FGHT Dallas: The Second Death

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any car we serve or angels pouty [Music] [Music] there's a phrase that ought to be winging through your lips [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus anybody glad to be in the house of the Lord tonight I said are you glad to be in the house of the Lord tonight has the Lord been good to you is he a keeper do you wanna be kept then come on and bless it one more time what a mighty God we serve we're so blessed to be here tonight so blessed to see all of you amen in the Fellowship of the saints this is Tuesday night mothers bring your daughters fathers bring your sons and let's worship the Lord together I know you enjoy it brother Howard tonight come on clap your hands for him thank God a man for the word that we have already heard in this place and you know I want you to look around this is a room full of blessed people God has certainly been good to us why don't you take a moment just go shake somebody's hand hug somebody and tell them you love them with the love of the law [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes sure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sure [Music] Oh hallelujah Oh Oh your way down somebody just say you're easy to love yeah god bless you yes you are hallelujah glad to be in the number need to be where the Saints are you know the Bible says we have an inheritance in how inheritance is among them then sanctified just glad to be a man in the number one more time amen I don't take this lightly yeah we're always honored whenever God gives us a chance to come together in fellowship amen enjoy the testimony tonight enjoy the song Amen enjoyed them let the redeemed of the Lord say so amen I enjoyed seeing the Saints fellowship in just now it's just Amen always a pleasure to be in the presence of our God tonight amen this is Tuesday night amen we come together on Tuesday night amen to learn mmm the ways and the word of the Lord we need to know what it is God is saying about us amen saying about the power in which were living amen because these are the last days time is winding up the man-things are almost over and whether people believe it or not amen don't change the fact that it's a reality hey man soon and very soon we are going to see the king and I know what people say we've been hearing that a long time well I'm telling you tonight you're closer now but you were when you first heard it a man he's coming that he's coming soon he says no man knows the day nor the hour they manage you know people hold to that you try to hope and prove that we roamed the Bible said he'll give us signs that we can look to and know that the coming of the Lord amen is drawing nine you know you hear a whole lot of preaching about houses and blessings and cars and all of that but you don't hear a whole lot of preaching not the soon return of the Lord he meant people don't even talk about bad as if we're going to be here forever but the purpose of coming to the house of God is to prepare you to live with the Lord forever amen we all got to leave here Amen we got to make sure we have somewhere to go when I time is up down to here look at somebody and telling me but there is a word from the Lord amen and I am a lover of the Word of God I love my hand abroad she got yours come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but the word of our God how many of you got a pen and a piece of paper with you amen okay I'm just checking cuz you know when we came to church we brought stuff to write with a man wanted some notes that we could read over a man in the privacy of our own home and I'm telling you what the Lord speaks to you in the sanctuary you ought to go home and made it meditate on that word Amen and make it a part of your spirit the psalmist said I hear the word in my heart that I might not sin against the Lord amen and so it takes more than just a casual reading of the word you gotta get this in your heart amen you got to know for yourself what God is saying in this hour and so it's always good especially on Tuesday night amen bring something with you you want to have a notebook that you write your notes in your scriptures in amen and go home and and and and and and and like a cow does when it chews the cud a man revisits that meal a second time around a man and I I know those of you who are like me real cooks hey man you know food amen you let it marinate see people cook and they ready to eat it right there yeah and it tastes all right but put it in the refrigerator and let it stay there overnight and heat it up again after the season Zab have settled yeah they get down in that meet yeah yeah as always there it's better the second time around amen and the Word of God is good Lord but it's better the second time around so it's not just that you read the Bible in church you are reading at home amen you ought to go back over the Word of God amen in the privacy of your everyday life the book of Revelation not now see you know Revelation is the only book that the Bible promises a blessing for the reading and the keeping of the words therein amen if you'll open the book of and I know a lot of people don't read it because they it's it's too much a man to see the things that are coming we'd like to catch the blind a tie but if you read it and understand it and keep the words that are written therein then God promises a blessing for you a man and so I thought take it from the response you don't read it at home now a man you really ought to get into revelation a man it's it's a great book for the believer a man for the people that are right and ready to meet the Lord that's a great book amen it's nothing to be Sean there's nothing to be afraid of unless you're not ready and if you're not ready you got every reason to want to read it and run amen but for the believers he meant this is the book that spells out the victory lets us know that in the end amen everything that we have done in the service and the work of the Lord amen would not have been in vain revelation the second chapter and the eleventh verse