A LEGEND! Asmongold & Rich Interview Yoshi-P | FFXIV Endwalker

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The one thing I'm taking from this interview is that Yoshi-P just really really loves video games :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 692 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Leyalin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can we appreciate Aimi Tokutake for taking Asmons literal essay of a question and translate it, followed by Yoshi's essay of a response and translate it back. That woman is doing work goddamn it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1552 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/reverence_smores πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yoshi-P addressing Asmons mom as the first thing. Holy shit! What an attentive and kind hearted human.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 287 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Status_Analyst πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm about to start heavansward story, can anyone let me know if this interview contains any story spoilers?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ryn407 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how, for example in the part about the new player helpers, she sound just as exited as he does, using gestures in a similar way he does. Having the translator actually sound as enthusiastic, kinda conveying a similar sentiment instead of droning on with just the actual translation of the words makes it much more enjoyable to listen to this. Great job.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 162 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Therinor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm sure if streaming had been available when I was really into like obsessively playing this MMOs I would've not going into office job, I would chose the path to become the streamer

-Based Yoshi P, translated at 18:50

Good thing for me/us he was born early

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 531 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Molten_path πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm playing both WoW and FF14 for couple of years already, but I must say this interview actually shows the best how both games developer teams / golas differ.

On one hand you have WoW with Ion, pretty cold, just explaining stuff and answering questions - conducting a proper business interview, which kinda works for shareholders meetings, but not when you are presenting to gamers.

On the other, there is Yoshi-P who actually has a conversation with them, he chit-chats, laughs, banter with Asmon/Rich.

Even with the language barrier and translator (which actually does the great job translating all the MMO jargon on the go) you can feel that's an actual conversation between 3 fellow gamers interested in a title / genre they like. Of course it's still to promote Endwalker, albeit I wouldn't be surprised to hear this on some kind of lose gaming podcast / stream.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 121 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ludek_cortex πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved this one, felt less like a formal one but more like a conversation between gamers talking about games.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 363 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hyesupbro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rich is fanboying SO SO hard lmaooo. That was cute.

Great interview! Yoshida is such a legend

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SalusSR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi guys hi it's so nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. oh hello hi nice to meet you. I just wanted to thank you guys really quick for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this media event. and um i'm sure you have a lot going on but i asmon i i've heard um that your mom um was not doing very well so i i'm sorry to hear but i'm glad that you were able to make it here. uh thank you very much uh it's still an ongoing thing and it probably will be for unfortunately the foreseeable future but i'm doing my best and uh you know i'm doing as well as i can and i want to say also thank you for being here as well i know obviously uh this close to a release everybody is really cramped on time and so i really appreciate you giving us this opportunity and taking out the time to talk to us oh double legend sorry double legend thank you we're going for triple yeah we're really happy that you guys are enjoying 14 so much and you have the the freedom to kind of roam around and do what you do and a lot of people in japan the players in japan have kind of watched you guys stream as well sometimes just the two of you or like other streams as well so um yeah i hope you continue to enjoy the game yeah just i want to open up the floor to y'all's questions now um i mean we can talk about anything we want like if you wanted to talk about mmos great or just the video games in general or something private that's fine too yeah i think one of the places so asmon i have a bunch of questions obviously that we want to ask but i think one of the craziest things about starting to play final fantasy for both of us is just how different the communities felt and we felt incredibly welcomed from everybody obviously over here with you guys but also the community itself we felt very welcomed and we're curious if with the giant surge of new players coming into the game if you felt like it's changed the community at all or how you felt it's impacted what already existed um so just looking at some of the posts in reddit um i know some people have moved over from other games and a surge of players came from like experiencing other games coming into final fantasy 14 and so naturally we do see like a difference in the way they like communicate some of the the grammar that they use in their their language as well as some of the things that players cherish and feel is important