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say look at somebody and tell that neighbor there is a word from the lord look at somebody else and tell them neighbor there is a word from the lord amen how many of you believe the bible to be the infallible word of god i trust that if you're saved and a child of god at all you find no fault no issues with the pages of his word it's through the word of god that we're cleansed it's through the word of god that we are kept it's through the word of god that we reach a fool and a right understanding of who god is and what his desire for this hour is because god has expectations of us as children of god and it's only in the pages of his word that we find out what god's expectations really are of us you know many people are living beneath the standard that god ordained and even living beneath their privilege because they do not understand with a right understanding what is contained in the pages of god's word do you understand that everything you need to be healed everything you need to prosper everything you need to be anointed everything you need to come out of your trouble is contained right here in the pages of his word it's only when you fail to operate under the anointing and under the authority of the word of god that the enemy can really overcome you and overtake you you know there are some people that should have had the victory but they didn't know the word of god and if you don't know the word of god you don't know the victory that god has ordained for you jesus fought the devil and he didn't fight him with his hand he didn't fight him with a lot of cute sands you know uh you hear preachers now and they got everything that rhymed i mean they notes got every rhyming word in the dictionary before water was wet jesus was there before uh this happened before oh listen here oh that's real good but when the devil come you can't rhyme the devil away from you you better know some word look at y'all ain't saying nothing here i said when the devil show up you better know some word cause the word of god is the only thing that makes the devil behave those of you have your bibles i trust every soldier has a sword come on hold that power up in the air thank god thank god for all of our young people that's carrying their bibles thank god for you amen amen the sooner you get into it the better off you will be the book of mark chapter number five verse number one i'm gonna preach for a minute here saint mark's gospel chapter number five verse number one when you have it say man the bible gives us this intelligence they came over unto the other side of the sea into the country of the gallerines and when he was come out of the ship immediately they met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains because that he had often been bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the feathers broken into pieces neither could any man tame him it always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw jesus a for oath he ran and worshipped him and cried with a loud voice and said what have i to do with the jesus thou son of the most high god i share thee by god the thou torment me not look at the devil has a verbal prayer to god that jesus does not take this opportunity to torment me isn't that strange to hear a demon say i adjourn thee by god that thou torment me not even the devil said it's my prayer and i pray to god that you don't torment me i don't care how bad you are you recognize the power that is god for he said unto him come out of the man thou unclean spirit and he asked him what is thy name because because the ancients believe that the real power of a demon was in his ability to conceal his name but once his name was known he had no more power jesus says to the demoniac he looks at him and he talks to the spirit on the inside of him and he asks the demon what is thy name hear what the demon says and he answered saying my name is legion it's i'm going on for we are many one man is talking but there are many voices coming out of him at the same time he's answering jesus one man but he's sounding like a choir he says my name is legion and they all begin to say through one man's vocal cords we are mindy something other worldly is taking place he was sought him much that he would not send them away out of the country and there was nigh onto the mountain a great herd of swine feeding and all the devils besought him saying send us into the swine and we may enter into them we know we got to come out of this man but just don't send us out of the country there's wine over there let us go into them and forthwith jesus gave them leave the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea they were about 2000 and were choked in the sea this man has a problem he is not just angry he's not just sick this man is demon possessed you'd be surprised how many how many christians you have now that don't believe in real true genuine and bona fide demon possession i think it's an ailment of the mind when an individual goes crazy or he would become what they would call a lunatic he just lost his mind but according to scripture there are those who are actually and in reality demon possess and that's what i want to preach about tonight just look at somebody and ask them a question just ask them neighbor are demons real or are demons real are they real do are there really people walking around full of demonic power are there really people in this world now who have a real issue and the issue is of the nature that medicine can't really do anything about you know what i have come to know about a devil you can't medicate a demon out of nobody you cannot counsel a demon out of nobody you know there was a movie out years ago scared us have to death called cybill civil went to her grandmother's funeral as a little girl her mother took her around to view the body and forced her to lean over and kiss her grandmother's dead body and immediately sybil got what you call a dissociative disorder to where now there were seven and eight and nine and ten different people inside a civil and civil could be talking to you in one voice and all happy yeah i love it and before you know