revelation the twentieth chapter and the sixth verse revelation the twentieth chapter and the fourteenth verse and Revelation the twenty-first chapter verses six through eight I'll say it again revelation 2 and 11 revelation 20 amen verse 6 and verse 14 in Revelation 21 verses 6 7 and 8 revelation 2 and 11 when you have it's a man read what the Bible says let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches shall not be hurt of the second death revelation 20 verse 6 and verse 14 blessed and holy the first resurrection such only everyone that has part in the first resurrection the second death and the price 1,000 years verse 14 were cast into the lake of this is the second death read verse 6 and verse six through eight of the twenty-first chapter he said unto me it is done it is done I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely uh-huh he that overcomes he that overcometh shall inherit all things shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my son thank you Lord Reed but the fearful but the fearful and unbelieving believing and the abominable and murderers and sorcerers and idolaters huh telling them little white lies yeah but no harm meaning it was just just a little white lie is gonna get you sent to a big black heel every liar we shall have their part shall have their part in the lake in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death the second death hmm and if you wanted to know whether eternal punishment was real how more realistic could it get he says the fear for the unbelieving abominable murderers whoremongers sorcerers idolaters and all Liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death that's what I want to talk about tonight I want to talk about the second death we're used to hearing about the first swing but according to the scripture there is a second death just look at some bad until him the second death that's what I want to talk to you look at somebody else and tell him the second death I was studying this evening and I started to think about how cynical people have become when it comes down to the word of god there there's a cynicism now that we have not seen before there's there's a skepticism and unbelieving even a mockery when you talk about the reality of the word of God people now are just simply refusing to believe they don't want to know that this is true they don't want to have to live according to the standards of Scripture and so to them it's better to just believe that the word is all made up it's just fictional it's theoretical it's a kid's fables it's just it's simply a good read but there is absolutely no authority to the scripture at all people would love to believe that the Bible amen is just some man's made a pail of this fictional character in the sky who wants to control your life but it's nowhere near Earth or repeat of nothing that should cause you to adjust your actions because it's simply good to read but it's not binding on our everyday lives and you know amens you've gotta watch it because people are now studying themselves out of a real knowledge of the word of God see people now just simply esteem the ladder but they do not understand the importance of the Spirit when it comes down to reading the word of the Lord you've got folk down Biggs they've spent years amen in school studying the letter they can tell you this they can tell you that what is the mood what is the tense Amen of the scripture they can tell you how it's she this was the Word of God is so clear what is written in the word it must be the Holy Ghost because we have science says this nobody was it was the sighs look at what all we have now listen brothers and sisters if it don't take faith to believe that Yahweh's [Music] because it [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] he's a great is only a good book because they need to make a whole new world just because you know [Laughter] because he's a good guy it's like people now let's it up out there watch Law & Order then feel like you're adequate to defend yourself in court I know what I'm doing you crazy to depend on yourself and that's how the enemies doing us he's trying to make us experts when we had no acquired here you know you don't set up and and let these people know they don't heard how kind of stuff read all kind of stuff on the internet and now I make convincing and then trying to buck up against the law and telling the law what's legal and not hard that's illegal who told you that I saw I don't know an order no I see what you are y'all he said you just a bootlegger hey man who hasn't had in a real experience and that's the way it is now you know when people are reading the Bible now they're reading with their own end in mind amen they're reading with an agenda they're trying to find permission to do the stuff they just want to do anyway and so they interpreting scriptures wrong I can do all things through Christ and he strengthens me but family God is still a holy God and I come to tell you tonight that God means everything that he says whatever God has declared in his word he still means it right and I found out that if there were no punishments if there were no penalties there's not enough inside of us that pushes us to do the right thing on our own if there was no consequence for running through that red light you wouldn't stop at him and some of you barely stopping now if running through a red light carried no consequence then why would you sit there for two minutes I'm already late for work I gotta get to church Sunday school you just because there's a consequence for you until the light turns green it's not running but you know control says the wages of sin is is it tunnel you break man's law here throw you in jail you break God's law you'll end up in you know him preach no I don't know yeah we done found out that's just a figment inscription it's not a literal hell did you not the people in your body [Laughter] away from it there are consequences for your disobedience and consequences are necessary God established him so that he would encourage proper consideration for our