Today's Best Fusion 360 Questions & Answers — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 159

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how are you doing welcome to livestream number 159 all right today's topic is today's fast fusion 360 questions and answers and answers wow this is the second round at these where I am trying to answer some of your emails and we're gonna get all over the place today so there should be something for for everybody my name is last Christensen and these daily live streams is just an attempt to and a little bit more value to your fusion 360 experience if you like these thumbs up if you don't thumbs down be honest and well if you haven't already hit that subscribe button really appreciate it that's kind of like how I can go to my boss and say that that the people are watching this so let's get into this this is Wednesdays where we are answering questions from you guys as I have to admit I'm falling behind on on answering all the emails coming in I'm determined that someday I will catch up but right now I'm a little bit underwater this is my attempt to to try to make that up for you today's first question that is from Gary in Texas who asks a question in the gaps to us from 3d printing stuff and more videos about 3d printing that's a request that I have gotten from a few I think the reason honestly that you don't see so much 3d printing for me is because I don't have a 3d printer myself I should get one there's no reason why I don't really have one I just gotta yeah that's that's a goal get the one in 2018 we get a look at that um this is the piece that we had yesterday tonight on Facebook on the absolute beginner we actually got a model of this Lego piece so if you wanna wanna see that but Gary's question in regards who are freely printing would like to see some more stuff on that well let me just show you a couple of things that you may or may not know when it comes to a 3d printing at least we can kind of I get that then I'll get away there's kind of two ways you can that you can bring things from from fusion out to your 3d printer and there's two kind of two different ways but it's actually not it's it's it's just two different places that's not the same thing I don't know if you knew this one is to go up and hit make and then you can select 3d print and you get this menu here called 3d print menu you will see here that you have some different some different options in here now I just want to do me a favor here forget about this 3d print and just mentally take a picture of these buttons let me just cancel out of this and so instead of going here and say free D print you can actually also go over here and right click and say save out as an STL now it says save Alice STL but look at the at the menu it's actually yeah it's kind of the same the same thing the only thing that is different right now is that in the same as STL when you right click up here is that set to print utility is kind of turned off versus if you go over and you do freely print then you will see here in my case I have selected mess mixer but if I uncheck that here and I select this first thing is selection a model if I select this model here and I had my refinement set to high while I took a second creating all these triangles if I click OK here you will like to see that it saves it out as an STL so that menu does the same thing if you if you do it within right-click and say save as STL or if you click on the 3d print it's the same menu just kind of a kind of 2d to two different things let me just run through it quickly you saw I selected the power here in the center you can check on preview the mess and then you can set how fine you want the mess so set it to high number of triangles because that's what I STL file is right it's just a bunch of triangles one of the reasons I'm not a big fan of STL files I mexic gotten a couple people commenting there were a little bit mad at me that I'm not a big fan of triangles or STL files but that my only reason for not being a big fan is that it's just a bunch of triangles and and I'm not trying to I'm not trying to make anybody mad or sad about it but the fact is that if we look at them as we look at this model right here um but it's a typical nothing too fancy it's all squares and round things in there um if I go up here and I say 3d print and you can choose the refinement and that means how the number of triangles is going to make in this on this model if I go in and say hello and I select the model here you will see in the preview mess here and you will see that we get three thousand seven hundred and eighty triangles uh versus if I go if I go to hide we had like nineteen thousand so why don't I like but I like why am i complaining about STL files and again I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings but the fact is if I say ok to this oh let me just print and let me just select it again and what the reason is that if we assuming that these round pieces here look these chamfers and everything is made out of triangles for me so if I set it too low this thing is actually not this is not around anymore right this is a straight line that's a straight line that's a straight line now again of course I can go in and say I'm gonna make it high and you will see that now it's gonna be a lot better but many times when you see how smaller the lines now are now it's better but many times if you are if you are in if you a cellphone for somebody else you had no control over this and and and that's why I'm not a big fan of STL files it's just because it's not necessarily that accurate now so I hope I don't hurt anybody's feelings now you have a couple of options so if I don't check sense of print utility then it will just save it out as an STL file we'll do that in a second if we do select it you get some different options in here three standards Princeton to your mess mixer and preform but then there's also a custom I use mess mixer now if I click on that it's going to open up our mess mixer on my screen here and I'm not gonna give you a big tutorial on mess mixer you can go out and looked at yourself the only reason the only reason that I'm using mess mixer plus there is a big Hospital here in in Buffalo New York and they actually have