Fusion 360 - Whats New Sketching and Modeling Part Two -Season 3

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welcome to part two of this what's new in sketching and modeling as i said last week i've had about a 12-month break from fusion 360 and it's time to catch up on all the great work the development team are up to but we're gonna slow down we're gonna take it easy we're gonna make sure that no man is left behind so um let's run the intro hello everyone my name is lars christensen and thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video we are back and my goal is to cover what's new in fusion 360 these last 12 months and i'm gonna take it easy i'm not just gonna throw them at you i'm gonna try to kind of explain a couple of things around and hopefully make it a little bit easier to digest these new things because let's be honest unless you're a power user and then this video might not be for you chances are you maybe saw some of what's new but didn't really understand why you would use it or you just completely missed it if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you don't that's okay give it a thumbs down leave me a comment i'm reading all the comments and i've also left down in the description area a new way you and i can connect so with that let's jump into what's new part two so i already got a couple of things on the screen here but let's start with the one that created the most excitement uh i probably i think in almost the last 12 months and that was the new emboss feature so let's just get that one out of the way my good friend brad tallis have covered that on the fusion 360 channel and i'll leave a link also to that one he's going to go a lot more in depth but the cool thing about the new emboss feature actually there's a couple of things that is cool about it one is this so what i have drawn up here is kind of like an oval super sample i have like a water filter in my refrigerator and it has like this locking mechanism and we could create that with with this embossed feature so let me just go in here and i'm just going to sketch somewhat that could be somewhat of a locking feature a line an angle and another line here something like this here and let's go in and do a offset of that because i've said that i'm doing all this kind of um loosely aligned down there we're just gonna make it enclosed like that there so we have a sketch oh i didn't get the last cat sorry right click oh it's all ready i'm struggling 12 months edit sketch create a line from here to here there we go okay now what we can then do with this little sketch geometry we're drawing is we go down to create and hit emboss then over here on the sketch profile you can select the sketches profile so in this case that would be um be this sketch profile i just created then the face we wanted on and that is going to be here now i think somebody is probably going to correct me in the comments but i i have never seen before uh any other cat system where the sketch don't have to be placed right exactly where you want it notice that i drew the sketch flat to the top plane but i'm actually placing it here on the side plane not only that you can actually draw you can see you can drag this up and down you can move it over here over here in the menu we can we can make it emboss or we can make it d for my refrigerator this would be a d-boss as i'm drawing the dragging the feature up and down you will see in these numbers over here will change so you can drag it up and down like that you can drag it to the side or you can also uh rotate it here so this feature here if i hit okay that is um kind of what will resemble like this locking mechanism on my uh my refrigerator water filter so that's one way we can use it another way that i think that a lot of people have been excited about is um is with text so if i go over here and i played a little bit around with this just for for like 20 minutes so so there might be more things we can do but if i go ahead and open a sketch on this plane here and let's go ahead here and create a text i'm just going to place the text up here and uh let's type in fusion and that comes in the wrong way let's rotate it around here and let's make it six millimeters in height okay so there's our attack so that's here on my my measuring measuring tape um now if we go into create emboss and here we can select that text profile and then i'm going to select the curved surface here select this here and you will now see that it automatically projects the text uh down to that surface that you select so whatever face you're selecting that is kind of what's gonna it's gonna drive this but you will see this face kind of like have a curve to it so it will wrap that that text around around there and again we did the other one as a d boss we could do this one as a let's say emboss that's a little a lot half a millimeter thick and um we get this um we get this d boss here so the emboss feature uh was definitely the one that that got quite quite a bit of um of excitement as we were as this was released all right so that was the first one the emboss pretty cool feature definitely something to test out and by the way i've also heard a rumor about that the text command the sketch text command inside of fusion is getting uh some love from the development team so i can't wait to see what's coming with that i that's that's all i know all right the next thing i want to do and this is maybe where the power users maybe you just gotta step off here but from last week when i did a an example where i showed the loft function and i showed it a solid and i showed it with a surface i got a few questions around that and i thought that what i will do this time and maybe you hate this so just let me know in the comments maybe you love it um i would try to incorporate the next two what's new features into uh what we're gonna model up next and that is that um that little um tape measure that uh that you saw earlier so back in through back into fusion all right so we're gonna forget about the water filter we're gonna look a little bit about this uh tape measure here so like i said i got some questions last week about the whole thing about there is solids and then there is surfaces and then there's also this sculpt and it all kind of creates a little bit of confusion for most people about why and how all this works so let's see if we can't work the next what's new features in over the next i don't know 15 minutes or so and and kind of