it see each other what are you looking at and the counselor would sit there and say well now who am i talking to now this is right there no this is jennifer this is rebecca this is promise get me out of here no it's not it's it's me and we said could have been dissociative disorder but sybil was demon possessed you got to be careful because i know people now that are changed on a diet laugh in one minute and you turn right back around and they're crying like they've been crying all the time something might be going on on the inside of the what the demons come from where where do they do they come from according to the pages of scripture angels were created the bible says innumerable which means that they really have no number that we as humans could ever stand and count we we could not stand and count them god created them what we call innumerable so now we understand there to be between seven and eight billion people alive on the face of the earth now we can count to seven or eight billion but he says the angels are innumerable which means that there would have had to have been more than 8 billion angels created the book of isaiah chapter number 14 i believe it starts right around verse number 12 he talks about lucifer how that he was the chair of that covering the bible says that every precious stone was his covering can you imagine now in the colors of his wing where every color in the rainbow and all around him were jewels and precious stones to reflect the glory of god and that's what it is you know what a diamond is you know the real value of a diamond it's in the way it reflects the light that hits it and that's what lucifer was lucifer was a reflector of the glory of god that's why the bible says he was covered with jewels because jewels reflect the glory of god it reflects the light but the bible says that iniquity was found in him the bible says that he was built with instruments and pipes in him theologians say i don't know how they would have found that out but they say he had pipes built in his throat and that he could sing the lead and the background and play the organ out of his throat at the same time but because he was so beautiful and because he was a reflector of the glory he wanted the glory to come from him so that all of the praise all of the worship would then come and flow and funnel in his direction and the bible says iniquity was found in him the bible said there was a war in heaven lucifer now this is what you have to understand because you have people now that stand up and challenge the devil let him come on devil come on it's me and you let's fight i dare you to come i don't listen you better stop all that amen because he's already been where you trying to go he know a whole lot more than you give him credit for the bible says that he convinced one-third of the heavenly hosts one-third of angels in numerous sided with him and actually believed they could overthrow god listen to this he convinced angels who were already in the presence of god to rebel you ain't never been to heaven but he was so cunning that he convinced people who were already in heaven they were already behold in the face of god worshiping god and he convinced them to follow up to him and the bible says one third of the angels fell from heaven and i asked the question sometime what about that angel that was sitting on the sideline that hadn't made up his mind to the last minute and just decided to stay on god's side now these fallen angels have lost the glory that they once had now their worship for god has turned into hatred for god and hatred for anything and anybody that's made in his image so what are you saying brother herman i'm telling you the devil is not your friend the devil wants to destroy your life brother herman you don't tell me how they became the demons that we know today what can you show me as proof of their existence today look at all this robbing and rape and murder and molestation you know it got to be a demon inside of a man that make him take a little boy or a little girl and put him behind a dumpster or kidnap him and take him and put him in the basement and rape him repeatedly it's nothing but the work of the spirit you know it's a demon when a child would take a shotgun and go kick the mama's door here shoot her and daddy in the bed then go to his sister's room and kill everybody in the house this is the work of a demon spirit yes sir all of these things let you know that demons are still in the land today and you remember a few years ago now one thing you've got to understand about a demon is that it is a disembodied spirit in other words a demon does not have a physical body no he is what you would call a disembodied spirit he is a personality that is looking for something or somebody that he can go inside of and possess now granted he would love to possess a human but even from our text we see he's not above possession and animal a few years ago you remember the stories in the news all in this area and around the country pit bulls started going crazy y'all remember that they were just going ballistic and right out in fort worth they had a story having a pit bull bit through a chain link y'all remember that bit through a chain link fence couldn't stop him we heard stories how they were shooting them and they kept on coming oh god look at you ain't saying nothing here and everybody wanted to know what's going on with these dogs the devil is not beyond possession an animal if there is nobody there available for him to possess let's look at this story the bible says jesus comes into the coast of the gallery gets out of the ship and immediately there meets him a man out of the tombs with an unclean spirit in other words this man was demon possessed god and the ancients believed that demons hung around dirty and filled their things which would all god and they believed that that's what demons hung out and it only happened that they did their best work at night and they even had a saying now that anybody that goes out into the night with a lantern is only caught in trouble because the devil's out there at night trying to get you yeah but this man is in the tombs y'all and i don't know about