More Freedom & How To Go from Model to T-Spline — Fusion 360 Tutorial — #LarsLive 194

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welcome to livestream number 194 my name is Lance Christensen and I'm a little early so this should be a clock kind of like ticking about three minutes I would not blame you if you're watching the recording to fast forward a few minutes then we'll get started right at the top of the hour here I can see we are live on the on the YouTube let me just go in here and refresh to make sure we're also good on on Facebook huh it's good to be back I'll hop in them a little bit around Texas and Detroit and this week we're gonna do one last year today I'm gonna do one last through tomorrow and then I'm headed to LA and then coming back Friday morning and then headed to San Francisco the week after sorry arghhhh is gonna be a little like that it Rado is here absolutely appreciate it star citizen that's a good name um good to see you man I great Bureau great Brio 74 thank you so much uh yeah just giving everybody a chance to come in here and and just make sure everybody's all set for our today's topic what is more freedom that's a good that's a good title and how to go from models to t-spline or sculpting environments also called we're gonna kind of try to straighten all that all that out today if there's any any confusion Mike is here from the UK absolutely appreciate it Greg is here from Erie PA that is just ah what is that two hours somewhat Southwest mafia TPA haven't been there for a while yeah absolutely appreciate it guys um what should I tell you so like I said today tomorrow live streams then I'm gonna have to jump at Ric trip to LA then back home for the weekend and then back for for San Francisco um then we should do some live streams and then it is Seattle and then I think September should be fairly good though that I stuffed a weeks of vacation in there's my mom is coming from Denmark so us he's coming to visit so no license says we all right we are also live on on Facebook and got Nico's from Greece one of my absolutely favorite places to go um the best lasagna I've ever had in my life I got in Greece who would've thought I decided to wear my art of this University shirt today for a couple of things that I gotta try to wrap up here before we get on top of the hour one is autodesk university that is happening in november november 10th 12th or something I should have written that down I will do a presentation there I have a class there and we will do a bunch of these janitor design workshops what is what I'm traveling around hands-on sessions so if you're out planning on being in Vegas in in November then you see me there and the other thing I just got a quick announcement is I will not be attending IMTS this year I just want to make sure I say that that's a bigger tool show in Chicago I pry have promised with people that I would meet them there but again my mom is coming right that week and it just became a little bit too much Clarkson enough about me man now let's get into inter fusion let me just add get rid of the clown here and then then let's go hey everybody and thank you so much for taking the time to join today's livestream today's topic is moral freedom and how to go from model to t-splines that is also what we call the sculpting environment if I do a decent job today and you be the judge thumbs-up thumbs-down you will feel a lot better about how this whole thing works with workspaces and and all all that stuff um I am just gonna jump into it kind of like headfirst and uh let's let's go so the quest one of the questions I got the other day and that kind of inspired me to this and I really appreciate all your comments all your emails all that awesome stuff one of the questions I got was wait a minute I do not have this sculpting workspace in my drop-down why is that well the reason you don't have that is because the way that this is done inside of fusion is is maybe you just think I don't know you'd be the judge the way you normally will see me to go into the sculpting workspace is by going up and click on create form that will open up as you can see when I click on that that will open up the sculpt workspace this is also what we call T splines and we might talk a little bit more about that if we hit the time today you will see you get a a warning about this the this is nothing bad this is just want to make sure you know and you can see here you can say don't show me again I normally just like to have it on when you are in the t-spline environment be aware of that no history is recorded in in T splines now I'm just gonna get out of this I'm just gonna actually hit the red X up here and don't save so I'm back to like where we were just a second ago because the other way you can get the sculpt on your menu is by right-clicking up here and say do not capture design history now I'm gonna come back to this in just a second but don't click on it anyways just show you click on that hit continue and if you hear if you if you hear some humming as a helicopter sounds like passing right over and you hear oh maybe you can do it so if you right click here and you say do not have to design history this reflects choose this down here and I'm gonna show you that in a second but if I click on that and say ok I know then you will see that bar goes away down there and now you have the sculpt is to sculpt right here so that is how you can get to it now normally I'm gonna X out of this again don't say it like I said normally what you will see me do is I will just click on this one here and hit OK to this and I have the scalp workspace and now you will see that it's been recorded down in the timeline now let's go ahead here and just create something so we can click here up here and create you can see we have different shapes and we have used these before when we built I think yeah some different stuff we use this let's just click on a box and draw up a what is a cheap spline box now see splines or sculpt same same things it's the technologies called T spry technology the neat thing about C splines is that everything is staying on curvature to each other and we've talked about this in the past we talk about curvature if you want to impress your friends with that some curvature now let's find that live stream if you search for it in the YouTube playlist but