90 Day Fiance Star EXPOSED Criminal/Abusive Past (Geoffrey Paschel)

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you see the hello YouTube welcome back to the channel my name is Michele McDaniel I'm a personal trainer cos the eternal gone grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my pots will probably offend you where I share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person because that's what happened when you share your opinion so if anything is offending you today you might as well go into a virtual rage in the comments section because this is the place to do and while you're down there you should hit that subscribe button because I post one to two times a week usually two but sometimes even three okay today we have a two-part episode we're talking about the 90-day fiance contests in a good old nice guy who kidnapped his ex-girlfriend and physically harmed her no does another dude that says he's a nice guy along with a little story time about its own fool that I got in a little verbal brawl with in the parking lot of stater brothers because I didn't accept his odd pick-up lines okay let's get into this Jeffrey push L don't know if I'm saying that right don't really care cuz I don't like him it contestant on 90 day fiancé was arrested for allegedly kidnapping his ex-girlfriend and smashing her head against the floor Jeffrey posh l42 and man searching for love on TLC's upcoming season of 90 day fiancé before the 90 days appeared in court on abuse accusations you know before all of that let's see a little bit of his segment from 90 day fiancé I am a hands on man yep yes you are [Applause] they like to change tires I like to fix houses I like to do anything that I can get out there and get my hand started it's gonna get some type of dirty when you're smashing someone's head against the floor I'm a landlord I known several properties throughout the Knoxville area growing up I was a bad boy well now you're a bad man changed when I became a father I've been married a few times and I'm raising three children from two different relationships I also have a four-year-old son Cavin but my marriage with havens mother they work out it's devastating to me oh man I really feel for him I wonder why it didn't work out how many failed marriages made it really hard to trust people again horik I'm sure it was all or a beer past wives fault for it not working out okay so pretty when she's got cell properties he's got some coins he's got money he used to be a bad boy but now he's just a nice guy a nice guy just an all-around nice guy looking for love looking for real love okay so let's read these accusation a petition filed by pastels thirty-year-old eggs and seeking an order of protection read he repeatedly bashed slash slammed my head into hardwood floors at my home he dragged me through the house by my hair and continued throwing my body into walls and furniture I know this because of blood on my walls furniture etc etc Casals court appearance followed his June arrest in his senousy hometown he claimed his then girlfriend who he lived with made abuse allegations to undermine him in a child custody battle with his ex-wife according to Knox news Michelle was accused of disabling his ex-girlfriend's phone to prevent her from calling 911 stated a local hospital found the woman to be suffering from a concussion she also accused Michelle of pushing hitting choking and verbally threatening her on multiple occurrences since 2018 his ex-wife also accused him of abuse I'm sure they both are crazy though according to court documents obtained by Daily Mail that woman accused Michelle of repeatedly oaring her I can't say that word on YouTube achelle waived an arrangement during appearance in nós country criminal court on charges of aggravated kidnapping domestic assault interference with an emergency call and vandalism he is set to return in court on March 26 now it's important to say that all of these are allegations once again but he did make a very interesting Instagram posts that I think I should read that I read and said huh I personally think he's lying and trying to be manipulative to his audience I have been repeatedly asked why would ever want to be on a show the best show FYI where my life would be put in front of everyone to pick apart especially with my checkered past well guys it is my past it is my wife it is my choice if we were all the same thought the same look the same or after the same how lame would that be my closed-up wife was the only way I knew to live I had so much about myself whether it be my age my history or even my relationships what's crazier whacked up way could I have done it any better than blasting it out there but the path I chose it cannot ever be reversed everything about me is out there for the world to see whether it is true or fantasy I can never go back and honestly I would not have it any different I mean he never said he didn't do it it just kind of sounds like a manipulative unclear statements of maybe I did it maybe I didn't it's in the past which it is but dang if it's real because those are some very deep accusations and if someone was saying that about me I would be saying no I didn't do it not maybe maybe I did it haha anyway it was very weird and I wanted to tell you guys about a nice guy it was some very serious accusations so since we're on the topic of nice guys I thought I would tell you about a nice guy just a nice guy that I had the pleasure of running into in the parking lot of stater brothers but first ladies and men tell me if there is an instance where someone hit on you and you just weren't filling it and you politely declined and [ __ ] hit the fan alright it's story time so I was having a lovely day of going to the store and getting ingredients that I needed for a rice sandwich with a side of hot cheetos for my cheap milk I had a great time I love grocery shopping the people in the store kind of know me because I'm always there buying food and it was just a normal day of me getting my healthy food along with my key no food I chatted with the cashier a man came up to me and said well you work really hard for your body I said thank you because that's something very nice to say and I started walking out the store minding my own little five foot two Hobbit business and walk out the store and man is walking out the store as well he looks like Yogi Bear I think it's time I introduced myself but wearing those old man shoes and socks right below his knees huge guy and walked with his feet out but