you but i don't like to go to cemeteries during the daytime it's just something when you drive through the gate it's just something don't feel normal in the cemetery and anybody that feels comfortable in the cemetery something got to be wrong on the inside when you go through the gate just seem like somebody's watching you look at your ain't talking now you don't go to the cemetery to have picnics and you're going all to celebrating all we don't go to simmer look at y'all getting quiet here i don't heard about people who go out with a lawn chair and put it right next to the grave with their loved one and sit there and have conversations and drink tea and now listen something wrong anybody hanging out in a cemetery needs some help but this man felt comfortable in the cemeteries look at y'all getting quiet here the bible said not only was he comfortable being among the tombs and the bad people ah but this man found comfort in cutting himself with stones and with rocks he was tormented in his mind this man was in the tombs can't you see him now all night long howling like a wolf going from one tombstone to the next one stone picking up a rock here picking up a stone there and cutting himself till he bled something is wrong with this man this man finds comfort in the cemetery jesus steps out of the ship and immediately the power of god in jesus life gets that demon's attention and he comes and he kneels down and he says i assure thee by god what right does this demon even have to bring god into his vocabulary what would god do for a demon but he says please i drew thee by god you godly have godly mercy on me ah don't torment me before my time because jesus looks at him and says come out of this man and let me say this now oh god you can't play around with no demon spirit you can't insult no demon out of nobody look at y'all ain't saying nothing here and all the demon spirits don't care nothing about you try to hurt their feelings as long as you in that type of spirit he ain't coming out no way never you ain't nothing bring your ugly ship out of here look at you shut up you ain't none brother whip now listen here if he was god that much of a will he ran when you first called him but that devil is standing and look at you in your face and tell you you ain't got no power over me jesus i ain't playing with you come out of this man [Applause] and the demon spirit begin to talk to jesus jesus says what is thy name understand this jesus did not ask him because jesus didn't know i believed that this was a lesson that jesus was teaching his disciples anytime jesus asked a question it's not that he don't already have the answer but that's something that he's trying to get you to understand and the lesson here was this man was not acting of his own accord there was something in him and it wasn't just one he says my name is legion why is your name legit he says for we are many jesus says come out of him now listen to what the devil does the devil begins to try to compromise he says listen don't send us out of the country do you know the devil don't mind coming out of the daughter if he know he can just go and get in the sun he don't mind just don't send him out of the country he don't mind coming out to daddy if he can get in the mama just don't send him out of the country jesus looks at him and the devil says listen send us into the swine jesus says go and immediately 2 000 pigs begin to act real strange and the bible says they ran down the cliff and choked themselves in the sea you know why the devil choked the pigs because it was his intention to choke that man and he did to them what he wanted to do to him the devil is out to destroy your life brother herman what is the devil's job his job is to keep you from obtaining that place in god that god has called you to be his job is to destroy you that's what the devil wants to do the devil wants to destroy your life uh brother herman you don't understand child out here i'm just not ready to be saved right now you are taking a dangerous chance on not being able to make it back because the devil's not going to be satisfied hurting you the devil won't destroy you [Music] the devil even wants to make you sick want to afflict your body with all type of issues and helmets not only that the devil wants to depress you he wants to hurt you and let me say this the devil even wants to pull you back from following after god he don't care nothing about you being saved tonight just as long as there's hope of you not being saved tomorrow see we feel like because we save and just because we're on the lord's side now the devil said ain't no using trying to bother them oh no no listen the devil wants to push the right button and get you to the point where now you turning around and walking away from god and listen to me if you on the fence tonight you better be very very very careful because the devil wants to pull you right back out there he almost got you the first time and he's not happy that he lost you but if he ever gets you again if you ever give him a second chance to do what he wanted to do the first time there were no guarantees for you the devil wants to kill you he killed 2 000 swine because that's what he wanted to do to this man this man was cutting himself and bleeding all night he was restless wearing his body down and jesus hadn't shown up this man would have died in the state he was in are demons real yes and they are active in the land today the devil even wants to get you to the point to where now you can't even trust in god ah thank you jesus wants to bring you to the point now to where you're fearful and this is where so many people are right now just fearful oh god and when i asked the question of demons real and told you to ask your neighbor this inside of a lot of you something hit you at the top of your head how are god and some in you started to tremble because you don't mind hearing about blessings but something in there tells you i don't want to know nothing about the devil oh god if you talk about him you're talking him up but guess what if you don't say nothing about him he's going to show up anyway you better know you got the power he wants to bring the fear over