Who's in it for the money? (guy edition)

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all right you guys seem to like the jubilee video that we did last week they just posted a new one dating five men without knowing their intentions who is the gold digger dude version what guess so i guess we'll find out who it is let's dive in you know what actually before we do that i'd like to thank the sponsor of this video which is public guys today's sponsor is public.com an investment app where you can buy stocks sell stocks follow other investors and share ideas i joined public and you can see my profile it's add codico in the app i think public is the best place to invest um especially if you're just getting started you can follow other users so you can follow me you can follow phil defranco shaq tony hawk etc etc and you can see what trades they're making and if you don't want to buy full shares of the public you can actually buy slices of a stock plus they don't sell your data to uh market makers or third parties like other investment apps do so if you want to try it out you'll get a free slice of stock if you go to public.com codyco and download the app get started today and make sure you follow me too to keep track of all the sick investments that i'm making once again that's public.com codyko to get a free stock slice all right back to the video one of the hardest parts of dating is guessing someone's intentions are they truly interested in you or are they just looking out for themselves or are they just interested in your big juicy balls that's what i always wonder are they just after my sack maybe how do you know when you're being played we created a game show to find out you didn't create it by the way what i realized after doing the f boy island video it's the exact same also apparently i got a comment on the last jubilee video that said like there's a korean dating show that's exactly like this it's not a new idea at all is what i'm slowly realizing but go off i'm in it for love i'm in it for love i'm in it for love i'm in it for love i'm in it for love we know you're not all in it for love all right one of you is lying pierson i'm not gonna say which one i think is lying but one of you guys is lying pearson go to your room pearson here's the catch some of them are lying and trying to win a cash prize can our bachelorette eliminate the gold diggers and find a true match or will they just get played this is love or money you see your future boyfriend in here possibly hi i'm hannah i am vegan eco-friendly i am pretty creative and i'm a youtuber she's vegan though so that's good to know what do you look for in a match someone that's silly someone that's fun and someone who will drink and dance with me ooh will you guys drink and dance with her easily yes one of the guys was like i'm sober actually she's like get the [ __ ] out get out god what a loser i can dance so i can dance i don't care you have to be drunk now that you met your bachelorette you're gonna decide if you're in it for love or money underneath your chair you have an envelope and a marker and you're gonna write if you're in it for love or money and just so you know once you put love or money you are locked in for the whole show and you cannot change your answer it's kind of [ __ ] up that they do this after they meet them right is it not i don't know i feel like she was like pretty nervous with their introduction so she could have messed up and then maybe they they're like ah weird intro and they're like money you know i don't know i feel like they should do this before she comes in so take a note all right jubilee this is round one and it's all about the first impression first can we go down the line and say name age and what do you do for a job all right my name is logan i teach meditative yoga freelance don't have any clients but i per i do it just waiting for somebody to book me and i i'm working at chipotle while i pursue acting sort of close hey i'm darren i like your socks i'm 23 and i work at a tech company my name's emmanuel i'm 22. i also like your socks and i work as a physicist wow he just showed him up hard hardcore you could tell he was like you know i work at a tech company and i like your socks he's like thinking that he's being impressive and the next guy's like well i like your socks more and i'm a literal physicist that works at stanford so i'm sebastian i'm 21 and i'm looking for a marketing internship right now and i also like your socks oh my god i mean her socks suck let's let's just be honest here why are you guys using this i'm a filmmaker um your socks are all right yeah my man pierce let's go pierce dog piercetonius pierce her heart with cupid zero my man okay all righty you seem like you're a lot of fun and the dancing thing really oh my god really got my heart beating so i'm about that okay wait i just want to like come up to you guys real quick oh this is okay i can't okay okay what are you guys giggling about this is so normal i'm by far the shortest on here okay okay um wait can i feel everyone's arms can i do that as you wish you please man oh my god they're all kind of trying to be cool with it like oh arms for sure for sure yeah i don't know come on feel them feel them yeah yeah no i'm not that's totally that's like not even flexing honestly it's not even flexing yeah arms yeah what's up yeah [ __ ] for sure for sure yeah at all this is just i'm just like let them loose right now feel them feel it okay oh my god this is a little weird this is a little weird you know if you're on a standard speed day you wouldn't like be like hey can i feel your body real fast just to see if like you know if the clothing is deceptive i want to see what's really going on you know what i'm saying you know it's weird guys stop it um this is really fun this is really fun this is awesome it's just like just like free-for-all groping would you guys mind if i felt up your big juicy balls would you mind i like all their personalities so far yeah they seem great they made me feel really comfortable i hope i made them feel comfortable not really sure you did to be honest i think the touching thing was a little bit overboard it was kind of weird i'm like oh no i shouldn't have asked to touch their arms all right you know i gotta say i gotta do it right now i'm gonna judge initially pierce man he's in it for love he's blushing way too hard to be in it for the money that guy cares tech guy i think that he doesn't need any more money honestly he probably makes a great salary so i'm gonna say he's probably in it for love uh blonde hair guy they look like brother and sister holy hell they're like the same person and so i'm gonna say love because i think he wants to i could tell he kind of wanted to date her um this dude i think that he works for you know he said he works for stanford so he you know college i feel like when you work for a college you still don't get paid that much so maybe he's in it for the money