a facility there where they way they actually built simulators for like heart transplant and stuff and I talked to a guy there who's extremely smart and he was this was right when I started out of this and he was so excited about mess mixer because they they actually using that to mark love orchids and things like that and he was telling me about how amazing this makes it was and how many great things you could do with miss mixer so when I came back that was the one I decided to kind of like use that's my only reason for for use that's my reason for using most things is somebody's smarter than me tells me that it's great and then I then I use it so mess mixer can that you can do it all the things inside mess mixer one of the things you can do we can go and edit and you could actually transform this pot around so we could órale in there and and whatever whatever you want ah now if I go back into the 3d print and uncheck this all I could also right clicked over here if we select the pot again we have the refinement at high triangles what is the best we can do and I hit okay you will see that I'm gonna say it save it to my desktop so I'm gonna go ahead and do that so um Gary I hope at least this was a little bit little bit helpful um but yeah my main reason for not using for not doing more 3d printing stuff in in in these live streams is pretty much because I don't have one I gotta get myself a 3d printer I'm gonna put that on my on my Christmas list all right that was Gary's question the next one is from delaying I'm bringing up this model here umm what is something that I've been working on this is I guess this is not too super exciting but this part here um when I get on my step craft my little lap wood router that is actually what's gonna be hopefully hanging right there that's right I see that empty wall space so this is what I've been working on it's gonna get get the time to to get into my step craft now a couple of things that and I'm gonna make a video on making this because I think that's a couple of interesting things first of all this first piece of text here is coming from an an SVG file so we're gonna talk a little about bringing SVG files into to fusion that's something a lot of people have asked me about and then if you look at look at all these move commands down here you're like what the heck did did this guy do what I did was for the make anything I just wrote it out as a s standard text command found up here and then I literally just I'm gonna just moved it like one step at the time you can see here if I play through it you can kind of see how I placed each of these different moves up on the screen if you wonder where that came from ah so this is gonna be a sign I'm gonna like I said I'm gonna make a video on it in my make anything video but delays question is blending area with text so don't be do don't be too fooled about everything you see on the screen this looks somewhat DS and I think but if I go in and I right-click and and I select my appearances here click on that there if I select that that appearances and I go and see steel is default so right now there's two colors that is white and that's black if I if I drag steel over here like this so it's all the same color you might see something and this is the latest question with how my text is kind of there's not a line down here at the bottom um it's kind of like blending wishy-washy between the letters and and the board are down at the at the end here so the that I had those appearances actually kind of trick maybe a little bit about that but delaying what I think is happening for you is what I have kind of created here and that is if I open up my bodies folder you probably have a ton of body so each letter is a body and they're probably not extruded so they're meeting each other they're probably Criss crossing so if I go in to that first extrusion here let's go back to this one edit this one let's give it a second you will see that I'm going minus points point six now if I change that to two point five look at the at the edge of the letters between the before and the letters see how we now get a a line because now they actually not kind of like over overlapping in the depth another thing you could have done was instead of creating as a new body you could have joined the two together and you will see that that line gets created too so make sure whatever you're working with things like this that you are not just extruding new bodies in and kinda like overlapping each other with bodies then you have tried to join them like I do here or make sure you have kind of like the right the right distance down to them so I hope that there was a that was helpful um so yeah now you got a little bit an intro on the sign here all right lane that I hope kind of answered your question next next one let's go in and talk this is for mark so admired as a question about twistlock and I'm not quite sure exactly what was in what you're looking at but I was thinking of like two things that kind of like go in and twist to to lock in uh-huh so that's what I'm gonna show then I have to let me know if if I'm completely off the way I'm gonna do this is I'm gonna make a new design I want to show you maybe a couple couple of different different techniques here but hopefully you guys will we'll find out we'll find helpful I can just see it picked in check that you know miss Kraus is in here making some comments that I'm not good at my I'm not good at my I think it's Dutch but mister I I think that you know you what you're saying is not too nice so you know what you are now been timed out so miss Cara if I maybe I just did bad but I think that that's not nice and we don't we've got to be nice in this in this live stream please can't we we're just all friends alright so I'm back to twist lock and mark so I'm gonna open up here and let me create a new component there's gonna be a couple of different components and I'm kind of like picturing kind of two sleeves going over one another so let's create a component one here start a sketch and I'm gonna do a sefa circle and let's make that fifty diameter here let's exclude that some distance 120 that's probably pretty good that is component number one let's create another component right click new components be a