The WORST Hotel Room In The World

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“Why are you dressed like a summer camp counselor?” Lol

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Jdotto24 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

This guy’s too mean to Doug to get my upvote.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Tophbot 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

/u/Doug-demuro have you seen this and if so pls react I need your thoughts

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/PhAnToM444 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/tuvok86 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
guys we're on a little bit of a real estate kick right now a couple weeks ago we watched the most insane house tour ever with the legend nile miami you didn't forget many things now okay here's the theater and today uh we're gonna watch something that i saw charlie moist critical watch on his stream and i thought this is a perfect sequel to the most insane house tour ever this video is called the world's most expensive hotel room 100k a night and what's special about this one in particular is that most real estate tour videos on youtube make you go oh my god look at that sick house look at those white ass walls dude those sharp ass corners look at that big ass shower look at that blue ass pool but this one is different because it it it makes you go wow this looks like [ __ ] 100k a night and it's a dump it's an absolute dump it's a dump asaurus so let's check it out this is a hotel room and not just any hotel room but rather the most expensive hotel room on the planet at a cost of a hundred thousand dollars per night right away i love this guy i love him right away what's his name doug doug i love doug why are you why are you is this is this a ted talk why are you talking like that why are you dressed like a summer camp counselor i love it he went this is a hotel room but not just any hotel room but rather the most expensive hotel room in the world i am standing in the pool wearing khaki shorts but not just any khaki shorts but rather khaki shorts that are wet up to my mid thigh for some reason already getting a weird vibe though from the pillars and the pool situation here kind of weird i don't like it already getting weird vibes you could buy a nice house in phoenix or you could stay here for a week it's located here in the palms casino resort in las vegas and see okay sorry sorry to stop it again but this is this is why i feel fine doing this all right i have a little beef with the palms i have a little beef this will be a little bit of a story time here so noelle and i did a show at palms in vegas we got booked for a show there and uh we pull up and they first of all we're on every single screen in the casino i mean there's tvs everywhere and our faces are plastered on every single tv in the [ __ ] place so we're walking around like big dicks see that see that handsome gentleman that's me and then we do the show with this big beautiful brand new theater it was incredible and afterwards i felt like a king because i was like i won vegas finally you know every time you leave vegas you're hungover you're moneyless um you know you're just sad you're like ugh why did i do that you're just regretful and everything you lose every single time vegas wins you know but this time we won we got paid a fat check to do a show and we were leaving vegas up so i said let's celebrate let's go up to the sky bar or whatever on the top floor and let's drink a little bit let's celebrate someone's like you want a bottle someone that worked there i was like yeah let's do a bottle sure we get up there they bring out this big ass bottle of tito's and it's an off night there's not a lot of people there so it was like kind of lame we just drank a little bit and then i said okay cool time to go to bed right still up drank a little bit feeling good time to hit the sack and as i'm leaving one of the guys goes i slapped the bill on my chest and i look at the bill and it was like thousands of dollars and i first of all i thought it would be [ __ ] comped i just performed like 10 floors below this [ __ ] bar i was on stage i was the guy on stage what are you talking about it's vegas you're not gonna just put one bottle on the [ __ ] house for the performer i couldn't believe it and i was like basically the entire check that i made i spent that night in the same place and so i left vegas down badly and i felt like ass and vegas won again so palms and i we're beefing now we're beefing it was a great show thank you for having us but we're beefing so that being said that's why i feel fine trashing this hotel room so let's do it but as i stand here in this entryway you're probably thinking it looks kind of dull until you look over there and then you see some sharks i'm sorry what's good i know you probably think this looks rather dull but turn to the side and you see some sharks some fake sharks this looks like something you'd see at a child's science museum does it not what is this what is this also sharks are scary i don't want to walk into the hotel room you know after a long day gambling just to see some [ __ ] sharks who scare the [ __ ] out of me gets get those predators out of here it didn't turn to your left and then you see a medicine cabinet which seems oddly placed until you discover that it too is a piece of art from damien hurst this one is called vegas i'm so that is art i'm sorry what is this the most expensive cvs on the planet why would i want to look at this this is art this looks like the guy just went down to the [ __ ] walgreens on the strip and just stole the display case and brought it up here this gives me the worst feeling you know when you like you know the state of mind you're in when you're even in this aisle looking for these drugs you're sick that's what it makes me feel like right now like i'm like i'm i got a cold and even if you did you can't use any of it because it's an art piece you probably can't bust it open and get some metamucil if you need it i hate it i hate it this looks like ass i gotta be honest this sucks and the damian hearst theme continues throughout the room specifically with butterflies and medicine or pills keep that in your mind as i'm showing you around because there are a lot of rather interesting easter eggs related to those items and there's more art worth noting right off the bat for instance above the bar you have these marlins and these glass cases which is a really cool look you can see from a lot of different parts of the room oh my god this is just the roof of every nice seafood restaurant that's what it looks like right there for 100k a night these should be real fish tanks and those should be real marlins trapped inside that if you wanted to you could shatter the glass and the [ __ ] thing falls and you wrestle it to death and then you scale it and eat it for 100k a night you should be able to do that although my personal favorite art piece is next to the dining room table it's this wall of pills called money you can see there's just pills and pills and more this is pills tough room to stay in for a recovering drug addict and it's a rather striking look but it's one that i find rather amusing and interesting and certainly worth checking out but let's go back to the bar and yes this hotel room has a bar and i can tell you right now a bar a bar mars your hotel room doesn't but take a look at the top of this bar it's medical waste these aren't used medical supplies to be clear but you do have these medical gloves and pill wrapper what the [ __ ] is this why would i want to look at like a used syringe while i'm at the bar taking shots take shots taking shots it kind of works honestly no but seriously i hate