Federation Vs Fallen Empire Battles! | Stellaris Roleplay Playthrough - Part 11

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with me lathrix and of course welcome back to the honor bound now only one of two members of the oath the once dominant federation in this entire sector now reduced to only two empires but of course one of those empires is us and we still have the federation fleet which honestly is absolutely terrifying compared to all other empires now after reading the comments i've decided that yep i'm gonna heed pretty much everyone's suggestion here almost everyone agreed we are going to war we are going to make all these other empires our protectorate we will protect them from themselves and we will protect the galaxy from them whilst also bolstering our own strength although lives will be lost in the grand scheme we are being the good guy and this time i mean that quite seriously however we are now starting to go into more and more morally gray areas we are becoming the tyrant the galaxy needs to protect it from future tyrants i'm sure a lot of tyrants throughout history have thought this exact same thing but this time we really really mean it we definitely have good intentions in our hearts even if there's going to be a lot of loss now sadly and very annoyingly i can't currently offer protectorate status to any empire that's currently at war and i can't offer them all if i'm currently at war so we do need this hu this uh humiliation war to be over as soon as possible so i am finally moving forward my fleets i am going to start taking these systems because otherwise we'll be here for so long the galaxy is going to get ruined because of it once again even more morally gray decisions we are not exactly as honorable as we once were we are now starting to think of ourselves more as the authority of good rather than simply trying to usher it in on the upside though over at our relic site our archaeology site there is we have the very first of these now done so let's read this from the start this is with the whole memory wiping thing which we couldn't get access to because shard used to be here we're going to be reading this from the start so then shrouded within the planet's gaseous atmosphere is the dark looming form of an enormous habitat the x-bellen residence again that's how i'm going to be pronouncing this probably butchering in a million ways i do apologize previously a bustling space city where the residents enjoyed a pampered lifestyle with a multitude of comforts made available through technology the habitat is now a silent tomb molluscoid aliens lie slumped across the floor in various states of decay a postmortem reveals that they died from asphyxiation as the habitat's life support system was disabled intentionally their homes are fitted with unusual mechanical chairs that are hooked up to a central database in the shape of a gigantic blue orb the memorex that's all the memories are likely to be stored again though this really goes to show you how little i normally read these because i had no idea all the inhabitants were dead i honestly thought some of them were alive so clearly not read this through properly last time the inhabitants had developed an enhanced learning program that ran every night as they slept in their mechanical chairs it was used to remove unpleasant memories and train new skills now that is exactly something i wouldn't mind having in my life being picked last for space ball or stood up on a date were little day to day horrors that x-bell and how it the people living there did not have to suffer to twice and for a while it was bliss systematic mind enhancements were mandated by the habitat leadership and distributed to all residents from the memorex but the system was expedited exploited there were clandestine efforts to delete memories and traits collectively from the population without their consent and eventually it backfired the aliens unlearned important skills for their survival and entered a vegetative state shortly thereafter the habitat life support was disabled normally i'd read that again with the mistakes but you know dyslexia it's currently 4am i'm already in a bad mood i want to destroy other empires we're going to just go with it for now oh here's a problem i don't have the tech to upgrade our habitats ah that is really quite bad actually okay so the next time i see that tech we really need to go with that oh we're so close to level four now that federation that's fantastic we're about to finally get five year plans up which is great as well everything is looking okay it's looking it's looking all right you know it's not the very worst but what i do need is wire more mining districts our alloys are now doing fantastic especially since i've i'm continuously upgrading our fleets can i build titans yet yes i can lovely but that is coming at the cost of like all of our minerals oh i didn't save the titans from before oopsie daisy okay let's uh redo this this is what happens when you rely on the auto saves because you don't like exploiting the save system i'll just redo these one will be for whole regen one will be for fire right and one will be for weakening their fire rate i think i'll call them kill mame burn no never mind i did actually do this correctly it's just it was the federation ships so there we are upgrading their armor do the same to the others as well and we'll instantly make these three i think i have enough alloys for it if i don't i will buy them lovely this will make a federation fleet very very very scary lovely oh we can actually have another one um do we want another one what else do not you what else do we have available in terms of the upgrades there with the old titans so we're already having the fire right minus fire right and regen tracking is okay