differ and i have seen some comparisons being made i mean in a good way like oh i noticed there's a game system like this on this game but i did i never saw it in the other game and vice versa so i feel like um there is a sort of positive sort of mixing of um players and i'm hoping that this will allow for like both sides of the games or like both games to um you know get more hyped up and build more excitement just in general i know new world was released very recently and that's um also kind of getting attention and by having multiple mmos and having the communities kind of mingling with each other mixing in with each other will allow for just mmos in general to get really hot again um i'm hoping so it's really interesting to see this and um you know of course there are small skirmishes here and there confusion happening but i feel like um it is affecting the game positively like overall and so like yeah i have a grin on my face for sure i'm smiling throughout this we certainly have been too it's been a real pleasure to try and play the game and i i wanted to ask also uh how do you feel like the because it hasn't just really been final fantasy uh it's been other games like you mentioned new world and then uh ashes of creation and uh crowfall and runescape osrs world of warcraft and we're really starting to see it seems like a resurgence of mmos in general and do you think that it's going to be a situation where a rising tide floats all ships and everybody just kind of all the games grow and become better because of the competition against each other or do you feel like there's going to be a resurgence of mmos in general because for the past i mean really majority of the decade it seems like mmos haven't really been as popular as they used to be in the mid-2000s um so first and foremost i think it kind of depends on whether these titles will be able to like keep at and be tenacious about updating the the the game and making sure that the players continue to enjoy the content and then he has more to say and so of course with an mmo launch it's always very interesting to watch just the behaviors like with all the bugs and issues that they find or we call it login wars like people stuck in queues for login whether or not you can actually access the game is something that's actually kind of exciting watching a new mmo launch and everybody's kind of like looking for their way kind of feeling their way through the dark and it's very interesting but i think it starts to when it starts to calm down after a little bit um and if the game is able to kind of maintain that momentum i think is very dependent on whether or not an mmo survives because right now of course yes we have been seeing a lot of different mmos kind of releasing or launching close to each other and it does seem like mmo's overall is showing excitement and just everybody is getting um excited about it but i think the real test is going to happen like six months down the line or up to a year down the line and i i did want to add um with game design for titles like these um i think i know players will always want to experience many different things like a variation of different elements but also at the same time there are very strong-minded community that tend to want to tie people down and kind of chain them down in some instances um and i worry about um like the pressure that might place on a player and so with entertainment there are just so many options nowadays and so i think that's an important point to keep in mind um about um just there there is so many things available that we allow for that freedom to kind of experience um the different elements out there and what kind of game design we are able to sort of provide for those players to keep their interest yeah that's one of the things that i'm really curious about overall when you look at mmos because making an mmo to me uh like my hat goes off to all of you because it seems like an absolute nightmare uh the the amount of resources and to actually be able to distribute something i feel like one of the things that we've seen happen to so many mmos is they have to fall back on mass appeal and you get in this weird area where the game is ultimately being made for players who hate the game and don't want to play the game and now as i start to look at games like even like new world it's much more focused on a different aspect and it's more one-tracked and trying to attract a different type of player do you feel like game design and the way that mmos are actually created now there is more of an opening for niche mmorpgs instead of these giant mass appeal frankenstein monsters where everything's slapped in none of it's great it's all watered down um or do you feel like mmos are always going to shoulder that burden and just require too many resources um yeah i think it also lends to um back in the day people who created mmos tend to be very similar like they love mmos and they're veterans and you know it's kind of limited but nowadays um i am seeing more and more developers who grew up playing these mmos and they have their own vision of oh i want to make this kind of game going into it and so i think that's what's contributing to these different styles of mmos that are coming out and i i believe that that's a that's a wonderful thing and so but that being said of course while mmos are a video game in a form of entertainment it's at the same time a service that we are providing to players and so we have to be careful about okay what kind of interface are we providing um is there content that players can just jump on for a short amount of time and just jump off um and just the level that is expected in terms of service that we provide through these games are quite high and the expectation is there so um i think at the same time like creative the creative aspect of it is important but at the same time we also need to make sure we have the sort of resources available to kind of build upon that experience even if you're lacking now as long as you can continue and to sustain yourself you can build on it and glean more experience so i think