this dude looking at garbage it gives you a bad feeling in general but medical waste is a special bad feeling because it's just like you don't know that rubber glove right there you don't know where that's been could have just been in someone's butt you don't know you don't know and i don't want to think about butt gloves when i'm having fun and drinking with my friends for a hundred thousand bucks a night this bar should be too cl it should be self-cleaning it should be the complete opposite of trash if i if i stood up and took a [ __ ] on the bar she'd just clean itself up you know poop sterilized i realize it's supposed to be like an art piece or a statement about something but i don't give a [ __ ] i'm paying 100k i want to have my balls fondled at the bar yeah and tubes all throughout the top of this bar there's even a syringe or two in here the people to palms told me it's a rather controversial piece but i think it certainly looks interesting and more exciting than just your standard bar bar i love the way says that just your standard would mistake this for your standard bar because it has 13 seats in a hotel room and as you can see each of the seats has a little pill on the back again continuing the theme these are just ikea bar seats that they painted a pill on the back of this is a joke the more interesting view is in here because you have the world's longest couch now i don't know if this is actually the world's longest couch but it's got to be in the running it kind of snakes all the way around the room clearly custom designed for it i counted and you could get 30 people on here comfortably with enough room to kind of move around you could probably get 60 people on here if you cram them all together not too often you see a 60 person couch imagine having a 60 person party and every person is sitting on this couch just thigh to thigh looking straight ahead oh man as a fan of personal space that sounds like my hell but that's the situation in the empathy suite so what do all these people do when they're sitting on their giant couch well the answer is they can watch tv if they want to of course you can see there's a tv here facing like maybe a third of the couch what is that [ __ ] 40 inch tv that's a joke 100k at night this should be the whole [ __ ] wall should be a tv it should be holograms of of [ __ ] britney spears you know and celine dion in your room where you can watch the live performance you don't have to actually go to the [ __ ] theater you can just watch them in your room that's that's what the entertainment should be this is just a half bath there's not even a shower or tub in here this is just a bathroom with a toilet and a bench which is just insane yeah no kidding holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this is insane a bench a bench that's [ __ ] up dude ah no but it really is i mean it's kind of weird honestly i don't know maybe it's for [ __ ] maybe it's a [ __ ] bench there you go maybe it's a [ __ ] bench that's actually kind of cool and here in the half bath we have a [ __ ] bench for [ __ ] and as you can see there are pills all over the wallpaper too again kind of in keeping with the theme what the [ __ ] this gets worse and worse although actually this be kind of tight maybe it's like willy wonka you know you go up and you lick whichever one you want and then you get high for a while it's kind of cool by the way the toilet in here is one of these japanese style high-tech toilets you can walk up to it it will sense your presence and automatically open and you have a whole litany of different controls and features you can use going well beyond just flush what what what does pulsate do this thing probably gives a mean prostate massage i like i'm coming around honestly i'm coming around on the price you know between the [ __ ] bench and the android toilet i'm coming around which is all that my toilet can do but who has time for pool or foosball or bathrooms really when you have this balcony come out from the bar and from the living areas open the door and you can see this is the coolest balcony i have ever seen how many balconies have you seen like three this is definitely up there with the worst balconies i've ever seen in my entire life what is this this looks like i'm sorry does this not give you like children's hospital vibes the pale blue tile with the butterflies and the weird polka dots on the thing i feel like i'm at a [ __ ] hospital the coolest balcony you have ever seen the coolest balcony anyone has ever seen one major reason for that of course is the pool which actually hangs out over the hotel facing toward the vegas strip and all of the other casinos and the bright lights you're literally swimming kind of suspended above everything else i'm sorry it's also shaped like a dick which is actually kind of cool and kind of funny honestly the bathroom is quite large as you can tell but that's not the most opulent part of the bathroom keep going through the shower and the tub and the sink and all that and you get to the massage room you have in this bathroom a built-in room just for massaging and you i'm sorry but with the whiteboard and this looks like a doctor's office does it not i shouldn't have used the prostate jug before because it would have worked way better now you know what do you mean massage room you mean a prostate massage ah i get it like this is some like weird it's supposed to have hospital vibes i guess but it's just like why would you do that why would you why would any designer be like listen i know all the other hotel rooms in vegas kind of feel the same so we're gonna experiment with this one and you know that feeling that you get when you're at the hospital right you know those those feelings it's like death and illness and uncertainty what if we combine that with the awful feeling that you get when you lose hundreds of thousands of dollars playing blackjack because you're a degenerate gambler huh what do you say because that's another thing he said at the beginning you can get this room if you have a million dollar line of credit with palms so this is the room that they give the whales i would never come to this casino instead i'm talking about this door because you go in here and you have the salt room ah yes the salt room what's the matter you don't have one no i don't before you enter this room you turn this little switch on the outside to turn on the salt then you come in here and apparently salt particles start to fill the room and you sit back and relax and it's supposed to help with your allergies or your aura or or make your hangover way worse why would you want this in vegas how about an iv room huh hon doc this is a [ __ ] hospital isn't it how about an iv room something actually useful or just making you feel more relaxed do you want to know the difference between rich people and wealthy people rich people have neither of them would stay in this room wealthy people have a salt room and by the way one thing i love about the salt room in addition to the fact that it merely exists is little designs on the walls if you look closely all right guys listen there's a lot of goofy real estate tours on youtube but this one i think might actually be the worst honestly and palms if you're watching this we're still beefing this doesn't make us even because i made fun of you we're still beefing and the way you can make it up to me is by potentially comping a stay for me and my girlfriend in the in the near future just please not in this room i'll be waiting for your email balls in your court palms [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 3,566,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: xC4Uwzv82EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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