another sketch here we could p4 project we borrow that adds from the first one and then we'll get it all for for an offset and we could give that second one a little bit of thickness okay and let's extrude that one so I don't have any tolerance but clearance between the two we've talked about that in other live streams about tolerances and so forth but what we have is we kind of have two components the inside tube or the inside solid and then we have a tube that goes goes over it alright let's talk about this interlock here an easy way to kind of do that so on the inside I'm gonna hide our second component I'm gonna paint a new sketch and I'm gonna select that on this plane here and I'm just going to draw a circle see if a circle and I like to just kind of like draw a little bit out of space let's make this one eight millimeters like that the folo dimension place that I mention in here and then I'm gonna make it horizontal from the seven suit that now that is a full of the five circle hit cube press pull now see how I drew the circle right on the inside and by the way I can't select that area right now just take your mouse hover over where that hole is hold down your left mouse button and this little menu show up and now I could select the profile so that was hover all the way you want to select hold down the left mouse button and then this shows up as a profile and I can draw this out here now it comes out as a cut but of course over here I can just change it to a joint ah that is an easy way to to kind of create something something like this I know that if you're a power user you might you know that might have been pretty easy but I think me when I started out this was valuable the sketch here is actually living inside of the power and I just kind of pulled it right out of there if you kind of miss this because I went too fast don't forget we can always rewind on the YouTube so take that take that in there all right the seconds go to the sleeve is now sticking out through the sleeve not really really what we want but I'm actually gonna I'm actually gonna kind of follow the same thing fold the ii and you know what I didn't do rights see what it didn't do right did I I screwed up I think no I didn't that's gets that's its yeah I did see this is something that you gotta be a little bit careful of what I did was I had this component active the main component I remember this is an assembly there's two two components in here that is the cylinder and then there's the sleeve that goes on the outside I had that fisheye active when I drew that sketch so the sketch for this dowel right here I'm just hiked up on that sketch for this dowel is now in the main assembly and not in component number one so if you look at component number one I did it right when I created the circle and I exuded it this got in here because it belongs to this part but the sketch did not that's that's a little bit of problem now I actually think I can drag that sketch down see undo that so because I made this mistake I now have the right component active I can take this sketch that I can drag it down here and that sketch is now I think in in here so now it is in here back in it updates the timeline down here so I hope you so you know this is one of the the biggest learning curves I think there is inside of fusion is that you got to make sure that you are in the right component when you draw things and of course are one of that circle sketch to be to be in them okay if that was confusing maybe that's another live stream now let's go over to the second component and let's work with that then opening for this twist lock so I'm gonna follow the same procedure make sure the detective I'm gonna clicking new scats I'm gonna draw that sketch on that same center plane go around here and again I can I can borrow this adds Tifa project I can borrow that edge there and do kind of like the same thing I'm gonna hit all for our set just like that before and I'm gonna make this like half a millimeter out here and then I'm just gonna draw line a line from here up to maybe that edge and I'm gonna draw a line from here up and over like this and now I can actually use constraints and and dimensions here so this thou was was eight and then I had a half a millimeter to it so d4 I mentioned I'm definitely gonna make sure that I make make this nine so it has somewhere to go notice um this is the day anyway I'm showing you a couple different things here notice that my dimension right now is in degrees C that it's not at full width dimension this is in degrees and that tells me that one of my lines is in an angle this is actually why any dimensions before you do constraints sometimes can be there can be a problem if I go over here and and I click on horizontal I gotta make this line horizontal now now if I hit deeper dimension now and I select this line and this line now it's a dimensional I can make that nine that's one of the reasons are that you that what did you see that kind of stuff you need that the line horizontal another thing I see down here is that I do not have a tangent relationship on this line so I'm gonna do that tangency from here to here and then we probably gotta give this kind of like some kind of a a dimension here so I'm gonna do D fat I mentioned heel here and let's make that for now this is fully black and that's what we want but remember this sketch is X is sitting in on on the center here right so if we just go in here and just we can go and we can keep you press pool and again I can't select anything because as I ca playing a section here I could draw on if you can't select something just hold down the left mouse button we're going in select profile and select these two other ones and then we can draw out here out this way here now when I do that notice the way I did this that I'm actually cutting the DAO in one body in component one away and that brings up a little trick in here where this object to cut function this is the static extrude that if I uncheck that you will see that now the dial kind of like comes back in there the other option that could have done was I could have hit the light bulb out here and and hidden component number one now we will not take into into effect either but if it is showing if I click OK now these