner and start dragging your mouse and then you will see what's going on so we gotta add a thickness to this one so we can go back and hit D for dimension and we could click to two lines and we could make these ten now you will see that this turn fully black this enclosed area here and now we can actually go ahead and we can use the revolves a lot of stuff I hope this makes somewhat sense but the revolve command click on that so what we have now is we kind of like have their little enclosed from the side there and that Center if you look at the menu it's looking for the profile and that's that enclosed so we can click on that and then it's looking for an axis to spin around and that was that line we created there so I'm gonna select that axis click there and you will see that now we also again get a cone so another way to create a cone now again these handles here actually gives you some flexibility so you can see here that you can actually change how you want it you can also just go to the drop down here and say full but if I hit OK you will see that we kind of got the same it's almost the same thing we didn't get didn't get the round all the way through the bottom but the shape generated by the this operation here fewer less steps and we got pretty close and that's the room that's the revolve command here in here so I still say that the first one went through in the beginning so if you just joined if you go back and watch the recording of the video the first one here that's the absolutely beginner this one here is just to make sure that you know that if you're working with around things this revolve is really alright let me just say I said water and see where we are with some of the questions in here cuz I think I missed so Dave I appreciate you watching all right I'm gonna wait with the 2d question David okay Kevin how's the baby the baby is doing great thank you all right I'm for having a program out I'm answering all these questions maybe not let's see here so how would you make 2d out of it oh and all of them so if you got to make a 2d print if that's what it's all about David you have the drawing menu in here definite live stream so when you talk about that our Brandon is asking when would you use the slice and show profile commands in the sketch menu so up here in the sketch menu it's all about the slice I'm not quite sure what you mean by that Brandon if you could maybe explain a little bit fill its inside corners around or outside haha yeah maybe sometimes feliz alex is saying phyllis gets an error and select just the fill of radius what are the rules for Philips that's a good question well you might get an error is you know it's funny when it comes to feelings I fill it and rounds I should say you know the same thing also with chamfers on parts I think we have a tendency you know we modeled something up and we like add some fillers to it so it's not shout corners on campus or whatever it's actually the time where the software needs to work the hardest because they've got to solve all this so so Philips can be a little bit tricky to add for example if you was today's live stream on YouTube where did an exhaust manifold adding Philips between the different exhaust going out that's going to take a lot of computer power so you might have to play a little bit with with those I would have to see exactly what you are looking at Alex send me an email map and I'll try to take a look as soon as I can kakaw absolutely appreciated you you're watching these videos okay so this was what I wanted to show with the Raval but this kind of I wanted to show that that existed next let's go in and talk a little bit about the sweep this is maybe I don't know if this is the best way to show this but I thought hey why not yeah so we got our we're gonna cut move it along the same way as we did before and I'm gonna move a little bit faster so new design so we're gonna do exactly what we did before open up a new origin create a new sketch select the top plane here we can go over again select a center rectangle make sure you're stabbing to the center this is exactly like we have done two times before hit tab 300 hit enter zoom out the middle mouse button hit Q and drag whenever you see an arrow we're gonna make this 125 boom there we are that was that was easy okay uh now I make C I could actually just go back and delete this and kinda like we use the sketch but I like the idea about repeating repeating things so makes it kind of sketch up somewhat the same thing as I did before so for the results I'm gonna go up and create a new sketch I'm gonna select that plane right here hit the line tool I'm snapping to the origin drawing it up now this is where you could type in the value but you could also just hit enter you get the dimension here or extend in one of the dimension you can just click the dimension it delete that was all adjust it there teve what I mentioned from this to here 15 I'm just going through what I've already just did before then we created a line and not a line in that one right and like I said many times I will just draw things somewhat out in space like this and then use these different constraints to tie it to tie them in so again we can use the horizontal between here we can use the coincident we could also use X Amy could also if we drag oops if we drag this corner down left Mouse drag we could also use horizontal from here to this point that will do the same thing as the coincident that we did as we did before so many options D for dimension let's make this here 15 it's like that and then we also needed a dimension from if you can't remember what you need stop dragging a car on it gives you an idea so we need D for dimension we need from here to here I hope this makes sense I hope this is useful I'm going a little fast but you just saw the default like make sure it snap into this one I'm gonna drag a line out this one I'm gonna make sure it goes horizontal drag it down make sure it snaps into space down here again it's blue so we got to work with it I like the parallel constraint so make these two lines parallel and again if you're unsure what you're missing and then D for dimension we can dimension that one that was 10 now we're exactly back to where I was before when I've evolved hopefully this was not too fast all right so let's see we got David here we got John here keep making those cones right that's good oh and try um Ron is talking about the stream freezing I hope that that I hope that is not on my end I hope alright so what I want to show next is the sweet command so the revolve command I used before we selected a profile what was this one inside of here and then we selected a line to revolve around now the the sweep XE needs two sketches okay in this sketch we just created here it meets another sketch so this gets its gonna be the profile just like when we do have evolved but the