FGHT Dallas: Begotten By The Truth

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man what is broken whatever Amen is broken up with sending it back to on hallelujah system and the doctor Manitoba's hand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is what God did for me hallelujah this is what he did the father looked and he saw a bit so that this [Music] and he gave me [Music] [Applause] I'll tell you I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well an incredible top reserves at incredible plays the whole is anybody in the house excited about the Lord come on translate that excitement for plays oh I see your hands but I can't hear your voices [Applause] the Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so come on [Applause] we're so blessed today to be here in the presence of the Lord I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of our God anybody glad to be here I said is anybody glad to be in the house of the Lord today now look at some managers ask him were you here last name if they say no well [Music] [Applause] if you were here just about it just just tell him about it tell him God came here or he moved [Music] [Applause] I was responding until to something this morning the people that were texted and testified and send in videos and testimonies and clips of this and God did what we asked him to do that so that in turn I'm healed because the word says time feel oh and we praise him today one more time before you take you seat on a thunderous round of applause [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] they can see that they can [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right huggin somatogenic God's been good to me Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] damn reason [Applause] [Music] [Applause] take your seat if you can I'm trying to give you a chance Gus [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh bless His name [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] island just slip your hands right where you're standing [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I don't mean just lip your hands for formality but if you're gonna lip them crazy [Music] yes no oh he's so worried he's so wonderful [Music] hallelujah [Music] Oh oh come on can we just out of the Lord come on everybody holy for His Holy Name oh that's it that's it come on some matted Lester come on aha [Applause] [Music] god bless his home his Harvey okay we said one more thread come on in your body everybody [Music] [Applause] it's hardly this ball in there [Music] thank you Lord make you see them you can [Music] thank you Jesus Oh [Music] he is holy name [Music] oh yes over here now we bless his for Holy Name oh I keep on the word and I promised I wouldn't go he's home holy hallelujah hallelujah water what a mighty God we serve thank you Jesus I bless him today he is he's the center of my jaw he is my everything but I'm just glad to know I'm his child he just honored to be on the Lord's side and I'm so grateful and what the Lord is doing amen in the midst of his people I tell you he's just pouring out his spirit he's touching he's setting the captives free he's doing just what his word promised us he would do and I want you to know today that Jesus Christ is still the same yesterday today and forever whatever he was doing and what we call Bible days he's still doing it now and I really want to tell your Bible days are still here wherever God can find faith on this area he's still doing the supernatural and the miraculous and we preach import' clap your hands in his presence [Music] big man listen last night got swept this place and a man he did so many great things for us and it's just it's a matter of fate I shared with you last night faith only responds to the word faith ignores everything except for the Word of God nothing else matters to fail and if you can believe God it is so not because of how you feel or because of what somebody else says but if you can believe it is so because that's what the Bible has already declared to be your truth get somebody and tell me but there is a word from the Lord and I am a lover of the Word of God I loved and I brought it with me you got yours come on hold that power up today thank God because everything else is going down but the word of what of our God amen I will cover it it's not like their God amen everything is going down but the word of power God the true the Living God the creator of the ends of the earth that does not fail neither gets weary amen that is the God that we serve the book of chains the first chapter amen James chapter number one and I want to call your attention if you would to be 16th 17th and 18th verses that's James chapter number 1 verse 16 17 and 18 amen hallelujah James 1:16 and when you have its Amen the Bible gives us this intelligence do not err my beloved brethren every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning it comes down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning of his own will hear me now begat he us with the word of truth that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures now I told you last night we don't let the word of God go forth and not get excited about what God has said hallelujah let's read that again of his own will begat he us with the word of truth that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures thank you lord I did not ask him to bless the word the word of God is already blessed look at somebody and just tell her neighbor I've been begotten by the truth and that's what I want to talk about today begotten by the truth brothers and sisters as I hasten today we are without question living what has been termed as the age of deception Amen people are being deceived the world over and it seems as if the greater the lie the more people you can get to believe it Amen you got people now that would sooner believe in aliens that would believe in God you got folk that take trips around the world amen trying to catch a picture of the Loch Ness monster whole shows devoted and dedicated to tracking down Bigfoot and got the nerve to say but God is just too out there for me to believe in something like that we are at a point now when things are getting critical