two check I'm cutting everything because it sees everything so that's kind of the two different way so if I uncheck that it will not cut in component number one only in component number two it okay to that if I go back up to make them both highlighted here we will now see how we we now got got bad in here now a couple of things I want to show you with this twist lock oh one thing I notice is normally we go back into that original sketch I think normally we would have some fill let's let me do that I think we can take the time to add a couple of fill it's okay so that's one of the nice thing you can always go back yeah it looks a little bit better with with the fill it's bad thing now so the next thing you're gonna ask me is alright how can i how can i now have it react like this thing is in there there's some clearance and stuff and this is kinds is another question that the people ask me from time to time in regards to in regards to animations and so forth now we can do this if we go in and take this this this rod here and we could be one of these have to be be faced right so right click and we can ground this so that is ground and then we could go into s build joint and we could select the two components now by default that's gonna be a rigid but I could let it go to a revolute for example whatever Newt is gonna look for a place to rotate what's gonna be the center and it's gonna animate it it's gonna animate those two rotating right there although they play again see that now I'm gonna hit OK to that and you will see that now it will rotate but you will see that it it defeats kind of like physics you can go in here and enable contact sets on the assemble and right click oh and you get a fold over here new contact set and we could select these two components and now it will actually stop kind of give you this simulation now in this case here it will not let me go sideways and then it's different ways you could you could use animations to show that but you suppose remember the fusion is not a is not a simulation or an animation software per se it's a mech this is a mechanical you know design software this is not this is not a you know how we make movies and stuff like that but you won't be able to demonstrate to our customer you have that movement movement in here one last thing with this prop before we're gonna answer Brady's last question and that is you will see if we're looking at a side view that my cut that I did in the sleeve comes out straight but as this thing rotates it actually wouldn't come out straight a couple of different ways you could this the quickest way that I probably would show right now would be if we go back true they actually cut what I think was right here if I hide our first component and we go back into the Edit feature we could utilize what we showed yesterday that there is actually a taper function inside of here so if I added five degrees to this it would get more of a balance but since the five degrees is coming from the the sketching plane in X C if identifies degrees here and I turn the component back in X and looks a little that would actually make everything kind of like beyond a proportion so what I wanted to show you is if you go back into the and this is the stand of extrude feature in here there is a profile start and by default our profile status always discussed but did you know that you can actually offset that that amount so like if I put in like I don't know try to do 40 maybe let's go in here look 40 25 is probably more right 15 15 I'm gonna get close to so that adds as possible by setting an offset plane in here our sketch is not starting from our standard sketch plane is actually starting 15 of 17 millimeters from the edge so this actually gives you an option to get a lot closer to it with the ads and will actually work a little bit nicer with the five degrees and the Nexus that's looking a little bit more I think as to to what we what we want here if you wanted more like this one here you could add another cut or you could do something like a loft but I hope that this was a answering Mark's question okay I'm reading right on the half now but I can't help myself I gotta go a little bit over because the last one so beautifully ties it all back together in this today's live stream the best fusion 360 questions and answers because we started out with Gary talking about 3d printing so I why don't we kind of like end somewhat there again because Brady asked an excellent question how do you bring a fusion or a STL file into Fusion and save it out as a I just saw I say as a step file that you actually could like become a solid so going back to we started out in the beginning with this Lego block and if you came late to the live stream tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern I'm gonna model this one up on Facebook the Facebook live stream is you go to Facebook and your search ad mr. Lars Christianson you'll find the channel don't worry I will make sure that I upload that video to here to YouTube probably over over the weekend but if you remember correctly we save this part out as an STL file now let's bring it back in again the way you bring an STL file into to Fusion is simply by going I would say insert and and say insert mess and there it was that file saved out earlier in the live streams if you missed that go back and muster the live stream see there is there's the file yay and you get this insert mess you can move it around I said I saved this one out as the hi is resolution as you probably remember to get it as accurate as it could and we will now see we have a a mess body in here now we save this on out as the highest resolution because like I talked about another big fan of STL files I'm not hurt trying to hurt anybody's feelings but an STL file is made up of triangles and that means that these are straight lines this is not fully round that we are lucky in cell fusion that when I set this one out I could make it Eckerd a high resolution now how do we turn this into a solid model well the trick is now we were brought into fusion by using the insert mess the trick is to actually get rid of the history file right here and the way we get rid of history is by going up and right click on the top component say do not capture the sign