How to Sculpt the New Fusion 360 Logo

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hi folks this is Tanner Reid product design engineer at Autodesk and today I'm going to be showing you how to make a 3d model of our new fusion logo so if you haven't seen it it's a little bit more curved and sort of geometrically complex than our last logo and if you tried to make this parametrically it would involve a lot of really tricky steps and you know lofting wizardry to get all that to work so instead i'm going to be showing you how to do it with the sculpting mode and i know a lot of times you sort of see workflows where you're starting off from a box or a cylinder and kind of twisting it and shaping it into what you want but i think this is a really good opportunity to explore a couple of tools that let us you know build certain phases on top of the image so that we can work from a drawing or in this case from an image of the logo and build off of it rather than shape things to it so i know the the actual you know project might be a little bit frivolous but hopefully these are some really great tools that can show you how to approach your projects in a new way so we're going to start off by inserting an attached canvas if you haven't used these before they're a really great tool lets you pick a certain face in the space on this case we're going to do one of our origin planes and when you choose an image it's going to import that image in diffusion and you can go in here and scale it and move it around and actually design off of it so it's sort of like a reference in space for you to work from so on that I want to make sure that I have my opacity you know at a good place in this case maybe something like thirty six so that if we're designing anything behind it we can see through it to make those and if we make sure that display through is checked that way we can design on top of it and still see it through what we're designing so we get a lot of versatility in that sense so I can say okay and if you haven't done this before another great tool is to calibrate things and so if you right-click it in the browser you can choose calibrate and you can pick two points on the image so let's say that you know if I know that from top to bottom it's 120 millimeters I can type that in in fusion will scale it for me for this project we don't really need a certain scale you know it's more of an exercise and in the end we'll be very scalable what we make so that can all come later but right now you know just so that you know that's a great tool in working with canvases um so I want to do first to kind of decide how I'm going to approach you know how I'm interpreting the three dimensionality of this image right now obviously it's 2d but we can kind of you know we can see a lot of shadows here we can see where things might be sloping kind of how things connect to each other I'm going to pick you know the way that I think is easiest and best for us to learn from if you want to play with it and find some other ways feel free to that's a lot of fun but looking at it I can kind of see that this surface here and this surface are shaded very similarly and they almost look like they're coplanar to me like they're on the same plane and so I'm going to assume for this case that these two planes are planar so they're flat and they lie on the same plane and they're on top so I'm kind of picturing these being up high and these edges being our lower surface with these two surfaces connecting in between that top and that bottom so you'll kind of see as we go what I mean by that but to get started I'm going to go to create and I'm going to choose create form that brings us into the sculpting environment and I'm going to go under create and I'm going to choose face so when you're doing faces you want to pick a plane to start from and I'm going to zoom in so we can start with this little arm that's here and faces just let you click on four different points and it builds a face between those four points so I'm just going to make two rectangles to represent the the main part of this and to make this curved part I want to make a series of triangles sort of like you know four radial triangles coming out to represent that but those four triangles need to meet at a center point that's in between these two rectangles so I'm just going to go to modify I hit escape there I'm going to go to modify and choose insert edge and if I double click it's going to give me a line that's halfway between these and when I click OK it'll put that in there for me and now I can go back to create choose face and I can choose that same plane that we're drawing from in the beginning and I can now go in and make my four triangles that come out to this point and I can bring them back to intersect right there remember we were working on a tool that's giving us four different points to make these T spline faces but if you bring your fourth point or your third point excuse me back to your original yellow dots that's going to go ahead and give you a triangular shape instead of a quadrilateral so you can kind of work with triangles just as easily as you're working with the rectangles so I'm just going to build out four of these triangles right there and then I'm going to say okay now when I say okay it should have gone through and given this a curved surface that's what we would expect if you're building these faces we want to be able to have these tangential lines between them but it didn't it left it sort of in a boxy shape and the reason for that is that there's something wrong that so if I look here I've got a line that's thicker than the other ones which means that it's probably not connected at one of the points which means I didn't click correctly to weld them together but there's a great tool instead of going through and figure out what happened wrong I can go to modify and choose utilities and use the tool called repair body and so with that I can click on the shape that I've made and you'll see a little star that shows up and that star is telling you that it thinks that's probably where your problem is so when I clicked on auto repair it welded those vertices together to make them into a shape that it figures you probably want and now we've got that curved surface that goes around so we know that this is now watertight surface so they click on okay I can go up to edit form and I can just move these points around too to match up with that back canvas that we have so we can again keep referencing this image that we're working from and I'm just going to try to get it roughly again later you know any point in the process we can go through and define these to be you know any other you know positioning or alignments this looks good for me for now so I can say okay and if i zoom out you'll see that we've got that first top surface that's there and you can see that line flat right there so next thing I want to do is make another surface that's equally as flat or equally on the same plane right here on this top piece so to do that I'm going to go to create and I'm going to choose face again and I'm going to choose the the same back face or the back plane were designing this one on and I'm going to come in and start drawing out four