My Biggest Mistakes with Fusion 360 — Tutorial — #LarsLive 97

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doing welcome to livestream number 97 today's Monday happy Monday everyone uh and it is the 27th of November 2017 thank you so much for taking the time to join today's livestream today's topic is my biggest mistakes with fusion 360 after a minute yeah so I'm gonna show you one of the biggest mistakes that I did when I started out using Kat so hopefully you can prevent you from doing it and touch on a couple of things that honestly if you are not told I don't know how you really should know about these so that's what we are going to do today also this is livestream number 97 or Meester you're sneaking up on number 100 if you're interested in the giveaway then hang around till the end and I'll talk a little bit all about that I guess you've only got people in here let's not waste it let's get let's see what some of my my screw-ups were starting out so find the button here and you should see fusion 360 alright so I'm just gonna start out here from from scratch and start a new sketch and I'm just gonna select one of the the planes here and start a corner rectangle and give it a couple of dimensions 100 millimeters hit the tab key by 100 millimeters just like this and hit Q for press pool and I'll make it 50 millimeters thick right here all right now this is not my biggest mistake but one the device is start saving earlier right so I'm gonna go up here and click the Save icon that gives me a chance to give it a name and decide where I want to put this and whatever name you give things you know it could be a pod number or my pin code whatever whatever you kind of want and we have now clicked for a safe all right so with this done I am going to open a new sketch so I'm just going to right click on this face here and click create sketch and I am just gonna do another two-point rectangle this shouldn't be too difficult for anybody so far click out here and with that rectangle we can now hit press pool again and we can do another kind of extrusion or in this case a cut I'm gonna say all the way through and click that there now so this is my my biggest mistake I call this my $500 mistake because that was actually what this ended up costing me when I started out with CAD you need to fully define your sketches so if I go back to that sketch I just created that rectangle right you see how it's blue it's not black check this out if by mistake you you grab a corner and drag it what are you doing well you are completely changing that that's shape and that was the biggest mistake I think I have done I've probably done all the mistakes but this is the woman that I was thinking of when I came up with a title you know and of course for me it happened the day where the boss was out on the shop floor and my insert would be fit in there because by mistake I had actually done that right I had I must have dragged the corner somehow and suddenly it didn't fit he was did one of those days where the boss wanted to investigate and you know 30 minutes later I was sitting in front of my computer hit down so make sure you don't do that that is you know rule number one in here always make sure that you fully define your sketches this different ways you can do that will be starting out first of all you can use these constraints over here and we did a live stream on the constraints so definitely you can look at one of the first and then of course D that I mentioned and we can place some dimensions in here and kind of place you know lengthen a width and if you ever ironed out you see how these two lines are still blue just hold down the left mouse button on a corner and start dragging it and you will see that we clearly are missing something something on here okay that is kind of like your your indication now this case here I can maybe charter the place and I mention from here to here make it 15 and now we will see that everything turns turns black now if you at any point if there is an instance where there still allowing black or blue but you cannot drag a corner at all or move it or anything and it might just be an issue on on our end so I just want to throw that out there but this is like the most important thing is you take the time to fully define those sketches it is literally money you can hope that guess that gets wasted edit this in here let's hit save icon again you get the version description put that in there as you are working here okay so we can say and a slot hit okay to that so definitely make sure that that you are aware of that now another thing I want to show you that I sometimes mistakes I make is if I go back to the first scats and I just right-click and hit edit sometimes you realize that you know I used a corner rectangle here and I actually wanted it maybe to be placed a little bit differently than on the corner see when I hover over this here you would like to see the right to the left of my mouse cursor you get two small icons that's actually true coincidence icons it's one for each line so it's one for the end part of this line and one for the end point of this click on that you can actually select them and hit delete on your keyboard and you can delete those two constraints and when you do that it actually means that now the endpoint of these lines are have now been the coincident have now been removed and you can now move them around and you can now XE you can either attach those to this one to this one for example and you could maybe go in now and say well you know what I am going to either use the midpoint from here to here and you get that midpoint or you could create a line and do a do not cross line and do a midpoint if you wanted to kind of like represent a center line but be aware of you can move these now let me hit stop sketch and you will see that we are still back to our original shape but where that part is located where that original sketch is located it's not the origin is now on this midpoint enough on the corner so be aware you can go back and you can delete these relationships I could go back here and delete that rect or that Center