history just like that there it comes up and gives us a warning about that that is okay oh don't worry about that I'm gonna hit continue and then I can right click on the component and say mess to be red I'm going to click on that let's make sure we've got our body selected make sure we save it as a new body I'm gonna hit OK now this is not an error message this is a warning there's a big difference it says here that because we saved this out as a high resolution that this one has nineteen thousand one hundred and ten triangles that means that when we converted it it might take a little bit of time and you could actually get into a problem where if you have too many triangles that the fuchsia just says can't handle it I'm gonna show you a trick to that in a second but right now I'm gonna say okay I'm okay with the conversion I can take a little bit longer and conversion is not recommended well fusion you're not the boss of me I'm gonna hit okay I'll take a deep breath and it's just gonna take a couple seconds here and I have all the that the fusion will will prevail and turn this into a solid and there you will see it did now if you look at my body's folder you will see I still actually have the the mass showing in here so you get both it keeps the mess it doesn't delete it it just converts it over to to a solid body now this is gonna work a little slower because again is still made up of these 19 different different triangles but this is solid model that you can work with and I've talked about in other live streams about how we can actually we can actually you can actually work with with some of this here I'm pretty sure if I click on this face here and I hit delete I haven't tested this out but it actually heal up this face here see how it just healed up that face so be aware of that fusion relax it feels like this face here this is actually two faces click the beat and it will actually heal those faces up now with this save as a as a solid model well now you could actually go right up here and we of course we can we can now go down and say export and now on your mobile computer you could now save it out essay as a step so that's to answer Brady's question that is how you can convert that part out and save it out as a step file um but I wanted to show what if you have more than 19,000 triangles you could chew many triangles let me just delete this body here for a second like it never happened and go back into our SEL SEL file here be aware of that if you go to your preferences and going to preview now this is preview you can turn on mess workspaces you have to have an STL file on the screen fold this to work but now when you do that you will actually get a a mess toolbar in here and one of the great things about this is that if I go in here and I do a window select change it so that's there is a reduced option in here and let me just turn the mess pellet on so I gotta like get this one because I'm gonna use I know there's nineteen thousand one hundred and ten that's gonna be my count down here to make sure that I select everything so if I just select here it selected at all just want to make sure that it selected at all nineteen thousand ten in here you can now adjust the amount you want to reduce the triangles so you can reduce your your mess file down to a triangular count that fusion will solve so I've changed it to 125 for example problems on five hit okay let's take a second and fusion we likes to reduce the amount of triangles inside of this SCL file down to a value that then fusion can can turn into a song and this is just I mean friends this is just pure math right like if you have an STL file again all triangles if you have that and there is you know a hundred thousand triangles you should just can't because all this is solved locally it just can't comprehend that there you go it solved it so now we had a lot less triangles in here if you go back into turn the mess pedal down and go in here and select them all you will now see with out to 2300 so we produce that night scene down and when we got introduced down then it'll be a lot faster when we go back in right click mess of e-wrap but of course it's a less accurate model so about 10 minutes over 400 today's live stream I hope you like these the best fusion 360 questions and answers if you came in length we covered in the beginning gary talked about more freely printing stuff showed you some of the 3d printing utilities in there we did delay ins question about text not blending exactly like you wanted I hope you answered that question that also gave you a preview to what the next make anything that I'm working on if you want to see the little science for me hanging on the wall there hopefully if I get done with it mark with his twist lock I thought that was saying yeah I thought that was a kind of like an interesting little little thing we marvel up here with a little twist luck that will say yeah I think that was a good good example there appreciate that a mark and then in the end with Brady as question in regards to take an STL file was just a bunch of triangles I'm not hating on STL files it's just a fact it's made up with triangles the the less triangles the the less accurate the bottles gonna be and how you can convert that into a into a step file or ideas so whatever you want friends I hope that you you found this useful as always if you like this concept I truly appreciate when you take the time to hit that that thumbs up if you don't like it thumbs down that's okay and if you haven't already subscribed to the channel that really means through the world soon if you'll do that that is the end of today's lesson for you watching the recording I truly appreciate if you inside the last room I'm gonna jump into the chat and and say hi to everybody take care and I hope I see you tomorrow it's a conference you
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 5,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, akn_include, Design, Manufacturing, Beginner, CAD, CAM, CNC, Lars Christensen, tip, how to, free software, tutorial, fusion, software, cad software, workflow, make anything, fusion 360 tutorial, 3d printing
Id: yoFAZ4ALg-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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