you some of you can't walk around your own house scared the devil gonna jump out from around the corner oh god could i preach here the devil got you so tormented if you are saved and can't sleep oh god y'all ain't saying that here unless every light on in the house running up your electric bill then they got something has to worry about complaining that you ain't got enough money left over it's because the devil's bringing a spirit of fear your way oh god y'all ain't saying nothing here you trying to go to sleep before the sun go down cause something about nighttime just bothers your spirit the devil got you in a state of panic and a state of fear how you gonna be fearful with the holy ghost oh y'all ain't saying nothing how you running scared and you got the holy ghost in you you mean you ain't got no more power than that than to change the whole way you live just because the devil threatened you oh thank you jesus i hated my spirit now some of you sitting right up in here you got to be honest with yourself if i don't know nothing else i know what god's saying you got to be honest with yourself yeah god you used to could get on your knee and pray to god but now you got to lay in the bed and pray to god cause the devil threatens you and told you when you was on your knees he was standing behind you look at y'all ain't saying nothing here i know i'm talking to you god hit me hey man you used to get on your knees and talk to god you could pour yourself out before god but now you got to get in the bed and you got to turn over and put the covers up over your head just to pray to god because the devil's threatening you and he's putting it on your mind there's a devil behind you but listen to him i don't care if he is standing behind jesus said behold i give unto you power over all the power of the devil and if he is standing there what are you going to do to you for god because he plans what prayer is at no other time in your life why you're closer to god than you are right then [Applause] that's the one time the devil don't want to show up when you in connection with god the devil wants to bring about a spirit of fear god's escape scared to pray with people cause you don't know if someone's gonna jump off are you gonna be a minister scared to pray with somebody hold on let me go over here and get my partner hold on let me go over here and get them you scared to pray with folk because they look like some in them and you saw god look at y'all getting quiet now walking up to you on the street saying i'm hearing voices i need you to pray with me wait a minute hold on just stand right here god i want to work and work in you let me see hold on stay right there hey y'all he want to be safe oh listen you ain't got nothing cause if he want to be saved he needs to be saved right then how are you going to have power in your life how you got the holy ghost and scared to pray for people scared to lay hands on him the devil is a liar jesus said behold i give you wow [Applause] and you better know you got some power you better know boys show up you got some power oh god i dare say the reason why some folks care to pray with people because they know they really don't have what they've been pretending to have you better know it before it happened that you have the power of god in your life because that's the only thing that the devil recognizes you don't recognize your big talk because you know you just got some folk that talk like a preacher i said come on out right now i said come on now devil i adjure thee now in the name of jesus christ behold i say unto you come on out i say listen here it takes more than sounding like a preacher i don't care if your horse and ain't got no voice you better open up your big mouth and say in the name of jesus i command you to come out i don't mean tomorrow i don't mean next week i mean come on now somebody tell them neighbor he gave me power [Applause] the power of god in my life power over all the power of the enemy oh god i think that what the bible says is that what the bible said he said behold i give you power over not some of them y'all he didn't try to give you power over most he said behold i give you power over all the power of the enemy touch somebody and ask him david do you really have that power oh look at y'all ain't saying nothing here i said look at your name and ask him do you really have that power cause if you really got that power you can tell the devil to get out of here and the devil's got to go i'm talking about real holy ghost power if you got the holy ghost power you can lay hands on the demon and you ain't even got to know his name you don't know my name i don't want to know your name all i want to know is do you recognize the name of jesus cause that's the name of jesus at the name of jesus every tongue shall conflate god jesus [Applause] they shall confess that jesus yes jesus is the lord oh no i don't have to know that the devil know my name look at y'all ain't saying nothing here that's what the devil asks you sometimes who are you it don't matter who i am y'all ain't saying nothing here all you need to know is that i'm a child of god and god says this shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon y'all god i feel like god said you got the power [Applause] to cast out devils you got the power to cast them out you have the power oh thank you jesus to do something about the situation sometimes you ain't gonna be able to get in touch with the man of god sometimes you ain't gonna be able to get your partner on the phone look at y'all he's saying nothing here sometimes you won't have a bible in your hand but if you got power in your heart you can open your mouth and if the devil don't recognize nothing else he recognizes the authority that god gave you open your mouth and declare deliverance jesus said i command you to come out now [Music] and you know it takes power mother paulie it take power to tell the devil to go and he got to get out of here oh no it takes power that's what it's going to take in this hour because i'm convinced now we got more demons walking around the streets of america than we ever had before some of y'all keep voting for him you keep