it also um requires for there to be good backing um for investors to kind of love the product and sort of back up those creative minds so that they can continue to sustain themselves as well having them as a backbone to support those creators um but i don't mean to repeat myself but with new world being out um that is definitely a great source of like stimulation that we can get um of course right now we're on end walker and we're trying to to master up and and go to market but um you know once that has settled down i'm hoping that we get a chance to get our hands on it as well um to gain that sort of new uh experience so that it'll add some spice to our creativity as well yeah i think that's one of the the best things about seeing all these mmos is kind of seeing a lot of the good ideas cross-pollinate and uh kind of be shared between the different games and everything and whenever you're talking about the mmo and the game itself as really a service and as something that people are effectively consumers for one thing that's always been in a balance with mmos is the difference between a solo player and the difference between a group player and also about punishing content as well and how do you kind of how do you draw the line between making content for just the individual solo player and still keeping it in the feel of an mmo and also with punishing content and time basically things that that make you spend more time playing the game things like running back to your body things like repairing your gear many of the i think the legacy features and old school feel of mmos and not necessarily just feel but the uh the features of mmos that really kind of make them take a lot more time final fantasy it seems like has shed a lot of those different features and you're able to go directly to the boss there's not really a lot of trash mobs and and everything like that and so basically what is the balance that you're trying to strike between making the mmo a super ease of access solo player experience versus a more punishing and involved mmo experience that i think people have come to in a way expect with mmos and i think in a good thing in a good way it's been a breath of fresh air final fantasy didn't have many of those things so i have to admit i am actually a heavy mmo gamer so if i were to just make stuff that i felt was like good substantial content it's going to be like one of your typical like super hardcore mmo [Laughter] um i'm sure if streaming had been available when i was um really into like obsessively playing these mmos i i would have like not um gone to an office job i would have chosen the path to become a streamer it's a good thing it wasn't he [Laughter] but yeah but while i was playing a whole lot of mmos um i would meet other players of course and you realize that some of them are may just come into the game just to chat with the other players they might just want to tour around the areas just look at the environments just admire the view and that's the only reason why they level their character or some of them may be those hardcore raiders that want to go into punishing content spend hundreds of hours to get that super cool shiny weapon you know but then you also had the friend who's like oh i love what weapon you got let me see let me see i have no idea what content you went into but that's a really cool looking weapon and so there's just so many different people so many different kinds of people playing mmos and once you see all those people there that's when you first realize that oh this world is being shared by a whole bunch of other people and by looking at the other players you realize well i want to be like them i want to get stronger um i do want to get better you know that that weapon is really cool i really want to go and get it and it's just everything is so important like we don't want to neglect um people just because they're casual or just because they're heavy raiders you know of course a lot of the vocal people tend to be the heavy gamers i have noticed so i know our opinions kind of get influenced by those louder voices so to speak but i think we also have to understand that our world is being supported by not just them but there are a whole group of other people who enjoy the game in their own ways they are they may not be as vocal as some of our players but um you know the world is not just like me with the heavy raiders and the super hardcore people but there are different people supporting this world and so i mean i'm greedy i want to satisfy everybody i love the super casual solo players and i also want to provide punishing content for those who want to go in and hardcore raid so i don't know that's uh that's the first thing i would say i i want to deliver content for both groups so with that in mind um with final fantasy 14 we have these um major patch updates and every odd patches we do implement some more casual-ish content and then in the even-numbered patches we incorporate the raids um the high-end raids so that the the hardcore raiders can enjoy that content but um while we will be implementing some casual um skewing casual content in patch 6.1 we do intend on implementing the new ultimate raid so those hardcore battle raiders have something to look forward to in that patch and so i feel that you have the freedom like once you've um finish off the the story and you want some challenging content um of course please um go into the ultimate content but once that's done and you're still looking for a challenge i and if you want to go to like an encounter in in wow to kind of test your metal that's perfectly fine i think um and then once a new raid is implemented in 6.2 then you're more than welcome to come back here as well you know i i do want to satisfy both ends of the spectrum um in terms of casual versus hardcore but at the same time if players do feel that they're not quite satisfied with just final fantasy 14 i think we have the freedom for them to kind of explore other games if needs be yeah i think that's uh that that's one of the best things about a game like that that doesn't have retention mechanisms