also leave with some more knowledge again you let me know i'm gonna exit out of this document i'm not gonna save it let's just get a blank document on the screen all right so here we go i'm going to start out by talking about solid modeling so if i go in and i create a sketch on the top face here and i'm just going to draw a circle and a circle draw it up like this i'm going to make it 42 millimeters in diameter now hopefully you follow me this long now if we go ahead and we go into and do a standard extrude inside of fusion and let's just go 40 millimeters tall doesn't really matter we hit okay now this is a solid feature right completely solid it's a pack it's a i don't know it's a doll it's something like that and what you want what i want you to remember is that over here in the bodies folder you will see that this is set as a as a body this is what you want to end up with in the end regardless of using surfaces or sculpting you want to end up with this solid body so if you're new and you only really know these icons up here you're already kind of like there so let's do this let's go back in and kill this this feature here i'm just going to click on and delete it and we still have the sketch in here instead this time i'm going to go to the surfacing tab see this up here and this time i'm going to hit the same looking icon extrude except now instead of blue it's orange i'm going to click on that and i'm going to extrude that up uh 40 millimeters so the same thing as you saw before now i don't get a solid body i get a surface body and the reason this is a surface body is because you can see that it's just like a none thick paper thin cylindrical shape but not with the top and the bottom like the solid body did before now we can do that inside of uh fusion so we can go up here and say i want to apply a patch on the top but literally just gonna throw a lid on top of it hit okay you'll see that adds to another body but the bottom is still open we can do the same thing for that we can apply a patch so that hit okay now we have three bodies right now it looks it looks like the solid did before the solid doll we had before but it's hollow it's not a solid body yet it's paper thin non-thick walls and the computer really don't know there's anything there it's not until we start do making it to a solid the way we would do that in a surfacing environment is by stitching it together to a solid so if i click on this stitch and i just highlight our three surface bodies and i hit okay now you will see that it becomes a body this is actually what the standard solid command does when you are hitting this one it actually just does a cylindrical surface up it sees that it's open so it closes it with two lids and then it stitches together and turns it into a solid so this we are seeing here with a lot more work is the same as you would have seen when we did it before here and that is where we want to end up so why do you want to use surfaces well surfaces can be really good because you're working with each individual surface in each individual side and then you are worrying about actually patching it all up and turning into a solid later on if we are just working in the solid environment sometimes we're running into an issue where we're trying to make some kind of a shape but fusion can't solve it because it's trying to do all these other calculations and making the water type and stuff like that that it maybe fails on you so by working in surfaces we can concentrate on each single kind of phase and then we can then turn it into a solid in the end by stitching it together i'll show you so that is a service environment but then we also have this create form or patch environment that we're talking about and that is actually doing somewhat the same thing so this is kind of the third option you have the biggest difference is that in the patch environment if it sees that it's an enclosed body then it will turn into a solid when we hit the with when we hit the green check mark but if we are not making it an enclosed capture then it will become just a surface like what we had down here when we created these so let's give this an example what i'm actually going to do here is i'm going to use this cylindrical surface we created first so i'm going to go ahead here and delete our couple of surfaces so we only have this one surface that was that cylindrical ion shape just forget about it for a second oh well remember it's there i'm gonna hide it for a second now what i'm gonna do is i am going up and i'm going to insert a canvas and i'm going to use this to um to kind of use as a reference to make this tape measure so i'm going to go ahead here and i have took an image of that tape measure i just held up before um that you got there and i can go ahead here and i can actually just kind of like scale it up but what we can also do in here i just did okay to it that canvas is now sitting over in this folder if i right click on this canvas and say calibrate i can actually measure from here to here and make that 42 and it will scale it up to that same one then i can go in and edit it again and i can kind of move it till it is about our circle was before so now it's about where that circle was so i can use this shape as a surface but instead i'm using a if i was going to use a standard surface i would have to use some splines so kind of trying to get everything on the outside here so now i might choose to use the create form but not enclose it so just gonna become a surface i know it's a lot it's a lot i'm gonna go ahead here and create a a top surface here and i'm just gonna sketch on the top plane here and draw something out looks like this i got about four faces on one side and four faces on the other hit okay and now what i can actually do with this sculpt form workspace this is still a kind of a surface i'll just hide this for a second so you can kind of see this is just a surface with a bunch of squares on it if i turn our canvas back on i'm going to right click and i want to hit edit form what i can do now is i can grab these corners and the thing about edit form is that edit form will always stay tangent to uh to to itself so since i'm going around here dragging this everything is staying tangent so i'm just grabbing each point and i'm trying to kind of shape this up somewhere i'm going to have to adjust this a little bit here kind of over across these there's somebody who's a lot better at this right now yelling at me get the corners here