midpoint right there okay now I've done that I'm gonna go back up and hit save again I get another version make sure you put these in there already and I'm not sure the spelling that right make sure you put that in there now the next thing the next common mistake that I think many of us many times run into that is not as bad as what I showed you was the full of defined sketches so if you just came into the live stream check check that out because that was my five hundred mistake another thing you can run into is you see what is top up here well I really think that this surface here should be should be top right but it's kind of like the right right now never happens to you like you start scared are you getting somebody's model in and you're like man I don't think that that is are it's not tough at all I want that to be top well all you do is click on the viewcube till you get the view you want so in this case here I clicked on right now it's kind of what I want to be to be top going here right click up on the viewcube go down a set curly view and now you can choose to either set it as front or as top so if I click top look at the view cube up here you can kind of see through hints that's right if I click here hit top now it just changed the top and now I'm looking at it the way what I would think is top now it's important for me just to say this what we did was we kind of view the we changed the camera like the way we were looking at the model we didn't flip anything really upside down on the model we just changed how we were viewing viewing that that is one of those things that used to drive me batty when I especially if I imported a model I used to do a lot of work between master cam and SolidWorks and those two programs don't what one is calling top the other one is calling front so when you brought program or parts within you would find that that it can happen and up here in fusion just bring it to the view you want what you want to be top right click set pure in view as top okay again I'm gonna go ahead here and hit the Save icon and and do a changed view now you not wanna don't see me really wasting too much time making these kind of saves but I want to show you some of the some of the reason I'm doing this now if we go over now click on the hide the data panel to pay data panel over here to show it we will see we now have full versions of this part now if I click the v4 where's this version fall and I scroll down a little bit you will see that here my different saved versions now it shows right now two three and fall if I say show all fall you will see here that it shows seven minutes ago Lars created the item that was all blog then he did another say when he added the slot see how that little description I put it in there tells us what what we did those different changes I honestly like when I started out and when I used to work in the shop I would have been a little bit like well I don't want my boss to see how many times I actually made changes to a model but honestly this is like this is like the best thing ever you now have a chance to go back and if there was a certain area where you're like well you know what I didn't wanted that you can you can go back in time now if you gotta go back in time then what I recommend you do is close down the file you have up here but you already saved it right close this current file go down here and let's say that we want to go where we didn't have the view changed but just where we move the origin write it over here next to it you click on that promote and it's gonna make a copy of this one and push it above number four so I click on that you will see how the pin wheel is spinning up here now we have five versions okay so you will see move through organ is still in the right order so we didn't just move this one up because that could in theory become confusing now with this double click on on the file to open it up leg up here I guess to open it up and now we're making sure we're getting that latest latest file so how did I get to that again hit the version button over here that opens up this dialog box and click show all versions that's how you can promote previous versions so I encourage you I encourage you to save um as much as you can already almost done here I'm just going to show you a couple of more I just had a user who sent me an email and said that he had a little bit of a mess on his desktop what I mean by that well you have a try that suddenly you find your menus are kind of like dragging around like this and you are like man what the heck what do I do how do I get them how did it get them back again that's another mistake right grab you see how there's two lines over here just grab it hold down your left mouse button now I can see how I can move the menu move it upwards and when I'm moving in and slowly out you will see a green lines can appear right on top see that green line to move it down again drag it slowly up to the top I'm holding down my left mouse button green lines appears let go and it snaps into space same thing with this menu move it to the left slow down and green line appears let go and it snaps in into space connects it do the same thing with the with the menus if I click on the sketch menu here to start a new sketch this menu over here can also be dragged around and you do this by mistake you just kind of like snapping it you're like oh man I lost the menu hold down the left mouse button drag it over drag it drag it drag it wait for the green line green means go let go and it snaps into into space cool alright I got two more and then I'm gonna complete a wrap this up and the last one it's gonna became pretty cool little can strike that if you didn't know you would never had a chance to know the last that a second last thing I want to show you that it's important that you know is if you don't want to share a file with somebody go back into the data panel right-click on the window here and use share public link when you click on that you can say share the latest version with anyone with a link click on the little button over here and a URL will appear right here you can you