actually um in fact it's very good versus very small targets the anti-shield stuff is kind of pointless since we're relying so much on strike craft and eventually missiles i kind of want to go into while reducing their disengagement chance basically means more deaths for the enemy so that's not what our empire's gonna do although we're certainly becoming a lot more uh angry right now i think just tracking there we are also i messed up there and accidentally added um so kill mame burn there we go lovely a thousand days our federation will our federation fleet will look truly horrific oh and over on hidden worlds we have now uncovered something of interest similar to the last one we'll read from the start and look we're using our ghostly science vessel here being manned by a character whose name i will never be able to read why is your whole point so low on this sign ship dan dansfiem bob a crash alien space nation has been unearthed on the planet after being buried for many millennia the masterful construction previously held a self-contained arthropod civilization of millions their dead bodies have been preserved within the station making exploration of otherwise magnificent interior and eerie endeavor though the cause of their civilization's demise is not yet clear the inhabitants perished suddenly well before impact some died peacefully clutching tiny idols while other bearing weapons suffered violent trauma destiny records aboard the station reveal that the former inhabitants were deeply religious and had no contact with the outside world which they feared and despised every aspect of their lives was governed by an omniscient oracle who scribed their destinies at birth divine will decided everything from their choice of partner and occupation to the minutia of their daily lives leaving them with little individual freedom most were afraid to diverge from their destined paths as all who did perished under mysterious circumstances sounds lovely really want to build a load of these mega structures but currently we're being completely taken up by all of this actually how long until i'm hoping we get the ability to do the different edicts later because i'd like to have three running at once rather than only two these ring worlds are going to help out a lot they're going to be completely tech focused our strike crafter crushing the enemy peace through war it will work this time surrender to the will of the honor bound may peace reign all will be treated equal in the end even if we have to bash your skulls in to prove it oh it was the forerunners who attacked them the enigmatic observers how did you annoy them they're so difficult to annoy how's it going being on your own also just making the new uplifted species militaristic because that's just what we do well finally maxed out our federation fleet i don't think i can actually make it any bigger can we no sadly not i think this is the largest you can get in any federation or is the hegemony bigger the hegemony however you pronounce it don't know either way it's definitely one of the largest long-range automated weapons taking out targets minimizing the loss of life for us at least it's a vile war we need to be over soon because all the other empires are currently causing untold casualties to everyone around them which we will simply not allow and remember our end goal is to have this half of the galaxy as our protector its protectorates are pretty much completely free except for they can't have their own diplomacy when it comes to other empires but other than that they can run their own empire how however they wish their own citizens everything else and they can i think make some trees just not all of them i can't quite remember exactly they can still vote and everything else in the galactic um community so we're not really restricting them that much we're just stopping them from declaring war every single five seconds we could be far away far more evil we could just take them over simple as that we could just go policies change our war philosophy to unrestricted and just devastate them we could do that but we're not going to even though that is the easiest option we could even go ahead and have a colossus but we're not going to because we are the good guys the good guys we do good things so difficult being the good guys interesting wait are you going to join this federation that's actually fantastic i don't mind if you end up in this federation like i said before it's going to be easy enough to stop this federation from attacking us if we have two superpowers this federation over here and us that will be pretty much an ending peace i don't trust the fallen empires though and honestly going to war with them to remove them because of their refusal to be part of the galactic community their constant threats they they attacked the empire over here i think going toward them is just oh no look some of the fleets are moving through here uh you know what you go back chase these guys down i moved you out to be on the offensive and apparently you should have left some defenders oh that was their larger fleet oh there's a lot of cruisers i just saw it get destroyed by the enemy i think may have been wrong there but yep there was a lot of destruction what are you claiming unoccupied systems like where planets what you actually uh like all of these and that's at war with oh this is gonna be so awkward hopefully war exhaustion will get them to surrender this war is incredibly awkward for us the poor unabound they got so messed up because of all this meanwhile over on the hidden worlds back with the oracle destined for defiance the archaeological team have made an unexpected discovery embedded within the station walls is a hidden surveillance system that seems to have been feeding visual and auditory