is that it it doesn't feel like it's a job or a chore or anything like that so i i very much appreciate that and i think many players do as well and whenever you're talking about challenging content i think that probably the pinnacle of challenging content is going to be the ultimate fights and i was curious if there are a few uh very difficult as i've learned recently uh challenges uh for solo players namely necromancer and the heaven on high as well the lone hero title uh are there other plans to add i believe that there's one four-man savage raid are there more plans to add more difficult types of content and more heavy challenges that are aimed towards a smaller group of players like maybe four or one player korea you know i actually get this a lot um namely from north american players it seems the desire for a smaller group and challenging content is quite high so the feedback is acknowledged and we are trying to see if we can plan for something in that vein um but i'm afraid i can't divulge on the details at this time um we do plan to do another live stream after end walker releases and things have settled down we will be doing what's called a letter from the producer live so i'm hoping that we can share some details and updates on that but the the possibility for sure is there yeah i think in that vein too uh one of the questions that i had you know giant insurgents of new players coming into the game like just a whole bunch of new players coming into the game how much does it affect this current expansion or how much of it was already so far along or already done that there there might not be an impact um specifically for end walker only because we don't have the any wiggle room to like be impacted by external forces that have come recently but that being said with new people joining the game um i do understand that some of them might have different values or a different perspective on the game and so i think it allows for us to have um this new insight because of the new players that come in here and it's i'm very curious to know like what are these new people thinking about as they start final fantasy 14 from scratch because we can't go back to old content to get like a new perspective or a new understanding on something it only happens when you like first encounter it i think so um whenever i do see um like new players joining in and seeing what kind of information they're sharing with their community or what kind of posts they're making on social like their sentiment um and their kind of opinions are are very interesting and i'm very curious to see um what kind of reactions they are getting seeing this content for the first time and that actually allows for us to kind of identify any areas or pain points that might require our attention are there any areas that we need to go back in and sort of adjust um or do we need to main perform maintenance on certain elements in our games um and so it allows for us to kind of open up that funnel to welcome more people in so um it is definitely a discovery it's great to see like new players um sharing their opinion over their social channels um to see what they're talking about but if i could add one more thing um and i think this is more directed at veteran players who have been with final fantasy 14 for much longer but um of course our community i am very proud of our community they are very welcoming they are very kind um whenever a newbie joins in they're quick to help but so and i feel like we have the best community one of the best communities in the world but and i i see new players coming in and and of course they they want to enjoy that freedom of not knowing like and and doing what they want to do and kind of feeling around and some of these players bless their hearts they're so eager to help that they're like oh no do this instead and you know they're jumping ahead of some of these newbies and then just too enthusiastic about helping them um and i i feel that they're kind of taking away from that freedom so i hope they distance themselves just a little bit so that they're not overwhelming our newbies i know they just love the game and they want for the players to experience like get the best experience as quickly as possible but you know it i feel that they're patching it's just a little overwhelming at times so um i i hope that our veteran players are um allow for our new players to kind of experience um some of this uh this freedom of discovery you know sometimes you have to let the uh the new tank open with plunge and not know how to use shirk well i i've i've learned a lot of things by doing them wrong so yes i i fully understand that so this is and i'm sure some of these um and i'm i know people who have played with you too as well um they just love your presence there and they just want to be so helpful and they really want you to get ahead and see the adventure that lies ahead of you but you know some of them get a little too excited about like oh no you need to do this in order to get through this content more efficiently and and whatever but i want to tell them like dude it's just entertainment you're supposed to enjoy the journey here so i don't know if you ever come across people being a little too enthusiastic and they're helping just kindly disregard them and and just just kind of smile and nod or whatever and and i hope that um players you included and in our existing community too i hope everybody just prioritizes having fun in eurozia and i mean not just in final fantasy 14 actually with any game you know i don't like it when people chain each other down with weird politics or like awkwardness i it gets a little boring you know if everything is in a set pattern like everybody if everybody's kind of restricted and limited to like uh my way or the highway you know so um i just want people to just enjoy the games yeah i will say that uh definitely enjoying it a lot i know people like to joke around about me like stalling but it's just my immersion you know i get so uh so into all the things that are happening at all the times even if it's just a bard that happens to