6 Drunk People vs 1 Secret Sober Person

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jubilee six drunk people versus one secret sober sober can't even say it without sneezing six drunk people versus one secret sober person can we find the loser i feel like i should be drunk to for this but it's 2 42 p.m i could no no no i mean i no no what's one we brought together seven drunk people i am drunk i am drunk i'm drunk i am very drunk right now i'm drunk i'm drunk i am very drunk and i wish i was i wish i was 245 i can't but i wish i could just have no no one of them is sober if the group discovers who the liar is they will split a cash prize i mean this is just gonna be so easy it's gonna be so easy because it's as a sober person it's really hard to act drunk without seeming like totally [ __ ] corny and stupid isn't it it's so obvious we all had that one friend growing up that would just pretend to be you know they took one sip and then they'd be like oh my god you guys i'm just i'm cross-eyed because i'm so wasted like acting like they're off balance you know everyone had that [ __ ] person growing up no i'm i'm drunk no you don't understand i'm beat out i'm completely beat out right now like i'm not i can't even i speak like slaying my words because it's silly cheers cheers cheers friends new friends no experience we got a cheers to happy dad and happy happy absolutely yes happy dad happy dad now i'm like bryce you and i are going to be boys louie i know your name i know your name louis we're boys julianne i'm with you i believe those guys are for sure wasted for sure i feel like there's two types of drunk dudes one is make friends with everyone and the other is fight everyone so these two guys clearly are the friend type and right away they were like what's up dude we are gonna be best of friends my guy the fact that we just took a shot together means that we are eternally connected in this world and if you think about it we're kind of like blood brothers because alcohol is the blood of the agave tree wow dude you are killing it i love your beanie by the way questions what did everybody drink no no no no i can tell already she's the [ __ ] rat narc you what that what what was that this is this one is the most fun i've ever we're only a minute in you're probably pissing me because i'm talking so much but i'm having so much fun already that was such a narc question like what did you guys drink before what'd you guys drink i had some i had some beers is beer the plural or is it beers whatever i had so many in the car what did you guys drink narc can i just smell your breath okay go ahead that actually smells pretty good like like alcohol can i smell yours okay yes go ahead [Music] again this guy is either the best player of this game in the world or he's wasted because no one would in their right mind would smell someone's breath yeah let me get a whiff of those tonsil stones yeah oh [ __ ] it smells like peanut butter question what did everyone drink before this go we'll go on the line i went to brunch i had two and a half mimosas and then i had four shots and then i drank some my handle of tequila oh my god it's [ __ ] her it's [ __ ] her i can tell i'm i'm having so much fun she could tell though she was that was like purposely is exactly what i said i had sure have ferocious and i have word eyes shies she's make shit's fake and then i had 16 bottles of everclear ever had that before it makes you really drunk because green alcohol is as strong as you can get i had a bottle of cerak it was a new special edition pomegranate and i got lit how much did you have okay how much [Laughter] how much [ __ ] how much did you have just a lawyer out of nowhere just a lawyer just pop how much no you said you had a bottle to rock how much exactly did you have well i'm a representative of a happy dad you know this hearts of course you are of course you are that's how you know this man is actually drunk i mean i'm sure like i bet you like even if he got selected to be the sober one he'd be like but is it okay if i have a few there's happy dad it's like mostly water i'll just have three or four but i'll still like all acts over right that'll work does that work he kept on like promoting his brand his alcohol brand or drinking brand because it's literally the best seltzer on earth it like it's better than white club better than anything else you can tell in his [ __ ] eyes just though he's lifeless just he's looking through the camera he's like he can't quite focus on the camera he's just go like you know it's just like a ghost kind of like a 10 000 yard stare or whatever that phrase is my cousin got me this uh half a bottle of tequila wait where are you from where is it i'm from london london i would gladly swap accents with you you guys have got cool accents he was like really really like eloquent you know not just the accent he's pronouncing everything really sharp so i'm a little bit suspicious of that man because i feel like when a brit gets wasted then their accent gets even you know it's like i yeah it just becomes like sounds you know all right shake another shot yeah and the point is vlogger whoever is the actor it's the ones all you'll smell is happy dads like whoa all you'll smell is dad's happiness my breath because i've had a lot of happy dads in my mouth okay let's just say that [Music] really goodbye really are you for real that kicked him out what have you guys ever been around drunk people before that guy is just like the quintessential drunk guy damn can i prove can i at least prove that i was buzzing wait you haven't you already bought it okay a breathalyzer and a cube why didn't you show that in the beginning pull that out then people would be like oh yeah this guy's an alcoholic this guy clearly has a problem or something if you keep one of those on a key chain clearly this guy's