information to a single point somewhere within the station's core someone was monitoring the disciples at all times even in their most private moments in some places the equipment has been torn out or sabotaged closer to the central hub are signs of violence and disruption it seems as though at some point the inhabitants discovered they were being monitored yeah i can't imagine that went down well there's a bit too much going on at the moment but okay so this is back over at the moon base if you recall there is the shielded world and we are discovering what's going on here belligerent party sea the shielded planet in this system was the capital of one of the warring empires the armistice initiative was formed to stop this empire's name is still unknown they are referred simply as belligerent party c in all initi initiative records recovered so far apparently the armistice initiative sought to make an example of belligerent party c after invading their space and winning several hard-fought battles the initiative permanently imprisoned the home world of party sea behind an energy shield so that's what's there also i've definitely not had this one before so i'm really interested in this a military base was established on the nearby moon that's what we're currently researching to maintain the shield and act as a response force in the unlikely events of containment failure okay so it seems like pretty extreme way of dealing that uh but actually we could do something like that that's the funny thing uh if we went with the colossus being the warmongers we are we could very easily go with the colossus which has the bubble effect essentially what it does is it turns the world basically takes the world out of the game for the rest of the game you can't interact with it the people there are technically lost to the empire and pretty much everyone since they can't interact with the galactic um well just the galaxy at large and it gives a little bit of unis yeah i think it's a little bit of society research if you have it with it within your territory so we could do that because we're not actually killing anyone we're just stopping them from interacting still not nice but it's something that's annoying this target is also at war with these fellows it's going to be really difficult to get a win here unless we go after one of the other empires to force some more exhaustion with them oh they're all the way over here and they're at war oh there's too many wars i can't do anything i want i can imagine the honor bound leadership just going absolutely mad at this point just absolutely furious just let me have my holy wars i'm also fully aware now the irony that uh i kept on trying to stop these wars which all of our friends are currently our old friends let's say are currently engaged in and they're the wars i'm currently waiting for and we're doing the exact same thing if i acquiesced early on we could have avoided all of this and eventually i could have changed things but of course that's kind of the whole point not that it's gone our way but to show how our empire is descending into these new choices i still want to try and be as good guy as possible but at this point the galaxy is showing itself to be truly truly vile and inside one of our habitable sections are now ready to go and if i can find a worker which isn't busy thank you i would love the interstellar assembly let's have some more power over the galactic community but i'll have it on its own if possible yeah let's put it here this will increase our diplomatic white by a lot no why is people please vote for my thing can i put any envoys over here yet and i'm maxed out no i can't afford a single extra envoy to move over from the oath go in the name of our allies our ground forces have landed over on this world say short and brutal battle victory is ours okay that's helped quite a lot to any of the worlds which i can actually land on it kind of isn't that's the really annoying thing yeah the other empire's going to war here is just causing so many problems for us once the federation ships are done we could move into this territory but even that is currently a war is where everyone is at war i am being completely blocked from doing anything i want right now being more violent would be so much easier meanwhile over on the memory loss planet who am i a scan of the habitat logs reveal its control system was activated again on multiple occasions decades after the life support was disabled someone overrode security entered a maintenance hatch and accessed the memorex a datapad and a tiny blue memory orb a smaller version of the memorex lie discarded by the hatch a datapad is filled with the friendly thoughts of someone on the brink of madness again and again the same questions are repeated with growing despair who am i what happened on expellena and the final entry reads now that i know i must forget one last time perhaps the orb will reveal what was forgotten so that could have been the priestess we found before because they know they did something horrible in the past but they can't remember it it could be the priestess who did all these horrible things here and cause all these problems why the archivists who didn't really mind us all that much have gone to war with our allies that i'm fighting a fallen empire oh come on okay i'm gonna wait until the titans are finished because it's not gonna be too long then i'm sending them in i'm gonna crush this full empire into dust for daring to get in my way of peace you know good guy stuff more shields please and back to hidden worlds divine will we have traced the wiring to a temple complex devoted to the worship of the oracle and her clergy in the station's central node but in the oracle's chambers instead of a divide entity resides an enormous ai nexus of the