and it's up to the believers now to determine what it is that we are going to settle on what it is that we're going to believe how is that we're going to proceed going forward because the truth of the matter is amen we are at a point now where Satan is stupid here's a dad and for those that are really not a rooted and grounded in the truth of the word of God the Bible said even those that stand must beware lest we fall we learn how to hold on to the truth of the word of God regardless to what people are saying and doing all around us the foundation of the deception that we're seeing in the land now is a reception and I want you to know that whenever you read the Word of God because God has given us in the Word of God the word in the world [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so when Pender told me to preach until he said listen do something that weren't for the Federal Reserve said they took them in and then depart the process of train and I believe he said you know when the Federal Reserve start printing money you see whole sheets of dollars just coming off the rollers so they looked at them and they said listen pick one of those and I want you to study it look at it because we're gonna show you holding money you got people those less than one past was talking about the devastation that happened to his church when some false prophet came to town you know what I say I say it's the past is responsibility [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the reason people have been deceived because they have no truth in them they've rejected the Word of God you know at biblical truth is it is defined as that which God says is actual and true if God says it in the word who who are you just say it's not real and it's not true you know what I know the Bible to say the Bible says there is a discrepancy between what a man [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] that's why you ain't even at the point now okay nobody stand on true because lies sounds so appealing well y'all can't wait on me and the devil knows how to fashion a lie until it sounds just like the truth that's what makes him a deceive because he'll have you thinking a way only problem with me is a way that seems right unto a man so to [Applause] [Music] that's why y'all ain't gonna never have nobody over there and you know what gets me thought about this this morning what gets me and somebody will get disgruntled with the word I preached their storm and say stuff like see that don't nobody want to hear that stuff and they just never room full of people but nobody will tell you some brothers and sisters demo would love to make a fool out of you see one thing opossum ever told us he said keep the word keep all of this between you and the people so if I preach it to you it's coming straight out of this then so you can get as mad at me as you own again like that's gonna stop me from reaching you can get angry if every word [Applause] there are no consequences but they are what would happen if allow on the book said don't run that red light but if you do nothing's gonna happen to you some of y'all have problems stopping now just do the rolling stops you know will you come to bat like this ah what would happen if they told you not to break in somebody's house but if you do then go happen what would you not only you cuz what would somebody else that look just like you do if they told you boy y'all gettin quiet here that you could go and rob a store is wrong but if you do don't worry about it they don't prosecute you for that you shouldn't do it but if you do then explain to me what would keep you from going to Walmart and buy your ski mask and short wall but it don't make sense gonna with and and and going to the bank tomorrow morning you know why even people who are not saying don't rob banks because first of all they know it's against the law and second of all because they know there are consequences when you take the consequences away what is the incentive to do the right well y'all way yo-yoing and I get it we do it because we love the Lord but Paul says knowing the terror of God we persuade men into the hands of a living God but if you don't know truth then just because the last sounds good you'll find yourself saying I never thought about that you know what that you know who that is that's somebody that wasn't solid in what they believed I told you when I was in school cuz you know I'm not in school anymore praise the Lord I had a teacher my first semester back or they got to talking about the Holiness Church and what they preached and what they believed and you know I said there and elder she start talking about this in Madden has somebody brought up the fact of the rapture and then tribulation and and then talked about a hail and they as churches even say stuff like that sure churches preach stuff like that sounds so hard it sounds so harsh and see this with the devil won't us to believe that the Word of God is so harsh then we gotta water it down to protect people from God by jogging quiet he's so mean it's up to us to water down the word so then he don't offend nobody and so I sent her a message and I said can we sit down and talk now how do we even go to Starbucks but I said we can meet her star but she said oh I'll be there I walked in I sat down she said who are you I said I'm a pastor I said she said oh well well this class should help you then with an understanding of other faiths that this should benefits you and I said listen I just need you to know [Music] [Music] [Laughter] No [Applause] the devil won't somebody that's been in charge but who's still gullible now y'all got to give me a couple of minutes to preach this cuz I already messed up I I told myself I was gonna try to preach 30 minutes and no more I'll try to get next time because the devil wants somebody gullible like Eve was well y'all gettin quiet now and then he go blaming a woman well the Bible said the man wasn't to see he knew exactly what he was doing the devil winning deceived II and Eve and got over that yet I told you that's why you ask a woman now what you want to eat I don't know I don't know I don't know whatever you Wow she messed up one time and they made a decision yet on what he [Applause] [Applause] where we going to get out the church whatever you feel like I don't know just me something I'm asking you I don't know just tell me what you want at all even got over that mistake yet Satan comes to Eve and I preach this maybe about two months ago he says to Eve did God really tell you you can't eat him no tree in this garden he knows that's not what God said but he embellished to shape her understanding of God and His commandments to say to Eve God don't want you to eat of no tree paints God in a selfish light all of these trees and God won't let you have nothing and I keep telling you the way the devil is getting most people out of the truth is by telling them that they can't do nothing Chah that's bondage now if you notice why he was out there selling your body and sliding up and down poles the devil never said nothing to you y'all getting quiet on me here when you were shooting heroin in your veins and when meth amphetamines was eating your peace out of your head the devil never said nothing when you you [Music] know [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] and what is as long as your church is preaching a true don't be ashamed I got a page and a half to go I just missed out listen listen the devil says to Eve you can nothing and we think that no conversation one sentence then do nothing but when he start talking we see that what the devil said really had an effect on her because when she adds to the conversation she says to him God say we can eat of all these trees except for that one over there he said we can't eat of it and we can't even touch it God never told them not to touch it but what you see is somebody who has listened to the devil's lives long enough until he has convinced her that God is unreasonable and now even though she refused the fact that God said we can't eat a no tree she adds to the fact that God is so petty that not only can we not eat it he won't even let us touch it and that's how some people are after they've been begotten by the truth they started listening to some bats later that have gone back and picked up everything that they once testified that God delivered them from and now they callin back talking to you and here you go well I know it really ain't no sin but that's the way the pastor preached it boy y'all gettin quiet let me hurry up and get out of here but if you know the Word of God is truth and if you have the Holy goes then you ought not have a problem living holy let me say this and I'll just cut it off when I get through sand whatever I must say after I say this here I was reading the other day the Word of God and the Bible says that the letter killeth but the Spirit give it life and and I noticed that people now are just all about the letter they'd gone into Greek and Hebrew and Latin and Portuguese and all these languages and they just quoting scriptures they know the letter got the letter down but the letter killeth it is the spirit to give it life can I tell you what the Lord but the Lord showed me see see we look at the old church and what you're seeing now you're seeing new preachers attacking the old church when the Bible says stand in the ways and see and ask listen listen let's take a lesson from coca-cola years ago coke came out with something I can't even call it a soda it was some and they called it new coke go to the store now and try to find you a new coke you know what happened to new coke when people who knew what coke was supposed to taste like start popping that top they start taking sips of this new coke had to spit it out because this is new stuff don't taste like the real thing [Applause] and then when people started rejecting new coke coca-cola had to go back and almost apologize hey you know what they had to come out with coke classic that's not matter telling we meet the classic holiness holiness holiness [Applause] they're filing the old church and God begin the deal with my heart about the spirit see we know the words written on the page but do we understand the spirit or the intentions of the word see that's what the spirit is the spirit is the intention of the word see that's why they have to start putting emojis in your phone because people are getting mixed up because they couldn't feel the spirit of your text message well y'all getting close and so if you say something and you don't mean no harm you put a laughing face with the tears come in to let them know don't take this the wrong way I'm just being funny cuz if you read your text and it says you make me sick don't call me no more you go well if he like that I'm a black is nothing got it so when I was you have four letters boy y'all can't well it's hard to understand the intention so the ladder can ruin your relationship but when you hear person's voice you can discern oh don't tell me no more hahahahaha then there is no offense because now you understand the intention the reason why people are smarter and dumber at the same time it's because we got the ladder but we act like we don't understand the intentions of the world so that's why people say stuff like show that to me in the Bible boy y'all got Grindr oh you won't is the ladder but can I tell you what the ladder don't say the letter don't say don't jump off the bridge is out there so do you jump because the letter says nothing about jumping off bridges does the Bible say don't stand in the middle of the freeway so is it okay for you to go out there and stand in the middle of the freeway just because the Bible don't say don't do it does the Bible say don't sniff that booger sugar boy y'all gettin quiet now does it tell you not to shoot heroin in your veins so is it okay just because the Papa don't say don't do it but when you understand the doctrine you always say nothing based on the spirit - and so now we don't want that we just want the letter and it's easier to be deceived because the letter killeth let me hurry sin promises a whole lot but romans 7 and 11 says sin deceived me sin made a fool out of me sin had me thinking one way I wanted to find out that really wasn't a proper way to act we did a whole bunch of stuff before we came to the Lord and sin had us thinking we were the life of the party and now that you saved you should have by now