the curvature means that everything is saying there's a curvature kept on the model what means inside of sculpting if you right click in edit form click on this space and I'm drag up here you can see how we're really keeping the curvature and I just like the face and and did that was you can't also select a a line and you can pull on that all as you probably also have seen me do click on a point and and you can you can drag on a on a point so the neat thing about this is that as you're pulling and dragging in C spline models is that all the faces are staying see what I'm pulling out in this thing they're staying curvature consistent that's probably a better term for that in here they will always keep the curvature that's one of the things and you use a lot in the in the consumer environment now enough of that when you are done being inside a sculpt and you hit the finish farm what happens this now becomes a a solid body and that's what we normally want to end up with now we are not talking about today how to get a solid back into becoming a sculpt but generally speaking we want to end up with a with a solid body and that's really what we what we have here is as good as a standard solid it's it's totally a solid now there's no history on how this was really created but let me just show you if I go in a said create a new sketch so now we are back in the model tab that we should feel pretty good about click on that one and if I select that face there to from the top and then I hit C for circle and I'll draw a 55 millimeter circle hit Q 4 press pull all down select that profile in there you will see that I can drag a hole through there and that has been recorded down on timeline now this is of course this hole is fully parametric I can right click and I've any edit and I can double click on the dimension and I could make it 35 or so right so so by having this timeline down here we are keeping at that parametric environment now one other quick thing just to show you and again I hope I add some value to you today is whenever you are I'm talking a lot my specially if you're fairly new to fusion or CAD in general I'm talking about this only two places you can ever sketch a 2d sketch it is eyes on a face on a plane now right now you do not really use to on a face you can stop a sketch but we can't start a sketch by these faces why not because they they're flat they're not flat they weren't flat you can start you can't do it now because they are curved and in fusion can't place that so then you are tempted to do it on a face but you only have on a plane but you don't have these free planes can here that I've been gone for a little while now be aware of that up here you have all the different construction planes and that's what you many times will do many times you will create something like an offset plane and let's just turn that back on again a select you know a plane like this a construction plane and now you can you can sketch on that those planes you can turn those in angles and do all kinds of good stuff but now we are back to to where I was before where we can place you know a sketch on on that plane and again I just fully define it but let's just hit Q and now I could you know either make an olive for example all the way all the way through that that part you do all those different things in here and notice down in the timeline again everything has been recorded now if we want to change the overall scope to t-spline environment we can that we can right-click and just say edit and it tells us we're going back into the t-spline environment we hit OK it's that's and now you will see again as you've been been used to that you know we are back in history and I could now completely move around you know whatever whatever we want here and and when I hit finish form that will will get converted and and our parametric what we call parametric the halls in this case all the ones that's controlled by my sketches will will stay there too so so this is kind of how many times you will work with this let me give you the other way and I'm gonna give you a pretty neat trick I think if you you may know about this but I don't if you know about this then you're fairly good at can I come in feeling like that and that's my power ranking and not official I'm gonna hit and open a new document and now the way you could work with this is let me just create a new sketch and we hit the S key and get my set a rectangle and let me draw 50 by 50 millimeter rectangle here press Q and let's make it 30 maybe okay so the difference from here is that now I started out with standard parametric modeling this is stuff you already feel fairly good with it's the music still playing the music play oh I'm sorry god haha that must have been annoying is that better okay sorry man I take a I take a few days off and I lose my I lose my my rhythm I'm sorry okay that's supposed to be the end music I hope that that hopefully you still have got something out of the beginning so like I said this was kind of starting out with the stroke work shape and workers fruitier be aware of that you can absolutely be in in the standard parametric area here and and go to sculpt you'll get the same warning right now you will see here that see how the whole thing becomes shadow and you really can't select any it looks like you can't select anything on our solid you do have a couple of options one will be to go up to utilities go and click convert and over here you get some different some different options now in here you could say be rat-faced shoot sees fly what means I'm gonna click on B red face it will like to highlight the top face here click on that and you now see that we get if I hit okay we do now have a face that is t-spline in a sculpt environment right click hit edit form and let me just drag that up there and now you will see that we that we have this so now it's placed second down here and and this is this is fully okay now if I hit finished farm then you will see we get this but don't be don't be totally fooled if we click over here on the arrow you will see that we ended up with a body and a surface model now let me just turn the surface model off and you will see we're back to where we were before so when you the way I did this with the t-spline notice the the t-spline just created a surface it didn't turn it didn't when it converted