second sketch we need is a path in what direction I want to go it makes it stops cats it's okay to leave a sketch sitting without having an extruded X or anything and start another sketch and again I'm just trying to show you some of these different commands if I click on starting a new 2d sketch on this top surface see that from the top here I can draw a line out and I'm just gonna make sure it snaps into our geometry and let me draw a line out here maybe let's make it 200 long just like that's I now see how that one is blue that's because I didn't get the constraint on it so you use it comes vertical if I'm saying to get that one that one vertical let's go into any arc tooling and do a tangent arc what's hanging out like that's pretty cool we can then draw another line through that something like that there now it's best practice to make everything black so if what I mentioned maybe we make a angular dimension from here here you make that a be a radius 120 and then we probably also need some kind of a length on this edge here to 160 so now that is black so we got two sketches never stop the scan so we got two sketches the first sketch was this whole thing that was a copy of the revolve now our second sketch is a path so check out what happens when we go into the sweep command I click the sweep it's looking for a profile that's gonna be the one we created that we've used before from evolve then it's looking for a path and I'll select that path right here and what do we get hold I'm getting mouse button we actually kinda like get that shape following that path so it's almost like we untied our our cone here so that's what what this the suite tool does it exits shows pretty well on on the little flyout menu next to the menu here that you can use it for like piping and things things like that now we could use this one for the cone if you wanted to let me just cancel out of this and for second assist elite that sketch that was our path now but it didn't I highlighted on the bottom and hit delete what we could do was we could draw a circle that we could use as a a path and we could actually draw the circle either down at the bottom oh we could draw it up on top the easiest we will do it down to the bottom because we have a face down here so it's not a second sketch on that top face you remember see for circle if I draw a circle out to this intersection here stop sketch now this could be our path the circle so now if we go to the sweep command again looking for a profile that will be the same useful involve and now the path could be that circle and now we have kind of created the same thing as we did with the revolve so I still will say that as an absolute beginner the first cone one here with the exudes is probably the easiest way to work through it building it up section by section but the revolve command is that great for round things and the sweep command well especially if you got to follow a path but even for something round you can that you can still use it I hope this is good just some different little bit different information all right Erik is asking for the specs of my computer I have to say one quick thing Eric I am NOT a computer wizard the best thing to do email me Lars Christiansen autodesk.com and I'll send you all the specs of my computer I max using two different computers I use a dell precision and 4800 that's a Windows machine probably a little bit of overkill diffusion because I also run some other programs like do some some in bender and some simulation stuff and then I also use a MacBook Pro yeah send me an email and and I'll send you what my specs out but honestly I probably think that you will be better off maybe go to the forum I can definitely send you the system requirements those Yuki I will I will definitely make sure that promise you I'll get if you send them to me ok let's wrap this this up here and Eric I'm just saying that because I'm not a computer freak and I don't wanna or computer freak that's computer wizard like so many others so I don't want to steer in the wrong direction the last command I want to show you is the law of command and the love means it laughing between different planes or sketches almost think about it as like a storage building so let's open up one more design new design and the lot of command you could actually on the other ones we started with our 300 by 300 rectangular and stood up 25 but it's definitely the easiest like we did in the beginning here using that excuse that our 25 is definitely the easiest but you could use loft here so let me my origin on create a sketch on the top plane here create that rectangle again 300 by 300 if this is new then you just joined 300 by 300 it done this a couple of times nights all right so now I just created that 2d sketch now before I said hit Q select the inside and pull up that's definitely the easiest but let me just cancel out of that what you could do was we could actually create another plane that was 25 above here and create the sketch again so up here there is an offset plane if I click on that I can offset an existing plane what was the one frig enormous gets on so I can drag this one up 25 and now you will see that I can actually sketch on dad so that's sitting right up there so now I could start a sketch on that do the same thing send a rectangle from here and I could draw a frame about 300 connects also snap into the existing it actually sees the pot sitting underneath it that's a little bit easier draw that in there so what we have now is we kind of have two 2d sketches or if you look down tree two identical sketches but they are placed 25 millimeters from each other now if we can go and we can use the left and I mean this is a little bit more work but we can go in here and we can select these and create the same same thing so 1 2 3 4 commands to do what we originally as absolute beginner did the two commands so this is definitely not this drafting for this is definitely not the way to go you definitely want to extrude it out but love could be grayed for the rest of the column so what we could do now is we're going to open a 2d sketch we could select the face here and we could select a circle on that see for circle make it two-fifty hit enter so now we have that circle I'm gonna in this sketch this by the way the laughs also needs to sketches if you hadn't already figured that out so now we have one circle sitting here now we could go ahead and use this offset plane again and we could actually just select a face offset from two and we can go up with 350 we had so now we have a plane sitting up here we can open new sketch on that and do a smaller circle so this goes to Kenneth's question before what if I have the two circles I don't know what the angle is so in this case here we can hit 60 and we end up with this and now if we exit out with that sketch so we have two sketches around here