gone and he raised a whole lot of that junk you had on Facebook from when you were in the club you know when your highs were real a little bit like this old things should have done passed away now all them pictures with you with them $10 rings sitting on the table you should have gotten rid of all of that because you understand the deceitfulness of sin and if sin deceived you like that why would you want to encourage somebody else into that way of deception and so he says listen we've just talked about temptation how it was you that the devil works with he said but I don't want you to err and think that that type of temptation to fall came from God he said no only good and perfect things come from above God didn't give you that stuff he didn't encourage you in that way only good and perfect things come from about and they come from the Father of lights he wants you to be knowledgeable reasonable and he wants you to have revelation so that you know what is right and proper to do and he says with God there is no variableness that means he doesn't switch from day to day he does not change he does not vacillate neither in his shadow of turning if there's something different and if somebody changed he said it wasn't God it was you but he says I want you to know it was of God's own will that you were begotten of the truth he chose you and it took the truth according to raw what does that st. John 8:32 and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall what shall make you free it was the truth that liberated you that removed the shackles it was truth that rebuked that addiction that you had had for many years it was the shoe that picked you up out of degradation and gave you respect for yourself again it was nothing but the truth that brought you to where you are begotten of the truth so we would be a sort of firstfruits that don't necessarily only mean that there are others but the first fruit was that which was holy and consecrated and dedicated to God that we because of the truth that he's given us would be dedicated to God that we would serve Him in sincerity and in truth I want you to stand the book of proverbs says that it is our responsibility to buy the truth and sell it not buy the truth but don't sell the truth for anything it's not hard to be deceived all you have to do is reject the truth that's all hear the word of God walk away from it and say truth ain't truth and the only thing left to turn to is a but he says that word is truth every word that he writes between these covers constitute the truth and today it doesn't matter what all is being said out there it's a whole lot being discussed but it's gonna take the truth to strengthen you and to empower you to stand it is a solid foundation there's nothing as strong as the truth and maybe today you've been living according to the lie the devil did you like Eve he promised you a whole lot of stuff and you didn't even realize that what he was promising you if you had to just live for the Lord God already said he's gonna give to you what do you mean you're gonna be like God they were already made in His image how much bought like God can you be yeah in his image but because of their rejection of the truth of God's Word even when God says the day that you eat that you're gonna die the devil says to Eve don't listen to God you're not gonna die Eve said huh I never thought about it like that that's all it took the deceiver God said don't eat it don't touch it lest ah you ain't gonna die wow I never thought about it like that is that all it took for somebody to rebut what God has said all it takes is for somebody to call you back and say I don't live like that no more and I'm still saying that's all it takes if Eve had known that that one decision was going to affect a family the way it did if she knew that because of that one decision one of her sons was going to kill the other one if she had known the fullness of the consequences of that one decision do you believe Eve would have said give me that fruit that's my Roman 7 and 11 tells us sin deceived me and somebody has sin deceived you but I want you to know you can be begotten today by the truth he can bring you back and make you a son or a daughter again every head bowed every eye closed if there's one here in this house that's not saved you don't know the Lord I want you to come I don't care what anybody says it's still gonna take the truth to set you free a line never did nothing for nobody but make them feel comfortable on their way to hell that's all just because you believe that light don't mean you're going to heaven that just means you feel comfortable on your way to hell but today the Lord loves you he loves you in a real way he's calling you out of that seat come on young man come young lady come that's it they're coming somebody else needs to be at this altar come on sin deceive me but brother Herman today I'm ready to turn it over to the Lord come on they're coming that's it step out of better roll get to this altar come on that's it for now man oh my a wonderful a wonderful change is there another come come on he can set the captives free he can change a whole life young lady come young man come on I'm tired of the enemy making a fool out of me I'm tired of being wishy-washy come too old to be this unstable come on if you need a brand new start today he'll give it to you that's it if you're afraid I want you to grab somebody's hand and ask them if they'll walk you this way they'll grab your hand and walk it to this altar but when you come you got to stand by yourself come on he loves you dos [Music] they're still coming come on come on that's it come on thank you Jesus Thank You Lord today is a good day to spot all over again it's not too late you can come that's it that's it [Music] come on I need you to pray with these at this altar [Music] that's it [Music] oh come on [Applause] come on come on that's it come unto me all ye that Labour [Music] and I'll give you rest to it today Jesus do it Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 13,605
Rating: 4.8616352 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 42sec (5142 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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