can just hit copy and this is the one that you can put into an email or something like that and give other people access to it now and you can even put a password if you if you if you want to do that so that one is right click up here and and then say share public link you need to to know about that one alright let's wrap this up with with cam I want to show you something that if you ever are gonna do cam you you need to need to know about this so I'm gonna go into can click here and do a quick setup and I'm just gonna do z-axes just like that there now if I want to do a contour tool path and I only want to select these three lines when I go in and select 2d contour and I select the geometry count your selection when I click here you will see that it selects the entire boundary around there now I only want to select these three lines how do I do that let me just hit the X select it we select it you see how it now it's blue when I reflected is turn red when I do reselect it I get this little menu up here and I can choose either to go for a closed contour on my case an open contour so I click on that and all I have to do is select these three lines then hit the little plus sign to accept it and my tool path will only machine these three lines this is extremely important because this even works if things are a little bit out of whack what I mean by that if I go over here to the back to the model this open up let's take that sketch I just created edit that if I draw something that looks like let's draw a line over here down to here and close it up again like that and let's just hit Q and cut all this away see how I didn't fool to find the sketch man see how we now have like this angle thing you're thinking how the heck am I gonna be selecting that in cam it works the same way if I go back into cam select my contour this works also for adaptive clearing and others select here you will see how it selects the entire kind of like boundary well if I wrestle again I can select open contour and I can literally select these free edges hit degree plus mark and I have now added kind of like that little segment there you machine to that height so this is how you can select if you have like sometimes you know you have an opening but there's some radiuses on the bottom and you kind of like Evan weird development this is how you can do that so select the chain reselect it again and then you can go in and select that open contour selecting the answers that you want I wanted to keep this one short it is Monday 126 people in the air really appreciate you guys taking the time so let me just run through them quickly fully defined just cactus it cost you five hundred bucks if you don't that's important I know that you can actually change your constraints if you created a rectangle you can move the constraint that thing where you can change the view right so that was the one that let's get out of this because I move things around if you think that this should be top not right as it is here just move it over to the right right click set current view as top and you just made magic happen you just move that over so now this is top don't forget to save when you are working in here so you can utilize how you're saving the different versions and how you can promote them over here to kind of like get you know a design that you kinda like decided you want to change something go back in time you can do that that was about what I was planning on showing today before I end that we're coming up on live stream number 100 and that's a giveaway so let me just talk quickly about that if you already seen this sorry I'm not gonna waste you your time you can int right now if you want to but live stream number 100 is is coming up should be Thursday and the Curtis Curtis Chan my good friend and colleague will donate one of these cool work fusion 360 shirts everybody can participate down in the link you will find a link to a survey monkey thing I'm only asking you to do three things you have to tell me how you using fusion so if you pay for it if you're hobbyist if you startup teach a student how many videos about or live streams you're watching on the channel here a week and then what topics you would like to see mole off from that point on you can spill your guts if you want to that you don't have to you have to put in your name and email if you want to be able to receive the shirt now your email it's only me who's gonna be able to see it nobody else gonna see it you're not gonna get spammed I promise you if you're getting spam it's not because you're putting your email in here for me I will guarantee it one quick question can be saved without creating a version yes you actually can you can go up here so you know you can do not gonna just think about it I think it is hold down control hold down shift and then hit s and it's saving you see how it created a saving here without creating a version so you can actually you can actually save without inversions if you if you want to I honestly think that but I honestly think that you should create diversions why not what is the what is the harm right like you can always go back hope you found this was useful don't forget that description area my better address in your future topics and for if you want to have a chance to win that shirt should be Thursday we're gonna do that tomorrow we're gonna talk about how modeling up a knife so that should be interesting if you have an order to subscribe please do that hope you have an awesome hey I'm gonna do what I want to do I'm gonna end the broadcast so be watching the recording thank you and then I'm gonna jump into the live chat and say hi to everybody thank you so much hope you have an awesome awesome day
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 54,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, CAD, 3D Printing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, CAM, Manufacturing, Mistakes, cad software, design, modeling, software, product design, free software, how to
Id: gQg0tfrhvbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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