the face of the solid it didn't replace it it just created a shell a surface shell over the top of it but here comes the cool thing uh-huh because there's going to be something cool in here if you didn't knew this then your goodwill can there is a function called replace face inside of fusion so what I can do is I can save a play space and it asking for the Saur Saur space what would be it I'm gonna hide the surface for a second that would be the face on the solid model then the target face is going to be our surface body here hit okay now nothing really changed over here you did you did get a replace face icon down here but check this out when I click on the surface body to hide it we actually did now have placed that surface on top of that huh I hope that somewhat made sense if this was a little confusion scroll back and watch it again but but this really do is it takes that surface shell and and it replaced it on top of the top of that square body now the the surface didn't go away you could right-click on it and say remove it if you wanted to but honest and then it would go away remove then it will go away we would have that body but I I don't think I normally would do that I don't think that missus maybe in the end if you decide you want to clean everything up but normally I would just leave that there just to the control-z I would leave that there just turn it off now so that's another way now again the cool thing about this history line is that I can right-click on that sculpt and say edit sculpt here okay and I kind of back into this sculpting environment so if I for example and was just at symmetry here if I for example now went in and say let's add at this point let's just make something nice looking like this when I hit finished form that would be completely parametric he converted over to that top of that body there so that was kind of two ways to using the time line to go really with with sculpting at C splines or hope this just kind of like have taught people up to the way to work with this either started out with a styling shape and you can work with it from the beginning that's how you would do a lot of like consumer products but you can also start out with your standard shape and then jump in arm and do it and say a sculpt and kind of implemented in here I've also done it with with other models I was a coffee cup we did where we didn't use replace face but we kind of used the combined tool so there's other livestreams if you if you miss them on that but I wanted to take it one step further and kind of show you one of the ways that you can go from a a saw a model environment to a solid that could be helpful so let me just go back out here to through my projects and I wanted to do it with this air for them now this airfoil here open that up uh this airball here has a long long history on this livestream some of you guys might already be sick and tired of it haha this airfoil started out with a question from one of you guys how do you eat how do you import and create an air force this was a bunch of data points that we turned into a sketch geometry that looks somewhat like this we imported this from a from a a website and we imported kind of like the two different ones and then we use the left to create the this excellent shape of this airplane wing now this this turned into a how to make an airplane rib this turned into the the cool generative design workshop environment and all that stuff but if you wanted to create a a C's this turned into a c-spine shape can you do that you can you can definitely get you can definitely get close so let me show you those different ways and again you know if you're if you're brand new to fusion this might be a lot of information very quickly thrown at you and I kind of apologize you can always rewind on the YouTube right as soon as we're done with the last dream it'll be back up and being a recording and and you can go back and watch it again and if you're still confused once it again have a drink leave a comment and I'll try to try to answer you as fast as I can here's one I want to show you two different ways one trick here with the history line on would be just say iron I'm gonna go in and and say create farm hit OK and we kind of get the same thing as you saw before now if you go in and we say convert like this and we can select that face again and now one thing I wanted to show you is that when you convert a be red-faced into these flying to sculpt you get an opportunity to control how many squares or rectangles you are getting on the model so in this case here how many faces so if I if I add it up in one direction you will see I get kind of like in one direction here there and if I do it on the bottom one down here you will see I get mall on the screen as I do that so be aware of that you can control this creation so the beer app right now is is throwing a blanket over our shape however it comes with a little bit of a warning because when I hit OK to this you might be able to see that there is a little bit of shadows I hope you can see there's a little bit of shadows right here on your screen and you're saying yourself well wait a minute that was not a very good you know conversion well it was maybe not maybe it was that defense we can argue about that part of that part of that friends is coming that like I said earlier that the t-spline of the sculpt environment needs to keep it continuously you know curvature on the model and and that's the rule for T splines or sculpt environment it needs to keep that consistency of a curvature so it will overrule that with with the original shape however there is a really cool tool it has a couple of cool tools first of all you can always go in to modify and say insert edge and if I double click on this edge you will see the green line here you can always add more edges so that's one thing to know about and you can see it's nice to do it did that see how it kind of like folded it worse off in this area let me just go back one on you see the shape here then keep an eye when I insert a internet right here on the green three to look at the shape look right in this area right here when I hit okay see how it changed that's because it's overriding the it's keeping the curvature on that on that c-spine now here's one cool trick modify I've used this before and the pull command and now you