be standing next to me while i'm walking over to a quest while i'm doing msq but one of the questions i really wanted to ask is just the open communication that you guys have even us being here right now the community that asmin and i originally came from that was not the case not at all even though we were part of it for a very long time i understand why different companies have different policies on things like that but i i do personally feel like the community being so incredible in this game is a reflection in a lot of ways of how open you guys are to talking to that community is there ever any hesitation or or nerves like what actually allowed you guys to get to this place where you have such open communication with all the players i know um i think the answer might be simple um more simple than you imagined um first um final fantasy 14 had a horrible lunch uh launch uh 1.0 was quite a failure and yoshida or i was brought in to kind of rebuild it after we had um fallen flat and so of course the players were looking forward to a new final fantasy mmo were extremely angry and so the first steps that we took was to apologize to them and then show our commitment to um improving and correcting our ways and how we're going to do that and be clear in our objectives and how we're going to make sure we're re-launching so i felt that that was just natural or as a matter of fact to do this first and foremost so i consulted um corporate and explained to them hey i want to have an open communication with the community let them know what i want to do and they seem to be okay with it so um that was the first step i took uh so of course the first step was to apologize and to make sure we are um talking to our cons our players about what we wanted to rectify and um for example i i love ultimate online and i love the game i love them so much and i'm sure the players other players who played ultima online really loved the game as well and i'm sure origen felt that they wanted to make their game better and they wanted to improve upon it but for some reason they from how i perceived it it was like developers versus consumers and it didn't feel like we were collaborating it felt like we were enemies almost i mean we both love the games the consumers want to play a good game the developers want to build a good game but for some reason it was either you know we're fighting against bugs and issues or were fighting against against origin and it just it was very sad and and you know once time has elapsed it would have more mmos would have come out and and like it just felt such like such a shame that both parties really just have love for the game um but it just felt like an opposing position against uh each other and so whenever origen would try to let players know about a new patch that's being applied it didn't get communicated properly and so i felt that was such an unfortunate situation so i was always thinking about if i were ever to make my own mmo and to build a community i would love for a better means of communication and that chance came with the rebuild of final fantasy xiv and so i had my chance to kind of build my ideal sort of environment and so yeah that's i tried my best to convey um what exactly i'm trying to do with the game just so that the players understood and and uh know the intentions behind it all oh was it was he done sorry i wasn't saying i know this guy that's it yes yes he was finished okay uh yeah uh you completely nailed it there uh about the developers and the players being against each other that is exactly the way that i have felt with not just one game but many games before and i think that also the type of more honest and direct and personal communication between the developers and the players and more so the uh the shared love of the game between the developers and the players and being able to even play with the players i know that uh yoshida has his own character and he sometimes plays with actual just random people in the community and i think that's beautiful that's amazing and that is just i think probably a big reason why the community at large is more positive too and i think it is because of that more open line of communication with the developers for sure and i've heard my friends talk about this um and i feel it sometimes too with some mmos they wonder do these developers even play their own game you know and but with us like a lot of the developers on final fantasy 14 are warriors of light ourselves we go to the raids we collect our elegant tombstones to exchange them for um our um our weapons and and we are working hard like we are players ourselves and i think it's just best to show that like let the people know that yeah we love our game and i myself am a very competitive person so and i mean a black mage and so i want to be the world's best black of age you know so i mean like that's that's just it i think it's just the shared love for the game and just playing together so um i don't play with just my static i sometimes queue up for like a random group and no matter what strategy they try to pull or no matter what position they do i want to give it my best and so i i want to learn these strategies i go home and continuously play final fantasy 14 so it is a lot of fun being part of this team you know it's to the point where i don't really feel like it's work that's such a nice thing to hear uh one of one of my questions is definitely uh what other games do you sometimes try to play to to draw on inspiration i remember watching some interviews way back at like different things like the no pixel documentary and things like that and hearing about some of the things that you got from mr pandaria for example are there any current games that you sometimes draw inspiration um man if i were to list each and every single one i think i can do like a full-on live stream show like an all-day show gosh but if i were to bring up a few um of course ultima online um diablo world of warcraft everquest dark age of camelot um so those are games that not only as like a game designer and um an engineer but yeah those titles are very much