oracle brand wires extend from its core like a nervous system through the entire station secret communications between inhabitants revealed that there was a failed attempt at storming the temple and deactivating the nexus it seems likely that society collapsed when it became known that their lives were not governed by divine will but by a computer restarting the nexus will require expensive so extensive repairs pretty expensive as well i mean i'm probably accurate there it's just not what i actually said lovely habitats forming everywhere in service of the oath we move as one oh that is lovely way too many corvettes there for my liking but look at that four titans loads of battleships as well and being led by a really good leader even with the lethargic trait um having both scout and aggressive more than make up for it too fair scout is kind of being negated by lethargic but still great with aggressive honestly who could get a better leader i was hyping him up but actually maybe not um she can lead us to victory she can i might believe in her somewhat kind of maybe if she's a bit less lazy back to the memories the orbs first memory shows dr saarilya saria spearheading the development of the memorex of to great acclaim another memory from years later shows her secretly wiping memorics data for unknown reasons yet another memory is of syria working frantically on restarting the residence memories but to no avail they stare emptily ahead heads lulling all but their autonomic brain functions lost finally admitting defeat she hides the evidence of a crime she watches alone as expelling as the explained residence is pulled into the gravity well of the gas giant it once orbited feelers secreting large amounts of mucus in what is believed to be an alien expression of great distress oh i kind of forgot they were moloscoids then for a second really should bring some of the athletes along for the ride here because this is going to be a tough battle we're not completely ready honestly to fight the fallen empire so any we have just spare please follow along problem is about 50 60k currently fighting over here which is not really ideal even if you do join the federation we can still demand you become our protectorate don't you worry don't you worry i will be sending a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love hidden worlds have been finished our engineers have restored the oracle's nexus to an operative state but not without first disabling its defense system evidence suggests it may have been responsible not only for keeping the station's inhabitants alive but also for killing them it ran complex compute computational models that forecast their lives of an estimated accuracy of 75 percent correcting divergences and incapacitating future troublemakers before they could disrupt divine order he wishes to speak to us the oracle manifests as an elaborate 3d hologram of a tall arthropoid female cladding long flowing robes she bows her head in greetings then stares emptily ahead with hundreds of huge orbed unseeing eyes they glow dimly in the gloom as she speaks welcome to divinity station friends i cannot help but notice you have disabled my security system may i implore you to restore it immediately i can assure you that is only there for your protection we know what they have done we don't here's the thing we're gonna ask them these questions and normally i would love them to be a governor the oracle is a fantastic and powerful governor but although we are seeking to turn other empires into into protectorates we are first and foremost all about free will and a free society where everyone is equal we would never allow the oracle to run one of our sectors to control the lives of our people we're not authoritarian enough with the opposite what happened the inhabitants oh hello of this station i have a fail-safe that requires me to terminate a trial in the event of a code zero three for n deviation the research had become a threat to the republic what is the deviation the test subject had developed free will free will can only be abolished with nerve gas ok glados what trial my trial i was designed to build and maintain a society free of crime and suffering a utopia in which every citizen was instilled with divine purpose and lived up to their full potential unfettered by indecision and desire what is the republic the republic is no more the republic is not what it once was what are you i am oracle an artificial intelligence gifted with the site my software allows me to predict your future with a divine accuracy of 74.99999 i sense great doubt in you great danger ahead your society is riddled with crime and deviation no it's not have you seen our factions we have no ethics deviation i've never had an empire who so agree with the ethics of the empire itself i can make the pain go we still have no crime mostly because we have soldiers on every single planet and like we are kind of holding crime at bay very effectively despite being very free-willed we're a lovely place to live honestly so um you will aid with the administration of our empire is that quantum i think um the administration option here um i think basically either of these are useful for us because we're putting it to use we're either taking its core and installing it somewhere giving us alloys and influence blah blah or we're increasing our admin capacity by 10 percent which is nice um honestly speaking i think that the quantum multi-core processor is better but i could see the honor bound wanting to use this we are after also xenophiles we do love all this kind of stuff so i think either work honestly in the law either work but i'm leaning towards your aid with the admin of our empire they it does have the site twice that is pointless we just wouldn't ever allow it to govern the