actions get me galatians 5 in 19 now the works of the flesh are manifest now the watch of the flesh of things that have your flesh in this category it deals with in the natural [Laughter] you wanna be so busy trying to get to heaven with nobody can't sit next to somebody cuz you don't like them and the word you don't go to heaven when you get up with this pitch you set up that cane getting the service too busy watching who don't have a right to praise him Todd I don't know what she'll jump it up and down after she told me money I didn't do what you let them praise the Lord they might be trying to praise up on the financial blessing so they can pay you back you know to definitely house you stuck in that place and now you don't even like they cousin because of what the other one dear daddy might just like them now you don't found other people not to like just because they associated when somebody's you can't stay in your heart listen you need to come to the halter with your hands up so I can slap five on you and that's gone forget that spirit out of you Rae emulations if your likes and jealousies red rag strife Lord strike contention uh-huh additions suggestions that means factions Lord y'all gonna get me hung up here I'm trying to move on you always have some people in the church in the past me when I was talking to you know your heart this is the work of the Lord you go end up in hell wait Harrison Harrison in these NVA murders murders drunkenness drunkenness revellings revellings and such life anything like some bonus list read of the which I tell you before hear what he says I've said it before as i have also told you in time past uh-huh and I'll say it again that day that whoever which do such things toss stop like this shall not inherit the kingdom of God where you think you going and you know the sad thing is you got folk that bit in charge but that he is and died and people just assume they went to heaven I remember system every priest years ago and she said when we get to heaven they're gonna be two things that shocked us the people who are there and the people that ain't there cuz there are some people you think they got it out but listen this is a hard thing God is looking deep down in your heart and and you may never say some of this stuff out of your mouth but if it's in your heart you got to clean that stuff out because you can't afford to let that cause you to miss God I don't wanna die with a heart full of knowledge and I don't want the rapture to take place when I got a bunch of stuff against people take more than just being faithful house of God you got folk detimore pay for the church that they are to God and God pleased with it you got folk would rather feel the pastor then fear God listen the past ain't nobody y'all can quiet up in here all right no you got wanna please the pastor but they don't want to please God Hey looking for you to please me if you please come please that's all it is to it concerned with the word of the Lord and so he says you gotta give these things proper consideration cuz if you found doing this stuff you ain't goin to heaven and you know if you miss heaven there's only one other place that you can go ain't no such thing as a preparatory no people got to pay your soul out of hell and your undyed three years ago she's still down there she only got $45,000 left and we let her go on up and you got folk living right now making payments on people's soul you better get that installment in this month cuz who told you that if you don't get to heaven you go straight to see some of y'all look like y'all just don't I don't know how people preach about Hell cuz hell is a reality I gotta tell you now cuz I can't tell you later yeah I don't believe it getting the same Luke 12:15 for man's life can acquire a man's life does not consist in the abundance of the things that he possesses it means you got a thing more than just on the level of a house or car because you got a whole lot of people there using their whole life just to get more stop that's not what life is all about Reid spake a parable unto them ground of a certain rich man ground of a certain rich man Rob forth plentifully read and he thought within himself saying what shall I do what shall I do because I have no room where to bestow my fruit I'm real blessed and he said this will I do too many clothes from my closet got shoes all up under my bed huh more money than my parents ever made in all the days of their life I got a whole lot of good read and he said this will I do this is what I do I will pull down my barns and build greater and there will I bestow all my fruits and my good oh y'all listening to this this man is bragging about what he got just like some people now they're so shallow their life means nothing besides the car they drive the shoes only feet the name-brand in the back of their clothes y'all can quiet their life has no other meaning there's nothing else about them significance and they got to do all of that just to feel good about themselves this man is sitting up in the only thing he can say is I got a whole lot of stuff now build bigger how many people are just asked that's the word of yo that's my motto bigger your goal is to drive a car that's bigger than the one you got build me a house bigger than the house I live a bank account that's bigger than it's ever been before and that's all you concerned with you so concerned about social advancement and workplace advancement that you'd rather work overtime voluntarily than to come to church and get something for your soul you got all these people there they then got to work no over that you know what hey doing it they do it because they want to afford a lifestyle that right down they can't afford anybody told you about two cars in one year and now you can't even come to church because you got to work and try to pay for all of that that's what you have to just bigger and don't even realize that a man's life does not consist in the abundance of the things that he possesses but that's all that's on your mind can't serve the Lord cuz you too busy trying to lay out some