uh and the guy on the right i think he's in it for the money do you know who you're gonna pick welcome back guys did you guys have fun meeting hannah a lot of a lot well two of you are about to be eliminated hannah logan i'm so sorry yeah that's fun um and you oh okay pierce pearson no pierce dog pierce man piersonius abercrombie pierce the actor guy was just like cool whatever all right cool don't give a [ __ ] nice to meet you nice to meet you sebastian again hello hi are we stunning wow no i'm already a blank i can't think um you sound like so much fun this smile he's got the resting smile face i like to think that i am i like your style a lot and your arms are nice thank you i do a lot of things with them nice edit hell yeah so you surf i do yes not well but i try no way no i know it's the hair i wish i was like a superstar but okay but what what are you the best at planning second dates but i guess you'd have to find out after yeah oh oh [ __ ] what's that guy's name sebastian sebby making a move swooping in there using a little game guess you have to find out after the second date she was like [ __ ] wait what scares you what scares me yeah probably living in a world without family like being the only one left oh my god oh my god that's so sweet yeah my greatest weakness i just love my family too that much you know it's a weakness cause i would do i would do anything for them i would jump on a sword for them i would take a shot put right to the stomach for my family i would get my eyes jabbed out and eat them for my fishes like all right [ __ ] i get it you love your family jesus now it just kind of turned into me just testing beauty things and making people feel more comfortable with themselves that's inspiring [Music] oh my goodness that guy's that guy's gonna win the blonde guy's gonna win it's very clear they're very into each other catch you later see you later and the guy smells good are you ready to eliminate one guy yes are you nervous yeah oh i feel bad unfortunately we've come to the time where hannah has to eliminate one person and just a reminder hannah one of these guys or all of them two of them could be in it for the money oh my god so pick wisely okay follow your heart you got this okay gotta be mr tech guy mr tech dude's leaving he should have secured the hug made him look weak unfortunately sorry manuel what why what i thought their conversation was pretty good what the heck i think your arms made up for it yeah i do a lot of physical activity i don't know congratulations guys you are moving on to the last round my arms what what do you mean my what what do you mean my arms are you talking about you mean these what do you mean my arm what are you talking about oh these things barely even flexing right now we we can do one too round three is all about getting more intimate with this makes me laugh every time this makes me laugh every time come on you can't take this [ __ ] frame right here and tell me that's not round three intimacy this come on that's the thumbnail of porn take a seat i call this the love couch oh boy i'm excited now if young you saw you right now like what would you think cut your hair no way really i don't know maybe yeah same that's what mine that's what my younger self would say to me too okay you're [ __ ] a hairy dude gross yeah as well you do as well thank you nice you can not smile for a bit it's not going to change anything is this my first time meeting a stranger even in like 14 months oh my god i'm glad you very very come on this is good this is going swimmingly they're in love with each other it's so obvious would you benefit a lot from being in like a serious relationship right now do you feel that i think well when i'm dating i kind of date for happiness i'm not really the type to date for like marriage or anything i'm pretty like invested in this right now weirdly i don't know if you're like just shut the [ __ ] up right now cody we don't need your commentary let's just watch that's how i'm kind of feeling right now weirdly you know this series is is shot really well i like it if your happiness turns into marriage eventually then that's the good direction but right i don't know who's it gonna be whom is it gonna be okay sebastian i mean i feel like like he's into me as much as i'm into him really getting to know each other i feel like he's sad every time let's make a prediction uh she's gonna pick the blonde guy i think they had a little bit better of a conversation and and the blonde guy is gonna be in it for love hey guys hello hi all right hannah the time has come for you to choose who you want to go on another date with just a reminder they could be in it for the money but they also could be in it for the love so take your time lead with your heart who are you choosing um i just like like lounging on the couch with both of you seeing how you lounge was nice i choose fashion i knew it i [ __ ] called it let's go [ __ ] yeah [Music] would you go on a date with me i would love to okay except for the fact that i just picked money and i'm 300 bucks richer baby let's go later okay guys this is the final round this show is all about seeing past the surfaces and trying to get to someone's true intentions do you think you did that today hannah yes do you think you made the right choice i think so really okay okay this is lover money and here you go time to reveal what you chose really this show gets me i mean i got a comment on the last one that was like he's so good at pretending he doesn't watch these before he i don't i don't [ __ ] why would i do that i do not watch these before i do the videos like this i was fully convinced that he was he said love like he played it off like crazy that just makes me worried and concerned for humanity you know how are people so good at like faking their intentions i don't understand oh and he even said he was like i think i made the right choice this [ __ ] is crazy oh no what damn he's like rubbing in right now too a little bit oh she's like get the [ __ ] out of here dude what are you doing i mean good for you congratulations well i can't have you here any longer you can't get her number you can't get her socials you have to leave without even saying bye really yeah all right well it's been fun get owned nobody's safe on this show nobody's safe this is the button 2.0 to me right now nobody is safe [Music] love pierce dog money you tomato face son of a [ __ ] [Music] all right guys that's it thanks for watching make sure you uh smash that like button i mean if you have ripped arms that is so if you don't don't worry about it i wouldn't i wouldn't want you hurting yourself okay but you know if you got if you got some pipes then go ahead and smash that all right take care see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,266,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: cH62pseYi_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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