that corner i'm gonna have to work a little bit with these shapes i think that's something we want this is definitely an environment where the more time you spend in here the better you get at it for sure not doing a great job but i'm not gonna give up maybe just need to get it out a little bit then i can maybe start i can trim this in a little bit all right you will soon see that this is going to i don't know if i need this one over here actually this one down to create this bottom radius that might be a little better like that as you can see might just a little bit of practice so you haven't gone from fusion i could also start moving kind of these other ones around a little bit might give it a little bit better flow another thing i want to show you while you are working in here in case you are playing around with this is uh you can also add more sections to this so if you hit i think it's command on your on your mac it's definitely alt on your windows keyboard i was grabbing the points and trying to add a little bit of curvature to this so down in this section here i can click on this line and i can hit alt hold down alt on my keyboard and if i drag off i actually drag off a new section it might be a little handy here kind of make that little nipple here all right i'll probably spend enough time on this what do you think how's that that's good enough to get that out of shape now what i want to show you i know this is a lot like i'm doing a lot of different things here but when i hit okay to this i get some issues there's something here that itself in a section that's over here i think there there's another one where was that okay oh that was it that's all i needed to do um hit okay nope sorry down here i think oh i got this break here okay now i did it um if i turn the canvas off you will see that this has become a flat surface i can turn the sketch off too this is a flat surface now it is represented as a flat surface when i get out of the scalp environment so maybe i'm maybe this is getting too much and maybe not but what is neat about using the sculpt workspace here or the form workspace to do this is that right now if you look at this it's completely flat on the side here on this tape measure but if you go in and edit it right click and hit edit and i now right click and hit edit form if i select these inner circles here or these inner sections um and i start dragging in the top see what i do here i can literally lift up um this this form and it's still a surface but i can i can drag it up like this and i can give it kind of like this this curvature that uh you maybe wanted in uh in kind of like a consumer consumer product like this and but it still acts just like a surface that we saw before so i'm going to continue down this path again i'm just going to turn the the cameras on so you can see which we've wrapped around this now remember before we had that very first body what was this um this first one we used here one of the things that is very common when you're working with surfaces is you can trim surfaces with other surfaces and that way you again manipulating each face without worrying about making it solid so if i go back to the surface workspace here and i do a trim i can say i want to use this as a trim tool and i want to cut away the center of of this top of this measure and if i hide this first body again you will see we created a hole that could be the recess for this sticker that's kind of sitting in a recess on our our curved shape and that gives me an opportunity to show the new feature that i wanted to show you kind of like as i'm working through this project now know that this whole top surface was curved was curved we just cut a hole through it but it's not flat that hole up there is a development right it's not a flat top because we dragged out that you can kind of see that's the development right there now this new tool we have is called a ruled surface this is not a new tool in general cad but in fusion this is a brand new tool that is in here and what rule surface will let us do is if i just select a this edge here i can show you if i start dragging out it let us create one of these surfaces but what is ruled about it is that we can actually control if we want to do it normal we want to do a tangent or we want to do a specific direction of it well maybe we can solve right there we're going to select the direction so if i go ahead and say normal we can kind of we can drag that surface out and we can also drag it around like this now rule surface if you're doing any kind of like molds or anything like that then a rule surface is a really really good good tool to have it handy so the rule surface in this case the way we're going to use it for this is to create this little recess so i'm going to select the chain selection and we'll see that's now it's going to select the whole chain here and we can drag down a surface now this surface you will see that there's some lines going here because this surface is a development right it's a development from these other surfaces so if i go and look from the top you will see from the left side here that's not flat either it's a development uh in here so we can we can kind of playing with the angle uh of this here so i'm just going to go i'm going to go in a little bit i don't know what i'm going to go in doesn't really matter but what we're trying here um again i'm going to make the surface a little bit longer down than i actually want um want the sticker recess because i'm going to trim it so anytime you're working with surface i'm going to trim it but this real surface is brand new and it's it's it's super cool definitely something uh i think a lot of people will be happy to see i'm going to go ahead and hit ok so now just now i'm going to add another surface here you can see the real surface down here sticking down here and what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to create an offset plane from the top here this is going to be a plane of how deep i want that resets and i probably don't want that recess very deep so i'm going to go maybe minus 0.5 that's good and i'm just going to be lazy here i'm going to draw a sketch on that offset plane i'm just going to draw a circle i'm going to make it way bigger than it has to be this big because again we're going to trim things in here so it doesn't really matter i'm going to use the patch workspace you saw before and that means that now i just got a false surface here and you can see that