rectangles to make up this top arm so I'm going to go here and again these can be very rough they don't have to be perfect so you can see the top of that starting to shape up and then from there I'm just going to go ahead and take this all the way down and then for the last one I'm just going to choose a triangle instead of a rectangle so that we come out to that points and there we've got our two flat surfaces on the top and everything worked out that should make it curved excellent so the next thing that we want to do is shape out these two surfaces that go in between them so I'm going to start on this left side because it's a lot easier and what I'm going to do is I'm going to do the same thing I just did I'm going to go to create and say face let's choose that back plane and I'm going to start by clicking on this shape that corner there and coming across to this point and this is important to note um I want this corner to be a sharp edge here and so I'm making a a rectangle that has that corner on it if instead you were to have a you know two points coming together so if I came across and did a line here that would end up making a curve across that surface but I want to keep it a point so I'm just making sure that I have a corner rectangle here which gives me a triangle on this piece and so from there I'm just going to continue going down and designing out the edges so I'm going to finish this off the same way I started so I'm going to make sure that I've got a rectangle that comes to a point there in the corner and then I'm going to fill in my two triangles that are left over to finish out that surface so once I've done that I can say okay and it looks like it brought it back into box mode so I'm going to do is again go to modify utilities and repair body if I click on it you'll see two different points that it's bringing up I can say auto repair and hopefully that'll clean it up and it did that's good and I could say okay now you can see when you know when it comes out and it makes those curves it sort of shifts everything over but if I double click on let's go to create modify first and say crease and if I double click on this line it's going to select the entire edge and I can also choose the two edges that come off of it there and now we've got a creased edge that goes along that same path that we drew these and so from there I can say ok and now we've got a nice smooth line you can kind of see our our canvas still showing through and it's a pretty good relationship there and so the next thing I want to do is just make sure that I clean up this edge a little bit so I'm just going to take our points and shift them over a little bit and make sure that it aligns with a little bit of a curve that happens as we go up the body of the F and these things I mean obviously you know are as as good and accurate as you want them to be want to take the time to do they can be as you know artful or thrown together as as you have the time for I'm just throwing them together rather quickly so they're not going to be perfect but you get the idea anyways so we can bring that over what's that give like two degrees maybe something like that alright good so you've got the outside of the F we've got the two planes that are coming together here and we have to do now is design the surface that goes between them and so if you can imagine if these two are up this one is sloping down then this surface is going to have to slope down and then back up to meet the new plane so what I'm going to do is draw a sketch the defines for me where I want that trough to lie and then I'll start sculpting around that so if I go up to sketch I can say create sketch choose that back plane again and I just want to draw a spline for where that's going to lie so if I go to sketch I can choose spline and I want the downward sloping region to sort of come off right here and I'm just going to pull this over something really rough like this and once I do that I can take these edges here and sort of twist them to represent the shape that I'm looking for which in this case is something sort of like that so the idea here is that everything on the left side or above this line is going to be sloping down everything on the right is going to be sloping towards that center line as well sort of like you know where a roof comes together where you have like a lower spot so if that's my trough I'm going to want to adjust it just a little bit a little bit more take off this horizontal constraint and spin it a little bit zoom in thing a little bit more like that that looks good so we've done that I can say stop sketch and now I have a reference curve that I can use to design my faces to that trough so I'm going to start with what's easy I can go to create and say face which is that same plane again what I want to do here is just create one that slopes down and comes across out from you know sort of radially from this semicircle that we have here on our flat surface already and so when we come across this is going to get a little bit tricky because we're going to have to start making triangles for things so if I've got a rectangle here I'll find that we want to come across to this point just like that and then I can make triangles I'm sorry a rectangle for this point and finish it off with a triangle on this side so that looks I think that'll probably shape up pretty well on the other side I know for sure that I can put a triangle in here that one's pretty obvious to me and then we can put in a rectangle as well but if we're looking at all of this space it gets a little bit wonky kind of quick so what I'm going to do is go ahead and start filling in this one looks definitely like it's a rectangle the next one can probably also be a rectangle before we start getting into a triangle and then we'll do let's see one more and I'm going to choose the end of that spline and I'm going to come across to match it and then I'll say okay good and that looks like it's following it pretty well it's not perfect I'm going to scoot it in just a little bit there all right and now what we want to do I forgot actually I'll tell you what let's crease this one first let's go to modify and say crease let's go ahead and crease these edges that way we get back our original shape and it keeps them flat there there we go say okay good so that's still lining up and we can kind of see our surface start to shape so from there I want to go to create and say a face again and this time I want to choose that same plane and I want to start building out what that downward-sloping face is going to look like so on here I can just zoom in a little bit pull the sky around later okay and then let's go back face bring that over there excellent so the next thing I want to do is go ahead and connect a couple of these points but you'll notice now that we've got sort of a different amount of rectangles on this side as we do this side and that's okay that just means that they won't translate directly across from each other so we can go ahead and make a triangle here instead of a rectangle and then maybe put a rectangle in at this point and we might need another triangle let me count yes another triangle across here and then the next one can be a rectangle all right that looks good