treasures so you have a comfortable retirement and ain't got nothing against retiring but how did that take precedent over your soul why don't you fight to come the church like you fight to go everywhere else sick and taking medication and getting up and going to work anyway tide taking back pants and all that stuff so you can sit comfortably all day you do all of that stop to go to walk but then call me at eight o'clock in the morning my stomach hurt an angle make it tonight so you're telling the world what's important to you if you miss work you aren't that miss Church well y'all getting quiet now if you have a choice between one or the other why you leave Church to go to work why can't you take up walk and come to church three and I will say to my soul I'll say to my soul soul thou has much goods laid up for many years take thine ease eat drink and be merry but God said unto him but God said unto Him thou fool you are fool listen listen listen listen I don't read nowhere where this man was a liar I don't read where he was a whoremonger I don't read where he was a thief he was working and it's honorable to work the Bible said there's honor and all labor there there's reward and only he walked but the only thing he didn't do was make sure that when he died he had somewhere to go he's preparing to live down here as he said for many years and didn't even realize he wasn't gonna live to see tomorrow you planning overtime men but what if we don't live to see retirement you better make sure you got somewhere to go when it's your time to leave here because if not you are in trouble let me hear it the time is running did you know you can have everything in this world and still die you can have all the friends in the world you can have what you call the best husband you can have the greatest job you've ever had you can make more money than you've ever made before and still lose your soul now you tell me if the light calls you home tomorrow night what would you say would be the most important thing that you got that car or your relationship with you trying to build a bank account leave it all behind this is what we wasting our time just trying to amass a Parcher and there's nothing wrong would haven't stopped that roll with that but you've got to leave here one day Hebrews 9:27 says and as it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment listen you are going to have to lay down and die one day all of us gonna have to die should the Lord delay his coming every one of us gonna sleep in the grave every one of us our bodies will repel in the grave if the lord delays is coming but for the people of God that's nothing to worry about because that's the doorway to a great existence you know they told me about that was born twice I only had to that once but but but if you're only boy watch you got to die twice and it's not the past death that I'm lying about cuz all of us got to go that it's that second that you don't want to catch it see that is separation with a person that the reason why we cry it's because we're separated we won't see them the war on this side they're separated from this natural world but then there there's a second death everybody to die we think they already take them to the funeral home and they pump they lips alone they face and gun the casket and you're saying Lord they look so peaceful and you have no idea you have no earthly idea what they're doing right then at that moment because death does not end our existence it just moves us to a higher level of existence and when you cease to exist in this world you still exist somewhere that's what he's gangsters and shooting people down what do they think people do when they kill him if they really understood that when you shot his brains out if he wasn't saved hey Lana they come to the funeral and get up with a pants down around the knees stay true homey and I'm trying to figure out what do you think he went he wasn't shy he didn't know the lot something ain't right I don't care peacefully look no can't be smiling I don't care they can sit and tell him they love it if everybody got good watch to say if he didn't know Jesus he's in hell right now the Bible says revelations 2 and 11 he that overcometh if you overcome all y'all hearing the word you will inherit all things and he says you don't have to worry about that sec so at first death is a separation from the natural world then what is that second death that second death is separation from the spirit and the presence of God that second death is some you cannot overturn you cannot change the second bit when you look at revelations 20 and and and six read what that says blessed and holy you know what no no back up I want you to I want you to see this back up to Revelation 20 and and and and and forth and I saw Thrones uh-huh and they set up on their mhm and judgment was given unto them read and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus no one have mercy for the word of God uh-huh and which had not worshipped the Beast neither His image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years read verse five but the rest of the day but the rest of the day not mind you that's coming a day when all of those that in the grave I'll go hear his voice you notice when Paul talks about the catching away of the Saints he said the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be what cut out but it's more than just righteous people in the ground so what happens to those wicked people they stay right there they stay right there in the ground now read but the rest of the dead they have no rest of the day didn't live again until the thousand years were finished until the thousand years were finished read this is the first resurrection that is the first resurrection read blessing holy blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection all of this happen from the time of the rapture until this that's a part of that first resurrection he said blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection breathe and on such the second death hold such the second death came bother you you don't