that up you're going to get on my nerves stop with these demons in office passing demonic laws somebody needs to meet them in the chambers and say can i have a word with you get back to shake their head and say in the name of jesus i command deliverance to take place we all have the responsibility of the great commission he said they shall cast out devils this man had 2 000 or more it could be that they just ran out of pigs the bible never said there was one demon for every pig he just said there were 2 000 swine so it could have been they ran out of pigs before they ran out of demon look at y'all getting quiet here the bible never said he only had 2 thousand but we know that he at least had two thousand and can you imagine jesus talking to this man and the disciples standing there and when he opens his mouth out of one mouth and out of one body comes 2 000 voices at one time and anybody who's ever been around people who were casting devils out they'll tell you that a devil has a way of talking to you that if you ain't got no real power he'll either scare you half to death or convince you that you don't have what it takes to cast him out first thing the devil want to tell you you don't have the power oh but if you got to tell them you're alive you'll lie we'll see in just a little while who really got the power look at y'all ain't saying nothing here first thing he want to do is convince you that you don't have the power first thing the devil does oh god could i preach here he want to convince you that you are not able or qualified to cast this devil out he'll tell you you ain't no preacher you are not the man of god i may not be the man of god but i'm a man of god and it don't take away from the fact that jesus said if i resist you god which means to put up a defense that you got to get out of here why is it that the devil's coming right up in some churches and still walking out [Applause] a friend of mine told me i was sitting in this house when he told me this he said brother herman i got to the point where i wasn't where i used to be in god kind of slacked up wasn't living like i knew to live still call myself saved he said but i just kind of really just got relaxed in my salvation it's as a woman comes into the church demon possessed the man down front began to lay hands on her and that demon would come on out i said come out now and he told me the woman right in the church service said i'm not coming out i promise you i'm not coming out because none of y'all here can cash me out she said because nobody fast and pray in this church and she said and i mean the pastor on down. he told me he stood up to go down front to help them pray this devil out and god spoke to him and said don't go he sat back down and he said well you know i'm a prayer warrior i'm used to doing stuff like this and he said again he got up and god spoke to him and god said don't go i know i'm not where i should be but but i mean i do have some experience in this area so he got up anyway now this is what he told me he says i went down front and i got down on my knees because the woman was laying out like she was asleep down front now you know it's a shame when the devil can go to sleep and all you're supposed to have all this power surrounding him and he laying there like he unconscious can't hear word god no no no so he said he got down on his knees he leaned over and laid hands on the woman and said devil i bind you and i command you to come out right now he told me that woman opened her eyes turned her head and looked him dead in his face and even though he never met her before she called him by his name he said chills went all over me he said that demon spoke house and called his name if his name was johnny and it ain't johnny that devil said johnny i'm gonna kill you and when i get through i'm going to your house at so and so so-and-so and i'm gonna kill your wife susan then i'm gonna kill your son johnny jr and i'm gonna kill your daughter rebecca and your other daughter marion he said that devil called everybody in his family's name and when he got up from there they had to let the woman get up and leave church still no deliverance on the way home he said he felt some riding in the car with it he was afraid to even go home because he felt like if he went home he was going to take whatever was in the car with him to his house and the devil was really gonna kill his family you better know you have the power you better know you have some real power in your life and this is why let me say this and i'm hurrying to close this is the reason why if you say you better stay safe [Applause] if you got the holy ghost you better keep the holy ghost look at y'all and saying nothing here that's the only defense you got the devil don't recognize what you used to have what he want to know is do you have power now [Applause] you got some folk backsliding they went all the way out but they going and they know it and too scared to stop themselves you know the warning signs you know what to look for when you're on your way out you don't get out before and you know what to look for you know when you lose the desire to do the things of god you on your way back out i wonder about people who used to sit down front every night and now they sitting in the middle and next week they'll be sitting in the back and the week after that they'll be in the risers and a few days later they'll be back out there in the world the devil wants you to take a step back and i'll prove it turn your bibles matthew 12 43. matthew 12 43 you know what the bible says the bible says when the unclean spirits going out of a man he walked through dry places seeking rest and finding none then he said i will return into my house from whence i came out you got to be careful just because he came out don't mean he's through with you but i went down there and i know the devil i'll try i knew i had the devil in me and i'm so glad to be said that don't mean he's through with you the bible says when he comes out he'll walk through dry places seeking rest and when he can't find none he says i'm going back to my house he still considers you his property devil's still looking at you i don't care