probably drunk right now can i can i show you you can show them later oh okay [Music] see he just ruined the game too i love this is a [ __ ] train wreck what do they expect bringing a bunch of drunk people into this room and expecting them to follow the rules of a game now they know that he definitely wasn't the mole so like they they can keep going you know all right you i have to spin it yeah you have to okay i'm gonna spin it now oh god okay this is so painful this was fun to watch and now it just feels like being sober at a bar doesn't it you ever been in that scenario where you're just like i'm not going to drink tonight but i'll go out and then you're standing there just witnessing truly what happens when everyone else is drunk and everyone's just like i was like yeah [ __ ] you yeah [ __ ] you but but yeah it's just that you pass me your [ __ ] vape thing pass me your puff bar yeah you get a puffball who's got a puff bar and you're like this sucks people are really sweaty what is your go-to dance move everyone five seconds wait we have got five seconds we have two minutes in the line you start your go-to joint dance yeah you wanna see the real the real oh give me a beat give me hey okay she was really drunk how would she be able to do that all right lawyer all right mr lawyer man if she was really drunk then explain to me how on the 20th on the on the 6th of april she was able to perform the splits explain that please i feel like that is the most drunk thing to do people that do the splits when they're drunk their splits per hour that they're performing goes way up sph it goes way up sph when you're sober is like pretty damn close to zero sph when you're drunk i feel like is like one you know [Applause] wow she just said that was such a trader joe's dance that's a great great diss what an incredible diss i don't know what that really means but it like makes sense this has to be so frustrating if the sober person is still in there which i think they are it would be so frustrating to like act like you're into this [ __ ] this girl's like like this girl's like just doing the worst beatboxing i've ever heard in my entire life and the other girl's crunking crunk dance cranking can you say that is that a verb crunching crunking all over you know it's crunking it's like the worst talent show [ __ ] ever and one of the people there is like yeah oh you kill it and then in their mind they're like what the [ __ ] am i doing just give me that goddamn check and let me get out of here batman you are um you're you're a narc it's him no drunk person would be too self-conscious to dance i'm sorry i don't think that really happens even the shyest people in the world you give them a few drinks and they'll be they'll be [ __ ] grittying you know that's the gritty right there i mean i'm sure you know i don't need to show you but okay i i think it's the british guy he seems the most coherent the rest of us were spilling stuff okay that's a very suspicious thing to say the rest of us the drunk ones are so clumsy just dropping and spilling and slurring not like you know slurs but yes learn my words so we have a tie and the tie is between glow stick and hammer oh who the butter me glow stick i've never i haven't said anything about that yet but are you a dj why do you have a gamer tag as a name that makes me think that she's probably a partier like i i don't mean to jump to conclusions but like a dj name like that it's like well clearly you're like an artist or you're going out or something you know you're in that zone so you know i and honestly i don't know you know what just forget everything i just said because it's not like one of these people was sober for life they're just sober right now so i don't know what i'm saying that's why i should have drank before this i should have okay so i had look i had about a couple of shots of tequila beforehand i had some tequila i am drunk and i just feel like someone is trying to pass past the buck okay prove that you are drunk listen i've drank alcohol today i am drunk how's that why are you drunk i am drunk well we can't argue with that [Applause] i really thought i was gonna win that money later glow stick bye bye if the lights turn green that means you voted for the mole out and you win the money if the lights turn red then the mole is still in the box and you lose okay i don't think they i don't think they i don't think they got them all out that's my guess i think that the mole is still there and i have to guess who it is [ __ ] i'm just gonna go with the british guy or it could be my original prediction which was the girl on the green but i have to make i have to make a definitive decision right now and i'm to go with the british guy please reveal themselves in three two 1 go i knew it yo yo why didn't i stick with my my my gut in the beginning god [ __ ] i wish i maybe if i wasn't so wasted i would have gotten that right i would have stuck with my gut but i didn't because i'm fired up yay i did it got you you didn't you didn't get me i knew right from the start you didn't get me all right that's it that was a real fun one and i feel like we you know even though that wasn't my final answer we still got it right and i think the ultimate winner was me and for that i'm gonna have a drink no i'm not because now it's 3 13 so i'm not just gonna say bye and uh sign off with a shot no no no this is beer this is beer this is beer it's water anyways right time to celebrate no no ah time to work an email i love emails i'm gonna send an email right now to myself great vid man let's grab a beer no what am i no what am i doing [Music] foreign
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,208,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: cAlET1V1cOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2022
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