ever have to worry about being separated from God listen this is a dangerous event to go through because the Bible teaches when you're looking what what is that get me revelations 23 10 through 15 and the devil and the devil that deceived them that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone see that's the reason why I don't understand why people let the devil get him in trouble see folks think the devil is the king of hell and he's sitting down there he gonna torment you when you get that he ain't gonna have time to torment you the devil is not going to hell as its king he is not go rule and reign in hell but devil is going to hell like a victim everybody he's just like patty out and that shame devil that deceives you and told you you could get away go be in hell with you if you go read where the beast and the false prophet are read and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever lord help read and I saw a great white throne hear this he said I saw a great white throne in him that's that on it him that sat on it from whose face the earth and they haven't fled away really quick and that was found no place for them no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life a book of life and the dead were judged out of these books excuse me those things which were written in the book read according to their work uh-huh and the sea gave up the day all over he buried at sea that we don't even know where they are the sea don't give him up read and death and he'll delivered up the dead and the people who were inhale coming up out of hell there's only one way out of hell you know we're into the lake so people who died a thousand years ago gonna stay sleep the rapture take place we gone they don't stay in the grave don't let me say sleep cause the Bible don't say so sleep their bodies we repelled they was remain in the ground people who died today when the wraptor take place that they not say they remain in the ground their souls remain in hell there is no resurrection for them until the great white throne when they come up but they coming up to be judged that's not one Saint at the great white throne if you come up at the grave and find yourself at the great white throne you in some trouble read and they were judged every man according to their works huh and death and he'll were cast into the lake of fire this is the second - is the second Ted read whosoever was not found written in the book of life if he wasn't found in that book was cast into the lake of fire you were cast into the lake this is that second dead blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death has no power we all got to die but you don't have to experience that second that second death means there is no further opportunity for you to get it right that second death don't mean that you won't see mama no more yet and you won't see your kids yet but they come in after a wild tell me what the second at me the second that means you are eternally separated from God that's the death we don't want to fool with and I know it was only a fictional book but it gave her a real truth to it of how serious it is there's a book that talks about an evangelist Norman was telling me when we were in Texarkana as a book and it talks about people who went to hell and it just gives you a fictional depiction of people inhale and and one man was talking as a visitor came through and he said you know down here and I know you remember because we see the Bible tells us that the rich man had went he had a good memory but but the man said in hell in the book he said we can remember everything except for one name and said there's one name we we can't seem to remember because if we could remember it it would give us peace and they'd say we went to church and we can remember the preacher preaching it he kept talking about this man but for some reason can't remember his name it's always sung about him in church and we remember the Psalms and if the song was what you know about they had to stop that is that we can't remember who it was we were singing about that second day eternal separation from God you think that it's too hard to live holy and you can't do this listen you better get some strength from somewhere because the one thing you don't want to do is experience that second death when you see people stretch that in front of the congregation lay it out he died that's the first death but the death you don't see the ones you don't know about did they die twice because if they didn't get it right before they left here the second death has power over them that's the reason why they don't rise in the catching away of the Saints because the second death is holding them down he's calling everybody that's his out of the ground but the wicked dead didn't live again until the great white throne Dan huh but if you're born twice you only have to die once Jesus said to Nicodemus you got to be born again ain't got to worry about the second death because I've experienced that that second birth I've been born of the water born of the Spirit and since I belong to the Lord I don't have to worry about that I can spend eternity with him I'll never have to leave his side I'll never go anywhere when I get there you can't put me out that's life everlasting it is the thing that comes to steal kill and destroy but Jesus said I want you to have life and I want you to have a life more abundantly the Bible says he's long-suffering because he's not willing that any parish people think God gets a kick out of that that in some sick way God enjoy sending people to hell first of all he didn't send you down you went of your own freewheel but is that you don't have to do that can you imagine being in a place where you can't feel the presence of God can you imagine an existence where there's no peace for that's torment the Bible talks about weeping and gnashing of teeth you know you see these look kids sometimes made a whole bunch of sugar before they went to bed they get to bed and they start grinding in teeth and you can't hardly stand it just the sound of teeth grinding against it