that surface is sitting a rule surface sticking down here and that big surface and then i can trim to one another so i'm going to say i'm going to use my trim tool my trim tool is going to be that pads i just created and i'm going to remove that bottom section i don't want like that and then i can trim again right click now this time that surface there is going to be my trim tool and i want to get rid of the outside of that like that and then i have just created a recess here for my stickers it's all surface tool path in here now again we're ending up with a lot of surfaces in here because we haven't stitched them we haven't stitched them all together now i could use the rule surface to do the outside of um of this tape measure but to be honest with you um this standard extrude is we normally using inside of a starter fusion for other things it's just as good inside a surfacing tool so i'm just going to go and make it six millimeters deep here so now we kind of have a half a shell of our tape measure and what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to create a plane that is also um six millimeters down so that's going to be the same height because what i can now do is i can go ahead and use our mirroring function and i can just make a window of all our surfaces and then i'm going to select our mirroring plane i'm going to select that bottom plane and now we have this other half of this tape measure but i want you to remember that this tape measure here is um this tape measure is not um it's not a solid yet right it's still all these different surfaces so if we go and we stitch this together like this and hit okay we will now see that we get that into one body and now we actually have a body just like if we had modeled all this up with our standard solids command but i think you would agree with me that creating some of these features could have been a lot of work in the in the modeling space i'm not saying we couldn't have done it but you will see that now you will see that now i'm actually ending up with having that the first feature i created surface body what should we do with that well i would personally just leave it in here unchecked because it just shows me that i used it at some point down here and i'm honestly right now i can't tell you why this has a warning on it i haven't figured that out but it was able to turn into a solid so there's something here that gives me a warning but i'm not quite sure why i'm going to just ignore it for now i'll hide that plane there we don't want to see that all right so that was this point here now the next tool i want to talk about that is what's new before i finish this up for you is in the draft command now the draft command is not new draft will let you apply drafts to sides but what is new inside of the draft command is that we now have this option over here to create a parting line so this tape measure is actually made out of two sections and we can now inside of fusion we select on this we can actually now create a parting line plus the draft of the side so this can thing could get out of a mold if we made it out of plastic so i'm going to select the pull direction what is the normal for the draft i am going to select the faces where we want um the draft to be to be applied so that's going to be around all these faces here right and then the potting tool in this place would actually be that plane i just went in and hit that was at the six to six millimeters here and then we can go in and start applying some kind of a draft and when i do that let me make it zero again see now it's all flat here now if we're going to look at it from the front face and i make it five degrees see what it just did it just created a potting line here but it can actually it just did it on one side if i change it to symmetrical then you will see we see it on both sides let's go and make it 10 like that so it creates that parting line and applies those two on each side that's gonna be super handy now what will you use to get this out maybe two degrees i don't know but this is a really really cool what's new functions inside of here letting us creating um creating these these parting lines all right there we go so we have the parting line it's still one body it didn't split the body it just created the parting line that we need with the directed taper on here so that is super cool now i'm gonna finish this off because you saw before the tape measure looked a little bit different so i'm done with what's new the three things i wanted to show in this one was the emboss feature that was definitely super cool it was the ruled surface and then it was this parting line inside of the draft tool but we're going to finish this one off i'm going to go in here i'm going to right click i'm going to click appearances and i'm going to search down here for chrome oops if i can spell chrome i'm going to drag the chrome over here so that looks a little bit chrome now you saw earlier i used the insert canvas to dry to drag this one in but what i actually when i want the sticker here that's actually not a canvas that is what that is not the canvas that's what we call a decal click decal and i have another sticker that is just a round piece right there so now we can go in here and we can scale that soccer up move it over here and draw that i didn't do a very good job in photoshop and there we have uh we have this tape measure all right i hope my friends that this was useful uh in the sense to introduce you to a couple of different modeling techniques so you let me know in the comments if this is useful or not thumbs up if you like it thumbs down if you don't leave me the comments just trying to show you these what's new and trying to add a little bit more to it if you think that this was too confusing please let me know if you thought this was kind of silly let me know too it's all good trying to do this to uh well i gotta get through and learn these features anyways um and maybe it's useful for you too to kind of see some of these different things until the next time i hope you have an awesome awesome day and don't forget down in the description there's a new way you and i can connect take care folks and until the next time be good [Music] you
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 20,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion, autocad, design, inventor
Id: fNiYKSYotrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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