you shouting in church the devil's sitting right up on the sideline just looking waiting for you to start backing up because for every inch you go back he's taking a foot forward and he'll be invading your space in no time at all then he says i will return into my house from whence i came out and when he is come he findeth it empty swept and garnished uh oh you got saved you got cleaned but now you're backing up now you haven't left the church house but you're no longer really a part of the church so he comes back to somebody and tell the neighbor be careful because this kind comes back tell them tell them be careful you got to be careful because this kind comes back you you got to watch that you got to watch it now i don't care how you say it now you better stay safe because you can backslide and it don't mean you're going to stay devil free you got to be careful because this kind will come back he finds it swept clean garnished furnished everything's in order but nobody's home then go with he and take it with himself seven of the spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and hear what the bible says the lord spoke to me about this about a year and a half or two years ago and the last state of that man is worse than the first even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation the bible said if you backslide then the devil will go and you know what you were bound by before you got saved you know how you was messed up before you got changed the bible said the devil is coming back [Applause] but this time he don't want to let you go so what he's going to do is go and find seven other spirits worse than he was because if it took you all that trouble to get rid of him you really gonna have a hard time getting rid of eight of them and seven were worse than the one you had originally and god says the last state of that man is worse than the first and i'll tell you what the lord told me about a year and a half ago i was praying with people and sometimes you have to watch this folk that ride the altar call every time you turn around the same one down at the altar being say the same one just keep coming back and keep coming back and keep coming back listen here you better get saved and stay safe because you can get demon possessed riding this whole time and i was talking to the lord one day about certain individuals who just kept coming and kept coming and kept coming you're always saying nothing here and everything oh god oh god could i really say this and every time you be surprised oh god they could backslide five times a year and every time they come back it's a demon in them you gotta wrestle with and cast out and i have to talk to god about that you know what the lord told me says until they are serious about getting saved and staying safe don't pray for them no more [Applause] i don't care if they come to the altar if they're not serious and if their mind is not made up to get saved and stay safe i don't care how the devil is crying out of them how he's revving and tearing them in half god said don't pray for them until their mind is made up to go all the way with god because if you cast the devil out today and they go back tomorrow the bible says they are worse off ain't that what that's what the bible says they're worse off than they were he says if you got your hand in god's hand keep it there don't you go back on guard don't you backslide don't you walk away from god if you feel yourself going back you better get some more strength if you feel yourself slipping you better get some more strength cause the devil is out for the kill and if he almost killed you the first time he won't stop until he succeeds this next time real quick i want you to get saint mark 9 17 and i'm through mark 9 17 one of the multitude answers said master i've brought unto thee my son which has a dumb spirit and whatsoever he taketh him he teareth him and he formeth and answered with his teeth and pinette the way speak unto thy disciples that they should cast them out and they could not and they answered him and said oh faithless generation how long shall i be with you how long shall i suffer you bring him unto me they brought him unto him and when he saw him away the spirit tear him and he fell on the ground and while it formed and he asked his father how long is it ago since this came unto him and he said of a child and of times it had cast him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him this devil was trying to get this boy to commit suicide and sometimes you see it right there and don't recognize it when you see young people out there carrying guns just every time you look around they're in a gunfight that's the devil in them trying to destroy them picking fights with everybody every club they go in they getting thrown out because they're in there fighting and trying to stab and shoot the people out that's the devil trying to destroy him because he want them to believe they can't no bullet really hurt them but he wanted to find out after it's too late that they can die too like everybody else but if thou can just do anything have compassion on us jesus said if thou cannot believe all things are possible to him to believe and straightway the father of the channel cried out and said with the lord i believe help thou mind unbelief when jesus saw the people came running together he rebuked the foul spirit said unto him thou damn and death spirit i charge thee come out of him and enter no more into him and the spirit cried and ran him sore and came out and he was as one dead and so much that many people said he is dead but jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arrows this boy was demon possessed the devil was trying to kill him the devil wanted to destroy this boy's life like he wants to destroy yours are demons real yes demons are real oh maybe a couple of a couple of years ago but i remember this it was the night that we had the musical here at the church uh young man came to a friend of mine's house and to conduct some business and he says you know i'm on my way to church right now he said what should you go he said i'm on my way if you want to come why don't you come because the