and now if we go into the loft so like this it's like this then we get a cone there and actually because on the first one these ones here we didn't really use any measurements on the cone right if we hit the inspection tool up here and we select this edge yeah we really see that it's not even 60 right it was the development because it was the 15 15 degrees so that's a good point can it that if you know the two sir conferences then loft is its the tool for that now the love just like so within the original cone when we cut through here we used a circle here and we we cut through it we can do the same thing with a loft that can cut too so I could create another sketch up here we use before we used an offset of this edge so minus 10 stop that sketch and I will start another sketch down here to the exact same thing and offset from this edge minus ten and now I kind of have those two circles sitting in there if I go back into the law of command and I select those inner circles it's not to see but it turns red meaning it becomes a cut and we now have the same as we had before with the two other two other options so we've got to go in and finish this one up with some colors just in a second but this was what I was kind of like planning on showing tonight and I hope if you're fairly new I hope this is useful and when I come back into comments in a second but the cone number one here the beginning of the video that's what I would recommend if you're brand new just work with the extrudes build it layer by layer and then your chamfers now be aware of that you can make good round things with the revolve commands and I hope you saw that you have this the suite command that uses two sketches a a profile and a path you can also use that for round and then in the end here you got this loft command that will kind of like loft between different tools so my hope tonight was really just to kinda like show you some of the different ways that you can you can somewhat work with some of these tools in here brand new just stay with extrude for now but be aware of the other tools what they want to kind of do all right let's see here any other questions then al here Eric's got this question answered Alex is asking if there's any way to put Jack's sketch from one plane to another that absolutely is so if I open up a sketch this is the loft one if I open up a sketch on the top surface it's going to go normal - you can exit go it's the easiest thing is just to it you put Jack peeve up or jacked you can't find it in the menu but it's like down taken down here peva project and now I can actually click on these edges and I can now project those edges just hit okay here up to there and I could use those from there and absolutely protect it Sam it's a good tool to be familiar with good question Alex Thank You Kara glad did you like it okay cool so I hope this was useful now before we go I know what I'd like to do a little bit of appearances on the model and that's just because that's how I like to see them you got to do two things to this one we're gonna change the color through some orange with some white in here so let's start out with the color first for their whole orange so I normally just right click and hit appearances and that will give you the appearances now they're parents inside a fusion by default is steel many times maybe go down to it this is more like robberies but maybe plastic would be good or pink go into a peg plastic you will see that there is some different ones in here now there is a glossy red and if I want to change the cone you can actually just drag it the easiest things I just drag it up on the metal one and just let go and you will see the whole thing turns red but I actually want orange right and that was not in there you can right-click up here and select edit and that will give you some neat menus so right here if I just move this bar back a little bit you will actually see that this starts changing and I can change over here kind of like the the color of this so you can see how I can kind of like adjust the color so this is what I did went through something like an orange bring it up maybe that's kind of good there and and he'd done so I took a red and I kind of turned it it orange night to create the the white reflector on there that's actually not reflectors just white but I had to do that on a single face so I actually in this if you're brand new this might be a little bit you know don't worry about it just look at it well I'd like that Arendt's better than I like this orange but the way I did that was I created another offset plane from this face just rank that plane up wherever I think the bottom of the white should be 150 and then I created another one and write that around maybe 80 so now I kind of have two planes cutting through this cone then I use the command called split face now split body will actually cut the part through but the split face will just break the face here and not really damage the part so I'm gonna select the face onto split and then I'm gonna select the spinning tools or splitting tools and that will be those two planes we just created hit OK and if I want to hide the planes I can do that in a light bulb you will see that now I kinda like split that face up now I can right-click again go into appearance and there was a glossy right down here now if I drag it over it will actually do it on the entire model so it straights this one two faces and then drag it over just on on that area there and and that was how I kind of applied that that color to the column that's it that was an hour I hope not a I hope a good I hope I hope a good use of that of that of that supplies you know the splice and you know what I'm thinking Brandon I think I wanna I think I just want to investigate this the slice tools over in the sketch before I dig too deep into that I'm actually not really spent too much time with them I have to to admit so I'll get back to you on that Brandon and next election we can talk about that so a lot of stuff is going on i David suggests you can always play back on the videos and that will definitely give you a chance to see all the stuff all right man I think that we're gonna call that a Wednesday evening here on Facebook I really really appreciate you taking time to join these live streams on Wednesday evenings I would back on your to tomorrow 3 p.m. ISA gonna do some sheep battle tomorrow should be fun um so yeah until next time hope you have an awesome awesome day thank you so much everybody
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 25,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Absolute Beginner, Beginner, Tutorial, Design, CAD, akn_include, Traffic Cone
Id: c6q6stwdCvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 16sec (4036 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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