an influence to me and then as for standalone titles of course um the final fantasy series and the dragon quest series is um just standard for any japanese developer out there and then also i love first person shooters so when i played call of duty modern warfare 1 and 2 and i know this might sound very inappropriate but i thought to myself wow this reminds me of final fantasy you go into there uh you go in as the protagonist and you have this very small party who saves the world like you know it's it's such a it was it was such a shock it's like oh wow that's just like final fantasy it although it's a first-person shooter and then some of the more recent games would be um spiderman on playstation 4. um that one made me feel so jealous and envious um and at the same time just left me in awe that um they were able to bring together like the gameplay elements to the character controls um bringing together like video game and entertainment in a single package um so yeah i was very jealous of that um and then ghost of tsushima made me feel very jealous as well so that left me thinking a lot also but yeah it's a lot if i start listing them i don't know where i would stop but um i i love games so i play a lot of um games uh and i do a lot of playthroughs as well i hate to be the bad guy but we are a little bit over time we could probably do something to wrap it up in the next couple of minutes if that's okay yeah that sounds great perfect perfect all right rich you want to go ahead uh well j just because we're we're at the end i i do want to say one more time thank you so much if you gave us eight hours we we we'd probably ask for nine because we're so excited to actually get to to talk to everybody and uh for like i i've honestly the past three months have been so incredible and uh i think i i can speak for both me and asman that we've had a truly incredible experience so yeah thanks a lot for giving us this opportunity it's it's a privilege we've really enjoyed playing the game so much uh originally whenever i went into it i didn't really know what to expect and i think at this point i've probably logged about 20 to 30 percent of the hours of all days up to the day that i started playing the game on the game so i have played a lot it's been extremely fun i've loved it so thank you so much for the opportunity and thank you for making such a great game i think asman and i both when we went into the game we intended to beat the hardest content possible like that was what we both wanted to do and i'm pretty sure he spends about 14 hours of every day just in gold saucer and she's trying to make the best chocobo ever and i'm just in my fc estate just all day long stalling yeah i would like to share some comments on my end as well um so first mmo and i think this applies to any game in general but i i feel that video games should allow for the player to be free in what they do yeah and so with that freedom you know some people might get tired of playing the same game constantly or like just gameplay gets to be a little tiring uh some people might want a refresh and i feel that players don't need to be tied down to one single game um for all intensive prospects if um you guys were like taking time off from world of warcraft just to play 14 um i don't know i feel like it's um players who kind of latch onto one single game and and just become too tied up with a single game is nonsense it feels very unnatural so if people want to play 14 and go to wow and then go back and forth i think that's perfectly fine and you might see the positive elements of both titles by being able to get that different perspective and i would love for people to um streamers out there also to not be so like tied up or like feel a sense of heavy responsibility or like a an obligation to stick with a single game just because um that's what they have sort of concentrated on in the past i would love for people to explore various games out there there are many options out there so i hope we're not placing any sort of like obligation on you guys either like we would love for um you guys to just continue to enjoy the game and we never want for it to be um any sort of burden on on you guys um i think that will also allow for the audience to see you guys like genuinely enjoying what you do and that will allow for us to be to enjoy watching you guys you know being having fun so um you know i i feel i i want to encourage you like you guys do a great job in what you do and and please don't forget that to enjoy yourselves too um i don't know i might i might be stepping out of bounds by saying this but i i wish you that you continue to enjoy um playing your games i i genuinely i've enjoyed the story so much that sometimes after stream i go back and i use the feature where you can replay the the story missions so like i i've enjoyed the msq i have not binged a story as much as uh like the last time i finished the story this much was like when i watched one piece for the first time like that is how much i love this story so i i am enjoying myself so much and i can't thank you guys enough it it's been nothing uh it's been everything except a burden uh it's been very fun and i've i've loved being able to have that ease of access of just being able to play the game without feeling like i'm compelled to or without some sort of retention mechanic keeping me engaged and i thank you for that it's been enjoyable to just be able to play it at my own pace and really enjoy and appreciate the story as well as just the gameplay and the content and the raids and everything i'm definitely looking forward to any future opportunities we may have to to speak with each other hopefully in person i'm so done with this pandemic i would love to just go out for drinks and just talk shop some more with you guys um in in the near future thank you again for your time would love that thank you we would absolutely love that thank you so much see you next time
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 11sec (3731 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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