man began to tell him about everything that was going wrong in his life he said come on and go with me and and he brought him here and i was in the sound booth back to him and he came over to meet me he said this is reverend herman murray jr he said this is this is mr song so he just came to the musical with me i'm telling you you got to be ready anytime in any place that was a concert wasn't even a regular service i never forget the soul harvest choir was up singing and the young man reached his hand out to shake my hand and when i shook it seemed like he was trying to break every bone in my hand he said well he want to be saved i said well all right take him to the prayer room i'll be and then just a minute because we were still taking care of the concert and i was handling something and so brother archery went in there adrian archer was there uh brother fred tipperdo he was in there and and so when i came when i came to the door and when i looked in he's on the wall and i hear brother hatred saying i bind you right now demon come out of him hold your peace i said well great god so we came in there and the young man was there i mean he was in all of his glory the devil was just in him and all of a sudden you saw his whole body just tense up and you're laying hands on him and you're grabbing him by the horn and all of a sudden his body felt like it was one big rock he was in there talking to him and praying with him he fell on the ground ugh started trying to wrestle with us and trying to grab our hands brother i just said get your hands off of me and he took it off went back to trying to wrestle with us but i just said we're not wrestling with you we don't cast demons out with physical power we don't wrestle against flesh and blood i'm not wrestling with you i said come out that's the problem we trying to wrestle with him and we feel like if we lay hands on them hard and squeeze their head that means we got a lot of power you don't cast devils out with physical power he opened his mouth and said you can't cast us out he says we're too many we begin to pray with him brother doctrine brother fred will tell you right then blood just began to come out of his forehead just blood i mean just just little speckles of blood began to show up right on his forehead and his eyes turned a bloodshot red and he got up in our face and he's looking at us trying to intimidate us and i took the bible and it to luke 10 19 behold i give you power he laying on his face by this time he didn't see what in the world we were doing i put the bible on his back and he got up like a football player and charged us oh i'm trying to tell you demons are real we're praying with him and the lord began to show me some of the things that he was bound by and i began to tell him what the lord was showing me you got this type of spirit in you god says you've been attaching yourself to pornographic material and there's a sexual demon and when i said that he looked we began to pray with him the lord spoke to us and said ask him does he really want to be delivered we stopped praying looked at him and said do you really want to be delivered the problem is we knew we had power so if we know we got power why is this devil still in there because there must be a desire to be delivered i know i got power brother actually no he has power but a fred know he has power so if all of us got power why this demons still in that because this man did not have a real desire to be delivered he looked at us and said he just couldn't let the women go he wasn't ready he wasn't ready to walk away from some of that other stuff and this man got up and walked out with no real deliverance you got to be careful those of you in the house of god with your hand in god's hand you got to be careful remember apostle miles was casting the devil out some of you heard it cast the devil out of a boy people in the church he said had gotten to the point to where they didn't believe in all of that so god told him you got to let these people see this so they'll believe and know that this is real possibiles looked at that boy he asked the demon he said how long have you been in now the demon said i know he used to preach the boy was a preacher from an early age and backslid the demon spoke out he said i've been in here ever since that night he backslid in church the demon told him he said i was here that night i was standing right on the side of the church and i saw him when he backslid and i got him right there he says if you cast me out now he said you better keep him here at church because if he walk outside of those doors i'ma kill him because i told him not to come up here and ask for prayer then the devil began to try to compromise if you don't cast me out if you leave me alone then i won't go out there and bother none of them in the congregation let me have him and i won't bother none of them out there possibly cast that demon out of him and the devil said i'm coming back and that's what i'm telling you if you're delivered stay delivered amen if you got your hand in god's hand you better keep it right there because demons are real and the devil don't want to hurt you the devil wants to destroy you he wants to get you to the place to where now you're helpless you've walked away from god so god can't help you and he want to get you back out there so he can finish what he started the first time are demons real yes they're real but guess what deliverance is real too [Applause] are demons real yes but so is real deliverance and i don't care what it is you're bound by god can and will deliver you he's done it so many times before i don't see why he wouldn't do it now if you on the fence and you recognize all the signs of you going back and you're too scared to stop yourself you better stop yourself you better hold up now god wants to keep you in the center of his care i want you to stand i don't want anybody to walk because that's what the devil do he gets you to walk you
Channel: 214mrobjy
Views: 99,696
Rating: 4.7825103 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 5sec (3905 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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