people well done you're a bureaucrat now plus ten percent yeah that was rubbish that was utter crud you know what that was the worst choice there but i think if it's the empire better uh honestly either could have worked though maybe the influence would be better after all it's hard to say when is the other okay we're about to get the next ring section done so we need ten thousand but um that's done oh we are getting close to our big showdown with the fallen empire i hope we can win this war soon i want to bring peace and love and harmony i can't do that without shooting people [Laughter] i swear i'm trying my best to be the good guy here no one's letting it happen easily everyone is against me my mind is broken these archives look beautiful i claim them for the unabound also our allies apparently claimed almost all the archives territory that's why they're at war with us in the bloody first place once again proving that none can be trusted other than the honor bound themselves can you stop proving this to me workplace motivators no active bit more output from our workers hey how goes the construction of you the assembly so it's taking forever really wanting up and running i was hoping to get at least level one done before this but of course it's not gonna happen oh what i can do the emergency measure i think i can can i win if no one else is going to vote for this it's got 52 000 i mean yeah actually yeah i think we can make it and i really do want this to go through already this is the five-year plan which will ban basic subsistence it will make our workers happier and and give us more diplomatic white from populations we have by far the most populous empire this will affect us more than other empires the one after that is what i really want which is greater than ourselves which will give us an edict which i will be using which will allow our people to freely migrate between our worlds rather than me having to move them so if we have a world with too much population they have unemployment they can just move to new world which is great because we are about to get our ring world up and running which is going to have a lot of space for jobs there we are the next habitable section is finished uh so is it better to just continue to build the habitable sections or shall i go ahead and start something else the mega art installation is actually quite nice increases amenities on all planets which is fantastic plus gives us lots of unity the mega shipyard is obviously something we really do want um the coordination center is fantastic gives us more navy capacity more well loads of stuff besides next is obviously fantastic but the ring world itself i think we'd just be building the where are you the yeah the mega shipyard needs to be built around furnace so that's what i'm gonna do building the mega shipyard and the interstellar community that really showcases our empire sorry the interstellar assembly site we're building up for military and we are also building up for diplomacy oh so close to this attack now okay so the problem is the titan shots are gonna be wasted on the station thankfully they're moving out so i'm going to go ahead and take this back or i could actually go after this while no one's there then i can hide using their citadel no i think i want to try and get them when they're nowhere near the citadel even if this it doesn't outside i still want to lose many of our people i love having titans so rare actually use titans these days you go all the shields removed from the titans fire fantastic let's see if we can chase them down i have no idea where they're going honestly i guess maybe it would be better to start taking their territory it would stop them from being able to reinforce easily okay in that case we'll wait for the other fleet to get to us then that's what we're doing we're taking out that we also need some more soldiers uh do we have gene warriors yes we do okay just spam gene warriors everywhere nearby in jumping distance because we are going to need them our genetically enhanced super soldiers whoa the combiners that has extended its borders drastically continuing to do so but they have brought with them the ire of the main of the federation which are now at war with okay they're either there or close enough up joining us during the fight extra shields just in time there we have way too many corvettes i'd much rather have more battleships here but either way we are going to crush this station very easily oh yeah we have 12 more battleships fantastic that's a lot of strike craft helped to melt through the armor quite quickly we are still not the strongest guess we haven't really got two repeatables until just now hopefully this will force their flights back i imagine am i correct no they're still on the offensive oh lots of lag what has happened i'm thinking peace maybe between someone peace between oh wow you just took over like all of their space john just give up already please well the episode means i can now grab all these um systems which uh which went up for grabs before okay they're continuing to be aggressive so we're going to [Music] do the same let's take out that fleet if we can take out a whole um fleet from the fallen empire we are doing well get away from blap really the planet we're gonna fight over a cool black of course it is oh wow ashtray craft and our point defense is gonna like mince me of their strike craft let's don't have enough of them um how much strike craft did they have i'm hoping they spent a lot of their points towards it quite a bit okay not as much as i'd like but so this is it the grand fight technologically superior for an empire versus the swarm that is the oath corvettes are being devastated you can see them having to run away already don't wear our strike craft going over there