can actually pull these parts down towards our solid so now of course the more points you have the more accurate model you're gonna get so I hope you can kind of see how it's pulling you should be able to see it definitely this one it's pulling all these points so now all the points is touching the model okay so that that's giving you a good idea not much is going on top because Alexa probably did a damn good job so this will definitely make sure we get a lot closer onto to that outline you can still kind of see that there so that's one way that we can do this now I'm gonna hit OK to this I'm not gonna finish form right now but I want to show you another thing so let me just go back out here and let me open up this model one more time just not gonna save anything today well let me just exit out of this don't save open this model up one more time because then some people would say okay that's all great but since we're working with T splines and and and we're trying to maybe convert this solid into the solid entity spline why do we even want to care maybe any more about the history that would have a decent point do we need the history don't need the history I would probably keep the history on this one but then again Who am I to say what is right or wrong so what we could do it's gonna show a little bit easier on your model if you right-click we can say no care to design history we talked about that earlier right and if I click on that now I'm be aware if you ever do that you're gonna lose this and you cannot get it back you continue you see that it's gone now if we go back into the sculpt environment we can kind of doing this do the same thing as I did before we can say converge here at and at this case yeah I'm just gonna leave it as fall hit ok now it's now you would like to see the solid in here if I click on the bodies you will see we got the bodies and we got it see spun out let me hide that for a second so we're back to the solid but I like to do in here right-click in appearances and let's get paint glossy paint take it green and drag that over on our t-spline there I hide that on on the solid body let's turn on the t's planets barring grey let's right-click and go appearance is there and let's drag a red one over on that that just makes it a little bit easier to kind of see now we can when we overlay them we can kind of see this and that that shows up perfectly how these two are working kind of like live against each other now I'm gonna hide the solid body do what I did before by adding an edge and I'm just gonna double click and when I double click on that adds I'm select the whole ass that's why I just thought we'll click no you got a double click there you go so now I'm just adding that more to its again turn the the the solid on now it's a little bit easier to see that here is that from the fat but down there it's you can see the train coming through if I went in I did the same thing as before we can we can pull it and you can actually multi select everything if you want to so now you can pull pull everything a little bit closer now of course since this is a a the solid-body here you can you can all other t-spline you can always kind of pull things like this or we could select the edge oops not the hole edits we can select the edge and you can kind of work work that around so this will give you some of that flexibility same way as I did it before with with the timeline down here you can you can add more edges and you can make it refine it and it will get very very close very very close in this conversion by using this convert and use the face one but I wanted to wrap up with one last thing and then hopefully again this is useful and because if I open up remember our artists a here we've been we machined that in one live stream as all the different tool paths on it and I actually provided access to this model here now you could attempted to go in and say okay let's go back into sculpt again you have noticed that I can go into the sculpt because I don't have the the timeline down here you could go in and say convert and with the beer at here but you will notice that the beer app is spirit faces so it's individual faces and that means that well this this becomes it's not really like it's converting the whole model model over we can actually somewhat do them that's why I wanted to wrap up with today now it's not necessarily the perfect workflow and this is maybe where I hopefully can can I can explain this so you're not too confused the things you're seeing instead of fusion are what the name fusion fuse together of different technologies so you got the parametric modeling workspace that we're normally very comfortable with you draw to these cats you exuded out put some holes in it then you got the T spline or the sculpt environment that is another platform another technology that is running so the true was not developed in a linear kind of workflow it was kind of alright so we got the parametric modeling in here and then you know what I would call the inventor or kind of thing and then we had the t-spline technology and let's fuse that together inside of fusion so that's why you cannot just jump from one to the other without like have to work a little bit it's because they're not that was not her car like how they were written but there is ways that you can work around this and one of them is actually and i'ma cancel out of this I'm not gonna do this one of them is actually to to create this solid model into a into a mess because if you're looking at this at the inside of the sculpt environment if you're looking at that convert and the drop down you would see there's three different options in here the first one is how to convert a c-spine into beer ever what I would call a solid model that's where I would normally wanted up like I said in the beginning but we oh this is already a solid model so that's kind of like do we want to do the opposite we talked about beer at faces that's how what we've done up till this point we've converted a face into beer app and then there's one called Claude mess arm into t splines now all this is coming with with some trade-offs ah so so so again this is you know with great power comes great responsibility so you gotta kind of think a little bit about this now notice one thing though this is a quad mess and a quad mess means not a CL see