and if we say okay hopefully those will all curve out without any problems finger dad excellent okay so from there now we need to go ahead and crease our edge to go along that flat line there so I'm just going to double-click on this edge it's going to select all of them and if I go to modify and say crease that'll give us that edge back say okay and now for the time being I want to crease that trough edge that I put in there and that's mostly just for me to see sort of how that curvature is going to look it's just easier for me to wrap my head around so I'm going to hide my sketches and I'm going to go back to crease and I'm going to choose these lines coming around that we can see what they're going to look like there we go and then I'll say okay and so now if I hide my canvas you can see that we've got the basic shape of what we want the F contours to be and if I look at my creased edge here that looks like a pretty smooth curvature I'm kind of happy with that the top piece looks good this one looks good I think our shops are good so what I'm going to do now is raise up these two surfaces that we said we're going to be higher than the other ones so if I go to edit form I can choose faces here on the selection filter and if I shift double click the one next to it it's going to do the entire row going across and I'm going to hold down shift and then select these remaining pieces as well and now if I go to the side view and this case the bottom view I'm going to drag that up and you'll see now where those shapes have come up off of those base profiles that we made so with that I'm going to say okay and now I'm just going to look around and kind of see what our curvature looks like where there are weird points I think everything looks okay so what I'm going to do now is double click on that crease line that we had and I'm going to say unfreeze and then I'm going to say okay and I'm going to show just shaded rather than shaded with visible edges and it looks like we've got a pretty good curvature going across there I can go in and edit all of those control points to see if we can get it smoother you might find places that look a little bit weird like this looks like it might be a little bit tight in that corner so I can go back to visual style and say show shaded with visible edges and maybe that would mean that this point should move over a little bit to kind of let's choose point maybe this point needs to move over a little bit to sort of alleviate some of that stress that's in the corner there and again you can also turn on your you know turn your your canvas back on all you're doing that either way you kind of work out the curvatures I hope this one looks fine we don't have anything that's really pinching off weird everything looks pretty smooth and so from that we have a surface of the new logo I'm just going to make it three-dimensional for you real quick there's a ton of ways to do that if you look the way that we designed it we've got some holes on the sides and so I want to do a boundary fill that just caps off each of the edges and closes it off on the bottom so what I'm going to do there is go to sculpt and I'm going to choose the patch environment and in the patch environment oh we never exited our form so I'm going to say return to the form because it stung we have there's an error in our forms from say return and we're going to find what's wrong with this it's coincident vertices may need to be welded together so I'm going to say closed on that and I'm going to go to modify utilities repair body I'm going to choose this guy and let's see if it gives us some pain points as a couple um I'll say auto repair and see how it fixes it say okay and then let's go in here and show shaded with visible edges and then we'll say finished for them let's see if that fixed our problem it did so we're back out now that fixed whatever was going on here and so then I can go to my modeling space and actually choose patch and what I can do now is create a sketch and I'm going to put that sketch on the bottom plane and this is the same plane that we put the canvas on it's the same and this edge exists on and I'm going to go to sketch and I'm going to choose project include and project and what that's going to let me do is choose a profile of the body and right now it's sort me that my sketches are hidden so I'm going to go back and hide my first sketches and just show the sketch that I'm doing here and say okay and so now I can say stop sketch and you'll see that from the top it's just projected that onto the plane below it and so then if I go to create I can choose extrude and extrude and patch environment is going to extrude a surface of the outline of the profile that I clicked on and then I can say okay so now if you look we've got a a profile kind of surface outline with the top that we've made in the sculpting mode and we also have a plane that exists on the bottom so we can do a boundary fill to fill all that in if I go to create I can say boundary fill I can choose that outside piece that I just made I can choose the F that we created and I can choose this bottom plane that we drew everything on and once you have a volume that encloses anything it'll show up there in green and I can say select cells and I can pick that green volume and say okay and now if you'll look in our bodies folder we've still got our two original surfaces but if I hide them I've got one left over that's a solid body and it's that fusion F and if you wanted to make this thicker or whatever you can go into model and say extrude and pull that off a bunch of things you can do with this nag when it inlaid into something whatever you're working with but hopefully you get a good sense now of how you can actually go through and design this model off of an attached canvas and if you wanted to get really spot-on we can add a plastic appearance with fusions exact colors and it so I hit a which is a shortcut for appearance and let's say I go to plastic opaque you can make this glossy yellow and if I double click it I can type in fusions orange RGB values which is 238 and 136 and 34 and I could say done now we've got our fusion f-from just bringing in an attached canvas tracing over faces with it in sculpting mode editing those faces pulling them around a little bit and then finally coming out and making it a solid with a boundary fill so pretty simple process if you have any other ideas on how you'd make this F or something similar to it they've got other great uses for these tools feel free to leave comments down there in the comments section or tweet me at tan or suede we love hearing that kind of stuff and feel free to leave any questions as well and then also feel free to subscribe to the fusion 360 YouTube channel it's a great place to find tutorials and tips and tricks and user stories and great things to kind of inspire you with your own projects as well so thanks again for joining us and we'll catch you next time
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 197,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution, logo, sculpting, face, edit form, boundary fill, patch, render
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2016
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