to the right i'm gonna ignore that i love strike craft hate how the ai handles it sometimes please go after their battleships here they are there they go then where they're going oh no they're not oh i can't ignore this they do what i think they're doing yet my strike craft are going after their transport ships they're not actually locked onto the right target this is going to be horrible for us come on corvette's warm yeah look even the corvettes have moved oh and the station as well no stop ignoring the things shooting you okay either way it was a victory we didn't lose any of our titans either we lost quite a lot of our corvettes though i love strike craft but my god the ai drives me insane sometimes look at that 94 corvettes six cruisers 11 corvettes from the tesla armada one escort oh no that's one of the fallen empire ones we had uh we lost no titans and no battleships though which is actually a big deal so that was massively in our favor there um so it's is this one i claimed yeah that's the one i care about so we're gonna try and force a status quo with this we can't really be victorious to be perfectly honest we've just got completely bogged down by war just senseless war not trying to further our ideals at all not the best but um if we do win this or at least get status quo once we have everything we want it means i will get access to the archives now the archives is one of their special worlds look at that all these special buildings we have the affluent centers the nourishment centers the dimensional fabricators the auto forges the master archive there's a lot of stuff here what do archivists actually give just reset for free uh do i actually get to keep those jobs i don't know yes that's what we want we really want to get at least status quo once we have that under our control currently we can force status quo to both but the problem is i'm not the primary um empire in either of these wars i don't actually get a choice just waiting for an ally to allow it or once we get 100 more exhaustion then the enemy can force it as well so eventually you'll get force just the problem is we're really good at keeping wars going being militarists so it might take a while we have finished off the moon base the shield generator the initiative moon base was kept operational for several centuries but with no signs of containment failure the forces were gradually scaled back shifting alliances and infighting between the various initiative members eventually left the base completely deserted automated systems were left in place to maintain the shield surrounding party c's homeworld and they have incredibly remained functional up until now alas a critical power cable was severed when our archaeologist dug their way into the subterranean generator chamber well done us after 75 000 years of continuous operation the shield is no more changing the planet to a relic world we have freed the planet from its shield oh and we get a new um archaeologist like oh that's really cool okay send some people in dense ruins oh and that's going to be on top of the spot it's going to be a fantastic science world this is a really cool one again i need to learn to read these things even when i'm just um playing and not actually recording also need to just put down some more monuments i need some more unity finish off the traditions and then i'm going to need all the other unity um ambitions soon so i eventually get that attack and we're gonna need way more gene warriors okay get ready to jump making our way through the territory of the enemy uh their ships will be back soon okay that's all that's left of them so much weak oh this is gonna be a nasty fight as well we can't currently jump either because i didn't get a chance to upgrade all of our ships it could go round and try and attack here i don't particularly want to take on 80k station and that but taking out that main station would basically seal their fate but it would weaken us i don't know what to do here you know i think i'm gonna go a long way around yeah that's what we're gonna do oh do you like us now oh good and you're the leader of the um of the mutual assistance partnership look we're befriending them a study has been completed that's all well and good this yellow federation needs to be dissolved but that this major galactic union we don't really have a problem with uh their main problems was with um our allies which of course we're getting ready to destroy the new election is on its way and looks like our current leader is probably going to win they are part of the alien tolerance organization fantastic okay the interstellar assembly side is now being built up to its very first time which will instantly give us plus 10 diplomatic white oh come on we've got to win this right when this gets close to zero what i'll do is i'll move all of my um my envoys which are currently over in the oath over to here and that will massively sweat in our favor plus i can call in some favors i think i should be able to sway the vote in my favor overall we we are forcing kindness upon them oh i was wrong and uh making history here we have our very first leader of the hironi this species here now reminds me before we uh go to well before we end up having to kill the other leader high control and why can't i put that as strongest right now ah cannot change federation succession title okay fine don't quite know why not but that's fine and then can we at least change the war option for the future fleet construction war declaration president decides there we go anyone now being part of the federation will not have a sight in if we go to war or if we do not the upside now over here as well as we can now get to that territory so we can force victory very very soon okay the archives has 2 000 garrison we are going to bombard