if I convert this to an STL the easiest way to convert this when this solid modeler SEL right-click say save as an STL a specific way to do it but in here you get different options how we find you wanted but eight an STL file we talked about this is triangular mesh try a bunch of different triangles but here we are looking to convert this into a quad mess so the instead of a triangle it needs to be four-sided and we cannot do that inside of fusion yet though out of this do have the technology to do this it used to be called momento back in the day but now it exists inside of a program called recap um I probably need to do a little bit more investigation because of before talk too much about recap but there is a 30-day trial off it and I there's also I think and a basic version but I need to talk to somebody about recap before I talk too much about that here but recap will actually let you convert a STL triangle a mess into a quad mess what is a four-sided mess so if I hit save right here so like um let's say I want to save this as an STL file and you can rename it whatever you want say run scream say that and and hit save now I just saved it as an STL file on my desktop now if I go and hit the open up recap photo load model you will see the here is the STL file I notice that's also our last obj but I'll talk about that in a second I'm gonna open up the STL file and here you see that STL file that we just saved out now here you can go to export and if you go to the export model from recap and I would buy somebody steak dinner if we get this inside of fusion and I would I would be surprised if is one day it's not inside of fusion you can save it out as an obj quartz so that is what we need now here you get a target face count this is one of my complaints about SMS files in general is this whole thing now I decided before this to do it at twenty thousand arm so the highest I can bring in and we know that fusion from all the live streams can bring in fifty thousands so twenty thousand he's safe now when you hit export it does take I had it running on my computer for about I would say I don't think it was ten minutes it was probably five closer to five minutes so it takes a little bit of time so I'm not gonna do that right now that was why I just saved out that obj and you just saw now open up a document anytime you bring in a mess file hit insert and sort of mess and let's select that if we click this one here we'll just bring in the one we just saved this was the converted one bring that and hit OK now I might be camp might be experimenting I should say between converting that in with twenty thousands worth is maybe ten thousands because you can see what happens is that it looked like it really you know it's taking those triangles and turn them into squares and and this is like translating hello dangers to Chinese I mean you know something is gonna have to give in the translation this is definitely not you know super super great compared to the original model had square straight edges you can definitely see here that there is some conversion here on I would probably if I had the time I would have tried to do this into a with the ten thousand seemed a tricky little bit better but you gotta remember that the software just takes triangle or big triangles and trying to convert it down and do that but to the point that in here if I turn off to the do not capture history if you go into the sculpt environment we can now convert and select the quad mess because that is what they have now become and we can select that whole thing and hit OK and that is now a going to be converted over to a HC spline t-spline model right here and that model again now we have 20000 quad mesh that needs to be converted there we go so that might just take a couple seconds but this is now a t-spline model meaning that if I go in here let's let's window select something if I select these right click edit form I can now you know pull this and now we're starting to use definitely some some some computer resources to do this but as you can see this is a this is perfectly legit to to kind of work with with this so um hopefully that was not too much crazy environment or crazy explanation of coming out of this but I just wanted to just make sure that you see that when you're talking about this sculpting a t-spline environment how it can be in the beginning and if you came in a little late maybe just double check it and I know there was some music playing my end music was still playing on apologize so here was an example where we did it from the beginning with the t-spline then there was an example where we kind of like came in with a c-spine afterwards and and made a solid out of that the airfoil kind of you know where you can pull it down and then in the end you do have options to convert you know solids like this into entities flying but it comes with a trade-off if you're trying to do a whole model normally you probably just go in and and and take one or two faces that you need to work with and then do the technique we used here where you either use the replace face or as we've done a couple of live streams using the combine tool that friends that was today's live stream man really appreciate you guys taking the time just gonna see here all right yes absolutely appreciate any type of feedback you have thumbs up if you liked it thumbs down if you don't don't you know leave me a comment a little bit behind on that if you send my email address is down in the description area you're absolutely more than welcome to send me any future topics you would like to see that is actually how I color get inspired to do this if you send me questions because it's all somebody says here you can email me questions I have a hard time keeping up I'm trying in the morning just to kind of like answer the first few I can get to but I read them all and I one day I will catch up that's all I am one day it will happen thank you so much for taking the time I really appreciate it be back tomorrow before I'm heading on my next year the design workshop road tour so hope to see you tomorrow hope you have an awesome day Facebook YouTube really appreciate until tomorrow take care [Music]
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 28,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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