sure's me because I'm a personal trainer because my god that is not good alignment anyway I'm rushing out the store so I get to my hot cheetos and sandwich while I watch white clover and the guy says what's a pretty woman like you while here not married and I turn and say excuse me how is a woman like you out here not married what does my looks have anything to do with my marital status I'm just saying if I was single I would marry you so I say oh I get it okay well said that I would say no thank you have a good day sir and I take my shopping cart and start walking to my car and he starts trying to walk with me in the direction to my car stranger danger alerts all the way in my head and he keeps saying I'm just saying if I was single I would marry you you shouldn't be single cuz you know he's just being a nice guy telling me if he was single he totally date me nice guys go to random girls in the parking lot and try to follow them to their car and say Alvin I would date you if I was single repeatedly and I say okay I wouldn't date you though that's the thing and he stops dead in his tracks and say well what does that have to do with anything it has to do with me not wanting to date you if you were single or right now forever and so I tell him have a good day sir and so I'm unlocking my car and he says yeah you have a good day too and change your [ __ ] attitude and learn how to take a compliment [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] and I say sir I don't want your compliment so take it and leave me alone and he starts yelling angry evil face and I am screaming sir if someone doesn't want your compliment then just go away it's very easy take your hexagon ass and leave them alone why are you upset change your attitude I said if I was single I'm married oh okay you said if you were single I get it I am so sorry sir so I say you're not getting it I don't care if you were not married it's not the fact that you are married it's the fact that I find you repulsive oh I didn't even eat my hot cheetos yet and I was feeling spicy so he's extremely upset and furious calling me name saying I need to change my attitude basically I am supposed to accept his hypothetical marriage proposal because he's a nice guy and then stop seeing shifts in my head and I get crazy because I'm freaking tired of talking to this random man and I don't have to so I start screaming and I have a very loud voice go home to your wife way louder than that but you know I'm trying to save the ears of the earphone people so he now starts to walk to his car now that I'm screaming and acting like a raving lunatic which is completely appropriate when someone is following you to your car and as he's walking to his car he's still yelling at me telling me to change my attitude telling me that I need to learn how to take a [ __ ] compliment all while I'm yelling go home to your wife and everybody around the parking lot is like [Music] so he gets in his car with his little bunked up face looking all upset because I didn't take his once again hypothetical marriage proposal and then he has to drive up roll his window down and say I hope I ruined your [ __ ] day sir you did nothing to my day I'm pretty sure I ruined your since you got all upset that I didn't love your odd comments but before I could even say anything he just speeds off almost runs over somebody because they didn't check both ways because of his huge ego he didn't want to hear what I had to say you guys if I was Medusa he would have gone his neck juice sucked out by my snake hair and then slowly turned into stone and as his face is turning into stone I will stand over him and say I hope I ruined your [ __ ] day and then you would die anyway you know those nice guys that slide into your DMS and they compliment you or they just say something extremely gross and sexual and you say yeah no thank you and then all of a sudden a switch goes off and they get pissed yeah they are real they walk among us and I just experienced one in mid daylight in the middle of a parking lot outside of a grocery store who looks like Yogi Bear the fact that I needed to change my attitude to him like what other option that I have in that situation to react right oh thank you sir if you were single you would marry me oh my god that is my life goal that some random man in a parking lot would just say that he would marry me thank you for stopping me in a parking lot and following me to my car oh my god Thank You sky daddy my prayers have been answered if you are a person male or female that hits on anyone and they say oh no thank you and you get upset you are mold who are the mold that I just found on my last Apple downstairs I hate you I really wanted to eat that Apple but now you're nasty mold self is all up on it let's just say that a female version of him walked up to him randomly in a parking lot and said if I was single I marry you he'd probably be like what are you talking about I got a few guys in my in Section whenever aiming videos like this of me you know being like no thank you just certain men and they always say Michelle was so selective with which guy can hit on her damn right I am you fragile sensitive little [ __ ] if I am NOT interested in you or you say an inappropriate comment that I do not like you are not going to get some awkward force laughter from me it is not my job to stroke your weird ego you get a no thank you and if that offends you too bad let it you small and secure mutant gremlin if you shoot your shot and your bullet gets sucked up like Kirby does in battle take it like a man or a woman and move on otherwise you're gross okay well that's it for me thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time you see the GP I'm sitting up in my car in the kitty do you secure the buggy I get the bug it you know you see the drippy unfitted and my karma kitty yeah he's secure to Mikey I get two mugs [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 118,534
Rating: 4.9567437 out of 5
Keywords: geoffrey paschel, geoffrey paschel 90 day fiance, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, 90 day fiance pillow talk, 90 day fiance what now, 90 day fiance, tlc, the learning ch, the learning channel, 90 day fiance full episodes, 90 day fiance before the 90 days season 4, 90 day fiance before the 90 days season 4 episode 3, my thoughts, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle, mcdaniel
Id: SANPX6lljuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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