it we are however using only selective bombardment which will only go after their military installations and it will not hurt the citizens at least as much as possible aha okay now to finish off the memoryx the temporary sunshine of the spotless mind the final memory shows a much older syria in a priests robe so yep it was correct that was indeed the priestess we saw originally waking up in a state of panic tentacles flying in ears flapping she stumbles out of bed and begins to frantically jot down her recollections of yet another nightmare in which empty-eyed aliens convulse on a habitat floor then her face can talk to horror as it dawns upon her that it is all real the nightmares and the flashbacks are extracted memories coming back to her and if extracted memories can return the inhabitants of expelaine could have recovered the maintenance hatch appears to have opened one last time but her ship still remains docked at the landing so she um quit the game after realizing what horror she has wrought after using it to her own advantage to the advantage of her government it's not quite clear it caused all the people to go comatose they took too many memories but now she's realizing if they were left long enough they could have healed but instead they were all killed that would weigh heavily on anyone so we have the option of we are taking the memorex of us because well this thing is insanely insanely good it can teach people things and under the correct control can be a great force for good uh this will increase resources by 20 on on our main planet on forge along with extra stability it's only one planet though of many it's not actually as big a deal as you might think or we could get more influence and more you know what no we're definitely bringing it with us for the greater good this will help us out greatly so there we are our homeworld is benefiting from learning in their sleep essentially the memrex enhanced learning program memorex i keep on saying it differently each time learning program trains the population to better fit the needs of the empire as they sleep improving their output significantly allows them to try in their sleep that's definitely something we'd want don't upgrade anything on this planet uh we've already got enough specialists already kind of struggling with not enough regular workers i think i'll leave it for now in fact what i'm actually going to do is change something yeah i'm going to change you for a robot assembly plant let's get some synths oh by the way since i've changed the uh the synths citizen status to citizenship full citizenship it seems like the whole rebellion which is happening last video just kind of stopped it's been a while now and nothing else has happened so 2030 that's being whittled away we have 400 already we have almost 400 there we have just 99 that yeah it still take a while until we have enough ground forces to deal with that we'll stay here though because we do have their citadel now sitting here guarding us we can now make clone armies which is pretty good so the benefit of clone armies although they're not as strong as our gene warriors is of course we're creating them purely for war we're not taking them from our populace but also they're made incredibly quickly they are much much much faster to make uh the gene warriors take 150 days the clone only 30 but they are less than half as strong and do more collateral damage um you still probably want to stick with gene warriors then it's nice we have the option if we desperately need soldiers at a moment's notice okay waiting for the other yay i think it's about time we attack the archives and take them dark matter deflectors hopefully one of these will also have the shield capacitor thrusters oh what i really want i can't seem to see is the generator as well yeah i really want to replace the reactor oh okay their fleet is moved there so we'll go and respond in kind honestly we don't need to be him camped out here anyway so can all of you please follow along with the leader oh no some of our reinforcements being caught by them got to blink of all the things going on and we have won the archives if we status quo now we will gain access to the archives permanently look us by the looks of things we honestly could likely claim the entire fallen empire for our allies at this point it's kind of a shame i would like them but i'm more than happy just to have the archives the archives themselves are very very very powerful all of my envoys are over currently in the galactic community which can be finishing soon and i thought it was a little bit later but it passed it passed thank you that was so close i spent all my influence on five as well that's all i've had like no influence now for the last few years but that's gonna increase our power yes it has increased up out drastically so the next one we want is greater than ourselves and that's kind of where we're going to finish off here since i can't do balance in the middle without hurting us actually no i can no i can't i can't do the last one right yeah since i can't do shared burdens utopian abundance or chemical but i can do chemical bliss i'm not going to but i can um so i don't want universal prosperity mandates but i do want balance in the middle yeah less empire sprawl from parks less housing usage even more political power that would basically cement us as the diplomatic powerhouse of the galaxy um and it would once again further our rights but definitely we want greater than ourselves that's gonna be a while though they keep doing this bouncing around you know what let's just take the territory let's uh let's just finish them off it's the why we need to do this they keep on doing these little strikes into our territory to move us around and it is getting so annoying but once we finish