that's that that's the sound of pain and when you get the hell and you gotta hear that can you imagine millions of people people are waving and screaming for the pain that the end and there's no relief because there's no peace saith the Lord under the wicked can't call out to God can't say to him help us because the second death means there's a separation between you and God he's not listening to you you can't repent and get any type of satisfaction things are going to get better because you're separated from God and he's not listening come to the church and even if you're not saved you feel the sacredness of the house you feel that this is not like the grocery store it's not like the hospital it's not like the gas station there's some special about this place I just fell it when I walk in about a place where you can't feel him in the atmosphere where there is just a coldness even in the midst of the heat that's the second dance we've got the first time we just won't see each other for a minute I had loved ones that died I ain't seen him in a while ain't seen me in a while I don't want to see them for a while but I'll see them again and we just we just separated from each other but that second death that means not only will I not see my loved ones but I'll never see his face and peace people don't like to talk about that they hope is all made up they pray this is just foolishness but Hebrews 9:27 I'm I'm just believing that if the first part of that scripture is true if it really is appointed unto me and wants to die if if the first part of that scripture is true and I mean just persuaded to believe the second part is too blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection because on you the second death has no power I want you to stand tonight why are we living holy how do we do the stuff that we do why have we made the commitments that we've made to God because I don't want all of my living to be in vain I don't want all my preaching to be in vain I don't want every testimony I've given to be in vain I don't want to have wasted all of these years talking about a God that I'll never see in peace I didn't start this journey to die and lose my soul I loved the Lord and you love the Lord you're not doing what you do simply because he's gonna bless you with finances you're doing it because you love him and you won't somewhere to go when you leave here that's going to put you right in his presence we all got to leave here it's not a question of if you're going down you're gonna die you just better have somewhere to go you got to make sure that your heart is right hell is a reality but so is heaven why would I go to hell when the heaven is available to me oh I started reading about heaven started looking through the scriptures and you know heaven is a wonderful place you know the Bible said having to have gates but they'll never close I was reading that there's got a gate it's just definitely creation you say because the gates just they opened ain't gotta worry about nobody sneaking in who gonna break in heaven we ain't got to worry about that heaven is a place of every good pleasure they told me that in heaven the wicked will cease from children weary will be at rest and all of the saints from ages will sit at his feet and be blessed heaven is a place of every good pleasure everything your heart could imagine and if that wasn't enough the Bible says eyes haven't seen and ear haven't heard the things that God has prepared for you that's available to you why would you miss that and find yourself face to face with the second death tonight if everyone in this house that's not saved you don't know the Lord in the partner listen you can come you don't know him in the partner of your saying I want you to come [Applause] heaven is available go come on come on somebody is here Oh heaven is available to you you don't have to die and find yourself separated from God the Bible talks about the rich man who died the Bible says in hell he lifted his eyes but then it talks about Lazarus and when he died two angels came and carried him right up to the bosom of a friend then the Bible comes back and it assures us that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord when we die we go straight to be with the Lord when somebody that don't know him dies at that moment they have forfeited any future opportunity to ever know the Lord grace is a wonderful thing but you know there's just one thing about Greece it just kind of breaks your heart and that is that grace is only for the living once the person dies there's no more grace that's why the Bible said today if you'll hear my voice harden not your heart grace has extended to you tonight and that's all just need just need got to come in maybe you've tried to be a good person and that ain't work God wants to deliver you if you need the Lord to save you why don't you come come on if you need them come on come on come on if you sit next to somebody and you need to be saved if you need them to just grab them by the hand and ask them if they'll walk you this way they'll do it how do it and come on the Lord is here that's it come on come on they're coming hallelujah is there another those of you at the zone too I want you to lift your hands to the Lord the Bible says if we confess our sins he's faithful and just to forgive us of all of our sins the Bible is right if you talk to God he'll hear you he's listening and he's ready to honor your right desire why don't you lift those hands up and say Lord I'm sorry for everything that I've done that wasn't like you come into my life and deliver me set me free and asked him Lord that finds me what the Holy Ghost and when you do it tonight tell him Lord I'll serve you for the rest of my life come on and believe it if you believe it
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 23,335
Rating: 4.8819447 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: ghA0Qw3noOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 50sec (4910 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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