off their stations they're pretty much done for uh what happened okay one of the other galactic council just put this forward yeah i'm fine with that um i'm actually pro as many sanctions as possible since i'm trying to force all this kind of stuff through sanctions so the more harmful they are the better let's curious take that mindset off shall we the interstellar assembly phase one has now been completed the locus this will give us plus 10 diplomatic white already though i do need to start moving back uh my envoys so that we don't end up losing experience do not want to slip into lower levels here come on seven more seconds there we go for now i really want this to get back to maximum growth so there we are at level five we get another 25 against the end game crisis we get extra diplomatic white and yeah that's just really good for us overall i need even more admin constantly need more admin to expand okay yeah they're doing what they always do they're attacking over here if i try and move over there that'll just run away but i'll do that anyway because we have now their main station we could try and bombard you know actually i will bombard the font of knowledge uh these two battleship groups do that may want to heal up this fleet first actually uh yeah we'll go to here and heal i'm hoping they'll run away anyway also we need to stop going like this there's no other way we can go is there really yeah we do need to actually take that a lot of reinforcements have been lost because of the enemy doing that because i'm trying to do too many things at once i don't have unlimited time that's the issue oh okay so we status quote with the fallen empire all that's really happened is i have gained oh fantastic i've gained the archives that is so very very glorious absolutely beautiful so what do we do with this then um we have this lovely species here oh we're cyborgs very cool well i'm going to improve you first of all don't you worry you're going to be improved you're going to be well happy in our empire you'll realize that you were the silly fellows after all increasing your fertility your lifespan and your intelligence you will fit in just fine so with the archives being ours we get two sets of 250 energy we get the master archive which doesn't keep the job sadly uh we get a fortress which i'll swap out for more jobs as well um that is the one problem there's a lot of unemployment on this world so what don't i need here i mean food is good but just went to the end of the month that's all update lovely so there's extra energy and everything we don't really need the extra food we already have plenty of farms on the planet so getting some proper jobs out of that would be great i'll put down some research labs and i'll have these all upgraded to maximum that'll give us plenty of jobs at the research institutes i'll probably leave the rest and then eventually once we get one more pop we can change the autoforge for something as well but we'll leave it not too sure we have a new faction for the first time because of the influx of new people and we've almost won this war as well let's win this war that'll be a good point to end the uh episode i've been recording now for way longer than i expected but as usual i love stellaris we have a victory over here okay so finally we are free of combat we can start doing stuff by ourselves now you are not currently at war i'll offer protectorate status and then go towards you first the clans will join us these are going to be why quicker by the way because we overwhelm them so much it's all they will almost accept um yeah they'll almost accept our terms instantly so all we have to do is just take some of their systems and they'll instantly give up so that's great so we can very quickly now start to retake our former members you like me right would you accept ah what a shame i would love if you would just join us and you won't yeah you won't enter a federation because you don't like these warrior clans what a shame um if i can i'll leave you alone then honestly um as long as you're not warmongering to other empires i mean you were this empire but you know so were we we're about to get the first stage of this over here so i think it is time to leave so we can talk about that in the next video we have a lot still to do including uh the fact you're about to get ascension perks um from ascension theory well one ascension perk and we have the unity ambitions which will allow us to start building everything a bit faster getting some more influence um being able to build one more megastructure a time it's gonna be really really helpful and with that as well let's continue to upgrade this more diplomatic white for us this will also give us an extra envoy not only is it giving us plus ten percent diplomatic white it also gives us an extra envoy which can either speed up how fast our federation grows or can be used to increase our our diplomatic weight even further with that i'm afraid i am all out of time today's video it's now 4am and i am starting to fall asleep this was a load of fun but it's nice that we're finally out of that war out of that quagmire and now we can finally start to make our presence known once again if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellar race is a series you wish to see continued in the future in the next video we can go back to being on a bound again which will be lovely and we need to sort our admin cap so much so much to do thank you for watching have a lovely day and do take care and until next time goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 41,835
Rating: 4.9772296 out of 5
Id: H9hGW9Oe3gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 3sec (3423 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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